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Flesherton Advance, 23 Aug 1950, p. 2

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MM (liW!<W' Whenever we happen to think m sport in connection with the Canadian National Exhibition, our memory invariably drifts back to the early days of the Marathon Swims â€" the days when "George YounK is now being taken out of the water"' was almost as familiar a phrase as "Greenherg is still on tJ.ird" became at a later date. * « • I'oor George! He and another long-distance water-crawler, Chan- nel Swimmer Gertrude E d e r I e, fonnd outâ€" the hard wayâ€" that while victory processions, civic receptions and the cheers of adoring multitudes may be very nice things in them- sclve?, they don't go very far to- ward paying for T-bone steaks, groceries or stalling off the im- portunities of the rent collector. If we had our way, "Which would you rather haveâ€" three cheers or three bucks?" would be tattooed some place on the hide of every young and aspiring athlete â€" some place where said athlete could read it readily and often, at that! » » • But enough of such musings. Marathon swimming was always a sport which we could either take or let alone â€" preferably the latter; al- thougli we don't suppose we'll ever forget the spectacle of "the Black Shark" slashing down toward the Anishing line in the first Exhibition affair. looking as though he could gc another 25 miles at top speed. Considerable of a swimmer, that <liy, was Mr. George Vierkoetter, and don't let anybody ever try and tell you different. * * * "But that's all past and done with, long ago and far away," as Mr. Kipling's love-sick Tommy used to put it. Let's take a look at what the sports fan has in store at this year's edition of "The Ex" â€" and it would appear as though the countless i'nou'aiicts of fastball lovers would j;et. for once, an elegant sufficiency <;f thtir favorite pastime, both from the staiuipoint of quantity and that <)f 'luality. But the Exhibition sports director can tell you all about it far better than we're able to, so take it away. Mr. Duthie. • • • First Canadian men's Softball championship series will be played this year lor Tlic Toronto Telegram Tropliy at the Canadian National Exhibition from .Vug. 25 to Sept. 9. » * » The three-ring tournaments, sponsored jointly by tlie CNE and The 'J'elcgram, also will decide two other titlesâ€" the Canadian National Exhibition championship for men's trams and the Toronto ciiampion- ship for women's teams. All win- ners will receive trophies presented hj The Telegram and a set of Bul- ova watches. " » ♦ * In addition to the tliree dianipion- ship series, the tournament will pre- sent the most uniiiuc attraction in .ioft!)aIl history â€" "The King and Mis Court," a sensational Inur-nian team from the United .States. This teaiti is built around tlie prowess of famed pitched Eddie Eeigner, vihose bag of tricks includes throw- ing blindfolded to defeat the top teams in America. « * • "The King and His Court" will open the CNE-Tclegram tourna- ments witli a series of two games Friday and Saturday, .^ug. 25 and 26, against Toronto Tip Top Tailors, current world's champions, and To- ronto People's Credit Jewellers, also of the Hearhcs F'astball League. • * « Winners from six provinces will compete in tlie first Canadian men's Softball championship series. Prior to the CNE a series will be held in Winnipeg to declare a winner to re- present British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba and another series will be held in Mont- real to declare a Quebec winner. Privileged Parker â€" Ninety-nine-year-old John Griffeth can park any place he wants to nowâ€" even in no parking zones. The city fathers of Red Cloud passed an edict recognizing an established fact for the oldster has been parking his 21-year-old car in taboo zones ever since he can remember. The Ontario representative will be declared at a CNE series for the western and eastern winners. » • ♦ More than ten Ontario men's teams will compete for the CNE championship. These will include teams from Hamilton, Ottawa, Windsor, Peterborough, North Bay, St. Catharines, Oshawa