'r* THE FLESHER'fON ADVANCE Wednesday, May 3, 1950 â- t •r- I ^!P^5" Used Trucks *49 .%-Tton International |46 2.Ton Ford Stake Body 36 V^-Ton Intemationd Used Cars '30 Model A Ford Coadi '47 Dodge Sedan Tractors Farmall Cub, Super A.; C uui H. Dn^i^W.A. (TtiTtnb^elv rft-Kii?!t. giianint«ed Used 10-20 Tractor, on rubber Used iFarmall A. Tractor Discs •â€" Cultivators â€" Fertflizer PriHs Side K>kes â€" Power Take-off Mowers .Scotdi Damond Harrows COMPLETE LINE OF FARM MACHINERY INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER SALES and SERVICE Phone |51 • H. M. Sayers CHECK Your Hardware Needs Houseleaning Supplies C-V Paint Kem-Tone Kem-Glo Waxes Polishes Mops Brooms , .^ For The Farm • â- ' Ceresan Formaldehyde Warbiceide Royal Purple Remedies Frost Fence Chide Accessories Troughs Founts Brooders Peat Moss Building Materials J-M Shingfles Roofing Sidings Lime Plaster Canada Cement Sporting Goods Fishing Tackle C.C.M. Bicycles Wagons Softball Equipment DUNCAN'S HARDWARE Coal - Stoves Phone 54 Electrical Appliances FLESHERTON .JM Tip Top Tailors Suits Tip Top Tailors offers you a combination of hand craftmanship, niade-to-tneasure tailoring and fine fabrics at a price not equalled anywhere. Ladies' Made-to-meas\ire Suits $46.50 Men's Made-to-Measure Suits $46.50 A wonderful range of Spring samples from which to make your selection, on display. * A i f 4 * M I *. 4 * " SPECIALS FOR MEN Ready-to-wear Suits Odd Trousers Sport Jackets Sweaters New Neckwear Fine Shirts Sport Shirts Underwear Suspenders Smart Footwear Spring Hosiery Hats and Caps Rubber Boots Fishing Boots HOUSEHOLD NEEDS Congo ieuni 2 and 3 yards wide Suuworthy Wall Papers Paints and Enamels Varnishes Congoleum Gold Seal Rugs Curtain Materials Draperies Curtain Rods Window Shades -j«r. F. N. W. Hickling General Merchant FLESHERTON VICTOR . URiSEKb Mr. Milton B«nnon was at Cooka>' vulle a few days last week assisting his son, Jiim, in some property rcipair. The W. I. meeting:, scheduled to meet in the home of Mrs. J. Poitbes on 'Thursday afternoon, was post- poned due to bad roods and consid- erable illness. We are sorry to r^^ort the remov- al of Mrs. Hiifh Binnstead to Centre Grey Hospital last Monday with 'flu complicationfi. She w<as able to re- turn home on Saturday and is pro- gressing favorably. Hazel and Har- old Bumstead were lill last week with measles but are able to be up again. Mirs. Wilfred Gallagher was foi*- &i liast Monday to become bedfast for two weeks with a heart condi- tion. Mrs. A. E. Walker was also forced to take it easy with a similar ailment. Mr. Ed. Stineon, whom we report- ed a 'flu victim last week, developed measles instead aAA was qudte ill Mrs. Albert Stinson was quite i'l with the 'flu last week, but is im- proving now, as are other aick i>eoplc in the community. Mr. Russell Linton returned to hi§ wonk in the miH at Rock Mills when it opened last week. Miss Peggy Linton resumed her bank duties tiiia Monday at Owen Sound, following a three-week holiday ait her home. Mr. and Mrs. KUibourne Magee re- newed acqiiaintances in the neigh- borhood On Wednesday. Th^ plan- ned to leave this Monday mamlng for Western Canada to jodn other members of their family, after being East for nearly three yeaia, and for most of that time operating the E. A. Stinson farm. The very be.it wishes of their many friends here f^llo-^ *'h9Tn to tho''r We.«tem home. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Stinson of I>un- dalk were recent visitors with thft former's brother, Ed. Friday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Stinson were: Mrs. Stinson's mother, Mrs. Bert Henderson of Corbetton; brother, Douglas, wife and infant son, Ronnie, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Ba-rrett and daughter, Lsmda, of Rocky Miountain House, Alta. 1':p Stinson family visited Sunday at the home of Bert Henderson, Corbntton, T^-hpre several other members of the family guthered to say "cheerio" to Doug.'s pa it/ on the eve of their departure to the Vt.