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Flesherton Advance, 17 May 1950, p. 1

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t t ^ VOL. 69; NO. 52 < - - lEbje /lje0j)^rU«n airtwinc^ FLESHERTON, ONT., WEDNESDAY, MAY 47, 1950 F. J. Thurston, Publisher BORN BOYCE â€" In Centre Grey General ^^Hospital, Markdale, on Tuesday, May ;^th, lt)50, to Mr. and Mrs. George ,,y|sBoyl:e of Rock MnWs a son, Douglas %Oeorge. Sparkling B-H "English" Paint be;autifies and protects exteriors with a coat of lasting colour. Sold by F. H. W. HICKLING Flesherton Mother's Day Service Held At St John's Church "God Works ThiH)usrh Homes" was the theme of the special sei-vices in th.e United Chuwdies last Suoiday. The Sunday Schools joined wdth the congregations at Flesherton, Proton and Eugenia, and the jundor choirs lud the singing. At St. John'.s, the S. S. Super.iu- tendant, Mr. John Brafckenbury, <jjfh- ducted the serMice. .Miss Janet Be*ts read the story .of Timothy, who left his hoinie in Lystra to be one oif the first missionaries of the early Chris- tian Choii-ch. THis story was read at Proton by fcloyce Lyons and at Eu- genia, by Brufe Boefctger. The foll(4wing children . were re ceived into the fellowshiip and care oi" the Church by ithe rite of Holy Bap- tism, admlinistered by the ministe •, Rev. A. G. Macpherson: Thomas Ci-aig Black, iBeverley Ross Davidson, Patricia Lynn Hamiilton, Russell Douglas Lee, LesWe Donald MacKin- non, Mary E'lizalbeth PhSllips, Lind.i Jane Hutchinson, Sharon Elizabeth Hutchinson. Sprinig' flowers adorned the Altai- Tables. One of the bouquets at St. John's was plf;ced by Mr. and Mr---. Geo. Gates in gratitude for their 50th wedding anniiversary. IMr. and Mrs. Gates are the parents of Mrs. Rep;. Boden. The annual parents' night will be held in St. John's on Wed., iMay ITth, at 9 pjm. All parents of the com- munity are .invited to join in this iniformal fellows'hip and discussion of parents' problem's. Farm Forum Rally Held In Flesherton Last Week Real Estate Changes Mr. John Taylor of W^roxeter has purchased the farm of Mr. John Thomson in Melancthon township and will take possession soon. Mr. Albert Hodgins oif Toronto has purchased the farm of Mr. John Adair in Osprey township aid will move there shortly. Both deals were handled by Watson & Watson, real estate brokers, of Dundalk. NOTICE TO OUR PATRONS Due to regulations which the Cream Produ- cers are trying to put into effect, the Cream- ery hours for the summer will be Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Thursday from 7:30 a.m. until noon Saturday from 7:30 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. Creamery open Wednesday nights during June, July and August Flesherton Creamery THE HOMK OF vSHRVICE & s.vnsi'WC'riox Phone 66 FLESHF.RTON Angus Avis, Manager Our Chapel is at the disposal of our clientele without extra charge. It contains well-appointed family reception rooms, .including organ and qrganist. Bates and MaddoGKB^ FUN-ERAL CHAPEL l24AvEnueRd KI.4344 (By Vandeileur Reporter/ Olai-e Burt, provincial secretary oi' Ontario Farmi Radio Foi-um, was the guest speaker at- a rally of the Farm Forums of ; .Ai;tMmesia and Protjn Townsh.iio.s lield .in the town hall in Flesherton an Tbiirsday evening last. Mr. Burt gave an interesting account ;of the growth and development of the movement since its incepti-n 10 years ago. He told of its many ac- complishments and said that the flnd- inigs of the Farm Foruim discussion groups were eagerly read by mem- bers of the legislative bodies, and others who wished to .know the opin. ions of rural people on vital matters. IMr. Doug-al Stephens of Peversham presided. H. I. Graham of Vandeleur, president of Artemesia and past pre- sident o.f Grey County Federation of Agriculture, Lorne Mercer of Waj--'- hani, president of