* -V^' Wl ^ •» '^ 'Eljje /ksljjertM % Jtwmce* ^OL. 70; NO. 14 FLE6HBRT0X. ONT., WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 6. 1950 F. J. ThurstoB, Publisher '^Bougfat MadMiUan Home ) •\ iMr. Wm. Msdin, prominent race >«i»an «>f Shelborne, has purchased the ^residence formerly ovnied by the late ^iMiss Siary Macmilkn, and moved ^into his new borne on Tuesday of this ^week. Mr. Madill is well knoi«m as an owner of harness h«rses and he ex- itpects to bring his string of same -«twelye horses to town fthortly. We â- ^ek»me Mr. MadiU and family to the ivilkge. ^ ^Putrid Fan Fair Dates Arthur __.. â€". Sn»t. 26, 27 .A Barrie . â€" Sept. 25-27 J ChatsworQi .... „... Oct. 5. 6 Chesley _. ^ Sept. 8. 9 t Clarkaburg .„. â€" Sept. 20, 21 â- ^ CoUii^rjrood _ ...... Sept. 21-23 ^ Dondalk .„ _ ».. „... S^t 14, 15 â- Dorbam „ â€" Sept. 12. 13 Grand Valley Oct. 6, 7 m Hanover .. .„„._ ~ Sept. 13. 14 ^ Holstein .. â€" Sept. 27, 28 "♦ Marfcdale „ .. _. â€" Sept. 22, 23 »â- Meaford Oct. 6, 7 ** Moont Forest â„¢ Sept. 16 & 18 #♦ Neastadt ..:. ..... Sept. 16, 16 *. Orangeville â€" Sept. 19, 20 at Owen Soand ...._ Sept. 28-30 J^ Paisley Bocilyn â€" Jtort. 11, 12 .....JC J Oct. 4, 5 Sbelbame „.. S^t. 12, IS A Tara ..... Sefpt. 27, 28 â- \ Teeswater .„_. _.. Oct. 3, 4 •\ Boyal Winter Pair . : Not. 14-22 Aramge Day at Farm Of P. R. Oliver This Friday Drainage Diiy „ill be beH t J«e farm of Hon I-. B. Oliver, Soak Line, .\rtemer3, on Fndi ' of tkis week, Sept. 8th. The organizations sponsoring this drainage day demaaiiU'Stion are fhe Grey Connty Council, Grey Counly Federation of .\?ricaltuie, and G.-t> Coanty Crop and Suii Inqirovement Association. According to T. S. Coopei*. agricul- tural representative, there are too many areas of land tbat are not pro- ducing maximuBB crops because thcv are not properly drained. Tlie dem- onstration on the Oliver fann will show how land can be drains by open dhches or closed tile drains, an J tile laying, drainage sarvej-ing, po<^ sibly dynamite ditching operations, condaeted by specialiy trained and experienced agricaltural engineers. fecial speakers, in the persons of Hon. F. R. OKver, the host; Hon. X. L. Kennedy, Hon. MacKinnon Phil- lips. F. S. Thomas, M.P.P., chairman of the Select Commrttee. and officials of the .A.gr:cultural Engineeering De- par«mtn of the OA.C. will be ineltid- ed in the day's events. The Price of Freedom ! 145 Pupils In Attendance '*G«vammeat is the most ineffie i«nt featjtre of life in a free soc- iety." We cull these words from a modest but interesting and pertinent medium of •pinion, ""The Printed WVrd." We cnll it beeaose it says succincciy what mAoy \A ui have felt without ever patting into word, than a free society is not as free as it might be. .A.ny sensible person must admit that the maiintaLnance of essential freedom imst, some- times, require the restri«:tion of less important rsghts. It is not tbiese minor sacrifices that are themselves important, but rather that the con- trol of our liberies r^uires officials to administer, and both officials and controls tend to perpetuaqt them- seives. So we -ose to goremrment. rtsponsibilities that should be oor own. Perhaps the growing necessities for preparedcess that face as today â€" when most of oar substance has been spent n political genero-sitie? that are beyond oar means â€" may At Fleshertoo Hif h School y -Through Haliburton EXistiict higk and p«hlic schools cynamenced their term work Tpiesday of this week. Five bus rootes are bringing in pupils to Flesherton iiigh school and Tuesday Ha pupils had registered for the new term. Th* h.gh achoiji teachers are: K. G. G;- tieen, principal; Jfiirrar Jaffs Beav^ erton; C. John Armitage, Toronto; Mrs. H. H. Me.cer. Markdaie; Mrs. K. G. Goheen and Miss Eleanor Heron. .AJii were menubers of last year's staj, except Mr. Armitage. who was addeti as the sicth ".eather ;n the school, to take care oif the in- creased attendance. Flesherton pubSi'C staff remains the sam.e, with Mi;s Enrnxa Oliver »s priEcipal and Mrs. C. J. Bellamy in ctiarge of the junior room. .