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Flesherton Advance, 22 Mar 1950, p. 8

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T TT' Wednesday, March 22, 1950 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE SAME GRAXDMA â€" BUT ' TIMES HAVE CHANGED It used to be that when Grandpa CAme in and unexpectedly announc- ed extra hands for *nner, Grandma would ©xclaim, "Oh, for land sake*!" Wfcy didnt you teM ra« sooner ?" Then she'd tiirow a handful of cobs Into the stove, run to the ceDar, dash back, and piwiatty m* op «^ dinMr fit for a kinir> lINow-a-days, if a fanner sudden- ly shows up with a couple of extra guests for dinner, his wife exclaims, "Creepin* jigggera! Why didn't y*u tell 0w?" Then she grnha a can opener, flips an electric switch on the stove, reaches into lihe deep- freezer, and presenly comes up with a dinner fit for a king. Local aod Personal >Mr. Bob Phillips is attending the jury sittings in Owen Sound. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Tumbull of Mono Centre visited recently with the latter's siater, Mrs. R. J. Boyd. Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Thurston and Jinaniie visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. RoVt. Henninif at Meaford. Mi's. E. C. Murray of Toronto vis- ited friends in town on the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Pallett of Dixie spent the week end with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. McTavish. Mrs. Geo. Field of Inglewood wis the week end guest of her un^le and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Gorley. MVs. R. Bentham has returned to her home, after spending the past three months with members of her ' family in Toronto and Hamilton. â-  ', Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Henderson ' and son and Pauline Laxton spent the week end in To .-(into. Alex, at- tended the races at Dufferin Park on Saturday . aftei-noon. Mr. W. J. Nixon of Stowle, Sask., and Sergt. Ward Gammell, R.C.A.F., oi Exeter vi.sited over the week end with Mrs.. R. Bentham. ^NM!r. and Mrs. Vernon Stewart and family of Barrie visited one day last week with the former's parents, Mr. and Mi-.s. John Stewart. Vernon ex- pects a move to Ottawa in the near futiu-e. CEYLON • • • 7/ all the people who uorb for the telephone company, And ,ill the people who ectrti a living by making the things the ttlephone company needs, And all the people itho have their savings invested in the telephone company, And all the people who depend on good telephone service to rim their businesses arid manage their homes; If all these people, with their families, lived in one city, This City-W ith-No-Name uoiild he hy far the largest in Canada, and one of the largest in the world. Ksapine pace with th« growing ne«d> of communitlei •vtrywhor* for moro and bailer lelephona Mrvico hat loktn loti of work and ieti of money. Only a finonciolly heollhy lelephone company con carry on this big job. j Teiephoao uMrt, employee*, iharoholdort â€" everyone hot a vital rnterett in a tervice that meant lo much to tfio welfare of to many people. THI BELL TELEPITONE SM^ COMPANY OF CANADA Owned and opirated by Canadlan$ for Camadlant CARDS OF THANKS I wish to cxpres.s my appreciation to my many friends for their acts uf kindness, flowers. Rifts and cards during my stay in St. Joseph's Ho.s- ))ital, Hamilton, and since my return home. â€"-Mrs. Phyllis McMastor. I wish to express, my appreciation to our many friends and nciprhbors for the lovely cards and treats, also l)honp calls, while I was in the Hos- |iital and since our return home. â€" Mrs. Earl Rus-sei! Hospial patient: "They say walk- ing is beneficial for the health." Another: "Not for my health. I walked la-st night when I should have run." Russell S. McGillivray Public Bookkeeping, Accounting and Audit Service. Weekly or Monthly in person or by mail. Sys- tems installed and maintained. In- come Tax Returns a specialty. Phone: Durham 119 Box 4.5 Durham, Ont. '^'' ONTARIO i ONTARIO MOTOR VEHICLE ACCIDENT TOLL RECORDED ALL-TIME HIGH IN 1949 URGENT APPEAL IS MADE FOR WHOLE-HEARTED