t 'A t ..^' ♦ »â- - I r t A ®l)je /ksljMM "^dinmc^* VOL. 69; NO. 53 FLESHERTON, ONT., WEDNESDAY, May 24, 1950 F. J. Thurston, Publisher STORES OPEN WEQiNESDAY NIGHTS STARTING MAY 31 Commencing Wednesday, May 31, the retail stores in Fleaherton will be open Wedr.esdav Ni'g'hts, remaining closed all day Thursdays^ To some people "law and order" shnply means to lay down the law *Bd give the order. Future Events ** PLAY IN FLESHERTON !r "Lena Rivers" will be presented in ^ tlie Town Hall, Plesherton, Tuesday, ^ Bfety 80th, by PiSceville Y.P., under ^ awspices of OjE.S., conumencing at ^ 8:30 p.m. Admssion: 40c and 25c. ^ DANCE AT FEVERSHAM 2|r Daifce in Robinson's Hall, Fever- -* sham, Friday, May 26th, sponsored '*' by Feversham Conrtinuation Scho 1. "* UDusic by Aitchison'a Orches.tra. Ad- g. mission: 50c. Tickets 40c available ,^ ^ tram students. * SOMETHING NEW * AT 'EUGENIA ' Our first party for L.O.B.A. Lodge 1201, in the hall at Eugenia on y. May 2Gth, at 9 p.m. Euchre or dance, whichever you prefer. ^ Music by WurKtzer. Come and have 'af« good time. Lunch provided. Ad- -jmission 50c. DIED MoRAE â€" Gordon Alexander, age •*0 years, at London, Ont., late of Heathcote, oa Saturday, May 13th, after a lengthy illness, beloived hus- band of Alby Skippen and dear fath- er of Donald, Phyllis, Dorothy, Lois and Marion. Surviving also are his mother, Mrs. Alex. McRae, Windsor, one brother, Stewart, of London, and three sisters, Hattae of Windsor, Mrs. ^''"' Rm. °* ^"^" S'^^^»*-^°'*|AIone With Tractor, Youth Escapes From Four Wolves Ella Funeral service was held at Logan Funeral Home, Duadas St., Xiondon, on Alonday, May iSih, with dnterment being made in Woodlawn Cemetery, London. iTEETBRâ€" In Centre Grev General Hospital, on Friday, May I9th, 1950, .\aron Teeter, beloved husband of JIary Amelia Hill, and dear father of Muwel (Mrs. C. J. Allen). Nina (Mrs. G. K. MiMer) and Doreen. The funeral took place on Monday, May 22nd, with servite at his late residence, East Backline .\rtemesia, at 2:30 o'clock qj.m., interment being made in Markdale Cemetery. ST. JOHN'S W.M.S. REPORT Eleven ladies were rpresent at the WiM.S. meeting in St. John's Urated Church on Friday evening. Mrs. Ed- gar Betts gave an interestiing report on the year's work of the Mission Band, and [Mrs. J. Cook read the Twin Colts Bom in Town\ Twin colts are very rare, but this event .occurred in Flesherton early Sunday mornings when a mare owned by Reeve K. G. Betts gave birth to twin colts, a 'mare and a horse. How- ever, tha mare colt failed to survive, but ite mate is as lively as can be. The colt* were from Lee Harvester, a noted trotter. Presbyterial report iwith excerpts j„...^^„ „.^. ^..^ „ , ... ,,„.„ from the address of Miss Curtiss on| of him. and the other trio took off in (Markdale Standard) When four wolves' set after him "-n Monday evening about 9 o'clock, Robert Eagels, son of Mr. and Mrs Fred Eagles, Irish Lake, felt he was lucky to get away with his life. "They Vere awfully savagp " he said. Robert was harrowing with the trac- tor on the back field of the Milligan farm, when two wolves came out "f the bus-h. They Ididn't bother him. but sat beside a stone and watched him. ' Then two more came out of the bush. They started to follow the tractor, which had its lights on, and the other wo ranged alongside them. The four wolves were snarling and the bristles were standing up on their backs. Robert turned the tractor and head- ed for home, with the wolves follow- ing. Going through a gap into his own farm, he lost the harrows. One jumped over the harrows in pursuit Former Pre»byter»n Pastor Dies In Toronto ^ Rev. G. S. Milligan, M„\., a fortner pastor of Chalmer's Presbyterian Church, Flesherton, passed away re- cently at his home in Toronto. Born' in St. John, N.B., son of the Ute Robert and Jeanie Milligan, he is survived by his sisters, Jessie of St. John and Ethel of Toronto. Inter- men took plate