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Flesherton Advance, 6 Sep 1950, p. 5

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3* I A -^ r i n ,»- T -^ » .1 > 7 7 'I "^ >. A. A, 5 * T T r » ff y V r I 4 T A. > THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Wednesday, September 6, 1950 FEVERSHAM The monthly meeting of Ladies' Aid was held at 'the home of Mrs John Black on Aug. 23rd, with the prosident, Mrs. Hale, presiding. After the usual business, Mrs. H. David- son 'gave an inltearesting reading, and .» disoussian "A sense <a. value in everyday living" w^s led by Mrs. Plumaner. jMrs. Hale closed^ the meeting with prayer, after which the hostess senved a delicious lunch. Tha next meeting will be held at the boinve of Mk. fiewell. iMr. and Mrs. Jim .Eby of Owen Sound viisiited with his ibrorther. Herb Eby, and family, Mrs. Torrance WHliajna of Fle?h- erton apeat a f eiw days with her •enta, 'Mr. and Mrs. Ji^ed Tyler. Mis. Alex. Jlutledge and Mrs. Quine of Vlancouiver, fiX3., ww* the :g>uests of Mr. and iMirs. Jim Hudson and visited o(ttier friendls. Mr. and Mlrs. Albert Hayes of Bracetoidge visited with Mr. and Mrs. John iBlack. -Mr. and Mrs. Herb Eby spent Sun- ^y wfith friendls in Toronto. Mr. and 1^. E. J. Fisher -nd children of ^tesherton visited with Vr. and IMra. Howard MoKee. Mr. and Mrs. .Harvey Perigoe of Toronto and Mrs. Albert Stewart o£ plesheaiton visited on the week end with Mt. and Mrs. Howard McKee. Mrs. Dick Fadden an'di Joanne of Barrie visited for a few days with her aunt, iMdss Amelia Roibdnson. -Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Rice and child- rent Off Toronto visited with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Long. Mr. and Mrs. Wim. Armatronig and children, Barrie, spertt the week end w<ith her sister, Mrs. Herb Bby. Mr. and Mrs. Harry HiU and Don nie of Durham spent the week end with her sister, Mrs. Laurie iSewell. Mr. and .Mrs. Bill Tyler and Mr. and Mrs. Fred' Boy«e of Gollinigwooi visited with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tyler. eently with Mrs. Anderson Sr., at the ttome of Lome Ormaby. Mt. and Mrs. Carl MoCann, Wode- house, visited with the latter's sister, Mrs. Ethel Hutchinson, on Sunday. IMIrs. Bthel Hutchinson has harv- esced a fine crop of peaches from a tree in her garden. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Kaw and Bruce of Swinton Park were recent guests of Mr. and Mts. Howard Gra- ham and Ruth. Seven local girls, Frances Brodie, Bonna Wyvill, Buth Grahaim, Marilfn Fitzsimmons, Anna Bowles, Shirley Hu'tchinson tnd lola Butchinaon, par- ticipated in the Garden Brigade A'chieveanent Day held in Mairkdale last week. These girls named them- selves the "Merry Homeimakers" and under the leadership of Vandeleur W. I. Honw Economics con-vener, Mrs. Carl Wilson, completed their project 100 per cent. Congratulations, girls. The pastor. Rev. W. M. Lee, who recently returned from holidays, oc- cupied 4)he polipit in Vandeleur church on Sunday afternoon and preached a sermon appropriate to the Laiboir Day ocooasion. Anniversary sesrvices will be held in tlhe church Sbn^y after- noon, Sept. 17, with Rev/ A. E. Arm- strong of Meaifdrd as preacher. ROCK MILLS CEYLON VANDELEUR School re-opened Tuesday morning with Doreen Alcox oif Markdale again in charge. Mr. Jack Hill is installing hydro on his fapm. jMirs. Frank Dftvis is n'Ursing a sev- erely sprained wriist, the result of a fall. Miss Dorotihy Johnston has had the cast removed from her arm, which was broken some time ago. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Parker and Bert •Jr. of Toronto were Labor Day visit- ors with Mr. and Mrs. H. \. Graham and Ru'th. Mr. and Mrs. Lome Onmsiby and Audrey, accomipanied by Mr. and Mrs. Don Fetch and Donnie of Wodehouse spent the week end at Lake Bernard, near Sundrid'ge. They also called on Mr. Angus Bowles at Gravenhurst on the way home. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Anderson, Ona- lee and Teddy, of Walters Falls, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cathrae and children of Owen Sound visited rj- Thc August meeting of Ceylon W. A. was held at the home of iMlrs. D Craig, iwith the vice-president, Mrs. Oavie Adams, presiding. The devo- tional period' was taken iby Mrs. R. Rutledge. Consideraible business was dealt wi*h and plans wen* made for the bazaar and tea to be held the end oif the month. Mrs. L. W. .Mould had chr.pge of the prograjn and gave a very interesting talk on her trip to the west coast. The president closed the meeitimg and the hO'Stess and ner assistants served a delightful luncih. Visitors lasit week and over the week end' with Mr, and Mrs. Georore Jaynes iwere: Mr. and Mrs. Uoyd Bantman, Barry Tiffin, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Allen, Bev and Gerry, all of Toronto. Week end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. John MQWilliam were: Miss Janert Caan/pA>ell and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. MtoWilliam and son, John, of Toronto. Visitdng Mr. latid Mrs. Robt. Rut- ledge are: Mtt-s. Roy Rutledge and Miss Lorraine Rutledge of Leth- bridge, A'ta. Mr. and Mrs. P. Hemiphill and family spenlfa the week end jn Toronto. Recent ,visitors wiith Mr. and Mi's. J. iS. McDenmid were: Keith Liver- more of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs, John Fatten of Deboraits, Mr. and Mr-s. Bezeau and two children and Mrs. Minnie Bezeau of London. 'Miss Frances CoUiUion returned to Toronto, after spending the suinimer 1 vaeivtion with her mother, Mrs. J. F. CoUinson. Misis Mabelle Parslow has return.^ L<J to Toronto, after sipending the summer wiith her brother. Ma', Roibt. Parslow, O.D.R. The weather has been very poor for harvesting and most of the grain is still tn 'the fields. Mrs, 'Ken Walker and Miss Shirley Partridge of Gait visited recently with their parents, Mr. and Mi's. El- wood Partridige. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Newell visited over the holiday with D'Ui'ihaim friends and attended the funeral of the late Rulby Knisley, whdch took place at Durham on .Monday. Miss Knisley was a cousin of |Mr. Ne'well. Mr. and iMrs, Elwood Pantridge, Wayne and Joan McMaster, spent the holiday at Gait. Miss Eunice Dobson, Owen Soun I, was a visitor over the holiday at hf i home here. Mr. and Mirs. C, B. Wilson enjoyed a motor trip to Lindsay, P&rt Hope and Newtjii'ille, '.vhere chey visited with frienffs. Mrs. Walter H'lssell has no't been enjoying good nclth fo- a i,ime and was taken to Orangeville Hospital for if-rays. We aro glad that she is home again feeling much 'better. Miiss \Elva Russell ia visiting m Toronto. Mr, and M'rs. J^^yce Porteous and family visited iwith Mr. and Mi-s, Tom Johnston and Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Johnston at Kennble. Mias Elva Russell spent the week end in Toronto with her friend. Miss Helen Grover. Mr. .EM. Wlhite had the misfortune to be injured Sunday nigflit when he was struck by a bicycle ridden by Frank English. 'Mr. and Mrs. Fred McTavish of Petenboro, Mh-s, Phillipson oi' St. Catharines and Mrs. Herb Sm-ith of Markdale visited vs-.t day last week with Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Wilson. St John's United Church Rev. Pl. G. Macphersca Minister SUNDAY, SEPT. lO â€" Sermon theme; "Christian War- fare." I'l.OO a;m.: Flesherton (Sunday School at 10.15 a.m.) 3 pjm.: Proton (S,S, at 2 p.m.) 8 p.m.: Elugenia (S.S. at U a.m.) Everyone is invited to share i" tbe services of worship and "he Bible- study classes. Your Church 's at your seiwice; make full use of it. ( REEMORE MAN HAS OLD COINS After reading an item in this paper iib&ut old coins being ?ound around Barrie, Ivan Alexander dropped into cur office an"3 sho'wed us quite an in- ti-resting collection of old Bank Tok- ens dated back as far as 18.37. We icK'a''d this as significant and rigi\t now Mr. Alexander has .the ic^ke. Wg would be interested to hear from leaders with coins one hundred oi more years old. â€" Cveemore Star. Made-to- Measure Suits FOR Men and Women Made and tailored to your Individual Measure by "Tip Top Tailors" New samples of Smart Suitings for the approach- ing Fall Season tare coming in. Patterns to suit any taste or occasion. PRICES FOR MEN'S AND LADIES' SUITS Club Suits $41.95 Tip Top Suits $47.95 FlMt Street Suits $S9.»S F. H. W. Hkkfing VICTORIA CORNERS Mr. and Mrs. Wlilfred Gallagher spent a recent week end with Mr. arid Mrs. Jason Gallagher, Hornings