PUBLIC AND ^ PERSONAL CO-OPERATION TO CUT TRAFFIC LOSSES IN 1950 * In deaths and injuries on Ontario streets and highways, 1949 proved to be the worst year in the history of the Province. Despite the fact that the intensive and maintained campaign for safety by the Department received generous support and co-operation of the press, the radio, the schools, the police, many service clubs, safety organizations, the operators and drivers of commercial vehicles and many thousands of citizens, the toll of tragedy reached an all-time high. HERE IS THE 1949 RECORD Motor vehicles registered in Ontario 9*9,9*S Tourist vehicles recorded 4,S00,000 Persons killed ISO Persons injured 17,469 Property damage $9,S31,6S9 THE PICTURE IN 1950 In 1950 (here will be in operation on Ontario highways one millioa motor vehicles owned by Ontario residents. There will be mare tourist vehicles in the Province than ever before. Traf&c will be much heavier, and mure chances of accidents will exist. Kstiniaced motor vehicles ii) 1910, 1,OSQ,000 Kjiimated drivers licenses in 1950, 1, 330,000 Kstimated tourist vehicles in 19J0, s,ooo,000 Unless the Ontario public rakes this problctn of highway safety seriously to heart and everyone sets out to cm down this mountini; stale of accidents, it i.s possible that in 19)0 the death toll may reach a new shocKing figure, with the number of persons injured keeping pace. With these facts in view, it behooves every man and woman, young and old, to make it a personal objective to establish and maintain safety, and to preach it at all times to schools, families, drivers and accjuainlances. The Department of Highways is devoting alt its energies to a continuous planned attack on accidents. 'I lie earnest teamw<irk of all citizens and organizations is re> quested. It is a common cause that all of us can aid for the general good. OEO. H. DOUCEH MInliter of Highway* Mrs. Anna McMillan is visiting friends in Toronto. Mr. Arthur Whittaker of Toronto spent the week end in the village. Dr. and Mrs. Henderson and son, Gregory, of Orangeville were Sun- day visitors vn&i Mr. and Mrs. Fred Marshall. Mrs. Robt. Campbell of Toronto spent ti\e week end with Mr. and EMVs. John McWilUam and her daugh- ter, Dorothy. "The Ladies' Aid will meet at the home of Mrs. L. Mould in Priceville Wed., March 28, at 2. p.m. Mr. Maurice Wright of Colombo, S.A., has returned to his new posi- tion in the West Indies, after spend- ing some lime with his sister, Mrs. Jaa. Mciliullen, and_ with friends in Toronto. Mrs. Harold Jack of Coribetto.a spent a few days last week at the McDerroid home. Both Mr. and Mrs. McDermid had the 'flu. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Scott of Toron- to spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. J. S. McDermid and Mel. The church was filed Sunday night to hear the special speaker, Alfred Wiener, a Christian Jew, who spent some time in the concentration camp in Germany. The McFarlands of Collingwood sanjr several numbers. VICTORIA CORNERS Little Shirley Linton is holidayinK with her grandparent.'^, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Stinson. Mi-. Stinson some days apo received notice to .sei-ve on the' Grand Jury at Owen Sound, but la.-t week again was notified of his ''c- lease from duty, as there were no criminal cases. Mr. Walter Acheson accompaniod CREDIT AUCTION SALI F.VItM STOCK & IMPLEMENTS Mr. Geo. Duncan to Bericeley Wed- nesday to the G«o. Caswell sale, af- terwards visitincr for a few hours with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Hannah, Three more names are added It the munvps list: Mrs. Walter Nicholls and daughter, Doris, and little Heather Foibes. Jim GaUagiher is still in a weakened condition fol- lowing a week with mmmps. [Mr. and Mrs. Archie MacMillan and Linda, Owen Sound, were recent guests of Mir. and Mrs. Russell Lin- ton and Douglas. We welcome a new little citizen to our community in the home of his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Clay- ton Betts, in tiie person of Master Betts, -who arrived in Centre Grey Ho.s.pital on Saturday, March lltih, 1950, in'ant son of Mr. and Mrs. Laurie Betts of Barrhead. He and his "mummy" weie brousrht to the Clayton Betts home Friday after- noon- and will remain here for a brief period of time. Friends here were sorry to learn of the sudden death, due to a heart seizure, on Sunday morning, of Mr. Duncan MacNiehol of Toronto, hus- band of the fowner Millie Lyons of Proton Station. Sincere sympathy of this community is with the ber- eaved at this time. D.VNB McGEE will sell by public auction on LOT 17, GO.N. 10, ARTBMESI.