w^^^m K 1^ "1,, ""'W(. ?!.â- >•.;)>â- Wednesday, July 27, 1949 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE FISHING EQUIPMENT Flyi, Rods. Lines and other Fishin*? Equipment, also Tennis Supplies. REG. BODEN Small Ads FOR SALE â€" 10 Yorkshire pijjs, 8 weeks. â€" Phone 32Ml Flesherton. LOST â€" License plate No. R8687. Finder please notify Ev. Hlack- burn, phone 42J1 Ficshert )m. FOR S.A.LE â€" no tons of baled hay. alfalfa. â€" R. W. Piper, Ceylon, phone 44wl Flesherton. 7cl FOR S.ALE â€" Set of good used can- vas for Decring binder. â€" Edgar Betts, phone ^6J Flesherton. FOR SALE â€" 9 Yorkshire pigs six weeks old, 13 five weeks old. â€" R. Oliver, phone 105w2 Flesherton.- .WANTED â€" Aium«l« suitable fc- mink Bixi fox feed. â€" Bert Mclntosl Eugenia, phooa Fevenh»"i 5r2S A CORRECTION In last week's report of a presen- tation to Mr. Hen-y Huday on his iiOth birthday, which stated that Mr. -Mr. Henry Watson had pi'esentert a (uing chair. This should have read on behalf of the 1 ' nieces and nephews. The 18 ^rana nieces and nopl.ews presented an arti->;ically decoiated birthday cake. Bungalow houses originated in India. It won't be long now until peaches are pres^erved in other places besides beauty parlors. - * Aim hiffh, but don't stop shooting just because you missed the first few shots. FOR SALEâ€" Peter Hamilton binder, 6-vfbot cul, in good condition. â€" W. Hamilton, phone 79 Flesherton. FOR SALE â€" Black bull, 18 nios. old. - D. J. Gillies, Priceville, phone ^Owl Flesherton. 8p2 FOR SALE â€" Frost & Wood 7 -foot No. 4 binder, in good repair. â€" E. Blackburn, phone 12J1 Flesherton FOR SAIjE â€" 10 acres of mixed hay and used cook stove. â€" F. Eagles, Flesherton phone 4tJ3. 7pl FOR S.ALE â€" Dressed spring chick- ens. â€" Geo. Hargrave, phone 114 J 1 Markdale. 7c2 STRAYED â€" Beagle hound, black with brown and white marking. Please notify James McMuUen, phone 7rl3, Feversham. 8<;2 FOR SALE â€" Canthdok, heavy log- ging chain, set of patent binders, 2 pitch forks. â€" Mrs. Geo. Best, F"lesherton phone 46w, 7p2 FOR SALEâ€" Young Yoarshire so-vs bred to farrow in July and later. â€" Richard Allen, proton Station village, phone 196J12 Dundalk. FOR SALE â€" Pasture farm with ^ jiver and spring water; house and lot; other vHlage lots. Proper- ties belong to estate of late Her- man B. McLean. Apply to Mrs, H. B. McLean, Priceville. 8p2 FOR SALE â€" Ameri^n cement $1.50 per bag. delivered in lots of 12 bags and up. â€" Cecil Young, Mar- well, phone Dundalk 176wl3. 7p8 IX)ST â€" Lari!e iron top for ^'ater tank used by Flesherton fire bri- gade, between Maxwell and Flesh- erton on Sunday. Finder please notify W. Kaitting, Flesherton. FOR SALE â€" 2 h. p. Fairbanks- Morse engine, belting, pump and pump jack; hand pmver -washinc; machine with wringer; also chest- erfield. â€" Alex. Miller, Phone 33wl Markdale. 8p.3 FOR SALE â€" 46 Ghev. coac»i, new air-cushion tires, like new, or 16 Ford coach, heater, excellent con- dition; must dispose of either im- mediately. Apply to Angus Avis, Flesherton. 7c2 FOB SALE - Hardwood dabs $25 per truck load; softwood slabs |1R, approximately 7 '2 to 8 cords pei load. Delivered free within 10 nuies. â€" Walter Playler, phone 146J Mlarkdale. 45pl2 FOR SALE â€" Garden peas by bas- ket or crop sold on k'round; prom- ising crop of raspberries, other vegetables in season, green onions good lettuce. Sales on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday; no Sun- day sales.â€" Fields' Garden, C<>y- lon. HARRIS & DUNLOP 8ARHISTERS, soMcnous, EU- Phone 38 MARKDALE irff. Dunlop will be in C. i. Bellamy's office every Sat- . urday fromrO to R:30 p.m- CHARLES J. BELLAMY MUNICIPAL CLERK Isauer nf MarriaKe Lieensea CONVEYANCER Wills Mortgages, etc. Deeds Agreements A commissioner for taking affidavits Office, Toronto Street, PiMherton Telephone 29w TAKE A BOAT TRIP It high pressure getting you down? Then take a boat trip. Let the sooth- ing roll of the swaying tea lull you to restful naps in a secluded corner of the deckâ€" then a brisk walk in the clear fresh air and an apetizing meal to revive your flagging spirits. YOU'LL ENJOY GOING BY BUS PARES ARE LOW Owen Sound • $ L75 Midland - - 6-25 Gravenihur&t - 8.25 Parry Sound - 1L30 ROUND TRIP (Subject to change) V "CICETS ANo Local and Personal Mr. Walter Cargoe of Windsor is spending a few days in town. MN. VV. Kaitainig is spending a few days at Ohatsworth. Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Hill spent the week end with Mr. Ed. Gorley and daugfhter, Doris, at Heathcote. Mr. Bruce Thurston left Saturday for the Big Chute, Severn River, to learn operating with the H.E.P.C. IMiss Betty Bowles of Toronto spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lawson Bowles. iM|r. and Mrs. J. H. Thurston of Toronto spent the week end at thi former's parental home. Mr. and Mrs. Angus Tui-ney of Toronto are holidaying with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Turney. