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Flesherton Advance, 25 Jan 1950, p. 5

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: t ' I • r % ♦ *• * THE FLBSHERTON ADVANCE Wednesday. January 25, 1950 SWINTON PARK - A eudtte party was held in the Oraojre Hall Thursday evening, in- der tihe auapicea of Hopenrille-Siwiii- ton Inatfbute, with 10 tables in play. High man was Bob Coulter and hifrh lady, Mrs. Jas. Hardy, with Fred Fell and Mrs. Neil Campbell hold- ing the low scor^. Lunch was serv- ed at t&e elose. A shower was held in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McNalty in the Ornate Hall Friday evening, wh«i a large crowd attended, and the lovely gifts were on display. Dancing was enjoyed. The address was re«d by Mrs. Boib BUrck and Gordon made a nice reply, inviting all present to visit them. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Chialett oi Port Hope and Mr. and M>r8. Cliff McLean and b«by of Toronto at- tended the MoNalty shower. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McCormick spent the week end in Toronto. Tommy came home proudly from his first day at school. "What did you learn in school?" asked his mother. "Nothing," said Tommy, then, seeing the look of disappointment on her face, he added, "But I learned a lot during recess!" FEVERSHAM VICTORIA CORNERS -» >- < I > Cream Is Staying Up In Price CREAM is one of the Farm Products- that is sta3ring up in price, and is likely to be a good price for some time. Our advice to the farmer is produce as much cream as possible and deliver it to Flesherton Creamery, where every patron is a satisfied patron. We are still paying top market prices for FOWL and CHICKENS, ALIVE OR DRESSED Why not bring them in and them custom killed? Fietherton Creamery We are sorry to report that Mrs. C. N. Long was taken to the Centre Gi-ey Hospital at Markdale. Mrs. Hem-y Alexander is visitin? her daughter, Mrs. Will Coiquette, in Owen Sound. iMrs. Hoiward McKee, Mrs. George Ottewell visited in Toronto recently. Mr. ESi Robinson, wba is visiting his daug}>ter, Mrs. Dick Fadden, at Barrie, is on the siok list. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Boyee of Coll- ingwood visited her parents, M.~. and Mrs. Will Tyler, over the week'<'nd. Mrs. Em Hawton and Carl of To- ronto visfted wilii Mr. and Mrs. Gjo. Sled over the week end. >i A large gathering atended the nineral of Mrs. Andrew Douglas on Saturday afternoon. Sftrs. Doug- las was a sister of Messrs. Jim and Chris. Thomson, the latter heing ill at the home of his brother, John Thomson of Agincoort. Tn )ne wh-j attended the funaral from a dist- ance were: her son, Chri*. Dougla.<). and Mrs. Douglas of New Oi-,keard, I Mrs. Magee, Mrs. tMlcDoke, Mn. \ F>. ed King, Mrs. Clarence Semple, Mrs. Will Guj-, Mr. and Mri. Emer- Angns Avis, Manager Phone 66 FLESHF.RTON Tke high gales during the week md and first of the week brought terror to the minds of our people following the high and destructive wind of one year ago this week. Gladly, ondy one item of destruction has reached ua, djat of Mr. Milton Bannon's tower windmill, which has weathered mainy years of it »rms, but weakened tinder the grip of this one. Rather inconveniences the Bannon family at present. Of interest to nuany here is xhe wwrd from Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ban- non of their safe arrival at San Diego, Cilif., on Miiday last. The Baanon's heire liad received carda fthnodt every day from. Jade and Mary telling of their procedure along the route. They encountered all kinds (rf bad weather, being held up in one place from Thursday co Saturday, due to icy road conditions. At San Diego, where they will be staying awhile, outside of their Motel door, is a banana troe. Th' cactus plants "-each their growth there, being higher than teleplhonv poles. It is hoped that we may be able to perspuade Jack and Mary to outline some highlights of "heir trip son Osborne, all of Hamilton, Mr. 1 after their return home for future and Mrs. J<»hn TupUng, Mr and Mrs. Wm. Kaittin^ of FUsherton Mr. and Mrs. We« Douplas, Mrs. Ruth Hindle and Guy Kaittin^. Mr. and Mrs. Will Co!ciueitti> of Owen Sound visited her sister, Mi». Howard McKee. The Ladies' Aid met at the home of Mrs. HeA Bby on January 18th. We extend oar tympathy to Har- old, Emerson and Bert Osborne and fan iKes in the .'oss of the'r faWier, Mr. Wm. Osborne. A iiumher of friends from here attended the fun- eral on Saturday. Mr. Osbome re- sided at Feversham for many years Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hudson and Burt Hudson visited their sisters in Toronto over the week end. .advance news. Mrs. Walter Acheson visited her sister-in-law, Mrs. W. G. .