I T T *â- â- * -« # f V •* 1^ y >â- > > â- * 1 .f t r T 1 •J -r « " A 1 ♦ f T 4k A * »v r t THE fILESHERTON ADVANCE Wednesday. Auprust 9, 1950 PRICEVILLE KIMBERLEY VANDELEUR IMlrs. Saon Fiftzsimniions waa host ess for tibe August nKetio? of the WA., held Wednesday afternoon of lut week, 'vrVti Mrs. Geo. Buchaoaa presiding for the bosiness meetong. Flatta were made to hotd a tea at tbe next meeting at the cborch and bave nearby WA. groups as gfuests, For the program a pilay "Second •Hand Citizen" was directed by Mrs. MeL Buchanan and presented by the senior girls of her Sunday School class. M'ias -Marilyn FitzsimaDons rendered a solo and Mrs. A. Bowles condaoted tite devotional exercises. A aociial hour was enjoyed* as the liosteas af i assbt^ts served tea. A Farm Fonnu meetiag was held in the Oomotusity H«ll Friday even- ing laist, wlien the feed grata sittu- tion was discussed. It was decided that tradtng in coars« gra-ns on the •Winnipeig^ g^rain exchange sbookT be diseontiooed and that resipoosibility ^en to the Wheat Board. Will JtatcHfTe presided and H. I. Graham read the correspondence and acted as secretary. Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. B. I. Graham and Rath were: Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Grabagn of Ottawa, Giaot Blair of North York, Norman Stewart of RedSokville, Mir. and Mrs. Ernest Stewart of Victoria Comers, llrs. Gordon Haw and Bruce of Sal- en and Mr. and Mrs. Carl McCaiui of Wodehouse. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Johnston and family are spending a holiday with tbe latter's parents, Mr. and uVfirs. Will EatcUffe. and relatives and friends in the district. Mr. Everett Graham of Windsor is visiting his aunt. Miss M. K. Gir^baon, .at her home. Riverside Lod'ge. jfA school meeting wag held in- the school on Monday evening of last week, when the school board whs authorized to borrow the sum of $850 to pay for the new cement block woodshed, which has recently beci erected. Dr. and Mrs. Alex. TurnbuU and David of London, Dr. Milton and and Mrs. Bye of Toronto, Miss Hazel Oke of Toronto visiteti with Mr. ani Mrs. Geo. Buchanan. Mr. and Mirs. W. B. Johnston und family visited at the borne of E. M-i- son at Alliston over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Thompson and sons visited with Mrs. Eth'^l Hutchinson and renewed acquaint- ances in the district. Hai-old was a former teacher at Vandeleur scho >! and is now principal of Port Carline pufblic ix'hool. Mr. and Mrs. Fird. Ready and Renitta of St. Mfcirys visited with Mr. and Mrs. Mel Buchanan and relatives over the holiday. Mr. EXennis Sinclair of Toronto is hoUdaiying at the home of Mr. and Mts. Lundy Johnston. There were 45 present at Sunday School on Sunday m^orning. The keen interest of the juniors and Bible cla-ss proves its value in the com- munity. Vandeleur church service wiis ca-i- celled for the afteriKXvn, as Flesh- erton was holding a special Ciyte Holiday church service, with Rev. Keith McMillan erf Owen Sound as guest speaker, and the Hanover band in attendance. Vandeleur resi- dents enjoyed this open air service at Flesherbon's Memorial Park. â- Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Graiham. Ron- nie and Bernie, and Mr. and Mrs. Scruton and ohikiren of Barrie, were week end guests oif Miss Minnie Gra- ham in the Valley. OPTICAL iEyest tested and glasses suppliel; modei'n frames at moderate prices â€" good assortment of plastic fraimes. Can duplicate any broken lens, with prontpt attention given to all repair work. â€" â- D. OamplbeH, Optometrist, Victoria .