Oaprey Federation, and Geo. Little Johns of Orange Val- ley spoke briefly. Misses Frances Brodie and Marilyn Fitzs'immons of Vandeleur rendered a duet, accompanie<l by Miss Doreen Akox. Good reports of their activities were presi.'ntcd by several Forums. The roll call showed that Vandeleur had the largest representatdon, 10 being present. Mr. Burt then divided the gather- ing into three groups for discussion, the subject befing "What should we do to promote butter sales in view if the ever-increasing surplus." Mrs. Ed. Lang, Mrs. Carl Wilson and Lorne Mercer reported for the groups and many suggestions were brougi't forth, incloiding a big advertisin;;; campaiign, use of signs such as "Iff always better with butter,'' and urg- ing all fanners to .buy their own products, etc. Protest was also made regarding the advertiising of butter substitutes during the farm briad- cast. It was decided that fche For'ims of .\rtemesia and Osprey donate ten pounds of first grade crea nei-y but- ter (1 IL. each) a.-; i ))ri.;'; .•: ..le bi^. draw to be held in the near f'ltu •? in aid of the Centre Grey Geneial Hcs- pital at Markdale. District B.Y.P.U. Rally Held In "Flesherton The annual spring rally of Ihe District B.Y.P.U. was held on Friday evening, May 12th, in Flesherton town hall, when 175 young people and their friends gathered from va.'- ious places in the county and wer.; led .in a rousing .song serviiKie by Mr. Stan ilcFarland, with Ada Whyte a; the piano.. Emerson Beaton, presi- dent of the district association jf young people, presided throughout the meeting. An installation of new officers was conducted by Ri;v. H. A. Edwards of Chesley. Sijecial music was given by 'the McFarland-;, Carrol MoFarland and Donna .John son. An in.sipirational address was delivered by Rev. G. A. McLean of Neustadt. .After I'etiring to the basement "f UiL hall, a film was shown by Rev. R. C'ark of Owen Sound, and vofio-'li- nionts were served by the local B.Y. ['.U.'s of Rock Mills anil CedarsiJ.?. Mrs. Clayton Betts Heads Proton Station Institute (By Victoria Coi'ners Reporter) The May meeting of Proton Sta tion W. I. was held at the home of. Mrs. Jas. Foi'bes with 17 ladies pre- sent. Hig'liiights of the busiiness sesison were plans to have the pre- viously postponed play "Lena Rivers" presented in the hall and for slides to be shown early in June by Miss Georgina White. The loU call .'as answered by an exchange of spring flowers. After a short program, Mrs. C. Hindle, president for the past two years, declared all offlices /acant and Mrs. Gilbert MeCannell conducted the election of oflficers, wiith Mrs. G. Moore acting as secretai7. Following are the officers elected: 'President â€" Mrs. Cla.Yton Betts 1st Vice â€" Mrs. Reed 2nd Vice _ Mrs. Jos. Little iSec.-Treas. â€" Mrs. M. Bannon Sunshine Com. â€" Mesdamcs Beit Cobertt. Gilbert Little. Neil R. Mt- Cannell and Ed. Stinson Branch Dir. â€" Mrs. Elwood Stevens Dist. Dir. â€" Mrs. A. E. Walker Agricultural â€" Mrs. Edith Lackie Citizenship â€" iMrs. Doug. Clark Hist. Research â€" Mrs. Lloyd Little Home Economlics â€" Mrs. E. Best Publicity â€" Mrs. Bert Badgerow Current Events â€" ^Mrs. Ed. Stinson Auditors â€" Mrs. Fothergill and Mrs. Russell White. Mrs. Allan Koehler and Miss Ma:-- garet Macintyre, Dundalk, were pre- sent at the meeting and the former spoke to the gathering of their wisli to have tlTis Institute take part in the Dundalk Fall Fair. Her talk was interesting and the Institute agreed to contest the section listed for the Institutes. A delicious lunch brought the meeting to a close. FINED TROUT FOR POSSESSIN<i UNDER LEGAL LIMIT IFor being in possession of ,35 un- dersized (speckled trout), David Stephens of Woodford and Fred Wright of Allemford were fined $20 and costs each in Magistrate Spere- man's Court on Monday morning. The trout ranged from 4 inches in length to 6 inches and were caught in the Saugeen Riiver near Markdale. In passing sentence, Magistrate Spereman reprimanded the two men strongly and commented on the dam- age they had done to the trout pojpu- lation. Ohai'ges were la'id by Con- servation Officer Harold Cantelon of Meafoid. Card of Thanks 1 w.'ish to thank my friends and n.'';ihbors for the cards, letters and tieats received, and for the many 1(1 nd enqu'lries while I was lin Orange- ville Hosipital and since my retu'i home. â€" Mrs. Chester Shic ENG.AGEMEN! Tli.