\ (2 miles South-West Vandeleur) 'IHLRSIIAY, MARCH .30TH, 1950 the followin!?, at 1 p.m.: HORSES â€" Black Gelding, 6 yi's. old; Bay Gelding, 7 yrs. old; Brown Geldinji', 11 yrs. old; Grey Horse, aged. CATTLE â€" Roan Cow, 9 yrs. old, due time of sale; Durham Cow, 7 yrs. old, due time of sale; Durliam Cow, 3 yrs. old, due time of sale; Durham Cow, 9 yrs. old, fresh; Here- frrd Cow, h yrs. old, due June 1st; Roan Cow, 7 yrs. old, due June 1st; Roan Cow, 7 yrs. old, due April 20; Roan Cow, 4 yrs. old, fresh; Dur- ham Cow, 9 yrs. old, due time of sale; Durham Cow, 6 yrs. old, due time of saile; 5 Durham Steers, 2 yrs. old, fat; Durham Heifer, 2 yrs. old, fat; Shorthorn Bull, 4 yi-s. old; 3 D^i^haim Steers, rising 2 yrs.; 3 Durham Hcife.s, rising 2 yrs.; 8 Durham Steers and Heifers, 1 year old; 2 Younir Calves. (The above cattle have all been T.B. tested.) SWIN.E â€" Yorkshire Sow with 12 pigs at foot; Yorkshire Sow with S pigs at foot; Yorkshire Sow due Maroh ;Mth; Yorkslhire Sow due March :M Purefbred Yorkshire Boav; 8 Yorkshire Hogs weighing about 150 lbs. each; 23 Yorkshire Hogs weighing al)out 126 libs. each. POULTRY â€" 12 Young Hens. IMPLEMENTSâ€" Waterloo Trac- tor on i-ubber, 19-13 model; 2- furrow Oliver Tractor Plow; Pleury-Bissell Tralctor Disc, l4-16 plate, new; New ('(Hinch Tractor Belt 75 feet long; Gehl Hammer Mill with 3 screens, new; Rubber Tire Wapon with hay rack; M.-'H. Binder^ 7 foot cut, liks new; McCornvick-iDoering Mower, 6- foot cut; McConmick-Deoring Drop- head Hay Loader, new; Cocksbutt iMlanure SpR-niler; McCormick-Deer-' ing ll-Disc Seed Drill; Set '•â-ºsection Smootihing Harrows; No. 21 Floury P\o\v; No. 21 Coekshutt Plow; Set 2,000-ll>. Wagon Scales; 2HFurrow Coekshutt Plow; Lister Cream Sep- arator; Fanning Mill; Set Sleigh.i with Rack; Turnip Seeder; 10-ft. Steel Hay Rake; Brooder House lOx 12, aJl-steel; Clover Buncher; Cut- ter; Sap Pan; 40 Sap Buckets; 3 Steel Bari-ols; Oak Barrel; Tires and Tuibes; Set Team Harn- ess; Set Driving Harness; Forks, Chains, Shovels and 1,001 small articles. iHOUSKHOLD EFFECTSâ€" Dining Room Suite; Ni>w Davenport; Box Stovf; Rocker; Wringer; Coloman Gas Lantern; Colomnn Gas Laimp: Quantity Fruit Jars; Milk Pails; abt>ut 20 bags of Potatoes. TEiRJVfS â€" Fat cattle, tractor and all sums of $10.00 and under, cash; over that wnmintf; 12 months' credit will be given on furnishing bankable notes with interest at 6 per cent, per annum. WM. F. McK.VY, Auctioneer NfyrK â€" This is a genuine clean< sweep stale; everything must go to the hig4>est bidder, as th« farm s sold. EUGENIA The Eugenia W. A. met at the home of Mrs. Garnet "Magee Mai-ch ISth, with eight in attendance. Mrs. Cecil Magee condiicted the business, while Mil's. E. Breadner took the de- votional part. It was decided to have the April meeting at S p:m. A bean contest was conducted by Mrs. G. .Magee and Mrs. S. Campbell was wirnej"- -^ reading was given by Mrs. Cecil .Magee. A dainty lunch was served by the hostess and her iis.iistants. We are sorry to report that little Mv.rray Taylor had the misfortune to break his collar bone. Mr. and Mrs. C. Taylor and family visited i-ecently with the latter's mother, who suffered a stroke. Mr. and Mr.';. Bill Thompson and Bonnie Lee visited the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Ted Burton. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Magee and Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Magee visited Mr. John M'apree in the Orangeville Hospital recently. Miss Bonny Genoe of Gravenhurst is visiting at the home of E. Proctor. Misses Isabel and Mary McKee, and Mr. McCarthy and Patsy Taylor, of Toronto visited the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. McKee. Misses Winnetta and Carmel Mar- tin of Toronto visited their parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Martin. We are sorry to report that Mrs. F. Ellis and Mr. Dave Genoe are in the Centi-e Grey Hospital. We wish for them both a complete and speedy locoverv. Mr. and .Mrs. Kilbourne Magce of Flcsherton visited with Mr. and Mil's. Cecil Magee on Sunday. Mr. Burton CampbeU'of Stratford visited the week end with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Stan Camipbell. . Mr. and Mrs. Jack Patterson and ndvhy of Elmvale visited with Mrs. Fred Jamieson on Sunday. A historical novel is a book with a shapely wench on the jacket and no jacket on the shapely wench. "1 ha<l to change my seat several times at the movies." "Gracious, did a man get fresh?" "Well, finally." • ^LJlK.-At, i MQSI M05t«N IHHIK' Thursday, Friday, Saturday March 23, 24, Z.'i •AMBUSH" Robert Taylor John Hodgin also â-  •SUNDAY ROUNDUP" in Technicolor .Monday, iTuesday, Wednesday March 27. 28, 29 "ALWAYS LE.WE THEM LAUGHING" Milton Berle Bert Lahr BIG CASH OFFER EVERY WEDNESDAY Grandpa was visitiag his jrounf married datighter wiio, on tUa pw* ticokr eventag, waa distmcted b*> cause her awa baby dauglhter vrould not fall asleep. "Tcil me. Daddy," pleaded Hbe exaapenited young miO> ther, "at wAMKt age was it the moti difficulit to get me to sleep?" "About 18," reidied the father. Small Ads; FOR SALE â€" A few tons of mixed hay.â€" W. E, Loueks, phone 73w8 Plesherton. 4lp3 FOR sale: â€" Number of young pigs, ready to wean. â€" ^Ted Wade. Cey« Ion, phone 40wl2. ' 43p2 FOR SALE â€" Sow with 7 piga 9 weeks old. â€" Wm. McCuteheon» phone T3J4 Flesherton. 41p2 FOR SALE â€" 3; sows due in ApnU â€" (Bert Magee, gugenia, phone Fe* versham 30r4. ,^2 FOR SALE â€" young pigs, 7 weeks old. â€" Jos. Radley, phone 7W13 Flesherton. 42cl FOR SALE â€" 7 Yorkshire pigs, v^reaned. â€" John Pattison, Phone 118 J3 Flesherton. 43pl FOR SALE â€" Registered Scotch Shorthorn bull calf 10 moaths, dark red. â€" H. J. Courvoisier, telei- ephone 7r23 Feversham. 42pa FOR SALE^ Tamworth sow due to farrow end of March; Baker â- wind- miil in grood condition. â€" Leslie Hawton, phone 23r3 Fevei-sham FOR SALE â€" Team black Percher- ei-ons, well matched, mare and gelding. â€" Ross Steven^, phone 3'2J2 Flesherton. 4^2p2 1 STRAYHD â€" Shnall black beagle hound, white legs and tail, brown head. â€" Jim McMullen, phone Fevei-sham 7rl3. 42pa FOR SALE â€" Registered Herefood bull. Domino breeding,_fit for serv- ice. â€" Marcus Heard, R.R. 5 Mtark- dale, phone 114w2. 43p2 FOR SALE â€" Green hardwood, 13 and 14 in. $4 for 12, in., 16 for 14 in. delivered. Orders" taken for de- livery in summer of fall. â€" R. L,. McCarty, phone 49M13 Flesherton. WANTED â€" Girl or woman for work in- private home, small family, good wages, steady employment in a good home. Apply at The Ad- vance nffi-ce. 43c2 SEED FOR SALEâ€" Reg. No. 1 Bea- ver oats; Com. No. I Beaver oats; Coan. No. 1 Ajax oats; Reg. No, 1 Montcahn barley; Com. No. 1 Montcakn barley; Com. No. 1 0. A.C. No, 21 barley.â€" A. S, Muir, phone 104 J3 Pleshetron. 42c3: HARRIS & DUNLOP SARRISTERS, SOLICITORS. Etc Phone 38 MARKDALE Mr. Dunlop wiH be in C. i. Bellamy's office every Sat- urday from 6 to 8:80 p.m. CHARLES J. BELLAMY MUNICIPAL CLERK Office, Toronto Street, Fle«herto«' Issuer of Marriage Licenses CONVEYANCBR Wills Mortgages, etc.. Deeds Agreements A commissioiner for taking affidavits Telepbsae iiw GENERAL INSURANCE AUTO - FIRE - LIFE Livestock, Transit and Cargs. ED. LANG Phone l25w FLESHERTON For security To-morrow, Insure to-day, the Co-operative way.. . <^»'»»♦»♦♦♦<»♦<Ke><>^»»»^<.<M»»»»»»»»<K»»»»»^»»»<i»»»»»»»»»»< DUNDALK ELECTRIC Contract and Custom Electric Wiring RADIOS â€" Phillips, Rogers- Majestic, Northern Electric and Stromberg--Carlson Radios. Leonard Universal and Plullip* Refrigerator* We go anywhere. Phone 211 Dundalk, Ontario 1 .A' t I rV

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