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Flesherton Advance, 23 Aug 1950, p. 5

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I r * I -r -r- i -r- -4 t â- '9 %â-  ^ -* ^ « J * 'â- In ^- " -J 'Ik > -1 41 r ^ a 7 If- •5 n r2 -r- •^ â€" in,- ;« â- Â» - r r # -< t •If a" I T • a THE FY^ESHERTON ADVTANCE Wednesday, Augrust 23, 1950 KIMBERLEY Holiday visitors at the some of Mrs. Jas. Lawrence includted Mr. end Mrs. Barl Dillon and Mary Lynne of North Bay, Mr. and Mrs. Laurie Law- dence of Gait, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Taylor and Verdla of Oshawa. Mr. and JVDrs. Ellis Weber and fam- ily, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wilson and Dousrlas enjoyed a week's holiday on the Manitoulin Island and other no:-- thern poiints. Mr. and Mrs. R. Ellis and Fay mot- ored to Tobemnory, Sauble Beach and Doibfcinton. Fay reimained at Dob- binton for siome holidays. Marion Hill of Ajax spent a few days in the village as the guest of ©wen Ellis. 'Clive Prentice of Thornbury spent a week wth his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Baker. iMr. WLlifred Walters of Calgary is renewing acquaintances, after an ab- sence of 35 years. Wilfred has not been home since he served' in the first Great War. He is tihe guesit of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Carruthers. Mrs. Parker of Meaford is visiting Tier diaugihter, Mrs. B. Carruthers. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Stuart of De- troiit called on relatives here last week. Mr. and Mre. MUlward and son of Toronto are holidaying art the home of Mrs. Milkvard's father, Mr. Rut- ledge Stafford'. Miss Melba Goodfellow and friend of Port Elgin spent a day with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Eilis and family. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Wallace of Coling^wood, Mr. and Mrs. A. Mc- Callan, Mr. and Mrs. 0. MJaxwefl, Mr. and Mrs. Orville MtCallan and fam- ily of Hanover were Sunday visitors •with Mrs. Wallace and Mrs. Proctor. Mr. Edigar Fa«vcebt of Toronto spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fawcett. ' SWINTON ttARK Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher Riddell of Dornoch spent Sunday at the home of Wm. Stewart. Mrs. R. Parslow and daughter, Linette, from the West are visiting friends around the Park. Mr. and Mrs. Fred FeM and family and Mrs. Parslow and Linette spent Sunday at the home of T. G. Ferris at Badjeros. A number from here" attended the â€""j music day at Fergus on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Tressider and daughter, Jessie, of Toronto are spendling a few days at the home of R. Hardy. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Broughton and the former's sister, Mrs. Annie Wilson oif Nottawa spent Friday at the home of Fred Knox. A numiber of ladies attended the County Institute meetirug at Price- ville on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McNalty had tht^ telephone installed last week. Mr. and Mrs. Roy MIcNalty, accom- panied by Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Harrison, arrived' home Sunday from a seveni-week trip :o the West, trav- elling as far as British Columbia. We extend ouar syropaithy to Mrs. Ed'gar MdLeod whose mother, Mrs. McKenzie, passed away Saturday, the funerail taking place at Dromore this Monday. Mr. Bruce Christie is working at Abetfoyle as a garage mechanic. PORTLAW FEVERSHAM Mr. and Mrs. Laurfe Sewell visited on Sunday with her parents, Mr. and MIrs. Robt. Hill, at Hespele'r. Mrs. Joe Tate and Lee of Toronto visited her parents. Mr. and Mrs. John_ Hudson. Mrs. Annie Ditson of CoUinigwood visited with her uncles, Messrs. John and Jim Hudson, and families during the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Heibman visited on Sunday witK his brother, Harry, and wife at Red Wing. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Howard McKee were: Mr. and Mrs. Harold Cox, Mr. and Mrs. Qhas. Hornby of ColMngwood, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Perigoe and Mary K. «f Malton, Mf. and MIrs. Albert Stewart, Flesherton. Mrs. John Hudson left Saturday, accompanied by Mrs. Frank Hendry Mr. and Mrs. Meryl Weber motor- i t^ Toronto to visit her daughter. ec'. to Wasa^a and Anten Mills. Mrs. ! ^^"^"'^^ ""•^'•'"' '" ^^'^'- F. J. Weber and Shirley returned home with them^ Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Ellis of Han- ovee- sipent their holidays with Mr. and Mrs. C. Thampson and Mis. E. Ellis. MAXWELL Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Sheardown and family of Elmvale visited with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Haney and Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Wfilkinson. Miss Gladya Love is spending a few days in Collingwood with her aunt, Mrs. Stamley Blackburn. Mr. and Mrs. J. Plantt of Toronto spent a few days' with Mr. and Mr^ Wes Plantt and also called on Mr. and Mrs. Fred Plantt. