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Flesherton Advance, 21 Sep 1949, p. 6

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wmm â- ipp tmmmm U Coin* My Way? â€" This jeep owned by a medical supply firm almost came to the parting of the ways. The right wheel wanted to turn right, the left wheel wanted to go left, and the chassis leaned just a little left of center. Before dashing madly off in all directions the driver had the broken tie rod repaired and disappeared down a one-way street. EAT UP ^ ASwbitCi 111 the immortal words of Captain Gubbins, let a plain statement suf- fice. For various reasons it is ncces- lary for this column to be written •ome ilays in advance. I'urtherinore, while the conductor of same is not • resident of Toronto, that fair city might be roughly known as his •piritual home. {.And if the printer spells that "spirituous" there'll be trouble.; * • • To Kct on with our tale of woe, this particular column was started immediately after the following un- toward happenings in the realm of sport; * * • (1) The Toronto Maple Leafs Baseball Club had been knocked out of the International League playoff series byâ€" of all people â€" the Montreal Royals. » * * (2) The Toronto Argonaut Foot- ball Club had taken, not just a beat- ing but a real shellacking, at the hands â€" and feet â€" of the hated Ot- tawa Kough Riders. * . * * (3) The Toronto Balmy Beach Football Club had raised a vast lack of enthusiastn in the bosoms of their most ardent supporters by failing to score even once while the Wind- tor Rockets were tallying a jolly 35 points. * * * (4) The best thing of the season â€" "just like oil in the can,, or money from home" â€" was a filly named "Flying Alice," favorite in the (jrey Stakes at dear old Wood- bine Park, known to all horse-lovers as tne place where they really run to form. Breezing homeward well in front the young lady suddenly got the idea that lier name was "Swimming .Alice," heailed for Lake Ontario, and pulled up a lovely last. * • * So it is sincerely hoped that the customers will understand why, to- day, this column is of necessity brief and tinged with gloom. Some genius once said that one picture is worth a thousand words â€" so here's the picture. The one thing wrong is that the •rtist got the name on that tomb- stone spelled wrong. It should be "DOUGH" not "DOE." . One who has lived with a garden all summer comes now to the time when a sense of immediacy begins to close in. Days shorten. Growth slackens. The garden is still full and overflowing with plenty, but one knows that it may be the last full crop. The season grows late. At planting time the season stretched ahead almost without limit. The first fruits were precious, garner from the fertile soil. Mid- summer brought bounty. Then so much came at once that there was a surfeit. I'ut now, with an end in sight when the frost shall come creeping ujf the valleys, the garden is precious again. Corn is at its peak, but will the late corn have time to mature its ears.' Early lettuce bolted in the heat; will the late lettuce, now be- gnining to head, make its way to the salad bowl? Wll the scattered blossoms on the linias make pods, or is this present crop to be the last? And what of the string beans and the summer s<|uash? What of the can lit lowerâ€" will it, or the frost, win outr One picks the pods and the ears, pulls the carrots and appraises the beets. One watches the winter s(|uash, and looks for signs of blight on the tomato plants, wondering wliich of the green tomatoes will ripen. And the flavor, once the gar- den comes to the table, is alm.jst as good as it was when the first small peas were eaten. The season that was going to last forever be- gins to fade; days lie ahead wlien there will be neither pod nor pome in the garden but only dry stalks and frosty ground. Eat upl The end is in siglit, with early fall upon us. HIS ERROR A bombastic man met his hen- pecked friend, whose face suggested a recent accident. "How did tliat happen?" liis friend