and New the Toronto Dentonia, Dovercourt, Toronto and representatives from High Park, Belhvoods and Wan- less Park leagues. This title was won last year by Crothers of Toronto. Mechanized Philatelist â€" In ParLs, an iniajjiiiativc statnp deaier, P. Cliarriaiid, sets up his inohile stamp mart at the Carre Marigny wlierc Fri'iicii collectors gather daily. Mr. Charri- and's vehicle enables him to carry a iiuich larger stock than his pedestrini coiupi t'lors hesifjes olTcriiig convenient transporta- tion. THEFAEM FRONT |okix12iw^eLL Hack ill my scliool days, the Read- ers used to be full of talcs of the struggles of our pionetr forefathers, and about how they toiled to clear themselves farms out ol tlic tree- covered Canadian wilderness Now it seems as if there might come a dayâ€" and sooner than we think- when we'll l)c wishing tliat those pioneers hadn't been so haiuly will) the axe and saw, and that those of us who followed them lia<ln't tol- lowetl along the same lines without any thouglit of the fulure. â- Â» * * For nowadays those who should know about such things arc taking that ancient admonition "Woodman Spare That Tree" with real serious- ness. In fact they're saying that the cqnsfant whining of lh( hiniber- Hqw IIFIX-IT JAR CLOTHESPINS HANDY CLOTHESPINS • A GLASS JAR ON CLOTHESLINE POST KEEPS PINS WHERE VOU CAN ALWAYS HAVE THEM HANOV. nian's saw in all parts of the world nt.iy eventually spell destruction of the human race. So when you've a few minutes free from worrying about the A-bomb and its success- ors, maybe what an Old Country writer has to say about forest de- struction will help put you back in the mood of gloom which setiiis ap- propriate to this day and age. * * * Before Man set to work with saw and axe to tear dowi. the world's forests for his own use, three-iiuar- ters of the earth's land surface was tree-covered. But wood has always been an integral part of our way of life. > » * Before the widespread use of metals, wood was the world's most widely used raw material. Houses, furniture, ships, fuel were all pro- vided by the woodmen who began the irrevocable slaughter of the forests. * ♦ » Even after the Iron Age, wood still has its million uses in our daily lives and the giant forests are slowly being destroyed. • * * The result of this may finally spell tragedy for the human race. For trees do much more than mere- ly look ornamental and provide us with our daily needs. Trees are the great protectors of the soil. They shield crops from the winds, arrest soil erosion and prevent many a landslide by binding loose soil. ♦ ♦ ♦ -Mready some two-thirds of the world's woodlands have been felled and today only one tree is being planted for every two which are destroyed. ♦ ♦ * No one would deny that much of the forest clearance has been neces- sary. Towns had to be built, and large areas turned into agricultural land to feed the rapidly increasing world population. • * • But the clearance has been irre- sponsibly executed. Much of the land once covered with forest has now become desert. And this desert is spreailing. * • . ♦ â- J he famous ".Vmericaii dust- bowl" is just one example of Man's wanton destruction. In this region all the trees were Teams from the Sunnyside and Danforth leagues have entered the special series for the Toronto women's champioship. * * • Labor Day also will feature the annual Beaches Major Fastball League series for the Bulova trophy. * * * This schedule, it is expected, will provide for a tripleheader every night of the CNE â€" one women's game and two men's games in the greatest parade of softball stars in the history of the game in Canada. "Ex'' Fashion Shows Draw Big Crowds Twenty-five thousand visitors vis- itors daily, on the basis of last year's attendance, are expected to view the fashign shows at the CNE, Every fifteen minutes, from noon on, a fresh show of Canadian fash- ions will go on the runway, all under the supervision of the wom- en's director, Mrs. Kate Aitken. Important new fashion trends for the Fair season will be given parti- cular attention in this large-scale style line-up. Highlighted will be the new sloping shoulders, the neat- ly moulded