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Blakey and fam- ily of Toronto were visitors with Mr, and Mrs. E»wood Blakey here. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Fisher and Mtrvyn of Holstein spent a day with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Plantt. Mr. and Mrs. Paurie Pedlar visitfid recently with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Young at Grand Valley. Mrs. Grace Blackburn of Toronto spent a couple of days with her son, E}verette, and family. Visitors at t)he home of Mr. and Mrs. Luther Love were: Mr. and Mrs. Les. Smith and three children of Port Perry, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Wilson and son of Balsam, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wilson of Myrtle, Mr. and Mrs. Dan McXavan of Victoria, B.C., Mr. and Mrs. McGeogan and Mrs. H^jjton of Sask., Mrs. Thompson nd Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stewart of Orangeville. Mrs. Rogers, a cousin of Mrs. Love, is spending a few days with her. These friends all attended the Wilson reunion at the home -jf Mr. and Mrs. Art Wilson, where 36 sat down to a bountiful supper. Mrs. Poster of Manitoba spent a tew days With her nephew, Mr. Stan Patton. and Mrs. Patton. Leona Pa;ton spent a few days with her uncle and aunt. iMiss Isaibel Croft of Dundalk was home at the week end. Mr. and Mrs. John Grummett of Hamilton visited with Mr. and Mrs. Harrj' Fisher and D. A., while on holidays. Miss Ann Smith and girl friend, Miss Rogers, of Toronto are spend- ing this week with the former's cou- sin, Mrs. WiHjert Fisher. Mr. and Mrs. Eiverette Blackburn attended the wedding of the former's niece. Miss Lois Blacktmrn. in To- ronto on Saturday. Visitors in the home of Herb Betts were: Allan Bgitts and two friend'?, Messrs. McCaw and Jeffreys, of To- ronto. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bett? and Cheryl, and Myrtle Betts, Toronto. Con'gratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dillon on the biith O'f their son, James. Baled hay weigihs four to 'five timss as much by volume as loose 'hay. fw I -- An 808-pound tuna was caught '^ff ) the coast of Nova Scotia. An yet they manage, somehow, to stuff those things in cans. TENDERS WANTED TENDERS FOR SNOW PLOWING Tendtrs will be received by he undersigned up to Monday noon, Sept. 11th 1950, for snow plo'wing Township of Artemesia roads this coming winter. Tender to state type of equipment to be used and hourly rate of pay. â€" A. B. CHARD, Clerk. T'Oiwr^ohip of Artcme*ia, Flesfhei'toii, Ont. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Symes, Utopia, and M'r. and Mrs. Thos. MoFadden of Ivy visited with Mr. snd Mrs. Reg'. Londry over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. T. Ferris and child- ren spent Sunday in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ross and daugl-s ter, Nancy spent the week end in Toronto. Miss Ruby Monaghan of Toronto spent the past week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Monaghan. Mrs. Sam Grtuiiniett and Mrs. Gertie Seeley spent the past week at Sauble Beach. Mr. Hugh Parker of Detroit visited l^is relatives here over th^ week end. Miss Laura Allison had the misifor- tune to have her finger hit by a bail Thursday evening and medical aid •vas required. Miss Phyllis Davison left last week for the W^t, where she will spend a ft'W months. VANDELEUR Several lomimunity activities are beii^ planned for the near futurs, which promise to be good. The play "Closed Lips" is bein^ given this Thui-sday evening. On Tuesday af- ternon, Sept. 5th, the W.A. is having a meeting in the church to which neighboring W.A.'s are invited. There will be a guest speaKer and the Sun- day. School girls will present their play "Second Class Citizen." Rev. West of Heatbcote occupied the pulpit in Vandeleur church Sun- day afternoon and preached a fine sermon. The pastor, Rev. W. M. Lee, is on holidays. We e.xtend best wishes to two for- mer Vandeleur young ladies 'who were married recently. They are Misses Lois BlaCkbum, -who was married at Tara, and Vebna Kelso, who was married in Hamilton. Mrs. Millie Lavers. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Lavers. Mrs. Stanley Evans, all of Islington, visited their sister-in- law and aunt. Mrs. Anderson, at the home of LorUe Ormsby. Mr. and Mrs. M'aurice Ormsby and family of Ottawa visited with the former's brother, Lome. Mrs. Will Ratcliffe, Mi-s. Harold Hutchinson, Mrs. Bert Hutchinson, Mr.s. Russell Freeman, Mrs. Howard Graham, Mrs. Swanton, Mrs. Glenn McGee represented Vandeleur W. I. at the county rally at Priceville on Friday of last week. EUGEN3A Send in Your Renewal. ^ i^ Made-to- Measure Suits FOR Men and Women Made and tailored to your Individual ' Measure by "Tip Top Tailors" New samples of Smart Suitings for the approach* ing Fall Season are coming in. Patterns to suit any taste or occasion. PRICES FOR xMEN'S AND LADIES' SUITS Club Suits $41.95 Tip Top Suits $47.95 Fleet Street Suits $59.95 F. H. W. Hkkling General Merchant FLESHERTON The Eugenia W. A. met at the home of Mrs. Wftn. Gordon Wediies- day evening, .Aug. I6th, with au at- tendance of 20. Mrs. Macpherson and Mrs. J. Cairns took the devotion- al part, while Mrs. C. Magee presided over the business. It was decided to have a fowl supper in October, also a table of homemade baking at the novelty ball graVne to take place his week. Miss MiHie MtMuUen gave a very interesting talk on her trip to Jamaica. The September meeting is to be held at the home of Mrs, Stan Camipbell. Following the close of tlie meetin^^ a dainty lunch was sewed by the hostess and her assistant, Mrs. J. Campbell. - t Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Campbell of Toronto are visiting the former's par- ents. Mr. and M'rs. Stan Campbell. Mr. and Mrs. Grieves. Detroit, and Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Harrison. Price- ville, visited Friday with the latter's sister. Mrs. H- A. Falconer. Master Carson Magee visited a few (lays with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. G. Magee. Master IXivid Beynon. Collingwood. is visiting his cousn. Bruce Boettgec. iyjrs. Florence L>-ons. Portlaw, and Mrs. Flare nee Young. Collngwood. visited Friday with the former's sis- ter. Mrs. Garnet Maigee. Mr. John Magee, 8th line, was in Centre Grey Hospital a few days re- cently. Since then he has been at the home of Mrs. C. Bartley. Markdale, formerly of Ceylon, In a biig city store a woman was making an inquiry about a doll's house that had taken her fancy. When she heard of its price â€" and it was a tall one even for these days â€" she stooti for a moment in stricken sil- ence. Then rallying bravely, she smiled sweetly at the sales girl. "You arraiisre mortgages on them, of couse?" she suggested politely. Gospel Workers Annual Camp Meeting CLARKSBURG, ONT. August 18 to 27, inclusive Rev. E. A. Cutler, Camp Speaker Professor Marvin Dean, Osbury College, Soloist Atlanta Youth for Christ Male Quartette Rev. and Mrs. W. Moutcux, Youth Evangelists Dr. E. A. Emy, Missionary Speaker (Oriental Missionary Society) For Board and Lodging-, write â€" Mrs. Gordon Rolling, Thornbury, Ont. Miss Joy Graham visited with her cousin. Ruth Graham, for a few days. During the holidays the Garden Brigade, with Mrs. Carl Wilson as leader, held a meeting at the home of Frances Brodie and discv\9sed and demonstrated salads and cooking of vegetables, etc, A month later at the home of Shirley Hutchinson the sub- ject was "flo^vers." This week at th9 home of Marilyn Fitzsimmons, tihe judging of vegetables an<i a canning demonstration in the Dept. of Agri- culture on Aug. 9th, by Miss DuriO. Tlie CVub members are Xnnsi Bowles, Franc'i^s Brodie, Marilyn Fitzsim- mons. Donna Wiyville, Ruth Graham, Shirley and I>)Ia Hutchinson. / / / ** .'-' 7/rM ANADIAN [liATIONAL I EXHIBITION AUGUST 26 to SEPTEMBER 9 (Excepl Suncby) 4.95 Reduced Fare For Children' Round Trip Rates see vonr ag^ent Includes Exhibition admission and bus transfer direct into and from the Grounds Leave Toronto b y.oo a 1245 c 5.20 p.m. a - Saturda\- only. c - Daily except Saturday b - Sunday and Holiday ( Daylight Time) Leave Flesherton 9.07 a.m. b 8.27 p.m. '»',â- * **• ? Tickets and InfcM-mation at BODEN'S SERVICE STATION - Phone 63

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