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Duncan of Al- berta visited recently with the for- mer's aunt, Mrs. G. A. Hutcinsoii. Mi-s. W. Ivwrin of Windsor visited this week with her mother, Mrs. Geo. Lawler, Mr. and Mtrs. Jim Pedlar, Guelph, are visiting the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Pedlar. Mrs. F. Breen of Toronto spent the week end with her husband, who is holidaying with Mr. and Mas. C. Js'. Richardson. Mr. Kenneth Smith and bride of New York were visitors recently with the former's grandmother, Mrs. G. A. Hutchinson. Mr. and Mrs.. J. F. Smith .if Thames^ville attended the HutcJiin- .son-Hardy weddirtg and visited the latter's mother on the week end. 'Mrs. Lloyd Wauchope and three sons of Shelburne visited on Friday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Thistlewaite. Mr. and I\ft-s, G. E. Stanley (May Reid) of Toronto visited the first of the week with Mr. and Mrs. Claude Akins. Mrs. C. G. Fothergill of Lakefield is spending the summer months with Miss' Minnie Graham at Riverside Lodge in the Valley. Mr. and Mrs. 0. E. Sherrick of Walled Lake, Pontiac, and Mr. and Mrs. Mark S. Stwart of Pontiac, Mich, spent the week end at the home of John Stewart. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Paul of To- ronto, formerly of Feversiham, s(pent the first of the week in to'wn and called on Mr. W. Kaitting, who had not seen Mr. Paul in forty years. Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Acheson of Proton Station called on Mk-s. G. A, j Hutchinson in celebratio of their .'i.ird wedding anniversary. She was married the same day as Mr. and Mrs. Acheson and now Mrs. Hutch- inson is a great grandmother. Ml', and Mrs. R. G. Acheson jf Proton Station called on Mrs. G. A. Hutchinson to help celebrate their 63nl wedding anniversary. Mrs. Hutchinson was married the same day as Mr. and Mrs. Acheson. She Vs now a great grandmother. How the time goes! Mr. and Mrs. Roy Perry, Mr. and Mrs. Sterling Mcl>ermid and Mr, Hunk Hamilton, all of Guelph, vis- ited Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Hamilton on the week end and also their mother, who is in Markdale Hospital with a severe heart attack. »â- »• PR. AIR SERVICE TO AUSTRAI fA When Canadian Pacific Air Lines Efpress of Vancouver eft Vancouver July 18 to inaugurate te company'-" new transpacific service to Sydney, Austria, via San Francisco, Hono lulu and Fiji, a i.ew Canadian aij- . first mails from Postmaster J. Tar- r.iail ?si-vice to Hawaii, the Fiii ner of Vancouver shortly before the li-lands and Australia was opened, take-off. Included in the 150 pounds Crptain A. Vanhee, captain of the of- mail were 8,000. first flight eav- .liicraft, took ofiicial delivery of the ers sent by philatelists from all over the world. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the matter of the Estate of Charles Best of the Village of Flc- sjie^ton, deceased. All persons having claims against the Estate of Charles Best, late of the Village of Flesherton, in r.he County of Grey, who died on the 2i'fh oay of June, A.D. 1949, are hereby required and notified to send prepaid to the underigned on or before th.' Cth day of August, 1949, full partic- ulars verified by statutory decl.iv- ation. Immediately after the said tj*h day of July, 1049, the Estate â- will oc distributed among the parties en- titleti thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notice shall have been received. Dated at Flesherton this 18th day of July, A.D. 10'4O. â€" J. A. Richards, Earl Best, Executors T Drought Safeguards Our particular section nf Ontario S(. far. has been spared the drought conditions thut have visited other parts of the province, as well as a lai-ge section of western Canada. In commenting upon remedies that might lessen the severity of drv sea- sons, the Fanner'si Advocate .says that experiences in past years and observations during the present Fea- soh all acclaim good husbandry as the safeguard against drought. Soils ' '11 good physical condition with a hi^h organic content will produce a cvoip of worthwhile proportions when vegetation on burnt-out fn'-ms will wither and go back into the gronnil. .Vfter the drought of 1936 there was I'niisideraibk' sicknes.s in cattlo throughout several counties in West- 1 in Oiitiio. lit was diagnosed by c-uni potent veterinarians as a deflci- I'ncy (lisfHso and it revealed how licsi' our .soils are to the borderline between plenty and scarcity with re- Fipect to vital elements es?ental to tile well being of planl.i', animala, \os, and man himself. NOTICE â€" FARMERS 24 Hour Service Vk PAY AS HIGH AS tlO.OO FOR DEAD OR CRIPPLED HORSES and COWS -cordinK to aize and condition â€" Small animals removed trti We do the loading. HlfiHEST PRICES PAID FOR OLD HORSES Phone Dundalk 146 â€" Reverse Charges NICK PECONI, OWNER <»4.'>' ?â- â- ? â- » . •*â- N^N -X^^-s*^ AccidenM demonstrate again and again, â€" The folly of leaving your traffic lane The "cul in" driver is a menace to life and property. PLAY FAIRâ€" PLAY SAFI. Follow tho road line* laid out for your guidance. * < ON T A R I O GEO. H. DOUCETT, MinUtv DirARTMINT Of HIONWAVS i