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Flesherton Advance, 2 Aug 1950, p. 5

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*T A 4». y '« V X "jr >â-  ^ -^ »" *> iT^ V *' » ^ 4 â- A .'A J* » > â- r A --It r 4 â- â™¦^ rt- T S .« S y > * > « -« » A # â- Â« 1 * ^r^ • * T > A r % •¥ r it T â- r T f * r at n : <*k >â-  -« > "T % * * r 1^ *â-  ^â- ^ â- r ^ ^ ^ â-º > â-º .< •â- Â» ' 1^ «K ' * T ) -r r ^ â- < A > m. r n -*• â-  -* * ' * » T *• "«, t 1 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE MAXWELL Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Dixon ani* Poyden of Peterboro spent the pa«t week jfith. Mr. and Mrs. Mel Sled. MUb Doreen Lewis of Mt Forest Tisited for a couple of days with Miss Phyllis DaTison this we^k. Siiqday visito^rs with Mr. and Mrs. Ifilel Sled were: Mr. and Mirs. Nick Hodson and Gary of Collingwood, Mr. and Mrs. Joe McGlynne and son, Bryan, ^t Preston, Misa Mary O'Con- nor of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Benson of Collingrwood. Mr. Anpis Morrison tetamed to his bone from Orangeville Hospital on â- Sondciy. Mrs. Roibt. Clark, \t»g. N., of Toronto is nursine him. Mr. md Mrs. Rot>t. Meldrom of New To- ronto are also at the Morrison home. Mr. and IMrs. Boy Boldsiworth of Toronto spent the past two weeks with Mr. and iMlrs. Chester Caimeron. Mr. and Mrs. 'Wbrren Priestley are visiting relatives at Paisley this week. Mr. and Mrs. ,Wm. Seeley and Mr. •ad Mrs. J«b. Winters spent Sunday In Toronto. aCr. and Mrs. E. Buckii^bam and Shirley q;>eDt the week end si Niag- ara Falls. •Mr. ana Mrs. D. D. McKinnon of Toronto a|>eDt Sunday at the Geo. Boas hone. Donna and Mai«;ot, who apent the month, returned to Toronto with thMT parenis. Mr. Wes Beatty of Toronto spent Sundy vtAth his mother, MIrs. L. Be«.tty. Mr. and iMIrs. Chester Cameron spent Sunday in Owen Sotmd. BUCKINGHAM Wednesday, .\u^st 2. 1950 Mr. Jas. Graham of Sa^ is visitinc his sister, Mrs. Hei4> Hawton, and family. Mr. and Mrs. Ilugh Adair of Lon- don are spending a week's holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Freethy. Mr. Bruce Benson of Kock Mills la holidaying with his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. G. Lanktree. A number from here attended the church parade of the Black Knic^its of Ireland at Meaford on SuzMiay, when service was held in Knox Pres- byterian Church, condcKlted by the minister, Rev. C. J. Beckley, who de- livered a very enlightening and force- ful sermon on "Protestantism in Peril." Mr. Stanley Smith of Port Arthur in eniioyiD<g a holiday at his home at Fevershitn and vished the Smith and Bristow families at Rob Roy. Mass Irma Smith, '^egJti., of Welland was home for the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Gingrick and children of Kitchener are visitors this <week with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Heitman. Mr. Leslie Smith of Toronto spent the week end at his home here. PORTLAW CEYLON The regular meetii^ of Ceylon W. A. was held on the beautiful lawn at the home of Mrs. G. H. Tyler, on Wednesday, July a6th, with the pre- sident, Mirs. Dave Craig, presiding. The devotional period was taken by Mrs. Mel. Hogarth and the roll call was answered iby a text. Mem(bers of Salenl W. A. were guests for the occasion, and Mrs. G. H. Tyler was the speaker. The hostess and her assistant served a delightful tea. Leonard Hemphill sp^nt a week's holidays with his giandmother, Mrs. H. Wright, Feversham. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Alex. McLean were: Mr. and Mrs. G. Fisher and Mr. and Mrs. John Lane of Holstein. Mr. Archie Sinclair of Brasdale is visiting Mr. »nd Mrs. Jas. Sincalir. Mir. and Mrs. Earl Plester of To- rorkto are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. A. Kitchen. Mr. Arthur Whittaker of TorontJ spant the week e"d with his brother, Ai>gus, here. .Mr. Wa'ter Bowers of Toronto vis- ited last week with Mr. and Mrs. L. Whitehead. Mr. Henry Tyler of Brantford vis- ited with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Tyler. Mrs. Roy Rutledge of Lethbridge. Alta., spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Rdbt. Rutledge. Mr. aid Mrs. Gordon Cowan and children of Toronto spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. F. Marshall. Miss N'ancy MtWiUiam spent a few days in Toronto. The Holdfast Club will meet at th" heme of Mrs. A. L. Hincks on Wed- nesday, Aug. 9th, at 2:30 p.m. Mrs. Bthel M'acFayden, Mir. and Mrs. Harvey MacPayden of Scarboro, Mr. and Mrs. Jack MacFayden of Bendale and Mr. and Mrs. Neil Mac- Fayden ivf Scarboro were visitors last week