in the family plot, Fernhill Cemetery, St. John,N.B. Lost First Ball Game To Berkeley By 11-3 Score Flesherton softball team played their first game of the season here un Monday vnin? and lost by the overwhelming score of 11-3 in fav^r of Berkeley. It was a bad start, bu: the boys will do better as the season progresses. Then there's the landlord who'-: straining at his leases. PRICEVILLE Japan. The quilts were on display and after the meeting four ladies packed the /bale, valued at S70.00, which goes to the Home Mission Council. The Society extends thanks to all those who responded to this necessary cause. *f •«**•- NOTICE TO OUR PATRONS The following letter has been sent to Ontario cream pro- ducers by the Ontario Creaa Producers' Marketing Board: To AU Ciream Producers :• You are familiar with the heavy advertising campaign of the margarine mianufacturers. You may not be aiv-are that it has resulted in consumption on a basis of 8.5 lbs. per person per year for Canara, while in the U.S.A., where it has been sold for 75 years, it is less than 6 sbs. per year. It n^resents a serious threat to the farm income â€" and every pound of the cheap butter substitute eaten makes the ataation just so much worse. Farmers across Canada have decided to do something about it. The Dairy Farmers of Canada have undertaken to raise a fund to advertise butter and other dairy products â€" and do our hest to get the gospel of butter to all consumers. The milk and cream producers in all I provinces of Canada have agreed to share in financing this program. This is being done on the truly democratic basb that if EVERYBODY con- tributes, a large .fund can be raised with a very small contri- | bntioq from lany individual producer. Thus it has been planned to ask all buyers of milk and cream to deduct 1 cent per lb. of butterfat from all' purchases in the month of June and forward it to the treasurer of the advertising fund to be used to increase the demand for our pro- duct. This, in an indirect way, will help maintain prices at the farm. W:e are asking you, as an individuial producer, to back us up with the few cents deduction from your cream cheques dur- ing June. Of course, this is democratic and voluntary, and we are counting on your full co-operation and support in making the program comuletely successful. Let's do iit together. Thank you. â€"THE ONTARIO CREAM PRODUCERS' .MARKETING BOARD James Gifford, Chairman Flesherton Creamery THE HOxME OF SERMCE & S.\TISF.\CT10N Phone 66 FLESHERTON Angus Avis, Manager a direction to cut him off in front. They retreated as Robert neared his home. _ Robert called bis neighbor, Elmer Hutchinson, who ibrought his shoe- gun, and with his brother, Lorne Eagles, and a rifle between them, they went back to the field with the tractor. Before the tractor had made one round of the field, a wolf came out again. He was shot I A drive is to be nuide for the others. "If I had been driving horses, I wouldn't have got away from them," Robert, who is 17, said of his en- counter with the four wolves when he was alone. "I yelled at them, 'try- inig to frighten them away, but they kept following me." G. Sullivan League Schedule May 22 â€" ^Berkeley at Flesherton Kttlsyth at Chatsworth Desboro at Keady 25 â€" Flesherton at Desboro Keady at Berkeley Chatsworth at Holland 29â€" HoUand C. at Kilsyth Chatsworth at Keady Berkeley at Desboro June 1 â€" Keady at Flesherton Desboro at Kilsyth Berkeley at Holland Centre 8 â€" Flesherton at Chats^vorth Holland C. at Desboro Kilsyth at .Berkeley 13â€" Kilsyth at Flesherton 13 â€" Chatsworth at Berkeley Hollaml Centre at Keady 15 â€" Keady at Kilsyth Desboro at Chatsworth Flesherton at Holland C. 19 â€" Keadv at iDesboro Chatsworth at Kils'-th Flesherton at Berkeley 20 â€" Kilsyth at Keady Chatsworth at Desboro Holland C. at Flesherton 29 â€" Flesherton at Kilsyth Berkeley at Chatsworth Keady kt Holalnd Centre o â€" Deaboro at Flesherton