• ;• " ; â- > 1 ! t 1 § i THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Wednesday, June 21, 1950 i r r ./• I . /^ A I tt. 5- Sayers^ Garage DUNDALK TRACTORS: 1 FannaU M Diesel ~~ 1 MamnllH 1 us^ FannaU A and 2-furrbw Plow 1 used 10 â€" 20, on iteel 1 used 15 â€" 20, on steel 1â€" 8Vi-ft. Cultivator, Side Rakes, H«r Loaders, Balers, Manure Spreaders, Mdwers (Tractor and hoFse-drawn), Scotch Diamond Harrows, Electric Cream Separator, Milking Machines, etc NEW TRUCK: 19S« L170 International, with 172-inch wheelbase USED TRUCKS: '49 ^^-ton International '36 ^/2-*"'i International 1 Willy Jeep, complete with belt, pulley, power take-off. TIRES: Goodyear and Seiberling Tractor and Car. WE CAN REPAIR ALL MAKES OF TRACTORS AND FARM MACHI NERY INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER SALES and SERVICE Phone 51 - - H. M. Sayers FEVERSHAM Mrs. Jdm Hudson is visiting hsr sister, Mt3. Brown, at St. Maa^ya. Visitors on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ji-m Long were: M!r. and Mrs. poss Long, Mr. and Mts. Anderson and sons, all of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Harry IVIontgomery and daughters of Ihindalk. ' Mr. Bill Crawford of Toronto spent, the week end at his home. Mesars. John Black and Eliwin Sammons spent the pas^t week in To- ronto, building" a garage. Mrs. Pearson Sipent the week end «t her home in Beeton. Visitors -with Mr. and Mrs. George Ottewell were: Mr. and Mrs. Joe Armstrong, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Arm- Strong and chiWiren, of Thornbury. |Mr. John Parsonage of Hamiilton s-pent the week end wHh bis wife and faraiily here. Mr. Chester Long visited over the â- week end at Guelph witih his wife, who is again in' hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Fadden and Joanne of Barrie visSted over^ the week end with the Robinson families. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Alexander and sons and Mtrs. Henry Alexander of Oreemore visited with Mr. and Mrs. Howard McKee. John Stewart, son of Mt. and Mrs. Sam Stewart, has returned home from the Hospital for Sick ChiMren in Toronto, where he has spent the past seiven months. A rededicatiion service will be hold to commemorate the 75th anniver- sary of the Presbyterian Church in Canada in Burns Presbyterian Church at Feverehiam on Sunday, June 25th, at 8 p.m. There will be special music and the miaisiter, Mr. Frank Ward, will preach. A heaTty weilcome is ex- tended to all on tWis very iiniportant ocscasion in the life of the Church. C-ome and worship. ROCK MILLS Rattlesnakes seldom Ibit a person above the knee. (Intcaided for Last Week) Mr. Bill -Lowe and sister. Miss Helen Lowe of Niiagara-on-the-Lake were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Wilson. M'iss Eunice iDWbson aiwi friend of Owen Sound rvisited recently at the former's . home here. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Howard and Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Nnii-coiiaibe of Toronto were guests <xf Mr. and Mr5. HaiTy Patton an the week end. ,Mtt:. Ned Croft is a patient in the Owen Souiid hospital with ulcers of the stomach. •Mr. and Mrs. Wlalter Russelil visit- ed on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Ottewell, near Feversham Mrs. Ted Croft spemt a few days in Owen iSound wti^h iher aunt, Mrs. Ii-ving, last week. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Finch, Bryan and Varleyann of ISt. Cathar- ines spent the week end with Mrs. Finch's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Wilson. , Miss Patricia Dobson visited witli Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Park, Ravenna. ] Mr. a ad Mrs. Russell Croft, Shir- ley, Sharon and Lawrence of (hven Sound were visitors at the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Patton. Mr. and iMk-s. Leo Patton, Beth, Riehard and Billie of London sipent the week end with his father, Mr. Harry Patton, and Mrs. Patrton. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Martin and family and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. New- ell wBre in Owen Sound Saturday. Charlie was consulting a specialist and a4so (visited with Ned Croft at the hospital. Misses Janet and Sheila Dobson spe.nt a couple of days with their grandmother, Mrs. Eliza'beth Dttbson, near Lady Bank. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Huctwitii and family of Watford' /visited on the week end iwi+h IMr. and iMrs. F. Betts. Mr. Harris of Toronto, Mr. Irwin Doyle of Grand Valley, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hill, Mr. Blimer Shbrtt and Miss lone Betts of Monbicello were week end guesits with the latter's parents, Mr. and iMm. Cecil Betts. VANDELEUR Hon. F. R. Olwei- was guest speak- ei- at an intet-esting program given in .the Commwmity Park Pr.iday even- ing June ISth, under the auspices of the Farni iWwm- Mr. Oliver spoke oi» "Conservation," and a.lso gave a splenddd accoiUnt of the work of the sele<?i committee of the Ontario Leg- islatuer, of which he was •â- . member, ;and.w^ich held sittings oiver the pro- vinces-last year, also ispectiing con- servation projects in Quelbec and the United States. David Anderson of Deaboro, fleldanian for Grey County Federation of Agniculture, was also present and gave a fine program of sound moving pictures, the feature film "Green Gold," hedng on reforest- ation and conservation. Several other good pilctuTes were shown, and Mr. Oliver answered many questions. The whole program was exceptionally v.-ortih-while. It was dedided to have a picnic at the beautiful park and the government nursemes at Midihurst in the near future. H. I. Graham was ^â- '.hii'-mmi and introduced blie various speakers. Another bunch of pine trees were planted on Friday last on the rofor- estation plot along the Meaford Road which is sponsored by the Farm For- um^ Howard Graham, Will Bowles, Billie Johnston and Geo. Summers did the planting. Menilbers of Vandeleur branch of tihe Women's Institute who attended the Centre Grey convention at Kim- berley on Thursday were: Mesdames W. Batcliffe, Ethel Hutchinson, R. Freeman, A. Fa\vcett, H. Graham, L. Ormshy, G. Shaw and C. Wiilson. Two severe thunder stores, each accomlpanied toy a torrential down- pour or raiin, passed over this district on Friday of last week. It was the heavtiest rain in this community ex- puifieniced for yeans. Mrs. Andy Fawcett spent -^ few flays with her daughter, Mi's. Alex. G41ray, and family. Vandeleur and Mlarkdale Legion Softball teams played a friendly game on tihe Community Park here Mon- day evening, resulting in a win for Vandeleur by a narrow 'nrargnn. KIMBERLEY Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Soul and family of Port Hope and Mr. and Mirs. Ivan Soul of Thornbury were guests at the home of Thos. Soul. Congratulations to Mr, and Mrs. W. Armstrong on the birth of '' daughter in Collingwood Hospital <n Saturday, June 17th. Mr. Gerald Kirkpatrick, who has been i-ecuperating at home following his motor cycle aeoident, has return- ed to Islington. JUr. Jim Caushier of Hag«rstown, Md., visited at tihe home of D. L. Weber, Mrs. Ross Bllis and Bob of Rock- lyn spent the week end w&th Mrs. F. J. Weber. Mr. and Mrs. Wes White and fam- ily of Severn Park hydro plant called on Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Penkins on Sunday. Mr. Len Wadsworth of Brantford spent the week end with his family. Mr. and Mrs. Art Wiickens of Epp- iiig spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Meryl Weber. .