« * * « « * # fl .^^ ;?^ ®l)je /tol)^rU*n ^0Mnc^* VOL. 69; NO. 34 FLESHERTON, ONT., WEDNESDAY, J-\NUARY 18, 1950 F. J. Thurston, Publisher r 4 « « t «- « « PARENTS DISCUSS PROBLEMS An interesting time was spent afr St. John's Friendyl Hour Isst Sun- day eivening. Qua^tlcns bl" timtly iotereat to patents and teachers were discussed under the leadership of Messrs. K. G. Betts, Bert Sparks aad John Codi. The most lively discuss u.-i took plaroe around the subject of recrea- tion for youth. It was ro'rngnized that FIeid]«rton was fortunate in bein^ able to provide its youn? people with good facilities for jwfi»- zning, baseiball, tennis, skating and dancing, all under favorable auspia- ea. Some concern was expre'^sed over the long hours kept by some restaurants, leaving young people exposed to rowdyism and iiimora!- ity. Some hope was held that this nadght be remedied by earlier clos- ing. It was. recognized, however, that the primary responsibility rest- ed upon the parents, who could co- operate in giving their young people » good time without unnecessary risJES. Rev. A. G. Malpherson conduete*! the meeting and announced that the subject of his sermon on January 22nd would be "The Conquest cl Our Social Life,'' dealing with re- creation and amusement. Card of Thanka Mrs. Gordon MacKinnon of To ronto and Flesherton wishes to thank her many friends for theii" kind expressions of sympathy and for tiieir beautiful floral tributes during her bereaTrement in the sud- den loss of he*- dear mother, Mrs. A. E. Fitzpatrick of Orangeville. Future Events "LKTS HAVE A GOOD TIMS* Hear the above subject discussed in St. John's United Chm-eh ounday evening, Jan 22nd (7:30 p.m.) It is tihe second in the series "The Conquest of Life." SWBNTON PARK EtCHRE A pirogressive euchre will be held this Thursday, Jan. 19th, in Swintoa Panic hall, under auspices of Swin- toa Park and Hopeville W.I. Ad- mission 25c. Prises. L'.mch will be served. Half Cost Fire Fighting In Oq»rey Township Will Be Paid By Insumace Co'ys The inaugural meeting c^. Ospi-ty Municipal CouU'?il was held .M'jmiay. Jan. ath, and after the newly elected memliers made and subscribed to the statutory declaration of office, the Reeve, Mr. Archie Buie, called upon Rev. Somers of Singhampton United Church to open the session with scripture reading and Divine worship after which Mr. Buie gave his , trt- dress, asking full co-opertaion fri);.i each of the memibers and officials to make the coming year as econom- ical as possiible for the ratepayer-, yet giving full consideration to ?ocd busiiiess practices. By-law \o. 1 was passed to au"-!!- orize the borrowing of sufft'' eiit money from the Bank of Toront • foi current need*. Officials appointed were: George Dobson as meiaber of the Board ot Health; School Aattendance Offic- ers: M. Menzie, schools 1, 2. 12; W. Kendall 3, 8, 10, 14; W. McCutoheon -I. 9, 11; Jas. Davidson 1, 6, 1; Weed Inspector, T. Ferris. i The Clerk was instructed to order seven copies of the Municipal World. An amount of $11.00 each was or- dered paid to Messrs. C. Kerton and L. Hambly for wood fuel. Messrs. R. D. Dynes and A. But eher of the Dufferin Mutiml Fire In- surnace Co., awaited upon the C^>u^- cil to explain a motion which thn. Company has passed, whereby theii Conkpany wUl pay at least 50 per cent of the cost of a fire brigradt which is called to sei-ve at any firj which might occur to any of their policy hoWeis. As this w-as felt to be a very generous gesture, the Council went on record of approval and will make an effort to have other Companies operating within the Township do likewise. Messrs. A. Short and G. Jaokson presented their petition to Have their pi-operty, namely Lot 13. Con. 10 and 13. Con. 11. chainged from S. S. No. 1. to S. S. No. 7. The Clerk's pay sheet, oonsistins mainly of election expenses, were ordered paid, and tiie Road Soper- itrtendent's voucher, amounting fo $1,401j3!1. was also ordered paid. Council adjourned to meet Satur- day, Feb. Hh, at 2 p.m. Osprey Lad Had Hand Scalded By Hot Candy ( By Stephens Comers Reporter- Master Rae Winters, eldest son ot Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Winters, will be confined to his home for some time with a severely scalded hand -A. dish of hot candy was the cause H)t the burns. Rae and his brother, DeSbert, weu at the home of a neighbor on Wed nesday night of last week when ^hc neighbor boys decided to make some candy. Just as the boys were tak ing the hot candy from the stove Rae tripped and in an atiempt to save himself from failing, flung hij hand out and as he did it plungeu into the disb of hot mixture. Seek- ing relief from the pain, Rae phin?