\ve., Dundalk, phone 43\v, NOTICE, FARMERS j U you have a mia'ortune •â- 1 your farm, arive tu a oaH. Ws i pay hi«k eash placet for d«ad | or disid>ted anioMia. Fttone •olleet. CASWELL BROS. | Pk<i«« UftJ •wpfieai. •nL Mrs. Mimie MkArthor returned home after spending a few we^ca in Centre Grey Hospital. Mrs. Gwynneth McLean and Miss .Myrtle Wells of Toronto spent a we^ visiting at the former's par- ental home. M:^. Jack MlcAaitiiiur of Toronto spent a few days with hid mother. Mr. and iSrs. John Brown of Fort Chester, N.Y., '^ent a few days at the home of H. E. Karatedt. IMIr. and Mrs. Frank McLacblan of Claresbofan, Aha., Miss Marjorie Goodale of Dundas spent a few days visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Archie MoKechnie and Ken. Recent guests with Mr. and Mfs. Ed. Vergoz w«re: Mr. and Mrs. Kur- schinski of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Wteber and Mrs. Mary Weber. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Thompson of Lonwft>anks, near Ft. Ehrie, were re- cent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. P. Hunt. Mt, Geordie McLean returned tc Toronto, after ^lending a two week holiday at his home. tBidie MicMeekin of Mt. Forest is holidaying at the horn* of Bradey Irwin. Mrs. Irwin of Dundalk spent the past week at the home of P. Sims. Mr. and Mrs. I>an Campbell, Mr. Wallace Meads and friend spent Saturday at St. Thomas. Misses Ella and Laura MoKinoon, Or. Neil MoKinnon of Toronto and Mrs. McCaibe of Durham were visit- ors with Mrs. Atdcorn on the weik end and holiday. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Pedan and family, Fergus, are spending a week with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Perey Sims. Mr. and Mis. Stenrart Carson and daug'hter of Bowmanville spent the hoMday with the Carson families. Mr. and Mirs. Jim Wells, Mr. and Mrs. Jck Miacfarlane and sons of To- ronto were week end visitors here. Mr. Innis McLean. Toronto, >pent the past week with his father. Mr. Martin McLeod of Tilbury was in town for the holiday Mr. and Mrs. Caleb Marshall yt Collingwood holidayed with Mr. and Mrs. Bradey Irwin. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Nichol of Stratford were week end visitors .t his parental home. Mr. and Mrs. Walter .A.ldcorn and babe of Toronto spent the past two weeks wnth his mother. !>ia-. and Mrs. Joe Petrie and fam- ily of .A.twood visited Sunday at the home of Stanley Harrison and at- tended the m*?morial service. Mr. and Mrs. Hunter Harrow of Essex spent a few days visiting with his sister, MJrs. Wm. Beaton. Miss .-Vnnie Shortreed is a patient in Centre Grey Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Murray McMilUui and Mrs. Belle McLean. Toronto, vii- â- ted Sunday at the home of A. L. Hincks. Mr. and Mrs. Ross McConkey, Mr. •lack McConkey, Mr. and Mrs. Kosnie ..nd son. all of Toronto, were we«k end visitors with their parents, Mr. I'.nd \rrs. R. H. McConkey. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas McDonald jf Toronto were week end guests of Mr. :'.nd Mrs. Harold Karstedt. Mrs. Wm. Moody was hostess on Tl.ursiiay afternoon for the W. 1. nuetiiig in the hall, vvheu 20 ladias were present, with Mrs. Jack VVhyte ^residing, and Mrs. Malcolm McLean acting as secretary. The roil call was â- uis>wered by "sing, play, pay or say." Flan.s were made for the County rally .0 be held in St. Andrew's church o-i Vugust i^th. .A.n invitation w*i3 ac- cpted to the S^vinton Park \V. 1. pic- !!ic in Hard.v's bush on Aug. Uth, -liso an invitation to Flesherton ba- zaar and tea on Tuesday, .\ug. 22ntl, .â- \ splendid report was given of tho I ecent W. I. district annual meeting held in KimJberley in June. Mrs. Hetle .