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Flesherton Advance, 19 Jul 1950, p. 8

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m< Wednesday, July 19, 1950 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE â- *f PAINT UP FIX UP CLEAN UP NOW IS THE TIME FOR THAT OUTSIDE JOB Sherwrn-Williams and Canada Varnish FHnishes far Exterior and Interior Use Jduis-Manvillc Sliiragles, Rooinj^s, Sidings Plynioulh Rope and TwiHc Lawn Mowers, priced from $9.95 Screen Doors, Wire Screen, C()«iiI)iMalion Doors ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES Beatty Wasliers, Polishers, Ironers, ]*"Jectric RaMp:es Autwniatic Irans and Toasters Hot Plates, Rangettes, DUNCAN'S HARDWARE 'Blue Coal' Stoves Electric Appliances Phone 54 FLESHERTON VICTORIA CORNERS The longitude of all British charts and maps is re<-koned from Green- wich observatory. When yOu know the ropes of your bi:siness well enough, you're not tied down. Take it from life insurance com- panies: \\1omen can expect to live longer than men. Average profit of Canadian manu- facturing comipanies is oily six and twojfifths. FLESHERTON CIVIC HOLID'y SATURDAY EVENING â€" 6 p.m.: Baseball. 8 p.m. : Millionaire Frolic in Rink. Games, Binj^o, Dancinj^, and prizes galore. Be a Millionaire for a ni^ht. SUNDAY, AUGUST 6th Commnnity Church Service and Rand Concert. Hanover Citizens' Band in attendance. MONDAY, RUGUST 7th Morning â€" Dare-devil stunting: on cable suspended across mill-pond. See the MERMAIDS, unequal - ed in beauty and precision, in swimming^ and div- ing. See Canada's best girl natators. Afternoon â€" Softball game; Baseball between Mark-dale and Flesherton Juniors, two real good teams. Tight-wire iK'rformers; Juggling; Knife thowing; a Professional Clown in attendance throughout the day. Evening â€" LAFF QUIZZ CONCERT in Rink. This is toijs for FUN and LAUGHTER. Tf you have forgotten how to laug|i. Stay at Home. 30 nationally advertised products given as prizes to contestants: Radios, Irons, Blankets, Lamr»s. Electric Clocks, etc.. etc. Put your I. O. in high gear for this occasion. DANCE FOLLOWING THE CONCERT The Season's Best Week End Event DON'T MISS IT. Auspices of Flesherton Sor\icc Club If you can't canoe, you shouldn't, no nnaUer how romantic the night. But there ore plenty of other boots for your safe enjoyment of our lakes and rivers. ROUND TRIP- BY BUS iii-Nrrsvaii.,i,K OKILI.IA I! IRKS KALI.S JACKSON'S PT. $12.40 9.1.5 l.J.6.5 8.00 ROUND TBIP (Subjecf to <4iMift) Mr. and I.Mas. Albert Reid, Elda and Helen, of Brampton aooompan- icii friends to Dumlalk attending the 12th of July c'oldbration, later visit- ing the Linton and Stewart homes. .Mr. aiid Mtrs. Jack Linton, Preston, were recent week end visitors in the .';ame homes. Mfs. Bormun, Ross and Ibaby of Barrie are visiting the former's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Huigh Bumstead. U-abel Bumstead is enjoying some Holidays with Markdale friends. i)r. Paul and Mrs. Leflfler and little daughter, Anne, of Pittsburg, Kas., were guests during the week with the former's cousin, Mr. Milton Bannon, and family. Many from h>'re atteiided the 12th celehi-ating in lUundalk. The day \vns ideal and everybody enjoyed honoring the members oif L.O.L. 244, Proton Station, on this, the occasion cif their 100th anniversary. -Five new nicmliers joined the local Lodge at the last meetings, namely: Aubrey Cott, Glenn ^Nixon, Sandy Walker, Jas. Forbes and Carl Teeter, and a sixth, Elwood Stevens, became a member, being re-instated from the former Gott's Lodge No. 737. Inistioge W. A. held a booth in the downtown business section at IKin- dalk. and although business was slow I ill that part Idue to activities all. ' being centred at the Park and Arena, the Society cleared $50.00. The lad- ies were glad to greet