hipliiie, union of fabrics, such as crepe and flat fur, and the reds, blues and greens flatterV? to the older woman.' ' Entire shows devoted completely to children's clothing will be seen for the first time in the Fashion Court of the Women's Building and in the new Coliseum Theatre. In this spacious and attractive new theatre, seating 800 and especially designed for the showing of fash- ions, will also be seen Fall costumes for the business girl, the career woman and the campus crowd. Commentators will suggest means of achieving maximum variety at minimum cost, giving both price of the garments and where they are available. Hourly shows of budget- priced coats, suits and rainwear, casual sports and business clothes and after-five wear, will again be modelled, every hour on the hour, in the Fashion Court of the women's building. Upstairs in tl»e Balcony Restaur- ant, same building, high-style clothes rushed for the Exhibition by some of the country's top people, will be presented during luncheon, tea and dinner hours. And in the Tea Court, models will prj/menade afternoon and evening in clothes from the shows in the Coliseum Theatre. .\nd this year, also for the first time, fashion -will parade on the ground floor of the Coliseum. Out from the doors of the 26 model rooms of the huge Design for Liv- ing show, at regular intervals, will walk even more models wearing more suits, more coats, jewellery and dresses. Hourly nearby, will be the Duval showmobile show of suits, coats and rainwear. Then, just to add. a touch of var- iety to this deluge of fashion, one of the home-sewn I'pe is being add- ed for good measure. Every after- noon in the Coliseum's special com- petition theatre, Mrs. Gene Dawe will be back to repeat her last year's successful showing of smocked costumes. • • Classified Advertising •• ACOOVMTIMU BOOKHKJSMNO « ACCOUNTINO 8EBVICJB Irvin* N. Sboom, 77 Victoria St.. Toronto. AGENTS WANTED OILS, UBEAHE8, TIKES, Datlerles, Paint*. Electric Motors. Stovn. na<llo». Retrlger*- tOr*, Fa«t Fre«z«ra and Mlili Couiera. Root Coatlnxa. Permanent Anti-FVeeie. etc. Dealera wanted. Write; Wurco Greaae and Oli Ltd., Toronto. Ffttt BAI.K ' NEW -TIRKS No man is worth his salt who is not ready at all times to risk his body, to risk his well-being, to risk his life, in a great cause. â€" Theodore Roosevelt. TAKES TEN-COUNT - Pre- paring fortiis title fight with Ez- zard Charles in September, Joe Louis has been getting up at the count of ten â€" A. M., that is â€" for a hearty breakfast before gruel- ling roadwork. Weighing 222 pounds, the retired champ is pre- paring for his come-back fight with training at West Baden Snrings, Ind, cut down to make way for agricul- tural land. But the wind, with no trees to break its progress and shield the soil, took control and has now swept away the fertile top-soil, and laid instead a carpet of useless dust. • » « The same thing is happening in many other parts of the world, where sand and dust have been de- posited by the wind and so turned fertile land into desolate waste. * ♦ ♦ The vast, dusty plains of Pales- tine are a supreme example. Much of the country is now barren and the reason is that only some seven. Itching, Burning Perspiring Feet Uo to Hn.v dniKKiat loilny nn<] set an original iMttI* of Miranc'a ISmeruiri Oil. Don"t worryâ€" thia vonertul iwnetrutInK oil tirlnSR m\\v\\ ease and comfort ttint you'll â- oon hi. atilu to VQ Htxnit your worl* nvain, happy and without that alAxiat iin)if>nriil>lr achlna and aoreneaii. Ituh nn Kmerald Oil tonlntit - rroel> : ii doen not Rtain â€" in oconomlt'ai. Money back If not MHtinrted. Good druKSlnta avarywherc. HAUV VHICK8 DAY-OLD chlcita, broiler clilclia, older pulleta, ten we«l» to laylnt. Free catatocue. Tweddia Chicle Hatcberlea Limited, Fergua. Ontario. THESE apeclal prices foj: thia week and next. 8 wkV. at 70c.. 10 wka. at tOc, 13 wka. at 11.20. 14 wka. at S1.40. 1< wka. at tl.60, It wka.^^ 11.70. '20 wka. at 12.00, 2» wka. at . B » »J« « i»«>'X Leg, B. flock*, Suasex X Be* H. t. Red*. N. Hampa, Le«- liorna. Rock X Reda. Phone 't collect on ordera of 50 and moref Lakevlen Farma * Hatchery, Exeter. One. Pin.LJBT SALE (-8-10-12 WKS. to ready to lay pulleta. Raiaed under cood conditlona from apecial bre«din« atock. R. I. Red*. Suaaex X Reda. Red .X Rock. B. Rocka, N. Hampa, Rock X Les. Sale price for prompt delivery. 