> tngagonr.'ii: is anr.:;unced n!' iju\l na May, only daughter of Mr. ind Mrs. Ross Stevens, Flesherton, t ) Thomas William, son of 'Mr. and Mrs. Wni. Mather. Pricevillp. Th.- will take pUu-e in -luiif. Baptist Church News Mother's Day was observed i" th«! Rock Mills and Cedarside churches on Sunday, when the pastor preached .iermons on "The Greatest Mother n History," and "Too ^'3'ear the Danger Line." Special niuisic was sung by Ruth and Hazel Fletcher. .Cello, vio- lins and piano were used to accom- pany the congregational singiuig ,Tt the (^edarside evening service. Two dates to keep in mind â€" 2'4ah. k district rally for the British and Foreign Biiible Society will be held ".'. Cedarside thuith. Rev. W. H. Mooii will si)eak, and show a colored movie "The Heart of India." May 26th: Miss P'lizaibeth Webb, to the Sudan, will g'/vu an ilhistrated address i" Cndarside church. .W\ ar.' iiivitod to these special meeting?. St John's United Church Mifiistf DIED C'OUITS â€" At Lord Dufferin Hos- 1 etal, Oraiigeville, o" Monday, M:iy loth, 19.50. Levi Coutts, Ceylon, 'n his 70th year. Resting at Rfchards Funeral Horn.'. '.'Ir hcrton, where sei'vice will be hell .n Wi'dnesdiy, May 17th, at tiw.i o'clock p.m. Interment will be made ill Maxwell ricvbyterian Cemetery. Wr.i'ry ii.menne Is half over when you have with whom to talk it over. .\nothor thing that is healthy I'i.out Hi-fathiiig 'hrough the nose is that it helps you to kee^p ^our mo;, .shut. T''M.r'r.\T'iON, the Te?,t of Our M-;io, .will be the --frmon theme il St. John's on .Sunday. May 21st. L â- â-  the 7th in li: ;erits on The Lord' Prnyer. Re.'.'. L. E. West of He'itii cote will he in charge at Inisti'.nj; â-  and Eugenia. St. John's choir practice on We. I.. May 17th, at 8 p.m. sharp. Parents Night at St. John's W<'d, May 17th, at it p.m. .VU parents iii- viteil to .join in friendly hour of fol- low."hip and discus^sion of piobloms. Light refreshments. The Woman's M.issioiiary Society meets in .St. -Tohn's school room Fri.. May ll'th. at 8 p.m. Qu.ilts and olhe, articles for the hale to be on display n:)nation.s of clothing stiM welcome Tickets for the anniversary .Servic. i)f Tlianksgiving at Owen Sound on May 2,ith, are rvailable from Rev. .'\ G. Mac)>herson. This ^.lill be one of the greM roei-tings lyf the year. Be ready for another paper dviv.' on Friday, May 10th, at 7 p.m. Don't forgot the play in the Town Hall on Monday, May 22nd. Artemeisa Council Prohibits Dogs Running At Large Ai'temesia Township Council mot for the regular May meeting with all memibers present. Communications were read from; Dept. of Highways, approving rj.50 load expenditure of §40,000.00; .Mr-. R. .Allien, Proton Station, asking the CounLil to support the village request to Gray Coacih Lines to have bus call at Proton Station on week ends dur- ing the summer season; Dept. Mu:i- icipal AA'aiirs, showing statement .)f Kiant payable to the nwinicipality lor the year 1049 in lieu of the l-mill subsidy. Mr. Sawyer and Mr. M. Henry of Markdale waited on Council to ex- pla-in the larger high school area in tliis disti'ict and to ask that the por- tion of Artemesia Township outside the Fle.sherton high school district be iH:iluded in an area comprising Markdale and Chatsworth. iM.r. Rae, Pulblic