Mrs. Jas. Loekhart, her daughter Otillie (Mrs. Bert Rowden) and her two daugh- ters, all of Clinton. Our deepest sympathy is extend- ed to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur NichoUs in the passing of their infant son in the Centre Grey General Hospital Tuesday night, July 11th. Interment was made in Inistioge Cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Gallagher were Saturday visitors at Ceylon with .Mir. and Mrs. Jas. Copeland. Little Mlaureen iMoGregor, Pres- ton, is enjoying pome holidays with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Batchelor. Service at Inistioge was held at 2 p.m. on Sunday, with Reiv. Paul Christensen in charge. The four Patterson brothers, Jim, Paul, Rob- ert and John, rendered a guartette. Sunday School followed church serv- ice with a large attendance. As has been the custom, an item of music is supplied each Sunday .by a different family. iSunday was the turn of the Linton family and Douglas favored with two violin selections of sacred songs. Mr. Walter Nicholls, Mrs. Art I Jackson and Mrs. ,Wlm. Crockford received word Friday that their aged mother. Mrs. Wm. Nicholls, iDundalk, while proceeding to her home foll- owing a shopping trip down town, had fallen in some manner and frac- tured her hip. She was removed to Orangeville Hospital, where she is resting as well as can be expected, pending the setting of the injury, when a pin will have to be set in. Week end iguests in the Art Jack- son home were: Mr. and Mrs. Joe McCutcheon, Mr. and Mrs. John Arnott and Mrs. Thos. Wilson, all of Toronto. Local and Personal In the (good old days ntost people thought a person had as much right to work an another person had to strike. In most respects the nickel is w«rth very little today, it is tiue, but one can still buy $4 worth of noise with it by sticking it in a juke box. TENDERS WANTED Tenders will be received by the undersigned up to 12 o'clock noon on Monday, July 24th. for the wiring of S. S. No. G, Osprey, for hydro; lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Blue print can be seen at the home of the secretary. â€" Jas. T. McKenzie, Secretary Feversham Mr. Dttve Aberdein of Burlingtoa is holidaying at b^-s parental home, Mrs. Ben Bellamy and Linda spent the past week visiting at Kitchener. Mr. and Mw. W. <j. Kennedy of Brantford spent the week end wiitl) Mr. and Mr«. H. A. MoGauley. Mr. and 'Mis. Ted Patlett of Dixit spent the week end with her parents, .Mr. and Mrs. G. A. McTavish. Miss Joyce Bentham and Richard BfUtham of Toronto spent Saturday with -Mir. and Mrs. F. J. Thurston. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Kennedy and -Norma of Bra»tford spent the weak end with Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Mc- Cauley. IMt. and Mrs. Gaylord Kaitting and son, Garrle, of Detroit are visiting this week with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kaitting. Mrs. H. A. .McCauley is taking a refresher course in judging of ladies work, domestic science, etc., at Mac- Donald Institute at Guelph. Mrs. W. T. Hodgson and daughtei-, Mrs. (Dr.) Stewart of Islington are visiting the foi-mer's' sister, Mrs. C. N. Richardson. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bolten and two children of Detroit have been visiting her parents, Mir. and Mrs. J. H. Armstrong. , ' - Mr. and Mrs. Donald Fowler of Auburn and Mt, and Mrs, W. J. Ken- nedy of Palmerston were week end guests of Mrs. W. I. Heni-y. Mrs. Harol Bates and two children of Hamilton holidayed for several days last week with Mr. and Mrs. -Arnold Bowler. Mrs. W. P. Trelford of Toronto and Bud Breen of Detroit called on Mr. and Mrs. iC. N. Richardson and are holidaying at their cottage north oi Eugenia. Mr. and' Mrs. F. J. Thurston and Jimmie visited Miss Jean White at GueLph on Sunday, who accompanied them to visit Mr. and Mh's. Don Mc- Collum at Winona. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Andrews and little daughter of Toronto spent; the week end with the former's bi other, Mr. Russell Andrews, and family. Mrs. Chas. Heron, Mrs. (Michael Wolfe and Miss Elizabeth Wolfe of Buffalo are spending this week caii- 01' old friends in this and Maxwell district. j Mr. and Mrs. Leslie McMullen and Mrs. Mary McMullen of Kimberley and Mr. Ed. Madden of Chicago. 111., visited on the week end with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Chard. Week end and recent visitors at tile home of Frank Eagles were: Mrs. Alida Green of Moore, Jaw, Sask.; Mr. and Mrs. Vern Bowen and Mr. and Mrs. WiUard Londry of St. Catharines. The foHowing girls are attending the C.G.I.T. camp at Miramichi: Pat Hodder, Donna Boden, Jean McGee, Marjorie Richardson, Donna Hamil- ton, Janet Macpherson, Janet Betts, Shirley Aberdein, Geraldine Best and Kuth Fawcett. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Wright and fi.mily of Port Whitby, Stan Teeter of Meafoi'd and Ruth Chaixl, Owen Sound, were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Teeter. Terry and Teeter are hoTidaying for a couple of weeks with their grandparents. As the Brandon Su' sagely oibserv- e.s: "Sleep proves you can go eight hours without smoking if you really want to." Commercial ftshermen at Pt- Stan- ley are getting * •««« !••>* »o«nd for the R!V% catfish. Ifts this any connection with the sky-high prirp of meat. LOOK! LOOK! Irene's Dress Shop MARKDALE SALE SUMMER DRESSES at $2.98 and up Drop in and look around DELS^'^ Thursday. July 20. Only PASSPORT TO PIMLICO Friday nnd Saturday July 21, 22 NORTHWEST STAMPEDE in Color Joan Leslie James Craig also GAY INTRUDERS Monday, Tuesday July 24, 25 INTRUDER IN THE t^ttst Starring, - David Brian c. Jarman Wednesday, Thursday July 26. 27 in Technicolor Loretta Young Van Johnson BIG CASH OFFER EVERY WEDNESDAY Shows 7:30 and 9:30 p.m. WBr^^i/ ... Small Ads FOR SALE - July 3a, -J. Flesherton. ' 2 Yorkshire sows due J. Meads, phone 9i^w3 7ct FOR SALE â€" Bailed or loose hay.-3 Wra. McOutcheon, phone Flesher- ton 73 J 4. 6c3 FOR SALE â€" Yorkshire sow, due July '^, third litter. â€" Margin Londry. pkone 121J4 Flesherton. FOR SALE â€" 1940 Chevrolet coach, i:i excejient condition. â€" Mrs. Sam Phillips, phone 53J Flesherton. FOR SALE â€" 1932 Ford V-8 coupe in good condition. â€" Harold Parker phone Feversham 6r3. 7ca FOR SALE â€" 2 well-bred hound pupa 6 months old, a bargain. â€" G. B.. Welton, phone 3 Flesherton. FOR SAL.E â€" M.-H. hay rake. 10- foot, first class shape. â€" C, N. Long, Feversham phone 39r2. 6c2 FOR SALE â€" Thomas 8-octave or- gan, good as new. â€" Mrs; Prances Foster, R.R. 2 Flesherton. 6pS FOR SALE â€" Ivory baby pram, in good condition. â€" Mrs. R. Andrews, phone 30J Flesherton. 6p2 FOR SALE .... Moxed hay, on shares and part for sale. â€" Frank Elagles phone 41J8 Flesherton. FOR RE3NT â€" At Eugenia, unfurn- ished room ,in home of late Jak3 Williams. Apply to John Span- house Sr., Eugenia. 7c2. FOR SALE â€" House and a^acre lot situated on No. 10 Highway, two miles south of Flesherton. â€" D. McTavish & Sons, Flesherton. FOR SALE â€" 100 acres on Highway No. 10, 4 miles north of Markdale, Hydro equipped, will sell with or without the crop. â€" Wm. Yates, Berkeley, Ont. 6c2 I . BODEN'S SKYICE STATION fHONf M AOCTIUN* SALE Farm Slock, Imiilemenls. Furniture PWRCY McMULLEN will sell iby public auction at . Lot 3, Con. 4, Osprey (I'l miles east of Portia w) WKDNKSDAY. JULY 26TH, 1950 the following at 1:30 p.m.; U()l!i.^lEiSâ€" Mare 3 yrs. old; Mare :.' yrs. old; Yearling Mare. CAITLR â€" ."V Caws, supposed to lie In calf; 10 2-year-oldsi h 2-year- nlds; 5 Yearlings; Hereford Bull, 1 vear <)ld; 2 iHpring Calves (Cattle T. 1!. l''.