6 wka. at 55c, 7 wka. at tOc. 8 wka. at (Sc. 10 '.'ka. at 89c, 12 wka. at tl.13. 14 wks. at 11.30. 1« wka. at tl.4S, 18 wka. at 11. 6J. 20 wka. at 11.95. Theae pricea' tor prompt delivery. Order from and encloae thia ad 10 per cent devoalt. Hurondaia Chick Hatchery. I.ondon, Ontario. BEEN 90 HIVES Italian beea. Lnngatroth, 10 frame. Honey crop Included; new extractor; equip- ment. Bargain for fiuick sate. Harry Kift, 83 Patricia Ave.. Oahawa. Ont. Phone <254J. imSINESB OlMtmTtMTIE." NOTICE Home and Store Owneru, Advertla- Ins Acvnta. You can now purchaae quality wooden cablneta at roanufacturera' pricea. Custom and. quantity production. For Infor' niatlon write A. C. McGarvey. Wood Prtv ducta, Orrvllle. Ontario. DO<;a â-  BOXER PUPPIES. Sired by International Champion Gayborne of Briamole. Fred Herbert, Mitchell. Onl I'HOTOt^HAPHV PHOTO-FINISHING Enlarged printa. careful individual attention. 8 EX. 30c 12 SOc, 18 - 60c, 20 ' TOc, asmm. 36 EX. 1.25. Tiuax Studio Box 88 ' D. Leamlnston, Onl. UrCINO ANU CI.EAM.NU HAVB YOU tnyihlna needa lyeina or clean inK7 Write ro ua fni Information. We are itiad to anawei yout gueaitona Dep.Ttment H. Parker'a Dye w.>rk» l.lmiied 791 Tnnar street. Toronto. Ontari«i FAR.US FOR SALE 115.000.00. LOVELY lOO-acre Farm In Dur- ham County, between Port Hoi>e and Rice L.ike. Brick house, large barnL*. chicken bouse, all in perfeot condition. Hydro throughout, plus water pumped into all buildings from deep well. All buildings rodded and new metal roofs on outbuildings. .Some bush and small stream. A clean rrosperous farm for Immediate possession. Term.:. Write for full, detatia. L O N <; â- ! R o s . REAI.T<I;I(S I'OBT HOPE IIS-ACIIE dairy (arm. on highway in heart of Norfolk County tobacco belt. 2 good houses, electricity, modern plumbing; b.inked barn, silo, other buildings; rich, sandy loam; S6.001} worth of salable black muck: 8 acres bush, S acres orchard. Price S:3.000. Princi- pals only. Miss Down. 28 Biggar Ave., Tor- onto. Plione Lombard 3S3S evenings. FUR SALE ALU.MINtJM RimFIXU â€" Immediate shipment â€".019" thick in 6. 7. 8. 9. and 10-fool lengths. Price to apply 019" at 89-40 per I anuare, .016" at 88.25 per square delivered Ontario points For estimates, tamplea. liter- ature, etc.. write: A. C. LESLIE A Cll. LIMITED. 130 fomniisslnners SI.. Toronto 3. I Ontario I OIUOULAR saw mill. Oood condition. .Auto- ; niatic saw flling machine tor hand 'suws and circular saws. Also large circular saw-s, saw bits and holders. W D. Willtains, Ga- tlneau. (Juehec. MOTORCYCLES. Harely Davi.lson. New and used, bought, sold, exctianged Large stock ot guaranteed used motorcycles, riepaira by factory. trained mechanics Btcyclea. and com- plete line or wheel also Guns. Boats and Johnson Outbo.ird Motors. Open evenings until nine except Wetlnesday Strand Cycle h Sports. Kins at Sunt'ord. Hamilton CORN niNDEU ami ~ Lo!uler~ Cocksiiutt. power drive, on rubber, lias tut less than 20 acres. \\. C. McCunncIi. *'rumlln. Ont. Met. 4065 W 2. per cent of her original forests still exist. * » * It is calculated that Nature tiikts anything up to 1,000 years to make an inch ol fertile soil. But the rate of wastage is now far hii.;I\er than this. * * * Aiul now with a world population which is still on the increase there scenis little hope of survival for mankind unless something is done immcdiatt;ly to counteract the tre- mendous destruction of the forests. * * » More than a hundrtxl years ago there was a British admiral who, whenever he ioiiiul liiinseh' ashore, used to spend much of his time planting acorns to ensure that there would always be a plentiful supply of British oak for British ships. * * 4 ' Many laughed at him then, and many still laugh at the memory of an admiral digging small holes and burying acorns. Uut'thc time may come, and perhaps not in the too distant future, when people may wish that the entire British Navy had spent its service in planting acorns for British oaks. .