^i. I I Wins r KADlTiOI'i^n^ GJLi> '4^*-J..^A.4 AV- â- The 10,000-ton Canadian Pacific , wi:h tht- Boavercove making the cargo Hner Beavercove won for her I vayage in just ten hours and ten master, Caipt. S. W. Keay, O.B.E., I minutes. in.-2t shoiws Capt. Keay the traditrional gold-headed caue I i>Vh-t> rwcivinr the g<>ld-headed awarded annually to the skipper of | cane from A the first overseas vessel to (»nter the Port of Montreal ait the beginning of the navigation season. Ice con- ditions in the Sit Lawrence River, which caused ships to dock tempor- arily at Quebec City, helped make tie race one of the tightest ever. Gordon Murphy, Mon- t-t">.i Pestrnaser. This marked the s'cund tir.H- '-hat Capt. Keay had wo)i the award, taking it first in lft*fi aboard the freig'hter Caiineau P«rk whlie stUl on bei-vice with the Ad- nrii-ahy. For the ship's pilot, AndTC Gauth-er, it. was the fourth time tha* he had been aboard the winning ^hip, â- •• ch t-mie a Canadian Pacific vesaaL V A Nit EL EUR |"y.Thc sympathy of the community j :s o.-c-.endcd 'o Mr--. Joe Mills on the ! de th '1^'" hr:- r' the;-, Mrs. Duncan To..:e, 'vho pais i awjiy on April I9th in centre Gi-ey Hospital. Ths church service was cancelled foV Sunday afternoon, due to the roads beiing nearly invpassable in platfs. •Mr. and Mrs. .-Vlex. Gilray and Celia spent ^he week vpith friends in Toax>nto. Mrs. Geo. Buchanan spent a few days with her daughter, Mrs. (Dr.'* Bye in Owen Sound. Mr. Victor Brodie has completed his third year at the University of Toronto and has accepted a summer position in the laboratory of th^ P-.A. refinery at Glarkson, Ruth and Stanley Brodie ^nd Maj> ion Arnold, Toronto, spent the week end with the formers' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Brodie. lola HutchirvMn, a pupil of Van- deleur schooit, is a patient in Centre Grey Hospital convalescing after a.i operation for appendicitis. 8TH LINE OSPREY Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Pool* of Qol- lii^wood were week end guests with the former's sister Mrs. Harold Fenwick, and Mir. Fenwnck. Wes Lawler has returned to Sarn- :a, after spending a few days at his jiarental home. Messrs. Jack Fadden, Jack Young, AI. Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Fad- den, Miss Gwen Fadden and friend of Toi-onto were week end gxiests of .Mr. and Mp-s. Lloyd Stephens. Miss Marilyn Lawler spent tlie week end at the Gallagher home. Miss Loreen Tenipes' and fri-riJ, .Mr. Koy Weir, of Cr>".iMgwood vis-it- eil recently with M''. and Mv; i.loyd SI ephens. Mr. and Mi's. Jas. Ofewel! Mr?. LKy<> Stephens, Mi ,.â- and Jinimio. vi,-ited with Mrs. A*<-1i.t White -inc' fsmily in Colhngwood. The opening of the ftshdnif sea^ior on Satui-day found the Beaver R-ver well crowded wSth fishermen, but very poor catcihes were reported. Asked for a good deflni/toon of hom*. a traveiHing man replied, "A place where a man can scratch any place that he it^rhes." Mabel: "(Mj sure, you can tell things to AKce. She doesn't repeat stories." HeJt'n: "Heavens no! She jitst improves them." CEYLON The Apml meeting of Ceylon W.A. was held at the home of Mrs. L. Whitehead on Wednesday, with the piesidint, Mr^. David Craig, prooid ing, when sixteen menibers and three visitors were present. It was decided to buy the roofing for the church and to make a quilt top of â- th*> material whiA v.as brought i 1. 1 Mrs. Whitehead hact <-har-r: of i\e J program and introduced >:js. Ker. Betts of Flesherton, who t'pve a ve'y intereeting accoimt of her trip las; fal' to Florida, trave'lin? thr0u,rh thirteen states, anJ >eT talk v/ai { greatly enjoyed. The hostes-; and ] assistants served a d'.