- ed his hand into a dish of cold wtaer and the candy immediately hardened. He was taken to Dr. Lindsay's office where the hand was dressed. At unit of writing Rae is nursing a very sore hand, but we are pleased to know it is doing as well as can be expecte<l and it will be some time before it i* completely healed. Officers For Artemesia Appointed at Inaugural Of The Township Council St. Andrew's Church Holds Congregational Meeting DANCE IN FLESHERTON Dance in the Fraternal Hall in Flesherton on Friday, Jan. 20, music by Norm Hartley and His Orchestra, under auspices of the L.O.L. EUGENIA SOCIAL & D.ANCE -A. social and dance, under ausipices of the Knitting ChJlb will be held in the Orange Ball, Elugenia, Friday ragttt, Jan. 27th. Lucky door prize. lunch served. .\dmission: Adults; 86c, OhUdren 15c. DANCE AT KIMBERLEY Dance at Kimberley Communitv Hall this Friday evening. Jan. 20th, to music by Deiimott's " Orehesifcra, under auspices of L.O.L. 13*0. Ad- mission: 50c. SHELBl'RNE DANCE Dance at Shelburne Community Centi-e on Tuesday, Jan. 24th, under auspices Shelburne Sportsmen's Chib. Music by CKNX Ranch Boys. Mod- em and Old Time. Dnacing 9:3.0 to 1 aji». Couples $1. single lady or gentlemian 75c, RefresJiment booth. SEVERE INJURIES RECEIVED , BY LOCAL HOCKEY PLAYERS Severe injuries were suffered by wo of the Flesherton hockey players, which has left the defence weaikened by their absence. Harold Best re- ceived a bi-oken bone in his ankle in Satui-day night's g^ame here, said to have been done by a deliberate swing of the hookey stick by a Honeyw\)od player. Harold now has the foot in a cast after x-i-ays were taken in the Owen Sound hospital Monday. Fred Baiuion. also a defenconian. was injui-ed in the game a week ago atsd has been taking treatment for a pulled muscle. X-rays on Monday showed a broken bone in his chest. It is not expected that either ot the players will be hack playing this winter. BORN BUCH-\iNAN - .At (.hven Sountl Hospital on Monday, Jan. 16th. 1950. to Mr. ami Mrs. Melville Buchanan, Fleshei'ton. a daughter. ELDERLY RESIDENT BROKE . HIP IN FALL ON ICE / V Mr. Jos. Duncan had the misfor- tune to slip on some ice at his home in the village Sunday evening and suffered a hip fracture. He is at present in the Centre Grey Hospital at Markdale. Mr. Duncan is -^l years of age and every morning walked won town for his mominz paper. We hope that he will maik; a complete recovery. Our Chapel is »t th« disposal of our cHentelt without extra chargt. It contains well-appointed family reception rooms, including organ and organist. Bates and Maddocks a'^f/f/]l CHAPEL 124Avpnui'Rd Ki.4344 Flesherton Won Third Game From Honeywood Flesherton won its third s;raight game in the Central Ontario Leaigue Saturday night by defeating Honey- wood 10-2, before a good crowd on fans. The first period was aU Flesh- erton with five goals. Cairns made his first appearance with the team this year, after announcing his re- tirement and made his efforts felt throughout the game. He notched the first goal at 2.18 from Milne and Tumey and at 5.06 Boyd took Jack Lw^arence's pass, followed by Milne from Tumey and Cairns at 8.20, K. Chard fi-om Tumey at S.4S and the last by Cairns from Tumey at 19.16. In the first period Mtller and W. LawTence were given major penal- ties for fighting, Hannon a minor for a trip and Tumey a minor for charging, .Andrews made some fine stops with his team shorthanded. The second period was mt>re even. with Honeywood making a deitermin- ed effort to