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Flesherton Advance, 16 Aug 1950, p. 8

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-"m W8pr Wedncsdav, AiijrUvSt 16, 1950 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE ♦<'<"K«<~:~:-:»<":":"X«<><«<.<m;«{.<«><mXm;«{«{.<..x,<..:..X">.> **<«<fr»x~:' •><-W"X~:~:' MEALTIME FAVORITE- _^ With young or old . . . The last opportunity to get your supply of White Honey We will not guarantee to fill customers' containers after Wednescky, Aug. 23rd. Hours: Daily 9 a.nv te 9 p.m. Saturday, closing 7 p.m. Local and Personal Mas Lucille Hill, Markdale, spent the week end with Miss Joan Avis. Mr. Don Banks of Pickering Is hol- idaying at his parental home. Mrs. A ley Henderson spent J;ht past weok in Toronto. Mr. Cecil Chard of Hamilton spent a couple days on the week end with his parents, Mr. Mr. John Scarrow oif Acton is bho ? jtHf^t (*f his son, Norman Scarrow, rtiid f-n.i!y 2or a few weeks. He. Ed'irar Fawcett, Toronto, is the ^awt of his sister, Mrs. Geo. Corn he)i, this, week. Mi.sses Hazel and Sheila JIcKLllop are spending a few days visiting at Oshawa. and Mrs. YI^mC^D^ 'Reason when holiday folk some I PARKVIEW APIARIES P. Howell & Son Phone 94J FLESHERTON «^2*^w^**!**C**I**t**»*****!**t**«*****C***'^*'^«********^***********^^ Go by Train to the TORONTO Canadian National EXHIBITION August 2.5 to Sept. 9 LOW RAIL FARES from Flesherton $4.45 Coach Class Good going Thursday, Aug. 24 to Saturday, Sept, 9 inclusive Return Limit â€" Sept. 13 Full information from any agent. QaxnJxaH Gcui^ic SCHOOL OPENING The 41th Fall Term at the popular Ciiuada Business College, Post Office Bldff., Oakwood and St. Clair, To- ronto, opens on August 28th and Sep- tember 5th. Board and room in approved homes in return • for light services aftsr school. Free employment service. References of successful graduates from your own district cheerfully given. Stenographic, Secretarial, Accountancy and Correspondence Courses. Early registration is ad- visable. Young people should write NOW for free particulars.' This College is registered u^der the On- tario Department of Ekiucation Trade School Regulation Act. 1 The Farmer's Favorite To-day, more so than ever, enclosed gears guarantees 'clean and proper lubrication â€" more bearings give lighter draft â€" stronger, better-made frames, trussed and braced like b bridge, gives y«ou a truer, ea8ier^running Binder. Call {us for your binder requirements. Wje have pn hand 7-foot »nd 8- foot in new Binders, also several exceptionally good used binders in both Cockhutt and Massey-Harris from |75.00 to $249.00, in Al conditii»n. ., -^ TRACTORS PLOWS CULTIVATORS NO. Sd TRACTORS NO. 22 TRACTOR!? ^ J- 2-furrow Tractor Plows 3-furrow Tractor Plows arrive soon Tractor Cultivators Spring-tooth Harniws 28 and 32-plate Disc Harrows 4-foot One-way Discs Horse and Tractor -drawn Manure Spreader^ â€" .*â€" *" Smoothing Harrows J. M. STAFFORD MASSEY-HARRIS SALES & SERVICE Hardware Builders' Supplies --*«»â-  Phone 27 FEVERSHAM Miss Joan Avis spent most of last week with friends at Port Elgin Beach. Mrs. Eve Spencer of C'^'mpbelkford i", visiting this week with Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Ralph. Mr. and Mrs. John Cook spent the past week at Burks Falls with Mfi-. and Mrs. Gordon Stewart Mr. and Mrs. Bob Bellamy j.f Ham- ilton spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Bellamy. Dr. Leslie and Mr . Ferris and son of Windsor are holidaying at their parental homes n town. Miss Elsie Caswell of Toronto 't visiting with Miss Beatrice Thistle- thwaite at present. Mr. and Mrs. .