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Flesherton Advance, 24 May 1950, p. 8

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Wednesday, May 24, 1950 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE IMPLEMENTS FLEURY â-  UIS8ELL TVsctor Disc Harrows Smoothing Harrows Plows Lever Spring-tooth Harrows Tractor and Horse Manure Spreaders, ton rubber or stet'l OTACO TUACTOKS Rubber Tire Wagons Automatic Tractor Disc Harrows Steel Wheels for rubber Urea fi>r your own wagon RENFREW Electric Cream Separators New Gas-driven Washer Electric Washing Machines and Stoves Haud Washers Some good used Separators, one nearly new BEATTY BROS. A full line uf Stable and Barn Equipment Repairs W. C. WOODS FARM FREEZERS Now is the time to install that Deep Freezer. I have one in stock for inspection Electric Washers GILSON Deejp Freezers Electric Stoves ROOFING Refrigerators A good supply of all kinds of Asphalt Shingles and Siding in stock. Steel Roofing to arrife very 8r>on W. E. BETTS PHONE 46J PLBSHBRTON, ONT. -atfteM <MMW4 Bettear uKiioButter { On Fish, Sizzling Steaks and Chops, in Soups and Sauces â€" butter makes all the differenct in goodness wherever it is used So buy more butter now â€" at the new low.priCel MARKETING SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, OTTAWA Local and Personal GOVERNMENT OF CANADA 3% BONDS dated June Jsf and November 15th, 1935 due June ht, 1955 have been (olled for peyment June 1st, 1950 These bonds should be presented proinptly for payment on or soon after June 1st, 1950, because after that date tKey will no longer earn interest. Miss Alice Heard of Wingham was home for the week end. Mrs. Cecil McTavish spent the past week at iNiagara Falls. iMiss Jean iDuncan of Toronto was a week end visitor at her home. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Thurston of To- ronto were week end visitors with the tornier's parents. Mr. Ted McTavish is in London this (week attending a tJeneral Mot- ors salesmanship course. Mrs. W, A. Morton has retoirned to her home, after spendiug the winter with her daughter at Kapuskasing ana son at I'iusburK, .ga. Mr. and Mrs. L. Brothwell of Smiths Falls are visitiiig the latter's brother, Mr. T. J. Fisher, and other i-elatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Menzdes, Arthur and Lynda, of Bala spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kaitting. Mr. and Mrs. John Brackenbury and little daughter, Cai-ol, spent the week end on a motor trip to Toronto, N'iajgara Falls and Rochester. IMr. T. H. Hale of Toronto spent last week with his sister, Mrs. A. E. Belli, and Mr. Bell, and aloo with his brothers. Herb and Fred, Feversham. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Fatten, Gany and Brian, of Toronto spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, John McDonald. Mrs. Ted McTavish and daughter, Barbara, are visiting for a couple of weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry, near Montreal. Mr. and Mr.s Archie Neilson, Mr. and Mrs. Murray Neilson of Weston and Mr. Jack Neilson and two sons of Dundafk apent Sunday afternoon v^th Mr. and Mts. John McDonald. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. John MacKinnon and son attended the Fellows-Hall wed- ding at Welland on Saturday, return- ing home on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. D. Williams spent the week end at Elmvale. Little Lorraine Barnes returned to ^her home at Elmvale, after visiting for six weeks with her grandparents. Rev. A. G. Macpherson is to dedi- cate the new Legion Hall at Orange- vliUe on Wednesday. Mrs. Macpher- son addressed the Westminster Wo- men's Association in Orangeville last Friday. Orangeville is Mr. Mac- pherson's home town. Miss Minnie Gi-aham is spending a few days at her home in the Valley. Week end guests with her were Mr. and Mrs, Ernie Graham of Barrie, Mr. and Mrs. Isaacs of Saskatoon, SasK., Mr. and Mrs, Jafck Graham of Lady Bank and Mr. and Mrs. Porter Beard of .Springhill. Northern Ontario products: Min- ei-als, ttimber, furs â€" and hf>ck>y players. Miu Mary Macmillan Died Suddenly At Her Home ^ A former school teacher and one of Flesherton's J older residence. Miss Mary Macmillan, passed away at her home in Flesherton on Saturday morning after a leng^y illness, in her 84th year. The late Miss Macmillan was a daughter of the late iDoincan and An« Smith Macmillan, pioneers of Proton Township. She taught school for many years, her first .school toeing on tile Stone's Line, Artemesia. She later taught at Kenora and for over fifteen years at Fort William, She came to Flesherton when she retired from Icachinp over twenty-Ave years a£o, and resided with her sister, the late Mrs, Catherine paton. She was a member of St. John's United Cimittfa and was very interested in churtft \vt>A, being particularly interested in the Woman's Missionary--Soeiety. She was a regular attendant until the past few years, .when ill-health prevented her in takinir ipart in the meetings. Deceased is .soirvived by one blath- er, Neil, of Proton Township, and by two listers. Nettie, Mrs. Wm. Haw of Proton and Annie, Mrs. R. J. Wil- son, of Mt. Forest, She was prede- ceased by two brothers. Archie of Proton and John S. of Flesherton, a»d one sister, Mrs. Catheiiine Paton, of Flesherton. Another sister, Chris- tena died when quite young. The funeral was held on Monday afternoon, with sei-vioe at her late residence a* 2 o'clock p.m., conducted by iher pastor. Rev. A. G. Macpher- son, iwho sipoke of the work Miss Miacmillan had don* in past years. Interment was iriade in the family plot in gwinton Park Cemetery. The ipallbearers iwere Mr. F. W. Duncan and five nephews, Chas. and Jim Haw, John Wilson, Ca'rlyle Mac- millan and Carl Wilkinson. Among those" who attended the funeral and vdsited in the home were: Mr. and Mrs. Ches. Storey, Mr. and Mrs. D. Patterson, Mrs. Jim Patter- son, Meaford; Jas. Haw, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Campibell, Margaret and Ethel and Mrs. Bunston, Toronto; Mrs. Stokes and Myrtle, Mrs. G. iW. Pars- low, Mrs. J. McKee and Mrs. Wm. Miiller, ©undalk; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Smith, Mai-kdale; Mr, and Mrs, Ed- mund Ovens, Mr, and Mrs, Carl Wil- kinson, Mt. Forest; Miss Kate Mac- millan, Toronto. St John's United Church tt»w. A. G. MacphenoB Minister SUNDAY, MAY 28 â€" "The Great- est Freedom of All," the concluding sermon in the series on The Lord's Prayer. Come and bring your visit- ors with you. . Thurs., May 25 â€" Mass service of Thanksgiving lin honor of 25th anni- versary at 8 p.w. in Central Umted Chui-oh, Owen Sound. Fri., May 26 â€" Joint meeting of Official Boards of Priceville, Flesher- ton anJ Dundalk Charges in Proton Church at 8:30 p.m. It is very im- portant that all congregations be represented; . ,, ^The Toronto Conference of the United Church of Canada meets in St. -Paul's-Avenue Road Chujxh, To- ro.ito. May 32th to June 2na. The pUb'.ip is welcome at all Sessions. "If I I'ifuse to be y«ur wife," she whispered dramatically,- "will you really commit suicide," "That," he sa)id grandly, "has been my usual procedure." Small Ads POiR SALE â€" 19 pigs 6 weeks old^â€" Hugli Bumstead, R. R. 2 Proton, phone 53M1 Dundalk. &3pl FOR SALE â€" A few bushels home- grown alfalfa seed. â€" J. J. Hislop, phone lr42 Feversham. 