i Wednesday,- May 17, 1950 THE tLESHERTON ADVAMCK KIMBERLEY 3Ir. and Mrs. Karl llooey and Les- lie cf Hamilton spent a short holiday with Mr. and Mrs. G. Jeitkins and Mr. and Mrs. J. Eliord. Betty EUJs of Rocklyn was with her grandmother, Mrs. F. J. Wobei, for the week end. Mr. and /Mrs. Percy C^rruthers ol Winnipeg, accompanied by their daughter, Gail, of MoMaster Univer- sity, visited with Mr. and Mrs. E. Weber and Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Car- ruthers and families. Mr. and Mrs. Pete McAusIan of Barrie (tnd Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Baker of Owen Sound spent Mother's Day with Mr. and Mi's. H. Baker. \Mr. and Mrs. Don Knuff and family of Singhampton, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Phillips and fanxily of Flesherton were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ohas. Graham for Mother's Day. !Mr. and Mrs. Mansell Cook, Owen Sound, and Dalton Ferguson, I^ling- t" , . - £â- .-â- ' -. â- .-â- I'l Mrs. M. Ferg:uson. 'Misses Lois Thompson and Ruth Chard were home ti>om Owen Sound for the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Ted McCraoken and little son oif Flesherton wore with Mr. and Mi^. Ran Hutchinson on Mother's Day. Mrs. Jas. Lawrence is having her home aided with insuJ bilick and some painting done. Mr. Stewart MdMoiUen of Hamil- ton and Mrs. C. Wilson oif Toronto spent Sunday with ,Mr. and Mr3. Leslie McHullen and their mother, iilvs. D. MoMullen, who has retumef to her home here, after spending the winter at Durham. Mliss Marion Hill of Ajax and Mr. Doug. Frenioh of Gait were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ross ElMs. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Joll«y of Oiwen Sound, who were former teachers in our school, renewed acqu^aintances and were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. EilMs Weber. "There is Uio proper way to fall off there a graceful way to slide off the waterwagon. FEVERSHAM Tip Top Tailors Suits Tip Top Tailors offers you a combination of hand craftniansliip, made-to-measure tailoring and fine fabrics at a price not equalled anywhere. Ladies' Made-to-measure Suits $46.50 Men's Made-to-Mea»ure Suits $46.50 A wonderful range of Spring- samples from which to make your selection, on display. A NEW LOWER PRICE ON Ladies* Nylon Hosiery Regular $1.3.^ line, now Regular $1.^).^ line, now $L25 $1.50 All lirst (jiiality; new season's shades; (lark sranis; all sizes 8j/> to U HOUSEHOLD NEEDS Congolcum 2 and 3 yards wide Congoleum Gold Seal Rugs o .1 w n i>.w.„..o Curtain Materials bunwnrthy Wall I'apers •^ ^ i)rai)cries I'aints and Ivnamcls Varnishes Ctu-tain Rods Window vSliadcs F. H. W. Hickling General Merchant FLESHERTON Mr, and Mrs. Herb Eby and family visited on Sunday with the 'former's Mrs. Don Dobbie, and family at Mcafjwl. Mr. Jim' MoKee of Goderich and Jack MoKee of Hamilton spent the week end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Howard McKee. Mr. C. N. Long and Bdb, Mrs! El- wood Dobson and aon vlisited Sunda,y with (Mrs. Loag in Oueilph Hospital. iMr. Jotin Parsonage of Hamilton spent the week end with hiis wife and family. M n^lP ruoe Plummer of Toronto spen^ffie week end with bis iwife and fan^ly. Mr. and M'rs. Jas. Lon^ visited with their daughter, Mrs. Harry Montgomery, in Dundailk. Mr. and Mrs. Victor McKensie and sons visited on ^Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Turner. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Boyce of Coll- pareivts, iMr. and -Mrs. Wm. Tyler. EUGENIA Visitors over the week end were: Miss Jean iProctor, Flesherton and Miss Eleanor Proctor, Toronto, with Mr. and ,Mrs. E. Proctor; Mrs. Bill Thompson and Bonnie Lee, Owen Sound, Mr. and Mrs. Lome Heeney and Judy, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Ted Burton; Mr. and Mrs. Doug. Cairns and Heather, Ceylon, with Mrs. Jack Cairns; Mr. Argyle Martin, Oakville, with Mr. and Mrs. Ohas. Martin; Mr. iMicCarthy, Misses -Mary and Isaibelle MoKee, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. MeKee; Mr. Glen Pedlar, Pine Portage, with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pedlar; Mr. Delbert Magee r^f vr^mnloTi and M^iss Ruth Phillips, â- 1th line, with 'Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Magee; Mr. and