\.rt McDonald o* Ac- ton spent a day last week with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Scarrow. Mr. and Mrs. Stan MIenzies and two children of Bala are spending a few days witJh Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kaitting. Ml", and Mrs. Stewart E. McTavish of Oshawa visited the former's broth- ers and sister in town on the week end. iMi-. and Mi's. Chris. Douglas of New Liskeard spent a couple of days last week with the latter's brother, Mr. :W. Kaitting, and Mrs. Kaitting. Mrs. Geo. Udell of Toronto spent the past week with her slater, Mrs. Lloyd Talbot. Mr. Udell came up Saturday and Mrs. Udell returned home with him on Sunday. AUCTION m FAPItf STOCK, IMPLEMENTS & HOt.'?:« FURNITURE •" BOWL â- ^Jt. t d At the popular beach ^ • resorts everyone in the A% family has fun. There are ^'^'^â- n)^ restful spots for mother and dad â€" zestful games for the boys and girls â€" safe play for junior with boot and pail. ROUND TRIP -BY BUS Wasagtt Beacn _ 11.30, Owen Sound _ g gg Midland , . g^oo Sullo- BODEN'S SERYia STATION ^ rHONiM M, S, McLEOD ' ' will sell at his farm 1 MILE SOUTH OF PLESKEJRTON (on No. 10 Highway) TUESDAY, AUGUST 22ND, 1931 Che following at 1:30 p.m.: OTOCKâ€" 2 Cows, milking; 2 Sows, bred; 20 pigs, wC'^'^ed. IMPLEMENTSâ€" Cockshutt Wait- ing Plow; 2 46-Gal. Oil Drums; Fuel Oil Drum Pump; Carpenter's Bench; Carpenter's Toob; F. & W. Mower; Set Ben«H Sleighs; Set Short Slings witfli Lifter; .Shovels, Forks, Scythe and numerous other articles. FUBNiITURE â€" New , Wingham vStwc, coal or wood; Biwpiece Kitohon set; Wttlnut Desk; Chesterfield and Chair; Buffet; 2 Wicker Ohairs; Mc- Clary Rarige; Electric Console Radio; Wicker End Ta1)le and Fernery; O.s- ciisional Chair; Radio Bench; Cole- man Heater; Book Case; Day Bod; 4-piece Bedroom Suite; Kitchen ("lock ami Shelf; Ohiffonii'r; 2 Chests of Drawers; Hall Tree; Wlardrobe; Library Ta;blo; Victrola ;Night Table; Bod and Springs; Oak Rocker; Sang- er Sewing Machine; Wicker Settee; New Inglis Electric Washer; Beatty Hand Washer, and other articles. TBRMiS; Cash. â€" GEO. E. DUNCAN, AucUoneer Hello Homemakers! This is the to visit for the afternoon or evening. The emergency calls to mind the .•;ong "If il'd know you were coming I'd have baked a cake." Perhaps this may be a timely reminder for you and me. It is so easy to beat a bat- ter made from a packaged cake mix and pour into paper baking cups, then into a preheated oven of 375 degrees for twenty minutes. Small cakes do not have the same tendency to fall that a large s<iuaro one does and so you may open the oven door after fifteen mTi^fes to sprinkle ;iuts on each one. A toppin;» oif chopped nuts or shavings of candy will save the time to frost the cakes. For company meals during the summer there's nothing better than a "cold" plate. Don't be afraid oif plain fare when Us tasty and attrac tively sei'ved. For instance if you planned to serve a bread and milk pudding, make it and top with a spoonful of jelly or garnish with a mint leaf. If