^cheaon, Dundaik, on Tuesday. Master Keith Gallagher, Ware- bam, visited his grandparents, Sfr. and Mrs. Wilfred Gallagher, during the week end. • GENERAL INSURANCE AUTO - FIRE - LIFE Livestock, Transit and Cargo ED. LANG Phone 125w FLESHERTON For security To-morrow, Insure to-day, tUt Co-operative way. ! be held Friday afternoon, Feb. 24 (Intended for Last Week) The ladies of Inistioge W. A^. m^t in the home of Mrs. Geo. Moore on Thursday afternoon, Jan. 12, with an attendance of IT members and three visitors. Mrs. Wm. Crockford, the new president, ably conducted her initial meeting and the wheel of plans for the new year was started. An interesting program was prepar- ed by Mrs. Elmo Stevems and Mrs. Russell Patterson and given by Mrs. Patterson, Miss Laclde, Mrs. John Duncan, Mrs. RusseU Acheson and MVs. Oscar Patterson. A donation of $10 was voted to be sent to the Hospital for Sick Children. The next meeting of the W. -A., will WORKING with and for YOU The courage to accomplish is a powerful asset ia banking, as in other enterprises. In the front line of that sweep of land setdement East and West-over the pros- pector's trails into the mineral regions-- in new lumbering districtsâ€" this Bank's representatives developed a nation-wide and unexcelled service. A proud record? Perhaps so, but of prac- tical benefit to ourselves and to the public has been the close assodadon with enter- prising people of all classes, winning dieir way to bener things. And so, ihi^ DaiA joins forces wnb every man who seeks to improve his position in life, for it has gained much in helpinff people in the past, no matter how limited their resources. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE ^ ^ i -Jt J* T n A * A m A â- Â« 4 Pre-Inventory Sale Continuing to January 31 BRIEFLY, OUR STOCK IS SOMEWHAT HEAVIER AT THIS SEASON THAN USUAL AND WE WANT IT REDUCED BY THE END OF OUR BU SINESS YEAR, JANUARY 31 We Are Offering â€" 20% Discount on Overcoats r.nd Parkas. All new season's Lines Stanfield's Unshrinkable Underwear BEiD LABEL Shirts and Drawers, mail order price $3.50 Sale Price $3.15 BLUE LABEL Shirts and Drawers, mail order price $3.75 Sale Price $3.35 Ten Percent Discount on all other Underwear Men's Suits and Odd Trousers All Reduced in Price. Mei^ Fine Shirts Plain 'colors, white and colored stripes, sizes !•* - 17Vs Regular $S.96 Sale Price $3.49 Plain colors, white and eoIore<J stripes, sizes 1-* -17^^ * Regular $4.i>9 and $5.50 Sale Price $4.49 Men's Plaid Shirts Bright Plaid patterns, heavy weight, sizes up to 18^ Regular $3.75 Sale Price $3.19 Dress Goods Special A Reduction o«f 1P'^< on all Dress Goods in stock â€" includes plaids, alpines, gabardines, prinrted crepes, rayens. plain crepes. .\\\ this Season's Goods. Prints juid Broadcloths All our Regular 45c and 50c lines, yard wide, fast colors Sale Price 39c First Quality Nylon Hose Regular |1.40 lines, all new season's shades, sizes 9-11 Sale Price $1.19 Regular $1.65 lines * Sale Price $1.49 Women's Cotton House Dresses Good patterns, fast colors, all sizes. Regular $1.3l) and $1.75 Sale Price $1.10 Wabasso Pillow Slips Plain Hem and Hem-stitched. 42 inches wide. Regular $1.65 Sale Price $1.39 Printed Table Cloths New Bright Patterns, fast colors, size 52x52. Regular Regular $2.!'5.. $3.7,t and $;J.95 Sale Price $2.39 Floor Coverings Congoleums, Re.xoleunis, Congoleuni Rugs, Rexoloum Rugs. All Reduced Ten Percent * Wonjen's Shoes Broken lines, including Oxfords, Ties and Pumps; medium ai"' high heels; black and brown; g;ood range of sizes. .•Vt a fraction of orignal price. CLEARING SALE PRICK Jt.OO PAIR Semi- Porcelain Dinner Sets and China Tea Sets .\11 at Ten Percent Discount. YOU'LL FIXn Srr.S'l\\X.Tl.\L REDUCTIONS ON M.\NY LINES THR(^U(^.MOrr THE STORE WHICH .