\ldcorn gave a very interest- ing talk on the motto: "Do rK't waste time at your hiU. climb it." Miss Shirley Hincks sang "Galway Bay," with guitaii accompaniment, whi> Mrs. Thos. Currie gave a readinir "Cost of making a pound of butter." Mrs. Cecil Hunter also gave a reading "Our Little Town. Mrs. El- wood Kinsman took the topic "Coun- try Woman's I>ay," which wiis en- joyed by all, and Mrs. MaKx>lni Mc- Lean gave a reading "Planting Sti-awberries." Hostesses were nam- .- 1 for .A.ugust. Lunch was served by the hostess and a social time spent. CoQgnratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Bill Lawrence on the birth of a son in CoUingwood Hospital, a brother for Ronnde. A presentation was held In the Com'munuity Hall Friday evening h\ honor of Mr. and Mrs. Len Ha'ines CEYLON Gue»ts last week at>d over the week end with Mr. and Mrs. J. S. McDer- mid were: Mr. and Mrs. John Irwin, Meaford; Mr. and Mrs. John Morton and daughter, Gladys, London; Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Porter and family. Thistletown; Mass Mane Acheson, Piotou Station; Mr. and Mrs. Rich- aad family, when they were present- . „ ..,,-, ., .,. ed with two lovely table lainps, a 1 !^^ .^.'**^1 .^l^'": .^tfJ^^" ^^f^- oIT tri-lig'bt lamp and a smoker stand. The evenini^ was spent in music and dancing. Mr. and Mrs. Haines hare purchased a new home at Islingto:i, where Len is emirioyed with the H.E. P.C. The best wishes of the com- munity go with their *-o their new home. Mrs. Donald Neff and two children of Singiiampton were week end visi- trs with Mrs. Chas. Graham. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hoggard of Clarksburg visited with the latter's sisters here. Mr. and Mrs. Pete MicAuslaa of Barrie spent the week end with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Baker. Mr. and Mrs. Laurie Lawrence and family, Wt. and M!rs. Burgess and family of Gait were holiday guest,5 of Mrs. Jas. Lanrreiiee. I Mr. Leslie Lawrence of Barrie is spending a week with his mother and brothers here. Mr. and^Mrs. George J. Cornfield had as tlieir guests the fonner'i brother, Mr. Tom Cornfield, and Mrs. Cornfield of Whitehall, Mich. Mr. Cornfield resided near Kimberley some forty years ago and enjoys coming back to visit former scenes and renew old acquaintances. Mr. and Mrs. F. Marshall, accom- panied by Mrs. Frank Weber, enj<^ed a motor trip to Bruce Mines, where they visited with Mr. and Mrs. "Sill Weber and family. Stewart McMullen of Hamilton visited with his monher, Mrs. Dave McMullen, and WDh his broCher, Mr. Leslie MeMullen. The Sunday School and community joined in a picnic at Sunset E»oint oa Friday and spent a most enjoyable afternoon. Markdale basQbaU team visited ur club for a return game on Saturday and lost in a 5^1 score. Lois Kirfcpatrick was home from Collingwood for the week end, and Moss Jane Williams of Bradford spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. R. Chard and family. Ted Weber, who has been a patieat in Cotlingwood hospiMl, has returned home. We hope that Ted will soon I .' enjoy better health. Mr. and Mrs. .A.rt Wardman of To- ronto visited witJi the later's parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Weber. Keith Carruthers. Keith Elli^. Dou- glas McMullen and Murray Thomp- son are ou a holiday motor trip through northern Ontario. Mrs. .â- Vnnbelle Pearson and daugh- ter. Lauralu of Whitenall, Mich., spent a week recently with the for- mer's cousin, Carman Cornfield. Mrs. Cornfield, Norma and Mervyn. Th.s was Mrs. Pearson's first visit to Canada and enjoyed seeing^ the home town of her father. Mr. Tom Corn- field. She also visiting many cous- ins ind relatives for the first time. Mrs. Rehill of Winnipeg, who has been holidaying with her aunt. Mrs. CJeo. Proctor, has returned to her home. Mi-s. Rehtll's two sisters mot- ored from Joliette, 111., last week and spent a few days here visiting with friends and reladvci. Mr. and M'rs. E. Hutchinson of Heatheote were guests at the nome ..f Mr. Glen Jenkins. Mr. and .Mrs. Kendall ChaiM and Mrs. .Atkinson motored to Montreal .nul other points. Joyce .