\rtemesiB Teachers . Eugenia, Miss Bianche Walker; Victoria Comers, Mrs. Neil Wiaters; PoltLaw, Mrs. Elm^r Mereiiith; Rock Mills. Miss Eleacor Proctor; Sch lane. Miss Tena Hutchinson; Springfaaii. Editor Enjoyed Trip Sacoessful Vacation Sdiooi Held At Priceville :rouse us to the wisdom otf the oM I jjj.^ _^ Patti^on; OD.R-. Mrs. Irene Brown: Ceylon. Miss Dorothy Ers- kir.e: Pricevilie. Mr Lours Bondi; Orange Vallev. Mrs. H. McGee: Va-!- it had better be as critical of gov- 1 j^i^.^^. j^^^ Doreen -\loox. adage. -'Evil is wrought by la.c-k ot thought, as well as' lack of heart." If our free societv is to remain free ^ Of the leaves o< the coming fall try A hB«l eaoogb, tiey may look abno jt ^ as -wonderful as those w« colored ia JdBdesgKrten. Future Events n AUCTION SALE t Ccufirising Si" cattle, horses, 2 * btwa and young pigi, 275 young ponl- ♦ try, grain and standin<? corn, imple- â- ? neents and furniture, Friday, Sept. 8, 4 * aaies east of Maxwell. Wm. Rad- A ley. Prop., Geo. Dancs:i, AuctiOiietr. '^ __^ Card of Thanks I wish to express my sincere thanks to neighbors and Rev. Mr. Macpher- son for his visit and words of com- fort to my dear brother, John Magee. also to Norses Crawford, I'evitt and Mills for their kind attention during the last few boors before his death when he was admitted to the Centre Grey General Hospital. -^Mrs. Robt. Gorley A department store tyco<Ht says wooien are too satisfied with thetr chrthes. He nrust know an unosual groap af women. Asrtrologers say people bom in .August are apt to ran into financial difficulties. This also applies to those bom in 11 other months. * A. ♦ ? » t Poultry Time | Is Here I We are onoe more approaching the $ Poidtry Season and we are again paying ^ top maritet prices. So why not have our ^ truck call and pick up your poultry. Just ^ Phone 66, Flesherton- and reverse the ^ charges. I CLOSING WEDNESDAY NIGHTS | After the end of August- the Creamery v will be closed on Wednesday nights. $ Flesherton Creamery | "The Honw of Service and Satisfaction ^. Phone 66 FLESHF.RTON | •> Angus Avis, Manager <! â- > erttment inefficiencies and inexper^ ienced generosities as ar. ind'rsTdual would be of the inefficiencies orf a business in which all his resources were at stake. That is our position, and that is the price of freedom. today. Kimberley W. I. Held Very Interesting Meeting; Kind> rley W. I. meetiag was held at the home >f Mrs. Joe Rudney wii}i 19 mend>ers present. The roll call was tsaiming prominent Canadi^ people and what noted for. Mrs. EUis Weber gave a reading on Arch- ibald Lamplan and current events on up-t«-date news was given by Mrs. Jas. Kirkpatrick, both of whicii were very interesring. .\ prize was giv- en to the oldest grandmother pre- sent, being awarded to Mrs. S- S. Burritt. .-V poem was i-ead by Mrs. Leslie McMuUen on ''hand-hooked Rug" which was interesting. .\n inviitatJon was given all metabers » attend the W. I. "meeting at Vande- leur on Sept. 21st. The meeting was dosed w^th the National .\achera, foUowed with a dainty lunch served bv the hostess. Our Chapel is tt the disposal of our clientele without e«trt charge. It contains well-appointed family reception rooms, including organ and organist. Bates and Maddocks |?4AvrnuiRd Kl.4^44 PjJmer - Sayers Slimmer dowers decoruted "he Gospel Mssion. Collingwood. for the wedding on Saturday, .