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Flesherton Advance, 19 Jul 1950, p. 5

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'-^-^ ^ * K â- Â» ♦* 1** % >4b » â- â- * *. »• d* *^- » it;* 1 » f 9 # 41 „* ' f '-^ f » "â- ^ ^ P -♦ t » 4* % od^ 1 â-¼ < i » « • â€" « t * -»« > 1^ * » « V r # •r ( '^ * « . 1* M » 4i *- /r * â- . •» w â- <â- â- â-  c ^â- .â- â€¢4 I iT 1'^ . 1 «. ** '-» : , THB FLE^SHERTON ADVANCE Wednesday, July 19, 1950 -^^ Firemen's Jamboree DUNDALK MEMORIAL PARK THURSDAY, JULY 20th, alt 7:00 P.M. DANCE To Russ Creighton and Hiss Orchestra. Free Concert and Fire Demonstration. Lucky draw for 1950 Chevrolet Coach. To Russ Creighton and His Orchestra. Free PRICEVILLE Mrs. Gi]a>en and faanily of Harris- ton spent last week yisiting at the iiome of Mr. Jack Whyte. Miss Hazel Tudter spent a week visiting at the home of her uncle and •unt, Mr. And Mrs. JRussell Baird. 'Mr. and Mrs. Sandy Robertson «nd Sandra of London were callers at the home of Edg'ar Patterson on Thursday. Mir. Emerson Meads, ^ho spent the past month at Mt. Forest dointr veterinary work, is holidayinigf at his honae prior to going to Orinia. Mr. and Mirs. Henry Tucker and faanJly visited recently at the home «f Mt. R. Baird, Dorham. A quilting Ibee w*s held Friday in ti»e W. I. hall, when W ladies turned out and completed the crullt which liad (been donated to the Institute. Congratulations to Mrs. R. Brown who teaches school at the OiDJEl., on the success of her pupils iwho passed the Entrance: Frances Reilly, Jackie and Jinwnie OtmpbeU, Dorothy and Billie McMillan, Shirley Whyte and Audrey Wihyte. (Miiss Betty Tucker left July 2nd by bus wit^ other friends on a trip to the Western provinces. Mr. and Mrs. Archie McMillan and -them for a week's visit. Jean, Mr. and Mrs. John McMilkn, vho have spent the past two months visiting the Barnett and McMillan lami'lies, have returned to their liome at Peace River, Alta. (Misses Joyce Tucker and Belty Sinc'ks of Toronto Normal school •pent the week end at their homes. > Visitors at the Jim Sturrock home vrere: Mr. and flWrs. Agnew, (Mir. and Mrs. (Bill iSburrock and three child- ren of Hoipenrille, Mr. and Mrs. A. Starrock, iDundalk, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Lane and Mr. and Mrs. Cross of Georgetoiwn. 'Miss laslbel Mather of Toronto epent the week end at her home. The Holdfast Club i>icnic was held Thursday afternoon on the lovely lawn of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Patter- son, when about -40 were present. The afternoon was spent in games, and races of all .kinds. Prizes iwere given. A ibountiful salad plate sup- per, ice cream and lemonade were enjoyed. Mr. and Mrs. Ross McConkey and friend of Toronto spent the week end at his parental home. Mr. and Mrs. Wl,lfred Parslow re- turned to New York, after spending two weeks visiting his bi-other and eister here. EUGENIA ing a few days at their h(Hne here^^ Mr. Cecil Magee, who has spent the past.. week at his home, has re- turned to Islinctoa. iMr. and Mrs. Jack Jamleson and family, Toronto, are spending three weeks with Mrs. F. Jamleson. little Carol and Bryan MacDon- ald, Kimlberiey, ^ent a few days with their grandmother, Mrs. Bva- lina Grah»m. Mrs. Jack McCowell, Toronto, vis- ited Mr. and Mrs. Bert Magee and fainiily recently. Visitors the past week with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Boettger were: Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Walker and famijv of Bridigeiport, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Hextmer and faanily of Brantford, . Mor. and Mrs. Clayton Baetz and Bob of Elmtwood. Recent visitors with Mt. and Mrs. Ted Burton were: Mr. and Mrs. L. Heeney and Judy, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Smart of Toronto. Mrs. Fiddie. Will and Prancie, and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wodehoase of Heathcote visited with M!r. and Mrs. Garnet Maigee. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Beatty and family of Streetsville visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Mlelbourne Phill- ips. Mrs. Bill TuTvey returned' with PORTLAW Mr. John J. Little and grand- daughter, 'Margaret Kelly, of Delhi are visiting friends here. Mr. and iMlrs. Robt. Meidnim, New Toronto, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. iC. D. Meldmnn. Mr. and Mn. Stanley Pattonj ac- companied iby iMr. Jas. iPedlar and Mr. and Mrs. Laurie Pedlar, motor- ed to Niagara Falls last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fisher accom- panied Mr. and Mrs. Ahrin Grum- mett to Hamilton and spent the day with the Grununett and Blackburn families. Miss Jean Lyons was presented with a lovely cup and saucer and tea pot Iby her pupils at the briek school. Jean is now lattending sum- mer school in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Sheard and baby of Toronto are visitiqg Euth and Harold PMlliipe. Mr. and' Mrs. Harry Plsher enjoy- ed a trip to iKemble with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Porteous and visited Rev. 0. W. Holmes and Mrs. Holmes. Allan, Arthur Betts and girl friend of Toronto .apent the week end at the Betts home here. 1^ Miss Isabel Croft, who has been attending Canada Bosiness College, Toronto, has accepted a position with the Bank oi Commerce, iDundalk. Miss Evelyn Weatherall of Max- well hns completed her secretariil course at Canada Business College. Toronto, and has accepted a position with a business concern in that city. Miss Mary Olipperton, spent the week end with Mrs. E. Proctor. Toronto, Mr. and Cud of Thanki Mr. Ned Croft wishes to thank his many friends and neighbors for the lovely cards and flowers seat to hi«n. and also for the visits durin^f his long stay in hospital. They will all be lindly remembered by hiir. HHROin TRUCKS Miss Georigina Smith of Toronto, and Mrs. 'Daisy Morgan of Owen Bound are visiting their sister, Mrs. Evalina Graham. Mr. and Mrs. C. Johnson. Toronto, visited the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Roy MlaciMvUan. Mr. and HVDrs. W. G. Davies of Winnipeg, Mrs, Ross Lehman and Mrs. B. Lucas, Toronto, are spen:!- Sparklmg B-H "English" Paint beautifies and protects cKteriors wi^ a coat of lasting colour. , r Seld by' F. H. W. HICKLING Fleeherton V^P^ormance Leaders! Chevrolet's great Valve-in-Head engines can do more work per gallon of gas than any other gasoline engine of the same displacement now in use. They're smooth, rugged and powerful â€" masters of the jobl VPayload Leaders! Low operating and repair costs of Chevrolet trucks are an outgrowth of finest engineering and rugged Advance-Design construction. Chevrolet trucks let you deliver the goods with real reduction in cost per ton per mile. •Popularity Leaders! For the last full year, Chevrolet outsold all competition. That's evidence of owner satisfaction earned through the years â€" proof, yes proof beyond any question or doubt, that Chevrolet is the most-wanted truck. yPrice Leaders! You're money ahead with these new Chevrolet trucks! Chevrolet's rock- bottom initial cost â€" outstandingly low cost of operation and maintenance â€" and high trade-in value, all add up to the lowest price for you. TOU can expect great things of these new Chevrolet trucks. They're the most powerful trucks Chevrolet has ever built, yet they cost surprisingly little to operate. Three rugged, wonder-working Valve-in- Head engines â€" the Thriftmaster 92-h.p., Loadmaster 105-h.p. and the big new 1 10-h.p. Torquemaster â€" bring you per- formance that saves you time and money. New Power-Jet carburetion provides smooth, quick acceleration, and the 4- Speed Synchro-Mesh transmission is standard equipment from the 1 -ton to the 3-ton (optional in Vz and ^/4-ton) which means faster shifting and greater safety on the grades. To you, this means wonderful new performance . . . less time on the road . . . lower cost per ton- mile. So do yourself a favor. Visit our showroom today. Chevrolet trucksâ€" and only Chevrolet trucksâ€" provide what you want! ADVANCE-DESIGN TRUCKS CT550S McTAVISH'S GARAGE, FLESHERTON *r«((W>«*»S>"ii-*a< V4 Mm- •- t m t> OTt:.'<W«i'-»»»{W"»*««tfy»m* W .iWWWI» V .-'^'- •64'VH*i3W! '.J

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