score. With only four seconds gone Boyd scored unassist- ed, followed by Milne unassisted ni a lovely effort for numlber seven. Gibson then took Brook's pass to make one goal for Honeywood and with four seconds of play left Han- non scored from Moore's pass for their last goal. The third period was all Flesher- ton again with Tumey scoring oa Milne's pass, then Milne unassisited and the las^ goal at U'.ai by Ken Chard from Cairns. Goiiibolt was given a minor penalty at 5.24 of the period when he slashed at Best. Honey wvod â€" Goat, Ingi-am; de fence. Brooks. Dodd; centre, Gibson: wings. Miller aad Hannon; alternat- es: Siddell, Dynes. Godbolt. Mills, J. Wallace. M. Wallace, >R>ore and Mc Connaghy. Flesihei'ton Goal, Andrews: de fence, .Acheson, Best; centre. Boyd: win^rs. J. Lawrence. W. Lawreno-;"; alternates: G. Chard, Milne, Turney, K. Chan). Cairns. Referees: Dales and Goheen. Shelburne will play at Flesherton ! ' this Si«turday night and this ahouM bring out a full house, as they '\l- ways give real competition. Gam > called at S p.m., not 8:30. l>undalk defeated Stayner Monday ii'ght for the laftter's tlrst loss of the season, as they had won three ai-i tied t\vx> games. Fleshtnton's only loss has been to Stayner in theic first game of tl»e season. Feversham defeated Pj-oton in .h fast game Monday evening that wa<. a thriller from beginning to end. The final "score was S-5. after Proton had led :i-l at the end v^ the first. These Semi-Pro. games are interesting. The inaugural meeting of Arte- mesia Council was held Monday. Jan. 9th, when liie following meni- m;faers subscribed to the oath of office: Reeve, John -A.. Davis: Coun- cillors, Clifford Allen. Ekiniad Giliies. Howard Graham and Docald Whyte. Communjcaitions were read from the Ontario Good Roads .A.3Soc., re oonventioDi F^. 21 and 22, and from the Ontario -Association of Rui-i: Mumicipalities, re convention Feb. 20 and 21; Grey County Federatio i of .A.griculture encloeing auditor's lepon for L.9-t9; Harris & Durdop, asking for new assessment on Lors 13 and 14, Con. 12, Artemesia. The following By-laws were intru- duced, read the required ni.jni.ber of times and passed: By-law No. 1, to confirm the ap- pcintment of certain officers for the Municipal Council for 1950, a.s follows: .A.uditor, G. W. Buchantin: High School Trustee. Mi's. Dora Hogarth; Board of Health, M. â- >. McLeod: Sanitary Inspector, Tho< Genoe: Medical Officer of Health Dr. J. E. \Siine; Stock Valuators. Elford W^tJters, Wm. Hincks, Gev Buchanan. Clare Foster. Luther Love, John Camphell. Jas. Watson and Stanley Fatton: Fenceviewers : John Ritchie. Bert Irwin. Afiberc O'Dell. Wm. G. Bowles. Norman Burritt. Wni. Ratcliffe, John W. Gallagher. Porter Beard. Stewart Muir Lome .Ajtkinson. Elarl Gordon and Harry Fisher: Weed Inspector. Etwood Bowles; School .Aattendance Officer, Stanley Campbell: Pound- keepers, -A.. S. Muir. W. J. McFal- den. Hai-old Quigley, Wilfred Lever P. Beard, C. Meldrum. A. F. Pedla.-. By-law No. 2. to authorize the borrowing oi f'tS.OOO.OO to meet current expens«s until 11950 taxes are collected. By-law No. 3. to fix the rate >f pay at $3.00 per meeting and $3,00 for committee work for the trus- tees a.nid Secretary of the Police Village of Priceville. The Clerk w«s instructed to write the D«pt. of Highways seeking ftir- tfaer infoitaation regrarding che Beaiver Valley road being taken over as a develoipment road. Accounts passed and ordered paid: Wm. McCutoheon. refund on taxes J2.43; D. Reiley. .Assessor, balance of 1949 salary $50.94; p. McTaviah & Sons, fuel for Mrs. Mc- Dougall $33.34 and Wm. Hincks for wood $19; Jos. Watson, tax adjoist- menl $S.5&, and P. Sims tax adjust- ment $7.02; Herald Pub. Co.. $2.50; Aubrey Foster $-tl.75 bountj- on 167 fox pelts. .A. grant oi $200.00 was given the Flesherton Community .Arena for purpose of making free skating available for children through the various organisations. The Coimcil agreed to guarantee 50 per cent of fire ttghting costs in the municipality where a Kval nre brigade is called out. if the Insur- ance Compnay involved pays