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Flesherton Advance, 14 Jun 1950, p. 1

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r T- r f â-  ^ r r t r < 1 1 VOL. 70; NO. 2 FLESHERTON, ONT., WEDNESDAY, JUNE 14, 1950 F. J. Thurston, Publisher Future Events PLAY AT MAXWELL "The Road Back" wil' He presented lA Mferwell Orange Han on Friday, June 16th, at 8:30 p.m., by Dunedin YJ».S., under auspices of Maxwell L.O>Bj\. Ad/mission: 35c nd 20c. DOiMINION DAY. FLESHERTON ^ Save the â- week end of July'lst and ^ 2nd for the big Legion week-end. ^ Saturday: baseball, races, games, - bingo, dancing, lucky draw. Sunday, J«ly 2: Special service in jMemorial ^ Piirk, good "hand, Hon. W. B. Harris ^ «8 g>ueat speaker. 2 DANCE AT RAVENNA ^ In Ravenna Hall Thm-sday, June ^ 16th, also every Saturday night in Meaford town hall. Hot dogs and drinks. Door prize. Music by Norm Hartley and his orchestra. Admis- 8ion: 50c. -__ DUNDALK RACES IKeserve Saturday, Juno 24 th, for Horse Races at Obndalk _ Free-for- AU, 2.24 and 2.29«. All profits to Manitoba Flood Rel-ef. Honor Prioeville Family On Leaving Contaiunity (By Priceville Reporter) A presentation was held in the W. I. hall in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Dick Carson and family prior to leanring for their new home at Boothville. The •herring was spent in (teiicing, music being supplied by the Pedlar orches- tra of Flesherton. An' a3dress was read by Mrs. A; L. Hincks, express- ing regret at their departure, and an electric toaster, iron, lamp, a two- burner hot plate and money to the children were presented by E. Burn- ett, G. Sturrock, Wallace Meads, J. McMillan and Dave Brown. Both Mr. and Mrs. Carson fittingly replied, thanking all for the lovely gifts and gdving a warm invitation for all :o visit them in their new home. Flesherton Council Minutes CREDIT AUCTION S^LE SATURDAY, JlrNE 17. at 2 p.m. 4"^ miles south of Maxwell Including 8 Durham two- year-olds ; ^ 7 Durham-Hereford Yearlfaigs; 8 ^ Calves (Durham-Hereford); 8 young _, Calves; 27 Pigs from 100 to 175 lbs ; ^ JO Pigs six- wefrks old; 23 Pigs thrse ^ weeks old; 4 Sows; 7-5 bushels Buck- ^ wheat. Six months' credit.â€" 4Walter X McMaster, Prop., Geo. E. Duncan, ^ Auctioneer. ^ 'east grey L.Oi. ^ "SSie liaat Grey County L.O.L. will held their semi-annual meeting at ^ Swinton park, Mon., June 19th at S p^m., when Grand Lodge officer will be present. On Frid^ay, June 16th, i the Scarlet Chapter -will meet in the ^ Orange Valley hall. -^ -. Bom RIDDELL â€" At the Nuhn Nurs- ing Home, Flesherton, on Fri.. June 9th, 19(50, to Mr. and Mrs. Howai-d Riddell of Hopeville a daughte:-, Sharon Elizaibeth. The regular meeting of Flesherton Council was held Tuesday evening, June 6th, with all members presen-;. The meeting was held a week early, due to County 'Council being held on the date of the regular meeting. Following was the correspondence read: Dept. Planning and Develop- ment, re Stratford meeting of the Municipal Industrial Promotion Con- ference; from Dept. of Welfare, re polio and paraplegic •assoc.; from the Municipal Board, re holidays; Dept. of Planning, re J. Nuhn building. The following accounts were order- ed paid: L. Pedlar, streets $11.40; Jos. Sewell, streets $11.40; L. Pedlar, park $4.20; L. Pallister. park $2; MtTavish Garage, rent of truck for street work $6; C. J. Bellamy, post- age, stationery and OA. pension form S6.a3; Co-unty of Grey, rent or grader for streets $1T..50; Municipal Worid, stationery, etc, |.5.57; N'orval Betts, shingling town hall $118.00; W. E. Betts, materials for shingling S276.&3; rank Taylor, shingling town hall $84.75. The fol'owing Hydro accounts were passed for payment: Dr. T. D. Park, refund $5; H. Milligan, salary $25; G. B. Welton, salary $25, labor $29. rt^' •^ K x^^. STOP Stop at the Flesherton Creaiueyf ;iiul leave your Cream and Eggs. We g-uarAntee to give you all that is in your produce. Give us a trial and you will be another of our sat- isfied customers. \\'e are paying top market price tor l*\»\vl. either alive or dressed. CREAMERY HOURS The Creamery lu)urs tor June. Jul\ and August will be : Monday, Tuesday, Friday 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Wednesday and Saturday 7:30 a.m. to ^^:30 ii.m. Thursday' 7:30 a.m. to 12 \ooii Flesherton Creamery "The Honvs of Service and Satisfaction Phone 66 FLESHF.RTON Angus Avis, Manager t •v 9- * t. *- X i i i Our Chapel is at tbt disposal of our clienttU without sxtra «barg«. It contains well-ippointtd family rsception rooms, laduding organ and organist. B^tes anri Maddocks l24Avf,ui'Pri Kl 4^44 Ar^emesia Council Against Beverage. Room In Glenelg .