with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Moody, South Line. Mr. and M^is. Bob KeHar of Toron- to s.pent the past two weeks with their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Moo<ly. South Line. (Intended for Last Week) Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Hail and Sheriy- lene of Owen Sound vktted Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Mullin. Mrs. M^>Ilin Sr., who had spent a few day in Owen Sound, returned with them. Mr. and Mbrs. Jack Banks of Brant- ford spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Udell and Mr. Wallace Banks. Mr. and Mrs. Brace Brownridge of Preston and the latter's sister and husband of Montreal spent the "week end with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brownridge. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Ralph were: Mr. and Mrs. J:m Tran and Sheila of Stayner .nd other relatives from Toronto. Mas. ters Roy and Rcibert Rolbertson of London, and Mr. Ernie Charters of Heatheote are visiting at the Ralph home. Mr. and Mlra. Nettleton (Mar^rat Douglas) returned from their wedd- if.g trip to spend a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Mielville Douglas, before going to their home at Pickering Beach. Mr. Edward Kennedy and sister, Miss Vera Kennedy, of London, with Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Smith and Claire McLean of Flesherton, visited Friday with the former's cousin, Mrs. .Alex. MulUn, and family. Miss Viva Rotoerts of Toronto is spending a two-week holiday at the home of her sister, Mrs. G. Lanktree. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Maxwell, Dal- ton and Keirth, and Biiir. Jas. Maxwell of Neiw Lowell visited with Mr. and Mrs. John Badgerow. Mr. and Mre. Carl 0^>ome and family of Owen Sound holidayed with iMIr. and Mrs. J. Badgerow and Inez. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Meldrum of New Toronto are visiting relatives here and at Maxwell. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Allison of To- ronto are spendii^ this week with Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Fisher and eathng on fiernds. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Meldram spent Sunday with cousins at AUenford. Miss Inez Ba<^row 80;>ent a few days with friends in Owen Saurkd. Mir. and Mrs. Ken Wright and Maurice of Bericeley visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Laurie Pedlar. Allan Betts is enjoyii^ a two-week holiday with his parents. Ethel and Louise Betfcs are visiting with rela- tives in Toronto. Little Cheryl Betts aococipanied them home, after a three-week visit here. We are very sorry to report Mrs. Chris. Lougheed very ill. Her daugh- ters, Janet, MIrs. Blakey and Mrs. Harwton, are assisting in caring for her. Mr. and Mrs. WaUace Fisher and Evelyn attended the Carmichael- Russell wedding on Saturday. VICTORIA CORNERS VANDELEUR He: ''Vou ought to see the altar in our church." She: "Lead me to it!" 1 NOTICE. FARMERS Recent visitors with >rr. and Mrs. \\. B. Johnston and family were: Miss Eileen Wiley of Detroit. Mrs. Chas. Smith of Toronto and Mrs. Jas. Wiley of Meaford. Miss Hazel Oke of Torontu is vis- iting with the L. Johnston and Geo. Buchanan families. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Thompson and two children of Ft. Carling were recent guests of Mrs. Ethel Hutch- inson. Mr. and Mi's. Ernie Graham, ClitT and Bernie of Barrie, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Graham of Hagersville were visitors with Miss Minnie Graham k'st week. Miss Graham I'etumcd to Barrit with them and spent a few days there. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Haw and Bruce of Swiuton Park, Mr. Norman Stewart of Redickville, and Mr. and Mrs. C. Stewart of Victoria Corners were recent guests of Mr. and Mr.-. Howard Graham and Ruth. Mr. and Mrs. Don MoKinnou oi .\nnan visited with Mir. and Mrs. Mel Buchanan. Mr. Simion Plewes of Lucknow vis- ited with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Davis ivcently. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Davis of To- lonto were guests of Mr. and Mr^. Luiidy Johnston. Miss M. K. Graham of Listowel is spending a few weeks at her summer home in the Beaver Valley. i i -) If you have a misfortune on your farm, give us a eall. We p»y high cash prices for dsad or disabled animals. Phono collect. CASWEM, nROS. : i'liono .<?i«J Durham. Ont. J * Maxwell Promotion Report Grade 8 to Grade U-Jlilda Blakey, .Marjorie Feivwick (H), Colleen Fer- ris ^H), Vernon Long, .