-'ightful t^'a. Week end guests with Mr. and Mrs. John McWillinm wore: G<j;)rge Mathewson of Hamilton, Mis Ruby Campbell and Ralph Peiry, Walker's Point. The members of Holdfast Club ^v^ll meet at the home of Mr=.. Wm. Dfi-iton on Wednesday, May 10th, at 2:30 o'cloclc ^^ ,n. Miss -A •rne«; M.icpharl of Toronto spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Mely- Hosrarth. Miss Marion Collinson of Toronto visited recently with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Collinson. Week end visitors with Robt. Pl.-s ter were: Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Plester. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Lewis, Mrs. Wm. McKenzie, Lloyd Mi'h.iel and Delbert Plester, all of Tcroni 3. Visitors over the week =nd with Mr, and Mrs. Jas. Sinclair were: .A.rchie Sinclair of Emsda'e. Mr. nrd Mrs. Wm. Nicholson, Miss Pearl Watson and Robert Watson, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Piper were in Toronto recently. Miss Pat Booth and. Douglas Mi' CuUock of Toronto sp*»nt th^' weei, end with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Jcynes. Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Tyler ar;; vi&. iting with Toronto friends. Miss Jean McMullen rf T.'ronto spent the week end with het parents. We are sorry to hear that Levi Coutts is a patient in h.. Orange- ville Hospital. EUGENIA Sincerest sympathy is extended to Mr. and Mrs. J. Campbell and Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Magee hi the loss of their mother. Mrs. Hisk>p. The play '.-Vuiralia fi-om Hemlock Ridge" give" by Westside choir li Owen Sound, ^vas well given and en- joyed by all. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Traynor and daughter of Orillia visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Roy MacMilLin. Miss Eleanor PriH-'tov. Toronto Normal, spent th(? week end \v\:.\ her pai-ents. Mr. and M.rs. Fied Gorrell of To roiito and Mr. atid Mrs. Biill Weltoii of Btn-keley and Mrs. Wm. Campbe'l 01 ToiX)nto visited with -Mr. ai\d Mt^. .Jack Campbell and attended the fun- eral of Mrs. Hislop. Fishing wag the main i'em ofvv the week end. Many targe fish were caught in the lake, tiie lai-gest being over three pounds. Ma-, and Mrs. Kilbournc Magcf visrited antong his ivl»tive«< befor«> leaving for the West or Monday. Mrs. Fred Jamjeson 's vis)itiiig Mrs. Jas. Jamieson in Plesherton. who is very ill. Mr. and Mrs. Xitk Beynon and f.imily of Collingwood visited Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Hanr<*y Roettger. \fef r^k^?' t»»** Canada Cement Carload of Cement to arrive the last week of April. The cheapest way and the best time to s*^t your cement is oc car, or delivered oil car. We have our own truck and will deliver. Phone us your order now and avoid disappointment later. Roofing and Building Supplies in Stock "Pedlar" Steel Rootinpj .\luminura Rooting 3-in-l .\yphalt Shinj^les Roll Roofing lusulbrik Siding RoUbrik Siding It will pay you to get delivered prices on above, Beatty and Pedlar Stable Equipment Litter Carrier Water Bowls Pressure Systems and Bath Rooms Installed J. M. STAFFORD tl MASSEY-H.\RRIS SALES & SERVICE Hard^vare Builders' Supplies Phone 27 FEVERSHAM SEED TIME We have a good supply of all kinds of Seeds â€" Alfalfa, Alsike, Timothy, Permanent Pasture, etc., Hybrid Com, Golden Glow and Compton's Early, Mangle and Turnip Seed, Beans, Peas, and all kinds of Garden Seeds CO-OP. l-ElvDS FOR ilivVLTHV CHlCivS AND LAYING HENS Hog Feeds. Pig Starter and Hog Gro for Growing Pigs Are you interested in having your floors look nioe? Enquire for our prices on sanding and finishing floors. CUPBOARDS BUILT ,TD ORDER Masonite, Arborite, Plywood of all kinds in good supply, also Aaphalt Shingles Cedar Shingles No. 1 and Insul Bridt Siding 0. & A. Co-Operative Phone 24w FLESHERTON