t: JVedncsday, July 27, 1949 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE â-ºâ™¦*<~; Implements Manure Spreaders, Plows, Disc Harrows. Norseman Tractors \ \ Scufflers, Rubber Tire Wagons HAYING EQUIPMENT Rope Palleys I Track Hay Cars Hay Forks One Used Frost & Wood Mower ^ Used Mower Used Hay Rake Long and Short SUngs Ladders Bam Door Track Track for Overhead Doon RENFREW CREAM SEPARATORS We still have some good Used Separators ROOFING, SmrNG AND INSULATION X Roofs examined and estimates given free 9 EDGAR BETTS | Phone 46J FLESHERTON | THE Hesherton Advance M>lish«d on Collincrvood St., Fle^erton, Wednesday of each week. Circulation 1,100- Price 1^00 a year in Canada, paid in kDce; |2.60 per year in the United States. F. J. THURSTON, Editor CEYLON Dr. Honderson, Mrs. Henderson anH little son of Windsor called on Mr. and Mrs. F. Marshall, Sunday. Mrs. Rolrt. Campbell is spending a few days in Hopeville. Mr. and Mrs. John McWiUiam vis- ited with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Mo- 'William at Mt. Dennis last week. Mr. and Mrs. R. Rutledge, Phyl- lis ifiid Dalton, and Miss Margot .\nne Goes'sel returned on Friday fioin their trip to the West coast. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Plester of To- ronto are visiting with Mr. and Mrs .•\. Kitchen. The Ladies' .^id meeting will be held at tht home of Mrs. G. H. Tyler on Wed., July 27th, at 2 p.m. Everyone welcome. Visitors Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. •loe Copeland were: Mr. and Mrs. F.ldon Henderson and Donna of Corlvcttoji. Week end guest.s at the home of .'!;s. McMiillen were: Miss Jean Mc- Mullen an3 Mrs. Neilson, Toronto. Visitors on the week end at the home of Dave Adams were: Bruce Adams, Jim Tiny and Bill West of Toronlto, Mlisses Dna and Frances .\dams of Owen .Sound. Co-Op Mill Closes for Holidays The Flesherton Co-Op Planing and Chopping Mill will be closed from AUGUST 1ST TO AUGUST lOTH when the members of the staff will be taking their annual holiday Hugh D. Pedlar Died In West in His 65th Year HONEY I NATURE'S PURE ENERGY FOOD ' ' | I Customers' containers filled eachc day, com- •!• mencing' Saturday, July 30th, open until 9 •!• p.m. each evening' jj* Honey recipe book priven free with •!• each 25-lb. ordet 'l' S Ontari(j White Honey crop only 30% normal, '^â- according to report of Provincial Apiarist. Parkview Apiary I'. II. HOWELL & SON, Proprietors Phone 94J FLESHERTON â- A High School Bus Routes to Artemesia - Flesherton High School Students wishing transportation to llu- school should inform the principal at once in writing State Lot and Concession number. Township and Rural Route. â€" K. G. GOHEEN. Principal Flesherton, Ont. HuKh Doherty Pedlar, publisher of the Oxbow, Sask. Herald for over 'i5 years, and a member of Oxbow town council for several terms, passed away on, 'Monday at the age of (M years. The late Mr. Podlar had lieen 'ii declining health for the past eight years. He was a member of the <'anadian Order of Foresters and liad formerly taken an active and leading part in tl{e business life of the community. Son of the late William and Matil- da Pedlar, Hugh Pedlar was born at Eugenia Falls, near Flesherton, on Oct. l.'i'th, Vi/,%'^. When a young man lie entered the printing trade on The Flesherton Advance, following up the trade at Owen Sound, Walkerton and other Ontario points. The late Mf. Pedlar came west in the fall of 1907, and spertt the win- ter in the Olen Ewen district, where lie was married to Annie Elmer Ben- edict on Christmas Day, 1907. The following sprinig he civme to Ox/how and went to work on "Fhe Oxbow Herald in the employ of the late John, Henry Noble. In IfilS he pur- chased the newspaper and took over as proprietor and publisher. In his progressive outlook toward the community, Hugh Pedlar threw the whole support of his new.spapei- behind any enterprise which he be- lieved to be in the interests of tho t-nv/n. Apart from the service he rendered the district in his capacity as publisher, Mr. Pedlar took in active part in the public and bu.sin- ess life of