\ug. 19th. of Ponelda Ediith May. daughter oi Mr. and Mrs. Thornton Savers of Sing- hampton. to Charles .\!berE Palmer, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Paimer yt CoUingwood. Rev. H. W. Crvne of- ficiated. The wedding music was played by Mrs. Fields and Miss Mil- drt-T.! Rice sang ""O Perfect Love." Given in marriage by her father, the bride was lovely in a white mOire tatfeta street-length dress with litsger-tip veil and corsage of red roses. The bride's si.«ter. Miss Muriel Sayers. was bridesmaid and wore blue tatfeta with a corsage c»f pink roses. Mr. Donald Palmer was best- man for h:s brother. Following the wedding -ere^aiony. a reception was heW at the home of the brido's p,"(reiits itJ ^inghanipton. -After a short weiiding trip the youig couple will reside in CoU:tig\vi.Hjd. Teachers To District Schoob Melancdion â€" S.S. 9. Mi-ss Elean- ore Sparks; S-S. lO. Ruth Smith: S-S. 12, Marion Stauffer. Bgremont â€" S.S. n. Betty Hincks: S.S. 12, Mr. Barry Tiiorston: S.$. 10. Miss Jane McLennan. Toronto â€" Kate Mac- millan. Laura Boyd. Evelyn McTaw- ish; Roiige Hill, .\nne .A kins; Jâ€" i â- > The gJones of the HaSb^irton. aish- iands were in'vesttgaiced by the *ditor '.if The .\dwaace, his wiife and JmsHnie. during the h'J-lidays wtich came v> - cliise wiien w* returned home Friday evening. It was a lovely trip, tik^n >ver territory where we had never been before an<t was thoDugiily -n Joyed. We left home Thursday, the 24ih, ajid spent the first night in Sijniet Lodge. HoDCsville, and Friday morn- ing turned east to I>wigbt and d'>.vii. Highway No. iT :hrc«gh Haliba-ton.. J We visited Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tav- lor at their boys' camp near Hall's Lake, wiiirii they were jnist closing up after a successful samsmer. The cioap is ideally situate"! on a 'iittle lake. ha= a sand beach and good boating. It was a pleasant interlude in our tip. Friday nigiit was spent in one ot the King coocage at Mountain Lake, four I'lties north of M' iden, which is a beautiful location <•"•>.• a camp a.i i Saturday our Journey "â- x>k us to Fen- eion Falls and Bobcaygeoc. where we spent four days, loafing and nsl (By Friceviae lU^rter) A suimmer vacation scfaoi was h«K in St. Columba United Churcia, witk Rev. L. W. Mould and Mr. Douglas G-jrdon as leaders and .V5 students oa .\v- roU. Misse* Stusie McKionon and Toyee Tacker were in charge af Ae arts and crarfrs for the juniors. Em- ma Meads and Christina JfcKinnon ir charge oi the crafts for iatermed- ictes. and Isobel Karstedt and Betty Hineks in charge of the nwisa:, while F.leanor McArtfeuir. Marilyn Hineks and June Meals had â- .'harge •>f games. Rev. .A.. J. Fischer, and Rev. .A.. G. Macphersoc •«' Flesherton. and Rev. Baiiey ."f IXindaik were present and zave messages to the children., .A concert was given Rriday night 'r^y the Daily Vacation Bible School students that was enjoyed. The pro- gram upened with the singing of a hymn. foQowed 'a-y a Aorus by the primary pmpiLs, while choruses were also rendered by the juniors and in- termediates, repeating verses froim the Bible, the Ten Commandments, ! and the Beatitudes. They also re- Incidentaily we caaght tTiree u ckerel ' seated chorally the 2'Jrd Psaim. Twt> and two bass. Our ambttion is to : puppet shows were well ^iven by ie take a n:usJ£aio.nige. and some hefty intermediates, under toe direction jf ct:es have been caaght there this year. Emma Meads and C. McKinnon. o'-it next-<iocr cottager from Bd'-^v^ â- . Presentation wf certificates to the N.Y.. having