-J t A- J* 7- yjk. -:* â- c- \ r A THE FVXSHERTON ADVANCE Wednesday, August 31' 1949 FEVERSHAM ' Mrs. Geo. Burke is visitin? with her sister, Mrs. Chris Douglas at New Liskeard. Mr. Eli Robinson is visit'n^ with his daughter, Mrs. Dick Fadden, at Barrie Mrs. Thos. Rice and daughters visited for a week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Long. Mr. and Mira. Bill Armstrong and children Sipent tht- past week with her sister, Mrs. Herb Eby. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hill and baby visited his sister, Mrs. L. Sawell. •Mr. and Mrs. John Black ara visit- ing his sisters in 'Toronto and at- tencing the Exhibition. Mr. Wm. Parker is visiting 'ii Toronto. Bom â€" on Saturday, August 27, 16*9, to Mr. and Mrs. Donald Gra- ham, a son. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Montgr/mery and daughters of Dundalk visited her parents, Mr. and Mts. Jas. Long, on Sunday. VICTORIA CORNERS VANDELEUR Mr. and Mrs. Lundy Johnston, Mrs. Kathrin« Davison and Mr-;. Geo. Buchanan of this place, accom- panied by Mrs. Hare of Markdale and M»3. Milr.e of Toronto, took a motor trip to Collingwood, Wasaga Beach, Midhnrst and Barrie on Mon- day of last week. At Midhurt they visited the government- nurseries, where millions of forest trees are produced and also the biautiful Spring-water Park, with its varied attractions and wonderful facilities for picnics, etc. At Barrie they had the pelasure of meeting Dr. R. T. Scott, wh otaught achool in this com- mtmity about 56 years ago. He tai'ffht in the old stone scho</'. house before the present brick structure was built and. although n 'pring 80 years of age is still alert and active rnd recalled many interesting and some amusing incidents in the Gchool and commtmity life of Van- deleur in the early 1890's. Mrs. Lorns Ormsby at*<;nded the ftmeral. of a cousin in Torronto on Monday, Aug. 29th. 8TH LINE OSPREY Th€ world would be a heap bett9i off if fewer people made a succesF of being a failure. DELr^ IH GifE'S MOSI ^'ODERN THEATSi Monday - Tuesday September 5, 6 also SUNDAY MID-NITE "NAKED CITY" Barry Ff zgtt-ald Wednesday - Thursday September 7, 8 "HIGH BARBAREE" Van Johnson June Allyson Recent guests with Mrs. Wm Ludlow and Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Stin- son were: Mr. Guy Dawson and Miss Vida Dawson of Tilbury, Miss Flor- ence Dawson of Detroit and Mr. and iVlrs. Joe Miili ler of London. iir. and Mrs. Eobt. Ludlow and iot), Jim, of Royal Oak, Mich . spent t'.eir vacation with the former's par- eats, Mr. and Mrs-. Geo. Ludlow and rentwed old friedships in th^ com- mLT.ity. \vcdding 'le '•? are again pealingf With the approach of the school bell ringing, improvement plans have been accomplished in the locaJ school house, when the Board en- gaged carpenters to lower the ceil- ing. This should make the school room much more comfortaible dur- ing the blustery winter days. Week end guests in the home of Jas. Bannon were: Mrs. Yorker and two sons of Toronto. Mrs. W. A. Armstrong of Toronto attended Mrs. Ella Blackburn Mem- orial dedication service in Flesher- ton On Sunday morning, Aug. 21st, and visited the balance of the day vvith Mr.. and Mrs. Milton Bannon. Mr. Chas. E. Moore of Toronto visited that same week end in the Geo. Moore home. On his return to Toronto Monday morning, he wa;; accompanied by his wife, who had spent a week end a half here. Mr. and Mrs. Walt. E. Arnold, Bobby and Peggy Joan, of Buffalo, arrived at the Geo. Moore home on Monday evening, Aug. I5th, the day Mrs. Geo. Moore and baby, Judy, arrived home from Markdale Hos- pital. The latter are remaining until the Labor Day week end. Mr. and Mr. Alex. Ellis and Daxyl Mr. Thos. Paxton of Buffalo, and Mrs. Ellis' mother, Mrs. Cline, of Clifford visited with the Arnol'i family here one day recently. Mr. and Mrs. E. A.. Stinson, Don- ald and Bert, have been up at their bush lot on Cockburn Island during the past irwo weeks. Mrs. Edith Hall and daughter. Donna, of Owen Sound had a week's vacation with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Linton and Douglas. Dr. and Mrs. Thompson of Appin, a former couple on this charge, re- newed acquaintances here a couple of weeks ago. During Mr. Walter Acheson's per- iod of "two treatments a day" at the Markdale hospital to aid recovery from undulant fever, he and Mrs. Acheson visited an afternoon ea:h with ftfr. and Mrs. Dave Bradley at Berkeley