\RE NOT MENTIONED HERE F. H. W. HICKLING GENERAL MERCHANT FLESHERTON, ONT. the world Day of Prayer â€" rathei than on the regular meeting day, in the home of Mrs. Ernie Ste\vart. On that day the ladies will also enjoy an exchange of valentines, which has become a customary feature of the February meeting. Jlr. and Mrs. Wilfred Gallag'her returned home Friday evenii^. after spending three weeek with their son, Kingsley. and family, Toronto. 3Ir. and Mrs. E. A. Stinson, Don : and Beft, were recent visitors with Mrs. Stinson's sisters. Mrs. .-Vllan Wake and family. Corbetton, and Mfs. Leonard Keast, and family -it Keldon. ^ Jlr. and Mrs. Kilbourne Mageo were Thursday visitors with 3Ir. and Mrs. Garnet Magee, Eugenia. .Mrs. Jas. Forbes and daughters were Friday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Suifford, Flesherton. We are' glad to know that Fr^d Bannon is improving following his chest and arm injury suffered dur- inir a hockey gam^ at Flesherton We trust he may make a rapid re- ^•overy and suiTer no after-etfects. Our sympathy is extended to Mrs. Elwood Stevens in the death of hev nu'ther, Mrs. John Risk, at Colling- wood Hospital on Thursdiiy evenin?. The funeral was held from the home of her son. Gordon Risk, Euphrasia Twp.. Sunday afternoon, with inter- ment in Markdale Cemetery. Quite a number of relatives and friends from here .attended the funeral. Th: late Mi-s. Risk was .» sister of Mrs. Herbert Nicholls and Mrs. Wm. .Nicholls. both now of Dundaik. but until a few years ago residents of this community. .Attending the fun- eral from here were: Mrs. .A.rt Jack- son, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Nicholls. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Crockford an 1 Beryl. Mr. and Mrs .Arthur Xichol!-*. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Duncan. Chris- teiia and Leslie Duncan. Mr. and -Mrs. EU^no Stevens, Mr. and Mr-- Kd. Stinson, as well a^ Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Stevens, Wilma and Donelda ROCK MILLS \ A little more snow fell over the week end. making good sleighinir on the roads. Farmers were takinc; advantage of the snow SFonday. as several teams and sleighs were seen on the' roads which have been bare for some time. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Martin ant three children arrived hom<> Satur- day afternoon, after spendinsr th > past two months in Detroit. They found the highways good for motor- ing, with very little snow until they reached Walkerton, when they found more snow as they travelled east. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Whitmore Durham were visitors on Sunday at the home of Chas. N'ewell. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Russell, ac- companied by Mr. and Mrs. .A. E. Bellamy and Mr. Chas. Bellamy o: Flesherton. attended tlie funerui ri Sunday of their cousin, the late Win. Osborne, which .took place in nun- da!k. 8TH LINE OSPREY .Mr. and Mrs, Howard JL-Kee. Mrs. .Ale.xander and Mrs. Piers. 'n of Kevorshani were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fonwick. We are glad to know that Mrs. Mer^-in Davidson has returned fo her home, after convalescing at the heme of he** sister. We wis-h .ler continued improvement in health. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Stephens en- tertained their neighbors to a euchre party Thursday evening, at which Mr. Russell Hawton and Mrs. Frank .Mills were winners. Mrs. Parsonage won the consolation prize. , Our sincere sympathy is extended to 'the bereaved family of the lau' Wm. Osborne, who passed away at the home of his son, Harold, in Djn- dalk on Friday morning. • Biggest hotel in the world? N'ow York's Waldorf .Astoria. YOU CANNOT ESCAPE INCOME TAXsRETURNS BY DIEING When you die the Succesion Duty Branch requires copies of you- Income Tax Returns for the past five years. Tax with Interest and Penalties (if any) must be paid l)efore yoi.v Estate is released for distribution. Have Your INCOME TAX RETURNS Properly Prepared While You Are Living BRUCE E. REILL .ACCOUNTING In attendance at AUDITIM. I. B. Lucas Law "Office Mon. - Tues. - Tburs. - Friday Wfd. and Saturd-.xy MARKDALE ^ ^H^^J"^^ PHONF 2 2;i Years' Experience fnifi^r. i!>u Bookkeeping Systems Installed I I

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