\ severe elac-tric storm visited our communfty Friday, doing consider- able damage. Mr. Les. McMullen had five fattening cattle killed and two others injured. The homes of Mrs. Atkinson and Wm. Hackett were struck with minor damages. Mrs. Wayne Weber and two child- I'en are spenddng a few holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Brush of Kearney. Her sister returne<l home with her, after spending a couple of weeks in the valley. The Centre Grey W. I. convention was held in Kimberley Community Hall on Thursday, June 15th. Dinner was sei-ved to about 150 ladies and a very successful conventibn was en- joyed by all. riston are visiiting witfi Mr. and Mrs. Mel. Hogarth. Mir. and MIrs. Walter Broughton of Proton were visitors with the Mc- Lean and Copeland families Sanday. Dr. and Mrs. W. Henderson and little son of Orangeville were recent visitors with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mai-sihall. Gordon Shaw of Walkerton spent the week end with his mother, Mrs. Elsiie Shaw. 8TH LINE OSPREY Canada's production of crude pet- roleum reached 21,500,000 baneU last year, an increase of 7* percent i>ver ia48. Voice (on the telephone): "Is my hu!^band in the club?" Club Waiiter: "No, madam, I'm afraid he isn't." "How do you know? I didn't tell you my name." "Husbands are never here, Madam â€" especially those who are wanted on the 'phone." (Intended for Last Week) Misses Helen and Naomi Somers from near Brftntford spent Saturday at their home here. Mr. Mei"vin Davidson underwent an operation in Toronto on Saturday morning. We are pleased to know h" is improving favorably. Recent visitors at the Jas. Otte- well home were: Mrs. Aiitliur Whi^c and family of CoWingwood, Mr. and Mrs. S. Oslbome and family of Bog- nor, Mrs. ranees Foster and Mr. John Flyiin of Vandeleur. Quite a number from here attend- ed the presentation for Mr. and Mr=i. Pete Somers at Banks Friday night. Mr. Doug. Stephens spent a few tlys .in Dundalk last week with Mr. and Mrs. John Stephens. M.. and Mts. Jas. Ottewell. M)'. and Mr.s. Lloyd Stephens, Mary and JimTO.ie, visited with Mrs. Arthur WTiite and family in CoUingtwocd on .Sunday. In Canada last ye&r 351,135 babies were born. 21-DAY SPECIAL LOW RAIL FARES To EASTERN QUEBEC AND THE MARITIMES (MEGANTIC. LEVIS, DIAMOND) Take that vacation "Down East** this year. Inexpensive holiday fares give you a 21-day limit with shop-overa permitted. Effective JUNE 19Ch to SEPTEMBER 4th inclusive Consult any Canadian Pacific Agent GoM^uLoM. &CUi^ NOTIICE, FARMERS If you have a misfoftune on your fairm, give us a call. We pay high cash prices for dead or disaibled aniinials. Phone collect. CASWELL BROS. Phone 350J Durham, Ont. (Intended for Last Week) Ten dollars was donated to the Winnipeg Flood Eelieif Fund at the Vandeleur W. A. meeting held at the home of Mrs. Lundf Johnston Wed- nesday afternoon. '•Irs. Geo. Buch- anan occupied the chair and welcom- ed former members from Toronto, Owen Sound and 'Mtirkdale and mem- bers of Annesley W. A. to the meet- ing. Mrs. Devins of Toronto express- ed her pleasure in -Nnsiting in her former home neighborhood and re- I oited the poem "If any kindness you I can do, do it now." Mrs. Dezell of Owen Sound gave a brief missionary talk and Mrs. (Rev.) Lee gave a syn- opsis of the high lights of "Growing With the Years." Mrs. Angus Bowles read an interesting article and Mrs. Fiitzsimmons conducted the devotio.i- al period. Lunch was then served. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Mason and fam- ily of Alldston were week end guests of Mrs. Mason's sister, Mrs. W. B. Johnson, and faimily. Mts, W. A. 