I' t4 Wednesday; Jul/. 12, 1950 vXHE KLESHERTON ADVANCE Sayers* Garage DUNDALK TRACTORS: 1 Faraiall M Diesel 1 MarmaUH 1 used Farmall A and 2-furrow Plow 1 used 10 â€" 20, on steel 1 used 15 â€" 20, on steel 1 â€" SYz-ft. Cultivator, Side Rakes, Hay Loaders, Balers, Manure Spreaders, Mowers (Tractor and horse-drawn), Scotch Diamond Harrows, Electric Cream Separator, Milking Machines, etc NEW TRUCK: 1950 L170 International, with 172-inch wheelbase USED TRUCKS: '49 3/4-ton International '36 Vz-ton International 1 Willy Jeep, complete with belt, pulley, power take-off. TIRES : Goodyear and Seiberling Tractor and Car. WE CAN REPAIR ALL MAKES OF TRACTORS AND FARM MACHINERY INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER SALES and SERVICE Phone 51 - H. M. Sayers Hesherfon Advance PaUkiMd M CDlUiwwoMl'St, n«lMcUMi, WcdiMMUjr of Mch wmk. Circulation 1,1<W. Prieo flM m yoof in Conodi, paid ia «dfaacoi $2M por yoar in tho Uailaa P. J. THURSTON, B«iitor I i .^ I It ROCK MILLS Mm. Wim. Lyons and Carol, Mrs. Bertha Le«, Mrs. Gladys Mlaundeer and Mr. Watson, all of Toronto, vis- ited with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Betts and family. Miss lone Betts is taking a sum- mer course in Toronto. Mr. Chas. Nerwell held an auction sale Saturday afternoon which was largely attended, fair prices bein^ realised. Mir. Newell has sold his farm owing to ill health and is com- pelled to giv eup strenuous work. Mr. and Mrs. Diok Clark spent Satorday evening in O^en Sound and called on friends. The strawberry tea held at the beautiful home of Mr. and Mrs. C, B. Wilson Friday evening by the St. John's W. A., was a grand suoceiSs. A large crowd attended and the weather was very favorable. All present enjoyed themselves. iMr. and Mrs. John Stoutenburg of St. Catharines and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Davidson of Feversham were callers at the home of C. B. Wilson during the past week. Mr. Ted Croft was home for the week end from Burlington and visit- ed Sunday with his father, Mr. Ned Croft, who is still a patient in the Owen Sound hospital. He is now on the road to recovery and his many frlenda hope to hear of hnn being aJble to come home shortly. Mr. f>vans, >Sr., Mr. and Mns. Uoyd Evans and two children of Toronto visited on the week end at the home of Walter Akitt. Born â€" In Centre Grey Hospital, Markdaie, on Mtonday, July 10, 19B0, to Mr. and Mrs. Mansell Atkinson, the gift of a son. A vacation school is being held ' in the Baptist church here, and many of the young people are attending. A social evening is being held in the chui-ch on Friday, •when the craft work by the children wili be shown. The McParlands of Collingwood will be present and have charge of the sireging. Mrs. Annie Sargent, Mrs. Pedwell, Mir. Daivis, and Mr. and Mrs. John Elliott, -all of Owen Sound, visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Wilson. VICTORIA CORNERS A numiber from here attended the Grass Lands Day at Hanover Wed- nesday afternoon of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Reed are very happy these days, becoming the proud grandparents of twins, a boy and girl, children of their eldest son, Stewart, and his Eng-lish war bride, Nan, at the Kirkland Lake hospital on Wed., July 5th. OVUr. Delw^n Lang and friend, Mr. Ken Hargreaves of Timnmins were visitors in the Reed home for two days last week. About 20 membei^s of Inistioge W. A. met in the home of Misses Muriel the ladies. Bii-thday gifts were ex- changed. Considerable business was discussed. DecUions were made re- garding the two services, aftemooiA and evening, on 'uly 23ird, when Rev. Eagle of Mt. Dennis will speak ia the afternoon and his wife in the evening. The Hilldburg quartette will assist at both services. Mrs. Ohristensen was present at the meet- ing, while Rev. Christensen and their four children were invited for the lunch hour. This was the Arst meet- ing since Inistioge became part of the Dundalk chaige. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Ludlow nd son, Jim, of Royal Oak, Mich., arriv- ed Friday night to visit for a week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ludlow. iMirs. Archie McTaggart, Bramp- ton, visited Sunday with her brother, Jim, and sister, Mrs. Jas. Batchelop. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. McGregor, W|ayne and Maureen, of Preston were recent guests at the Batchelor home. Wayne remained for his summer vacation. We are glad to report Mrs. Batche- lor somewhat improved following a heart condition. Mrs. Walter Taylor and son, Ed- gar, Toronto, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Stinson and Mrs. Won. Ludlow. Mrs. Ludlow a-ccom- panied them as far as Snelgrove ->n their return Sunday enrening, where she will visit for a few days with her nephew and niete, Mr. and Mrs. Ray- mond Wellar. Mr. Wilfred Gallagher went to To- ronto Thursday to visit in the home When Time is Important And Help Scarce You will find Massey- Harris Hay Loaders; Side Rakes- Power Mowers and Binders. One way to Ipolve your labor pmblema. STOCK ON HAND New No. 6 Tractor Mowers. j Rake-bar Loader 2 Good Used Mowers (I I.H.C. and 1 Massey-Harris) ' Both in exceptionally good shape. 2 New 7-foot .Grain Binders TuH-C. Tedder, like new 3 Good Used Binders 1 6-foot, 7-foot and 8-foot Dump Rake 2 Side Rakes 2-furrow Tractor plows 1-way Discs Disc Harrows New ;and Used Tractor Cultivators Tractors Nos. 22 and 30 Good Used Pony Tractor: the jdeal second tractor for cutting hay and the lighter jobs on the farm. HOT WEATHER NEEDS Combination Doors Window Screens and Screening Screen Doors Electric Ranges Aangettes Fans Hot Plates Refrigerators, etc. J. M. STAFFORD a m nione 27 MASSEY-'HABRIS SALES & SERVICE Hardware Builders' SappUea FEVERSHAM * •* â- r ;« t * t * t « f ff f Stevens sang a duet "The Beautiful Garden of Prayer." (Intended for Last Week) Mr. Elwood' iStevens has been busy ^ the |)ast tliree weeks repairing his of his son, Kingsley. Saturday even- barn with new sills, waUs, etc. Mr. ing he returned home with KSngsley, his wife and son, Brian, and sister- in-law, Miss Ray Smith, who viaited relatives here until Sunday evening. Returing home Simday evening, they were accompanied by little Anne Gallagher, who had visited here for several weeks. Mrs. Wilfred Gallagher was a Fri- day visitor in the home of Stewart Reddiek, Riverview. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Copeland and family, Salem, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mirs. Ernie Stewart. A numiber from here attended the and Laurene Talbot, Ihindalk, for the Orange service at Dundalk town hall July meeting Thursday afternoon. A on Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Elvin short program "The Bible, Our I Moore was pianist for the occasion. Guide," was taken by a numiber of while Misses Wilraa and Donelda Ilartfid Shier of Portlaw has been in charge. Glenn Nixon of Bethel has been assisting. Mass Flora Reed and girl friend, Loreen Hubert, and hfir employers, Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Gilroy of the Legate shore store, all of Owen Sound, (visited Sunday, Jime 26, iwith the former's parents. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. IMIrs. WaiHer Atheson "who quietly marked their 46th wedding anniver- sary on June 2&th. Again Douglas Linton has brought honors to his hoone and coonmunity in capturing first place with vioKn eolo at the Dundalk amateur concert, win- ning a $5.00 cash prize. Still going further he was preeent last week at ////// ///// #/// 4 Up . . . lip . . . up ^«tcM Oldsiiiohile in public u<-r1aini! ^ilhout <|iirHliiHi, it's tlu- <rar of [hv year. Ever since OI<lsnifthil<- ill I rod need h'titiiniiiiic Styling, il lia.>4 l>«H;n n popular ear. 