Mills. Mrs. Bill Caniti-ell, Toronto, visited her mother, Mrs. Albert Stevens, for a few days. The John Duncan family were in Shelburne to see their cousin, Mrs. Chriistie J'Ohnston, who, we are very sorry to learn, severely injured her leg. Mrs, Wm. Ludlow, Mr. and Mrs Ed. Stinson accomipanied Mr. an! "TVIrs. Fred Linton and family to Wa- saga Beach for an enjo'j'-able dAy Mr, and Mrs. Merritt Nicholls, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ludlow enjoyed ill- most a week's visit with their son, Frank, and wife and their youngest daughter, Janet, a*^ Cleveland, Ohio; also Frank's dau?:hter, carol, her husband and haiby son of Roya! Oak, Mich. Friends here will also be in- terested to leai'n that Jerry, only sop of the Frank Nicholls, is with the Army and is stationed in Alaska. Mary and Doris Nicholls enjoye i some holidays with their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Andy Hamilton, Shelburne. Euphemia Forbes has returned after a week and a half \vith her cousin, Marlene James, Toronto, and a visit to the CNE. Grant Betts also attended the Ex„ when holidaying with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Sims, Biiamipton. Neyt Tuesday will hear the sehoil bells ringiing again, our beginners will arrive at No. 4 school, na.molv: Garry Moore, Heather Forbes, Dor- othy Nicholls and .Arlene Brown, to gain their wealth of knowledge from Mrs, Neil Winters, who res-unnes her duties foi- another year. Gladys Love goes to Riverview for her first year of teaching:. Delbert Plantt, Garnet Reed, Mary Nicholls, Irene Duncan and Donelda Stevens, graduatos of the public =rhnol in June, conimonco h'gh .'choo. at Flesherton, Sheila Forbes her fourth year, Wilnia Stev- ens and Bobby Nicholls their third veav. To all these, we wisli the tvreatest f success, Mr. a.nd Mrs, Jack B'lnnon attend- ch', the Ex, on Thursday and Friday. They were ac'cnmnanied home Fri- day evening by Miss D;iris Bannon, Tommy and Donna Gail Bannon. Mr. Walter jVchSson accompanied Messrs. Bert Hodgins. Calvin Hut- chinson and Alex. Sherson to Bolto.i on Friday, where the latter pureha' ed a threshing machine. Christena and Leslie Duncan were at Wiarton for the wee-k end and over the Labor Day week end motor- ed to Michigan. GtMMral M<H<iuuit FLESHERTON Table Changes E£Fective Monday Sept. tl Leave Flesiierton To Owen Sound To Toronto lb 11.38 a.m. 9.07 a.m. c 3.48 p.m. b 7.12 p.m. d 8.23 pjm. b - Sunday and Hx>li<lays c - Saturday only. d- Daily except Saturday. DAYIflGHT TIME Tickefts and Information at BODEN'S SERVICE STATION Phohe 63 GRAY COACH LINES COOK'S Sport Shop Now is the time to stock up on your supply of ammunition for Duck Hunting. We have on hand a fresh supply of 12 Gauge Canuck â€" Standard and heavy loads in all sizes of shot. 12 Gauge Imperial Long Range in both 2^ inch and special 3 inch leng-ths in all shot sizes. 16 Gauge Imperial Long Range and Standard â€" All sizes. 20 Gauge hnperia! Long Range â€" All sizes- 410 Gauge. .22 Short, Long and Long Rifle mushroom bullets for your .22 rifle. J. W. Cook, Flesherton Finger-printing can now be done without smudging the fingers, b<i'» it is still advisable to have a pair of clean hands. Planting af 100 million trees with- in The ne.\t 25 years is th» odjjelctive of the Alberta Department of Ag- ricuttuJ'e. NADIAN ATIONAL EXHIBITION AUGUST 26 to SEPTEMBER 4.95 (Except Siuiday) Reduced X OC ^<^""<^ Fare *I«4f3 Xj-jp For Children's Rates see your agent Includes Exhibition admission and bus transfer direct into and from the Grounds Leave Flesherton 9.07 a.m. b 8.27 i).m. a - v^aturday only. Leave Toronto b 9.00 al2'45 c 5.20 p.m. b - Sutulav c - Daily except Saturday (Daylight Time) Tickets and lnft)rmation at BODEN'S SERVICE STATION - Phone 63 and Holiday I DONE? This could be YOU Drivers! Parents! Citizens! The Week-end lies right ahead and roads will be crowded with traffic. Every accident to motorisf or pedestrian brings heartbreak and suffering to some one, young or old. Safeguard others â€" safeguard your ow^n passengers. Renaennber . . . It's HURRY that KILLS. DONT HURRY. hn.m. ORtVE cAReFvayf ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS • l«. N. ftOV«fTT. mimUf*

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