the other 50 per cent, in other cases the former agreement remains in effevt. Other motions passed: that the Reeve be instructed to deposit the infiiu-aiK-e bonds of the Tieasutvr Ta Collector in the Bank ot Conitnerce^ Flesherton, foi- safe keeping: that the Road Supt. be in- ! structed to advertise for tenders for y.OiW yai-ds of gravel, ;«tl tender; to be on hand for the February Uith meeting: that the Koad Supt be instructed to purchase six a-,' V roved lane tile: that the Clerk oi-ue>r seven copies of the Municipal World and 'n\^ copies of the Muiu cii>iil -Act: that nO more relief ih ffiven the Mc'lX>ugall family ;«t Cey- lon unitil further notice, AvtA an i!'.- vtstigation be made by Mr. Wbyte and Mr. Gillies: that the Local i Board of Health be instruvtetl •> ! invest i,tf ate and take the proper ac j , tion in regard to a private drai'i j omv>tying on a pinWio roati in Ceylon \ and that Mr. Mitter and Mr. C'-oft be isn-ited to attend the next ;neet- ing of the Board of Heatth re seoti^ tank and drain. The Road Superintendent's vouch- er No. I. amounting to $S,8U.7.'^, was i>assed and ordei-ed paid. { By Priceville Reporter > The annual congregational meet- ing of St. .Andrew's E*resbyteirian ChurcB. wais held Saurday afxer- noon with a good attendance, and Mr. Archie MacCiiiag presiding. Reports were given by: P. Sims, treasurer's report; Miss Eleanor McArthur. Sunday School; Mrs. .A. Leith, W3I.S. and Willing Helpers: Grant Sayers. the Y'.P.S. All th- reports were very gratifying wit a a balance to start the new year re- ported by each- The Elders are: J. .A. Nichol„ A- ehie McCuaig, .Angus Hooper, Col- in -A. McLean, -Arthuar Leith; Clerk of the Session, .Archie MacCu|i'?- The Managers of the church are. David Brown.' chairman, Donaid Nichol. Grant Sayers. D. L. McAr- thur, -Alex. Stoneouse. -Arcfaie M - Eaohem. Robt. Mclntyre. Jack Whyte. Andrew Hincks was ap- pointed the fill the vacancy of th.; late Wm. J. NicfaoL Grant Sayv-i was re-elected as congregation.il secretary. Percy Siims, wh'O ha* \ been a very obliging and faithfu! I church treasurer for the past seven I years was returned to that office. I Grant Sayers is the pianist at an j increase in salary. Wilfred Camo- bell was appointed caretaker an.1 Grant Sayers as auditor. .A letter was read from Mrs. John Cook of Flesiherton stating :liat she and her sister. Mrs. John Shorc- ri.ed, were donating SWO.OO to Sr. -Andrew's Church in memory .'f their parents. Mr. and Mrs. DaviJ Nichol. and brother. William, as a memorial and will be used to stiirr an organ fund. .A vote of thanks was moved by Mrs. .Aldcom for x'a^ generous donation. The aieeriniir closed with singing "'Best be tho Tie that Binds.'' Plan Is Devised For Uniform Assessments .A plan to standardize oj-sessaieni procedure throughout Ontario muni- cipalities is in the final st-iges of revision ac Queen's Park and wiH handed to the Caifoinet for approval within the next few days. Queen's Park officials hope tkit the pljG will go before every muai- cipaiity in the next two weeks to give each an opportunity to put it into operation for 1951 taxation. General practice in the municipal- ities is to commence work on asses r>- men'CS early in Febiruary for taxation in that year. There has been a widespread d."- mand from municipalities and coanr- ty officials for a uniform system â- >£ assessment^ which w-'uid place eaclt on an equal basis in determining i"* taxation methods. The majority of municipalities niaintian chat any provincial govern- ment subsidy based on the mili rate* â- jueh as educational grants, is boun<i to be inetjuitable uicder the present rule of thumib assessment practices in vogue in most mrvmicipalities. It is pointed out that today assess- ments vary from 40 per cent to as rrruch as SO per cent of the actual value of properties. St, Andrew's Organ Fund Officers Were Elected Transients Fare Well At Dundalk Hotel Transients are again cramipiiig rround the country, simikir to the days of the early thirties wheT every village and town in Canada had soup kitchens for the undfor:- unate. Some of their demands were not very great, but ochers wanted better accominMjdation. We wonde* if Shis was »;he case recently in Dun- dalk when The H«raild reports that :i hotel keeper in that place was paid §265 for e.xpenses of a ti-aiisien:. The Dundaik hotel keeper must give wonderful service to warrant thi-j expenditure. We wonder if it was just a men-hanical slip on behalf of The Herald in tt'.