/ Short Shorthorn â€" Cjene Holler shows off Ferdinand, one of the herd of dwarf cattle he found in a secret "lost canyon" near Jamestown, N.D. Ferdinand is 28 inches high and weighs 225 pounds. Veterinarians say he's a perfect dwarf Hereford, about two years old. At that age, Ferdinand should be an excellent source of minute steaks and short ribs. THEFAEMFEONT olm12u&5eiL ^i?m3L_» When people drive past your l*rm today, tthey mig'ht say, "That's the Soanso place. Best farm in the county." liut did you ever wonder what they'll be saying about it 10 or 15 years from now? * « * Recently, the tditors of Wallaces' Farmer, published in Iowa, have been looking over a number of place,' that once were considered Â¥he "best fa/rms in their communi- ties." This is what they report â€" "Some of them look terrible now! Buildings arc run down. Soil ii getting thin. Often, there ii a one- year tenant on the place." * « ♦ What happened? Did a tornado itrike or a drought hit? No. Did low prices wipe out the operator? No, prices have been good. .Ml rhat happened was this: The farmer who owned the place held on to it until his death. Then k was «livi<)ed among several Children. * • * That i.s ilie customary way for fabrm operators to handle their prop- •rty. It also â€" in some cases â€" is a good way to ruin a good farm. Take John X, for example. We don't dare call names and counties la a cast like this. But John is like • dozen otJher farmers we know. Jolhn died in 1928. One of liis boys liouxht out the two girls and the other son. That started the boy on the farm with a heavy ) mortgage. * • » He lost t)h« p.Jace in 1932. Tihe farm has been rented since. The community has lost a first-rate Iftrm family. The farm itself has gone dowrthill. John's boy, now farming else- wftiert, and getting along, had a hard time Retting over hi.i bad start. Bucky's Bacli â€" . lanley "Bucky" Harris smiles l)roadly >£ he *i{(iis a three-year con- tract in \Vashinf(ton to ivianage the W'asliington Senators base- ball team. It will be the third time as the Senators' manager for Hucky, whose most recent job was with San Diego in the Pacific Coast League. Are there better ways to handle the job of passing on a farm from one generation to the next? We think so. There are two major points to watch: 1. Get the settlement made early •o that everybody will know how thing's are going to work out. Don't leave it to the executor of your •atate. He's no .smarter than you arc. 2. In any disposition of the farm, use an api)raisal based on 30-year average yields and prices. Don't put an inflati-d value on the place. »- » * Maybe Jolm X, 65, calls the four children in, and says: "Your ma and 1 are going to quit farming. I've had the farm appraised. If prices the next 30 years average out the way they have been tihc last 30 years, it's worth about $20,000. We'll sell for that. Who wants it to live on?" If only one of the dhiltlrcn wants the farm, tihat makes it easy. If two want it, they may have to match coins. Hut don't split it up unless it is plainly too big. If it ii a good working unit now, leave if t^at way. â- » ♦ ♦ What terms? Joihn X goes on: "I'll sell the machinery and live •tock for cash. You can have tihe place on contract. I'll make you a rate of interest just a little below the land bank rate. "But you'll have to keep book* and pay me one-half of the net in- coime of the farm each year. Tliat applies on the principal and interest. "If you have a bad year, your payment will be cut down accord- ingly- And I'll have to draw on my bonds to get along. But you won't be wrecked by heavy pay- ments in a bad year." * » » It might be still better if John X, at 50, he« his boy coming to work the farm on shares. .'Vnd for John lo »ay tihen: "Fifteen years from now, I'll probably retire. When I do, thii fa the kind of deal I want to make whh you. And I'll fix my will to that if anything happens to me, that deal will atart at once." ♦ » » It's hard to ask outright about thuigi like tlhis. A boy can't tay, "Pop, some day you'll be hauled off by the undertaker. What happtni to me and tihe farm then?" Yet a boy, working on the home farm, hat a rig^ht to know what't ahead. Definite plans ihould ba made for dliposition of the larm whan the father qufts or dies. All men are born equal. How Aajr flnlah depends on what they're equal to. How I Subdued Wild Fiery Itcli- RMcrlptton â€" did \ha n^«k. World