Berkeley at Keadv Holland C. at Chatsworth 6 â€" Flesherton at Keadv Kilsyth at Desboro Holland C. at Berkeley 13â€" (Berkeley at Kilsyth Desboro at Holland C. Chatsworth at Flesherton 17â€" Keady at Chatsworth Kilsyth at Holland Centre Desboro at Berkeley July Mrs. T. N'ichol, who has been visit- ing her daughter at Mclntyre, is now at the home of her son, John. Jlr. and Mrs. Eari McLeod of Lon- don spent the week end with, his fa- ther, who is sDili_bedfast. Mrs. Mae Huston and son, Archie, of 'London, Miss Marion Muir oif Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. John Whitta- ker of Dundalk were week end visit- ors at the home of Stewart Muij-. Elvin Hincks spent the week end with Bobby MacLean, Flesherton. Mrs. Ellen Parslow returned home, after spending some time with her niece, Mrs." J. A. MacOuaig. .Mrs. Stephens spent the week end at Wiarton. Miss Isobel Karstedt of Toronto spent the week end at her ffome. Mr. and Mrs. A. O'dell Sr. retumed honve, after spending the winter months with their son. Bob, in Que J bes, and ("aughter in Toronto. .\ school meeting was held Friday i night and engaged Mr. Louis Boa. for his second year. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Noinnan. Barry aU(l Ruih. of OrUKa were recent vis- itors at the home of Jack Ferguson. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Magee ana sons of Eugenia visited Sunday with Mr. aad Mrs, Dick Carson. Mr. G. B. Cunningham, Miss Elea- nor Barker, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mc- Eachem of Orillia, Rev,, and Mrs. G. B. Cunning-ham of Alberta, P.E.I., visited friends here and attended th». ordination service of Rev. Grant Muir on Tuesday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Sutherland of Elpra also attended the service. Rev. Grant Muir occupied the oui- pit in 'St. A.ndrew's church Sunday and preached to a good sized congre- gation. He delivered an excellent sermon and read a portion of Scrip- ture in GaelKc from the Bible which was presented to him at the ordina- tion. Robert .^ilexander, son of Mr. and Mi-s. Sterling Whyte. was bap- tised at the service. Prfcetville people are very proud of Grant's accomplish- ment and 'Wish him every success at at his first charge at .\llandale and Stioud. .\11 were glad to see Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Mclntyre and twin daughters at church service on Sunday. Robert has been indisposed with a broken leg since last September. iMrs. .A.ngu3 Hooper was hostess to the W.MwS. and W.H. last Wednes- day when there was a good attend- ance of members and visitors. N'ew plastic curtains were reported pur- chased by Mrs. D. L. Mc-A.rthur and Mrs. MacCuaig and they were hung on the basement windows. Plans were made for the garden party and a committee appointed. Mrs. Henry Tucker conducted a contest and Mrs. John Eckhardt gave a reading. It was decided to have a bazaar and. bake sale. 'Mrs. D. L. McjVrtbur pre- sided for the W.M.S. and after the business was conducted, Mrs. Wm. Brown took the topic. It w-as decided to hold the June meeting a week earlier. Junior Baseball Sciietiule *iK Our Chapel is at tht disposal of our clitntelt without extra char|t. It contains well-appointed family reception roons, Including organ and organist. Bates and MadDDcks FUNER/il CHAPE I l24Avpnue Rri KI.4344 St. Columba, Priceville, W.A. And W.M.S. Meeting The joint meeting of the W.M.S. and WA. of St. CoTumba United Church, Priceville, was held at the home of Mrs. F. R. Oliver, with a good attendance. iMrs. L.. W. Mould presided for the W..M.S. an^ the meet- ine was opened with a theme hv^nn. story and prayer. A spknj-d report of the recent Presbyterial meetmg at Owen Sound was given bv Mrs. J. Harrison, discussion following. Mrs. F. R- Oliiver Ipresided for the W'X. and read an article on "Faith a.