>t ntafcing the am- ount dollars and cents or was rh^t the ciirrect chai-ge'; We don't thia'v for a moment chat somebody was receiii."ing a rake-off on transient ijccommodation. British fisher folk consider that to dream of keeping mv^rey in a shv>e i- a bad omen. Ti-aveller. addressing village resi- dent: "What's yiMir "speed lim^t thnxigh her«^?" Resident: "We tton't have any. Yo'; t;u>-* can't go through here fas' enough to suit us." CEYLON INSTED CHI KCH HOLDS ANNl AL MEETING (By C^eylon Reponer> Ceylon United Church held its animal meeting We<.lnesday. Jan. U, with a good attendance of membe-s and adherents. The minister. Rev. I.. W. Mould, opened the nveetinj: with scripture and prayer and pre- sided, with Mrs. Ge».>. Jaynes ?>s secretary. Mrs. Jas. Siraclaio-. the church :reasui-er, gave an encour- aging roport with a balance v)n hand. The F. .A. finajwrial r j«port was read by Mrs. Geo. Jayiies. and showed a balance on hand of $T4.5{*. Good repoits were given by she Sunday School and the Cradle Ro^l Departments. The Yoimg People'^ is being organized and mevt this Wednesday at the school. Rev. Mr. >.Bould gave a good report of the Session. The Eilders ai-e: John Mc- Wiltiam. Isaac Snell and Robt. Pies ter; Board of Stewards, John M'-- William, J. S. McDermid, Robt Plester, Ge<.'. Jaynes, Isaac Snell. ' W. Me.VIuaen. 1.. Whitehead. E. C Mitchell and Robt. Riitledge. Mrs Jas. Sinclair w-as re-elected church tresaurer: Miss Joan Covv- land, treas»urer of the Sunday School and Rf^. Rutledge as cai'etak-.-.-. The auditors are R. B. Rutledge ajil E. C. Mitchell, and Mrs. Mel. Ho- garth the organist. Rev. Mould closed the meeting and the ladies served tea. ( By Priceville Reporter.) Monday night the choir met *fe the home of P. Sims at the station to elect officers for St. .Andrew^* Prssivyterian Church Organ Fund» resulting as follows: President, Mrs. P. Sims: Vice- Presiden:, Grant Sayers; Secretiiry- TreEisurer, Mrs. D. L. McArthur. Mtssrs. J. -A. Nichol, .Archie Ma>?- Cuaig and D. L. McArthur were- added to the committee, alonst with; the officers. Donations will be greatly apprec- iated. One generous donation wa* received the first of the week. Attended Dundalk Fire The Flesherton art equipment and ti reman were called ;o a dangerous fire at Dundiaik eai-ly Thursday uftertKwn of last weeii. w+ten the Bell Telephone office was threaiCea- eti with destruction. When the fire truck and e^^uipment arrived at the scene, the tire bad been e.-ctinguish- ed with their own efficient equip- ment. The call had to be made by way of C.P.R. telegraph when thi?- long distance lines went ou:t. The- basement of the building was 3 complete vvreck aud a room at tto rear w-as badly damaged. l>undalk recently constructed a large tank in the basentent oi the town 'nail and St cored a pumper and hose to pro- tect the business district and ths^ expenditure paid-off in this one fire. They intend to build large reser- voirs in ilifferent sections of "he» village for further protection. ENGAGEMENT The engagemient is announced of Eleanor Irene Slaer. second eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs. HaioiJ Shier. Portlaw. to Rofcert Thomas Blakey, youngest son of Mrs. Wm. Blakey and the late Wm. Blakey, the wedding to take place late ir» January. Canada's population in 1600 con- sisted of 79 white and an unkmnvti iHin»ber of aborigines. C. O. H. L. Parson: "'GiKKlbye and God l<le.-- \-ou. Bf careful that the ro»\lies in town don't play tricks on you." Newlywevls: "Don't worrj-. Parsor, they won't catch us nappinjf," HOCKEY Flesherton Arena Sat, Jan. 21 r SHELBURNE FLESHERTON FASTEST SPORT IN THE WORLI* Game called ta S;W) pjn, .Admission: S5c and £0c