'EVmIiiv. iI'm far more than llial! It's a slaii<i<»iit car â€" a siaii(i<>ut in pcrforinaiiee â€" in popularity in pridc-eariiiii^ prestige! (Ionic in today for a <|ui«'li look at Oldsniohilo's ship-Hliupv sniarlness and you'll wUiy for a lonf» and delighted exnniiiiation of feature after rcuture conlrihutiniu; to Oldsniohile':^ eonifort. perforinanec, safety, <inraliilily and style. Then you'll vant to . . . Rocket ahvad with a luittiromir <)l(lsinobilo! Faniouit OM Hydrn-Mtitiv Driiv â€" Il>)lrii-Miitic i* (iplioiiiil at extra cost on III! Oldsiiioliilr "'76" iiimlHs. Neu )f hirlnituY llytlrti-Malio in Nluiulanl i>(fiiip>ii<'»l 'â- »! the sciiHiiliiiiiul lt«irkrt-cii^iiii-<I Olds ")Ui'% the "Quest for Talent" antaterur show sponsored by the Lions' Club, Qwen Sound, when toe again won with violin solo, playing "The Road to the Isles." "" He took first prize in a field of eleroa ^ contestants, winning a cash award „. -* $15. Isnt this an honor to our com- "* munity to have such talent. * We are glad to report Mr. ^erritt % NichoUs gaining; after receiving me, ^ ical treatment for some time, and ^ hope that he may soon be restored 'o hope that Its aftf lOon be restored "* his usuail good heaHh. Christena and Leslie Duncan were Sunday visitors at Wiarton »nd iLions Head. Mr. and Mrs. Lawson lockhart of Royal Oak, Mteh., (were Dominion * Day week end callers iwith old ac- "* quaintances in the neighborhood and * stopped in at Inistioge church Sunday "• w afternoon where tiiey met (juite a )â- L number of their friends. .* ? Mr. Jas. Walker and Miss Wlanda "• \ Wills, iHanrilton, spent the iweek end "* with the former's brother, A. E. Wal- â- * ker, and Mrs. Walker. â€" * Mr. and Mrs. Jas. iBannon, Tommy > and Gail, of Cooksville were week end â- • guests in the MKlton Bannon honde. '« A nuimlber from here attended the m Legion "doings" at Flesherton Sat- jk iirday and Sunday. <^ Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Moore, Gjrry ^ and Judy, were Sunday visitors with W ] Mr. and Mrs. Claude Akins and Anne -0 ' at Flesherton. m As a conclusion to another school t^ year, No. 4 teacher and pupils, trans- -39 ported in Mrs. Winters' school bus,*-"* J and EKvood Stevens' car, jointed the ^ teacher and pupils of No. 2, Proton, '9 Wednesday afternoon. No. 4 puQiis •♦ were winners in the ball game. # Much credit is due the teacher, 1^ Mrs. Winters, and papils on their^ year's work. Eaoh pupil attained 8uf- m ficient marks to proceed into a higher -^ grade. This included live Gi'ade 8 pu- pils: Garnet Reed, Dellbert Plant:, Donelda Stevens, Irene .Duncan and Mary Nicholls. These five students intend going to high school next year. Mrs. Reg. Stevens and family of Royal Oak, Mich., were week end guests of Mrs. Albert iSteven-s and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Mel Hawes, Mary and Kenneth, of Bright vacationed during the past week with Mrs. Al- bert Stinson. Mrs. Hans Astrap and Miss Helen Carefoot, Windsor, visited over the wt>ek end with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bannon. Members of the Bannon family en- joyed the McMillan-Robinson re- union at the home of Stanley Ache- son on Saturday, July 1st. Master Keith Gallagher, Ware- ham, is enjoying some of his holidays with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Gallagher. k > * f ♦ « f t t f f f f t t * » 9 f ft f t f « f t M ^ •» ;\ FUTURAMI C A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE O-430B McTAViSH'S GARAGE, FLESHERTON : \ NOTICE Tile undersigned will receive tend- ers for the laying of .\llum Roofing t f ft f * f f f A » t f r * « 1 on the west side of S. S. No. 6, Os- 3 t * pi-ey, and also placing the belfry in * r ' pioper shape. Either to the worK .^ > « ami find nwterial, or the work alone. ^ f •» Tenders to close on July 15th. 1960. L , Lowest or any tRnder not necessar- '* [ â- ily accepted. Tenders to be marked "* [ "Tender" on your apjilication. "4 r ' -TAS. T. Mi-KBNZIB, Secty., # > ' Fevershuni, 0;^. ♦ F » NOTICE. FARMERS If you have a misfortune on your farm, pive us a call. We P-'.v high cash prices for dead or disabled anin»als. Phono collect. CASVVRLL BROS. I'hone S60J Durham. Ont.