popular, .. tlnUnfe Itrli or money back , Aik drugf lat for D. D. D. Prescription (ornlnnry nrextrn dlrenKth ) now. ISSUE 4S 1949 More and more it >• coming to look at though the honeymoon fa definitely over ao far as sport* pro- motion in the United States ii con- cerned. Of course fight gates have been "off" for many months; but that was put down, by aports writ- ers and other "experts" as largely due to the sad lack of colorful and reasonably workmanlike leather heavers, especially in the heavy- weight division. » * * But now the folks who set in cash at the box-offices are staying away from football â€" both the col- lege and honestly professional var- ieties â€" in increasingly large and painful quantities. Stadium sellouts, which were the rule during wartime and immediately post-wartime days, are the exception now. In sport, at in many other lines of trade, they're having a buyer's rather than a sell- er's market. .And the colleges and promoters who went clean over- board building hat;e arenas and vast stadiums are beginning to worry more than a trifle. * ♦ * Take the University of Pennsyl- vania, for example. In Franklin Field, Penn has one of the biggest stadiums in the States, seating more than 78,000. Last fall they had sell- outs for practically every home game, with a total attendance of over 460,000 in seven contests. Their first two opponents this season were Dartmouth and Columbia, both gen- erally big drawing cards. Yet in the two games the paying client* numbered only around 70,000 all told. And that with a winning teaml * * ♦ This is merely one example, taken from many; and the reason we men- tion it is not because we think that both our readers are especially in- terested in United States football, but because sports trends here have a way of following those south of the border. What is happening there is liable to be duplicated, before too long, right here. When that day comes, the reactions of certain pro- moters, in danger now of becom- ing round-shouldered from patting themselves on the back, will be worth watching. .'\nd hearing. * ♦ * From the first we have contended that major league hockey was more or less smacUing easy-to-please cus- tomers in the face by cutting out the overtime, and allowing teams to settle for a draw. But, "Just look at the sellout crowds and mobs beg- ging for tickets" was the only reply we ever got. » ♦ ♦ Well, as already stated, what hap- pens in the States can, and frequent- ly does, occur right here. And if certain hockey bazzaars should some day be begging for patronage, instead of turning it more or le*i politely away, in our opinion the tie-game farce will have had no little to do with bringing about such a condition. « * * The National Hockey League season is still young. As we pound out these lines a total of twenty-six games have been played. And of those twenty-six, exactly ten â€" al- most forty per cent â€" have ended in draws. , * * * Boxing bouts used to be â€" perhaps still are â€" advertised with a line reading something like FIFTEEN ROUNDS TO A DECISION. * ♦ ♦ If things keep up as they are going, We suggest that professional hockey games should be billed SIXTY MINUTES TO NO DE- CISION.' CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING BABI CHICKS Ckolca puUaU it waaka to Uylny. Pifi braada and aroas bracda. Fraa aatalo«v«. Twaddle Chick Hatoherlea Limited. Ferrua. Ontario. Itiic prlcaa are vood and we can viva prompt dallvary on laying and ready to lay pullata. Many purebraada and croM breads to chooaa from, Day old chlcke for Fall delivery. Alao booking ordara now for ItSO chlcka and turkey poulta. Free catalovue. Top Notob Cblck Salaa. Ouelph, Ontario. Broiler ralneral Wu i-itn aupply tbe rlvht kind of chlcka for faac growth In brollera. Alao booUlriK rhickB and turkey poulte for ISftO delivery. Free catalogue. TwcMldle Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergua. Ontario. i)00K8 Books on Dogs, Cata. Rabbits, Aqarla, Beea. Birds. Pigeons. Poultry. Dairying, Farming, Fruits, Flowers. Fishing, Hunting, Catalogue Free. Morgana. London. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES AN OFFER to every inventor â€" List of inven- tions and full Information aent free. Tbe Ramsay Co., Registered Patent Attorneys. 