\tkinson and Eileen t">'Ponnell accompanis i them back to Kimberlev ar and Oakland Fcaser, all of Hope ville; Mr. and Mrs. Earl Scott, Keith Livermore and MSss Marilyn Liver- more, all of Toronto. Laveme Piper of Toronto spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. R. Piper. Guests with Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Snell and Mrs. Geo. Sneil were: Miss Dorothy Snell and Miss N'ellie Hill of Toronto a.nd Jos. Snail, Weston. Miss .A.gnes Macphail of Leasid-i spent the holiday with Mr. aid Mrs. Mel Hogardi. Mr. and Mrs. C-'rl Teeter and faim- ily of Toronto are spending a week with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Copehnd. Mr. and ilia. Harold Self of Fergus were callers last week at the Jaynes and Plester homes. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hanson and family of Mt. Dennis were gi:esi3 last week of Mrs. John Gibson. Melville McDei'mid is hoMdaying with Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Porter st Thistletoiwn, Mr. and Mrs. .A.iex. Rutledge, Holl- and Centre, visited on Sunday at Che Marshall atid Rutledge homes. Mrs. Ted Croft has moved to Bur- lington, where Mr. Croft has been employed the past few months. Miss Norma Betts of Flesherton is spending a week with Mr. and >trs Lawson Whitehead. Mr. Arthur Whittaker of Toroat) jpent the holiday with his bro*er, .\ngu3, here. " BOWl TENDERS WANTED Sealed tenders marked, wHl be re- ceived by the undersigned until Aug. •20th, 1950, for a building at S.S. No. ('•• Oapi-ey, laRflSxT, boarded insrid* ami out and haUened, hemlock out- aide, maple inside, good cedar shingle roof, make good garage. â€" ja\S. M««.BNZIE. Secty. Fevers ham, (tot. You're much more likely to sre; there safe and sound if you limit your speed iii.-stead of speed your limit. .\ 10-pound cannotibiUi was found L>n a West Coast golf course. Lett there, possibly, by someone who couldn't hit the little white ones. HOISE AND LOT IN M.VXWKLL FOR SALE Good lot with house and stable. house has three t<H>ms downstairs panti'^' and kitchen, ami two rooms upstairs, also good pump. 'â€"JOHN E1.LI0TT. Mxwell. Ont. Notice to Dog Owners » Owners of dogs who have not paid then: 1950 dog tax are requested to hand the required amount to the un- dersigned on or before Saturday, Aug. 12th, 1950. â€" WM. KArmNiG. Constable Hello Homemakersl .J Cuttin party seems to be replacing weiner roasts. Gould it be the cost of the mam ingredients? By the way. this popular outdoor get-iogether is the occasion to cut and serve melons. .\s Uiual there were just watermelons at our first party, but now other f.-Tiits are also offered, but mainly the melens. such a^ cantaloupe, honey- dew, i'e-i^.hes, j;...;;s. anwcs and grapes, which can be eaten out of the hand, are also good. People don't mind standing when they have a fragrant chilled piece of fruit in their hand. So set up a table (or the garden with a platter fu'tl of sliced chilled .melons. The v.>nly other :tems necessary are a s^iaker of salt and dishes of lemon or lime wedges. Cookies and a glass of punch com- plete a delicious repast. TAKE .\ Tir 1 Cantaloupe should be left out of the refrigerator to ripen and de- velop flavor. Then it should bs wrapped well in wax paper ^nd pliiced in the refrigerator to hold its flavor. 