'Weber and daughter, Mrs, Mclvor, have returned after a trip to points in the U. S. A. HORSE RACES AT DUNDALK Saturday, June 24 at 2:00 o'clock p.m. Sponsored by Dundalk Sports Club TTiree Classes • FREIE-POR-ALL Purse $300 2:24 CLASS Purse $250 2:29 CLASS Purse $250 Entrance Fee 3%; no deductions Purses divided 40, 30, 20, 10% 3 1-mile heats; every heat a race McDonald's Startine Gate from Hamilton will be used Betting privileges on Grounds iVdmissiion: Adults 75c; Children over 12, 35c; Children under 12, free .VII Profits to be Donated to Manitoba Flood Relief Fund Daily Service Owen Sound - Flesherton - Toronto Starts June 22ncl LEAVE FLESHERTON To Owne Sound CEYLON small piece of charooal, a dish of ibaking soda, an empty coffee bag, or a few nasturtiu^m leaves. Two men were discussing a mutual acquaintance. "WLce fellow," said one, "but have you notibed howe he alwiays lets his friends pick uip the dinner bill?" "Yes," replied the other, "He has a terriible imipediment In his reach." A New Paint Job to face the Summer will give you something to celebrate. Years will drop from your car's age. Drive in and let us give you an estimate on the job. For only a small sum you've a car that looks like new. WE SERVICE ALL M.\KES OF CARS Mr. and Mrs. Grant Whittaker of Toronto visited last week with Mrs. Anna McMillan. Week end visitors witih Mr. and Ma's. Fred Marslhall were: Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hendersori ^nd son, Gr-a- gory, of Orangeville and Lance Beath of Oshawa. Wm. iShaw has taken a position as seotionman at Lamibton. Mr. and Mrs. Olvas. McWilliam and son, John, of Mt. Dennis spent the week end wtith Mr. and Mrs. Johri McWiillia-m. Mr, and Mrs. Murd. Reany of Pnlm- erston called on friends here Sunday, Week end visitors with Mrs. J. F. Coillinson were: Mr, and Mrs. Gibson Collinson of Detroit, Mre. Jas. CoH- inson of Brantford and Bonnar Bui- four of St. Catharines. Mr. Arthur Whittaker of Toront- Sipent the week end with his brotlhe"", -A-ngus. C d b - 11.13 a.m. 3.48 p.m. 8.23 p.m. LEAVE FLESHERTON To Toronto 9.07 a.m. 2.12 p.m. J 8.27 p.m. Dancle In Arena NIGHT OF RACE MEET Admission 50c ' Sunday.s and Holidays c - Saturday only d - Daily except Saturday DAYLIGHT TIME Tickets and Information at BODEN'S SERVICE STATION Phone 63 Flesherton GRAY COACH LINES >*i**j^i^j^i^t**i«*M*<<^H*<*<K*<*<^^ iwr^MTWP-iwr^M^^M'^M'^M^ 154 WEIR MOTOR SALES Reliable Used Cars Fifth St. - Phone 945J - ColUngwood Tip Top Tailors Suits Values That Challenge Comparison \V"e believe that stitch for stitch, a Tip Top 'i'ailors Suit represents value that will stand up under any comparison. Here are lasting good looks and tailored-to- nieasure fit with jjractically unlimited choice ot" style and fabric â€" at a price you can afford. " , LADIES' SUITS $46.50 MEN'S SUITS $46.50 (Intended for (Last Week) Mr, and Mrs. Mel. Hogarth and famlily visited at Harriston Sunda.v. Mr. and Mrs. R. Snvithson and Baifbara of ToiH)nto were Sunday vis- iiors with Mr. and Mrs. A. Kitchen. iMr. Joe (Co(peland has pui^chased the Maudsley ihome and wiill take possession July 1st. Wtis Doroth- iBrskine spent the week end' with her parents at Meaford. Mrs. Carl Teeter and daughter of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. EWon Hend- erson and Bonna of Corbetton were Sunday visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Joe Copeland, Mr, and Mrs. Ernie Severn an.l childivn of AUlston were weok-en'l Severn Ready-to-wear Suits Odd Trousers Sport Shirts Smart Neclcwe«a Belts Shirts and SJiprti Felt Hats Suspenders Fine Shirts House Dresses Nylon Hosiery Ankle Socks Nylon Slips Velvasuede Lingerie Brassieres Summer Footwear Canvas Shoes Children's Shoes Cong-oleum Rug's Congoleumt Lace Curtains Wall Papers Paints and Enamels Frilled Curtains Paint Brushes Draperies Curtain RodvS F. H. W. Hickling General Merchant FLESHERTON Mr, and Mis. HaiTv Quigg of Har.| ^♦♦♦><*^>*K*<^MK'^MK»<K*<^H^><*<^^