273 Bank Street. Ottawa. DEVELOPING SENSATIONAL This ad ia valuable. Any 8-exposure roll de- veloped and a "Double-size deckle-edg^' en- largement from each negative all for 29c. Send this ad with roll and get special price. Regular price 36c. Only one to a customer. Photo Research Lab., Department V. Drawer 170, Regina, Saskatchewan. UVEINO AND CLEARING HAVE roL anything oeade dyeing or claan Ina'' Write to ue foi tntormatlon Wa are glad to answei roui (]Uf>Bttona Departmant H. Parker's Dye WorKi- Mmlted TBI Tnnga Street Toronto untarlo FUR SALE ALUMINUM ROOFING & SIDING Croaa-Orlmped Cornivateo and rlbDed atyles < to 10 ft lenstba (mmedlatt detlTerj from stocli Write for larapIeB and afltlmatea Ste«] Dlatrlbutnrf Llmllrd SOO Cbern Si Toronto FOB SALE PLANTS FOR BALE lUMrve now for Jd«al Autumn plantlnat Cnilnaao Hlin Hadve â€" 12 Inchen to 30 IncbM kith wb«n ahlvped â€" will (row 1 f««t tbe Drat rear â€" 2i plania for IJ.98 â€" aufflclent tor It feet. Oluit Bxhlbltlon FlowerlnK Paeonlea In eoloura red. wblte or pink â€" 3 for tl.O- Brookdale-Klnraway Nuraerlea. BowmanvlHe, Ontario. rarm Tractora: International "M", Ford with plow, like new, loweat pricea. Apply Lanarton Broa. , Waterdown NEW AND USED MACHINERY Hirer's Ejector and Plunger Type Pumpa â€" Deep and Shallow Well. Coal and Wood Itovea. Dleael and Qas Engine, new and used. Century Motora, Magnet. Melotte. Premier Separator arte. Dealers wanted. Melotte Cream Separator A Machinery Co., 48 Abell Street, Toronto. oyyoBTuyiTiES fob mkw awd wumm BE A HAlRDRESSEK , JOIN CANADA'S LKADINO SrBCXJL Oraat Opportiulty Laam HalrdrwalM Plaaaaoi dlcnlfled profeaalon. good wacMb tiMUanda auccaaaful UarrM (radualM. Anarlea'a rraateat ayatam Illuatratad lorue free. Write or Call IfARVSIL MAIRDRB8SINO SCHOOIyS It! tUooi Bt W . roronio â- ranchea 4< King Bt . HamllleB * 73 RIdeau Street. Otuwa SPECIAL low pricea on Plumbing Fixtures. Boilers. Radlatora, soil pipe and flttlnga, Pumptr, Septic tanks. Write for free price list. The Kelly Plumbing and Heating Co.. 38 UatUda St. S., Dundaa. Ont. .103 BRITISH calibre, specially selected eon- verted Mark 3 Ughtweight lO-sbot Sporting rlfies: price each only S41.00. 48 rounds am- munition 13.00. Immediate delivery LlmUed aupply. Write for photo and description. Money refunded If not satisfactory. SCOPE SALES ^®* ' 32 6 Queen St., Ottawa. Ont. 60-ACRC FARM, garden and tobacco land with creek: stock, poultry and furniture included. Convenient bus service. 1 mile west of Burford, Ont. Mrs. M Zonek, Bur- ford. Ont. ^_ HELt WANTED BECOME Stenographers. ABC Shorthand makes It possible through home-study. Free folder Illustrates. Casaan Systems. Toronto. RELIABLE GIRL or woman as Mother's Help. Private room, bath. Two school-aeed children. Mrs. A. Duncanaon, 178 Dunvegan Road. Toronto. Sonrwr iters, send poems, songa, for 3 amlnatlon and advice by professional com- poaer- arranger. Free publishers list. No ob- ligation. Loth Studios. 243 Wset 72nd, AB» New York City. COME OUT FROM UNDER THE SHADOW OF PAIN ♦â- ,> STOCK clearing sale of musical Instruments. Write for free price list. Fred Boddinffton. Ill Church Street. Toronto. AMERICAN CREAM SEPARATORS "Skimmaster" Bench Model, 360 lb. capacity 188.50. Write for prices on standard machlna, hand and electric models. American Separ- ator Sales, Goderich. Ont. . ~RAW FURSâ€" HORSE^HAIR" HIGHEST Market pricea paid at all tUuea. Prompt caah remittancea. We aall ammuni- tion, riflea and trappera' supplies. Write for prices list and trappers* aupply oatalovua. Sydney I. Roblnaon Fur Company, J77 Rupert Ave., Winnipeg, Man. Owner occupied 7-roomed brlok house, II miles Toronto: 4-plece bath, electric, town water, only $6,000. Also H ACHE.S. S-rooroed Winterized cottage. 3 ohlckenhouaee and storeroom. 18,800. On main highway. Please write H. C. Joaelln. Broker, Torrance, Ontario. Technicians needed for ArtlHcial Insemination for each county. Training School will be held in December. Apply Immediately to Ross Butler. 334 Norwich Avenue, Woodstock, Ont. MEDICAL PERSONAL Drug Store Needs sent confi- dentially return mall. New service. Roberts Drug Stores Ltd. . Transcona, Man. IT'S PROVENâ€" Every sufferer of Rheumatlp Pains or Neuritis should try Dlxon'e Rema- 47 Uunro's Drus Store. 335 Bigtn. Ottawa PoatpAd $1 00. PEP UP â€" Take C.C. & B. Tonic Tablets for low vitality, nervous and general debility. lOc and 81.00 at druggists. flATISFT YOURSELFâ€" Every sufferer of Rheu- matlc Pains or Neuritis should try Dixon's Remedy Munro'B Drug Store. 