\lthea. Ma: tin, Shirley Morrison (H), Marie Portei»us (H). Deaue Wright; to re- peat Grade S, Leonard MeConnell. dradv 7 to S â€" Ivan Davison, Car! Young, Stanley Young. Grade 6 to " â€" LyK' Lewis. Grade 5 to â€" Ariu)ld Ixiugheccl, Carnet Magee. Edgar MeConnell. (irade 4 to 5 â€" Rivhard Londry (H), Grade 3 to 4 â€" ^Tommy Beatty (H), DiHijjla,^ Chaixl (H>, Kern MeCon- nell (H). Grade 2 to '^ â€" Lois Davison, Wayne Ferris (H), Ken Lougheed, Dayle Magee, Helen Wright ^H). Grade 1 to 2 â€" Judith Londry iH). Dennis Morrison (H). Grade IB to lA â€" Norma Wri«ifc\ â€"M. L. Mart*i. Te»ch.-- jkl960 weather conditions have been of a varied and often-times destruct- ive nature, with considerable cold, rain, thunder storms, high wind reaching g>ale proportions and latent of all, hail. A pathway coming from EVurhaim district Monday evening, cut its way across the Batchelor proper- ty, owned by brothers Leslie and Gordon, throiigh the property of Jas. F. Acheson and John Duncan, blow- ing itself pretty well out by the time it reached the farms of Oscar and Russell Patterson. Les. Batchelor probably s^uffered the most damage, with five windows broken, their com crop flattened and -> field of ibarley destroyed. The gardens of Gordon Batchelor and John Duncan met with total destr^jction-. Les. gathered hail stones as large as 50c pieces and a drift of hail stones across the yard u-as piled to the height of Mrs. Bat- chelor's nJbber hoots. Needless to say, all involved were very much scared. We shall hope that storms such as this one. will not become cus- toimary occurrences. Master Keith Gallagher of Ware- ham is assisting his grandfather and uncle. NVilfred and Jas. Gallagher, with haying operations. Mrs. Lome Booth, Toronto, was a holiday guest of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Stinson, test week. Lorno came Friday and was accompanied home on Sunday by his wife. .Mr. and Mrs. Bill Coon, Bob and Bill, of Acton are holidaying this week with iMrs. Coon's mother. Mrs. .Albert Stinson. and other relatives. Inistioge young people joined tho HopevUle and Bethel Unions at the Parsonage. Dundalk, Thursday even- ing, when an interesting program was griven indoors by the there socities ;ind was much enjoyed. The girls took lunch boxes ind keen buying was carried on by the 'boys. Following this, the group went outdoors w-here Rev. Christensen had prepared a fine bonfire, around which the youn.-j people enjoyed their lunch. Miiss Joyce Genoe of Gravenhurst was a visitor Monday and Tuesday 'n the iBaonoH home. Miss Doris Ban- iH>n, Toronto, is enjoying her vaca- tion in her parental home. Miss Marie Cooke spent the week end with her sister, Mrs. Walter .\cheson, and 'Mr. Acheson. M.r and Mrs. .Art Jackson are proud i>f the birth of their second g:randdauirhter when a baby girl, Ruth Elizabeth, arrived in Toi-on-o on Friday. July 21st. IS>50. to bright- en the home of Mr. and Mrs. H.ward ' Jackson, the former Bertha Hunkin?. Friday guests of Ml-, and Mrs. Ja;. Forbes were: Mr. and Mrs. Lew- Skinner, Teddy ami Johnnie, of Mat- achew»n and the former's father nf Beaver Valley district. Mr. L. Skin- ner and Mr. Forbes wei-o companions in the mines for several years before Mh-. Fonbes moved here. ROCK MILLS Some fall w4ieat has been cut in the diartrict, and is a hea-yy srop. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Shantz ^ind Bait>ara of Toronto and Mrs. Shantz Sr. and Mr. W. Finch of Port Dai- housie were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Wilson last week. A large numiber from here attend- ed the Markdale Rotary carnival ou Thursday night last and report a good tinve. iMfiss Helen Betts has returned lo Owen Sound where she will be em- ployed for some time. BIrs. H. Condell and Miss Betty MiHigan, Branttford, visited with Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Newell and Mr. E. Croft visited on Saturday with friends in Durham. A goodly nund>er from here attend- ed the band concert in the Hydro Park at E5ugenia Sunday afternoon and evening, presented by the Thorn- bury band and aU eudoyed the fine program. We trust 't "won't be long until we have the pleasure of hearing this, fine batid aeain. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Wilson spent a day iwith friends at Balm Beach. Mr Tom Sprung returned to his home there with them, after spending a few days at the Wilson home. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Gamey and son, Tom, of Toronto spent a week's va- cation with Mr. and Mrs. Dick Clark, Bob and BTll. Mr. and Mrs. Joyce Porteous. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Porteous spent Satur- day in Owen Sound. ^Mr. Percy Magee is erecting a new home on his farm north of the mill. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Morrison Sr., Mt. and Mrs. Geo. Morrison Jr. and Douglas, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Morrison, Mr. and Mrs. John Scott and liwo children, Messrs. Wm, Trapps, Geo. Hill and Geo. Linkwitch, all of Lon- don, were visitors during the week with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Patton. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Prohl and Mr. E. Barlow of Stratford spent the week end with Mr. ami Mrs. Joyce Porteous. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Betts -visited over Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ab. Williams, 8th line, Osprey. .A number from here -went north last week to pick blueberries and re- turned with several baskets of the luscious fruit. .\ll report that the blueberries are plentiful this yer. Mr. and Mrs. Joyce Porteous and family visited recently with the tet- ter's sister, Mrs. Lin. Hurlbut. and husband in Owen Sound. 8TH LINE OSPREY Miss .Adeline Murphy has returned to her position in Toronto, after hol- idaying for two weeks at her home. While here she accomipanied her brother, John, to Collingwood. where they spent . the week end with their sister, Mrs. Frank Brown. Mrs. Ferg. Soniers and Mary re turned to Toi-onto, after spending ••. two-week vacation at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Haley. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Ottewell visitej the hitter's mother at Vandeleur on Sunday. Mr. Wm. Craiwiford of Toronto spent the week end here. Misses Helen and Naomi Somers who are attending Toronto summer school, spent the w^eek end with their parents and visited their sister, Mrs Thos. Stephens. Lecturer: 'KT^an anyone give the derivation of the word Auditoiritm ? ' Listener: "Y"es, from the word .\udio â€" to hear, and Tarius â€" ^bull. A place where you . . ." Lecturer: "That will do." SHOES (By Valentine & Martin) » MEN'S DRESS SHOES Black and Brown, calf or kid FOR COMFORT AND APPEARANCE Men's Black Kid Oxfords, arch insole, orthopaedic heels . .^ MEN'S BROGUES in three Styles, brown and burgundy shade WORK BOOTS â€" Men's g:ood quality Work Boots in various price ranges LADIES! FOR YOUR SUMMER CASUALS We carry Cream Polishes in green, blue, red. light brown, neutral and Shu-Shine white, Did you polish your shoes this morning ? Use Kiwi KEEP YOUR SHOES IN GOOD REP.\IR .A.T 0. W. Phillips & Son Harness St Shoe Repairing FLESHERTON .ce«»*.M->*««<MK><«*<-fr*«<->->-M«4-e^M~>«*^<>4-M-W->*-K«^ Solicitor: "I suppose your wife was very annoyed?" H«Aand: "I cant say she -was very annoyed. But she threw a dock, ten plates and a num^r of cops and 3aa> cers at me." Solicitor: "What does she do -whea she's aroused?" KNOW YOUR FERTILIZERS Lsing the wron^ fertilizer is like thn>«in£; uiuuey auay. bet-ause increased \ iehis â€" often quite siibrtautial ones â€" can result Iroui <-<)rrect usage. Each type of -oil and each tvpe of croii has different fertilizer requirements and the prDloced and costlv -tiidies i>f fertilizers made at .\s;riciiltural l.olleaes ami Experimental Farms acn)s,5 Canada can be made to [>av otT for vou. Their experience and kui)» ledge can l«' yours for the asking. You will tiiul the nearest bra another source ol u.selul. prohtable inforiuatioii. We have been studvin;; the iiiiaiii'ial |iri>bleiiis of Canadian farmers for '15 years, rhroiigli s«>uiid financial ad\i<e ami tinielv loans. «e lia\e licljM'd niaiiv a responsible lariiier alon:; the rcijd to prosperous security. Hie manager of our tiearest branch is at \(iur ser> ice. Why not u?c hiiH? »cBANKo'TORONTD InLitrftoraird tSSX Why do you call your wife Angel? Because she is always up in the air harpit^ about something and never has an eiirthly thing to wear. You'll find the cost of telephone service has not gone up as much as most Other things you bty.§ Any way you look af it your telephone is BIG VALUE Even with recent rale iiicreuses, >oiir telephone slill eost> so lillle; it remains one of ibe MiiallesI ilciii.- in your family budget. And it gives yuu so much. In moments of urgent need, its convenience and speed may be bc\i>nd price. In lernis of day-hi-duv nsefulne^ it means mure than ever befiire; twice as many people are williin reach, of your telephone today a> there uere ten vear- ago. Telephone value has "leadih inerea.scd. Today, as always, your telephone is 6ig value. THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA m

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