caught a 26-pounde^- -he pupiis were made by June Me«<k and week previous in Pigeon Lake. W. ' Ei'-'anor McArtbor. ard trwo trios were x.ade an interestjog call on Editor M. i sweetly rendered by Helen aad R««a Tumey. .Amaranth; Janett Hass, Kim- [ pigj^sarg ^ g^j^ Tnurston oif the BobcaygeoT In-Je- pecdent. ^"hile on a side trip to Thurstoffia Park on Sturgeon Ldke. we h i.i the berley. Labor Day Message At St. John's Church The world's choice to-day Lies be- tween a truly Christian democracy ox Russian coanmunism. The decisioi wtll be made not only on the large j: nurrtber of submarines or the largest ptie of atomic booJibs. but opon which system, if eitSer, serves the highest 'Welfare o< men and women. The or'.l'v sure basis of a Ciiristian Social Order is the individuaj redeemed by the spirit of Christ Kimseiif, redeem- ed for service to God ai>i one's feK I'.'^wTOan. These were soane i.i.r* the thoughts underlying Rev. A. G. Mac- pherson's Labor Day message last Sunday. Mr. Macpherson went on to say t'lat the indivi^dual. not the nation or the race or the group, is of supreme valtie in the eyes of God. The wel- fare of the indtividua!. therefore, "s the ultimate test of every institution an-d organizationi. whether it is a la- bor union, a corporation or a govern- ment. •"The Christian Warfare" is the title of a new series of serm<>cs to b<? jon'jntenced next Sundsy. The average human should be ruK-h more diligent in being 'numS'i. Quebec City is handing out ••polite aatfic rags." It is to be hope-d that drivers take the hint and practic-.' cowrtesv too. Go by Train to the TORONTO Canadian National EXHIBITION August 2.'> to Sept. 9 LOW RAIL F.VRKS from Flesherton $4.45 Coach Class (Jood going Thursday, .Aug. 24 to Saturday. Sept. 9 industve Return Limit â€" Sept. 13 Full infonnation from any agent. (3^Hncila*i Qad£-ic Cousins Meet For First Titue •^ Mr. and Mrs. Wesley McXicoU and Mr. and Mrs. -Albert Stew-art had .their- attests recents. Mrs. Ciei>rge Stewart and daughter. Goo^rgina, of Grindstone City. Mich., and Mr. and Mrs. Eruest Miiter and daughter. Betty, of Bad -Axe. Mich. This was the tirst time the cousins had ever met. Mrs. Stewart had known of Mr. atul Mi-s. McN'icolil atni .Mr. and Mrs. Stewart for several years, but ;:fver had the o-pporcunity of aieet- ing them ami tney greatly enjoyed their visit here. Mrs. Geo. Stewart's t»arents, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. McXic- olL were bom on a farm near Mark- dale. while Mrs. Stewart's 'nushand's j.arer.ts. Mr. and Mrs. Jus. Stewart. â- ver? also b«,«rn there. tnto a store dn i finding Bofc Fawcetit fl<f Toronto, for- merly of Kimberley, in behind •i.ie counter cvf his store, wtjch be con- ducts along with hie la.;ge nan»€.- oi cottages, caibins aod dormiwries. He can accommodate 100 persons who tind pleasure at that popular sumni'rr re- sort. Bob and his wife are conduct ing a soccessful tourist busi-ie=«. .Another side •j-ip was made to Lind- say. The return n-ip was va^u ifirngK Peterboro, sper.ding Wednesday night at a cottage on the Otrtonnje River. -A visit was made to the Quaker Oats plant Thursday mo'"';inj: and a juide conducted jjs through the buildings, showing us the manufaicture •.>f Muf- fets, one of their main products, f.-oni the wheat kernels through the pro- cess of 'oeing formed into the we'l known rotond cakes and throug'n the ovens where they were cooked. The packaging was interesting, in^i the whole process was completed withoi;c It would be impossible for us to hctman harws otice totK'hing :he cakes. 