835 Elirln. Ot- tawa. Postpaid tl 00. Hornet Chain Saws, new. two-men â€" 1376.00: ona-manâ€" 8226.00 Hornet Sales. 69 Eseex Street, Toronto. SOO NEW BUTTONS_41.50 Hundreds of beautiful buttons, all colours, daalgns and alaes, for every tewing need. Doxana of aeta. for dresses, blouaetf. suits, ate. The biggaat bargain aver offered I Sent you Postpaid for $1.60. COD. postage extra. Money back guarantee. Seico Products, Dept. 11, 8868 Park Avenue. Montreal S. Que . DOUBLE-BDOB, finest quality Razor Blades, 100 for 81.86, additional orders, 180 blades 81.86. Money Back Guarantee. De M 1844 Bast 6Srd Street, Brooklyn, N.Y POST'S ECZEMA SALVE Banlah the torment of dry eczema rashes and weaping akin troubles. Post' s Eczema Salve will not disappoint you. Itching, scaling, burning eczema, ache, ring- worm, pimples and athlete's foot, will resvond readily to this stainless, odorless ointment, ragardleas of how stubborn or hopeless they seem. PRICE $1.00 PER JAR Sent Poat Free on Recepit of Price POST'S REMEDIES M0 Qaeeii St E., Comer of Loran ' Toronto TryDOLCIN Tablets for prompt relief from ARTHRITIC and RHEUMATIC pain ... get 8 bottle of 100 or 500 tablet! from your druggist TODAY and joia the thousands of relieved tufferers.who by taking DOLCIN have come out from under the shadow of pain . . . Most druggists carry DOLCIN ... 100 tablets $2.39; economy-size bottle of $00 tablets $10.00. If your druggist does not have DOLCIN, write dirett to DOLCIN LIMITED, Toron- to 10, Canada. DOLCIN ^ r ^ TABLITS n(«l 2040. DOLCIN la tAc ngUt^rtd i if thlB product. PATENTS rBTHERBTONHA UG H A Company Patani Solicitors Bstabllahed 1890 860 Bay 8tr««t. Toronto Booklat of Information on rvquast. REPAIRS Doors â€" Combination â€" thickness 1 i/8". Panel thickness 1 8/8". Standard sizes. Builders or retailers only. Genuine Breton Housewares Ironng Boards â€" Bake Boards, etc. Retailers only. Hockey Sticks â€" Junior and Senior. Re- tailers only. PrlceB direct from mills. D^ McKenna, 2779 Tonge St., Toronto. Ont. Splitting R0N80N lilglittrs repaired. Prompt aervlco. Btnd to W. N n-piis Rox 24!). riiirham. Ontario. WAKE UP YOUR LIVER BILE- Without Calomel- And Youll Jump Out •! Bed in the Morning Ruin' to Go The liver should pour out about 2 pinta oi t)Ue juice into your digestive tract every day; If this bile is not flowing freely, your food may not digest. It may just decay in the dieestivo iraot. Then gaa bloats up your stomaoh. Yoa get oonstipated. You feel sour, sunk and tho world loots punk. It takes those mild, gentle Carter's Little liver Pills to get these 2 pints of bile fiow* ing freely to make you feel *'up and up.'* Get ft package today. Effective in in»j223L bile flow freely. Ask for Cartej s Little Liver Filla. 35i at any drugstore. KIOMEY ACTIVITY VITAL TO HEALTH Don'i wait until you become depressed, but avoid backache and rheumatism by taking K.LAAS TILLY DUTCH DROPS as soon as you suspect sluggish kidney action. If you sufTer pain and distress due to kidney impurities ask your druggist for HAARIEM OIL KLAAS TILLY Imported from Holland THE ' aNtY dRlGiiAl DUTCH DROPS This Year- Next Year â€" Some Time â€" Any Time â€" Canaaa fsavings Bonds will always be worth what you paid for them plus 2^% mterest each year up to the end of the month preceding the date of cashing the Bonds. You can get your money hack as easily as draw- ing a cheque and in the meantime the interest is better than on savmgs deposits. Your order for Canada Savings Bonds sent to our office will receive careful attention. tVood, Gundy & Company Limited 36 King Street West Toronto 1 Telephone: ELgin 4321 > *l Dw't driM vken you'ra drinking. Out Mrt •( lii i&nn iavolvad in tatti accidents lost year had been drinking. Anc/ f/ie RELIEF IS LASTING For remarkably fast relief from head- ache get INSTANHNB. For real relief get Instantine. Fot prolonged relief get Instantine! Yes, more people every day are finding that Instantine is one thini to ease pain fast. For headache, for rheumatic pain, aches and pains of colds, for neuritic or neuralgic pain jrou can depend on Instantine to bring you quick comfort. Instantine is made like a doctor's prescription of three proven medical mgredientt. A single ^^ tablet usually brings j Utt relief. I For constant Smoking rieasure "EXPORT" NOW THW Yodvf rowoww nC TO tCMOOt. 1 MAVC TO^ ^ moc vA. M re« >Ptm 4AKE- ~ KCtPOOT LITTLE fiEGGIS; Rj « T « * 1 1 4 \ -1 4 < •\ â- i 4 1 4 * i ^ 1 4 « 4 i T