^rteanesia Councij |n«t for their re^lar meeting on' Thursday, June 8th, with all meonbers present. Cuntmunications were read from the foDowing:: Council Qif Glenelg Township asking the .A.rteme8ia Council to pass a res- olution if they wish to oppose the granting of a license for the sale .)f alcoholic beverages in Glenelg, and t^' forward sanve to the Liquor License Board at Kitchener before July 5th, which is the date of the hearing. From Police Trustees of Prfeeville, asking Council to prepare by-law to prohibit emptying of private drains onto road allowance, also prepare by- law to cover additional Hydro deben- ture issue of |2,000.OO. From Massie & Renwick, insur- ance agervts, asking for report from road superintendent regarding dam- age claim of Wilfred Batchelor. From Middlebro & VanWick, soli- citors of Owen Sound, asking for paa'ticulars re sale of lots by T- Gilli- land 'â- o F. McCarthy in Eugenia. From R. J. Sabdston, submitting a render for weed spraying on town- ship roads at 530.00 per mile, both sides of road, material siupplied. -Accounts passed arid ordered paid: Harold Hutchinson, sheep claim $21 and C. Foster, valuator $1.50; H. United Church Silver Jubilee Observdd .Sunday By St. John's astoral Charge Thanksgiving for the vision and comage of the men and women who" went into Union in 1925, and re-ded- ication to Che task of tihe Church in Canada and the world, were the main notes struck at the sqpecial service i'l St. John's United Church on Sunday, June 11th. Rev. .\. G. M!acphers-.>n spoke from 1 Cor. 3:9, and showed how the life of the church had been enriched by tiie merging of the three streams of religious thought and ex- perience, freed from the handicaps of denominational rivalry, and strength- ened by a more united front against evil, and more united witness for Christ and the Kingdom. -A.ssistling in the service were John Duncan of Inistioge and Wm. Batch- elor of Proton Station. Eugenia was represented by Earl Gordon, and Flesherton by John Brackenbury. The choir was composed off members from all four appointments. Russell .A.cheson of Inistioge sang "Open th^ Gates of the Temple," and Misses Ma.xine and Joyce McCannell of Pro- ton sang "In the Garden." The church, well-filled by worship- pers from the whole pastoral charge, was beauHifully decorated wixF spring flowers. A special thankoffering was received in aid of training students OPEN AIR SERVICE IN MEMORIAL PARK Next Sunday, June 18th, 1950 Special Singing by .Mr. aud Mrs. McFarland SBRMIO-V BY RE\ . A. J. FLETCHER "Entrance and Elxclnsion" If weather is uni.ivorabii, the senice will be held in the Cedarside Church P. .\. System will be used by courtesy of J. W. Cook Huxbury $58Ji9. for two ladders for ! j^r the ministry and other full-time Priceville ftre brigade; Municipal World, dog tags $19.21; Dept. of Health, insulin account S1.95; A. B. Chard, -^--j day committee work $1.9-5. Gillies, .-Vllen â€" That Road Supt. be instructed to have entrance to O. D.R.. opposite Hiphway N'o. 4, grad- et* so as to make it safe. â€" Carried. Allen. Gillies â€" That the Road Supt. be instructed to_open ditch p- posite the Doug. Clarke property and also the ditch opposite the Chester Shier property. â€" Carired. Allen, Whyt? â€" That we advertise in two •3Sues of three local papers for tenders for supplying of diesel fual for Che township grader to be delivered to the municipality, tenders to state size of tank and tyipe of pump to be supplied and how serv- iced, tenders to close at 2 p.m. Mo.i- day, July 10th, 1950. Gillies, Whyte â€" That the Clerk be instructed to prepare (1) by-law covering the baUmce orf Hydro ex- penses in Priceville, (2) forming a Hydro commission for Priceville, (3) covering, draimigre in Pricev'lle. â€" (Cd. .