School Insipector, was present to ask Council for per- mission to hold .meetings for the pur- of placing before the ratepay- ers the Township larger school area plan. .Accounts passed and ordered paid: Municipal World, supplies $3.51; County of Grey, hospital acts. $77.74. Allen â€" Gillies â€" That the Coun- cil of Arteme.sia support residents of Proton Station community in asking Gray Coach Lines for -ummer week end sei-vice to the hamlet. â€" Carried. Gillies â€" Graham â€" That a meet- ing be called for Wednesday evening-. May 17th, at 8:;30 p.m., D,S.T., at Cheeseville school, meeting to include Cheeseville, Barhead and part of Or- ange Valley school sections, for the purpose of haviing explained the h«gh school act and desirabiJiity of form- ing a part of Markdale-Ohatsworth high school area. â€" ^Carried. Allen â€" Graham â€" That from in- fuimation now at hand, we are ad- vised that Township Counlcils cannot pay a woTf .bounty, therefore be :t resolved that the woM bounty resolu- tion Be rescinded. â€" Cariiied. Graham â€" Gdllies â€" That Mr. Rae be given permission to hold a meet- ing in tlTe Town Ha.U, Flesherton, on June 7th, 1060, t« explain the new grant system to public schooil'S and the importance of forming a town- ship school area. â€" Cariied. Graham â€" Whyte â€" That work be done on the two Bowles hills as soini a.-, conditions permit. â€" Carried. Grahamâ€" Whyte â€" That the Clerk make arrangements for the Council to meet the high school board in the high schooT at 8:30 p.m. on Tuesdav, May 'i3rd, 1050. â€" Carried. Allen _ G-illies â€" That the Treas- urer inves'tligate the debenture pay- ment of 1949 for U.S.S. No. 15, Prci- lon and .\rtemesia, and if found in (irdar the amount of $;«)|3.98_be paid to the Treasurer of Proton l^yi)).â€" Cd. Gillies _ Whyte â€" That the Ro-',.i Supt. investigate and make a repo.' to Council at their next meeting ro- i-arding sidewalk repaiiring, railiims and all other road work to be done in :ho village of Ceylon.â€" Carried. .\llen â€" Gillies â€" That the Ro i 1 Siipt's. payment voucher No. 5, am- minting to S^.lOO.'.i"., be pa.ssed and p.iid. â€" Carried. By-law No. li, to regulate runnin,:;' ''t large of dogs wiithiin the Townshiji was read the required number ol â- mcs and passed. .-Vll owners ami hai'borers of dogs in the Towivship 1;. leiiuired to tie up or keep enclos- ed all dogs owned by theni' or un- der their cotnrol, between the houi's of 8 p.m. and a.m. every day be- tween the first day of May and lb - 1st day of .N'ovomber, inclusive in â- â- ;:cii, .hiring the currency of this by-law. K penality recoverable umler the summary convictions act of $5-00 and cists for the first otTence and $.] 0.0(1 and costs for each siibs'j- (luent offence, will be imposed foi' viiolatioii of this by-laiw. By-law No. 7, to prohibit dunipin'r â- I lubliisli, waste or other materi;r; .n the Township road allowanci . open or closed, wa-^ read the requlrcn number !if times and pa.ssed. .Vfter the date of this by-law. May 8, 1050, all persons are prohibited I'roi.i dunvijling, or allowing to be dumpe.l oil the Township right-of-way, wire, ashes, siftings, loose paper, straw,, cans, stones, or any other lit ter or any other waste material tend- ing to Croat a nuisance upon any m' the public roads within the Townsliio. .