you haven't enough milk in the house, use 1 cup condens- ed m'lk and 3 cups water. If there is not sufficient time to bake bread puddings in over for an hour, put it in a pan in the pressure cooker and steam for 10 minutes. BREAD PUDDING 2 cups raisin bread (cut in cubes) 4 cups milk (op diluted condensed) 1 tbsp. butter S^heaten eggs % cup brown sugar Vi tsp. salt 1 tsp. vanHla Soak bread in hot milk 5 minutes. Add butter, salt, vanilla and' sugar. Pour beaten eggs over mixture and spoon into a gi-eased mould that can be placed in pressure saucepan. Tie wax paper over the dish. Pour 1 cup water in pan and_ place casserole on the rack and adjust the cover Cook for 10 mins. at 10 lbs. pressuva. BLUE ULATE IDEAS 1. Potato Salad in Lettuce cup, Cab- baige-Raisin salad cold Tongua, Lime jelly; wedge of Cantaloupe, and buttered Rolls. 2. Parsley Potatoes, Com-on-the-cob, steamed Marrow with Oheese sauce, spiced hot Beets; Bluefcer- rea anj creairi. 3. Tuna casserole, Green Peas, home- bis - BARRIE PUBLIC LIVESTOCK AUCTION NEXT SALE ON PRIDAV, AU6. 25 at 1:00 p.m. - The Barrie Public Livestock Auction finest the facilities for handling Dairy Cows, Butchers, Feeders, Hops Stockers, Oilvcs, Horses, Sheep and Poultry A good place to sell and a giod place to buy. ll'.irg your livcstoik In Simcoe's leadinit and mo-'<t mod- ern market. Turn your excess stock and not-rtsed- ed equipment into cash STABLING AND SALES RiN'G UNDER ONE ROOF The location is BARRIE P.VIR GROUNDS Highway27 ,south limits of Uarrie C. D. Sproule, F. C. Martin, Auctioneer. Manaiger. TQ^YOUIMO DRIVERS ; f; - (under 24 years) Iit:A949... Drivers in your ago group wore involved in 256 Fatal Accidents. P/ease ORmaREFUW^inSO OT fried Potatoes, and hot tea cuits; Spiced Applesauce. 4. Jell '.I'd Carrot salad, fresh Peaoh and cheese. Macaroni and Green Pepper salad, devilled Egg, 5. Assorted Cold Meat sdices. Potato cake. String beans; Honeydew melon. FOR SALE _ Massey-Harris binder, 0-foot cut. Phone 56J ^'^eshertou. FOR SALEâ€" Quantity <A oeed wheat. â€" ^Harold Richardson, »hone 33w3. FOR SAi£ â€" Quantity of ceilers and a few odd ni«c«s of furnitare. Phone 75Ja Mesherion. Ilp2 FOR SALE â€" Several sow», 2nd Ut- ter, due after Aug. 20th. â€" Leslie Seeiey, phone llr32 Ferersham. FOR SALE â€" 10 Yorksnire sows, due during next tW6 months. â€" Alex. Duncan, Ceylon, phone Flesherton 40 J 4. Ilc2 LOST â€" Large blacic dog answering to name of Chum, family pet. Any- one having information please phone Wiasaigia Beach 36w, reward. Small Ads FOR SALE â€" Seed wheat. â€" W. A. Beaton, phone 22w2 Flesherton. FOR SALE â€" Some nice quilts. â€" Mrs. Walter Russell, phone 75w5 Flesherton. 10c2 LOST â€" Black leather wallet, con- taining valuable personal papers, also Parker fountain pen. Finder please i-eturn to Advance office. TRUCKING â€" I am prepared to do general trucking, local or long dis- tance. â€" ' Allan Duncan, Ceylon, phone Flesherton 40 J 4. llcS WANTIED â€" Active man, between 25 and 55 years of age, with car, for profitble Watkins route; free train- ing supplied! to right man; free training, permanent, profitable and peiwanent. Write The J. R. Wat- kins Company, Dept. 0-P-l, 360 S+. Roch St., Montreail, Que. II .1 i n y Thursday Aug. 17th, Only MISS GRANT TAKES RICHMOND Fridlay and Saturday August 18, 19 