1 personally thank t'ne many friends Each of us recei\-ed a "oox of Muffets who contributed to the ?r-?sent3tioa on teavi:^. which we have enjoye \ since coiming 'nome. Thursday n;ght and Friday 'jre ->.; MeKeowT. and Elean-or McArthtir. «- conupanied by Isabel Karsteat at th* organ. -An. address was read by Joyce Tacker and .Arthur Vergoz a!t«i Judy Campbell made ie presentation af gifts to Re"'. Mould and Mr. Gordoa, on behalf -yt the teachers and â- oa^^-, in appireciation of the their work and time spent with the school. Both ministers expressed thanks for the gift and said they 'aad enjoyed work- ir^ with the teachers and children. The s-inging of a hyirn closed a very enjoyable evening. Jean McM;;ian was presented with a or«5s and a Bfible for being the best missionary", 'oringing the mo-st pupi'ts to tbe school. The display of hand- work jor.e by the pupils was in the basement and showed careful coach- ing by t'ne teachers. Each piece was r.eatK- done and was claimed by th? children at t'ne c'tose oi ^.e program. A generous offering was taken to 'ael? defray the erpenses. MR. AMI MR^;. M. S- McLEOD EXPRESS THEIR THANKS S.i'm: "Dey say dat de parrot am ne 0" the 'oldest lived birds there •s."' Rastus: "".Ah spects de reason fo' . dat ant, he ain't no good to eat." ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Roy Kirkpatrick of Meaforvi wish to annouUi-e the eti- jragement of their eldest daughtv^r. Fred« Margikret* to Mr. Vernon Doi- stias Fawvett, only son of Mr. and Mts. Andrew Fawx^ett of Vanl-leut". Tbe weddinif will take place Sep- tennil>er 16th. to as. so with your co-operatiion and through the cwiumns of The .AJv-ance we are desirous of extending .>ur tefideii the Exhibition, but the time I sincere thanks to our friends of the was too short to see all the ititerest- ! entire district. ing exhibits which are offered to the visitors during the worki's largest annual exhibition. Saturday we were 'c>aek to work again, very pleased wi'th the trip. We m%^fc say that the trip fr\>m Huntsvilie to CoKx-onfc is very inter- esting and there is hardly a straight sretch of three "nundred yards the en- '. tire ienpth of the road, which -wists -»r;d turns around lakes and Outcrop- ir.gs oif granite, around high granite hills ar^ across muskeg. However. the road is all paved aiKl in excelle-.t ccndation. Some other time we 'n<.»pe tc enjoy a trip over other roads in beautiful Haliburton. It would be difficult for nie to cv>nvey regrets at fitjding it neces- sary to leave my old homse. For three generations tray forbearers have enjoyed the privilege of resiJ- ;r.g in che v.Id County of Grey, with roots so tirmly planted it is diffi- cult to puU out snd transplant else- where, but with your good wishes and kind Provi«ieace we are 'nopefal that we will eventually be able to â- .eturn to the shelter of friends who are part of our existatKe. In heart- feJt aippreciati-on for all y»a have done for us. and wis'nrg everyone gc-od luck and happiness. Sincerely and gratefully. â€" Snowden and Shirley McLeo<.i The best defipjition of domestic disaster ' is a twv-year-old getting 'ftoM of mother's finger-nail polish. >^\.xk*<>->->nH'-X'-C'->->->sk>^<->-><'<^>->-M'%'->%v^:->-:k»-a->-:'<->-:><->-^^ WK EXPE«.T A CAR OF Nut Size Reading ANTHRACITE COAL tu arrive this week end. Sept. 9th. Phone your orders early and get your delivery off the car. 1). .McTAVrSH & SONS Phone 9 Flesherton i I PUiN TO ATTEND Dundalk Fair SEPTEMBER 14-15 I 5: Thurs. & FRjypAy, Official Opening Sept. 15, 1 pjn. by Hon. F. R. Oliver Si I HOKSl'". K \Ci;.-^ - Kuuninij ;ind Ponv Races i> Calf Club - Tractor Rinleo School ChiUlreti'.^ Parade 0.1d- Fashioned Parade - Special Features i Dance Thursday Night Concert and Dance Friday Night