\llen. Gillies â€" That we purchase set of four rear tires. Dominion Roy- ail, for road grader fi-om Litillejohns garage at price of $552.47. â€" Carried. Graham, .A.llen _ That in compli- ance with the re<iuest of the Coun- cil otf the Township of Glenelg, this Couti:il of the Township of .A.rtemes- w. go on rei.ord as being oppi'S-"! â- :'" granting of license for salt of alco- holic beverages in the ne^ghboriu'j: Township of Glenelg. and that copy of this resolution be forwai-ded to ;he Liquor Control Board at Kitchener. A recorded \S)tu was taken on t motion: in favor Davis, .\llen a"d Graham, opposed Ciil'nes and Whyte. â€" Motion carried. Graham. Whyte â€" That the repo -t of the truant otficer of the townsh-.p. Stanley Cainpbelll. he rejt^ived and that he jo paid $15 part salary.â€" Cvl. Graham. Whyte â€" That the R >:td Supt. payment voucher tJ, amounting tc ,$2,545.47, and vouch 'â-  " ounting to $151.55 be passe<i ani paid.â€" ICarried. At a special meeting of Cou;ui' held in Cheoseville school on May 1". the following motion,-^ were passed; Gillies, Graham â€" That an area ircludiing lots HI to 125. Cons. 1. 2. :! S.W., and lots 93-125. Con. 1 N.E.. lots 95 - 125 Con. 2 N.E., ami lots 9>!- 125. Con. V N.E.. «nd lots 9-wU 15, Con. 14, be placed in the MarkdaU- school area. â€" Carried. GilHes, .A.llen â€" That Norman Bur- itt be appointed representative o:i services in the church. Artemesia Again Rejects Township School Area Over 1-50 ratepayers of the town- ship of Artemesda met in the Town Hall, Flesherton, on Wednesday even- ing of last week and again voted down the question ol forming a town- ship schooi area. The vote was 133 against and 19 in favor of the town- ship school board. Reeve J, X. I>avis was chairman of the meeaing, and introduced In- spector Rae, who explained the situa- tion and advocated the forming of the schol area. He answered many qaestions, but after considerable dis- cussion, the ratepayei-s turned do^vn the proposition in no uncertain man- ner. Following is the vote reorded by school sections, with the first num- bers being against and the second fcr the school area: S. S. No. 2, 6 against for; No. 3, 4 and 1; No. 4, 45 and 1; No. 6, 3 and 2: No. 7. 2 and 6: No. 8, 18 and 2; No. 9, 5 and 0; No. 10, 1 and 1; No. 11. U and 1; No. 12. 2 and 0; No. 13. 2 and 0; No. 14. :3 and 2; No. 15. IT and 1; No. 17. 14 and 2. W. E Betts Installed Master Of Prince Arthur Lodge Flesherton W. I. Meeting .\.bout twenty ladies were present for the June meeting of Flesherton W. I., held at the home of Mrs. C. S. McTavish Wednesday last. It was decided that the bazaar would not be held until early fall. Other ways and means for raising money were dis- cussed and left in charge of the ways and means committee. Plans were made for attending the Centre Grey District annual meeting bein? held at Kimberley Thursday. June loth. An invitation from Che Proton W^.I. to meet at the home of Mrs. C. Hindle on June 22nd was accepted. Miss Donalda MacDonald rendered a solo, accompanied by Billie Mac- Millan, who also sang a solo to his own accompaniment, both of which were greatly enjoyed. Mrs. E. Lang gave a paper on flowers and garden- ing, and Mrs. J. W. Cook gave an article on froz'en food's. Mrs. Lang conducted a contest and the meeiinj closed with the National -\nthem and lunch was then served by the hostess. Tlie following offlicers of Prin-'e Arthur Lodge No. :?33, A.F.&.\;M.. were installed by Wor. Bro. W. G. Watson and other Past Masters oi^ Friday evening last: I.P."m. â€" J. McWilliam. W. M'. â€" W. E. Betts. S. w. â€" K. G. Betts. J. W. â€" P. S. MacDougal. Secretary â€" C J. Bellamy. Treasurer â€" F. H. W. Hickling. Chaplain _ W. E. Walker. D. of C. â€" W. R. Meads. S. D. H. ,W. Kemahan. J. D. â€" R. W. Fenwick. S. S. â€" H. A. Tucker. J. S. â€" G. .\. Morrison. I. G. â€" .-v. E. Sparks. Tyler â€" W. J. Chard. Junior Baseball Gives You Thrills And Chills Presentation To Nefwly Married Prioeville Couple (By Priceville Reporter) A presentation was held Friday night in the O.D.R. school in honor of the newly-wedded couple, Mr. and Mrs. BiA Grimes (Joyce Connolly >. The evening was spent in bingo, euchre and dancing, music being sup- lied by local musicians. "A.n address was read by Mrs. Lome Hiltz and the presentation of a purse of money was ntade by Elfoi-d Watters. M.. Grimes fittingly replied, thanking all for the gift and invited all to visit them in their new home. Mr. and M'rs. Grimes are residing on the farm owned bv the late Wm. Reid. Local Hackney Colts Take Prizes At Stratford Four first prizes were won by Mr. Geo. .