a m â- % it f t >^ . f « * h iU t ar r r ♦ r t «• :: : ! : I * t l» t « ♦ IF * ♦ 9' « » t f r t s »â- s « » ♦ THB FLE8HERTOK ADVANCE Wednesday, July 12, 1950 VANDELEUR Under the auspices of the Farm Torum, a delightful picnic was held Tuesday of last week in the beauti- ful Springwater Park at Midhurst, near Barrie. Nine carloads of citi- zens, about 95 in nuiriber, made tha trip and arrirved at the Park in time for dinner. They went via Slng- hantspton and Duntroon and returned by Wlsisaga Beach, Collingwood and the Beaver Valley. On the way home the party stopped at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Gilray, draigleith, former memibers of this community, and supper was served on the laiwn, Where the hosts had erected taibles. It was an enjoyable outing long to "bf rememlbered. JMUss Doreen Alcox has been re- engaged as teacher at the local â- school for the coming year. Prior to closing for the summer vacation, the piupils had their moth- ers as guests at a picnic in the Com- niTintty Park Thursday afternoon, â- when games were played and lunch and ice crea.ni served. The teacher, Miss Alcox, presented the pupils with their report cards and gave each of the I^trance class: Prances Bodie, Leona Hawey and Marilyn Pitzsim- mons a atring of beads. All the pupils in the school passed their test, with a creditable shoiwing. Mrs. Andy Faiwcett is visiting with friends in Thombury and with her daughter, Mrs. Alex. Gilray. Vandeleur W.I. held its second chxipoh service in Vandeteur Church On Stinday aiftemoon, with Ebenezer and New EIngland Institutes as their guests, with Rev. W. M. Lee deliver- inig an in^iring senmon. The junior choir lead in the service of song with yirs. Geo. Buchanan as or^granist and director. Beautiful baskets of sum- mer flowers decorated the church. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Lundy Johnston are: Miss Lellta Black of Brocfcville, ibrs. B. Brinkman and Norma of To'ronto, Mrs. S. M. Davi- son of Owen Sound and David Quosai of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. H. I. Graham and Euth visited Mr. aal ?.frs. Gordon Haw of Salem on the week end. Miss Ruth Fanvcett of Fleeherton was guest of her cousins, Donna, Joytte and Gayle Wyville. Mrs. Lome Ormsiby and Audrey are afcle to be around again after an attack of measles. The July meeting of the W. A. was held at the home of Mrs. Will Johns- ten, vvith the D*«sident, Mrs. George Buchanan, in the chair, and Mrs. Ken Teeter in charge of the devotional exercises. Marie Johnston was in charge of a waist-line contest, when each member donated a cent an inch. To further thi' finani-'s it was as^ee-^ that each member donate and Lite 50 cents, as proceeds for talent money. Marie Johnston also condactpd a Bible contest, Mrs. Will Bowies l)eing appointed as treasurer and Mrs. Mei Buchanan as assistant. Th» August meeting will be at the h>m? of Mrs. S. Fitzsimmons, the first Wednesday in August. Lu-ich was served. CEYLON Mr. and Mrs. Grant Whittaker of Toronto were recent visitors with Mrs. Anna MacMillan. Mr. and Mrs. E. Oalvin of Toronto visited on lliursday with SBr. and Mrs. Joe Stauble. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. McWilliam and son, John, of Mt. Dennis are visiting Mr. and Mrs. John McWilliam. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Marshall were: Mr. and Mrs. Ted Dixon and children of Timimins, Dr. and Mrs. Walter Henderson and son of Orangeville. Mr. ArcHle Sinclair of Emsdale is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Sinclair. Mrs. Edgar Doufpe and two child- ren have moved to their home m CoHingiwood. Walter Shoiiipe of Mt. Hope, Hr. and Mrs. Neil Wagner and son, Monty, of Toronto were week end gicests of Mr. and Mrs. L. I>uckett. Monty remained for a longer visit. Church service will be held in Cey- lon United Church next Sunday, July 16th, at 7:30 p.m., -with a speaker from Owen Sound. Mrs. Bertha McMaster and ohild- ren are visiting with friends in Walkerton. Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ernie MdMiullen and Gordon McMullen were: Mrs. E. Nowl, Miss Justine Nowl, Mr. Bob Nowl, Mr. G. Mills, Mr. Stanley McMullen, Mr. and Mrs. Austin McMullen, Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Buckley, aU of Toronto; Mr. G. Widman and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. King of Unionville. Mr. ana Mrs. Edward Wainiwright of Toronto spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. J. S. McDermid. Edkiie and Bea Frisdo, tight wire artists, who will be Flesherton Civic Holiday Celebration on August 7th. PRICEVILLE ACHESON REUNION An economist says it is a delusion to belierve that governments can save money. 'How does he know? What government ever tried? SWINTON PARK Swinton Park Ladies' Aid held a strawberry tea in the hall on Fridiay afternoon and realized a nice sum. â- Mr. and Mrs. Heaslip of Toronto are spending a few days at the home of J. A. Martin. Miss Reta Porter asd friend spent the week end at the home of Geo. Porter. Misses TumbuU and Featherstone of New Westminster, and Misses Ethel and MOrgaret Campbell of To- ronto were -week end guests at the home of Neil Campbell. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Ward Hutchinson (Eleanor Hardy) or. the arrival of a baby boy. Thurs- day, July (nh. 1950, at the Xuhn Nursing Home, Flesherton. Mr. asd Mrs. Elmer Richardson and family of Toronto spent the â- week end at the home of Bill McNalty. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Knox attend- ed the wedding of Miss Sockett and Mr. Neil Bell at Mt. Forest United Chuix'h on Saturday aftemon. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Knox and Jack visited with Mr. and Mrs. L. Blakey. Osprey, and also with Mr. and Mrs. Bannerman at Stayner on Sunday. Our economic system is terribly erratic. Most of the time we'e either flying high without a para- oliute or milling around in a hole without a ladder. GENERAL INSURANCE AUTO - FIRE - LIFE Livestock, Transit and Cargo ED. LANG Phone 125w FLESHERTON For security To-morrow, Insure to-day, the Co-operative way. Hafl Holidays Arthur Wednesday AUiston Wednesday Barrie Wednesday Collingwood Thursday Creenioer Thursday I^wndalk Thursday Durham Wednesday Flesherton Thursday Grand Valley Wednesday Guelph Wednesday Hanover Wednesday Markdale Thursday Meaford „ Wednesday Midland Wednesday Mount Forest Wednesday Orangeville Wednesday (^^'•illia Wednesday Owen Sound Wednesday Shelburue Wednesday i Stayner Wednesday (CHp for future reference) PAINT UP FIX UP CLEAN UP NOW IS THE TIME FOR THAT OUTSIDE JOB Sherwin-Williams and Canada Varnish Finishes for Exterior and Interior Use Johns-Manvillf Sltiiigles, Rot)rings, Siding's PlyiiiDuth Rope and Twine Lawn Mowers, priced from $9.95 Screen Doors, Wire Screen. Combination Doors ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES Beatty Waskers, Tolishers. Ironers, Electric Ranges Aiitoniatie Uxms and Toasters Hot Plates. Ranj^ettes, DUNCAN'S HARDWARE 'Blue Coal' Stoves Electric Appliances Phor.c 54 FLESHERTON Mrs. Xeil Norman and daughter, Ruth, of Oxillia s^vent a few days visiting her aunt, Mrs. Kate Runci- man, and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Ross McConkey, Mr. and Mrs. Murray Fenton and family of Toronto spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. R. H. McConkey. Miss Virg-inia Wilson of Toronto is speijfing two weeks at the home of her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Beaton. Misses Joyce and Betty Tucker, who are attending summer school m Toronto spent the week end at their home here. iMx. and Mrs. W^ilfred Parsiow of New York City are spending their vacation with the former'.j broi-her, lob, sister, Mabelle, and v\ nting wira friends. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Patterson at- tended a reunion at Midhurst on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. H-ncks a.id Betty visited Saturday at the home of John Calder, Holsteii. Glen re- turned home, after 'lolidayiag there Mrs Joe Harrison returned home Friday, after spending three weeks at the home of her b other. Mr. M. McConkey, near Port Arthur. Friends were sorry to learn of the death of John MacNeil!, husband of Kate McTaggart, wro died Saturday in Toronto. Interment w.is made in! McNeil! Cemetery. Priceville. Mr. and Mrs. Bi-.dey lrw;n spent th. week end visit' n^ with friends at Preston. Miss Marjory Meuser and her mother of Owen Sound are spending: a week with Mr. and Mrs. Archie MacCuaig. Mr. Clarence McArthur, Toronto, is spending a couple of weeks at his home. His mothfr. who suffer-^d a stroke a week ago, is in Markdale hospital. All hope for her a compk't.? recovery. Mr. J. "Macfarlane, Toronto, spent the week end at the home of Colin McLean. His wife and sons accom- panied him home after a week here Mr. and Mrs. C. S. McLean of Lon- don visited Sunday at the home of D. L. McArthur. Mrs. McLean re- mained for a week's visit. Mrs. Malcolm McLean, Mrs. Wm. Mather and Isaibel spent Tuesday in Toronto and visited friends. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Dick and daugh- ter, Ml-, and Mrs. Calkaham and daughter of Rockford, 111., ^^-ere vis- itors on the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Donald McLean. Congratulations to Mrs. Neil Aid- corn on winning an electric clock o-i guessing a number at the new rest- aurant at Harrison's garage. Mr. and .Mrs. Stuart Carson and daughter of BownaUville are holi- daying with the Carson families. Miss Betty .A.gnew. Mr. ar.d Mrs. Archie Sturrock of Dundalk, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Fei-guson and daugli- ters of Mt. Fore.<-t visited Sunday at the home of Jim Sturrovk. On Saturday, June 24th, about 150 of the descendants of the late Wm. -Aicheson held an enjoyable reunion ',n Dundatk Memorial Park. Softball, races and games were enjoyed by young and old. A bountiful lunch v.-as served in the arena. President Stanley Acheson presided over the program which consisted of a sing-song, led by Russell Patterson; readiny by the eldest member pre- sent, Mlrs. Geo. Hutchinson; an ad- dress by Edwin Taylor; solo by Ehnily Acheson, accompanied by her siste/, Evelyn; piano solos by Kenneth Ink- ster and Doreen Acheson and a banjo selection by Gordon Aitehison. Numbers played by Leslie Drury and Ken Smith helped to replace the moving pictures which were unable to be shown this year. The progrram closed with the hymn, "Blest Be The Tie That Binds," and prayer by Ed- win Taylor. â€" Dundailk Heraldl. FOR SALE BY TENDER In the Village of Ceylon, Lot 3 on south side of John Street, with 6- roomed fram-e house and "-i-acre of land. This property was the former home of Mrs. Jane Knor, deceased. Tenders will be refceived by under- signed lip to July 31st, and must be in writin'g and for cash. â€" J. A. Knox R.R. 1, Proton Station. Firemen's Jamboree DUNDALK MEMORIAL PARK THURSDAY, JULY 20th, att 7:00 P.M. DANCE To Russ Creighton and Hiss Orchestra. Free Concert and Fire Demonstration. Lucky draw for 1950 Chevrolet Coach. To Russ Creighton and His Orchestra. Free Men's Smart Ready-to- Wear Suits JUST PLACED IX STOCK .\N ASSORTMENT OF S-\L-\RT NEW SUITS Included are Fine Worsteds in different pop- ular shades and plain Gabardines in wanted colors. • The tailoring is exceptionally good, with ex- tra quality Hning-s and smartly cut in today's style. Single and double-breasted styles are included. PRICES $37.50, $45.00, $46.50, $48.50 Odd Trousers Sport Jackets Sport Shirts (T Shirts Shirts and Shorts Baseball Shoes Wool Sweaters Belts New Neckwear Summer Hosiery Swim Trunks Smart Oxfords F. H. W. Hickling ^1 General Merchant FLESHERTON ,Y7^^ LADY BANK Master Larry Graham returned to his homo Saturday, after a week's visit with relatives at Barrie. Mrs. Ta^ck Graham aiid son, Clitf- ord, and Betty .\nn, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. -\lfreii Noble a»d other friends at Barrie. Betty .Ann remaineti over tor a visit. Mrs. Wm. Semple, Mrs. Percy Stniple and son, Royden. Mrs. Fr?d Semiple and daughter, Bevevley. of Weston spent a diiy recently with Ml', iind Mrs. Russell .A.l!iso!i and Mr. h!k1 Mrs. Jim Semple, Markdale. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Wellwood. Miss Kleanor and Johnnie Wellwood of Islinfifton spent a fciw da.v= with Mr. and Mrs. Percy Semiple and Mrs. Wan. Semple. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sample and Mivs Beverley and Master Bobbie of Weston are the guests of the form- er's inofher. Mr.s. Wm. Semple. We are pleased and proud to men- tion that the community and Provi- I den«e l/adiei*' A'd have dwidsd fv> ji'stal electric li*rht» in Providence church. Luokiug at a gixnl balance in your Savings .\ccount is like secins a Haltering redecliou in a mirror. See for yonrself. Start saving regularly. In a surprisingly short lime a look at your bank book will give you a ftflin^' iliat you're "on top of the world**. THE BANK»'T0RONTO Incorporated 1S5S L G. GilleU, General Manager