\ny pers(m found violating of the provision of this by-law shall b' liable to a fine oif not les.s than $10.00 and costs for the first offence, an' for each suibsofiuent offence the fin.' -hall he not less than $25 and cost.;. .Ml fines un<ler this by-law are collect- ible under Summarv ConvictionsAct. Grant Muir Ordained Into Presbyterian Ministry The ordination for Mr. Grant Muir of Ceylon was conducted by the Pres- bytery of Orangeville in St. Androw's Presbyterian Chunch, Prftceville, on Tue.sday evening. May 16th. The woi'ship was conducted by the Mod- erator, Rev. Walter M''Cleai'y, Grand Valley, who also preached the serm- OT. to the congregation from John 17:1<) "They are not of this world, eve-n as 1 am no.t of this world." Fol- lowing tlie hymn "Breath on me breath of God", and during the pray- er for the Holy Spirit, all the ordain- ed ministers present came forward and laid their hands upon tlje head of the ordinate. Those taking part in this were: Rev. Walter McCleary of G)-and Valley, Rev. J. D. Cunningha'n of Caledon East. Rev. T. O. Miller of Orangeville, Rov. Jos. E. Taylor of Shakespeare (a former iriinister i'l Piicevillo), Rev. G. B. Cunningham of Albertan, P.E.I., and Rev. L. W. Mould, m'inister of St. Columba Unit- ed Chuixih, Pnieeville. The right hand of felllowship was then extenJ- e<i to Rev. Muir by the m-inisters and Elders who were present. An excellent sermon was thei jireached to the nefwly ordained min- ister by Rev. J. D. Cunningham, who spoke' on the several meanings lyin? behind the word "preacher," as found in the New Testament, and in this way outlined a minister's work, but .-nrphasiized the fact that the one chief aim was the salvation of men and women from sin and all the ills that beset the ruman race. This part of the service closed with the singing of the hymn "Chi-'ist to the world we bring." Mr. Archie MacCua.ig, clerk of St^ Andrew's Sesison, then took char^ and presented a Gaelic Biible and % purse of money to Rev. Muir, with the best wishes of the congregation. Corsages were also presented to .\\-> wife and mother, ki the same time, a purse of money was presented to- Mrs. Violet Sutherland fnr her son,. Rev. Jas. E. Sutherland, new minis- ter in St. Columba church, Vancouver, B.C., formerly of Priceville. The final ceremony of the eveniug- was the planting of two maple trees on the church grounds, one by Mrs. Suherland in honor of her son, Rev. Jas. Sutheiland, and the other ia hdiior oif Rev. Grant M.uir. The large congregation present a.s niiide up of representation frOm Priceville, Swinton Park, Markdale, Ceylon, Flesherton. Durham, Orillia. Stratford, Guelidi and Toi-onto. In all. the evening was a very hapDV and bles.sed oiie. Rev. Muir has accepted a call t preach in .\llandale and his indnctios' into the work of the charge will take place on Friday, May '2<5th, and his first service will b;' Sunday, May 'ZS Centre Grey Ball Schedule The first half of the schedule if the Centre Grey Baseball League was drafted at Markdale last iwe->k anil has four teams in competiibiun: Roclvlyn, .Markdale. Kimberley and Flesherton. Kinvbeiley opens the season at Flesherton on May 24tih, in an aifternoon game at *2:30. The evening games at 6:30 .will be seven- innin;>' fixtures. The schedule is. i* fdllow's: May 24 â€" Rocklyn at .Markdale; KiniJierliy at Fle-^herton, both 2:30. May 27- Flesherton a' Kimtoerley (6:,30; Markdale at Rocklyn (2:30). j„„g ,3 _ KfimSberley at Rocklyn 2:30). June 5 â€" Flesherton at Markdale (fi:30). June 7 â€" Rocklyn at Kimberley ((i:.30). Jame 10â€" Markdale at Kimbcrlev ((i:30). June 12 â€" Fle.sherton at iRocklyn (2:i?0). June 1(5â€" Markdale al Flesherton ((!:30). .lone 21 - - Rocklyn at .Flesherton GtaO). June 24 (2:.30). Fl.'shorton .junior basciball 'earn 'S piaet.isving almost every evening iu an etToit to learn the fine points ol the a-;>i"e- ^^''^^ two teams on hand for every practice. Those in char re w.il1 have a busy time picking the team. Durham also has a junior club and "there is an opening for more. Come on Dundalk, there are plenty of young chaps 'in your toiwn and lemember the good old days when vou ruled the roo-st with Geo. Armstrong, the Thompson brothers, Blackwell brothers. Bill Clandge au'l others. -Kimberley at .Markdale

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