=t bbediience." A committee was ap- pointed to make arrangements for church garden party and final ar- rangements were made for the tea and sale of homemade baking. Other business was discussed and Rev. Mr. Mo<uld closed the meetinj: with prav- ex. The Baby Band meetinc is to Se held at the home of the secretary, Mrs. Thos. Currie. CARDS OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. W. J. MoMaster wish to ejcpress their gratitudfe and apipre- ciation to the Baptist Sunday School for treats, and also to friends for cards and visits and kind enquiries durinig tJie illness of then- daugh- ter. Joj-ce. The family of the late i^las Udell wish to express their healtfelt thanks to their friends and neijrhbors for tht'ir many atts of kindness, also fli>ral triibute*!. and special thanks to L.O.L. No. 666, during their recent sad bereavement. Flesheiton junior baseball club is plaving in league composed of Shal- low Ljike. .Markdale. Durham, Walk- enon. and Hanover, so the competi- tion should be keen. .\11 but Shallow Lake ar..- entering junior teams for the first time. Flesherton, Markdale Shallow Lake and Durham home games will ?tart at tJtlo p.m.. with games in Hanover and Walkertjn at ;!:15 p.m. Folhwiii^ is the schedule ill which Flesherton. 'Markdale and nuiham are particularly interested: June «• â€" Shallow Lake at Markdaie 8_.\VaIV»rton at Durham I) â€" .MarKdale at Flesherton 14__Flesherton at Markdale le â€" Shallow Lake at Durham 19 â€" .W'alkerton at Plesherton 20 â€" Durham at Markdale 23â€" Flesherton at Durham 27 â€" .Shalbw Lake at Flesherton 2J! â€" Durham at Hanover 30 â€" F!es:herton at W'alkerton Maikdale at Shallow Lake 4 â€" Hanover at Flesherton Markdale at Durham 6 â€" Hanover at Durham 7_^lesherton at Shallow Lake 8 â€" Markdale at Hanover Durham at Walkerton 11 â€"Durham at Flesherton Walk'T'nr at Markdale 15 â€" Fleshcrtoi. . Ha-iover 17 â€" Hanover at Markdale July In Memoriam WHn'FX).\K â€" In lovimr memory of my dear sister, iSaJly May iWhite- oak, who passed suddenly awav on May 25th. 1949. I'm thinking of you today-^ay, Thinkring of you and the past; Picturina: you in my memory Just as i saw .vou last. If all the world were niiue I'd give it, dear, and more, To see vowr smiling face Oorae shining through the door. â€"Ever reanembered by Sister. Etta CIVIC HOUDAY, FLESHERTON Plan to spend your Civic Holklay week end in Flesherton and enjoy the season's biggest event of water sports, ball games, dancing, concert and carnival frolic â€" August 5th, 6th and 7th. Church Service: Sun- day, .Aug. 6th. Watch for future announcements. Auspices of Flesh- erton Community Serv'.ce Club. % m % If ail the people who work for the telephone company, And ail the people who earn a liiing by making the things the telephone company needs. And all the people who have their savings invested in tb* telephone company. And all the people who depend on good telephone serviet to run their businesses and manage their homes; If all these people, with their families, lived in om* tiSj, This City-With-So-Name would be by far the larg«$$ tm Canada, and one of the largest in the world. Keeping poc« with the growing needs of communitiee everywhere for more and better telephone eervice ho* taken loH of work and loti of money. Only a financially heolthy telephone company «â- â- carry on this big job. ; Telephone users, employees, shareholders â€" •veryon* hat a vital interest In a service that means so much to tha welfare of so many people. COMPANY OF CANADA THI BELL TELEPHONE |^| Owned and opera/ed by Conodions for Canodtan* /resA/y 6aAec/ COFFEE RING for TODAY'S treat! • SurpriM your family with this spiced-and-iced delight . . . flavorful Coffee Ring, freshly-baked in our own ovens! Delicious by itself, and just the thing to add appeal to any meal, morning, noon and evening, too. And Coffee Rings are only one of the good things we make. Look over our appetizing array of Breads, Rolls and Sweet Buns. We bake them fresh every dayl ^^ Flesherton Bakery Phone 60 FLESHERTON )