2. -A. good cantaloupe is firm but when ripe will yield slightly to pressure on the blossom end. 3 You can usually tell the ripeness of a honeydew by the smooth skiti that can be stretched when gently pressed. I. Weight is a good indication of the juiciness, to any melon when you select one from several of com- parable size. >. To tap a watermelon at home you may use a coring knife. Take ou: a plug to see if flesh is pink, as j this indicates the riipeness. FRENCH DRESSIN(; 2 tsips. -sag.xr H tsp. salt '•â- I tsp. paprika '•4 tsp. mustard 6 tbsps. olive oil 2tbsps. vinegar Pour sugar, salt, paprika, mustard, a tb^p. olice oil and a tbsp. vinegar into a bottle and shake well together Then add a little more oil and shake until all has been thoroughly mixed CRE.\M FRIIT DRESSING 2 eggs 1950 Oop BULK HONEY (WHITE HONEY) . BRING IN YOUR a\NS 17( lb. Miller^s Apiaries 1 "The Home of Good Hooey" V Geoeral Store Phone 34J4 % CEYLON, Oi^o ''4 cup sugar 1 tirap. butwr 3 ^sps. lemon juice few grains sah 1 cup cream, j^eaten stiff Cook and srir eggs, sugar, butter, lemon juice and sadt. Cook -until con- sistency flcf boiled custard. Cool and fold in 1 cup OS whipped cream. WHIPPED CHEESE DRESSING 1 sanall pkg. cream cheese 3 tbsps. boiled dressing •^ cup whipping^ cream 2 tJbaps. lemon ju'ice Mash cheese with fork. Blend 'n boiled dressing. Whip cream and beat until fluffy. Then sprinkle in lemon juice and beat again. FRUIT SAL-AJ)S 1. On each plaite arrange oibes of Cantaloupe, a slice -of Pineapple a coo'tced Prune filled with Pean-.i; Butter, a few black Cherries with stems on and a scoop of Cottagxi cheese. Serve witi> frui: dressing. 2. .Arrange two Peach ajid ofie Pear half on a bed of shredded lettuce. .Add a square of lime Jello spnnic- led with chopped nuts, a slice of watermelon (without the seeds) and a wedge of Cream cheese sea- soned with slivered candied ging- ers. Serve with mayonnnaise. 3. Serve Honeydew marinated in Lime juice, and fresh .-Vpricots, Cucumber cubes dipped in sugar syrup and peeled. Pear quarters dipped in red colored water. Serve with whip cream dressing. BU'EBERRY COFFEE CAKE Topping "â- 4 cup sugar "^ teaspoon cinnamon '•4 teaspoon nutmeg 3 t±>sps. butter or margarine 1 cup cornllakes Mix all ingredients together and set aside 'o top batter later. Coffee Cake I cup jifted bread tlour 14 tsps. baking powder T f« cup sugar Va cup salt 1 cup blueberries 1 ngg, weC beaiea 4 Clip milk - 8-_^ 2 ttbsps. melted shortening Preheat oven to 44)0 degrees F. Grease well a 9-inch cake tin. Sift the dry ingredients together, inoiad- iPig the sugao". into a large bowl. Stir in clea-ned blueberries with a fork. Combine beaten e^, milk and melt- ed shortening and stir quickly into dry ingredients. Spread /batter in greased pan and sprinkle with sapp- ing. Bake in hot oven for 36 min. or until done when tried ,with the fiager. LEGION FROLIC DUNDALK *\RENA Thursday August 17 th .\uspices oi Dundalk Branch o\ the Canadian Legion FREE CONCERT.8:15 to 18 Dance to nuisic by The Top Notchers P>raniinon Lucky Draw Over S5'.X"* \u prizes - ♦ Games tor Voung- and Old Keireshinent Booth What's it really worth? 7 he tniUe of a ihut-in ti-ho knows you hmi'iit forgolten . . . The rtifh of fire-trurks ansuering a Iruntic call... The diiily ordering <»/ food for ihe fumily meitl . . . The friendly chat, the urgent reminder, the imfnnlant hii.*ine>s derifion . . . irS HiKD TO H£l>{Ke THE TltlS rtLiS or 4LL TUB rH/><..< YOIH TELSFHOM Does FOR \0l . Yet tel»ho.\e service is one of the smallest iteois in your family budget. Aud at the wnie time your telephone brii^^s txrice as ntany teleplione luers within your reach u» it did ten years a^fo. Today, as alwa}^ your telephone is big value. m lELL TEIEMONE CONMNT OF CANADA wHl l~«« i< i>M' w?""*^ ^llllih. %«••<*• •♦•• •""?* ?*