-Vrmstrong with his two hack- ney colts ^t the Perth County Horse held at Stratford on Wednesday of las week. He took first place with both 2-year-oid and l-year-o!d hack- ney colts, and also the same in the saddle class. Both colts are choice quality and won over several other horses in the same class. Messrs. Robt. Thompson and Fred Bannon and Dr. Milne accompanied George to the horse show. Rev. A. J. Fletcher Twenty Years in Bziptist Ministry Special services were held in tha Cedarside and Rock JKUs Baptist Churches on Sunday to observe the pastor's twentieth anniversary of ordination. The churches w^re beau- tifully decorated w.;h lilaos and early summer flowers. Rev. Ca'eb Harris &f Toronto, who was the clerk jf the ordination council twenty years ago, was the guest preacher and brought three fine messages. Spe-'ai music was given by the pas':or, and the McFarlands of C-ol'ingw iod. MARRIED PIPHER â€" PALIGA _ On Satur- day, .\ray 13nh, 1950, in St. James Cathedral Chapel. Toronto. Rev. Dr. Peter Bryce officiating. Doris Paliga, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dominick Faliga, Ceylon, to Wilfred Pipher, son of Mr. and Mrs. L. Pipher of R. R. 1, Schomberg, Ont. DIED COLLINSON â€" At his residenc* ill Ceylon on Tuesday, June ISth, 1950, John Franklin Collinson. Resting at his late i-esidence where the funeral service will be held on Friday. June iGth. at 2 o'clock p.m., interment to be made in Flesherton Cemetery. SMITHâ€" .\t the Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, on Wed., June 7, 1960, Donald .-Vle.xander Jacob Smith, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. -Alex. Smith of Priceville. The funeral was held on Friday, June 9th. with service at the home of his grandanother. Mrs. Alex. Mc- Eachern. South Line. Glene'ig. at 1:15 p.m. Interment was made in the McNeill Cemetery, Priceville. Peronal income tax was unknown i n Canao'a prior to 1917. (Sd-^^n^^'Xa^ FILLED RING s^wiSiSsg ! You were at the ball game betwe.'ii Markdale and Flesherton? Fleshe-- ton tied the score 7-7. Thanks for dropping in. We think you .sa,v a fair ?a««e »f !»"• plenty of ext'tc- ment; you never know what wll hap- pen next: overthi-ows, hits and eiTors, the proviisional hisrh school boai-d for | all mdking a ball game. Cheesewille, Barhead and Oi-ange But we must not be too critical f these boys, only one of whom is a Vallev. â€" Carried. SHOWER HELD FOR MR. AND MRS. J.VCK HESLll* (By Maxwell Reporter) .\ shower was held in the Orange Hall, Maxwell, for Mr. and Mrs. Jack Heslip, recent groona and bride. .\n address was read and a lovely china eabiitwt was presented to them, the address being signed on behalf of the conrmunuity by Warren Mor- rison, Geo. Ball and- Telford Ferris. DANCE IN PRICEVILLE In W. I. hall, Priceville. every Friday night; music by Shmrpe's Oivhestra. .Auspices WJ. Admisedoa: 49c. easoned pla>*er, it is the first yea:' for the others, and under tension even the best make mistakes. Give them until the end of the season and then we can comiplain. The average ng' of the team would be 16, that is reas omvbly youjig, mostly higrh scJ'ool boys. This team should provide •» suii- niei of good sport. Watth for bills and listen tt> the chatter, thoy all like it. We'll be seein' you at the next game. Bring aJong yjur smell- ing saHts and all your nerve tonic. You'll reed it! Viscoant Alexander is the ITtli Governor-<Genera) of Caiwcia since Confederation. ...a treat for luncheon! • Friends in for lunch ? Or just the chiliiren? Or jusr yo%i Well, who more than you deserves this treat from our motiern Bakery ... a flavorful, luscious Filled Ring! With enchaiu- jnent in every bite! Or maybe you favor some piping hot Parker House Rolls . . . some ten- der Butterfly Buns ... or e.vquisite Danish Pastry! There's no end to the treats you can serve at any raeal, if you let us be your menu-maker! Kvery thing comes to you faultlessly baked, fragrant from our ovens this very- day ! Let us help you make your menu tomorrow! .v^ \ Phone 69 Flesherton Bakery FLESHERTON \

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