~tod). PICS. SHLOIvPâ€" Sow and 15 young pijr.-i; S FjWfis, Ram, II l,ambs. IMPI.K.MEN'TS-HMt. Forest grain Separator on rubber with cutting box; M.-iII. fiB-h.i). Tractor on rub- lii I'; .Set Spring-tooth Harrows; 3- furroAv Tractor Plow; Dcering Hay Loader; Cutter; M.-II. Horse Rake. IO-,foot; MoCormick-Deering Mower, lift, out; RuHlier-tiro Wagon; Fann- ing Mill; Buggy; set of Sloiwhs; I'li) fci't May Rope and Pulleys; New DrL-.ival Cream .Separator; M.-H. Binder, fi^t. put; Hnv Rack; llav Foil;; Brooder House 15x22;. Set of I inn Harrows; Brooder Stove; Elm and Maple Lumiber 1-in. and 'i-in.; Set Team Harness; 8 Steel Barrels; 100-lb. "Corn King" Mineral; Set of Hlocks with 200-ft. 1-in. Rope; Set Heavy Steel Pulleys; Set of Post Hooks; Wood Turning Lathe; Fleury Walking Plow, No. 21, and numer- ous other articles. FURNirrURiRâ€" Round Extension Table; "Happy Thought" Rung"' ^ Kitchen Chairs; Sid«^board; C^ole- man Gas iljamn; Coleman Gas I^au- iprn: ,S(niBre Table and Cupboard; PhiTco Radio. Everything must go as the farm TERMS OF SALE: â€"GEO. E. DUNCAN, Auctioaear The French bui'Iesque troupe that was stranded in Italy probably had t<i leg it hiime. STREET FROLIC Street Dance & Floor Show MARKDALE Thur.,J'ly27 and lliwlerpriveleged Children Proceeds for Communuity Sei-vlcc 21 -DAY SPECIAL LOW RAIL FARES To EASTERN QUEBEC AND THE MARIT1MES (MEGANTIC, LEVIS, DIAMOND) vacation "Down East" FOR SALE â€" Solid oak round din- ingroom extension table and 6'din- ingroom chairs to match. â€" K. Macmillan, phone 15. , 7p2 FOR SALE â€" 1936 DeSoto 4-door sedan, original miliitge 47,000. â€" Rev. C. Bell, Feversham, phono 17r21 Feversham. 7p2 FOR SAli] â€" Plymouth Dehixe Se- dan, 1940, heater, brand new mo- tor, seat covers, good tires. â€" Mrs. Aaron Teeter, R.R. 2, Flesherton, phone 600r23 Markdale. 7cl holiday fares give you limit with shop-overs Take that this year. Inexpensive a 21-day permitted. Effective JUNE 19th to SEPTEMBER 4th inclusive Consult any Canadian Pacific Agent V\ m WOOD FOR SALE-^Hardwood slab* 1h<^i( hard'wood or better, $25 per load, about 8 cords; softwood slabs -18 per load; clean hardiwood sawr- dust $9 per load delivered. â€" W. Playter, phone 146J Markdale. 6p8 ACTIVE MIAN, between 25 and 55 years of age, with car, wanted for profitable Wabkins route. Credit supplied night man. Free training. Pleasant, profitable and permanent. Write The J. R. Wbtkins Company, Dept. O-F-1, 350 St. Roch St., Roch St., Montreal, Que. 5c4 GENERAL INSURANCE AUTO - FIRE - UFB Lirestock, Transit and Cargo ED. LANG Phone 125w FLESHERTON For security To-morrow, losure to-day, the Co-operative way. 1 4 Booths - Monster Bingo New (ianu's lor Young and Old FLOOR SHOW Entertainment that both Old Young can enjoy nnd Modem <& Old Time Dance Russell Hill and His t>-Piece Dnnce Band Draw for 1950 Austin Sedan APMilSSION: 10c LuckyL draw for two Gruen watches and other prizes on frolic ad*- adiraission tickets GREY CX)UNTY'S CJIEATBBT STREET FROLIC Sayers* Garage DUNDALK TRACTORS: 1 FarmallM Diesel 1 MarniallH 1 used Farmall A and 2 -furrow Flow 1 used 10 â€" 20, on steel 1 used 15 â€" 20, on steel 1 â€" SVi-ft' Cultivator, Side Rakes, Hay Loaders, Balers, Manure Spreaders, Mowers (Tractor and horse-drawn), Scotch Diamond Harrows, Electric Cream Separator, Milking Machines, etc. NEW TRUCK: 1950 LI 70 International, with 172-inch wheelbase USED TRUCKS: '49 %-ton International '36 Vz-ton International 1 Willy Jeep, complete with belt, pulley, power take-off. TIRES: Goodyear and Seiberling Tractor and Car. WE CAN REPAIR ALL MAKES OF TRACTORS AND FARM MACHINERY INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER SALES and SERVICE Phone 51 • H. M. Sayert \ -ft % •4 « ^ i I m 1 f i f t

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