asked. "My wife ..." "Your wife? Ah, evidently you have not acquired the secret of maried bliss. I never have a row with my wife. I have no secrets from her." "Neither have I!" the other sighed. "That's the trouble. I only thought I had!" gtJtl P^i ii i l â€" By Harold Arnett TiEMCKFOR SUrrCASB MERE'S A SIMPLE RACK. MADf Of CAR080ARP, WHICH WILL ANSWER THE PROBLEM OF WP.INKLeP TIE* IN SUITCASES. THE NUMBER OF SLOTS YOU ccrr in the stiff CARDBOARP WILL^ OF COURS8 DEPEND ON THE NUMBER. OP TIES YOU WISH TO CAHey. YOU CAN MAKE THE RACK. OUT OF PLASTIC OR PLYWOOP IF you want somethlmo mob« permanent: SmMgK IF you WANT TD STEAM THE WALLPAPER OPF A WALL WITHOUT WaMDNO A STgAAAER TO DO SO, JUST VSB A HOU5EH0LP IROM. PAMPEN A aOTH AMD POLP IT IMTO A PAP THEN HOLD TWff IROM AGAINST THE PAD TO STEAM -THE PAPER LOOSE. KEEP PAMPKN\H6 TMff PAO ONCE BITTEN A lawyer was walking along the street when he met a friend to whom he had recently given some simple legal advice and to whom he had sent his usual sizeable bill. "Nice day, isn't it?" remarked the friend, and then added hastily: "But I'm not a.sking you: I'm tell- ing yon." New and Useful Too AVOID IHORT CIRCUITI "BKttary Circuit BrUku" pra- tacti your ecr against abort circuits. Unit is attaclied batween th« bat- tary and ground to braalc th« cur- rant, thua preventing short circuit in wiring ayitem. la controllad by push and pull twitch from inttru- mtnt panel. Easy to initali, will not harm motor, battery or wiring sys- tem, maker states. Said to give more wear from battery which ordinarily has battery seepags through old wiring. Eliminates embarrassment when horn button gets shortenecl. . * * * AIR CONDITIONER Portable air conditioner which works on evaporation principle has two fans with water in bottom- of unit. Regiilar fan drives perforatted fan; chain on perforated blade which revolves in 'vater, picking up par- ticles of water. Fan blows through these particles causing evaporation, which in turn brings about a cooling effect. * * * CHERRY FITTER A light-weight plastic mechani- cal cherry pitter for the home is designed to take, cherry pitting out of the heavy-handling equipment class. Its precision parts include a feeding trough and a smooth cylin- der trimmed with round sockets to catch the cherries and discharge the pits as fast as the crank is turned ^ â€" at rate of one quart of cherries a minute, maker claims. Said to be easy to wash, light weight to handle, may be clamped to counter or table. * * * PLASTIC BINDING Colorful plastic binding being manufacturetd by Toronto firm can be slipped off for withdrawal or insertion of pages as necessary. Designed for use as a binder for business lettters, catalogues, school notes, price lists and many other items. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING | AOUiTS WANTCU OILS, ORKASBS. TIRES lasMtfeUw. BlMtit* rtne* Cenlnlton. Mmm» ti Ban raMU Reef Coatlnn, tta. Daalsn •n wasttd. Write Warco Otmm * Oil LlBilua. Towio. DYBUO AND OUUmMO â- AVI rOD aiiytJiliis utit dyclaa or la>T Writ* u> us (or lotonaattoo. Ws art (tad to uiamr rour gaaatloa*. DcpartiiMiit H. Parkar** On Work* LlmKaA T91 Tana* StrMt. Toronto, (.totarlo. rUB BAUC 12,000 PULLETS 1000, It WMki 11.30 aacb: 7000, 8 WMka .lOo dtliverad In Ontario (or ordara o< 100 or mora. Naw Hamp, Wyandott«-Naw Hamp, Barred Rock-Naw Hamp are Available of riahar Broa. Ayton atraln. Phona S]TW2 Dundaa or write Ray Connell, R.R. 3 Dundaa. ALUMINUM ROOFING & SIDING Croia-CrlmMd Corruaated and rIDMd atylaa. I to to (t lenatba tmmedlau delivery (ram atock. Wrlu (or aamplea and eatlmate* Steel Dlalrlbutora Limited. SCO Cherry St. Tomato BATH tuba, toileta, washbaaini, alnka, (ur- nacea, bollara. water preaeure ayatema aold, alao Inatalted. Galvanized pipe. I Inch 15o (t., ^ inch • 18o (t Artlclea aent eTeryvhera. Write (or prlcea. Pbltip Verbeyden. Aylmer, Ont. FOB SAIJt II ACRBS LAND, II aoraa cleared, raat atandlna timber, aprloa oreek. Houav and laraa hanhouae. No. TA Hisbway. App>]r Frank Henry. H.R. 1, Cavan. DOK'T MM raOMB OrPOBTOMITIBII •11.000. OROCBRT BTORX, oookad meaU, foralaa (rulta, lea cream, ao(t drlnki, etc. Dwalllna I rooma and bath, hot and cold water. Turnover approximately tlO.OOO yearly. All atock and equipment Included. Location In good larce town. Elderly couple wlahas to retire. 