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Flesherton Advance, 6 Jul 1949, p. 6

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WIUJGOES 0» iN'mE WORLD iyNortnati Blair THE FAR EAST I'hc KiiNsian position, as regards liif (.Jrient, is about like this; the victories in China have aroused C'diiiiiimiist hopes of sweeping on to engull vast areas, populated by )uiiidrc<ls oi tnillioMs. During the I'aris conference Vis- hiiisk) gave a liint regarding these Coinnuniist hopes. He proposed that a Japanese peace treaty be put before a four-j)owcr confernce â€" the lour being the Soviet Union, China, lUitain and the United States. • The purpose of such a liiu-up is fairly clear. The Kussians would ItKik for an alignment between themselves and the Chinese Cora- tnuiiists, on one hand, against Uritain and the U.S.A. on the other â€" and tlie major aim of the Krem- lin would be to get a treaty which would end the American occupa- tion of Japan. Since the defeat of the Chinese Nationalists, the policy of the Western powers has been in doubt, and just what lines the new' policy will take is by no means cer- tain. It is thoug'ht, however, that the United States and other West- ern Powers with Far Eastern in- Jerests arc inclined to extend limit- ed recognition to Communist China, such as the retention of consulates and so on. Uut full diplomatic rec- cgniiion would be certain to set off bitter controversy, especially in the ^ United States, where ^1 Senatorsâ€" includ'.ng both Republicans and Democrats â€" have demanded the l'resident''s assurance that the Chinese Communist regime will not be recognized, and that support for the Chinese Nationalists will not be abandoned. In his message to Congress President Truman said that the proposed Far Eastern program is designed to help such areas lift themselves out of "grinding pov- erty' and to steer cleat, of "false «lo» Irines." Whatever rlat this may mean it ste»ns clear that the West is in no mooil to relax it vigilance ovef the Hiissian bear_ as yet â€" which is probably just as well from our l>o'nt of view. GKEAT BRITAIN The Conservatives have announc- ed that Winston Churchill is soon to make a speech outlining his I'arty's policy. (Possibly it may have been made before this sees print.) As a result of that an- nouncement, both the Socialists and iiw. Conservatives were feeling . »e.inewliat nervous. Although Mr. Churchill may be Ml rlose contact with his party lead- ers there is little doubt that he is further out of touch with the rank and hie of his supporters at any time since the last election. And there is a strong feeling that if he merely blasted the Socialists, he would slow down the quickening pace of the Conservative revival. "If he would only speak of the Socialists more in sorrow than in anger it would be effective," one * Canadian observer puts it, "but the old warrior has always preferred 4hc bludgeon to the poisoned flower. Kvcrything about the Socialists angers him, and ht sees no reason M dissemble his hate. liowever, the Conservatives are still hoping that Itc will mix adroitness with hie pugnacity." Following its Whitsuntide recess, the British House of Commons ssiade its first job an examination «l the tourist situation. In the •oursc of discussion it was dis- closed that the tourist industry is one of Britain"* chief dollar earn- ers. ivasi year 5O5,U0U vibitors came to Britain, of whom 140,000 were Americans or Canadians. They earned Dritain something like $50, «0O,O00. This year, April visitors were 43 per cent above 1948, By 1952 or 1953 Britain expects to earn 65 mil- lion pounds from tourism, of which about half should be in dollars. And this is of utmost importance to British and European recovery whi<h is lial:ince<l precariously over the "dollar gap " Tins inipoitance is thoroughly reali/td. and the House of Com- fiM>nH (lebatcd, towards the end of June, on just how Mrilain could be Hiade more attractive and welcom- Imk to overseas visitors. From now on big efforts will be put forth to inii)rovc services to visiting holiday- Minbers. I YUGOSLAVIA It li.'uUb very nuidi as thoiif^li tin lati hi Hig Four niitling may have wi<l<iud one of the cracks in the Russian (Jrbit â€" tliat is, judging from Vishinsky's abgndonnunt, «t the Paris' txjnference, of Yugoslav t'luiMis to Austrian territory. Of course, this Austrian agree-, •milt is "in principle'' only, mid the w< "- on the treaty is only just starl- •nc sn.t Visliinsky't last-ininule attompt to attach additional condi- tions shows, once again, that one can never know what the Kussians are liable to do between one minute and the next. But as things stand for Tito as of now, he is without support from Moscow in the territorial dispute between Yugoslavia and Austria. This is noteworthy because this dispute is not simply between these two countries. It has been an East- West (luestion.On East-West ques- tions Yugoslav leaders have repeat- edly proclaimed themselves loyal to the eastern bloc, even though they admitted having "family