and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Johnstone at Harkaway. The ladies of the W. I. held their August meeting in the home of Mr?. Bert Badgerow Thursday afternoon. (MUSS Marie Cook, Toronto, visited during the week end with her sister, Mrs. Walter Acheson. and niece, Mrs. Geo. Moore. Mr. Wallace Wellwood and son. Jim, of Dundalk have been engaged to redecorate the Inistioge United Church in time for the anniversary services in mid-Septemlber. (Intended for Last Week) Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Somers and Vernon and Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Stephens visited with Mrs. Alma Graham at Orton on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Ottewell and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Stephens and family visited on Sunday with Mrs. Arthur White at Collingwood. Mr. and Mts. Wm. Wm. Stephers and family and Miss Florence Wil- kinson spent a few days last week at Bala. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dargavel (Evelyn Hale) who were married on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Max Grieabach of Collingwood were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stephens. Mrs. Alma Graham of Orton and Mrs, Orr of OrangevilJe are visiting a few days with their sister, Mrs. P. J. Somers and family. Misses Helen and Naomi Somers are spending the remainder of their summer holidays with their parents. They have been working for the past six weeks at Crystal Beach. Quite a number of the neighbor ing ladies and friends of Miss Eve- lyn Hale gathered at her home on Tuesday evening prior to her mar- riage and presented her with a kit- chen shower. A program of sing- ing contests, music and readings was greaty enjoyed, after which Evelyn opened her gifts, assisted by M'isses Norma Heitroan and Yvonne Davidson. A delightful lunch was served by Mrs. Hale, assisted by Dolly Stephens, Norma Heitman, Marilyn Lawler, Marion Fenwick, Wilda Hale, Elsie Hawton and Mrs. Heitman. EXHIBITION Friday - Saturday September 9, 10 "STRAWBERRY ROAN" in Color Gene Autry BIG CASH OFFER EVERY WEDNESDAY The Milky Way completely en- circles the world. Emeralds are the softest of all precious stones. A new relief for hay fever is re- ported from New York. Sufterers from that complaint will feel that any allaying factor is not to be sneezed at. EXCERPTS FROM A NEWS LETTER f Issued by The x Ontario Cream Producers' Marketing Board | S We quote:- "Creaijieries that continue to ac- cept second grade, or even "Liner" first grade, cream and pay for it as first grade- are maintain- ing an almost insurmountable obstacle* in the way of quality improvement It may well se,eiu hard- boiled and undesirable to the producer to have Cream that is even questionable put down in a lower grade and paid for as sucli, or else refused, but in the long range, Cream Shippers who per- sistently produce a poor quality are doing them- selves .little good and are a tremendous detri- ment to the industry. The challenge faces everv- one in all branches â€" each must decide whether we will be known as one who helped improve the quality of our butter or just a stumbling block." Signed, "R. W. Morrison." Flesherton Creamery Home, Sweet Home! About the first of June seven four- week-old pigs wandered away from Louis Dahm's farm. He placed an advertisement in The Gazette and later his neighbor, Jos. E. Weber, reported the pig's were on the loose in his bush. The grand finale came at the end of the week when the strays were enticed into a trap which had been constructed of fence wire and baited with toothsome pig food. You've heard about the little pig who stayed at home. One of the family remained behind on tha Dahms farms too, and he's 20 lbs. heavier than his brothers and sis- ters, who have been ramaging in ^he f( rest. â€" Mildmay Gazettp. AUGUST 27 TO SEPTEMBER 10 (Except Sun«iay) REDUCED ^ AKt\ ROUND FARE 3p45y TRIP Children • $2.45 includes Exhibition admission and baa transfer direct into and f^om the Grounds. LEAVE FLESHERTON LEAVE TORONTO 9:07 a.m. b9:00 a.m. b8:27 p.m. a 12:45 p.m. c5:20 p.m. a : Saturday Only b : Sunday and Holiday c: Daily except Saturday (Daylight iTime) Tickets and bp<» o^\w\ChM Flesherton, Ont. Information from REV3. BODcN Phone 63 BUCKINGHAM China's Great Wall is 1500 miles long. Mr. and Mrs. John Tupling of Gibraltar accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Jim Heitman and Lee to Waterloo to visit friends on the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Robinson and two sons of London spent their vacation with Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Ralph Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bristow of Rob Roy, Mr. Stanley Smith and daughter, Irma Reg.N., of Welland, with Miss Maud Smith of Fever- sham, left b^ train the past week -to visit members of their respective families in Saskatchewan and Alta. ilies in Saskatchewan and Alberta. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Smith and son, Robert, and Miss Coreen McGregor of Camp Borden spent a day last week with Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Erownridge, before going to th=ir cottage for a two weeks' holiday. Mrs. Frank Smith and three sons, Grant, Glen and Greg., of Toronto, with the former's mother and bro- ther, Mrs. Sam Mulin and Burton, of Banks, were visitors the past Sundb-y with Mr. and Mrs. Alex. M.tillin and Elmer. Mr. and Mrs. John Brown" visited a day last week with Mrs. Walters Snr., at Ravenna. Mr. George Tran of Markham spent last week at the hom'a ui his sister, Mrs. Arnold Ralph. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Hawton vis- ited last week with Mr. Hawton's brother, Mr. Fred Hawton, of Stay- ner, who is a patient in the Call:ng- wood hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Gorley Blakey have returned from a trip to Saskatch- ewan. Due to the harvesting operations being completed so early, quite a number are taking advantage of the opportunity to attend the C.N.E. Send in your renewal now. Fall Fair Dates AUiston Sept. 14, li Bothwell's Corners .._....„ Sept> 16 Chatsworth -..„...«.... Oct 6, t Chesley Sept % 10 Clarksburg â€" Sept 2t, 21 Collingwood _.....- Sept. S-M Dundalk S^t 14 If Durham ..... Sept 1% U Erin „ Oct 8 and 10 FEVERSHAM Sept 28^ 9 Grand Valley ... , Oct 7, 8 Hanover Sept 14, IS Holstein ..^ Sept 27, 8S Markdale „ ~~...„ Oct S, 4 Meaford , ...^.....^ Oct 7, 8 Mildmay Sept 19, 10 Mt. Forest Sept 19, 10 Owen Sound Sept 29,-Oci. I Paisley ...--_.â„¢..,..,..... Sept 12, 18 Rocklyn ..... Oct I, Shelbume ~â€" ... Sept 18, 14 Tara Sept 28, » Teeswater »....._«« _„ Oct ♦, i Your first thrill is seeing it... Your greatest thrill is owning it! Z^7^mi/j^y,/^/]EMy^ :: Angus Avis, Manager Phone 66 Flesherton Ontario â-ºâ™¦^♦♦♦♦<^♦«*<«^c>♦*♦♦*<^<»<>*•>♦♦<^♦***">*********'>******♦*** The most Beautiful BUY for Performance with Economy. Talk about ihrilb ! You'll gel the bi^aest 'triple-lhTiir in motoring ont of seeing, driving, anil saving money with this new Chevrolet for '49 â€" the most beaiitifitl buy of all. You'll get your greatest thrill out of driving it. You'll experience amazing new bundling ease and riding ease, thrflling areeleralion. and outstanding hill-elimbing ability, all delivered with typical Chevrolet savings oa gas and oil. For here's the only low-priced car with a world's champion Valve-In-Head engine. Give yourself aiid your family the biggest "triple-thrill" in motor- faig . . .»c«, drive and save with Chevrolet for '49 . . . «/ie most beauti- ful buy of all! Tfce most Beautiful BUY for Styling. Take in the smooth curving lines of the 1949 Chevrolet â€" front, top. side and rear ! Then look at its glowing color harmonies, the Iiuurious Bodies by Fisher, and you'll understand why people call Chevrolet the most beautiful of cart^. The most Beautiful BUY for Driving and Riding Base. What totiiHy new diivins ease -Aw hut lolnlly new riding reslfulness â€" with Centre-Point Uesign! .V 4-way cHgineering advance â€" Centre-Point Steering. Conlre-PoinI Seating. I.wer Centre of Gravity without loss of ro.id clearance, and Centre-l'oiiil Rear Suspension â€" brings you results heretofore unknown to low-cost nioturinu. The most Beautiful BUY for Comfort. Enjoy the lounging rest- fulness of a Super-Size Interior willi extra-wde "Five-Foot Seats," extra-generous head, leg and elbowrooin. and an advanced heating* and ventilating system. *( Heater and defroster units optional at extra eosl.> The most Beautiful BUY for All-Round Safety. Ybu and your family will enjoy fivefold safety protection exclusive to this one low- priced car : U> Cerli-Safe Hydraulic Brakes (21 Extra-Strong Fisher LInisteel Body (3) Panoramic Visibility (4) Safety Plate Glass ia all windows, and (3) Unitized Knee-Action. C-I7«»» ""â- """"' (yilii\yixi(£)I A PRODUCT OF OENERAL MOTORS D. HcTAViSH & SONS, FLESHERTON