114.000. OBNBIRAL STORB In vlUaae. Very larae atore with < room dwelltnc. Approxi- mately 135,000 yearly turnover. Orocerlea. meata, drysooda, hardware, ao(t drlnka, lea oream, ato. A real baraaln. A. M. Colvllle, Brok er^ Ph o ne T08J1-3, Newmarke t. SHALLOW WIXL PCMP8 110 OALLONS per liour can|iclty, complete with 30 gallon preaeure tank, preaaure gauge and mnuntlnga. Either 26 or 60 cycle motora. Made In Canada (or the paet 10 yeara. Reg- ularly priced at tllO.50 now for only I9S.I0. J. F. CROWLEY LI.^IITED Dundaa. Ontario. SUFFOLK RAMS (or aale. Good strong breed- era. Price reaaonable. Francla Powell, Clinton, Ontario. HAH8TBRS: wonder anlraala (rom Syria. Peta or laba. Pair %i. Send money order. Poole, I I Alma. St. Thoroaa. Ontario . HAY PRESSES FAMOUS Moody "Steel Queen" Preaeea avail- able (or prompt delivery, mounted on rub- ber tlrea. also potato diggers. Write for free circulars. MATTHEW MOCIDV « SONS, Com- pany. Terrebonne. Quebec. (Established 1845). AD CLETRAC Diesel Crawler. Used <0 hours on farm. Cbaap for caah. Take wheel tractor part payment. Earl Daley, Selkirk, Ontario. (2000. 50 ACRES, < room house, large bam, raspberry patch, good garden land. Trenton nine miles. $4000. 50 ACRES, I room house, good barn, hen housea. Hydro throughout. Frankford 6 milea. Nell Nelson, Real Estate Broker, Wooler, Phone 11. Arthur Scott (Salesman) 30 S pring Street, Trenton. Phone 1184M. GERMAN shepherda: Males and females, 4 months, by "Champion Steel o( Barrlmore" ex "Visa of Sandorea" by "Champion Nox of Ruthland" ex "Champion Tola o( Sandorea." Prices (rom 180. Mrs. C. P. M. Francla, Tbe Two-Bar Ranch, Routledge, Manitoba. 100 ACRE8 hard wood timber, evaporator. 650 palls and equipment. Track type Tractor, Power Saw. Four-wheel drive truck, 6-ton equipped (or logging. Apply Box 08, Port Perry, Ont. PORD and FerguBon Tractor Ownera â€" when you require a loader you want tba beat. Horn hydraulic loaders and attachmenta made by the world's largest manu(acturer of loaders offer you the latest Improvements. Write us for literature. H. L. Turner Co., Ltd.. Blen- heim. Ontario. REOT8TERED pure bred Torkshlrea, seven weeks. Females 116. Write Wilfrid Taylor, 1326 Gra nde Cote. Rosemere, Quebec. SAM'S GARDEN~TRACTOir~ A NEW MODEL, definitely superior and at very much reduced prices. Come to Scarboro, Stop 33, Kingston Rd., and have a proper demonstration or sand (or catalogue before you buy any tractor. Leas than 1160 with toola. Budget payments if required. GARDEN POWER TOOLS LTD WEST HILL, ONT. FOB 8ALB FOR SALE, garage and chopping mill, feed, mixing busineaa. dleael power and good high- way, sood district. Apply Box 63, Port Perry, Ont. HARNESS: Buy direct from factory and sava. We oan now ablp bameaa and parts Imni^ dlataly. Writ* (or our naw complete 1040 catalogue. North West Mall Order Company Limited, 111 UcDermot Ave. Eaat, Winnipeg, Uanltoba. HELP WANTED REGISTERED NURSES and Certified Nursea' Asaistanta required (or Lady Minto Hos- pital, Chapleau. Ontario Apply Superln- Undent. ASBESTOS SHINGLES & SIDING MILL SECONDS' Shingles. Siding and Roof- ing Papers. Send (or our price liata. David W. Armstrong. 129 Van Home Ave.. Montreal 14^ RECONDITIONED TRACTORS^! Ma'ssv- Harrla "101 Supers" on rubber: 1 M.H. Pacemaker on ateel; 1 10-20 International on rubber: 1 used 10-20 on ateel; also 1 slightly used I H.P. Empire Garden Tractor with im- plements. Priced to sell. See these at 67 Tonga Street Richmond Hill. Harold W. Mortaon. Maaaey-Harris Dealer. Telep hone 98. PLANTS FORBALB RESERVE now tor laeai Autumn plantlngi Chinese Elm Hedgeâ€" 12 Inches to 10 Inches high when shipped â€" will grow 2 (eet the drat year â€" 35 plants (or 18.98â€" sufficient (or 26 (eet. Giant Exhibition Flowering Paeonies In colours red. white or pink â€" 3 (or 11.89. Brookdale-Ktngsway Nnreerlea. Bowmanville. Ontarla. HOMESPUN YARN Made of selected long virgin wool â€" very strong, extra long wearing, suitable (or socks, aweatara and other woollen garments. 