Gene Autry in "RIDERS OF WIPSTLING PINES" also "BEAUTY ON PARADE" Starring Robert Button Ruth Warrick Monday and Tuesday August 21, 22 "EVERYBODY DOES IT" Starring Paul Douglas Lindia Darnell Wednesday and Thursday August 23, 24 "REFORMER AND THE REDHEAD" with June Allyson Dick Powell BIG CASH OFFER EVERY WEDNESDAY Shows 7:30 and 9:30 p.m. FOR SALE â€" Cleaned wheat, good for seed. â€" ^Noum Scarrow or Doug^. MacArthiur, Flesherton. Ilc2 FOR SALE â€" Baby pi«oi wicfe"8torm •« cc/or. â€" Mijs. Made. Duncan, piione 108M Flesherton. 10c| r'OR SA^LEâ€" Yorkshire year-old hog, %* â€"Bert M««iee, phone JOrlli Flesh- erton, llp2 FOR SALE â€" Quantity of feed oats. â€" George Swanton, phone 33<w2, Markdale. 10p2 LOST â€" In Fle*erton on Sat., July 29th, ^0.00 biU. Finder please notify The Advance. Reward. FOR SAIiEâ€" Empire jiange with res ervoir, warming closet. â€" Mrs. 3. Sutton, phone 1J12-J Flesherton. ROOMS â€" At Eugenia, unfurnished rooms in home of late Jake Will- iams., Apply to John Spanhouse, Snr., Eugenia. 10c2 FOR SALEâ€" aJressed chickens; also Reitfrew hand washing machine . and wringer, good as new. â€" Mrs, J. A. Stewart, phone 38w4. Ilc2 LOSTA-jn Flesherton Civic Holiday, lady's purse, with paipers and sum of money. Reward. â€" Mrs. C. Best, phone 67, Flesherton. 10c2 LOSTâ€" ^ Small camera in Flesherton, Friday, July 29tih. Finder ple«se notify Mrs. Jos. Sewell, Flesherton, phone 8Sw. 9p3 FOR SA^E -r 14-plate Joihn Deere disc; al»o ^0-ftl Star windmill.â€" Louis Kerton, Maxwell, phone 4r41 Feversham. Up2 LOST â€" $20 bill in Flesherton. W«d., Aug. 2nd. Please return to Mrs. R. S. Fitzsinnnons, phone 73w2 Flesherton. FOR SALEâ€" 3 cows, 4, 6 and 7 yean old; bull calf, 5 months oM, T-B tested. â€" Thos. Skinner, phoM lldwS Flesherton. 10p2 STRAYED â€" From my premises a black baby beef, dbOut 4 mos. old; anyone knowing its whereabouts, please notify M«rvin MePadden, Flesherton phone 65-J. Ilp8 LOST â€" On Oi'/ic Holiday, grey vio- lin case and boiw, between Price- ville and IW. Sayers. Finder return to Ken Hincks, phone 22J1 Flesh- erton. Ilp2 WOOD FOR SALEâ€" ^Hardwood slabs 75 9^ hardwood or better, $25 per load, about 8 cords; softwood alaba -18 per load;" clean hardwood saw- dust $9 per load delivered. â€" W. Playter, phone 146J Markdale. 6p8 FOR SALE â€" 1 good lowV<priced cars: Pontiac six sedan, newly overhaul- ed, 6-ply tires, nice paint and up- holstering; Chevrolet six coape, pe~ conditioned, 6 comiplete weeks, fair- tires.â€" Robt. J. Puckering, Price- ville, Ont. Sayers* Garage DUNDALK TRACTORS: 1 Farmall M Diesel 1 MarmallH 1 used Farmall A and 2»furrow Plow 1 used 10â€"20, on steel 1 used 15 â€" 20, on steel lâ€"SVa-ft. Cultivator, Side Rakes, Hay Loaders, Balers, Manure Spreaders, Mowers (Tractor and horse-drawn), Scotch Diamond Harrows, Electric Cream Separator, Milking Machmes, etc NEW TRUCK: 1950 L170 International, with 172-inch wheelbase USED TRUCKS: '49 %-ton International '36 H-ton International 1 Willy Jeep, complete with belt, pulley, power tdke-off. TIRES: Goodyear and Seiberling Tractor and Car. WE CAN REPAIR ALL MAKES OF TRACTORS AND FARM MACHINERY I INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER Phone 51 SALES and SERVICE H. M. Sayert A. ^ -t>.- T *- •* r Ik â- â™¦1

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