the town and di.strict. He was a meniiber of the town count-il for almost 20 years, being first elect- ed by acclamation in 1923. Twice lie was re-elected to this office, i.n one occasion heading the poll. He was also a director of the Oxbow Ag- ricultural Society and did his full share in promoting the fair and other activities of this organization when it wasin operation. He was an enthusiastic curler and engagail In various other sporting recreation. Besides his widow, he leaves three sons. Dr. F. G. Pedlar of Olds Alia. .los. R. of Oxbow, and Donald, a stu- dent at University of Saskatchewan, and three daughters, Mrs. L. Larson (Alice) of Bralorne, B.C.; Mrs. T. W. Hall (Edna) of Teulon, Man., and Mrs. L. .1. Hannah (Dorothy) ol Shaunavon. He also leaves a bro- ther, Le'Wis, of Fle.sherlon, and two sisters, Mrs. C. Meldrum of Flesher- ton and Mrs. J. Wickens of Kimber- ley. Ont. There are also eight grandchi'drcn. The fiinornl took place on Wed- ne'sday afterniioii, July 13th, with service in St. Paul's United Church, conducted by Rev. W. 1". Ewing. In- tci'meiit was made in the Oxbow Cemetery. Sturrock - Agnew A very pi'ctty' wedding of interest t(i many friends was solemnized on Saturday, July Kith, at the Parson- age, Dundalk, Avhen Audrey loleen, scoond daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herib Agnew of Hopeville, became the bride of George Archibald Stur- rock, Priceville. Rev. Mr. Newell of Dundalk officiated. The bride looked charming in a gown of white satin with a fitted bo(?(je alid long sle)WQS, trimmed with seed pearls. The sweetheart headdress held the floor-length em- broidred veil. She carried a cascade of American Beauty' roses. Miss Alice Haw of Toronto was brides- maid and wore a pale blue brocaded nyl(jn gown with shoulder-length veil and carried a bouquet of pink roses. Mr Gordon Sturrock, brother of the groom, was groomsiman. Following the ceremony, a recep- tion was held at the home of the bride's parents, with only the im- mediate families and grandracrther o.f the groom, Mrs. Mary Ferguson of Swinton Park, present. The bride's mother received the guests, wearing a blue flowered crepe gown with white accessories while the groom's mother wore a black flower- ed crepe gown and white accessories. The diningrooni was prettily de- corated with white streamers, bells, calla lillies and delphinium. Th* bride's table was centred with a three-tiered wedding cake. Serving the guests were two sisters of the bride, Betty and Lois Agnew. , The groom's gift to the bride was a tTiree-strand pearl necklace with matching ear rings,'^ to the brides- maid, a set of ear rings, and to the groomsman, a gold initialed tie pin. Amid showers of good wishes and confetti the happy couple left on a motor trip to Muskoka district, Washago and Southampton. The bride chose a suit of sky blue gab- ardine with white accessories and a corsage of red roses. On leaving she presented her bridal bouquet to the groom's grandmother, Mrs. Aichie Ferguson. A shower was held in Toronto for ttjf bride, previous to her marriage, when she received many lovely gifts. Ward - Duckett • SOUIHGRHSMOST MODERN THEftTRf Monday, Tuesday August 1, 2 "RIVER LADY" in Technicolor Yvonne DeCarlo Hod Cameron also Sunday Mid-nite Wednesday, Thursday .August .^, 4 "THE BRIBE" (AdulO U. Taylor A. Gardner Friday, Saturday .Auijust .'>. 6 "LITTLE MR. JIM" Butch Jenkins James Craig Shows 7:30 and 9:30 JA Fle.sherton United Church, decor- ated with gladioli in tall tapering basket stands and haske':'-, of sum- mer flower.