52p2 FOR iSAiLE â€" 6 pigs, 8 weeks old $?6.00â€" G. B. Clarke, phone 74w3 Flesherton. 52p2 FOR SALJB â€"'New small cabin trail- er, pniced for quick sale. â€" Little- johns' <}arage. phone 28 J. FOR SALE â€" Quantity of Silver Hull ibuck wheat. â€" Kendal Hawk- ins, phone 30r42 Feversham. 53p2 FOR SALE â€" Quan'-iry of good po- tatoes. â€" ^Bert Magea, phone SOrtl Feversham. 52p2 Notide To Parents AUCTION SALE Auction sale of Faniv Stock and Imiplements, including matched team of grey mares, 8 Cows, 22 Pigs and full line of innplements, on B^iday, Juae 2iid, in Melancthon Township, 2 miles north-east of Dundalk. â€" ^Heni-y Brown, Prop., George E. Duncan, Auctioneer, ^^Prhe M(t Walk with Cme As Atotor TfdfRe /nereases** •^Minister of Highways Travel by motorisis and pedestrians promitet to reach a new peak volume this year. The leatonal upswing in holiday motor travel has begun. More vehicles than ever before are operating en Ontario street* and highways. Pedestrian haiards ore increaeod. fiitreme core must be exerc/sod by off to prevent ocoJdent*. P»tkttricm$ art urgti to wM canMly, MOTORISTS â€" i/ Check year (or and be issered that it is In a safe cen df tleii t i/ Check yosr driving and be ossered of a sofe jeeriiey. Mm S4mÂ¥i i i WHit SAniv ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS OiO, H. Doucm, MIMSTI* Owing to some near accidents due to carelessness of pupils in riding their bicycles from 'the school street onto the highway, the Board has re- quested that the teachers see that this praeOice is stopped. We respect- fully ask the parents to co-operate with the teachers in enforwing this ruling, othei-wise bicycles must not be taken to school. â€"Flesherton Publiie gehool Board PRIVATE SALE OELWf'^ Thursday, May 25th Only "YOU'RE MY EVERTHING" in Technicolor Dan Daley Ann Bayter FOR SAljE â€" Qn^jntity of mixed hay. â€" Harold Rirnardson, phone 33hv3 Flesherton. 52c2 FOR SALE â€" Renfrew Acorn range in good condition. Can be seen at Lelie Hansrton's, Fevershaan> or phone 23r3 Fewersham. 53p2 Friday and Saturday May 26, 27 "SAND" in Technicolor ' Mark Stevens . Colleen Gary al.'^o "3 STOOGES" Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday May 29, 30. 31 •NOT WANTED" Sally FV)rest a'Mo Laurel and Hardy BIG CASH OFFER EVERY WEDNESDAY WANTED TO BUY â€" Colored glass- ware, hanging lamps, pallor lamps, antique china, bric^-brac, etfc. Write Box 152 The Advance.. . FOR RENT â€" Small hoos^ in Oy Ion, with grounds. Apply to W*n. P. McKay, Meaford, Box 103, phone 568 Meaford. 60{i4 NOTIOB â€" Lot 13, Con. 13, Osprey, to be put in on shares. Any person interested contact Jas. Tliompson, (phone Feversham 10r2. '53pa PRICES SLASHED _ Watch for Holley's, Dundalk, early June Jew- ellery Sale, featuring outsftniiny savings. The following Household Furniture will be sold by MBS. R. B. HEARD on SATURDAY, MAY 27. at 2 P.M. at the residence of Mrs. R. J. Wilson in Flesherton Full size Westinghouse Electric Range; Chesterfield and Chair; Cab- inet Radio; Kitdhen Cabinet; Chiff- onier; Walnut Chestei'field Table; Buffet; Diningroom Table; Chest of Drawers; Wardrobe; Wilton Rug 9xG; Medicine Cabinet; Fern Stand; Sinall Tables; Car Rug; Lawn Mow- er; Garden Tools and misi:eUaneous articks. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the matter of the Estate of Mary McMullen of the VillaKe of Flesherton, Widow, deceased. All persons having claims against the Estate of Mary McMullin of the Village of Flesherton, in the County of Grey, who died on or about the 26th day of February, A.D. 1950, are hereby requii-ed and notified to send piepaid to the undersigned on or be- fore the 5th da'y of June, 1950, full particulai-s verified Tjy statutory de- claration. Immediately after the said 5th day 01 June, 1950, the Estate will be dis- tributed among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of wHich notice shall have been, received. Dnted at Markdale this loth day of May, A.D. lO-SO. â€" HARRIS & DUNLOP, Solicitors for the Executors FOR SALE â€" Hand washin^f jnachine, new wringier and stand and used _wrin ger. â€" J. TomCnson, EJugenia, phone Feversham 5r42. 53p3 LOST _ Tire and wheel 6.50x16 for hailf ton pick-up truck. Finder please notify Ernie Batchelor by calling 150w»13 Dundalk collect. DUNDALK ELECTRIC Contract and Custom Electric Wiring RADIOS â€" Phillips, Rogers-Majestic, Northern Electric and Stromberg-Carlson Radios. Leonard Universal and PhUlips Refrigerators We go anywhere. Phone 211 Dundalk, Ontario ONTARIO FOR SAljE â€" Softwood inch hwn- ber, 2x4 scantling, also old build- ing with fair hiniiber and wood.â€" . Bert Magee, Bugrenia, phone 30rH Feversham. 51p3 NOTfDCE â€" Man driving from Pnica- â- vHille to Toronto each ^Sunday eren- . ing, returning each Friday night, can accommodate 2 pasesngers.â€" Phone 4&M13 Fl-esiherton. 52c2 FOIl SALE â€" Set heavy team harn- ess in Al condition; "Farmer's Friend" riding plow 12-inch shares in good running order; harrow cart. â€" Fred Bai'iber, phone 118JI Flesherton. 51c2 Otaco Farm Implements SALES and SERVICE Tandem Discs, 24 and 32-plate Manure Spreaders, traotor and horse-chrawH Spring-tooth Cultivators, 3 and 4 sections JOS. STAUBLES Phone 107w3 CEYLON, Ont. MAN WANTEDâ€" Steadv year-round employment for reliable man with experience as truck driver; local man who knows surrounding ter- ritory preferred'. Apply to E. A. Fisher, or write Box 9* Flesherton, iiREMT AUCTION SAU Clinton Magee, 1 mile west of Max- well, will hold an auction sale of farm stock, on Friday, May 26th, .it 1 p.'m., includinig 22 good milk cows, all milking; 22 pail-<fed calves, pure- bred Polled' Angus bull, 2 years old; 48 pigs; 2 brood sows; DeLaval elec- tric milking machine and MoCormack- Deerdng electric cream separator, both nearly new. Terms: 12 months credKt on joint notes approved by the Bank of Toronto, Feversham, bear- ing 6% interest. â€" Geo. E. Duncan, Auctioneer. CHARLES J. BELLAMY MUNICIPAL CLBRS Ome«. Toronto Stroet, F l â€" liwrUa iHiMr of Marriago Ucmats GONVEYANCfiR WOIb MortcacM* ate. Doada AgnmamU A coramiuUMter for teWac •ffidaTito GENERAL INSURANCE AinO • FIRB • UPB Ufmttttik, Tranalt sad Oatf ED. LANG Phone 12Sw FLBSHBRTON For Mcnrity To-morroir, Inmre to-day, the Co-operstlre waf. HARRIS A DUNLOP SARtUSTERS, soucrroRS. â- !•• none 88 MARKDALB Ur- Dunlop wlB be Ib G. J. Bellany'g office every 8»t- nrday from 6 to 8:S0 p.m. A- r ~r .V T â- <!"i -ir« r- "llW#»<!!ȴ!?»-Wft \iMb riitLSit^M^i

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