\nd we Canadians have been, and still are, far more wasteful in this regard than the British ever thought of beini;. BrXClAL UKAL rOR UBALESS ONLK Dealer* required to distribute first line Gutta Pereha Tire* backed b7 OulU Percha llfellma du&rantee. L^irge atock o( paasenger and truck tire* In popular eizea available. Exceptional discount* for duration of aale. Enquirle* will be promptly looked after. Write now for details of this once-ln-a-llfa- tlme offer. Tire Department, Hercule* Sale* Limited, 383* Dundaa Street West Toronto. Ontario. SCENIC Muskoka River Property 184 acres. (0 hardwood bush; 8-roomed house, 3 cabina; pressure sy:,tem; furnace; close to school and hiKhway: reasonable for caab. FAIHVllSW FAK.M. BBACEBBIDOE, Ont. OKOCERY Store complete lateat fijitures. New clean atock. Town of Barrie mala business section. Lonff lease, good turnover. 85,000.041 grocery atock at wholesale, 82,500. Fixtures. Steady trade. Ex-service man. must oelLin two weeka. Write, phone or come. Hlijpt sacrUlee at cost, John Packer, 113 Dunl6ir Street. Harrle. Phone 3524. PERMANENT Ware Machine. New Eugene Duplex. 8250. Write Box S3. Harrlston, Ont. MCBIGAL IN8TRVMKNT REPAIRS STRINGED Musical Instrument* repaired and rellnlshed. For Information write A. C. Mo- Oarvey. Wood Products. Orrville. Ontario. .UEIMCAL Don't delay! Every sufferer of Rheu- matic Pains or Neuritis should try Dixon!^ Remedy. * MUNRO!S DRUG STORE 335 Elgin, ^ OtUwa $1.25 Express Prepaid CRESS Wart Itemover-^lhTefi no scar*. Your Druggist sells Cress. UNWANTED HAIR I>adlcat(d (ren any part *f tb* k*^ wltk 8ac*-Peie • remarkahle dliearcnt •( 8k« un. Sara-Pel* eontalns a* harmrBl Insrcdlent, and will dcatnu the hair rset. LAR-BKER LADttRATORIES A70 Craaellle Street. VaneeurtK â- â- wC. IIPPOBTUNITIES FUR .WEN ANU WUMgS BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CA.MADA'S LEADINT SCBOOI. Great Opportunity Learn Halrdresslng Pleasant dignified profeasion. good wace* thousands successful Uarrel graduates America's greatest system Illustrated ca '« ♦ iogue free. Write or Call MARVEL aAIRDRBSSINO SCHOOLS 358 Bloor St W.. forunto Branches 44 King St.. Hamilton A 72 RIdeau Street. Ottawa AGENTS and storekeepers wanted to sell household plastic articles. Write to;. Eddie Wlllard. 1361 Forfar Street. Montreal. Q uebec. PATBNT8 fETMERSTU.NUAliGb k i^oropany Patcal Snllcltnrs Eatahllsbed I8K0 380 Ra> Street. Pornnfo nn<iklMi it mrnrmstlon no iwau«st. REST HO.MES VERY comfortable accommodation. Rest. Con- valescent. Post-operative. Waiting Mothers. Also treatments for Arthritis, etc. Box 900 Newmarket, Ontario. TEACHERS WANTED TWO QtJALIKlED TEACHERS wanted for S.S. .N'o. 6. village school at Quadeville, and No. €, Bruceton, Co. Renfrew. Duties to com- mence Sept. 5, 1950. State salary expected when applying to M Kennelly. SecL-Trcas.. QuadeviUe. Ont. WANTED SMALL CEMENT MIXER, shallow well pump, pulley for W.C. Tractor. State price. Marshall E. Campbell. Muiikirk, Ont. WANTED " SOFTWOOD LUMBER 1". 2", and 3" sawn Softwood, any kind; culls out. end trimmed, car-load or truck-load lots. RtlBEKT JO.NES Ll'.MBER CO. II.AMILTON, DNT. KE.-VL EST.VTE WILL FAV C.\.SH for pmiierty in or near town. Middle-aged business office couple wish to go into real estate, insurance or tour- l«t bUKinets with possihillties. Write L. Col- uuhoiin. r.i"». ll<i\ 72. Il;uiiiiton. Ontario. WAKE UP YOUR LIVER BILE- Without Calomel -And Youll Jump Out •! Bed in the Morning Rarin' to Go The tiyer should pour out about 2 piuts ol bile juice into your digestive tract every day. II this biJo is not dowinK irecly, your food may not digest. It may just decay in the digestive tract. Then gas bloats up your stomach. Yot| get constipated. You feel sour, sunk and the world looks punk. It takes tuoso uuld. gentle Carter's Little Liver Pills to get these 2 pints of bile Bow- ing freely to make you feel "up and up." Get a package today. Effective in malung bile flow freely. Ask for (barter's little Uver Pille. a'i^ .1 «nv driii~*--~ 9^,rjf%* ^^^ «• ISSUE 34 â€" 1950 BRIER Cool in any pipe! J T T ir 7- '-* ^ â- A- -A ^ r t A â- *> r- ^* T "<» -At 4 IT- '» T r

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