^, was the scene of a pretty wedding on Saturday, July 16th, at 4 o'coek, when Hilda Marie, daughter of Mr. and .VIr.?. Luthei Duckett, became the bride- of Irvin Bruce, son of Mr. and Mn--. Charles Waid of Toronto. Rev. .A.. G. M.ic- pherson officiated at the doub'.e- riiig ceremony. Mrs. J. E. Milne played the traditional wedding mus- ii- and Mrs. Alex. Henderson sarg "I Love You Triily" during the signing of the reg.ster. • Given in marriage by her faf'er, the bride looked charming gowned in white frosted organza over satin, the bodice tuttoned to the hip line at the bacl< with a row of tiny but- tons. Tlte floor-length sikirt was caught at the hem by tiny satin bows to reveal the lace petticoat, the laco- odged yoke caught with pearls, and .ilecvos long and pointed. Her shoul- er-Iength veil was held by a crown of crystal beads and she carried « bouquet of American Beauty rosea and lily of the valley with maide-i hair fern and streamers of bridal talfeta and a shower of baby ribbon tied in true lovers knots. Silvor .slippers and pearls completed her ensemlble. ^ Mrs. Doris Doupe, sister of the bride, was matron of honor and was gowned in a dress of two-tone gree" nylon, styled with fitted bodice, full skirt and matching bows at the front with white mittens and head- dres^x to math. She carried yellow roses and t6|>honitis. The brides maids were Mrs. Charlene Elvans., sister of the groom, and Miss Helen Duckett, sister of the bride. Mrs, Evans chose a gown of pale blue sheer with matching headdress, while Miss Helen wore a floor-length gown of yellow sheer crepe with a yellow- velvet bower headdress. Both carried nosegays of Happy Day roses and sumcer flowers set in lace frills and tied with rainlbow ribbon. Mr. Stanley Barlow, friend of the groom \ras bestman, and the ushers wert* Douglas Fenton and Jack Hassjl- fcldt, all of Toronto. The reception was held at the home of the bride's parents, where the bride's mother received the guests, wearing navy with white accessories. The groom's mother assisted wearing figured crepe and matching accessories. Both wore corsages of rosea and forget-me-nota. The dliiiing room was d'eijorated with pink and white streamer^ a white bell hanging over the bride's table, which was covered with a lace cloth, centred with a three-tier wed- ding cftke, and two crystal candel- alira holding pink candles. .\ dainty buffet luncheon was served to about fifty guests, Mrs. Sally Wagner, cousin of the bride, pouring tea. .A< the conclusion of the luncheon, toasts wore made to the bride, bridesmaid and parents. The groom's gift to the bride was a set of match- ed luggage, to tho bestman, a cam- era. The bride's gift to the groom, a Honsim lighter, to the soloist, rtr- ganist and maid of honor, coniipacts.. For the woddinur trip to Niagara Falls and Buffalo, the bride wove a beige taffesheen dresis With green hat. purse jiiul shoes. On their re- turn they will reside in Toronto, where the groom is employ<'d with Corman Engineering. Fiiemla from a distance who at- tended were from Rosscau, MacTier, Toronto, Nottnwa, Maxwell, Dun- dalk. Eugenia and Rock Mills. NEW Low Prices I Firestone Tires (FULLY GUARANTEED) , '^' 4.50x21 4 Ply $10.85 % 4.75x19 4 Ply 11.40 ♦ 5.50x17 4 Ply 14.50 $^ 6.00x16 4 Ply 14.70 I Boyd Bros. I FLESHERTON >^ YOa CAM /t£ir O M RELIANCE Massey- Harris SALES - SERVICE ^ Stock on Hand 2 New liay Loaders 1 Us«d Hay Loader New 10 in. Dump Rake New Side Rake on Rubber New Semi-mounted Power Mower 2 New Binders; 7 ft. cut New 6 ft. Mower No. ll Spreader Good used International Oil Bath Mower New Roadmaster Wagon on Rubber Tractors and Equipment New No. 30 R. C. Tractor 4 ft. One-way Disc Good used Allis Chalmers Tractor New 28-plate Disc New No. 30 Std. Mwlel Tractor 2 Fertilizer Drills. 13-run New 3-furrow and 2 new 2-furrow Tractor Plows Fertilizer Drill 15-ruit New John Deere 19-tooth Cultivator MILKING MACHINES CREAM SEPAR.\TORS * ELECTRIC MOTORS HAMMER MILLS GRINDERS X BEArrV WATER SYSTEMS and STABLE EQUIPMENT .«. FROST WIRE FENCE FENCE and POSTS '^ Hardware and Appliances For The Home i" Screen and Combination Doors FJectric Fans Ranffes X Rangettes Hot Plates Toasters and Irons ^ (Leading makes for better value and service) fEasy Vacuum Cleaners 69.50 â€" A high quality cleaner that will save you dollars X REFRIGERATORS, large and small. ^ .22 Rifles and lots of Ammunition •f S THE STORE WITH A I-ARGE STOCK. WHERE YOUR I YOUK DOLLAR BUYS THE MOST |^ J. M. STAFFORD \ MASSEY-H ARRIS SALES & SERVICE i Hardware & Builders' Supplies Elecrical & Home Appliances 4> I % \ Y I Y I y X 'i ? ? X •f S. \ X % â- ^ %