Mrs. Ray Genoe, Gravenhurst, with Dave Genoe. We are sorrv to report that Mrs. Tpxik Campbell is in Hamilton for an operation, and Mrs. Bob Ward in Collingwood. We wish them iboth a complete and speedy recovery. .Mr. Garnet Magee adcompanied Mr. Glen Pedlar to Pine Portage for a few days. PRICEVILLE MAXWELL Mr. and Mrs. Norman Parker of Allen Park vis.ited with Mr. and Mrs. Mel Sled on Sunday. Mr. and Mis. Jolm Templeman and son of Listowel visited with friendb in this vicinity on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Fields of Flesh- erton visited on Sunday at the home of Chas. Brodie. Mr. and Mrs. Noil Winters visited on the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Winters. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Meredith vis- ited with the latter's mother, Mrs. Marshall, at Ravenwi. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Cameron vis- ited with his mother lin Collingwood on Sunday. Mrs. Will. Belrose and Mary Lou of Owen Sound visited with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Long last week. Visitors at the hume of Mr. Jesse Grummett on Sunday were: Mr. and Mrs. Ray Lougheed, Sandm and Douglas, and Mrs. Emily Brown, Ileathcote; Mr. and Mrs. Tlios. Mills, Mr. and Mrs. Chester Mills and Mr. Henry Milts, Dundalk'; Mr. and Mrs. Goron Erikson and daughter, To- ronto; Mr. and Mrs. John Grummett, Hamilton. Mr. Thos. Grummett, who has spent the past week with his father, re- returned home on Monday morning to .\nsonville. Mr. Russell Seeley returned home Minnday evening, aftei- spending the past week in Collingwood Hospital. Mirs. AHce NiehoUs and sons, Elmer and Reg., of Toronto, sipent the veek end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gpo. W. Ross, Mr. and .Mrs. Neil MoCannell and family of Proton Station were recent visitors at the home of John Meads. Mr. ai.d Mrs. Grant Muir are spending a couple of weeks visiting the former's parents, |Mrs. J. A. Niohol, Mr. and Mrs. Grant Muir, Mrs. Henry Tucker and Mrs. D. L. MacArthur attended the Pres'bytertal of the W.M.S. at Ventry on Wednesday last. 'Mr. and Mrs. Sayers, Grant and Willis, sipent a day ivisiting friends at Guelph. BoUby MacLean, Flesherton, zpen! the week end w4th Glen and Elvin Mrs. Frank (Fumists and Lynda of Toronto spent last week wifliiJher mother, Mrs. Koeritz, Mr. and Mrs. Dooiglas M'^Doiiald and Misses Cileen McDonald and Isa- bel Karstejdt of Ti-rrnto spent the week end flt fho home of Mr Hirold Karstedt. Mr. and iMrs. Alex. McLean and famlily of Toronto were week end vHsdtors wit)h his father here and her parents at Proton Station. iMirs. Kate Bunciman has returned home after spending the Vinter in Toronto. Rev. Grant Muir will preach in St. Andrew's Church next Sunday. Mr. and Mr.s J. E. Petrie, Wayne, Larry and Beverley of Atwood were visitors Sunday with members of the Hincks famiiliies. Friday night the teacher .ind pu- pils held a euchre in the hall, when 11 tables were in play. Mrs. Farn;ss held high score for the ladies, D. L. MacArthur for the men, and Ed. Vergoz receiving the lucky prize, â- with Evelyn H-auter aaj EmerdOii Hiltz taking the consolation prizes. Mr. and Mrs. )D. L. MacArthur and Eleanor visited his mother and sister in Toronto on Sunday. Beautiful flowers, music and ser- mon commemorated Mother's Day on Sunday in the .village churches. Mrs. Wm. Beaton was hostess on Wednesday to the Federated Farm Women, when 18 ladies were present. Mrs. I. B. Whittaker presiding. The roll call was answered by naming fa- vorite radio program. "Thank you'' cards were read for treats, etc., and $5.00 was donated to the Salvation Army, Mrs. Alex, Duncan gave a paper on processing of apples, made into juice, and Mrs. Donald Gi'.Uc.s gave a spilendlid paper on flowers. Mrs. Whittaker read a poem on housedeaning. Tickets were sold on a jar of maple syrup and Mrs. Edgar Patterson w^as the winner. The election of nfl'icers then tooic place when all offkers were' re-elcct- od: Pres., Mrs. Whittaker; Vice-Pro.. . Mrs. Cecil Fawcett; Secty,-Trea-.. Mrs, Bradey Invin. Mrs. Whittaker invited the porgram commiittee, iMiss B. Walters and Mrs. /Gillies, alon'r with the oflFicers, to her home u< make out the year's program. Mr^. Currie and Mrs. A. L. Hincks wo-o appointed to audit the books. Luntli was served 'by the hostess and h'M- assistants and a social time s-pcut. â-ºâ™¦â™¦â™¦ » «ir»-. Bulldozing Service In response to many requests, I intend to continue this service .this summer ,for Farm- ers, or others, in the Flesherton Area. Kindly address .inquiries to â€" LLOYD ACHESON 21 Kingslea Court, Toronto 11, or pihone 600r5 Dundalk . "» X â- » i * > 4 ^ 4 â- f i ^ i • « i 1^ i|l» ^ T * * > .