8-8-4 ply, white, grey, 3-3 ply royal blue, paddy green, scarlet, maroon, yellow, brown, heather, black, (awn, all aultable (or Slwaab aweatara. 11.98 lb. â€"10 lbs. or over 11.80 lb. del'd. Northland sweater patterna 36c each. Adaltaâ€" ^ear, bear, Indian dealgn. Child's â€" dear, bear, dog and â- aulrrel, dancer. Mary Maxim, SKton. Mani- toba. MEUICAt QGOD Results â€" Every eulrerer (rom Rheu- Vtic Pains or Neuritis should try Dlxon'a Remedy. Munro's Orug Store. 336 Elgin Ottawa. Post p aid il.OO _ PEP~CPi~ take C.C. a B Tonic Tablets for low vitality, nervous and general debility 60c and tl.OO at drueelets. ' TRY ITl Every sufferer of Rheumatic Palna or Neuritis ahouid try Dixon's Remedy Munro's Drug Store. 33» Elgin. Ottawa Post paid 11.00. elrBNTS FETHERSTO.NHAUOH i (Company Patent Solicitors B;stabilshed 1890 350 Bay Street. Toronto Booklet of information on request UPPOBTCNITIEB foi I EN aPil WOMB» BE A HAIRDRESSER lOIN CANADA!" l.EAniNG .'^rHOOl Great Oppr.rfunity L.«am Halrdreaatng Pleasant dignified profession, good wasea thousands successful Marvel graduates. America's greatest system Illustrated cata logue frea Write or Call MARVBL HAIRDRESSINO SCHOOLS 368 aioor St W i'orooto Branchea 44 King 8i . Hamlltoa A 73 RIdeao Streat. Ottaw a BARN MONEY AT HOMEâ€" Spare or fuU-tiiiie money-making. Learn to make candy at home; earn while learning. Free equipment (umiehed. Correspondence course. National Institute o( Confectionery Reg'd.. Delnrimier P.O. Box 163. Montreal. Que. WANTED QBNERAL or retail atore wanted, town or village, with modem living quarters. Full particulars. W. E. Brown. 29 Columbine Ave.. Toronto. ISSUE 39 â€" 1949 i€ Ccuxadiouri/ cFcutiilW €>tM>€4 nviMyCit te . • • Jj^etai^A^tn^ For over two centuries, Canada has been the land of opportunity to settlers from almost every country in the world. Much of our strength and vitality stems from this blending of racial and cultural heritages. It is a matter of pride to all Canadians that so many races, without sacrificing their national characteristics, have united them- selves into one great citizenship â€" the Canadian Family. Gallant Belgium, whose poppy- carpeted fields of Flanders hold ten- der memories for many Canadians, has sacrificed much in the cause of freedom. Comprising two distinct racial groups â€" the Flemings and the Walloons â€" she has given many of her sturdy sons to Canada. Among them have been many distinguished figures in Canadian arts and sciences. The majority, however, specialize in agiiculture and have done much to stimulate tobacco-growing in Ontario and Quebec. In the mid-west many have become successful dairymen. A devout, thrifty and dependable people, they have earned the respect of their fellow -citizens for their con- tribution to Canada's progress. Calvett DISTILLERS (Canada) Limited AMHERSTIURO • ONTARIO ^4^ Colvert, Secretary of Stole to King James 1, and head of »h« famoui Calvert fontily, founded one of Canada's first colonies In Newfoundland in 1622. Calvert and his descendants fostered the principles of religious tolerance and democratic fieedom and thus helped sow the feitilo seed of democracy In the New .World. PUBLIC HEALTH MVBSES ONE STAFF NURSE wanted Immediately on the Ox(ord County A Ingeraoll Health Unit. Main Office. Court House. Woodstock. Working conditions good. For (urther in(ormatlon apply Margaret Grieve. Nursing Supervisor, Court House, Woodstock. Ontario. Medical Director Dr. O. C. Powers. TORONTO (amily needs Mother's Help. Nice home. Rosedale district. Four Children â€" 2 of school age. Good wagea. Mrs. Griffin, 219 Glen Road. Toronto. r <> r V A A' ,A' 'r T T 1»^ V r> r <' ,A' 4" A -4' 4' i *â-  < \ ^-\ A' r V A ,*. ,A' .A' /• â- A" /*• .-A" 'A ^ I k

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