- 4 ^ •» 4 BUCKINGHAM Mr. and Mrs. John Bolden of CM- in«wood vis&ted oIL Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ahrin Hawton. Hi, I'm, '•'.. . .i.-ii'^:. ~. '.'itr'A^y were at Preston on Sunday to ri«lt their son and wife, iM(r. and Mrs. Bruce Brownridge. Mrs. ,Trann and son, George, of Markham spent the week end at the home of the former's daughter, Mrs. Arnold Ralph, and family. A numfber in this ieominunity are ha-ving their buildings wired for electricity. Mr. andTVIrs. Harry Udell receiived word this Monday mornlinig of the death of his father, ,Mr. Silas Udell, at his home in Maxwell. iSymipathy is expressed to Harry and other mem- bers of the faanl]^ in their loss. Mrs. Janey Ha-wton of Collingwood and Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Mullin aiid Joanne of Noftawa were Sunday vis- itors witih Mr. and {Mrs. Alex. MulUn and Elmer. Friends here were glad to learn that Mr. Ray Hawton is auflficiently recovered to fee out of hospitail at Kitchener and is spending a few days with his sister, Mrs. Jas. Fawcett, and fam'ily, CoUungwood, prior to going to his home at Thorrtbury. Mr. Gene BleaWey of Brampton spent a few days the past week with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Haugh. GirU And Boys -^ ^' A DaiUy Vacation Bible School a -^ now being planned for the first two 't^ weeks in July. Re^i^r NOW! to en- ^Jfk gmners 4 to 9, &>ee; 9 years and over >* 25 cents with enrolment. ^ Bible Stndies Games Singinf '^ Handicrafts ~^ such as leatberworp, plastic casting, "* metal foil emlbotssing will be taught "^ those 9 years and oyer. â-¼ SeriJ this enrolment form in N^>w to -t Rev, A. J. Fletcher, F'le.shertcn ^ ' jk Name ^ Address Age " Sunday School ~" ; •* If sufficient reg'^trations are re- .^ ceived from the Flesherton area, ft jjj» D.V.B.S. wiU be arrati^ed for here. jf PRICES .SLASHED _ Watch fur Holley's. Dundalk, early June Jew- ellery Sale, featuring outstin.iing savings. What profitebh a man to lay aside a nest egg the size otf a turkey's, only to have it reduced by inflation to the size of a canary's. NOTICE m starting May 17th, 1951, oflfdce hours for issudng Motor Vdiicle Per- mits and Drivers' Liicensea will be 12 noon to 12:45 p.m., 4 p.m. to 9 p.m., and all day Saturday. â€" H. H. MHRiCER, Issuer of Motor Licenses POUirRY WANTED MARKETS ARE FIRM ON POULTRY We are paying top prices for poultry. Call us before disposing of your fowl. Dundalk Farmers' Co-op. Creamery Phone 66 Dundalk, reverse charges â- 4 1^ i i i 1 1 VALLEY ROAD SOUTH A hunvber ardnnd here have finish- oil seeding-, l>ut the jjround is in need of rain. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. John VVNckens on Sunday were: Mr. and Mrs, Art Idle and family, Mr. and Mrs. Gladwyn Wiley and family of Pniceviilk'. Mr. a'Ul Mrs. Joe Gilbson of Pniceville, Mr. and Mrs, Bert Wtett of Berkf^k'y, M^r, and Mrs, Dclbert Wiekens.and little daughter, Mr. and Mr.s. W. Seward of Meaford. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Patters >n and '. family of Toronto, Mr, Fred WickenaJ and Miss O. .Wickens of Meaford were visitors \\Tt.h Mr. and Mrs. Clif- foi'd Ward on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs, Merlo Wehor and family visited Mrs. Wwber's niother, Mrs, D. Wright, Wasaga Beach, Mr. and Mrs, Ross KUis of Rocklyn ••â- ppnt Mother's Day with hor mother, Mrs, F. J. Weber. Mr, Fled Wickerbs had the misfor- tune lii?t Thursday to fall and break Ihrco ribs besides bcinK shaken up. SBE'DHIVeth^ r 4 4 % •t i ,\(lvici' is eivery bit as easy to >rivf iind h;ird to take as mcdio^ine. (Ht£fiiHIUVZ?/>z;c Ask us for a demonstration of the riding qualities of this wonderful little car. You will be pleased with its performance. We arc now e(|uipp(-d to t^ivf scr\ ice on all makes of lingli.sh cars. Littlejohns* Garage HILLMAN DEALER Phone 28J. FLESHERTON J- Ik â- * It •-* T ,-^ S â- ^ I ' »