quarrels" with Moscow. Evidently this feeling of solid- arity in international affaire is not matched in the Kremlin, nor does the Politburo seem particularly grateful to Tito for sticking to the eastern bloc as against the West. So, will Tito feel that he has been in effect released from earlier pledges of loyalty to Moscow as against the West? Or will he read the news from Paris as handwriting on the Iron Curtain spelling out new warnings on the price of back talk? Our friends among the horsemen never did have a proper apprecia- tion of our ability to pick winners. In fact, we recall, as we have doubt- less told you before, one afternoon at Long Branch when, by some miracle, we had bet on a very long shot which managed to stagger home in front, and were chortling over fhe discomfiture of those around us who had gone, hook, line and sinker, for the hot favorite. ♦ * • But we quickly got out come- uppance from the lips of Tom Bird, dean of Canadian dockers, "Even a blind pig." observed Mr. Bird sourly, is liable to pirk up one acorn." ♦ ♦ » So now thai we have selected, and predicted, another v\inner â€" al- though not on the. race track this time â€" you *ill pardon us if we in- dulge in a spot of "I-told-you-so- ing." Shortly after the running of our great Canadian "classic" we published the following paragraphs, which you can check against what actually happened on June 27th, for accuracy. » ♦ * Down at Woodbin* Park on King's Plate Day, several promin- •nt Progressive Conservatives war* very much disgusted when a gentl- man who had backed the winner. Epic, and who was feeling very gleeful about it, pointed out in tones that could be heard for hall a block that what had just hap- pened was the very finest sort of a hunch for the future, • * * "There," he said, "is an exact picture of what is going to come off on June 27. The George McCuUagh •ntry gets away from the gate bad- ly, is slow to get going, and al- though continuing with real coiu- aga through the stretch, is never able to seriously threaten the win- ner, who ran as though consider- ably the beat." * * * Just in case you do not happen to catch the meaning of the allusion wa shall merely inform you that tfM "George McCullagh entry" in tile Dominion Stakes set for Juna 37 is a gentleman named Ocorga Drewâ€" and let it go at that. » ♦ ♦ Now, on looking it over again, we see that we did something else that was worthy of note. That phrase "considerably the best" is probably one of the greatest pieces of understatement on record. * » ♦ â-  From far-away British Columbia sound loud wails of distress ovex the lacrosse situation out there. The West Coast Province has been one of the few remaining hotbeds of that once-great game: t>ut now, even there, spectator and player-Interest appear to be slipping badly. • » » Countless speeches have been made, i earns upon reams of stuff have been written and published, outlining various views as to the real reason for the decline of la- ciossf â€" for our money the grandest sport-ever played on this continent. (And if this be treason, hockey, baseball and football hiit(s, make what you lik< out of it.) » ♦ » Some »ill liy and tell you tliat ont-andont protessioiialisni â€" with the cons('<|ii< lit How of (lie best ta- lent to the laiger renters, where the getting WHS belter was the ehiet Marcia Evanson, ol ^he WCCO radio station's inrbliclty departmant in Minneapolis, unable to sleep on* nigiht, reached lor a sleeping tablet in the dark, swallowed it, and promptly fell asleep. N«xt morning tlh* discovered no sleeping tablets missing, She liad however, swallowed a rhinestone ear-ring. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING «UKNT8 WANTBU OILS, GREASES, TIRES inMcticiJtfa, electric Fenc« (^ontrolltrs. and Uiirn Palm Ron/ Coatlnsi. etc. Dealns are wanted. Write Warco Grease S m Limited. Toronto BABV OMIVKS PItUMPT delivery on Tup Notch non-aexed, pulleta or heavy cockerel chlcka day old. I and 3 week old started. Top Notch oblcka have eatabliehed deserved reputation tor Tlcor, vitality. Kfowthlness, meatlness. you'll like them. Wide selection breeds, crosses. Prompt shipment. Alio turkey poultt), Pulleta ten weeks to laylnif. Free catalovue. Top Kotoh Chick Sale s, Ouelp h, On tario. CATCH UPlvlth these ' well started obloks i and 3 week old. Heavy breed cockerels non-sexed or pulletH. Many breeds to oboose from. Prompt delivery. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, KerKue, Ontario. DON'T mills the boat â€" eKKs are advanclns In price and roasting chickens will be In atrons demand. It Is not too late to buy Tweddle high quality fast maturing chicks. Prompt delivery on day old. two and three week old started. 12 pure breeds and 18 cross breeds to choose from. Turkey poults. Free range older pullets eight week to laying, Re<luced prices for July, Free catalogue. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Ontario. PULLETS wanted all a«es and breeds, pure breeds and hybrids. Apply Box No. It. 113 18th Street, New Toronto. MKOIGAL DON'T WAITâ€" Ihrerj auSerer o* Hbraawtle Fains or Neuritis ahould try Dixon'a Rao*- p Munro'a Drug atora. *t> Blsta. OtUws. Postpaid 11.00 fiOHLY RBCO)IMBINI>Bi>_Kvery aaaarer o( Rheumatic Pains op Nenrttlg ationld ht Olxon'a Remedy. Munro'a Drug Store. tSI Bl- â- In, Ottawa. Postpaid II. DO INGROWN TOENAILS removed quickly and painlessly, "Nall-I'li" 11.00; "Com Fix" removes corns ta ten min- utes, also oallouaes 50e; "Wart-in^> re- moves ugly warts, 36c. Money back SUMruitee on an three. Sent Post paid by A. Thoaaon, tit St. Clarens Ave., Toronto. HEU' WANTED WANTBD. Registered Nurses (or general duty, S-bour day. Apply Superintendent of Nurses, Ross Memorial Hospital, Lindsay, WANTED: General Duty Nurses tor 150 bed General Hospital, 8 br. day, e day week. Qtosb salary 11(6 per naonth. 130.60 deducted for maintenance. Apply stating qualifications, experience and age to Administrator. General Hospital. Chatham, Ontario. UVEINO AND CUEANINO BAVB TOU anything needs dyeing or IngY Write to us for Information. We ays glad to answer your aneBtlo>is. Departmsnt H, Parker's Dye Works Lilmlted. iti Tonge Street. Toronto. Ontario FARMS FUR SALE FIFTT ACRB,S Comfortable House wired Hydro contracted between Guelph, Hook- wood, ESramosa. Some wood, could sub-dlvlde. Call at farm or write A. 'Jones, R,R. 4, Ouelph. , Johnny Welaj â€" Hitting and nelding star with the surprislnu Toronto Maple Leafs. cause of its falling-off in popularity. Which seems rather queer, when you consider the fact that the boyt take their pay regularly and out in the open it doesn't' seem to barm, for instance, baseball and hockey. * * * ' Others place the blame on â€" well, practically everything in the Alpha- bet, starting with Automobiles and continuing on down. * * Personally, we would be indinad to split the blame tihree ways. Firat of all. Women. In the palmy days of the sport, a large percentage of Iccrosse games ended up in mob scenes, with players and spectators I'like taking part. * >!â-  e This was fair enough when the cash customers were largely of the male persuasion. But when the women-folk insisted on coming along â€" well, they just couldn't seem to appreciate the beauty of fists and sticks swinging wildly, and manly gore flowing freely from scores of faces. * • * So, when the Ittdics decided It was loo brutal for them, they also came to the conclusion that it was equally insalubriou.s for the males under their sway. To put it briefly. Maw stayed away, and in.nisted or P.Tw .staying with her. * * * Second, The Moving Pictwas, Just as every girl conceals in her bosom the thought that, with any kind of a break, she could run Rita Hayworth out of the park, so mod- ern youth has a feeling that, soma day or other, he will be tapped for Hollywoocf to become â-  new thrill for the bobby-sox trade. * * * Now it is a well-known fact, fhat no lad, after indulging in a couple of seasons of lacrosse as she once was played, retained sufficient photogenic qualities to be anything more alluring than a cinema men- ace. And so the youngsters, instead of getting into the game, took to softer pastimes. * » ♦ Third, and finally, we blame the Sports Writers. When the game was abbreviated, they insisted â€" and still continue to do so â€" on abbrevi- ating its name from Lacrosse to Boxla. And this, we honestly be- lieve, did Lacrosse more harm than any othv single factor. "Let's go to the Boxla game" may sound like an alluring invitation to you. But to us it presents no more ttnnip- tation â€" in fact not nearly as miKh â€" as a bid to go out for an evening of Bingo. 100 ACRSJS. riverfront farm on No, i bi«b- way, twelve miles west of Cornwall. On- tario. Apply W. A. Goao, Wales, Ontario, R.R. 1. FOR SALE â€" a-acre fmlt farm, I mile from town. B-room bouse, full basement, fnraaee, bam and cabin. Price lO.tOO.OO Must sell at once due to Illness. Apply to Mrs. J. 1>. Cherewyk, R.R, No. 2, Beamsvllle, Ont. FULL or part time, 35% commission on Initial repeat business. A fast selling business service. Income Tax Aids, 1732 Avenue Road, Toronto. TKACTKMfl tVANTBP DARLING Township School Area reqnli^k 4 teachers, duties to eommsMga Sept. t. Apply, atatlna auallflcatlons, "rit1ias< nama of last Inspector, and salary expeetaC to Mack B. Barr. Dec.-Treas.. Claytea. Ontario. / WANTBD. Protestant teacher for 8.S. NoTTT, Pittsburg Township. Duties to 'liafi Sept. 1. Apply, stating experience and salasf expected, to Mrs. Bldon Simpson. Sec, Treaa., Oananoque, Ont.. n .R. 3. PROTESTANT Teacher for 8.B. No. 1 Weal Oarafraxs. State quallllcatlona and sala/f expected. Send applications to Oeo. L. Bailey. R.R. No. 3 Fergus. WANTBD: Protestant qualified teacher 1m McBean No. 1 School. Term 10 inontba, l>49-50. State quallftcatlons and salary aa- Dected when applying to: Mrs. Lester Drapar °« Ci Treas., R. 2, Gracetleld, Quebec. Waited, teacher. Protestant, for Schoal m.*?'â„¢ ^"^ *â-  PI'aington. Apply to Robot „',^â„¢>">. Aries Route 2, Ont., giving mialia. catlona ma .„,,,„ «,p«.ied. WANTED OPI^tRTPNITlEa tor WEt» and WOMBU BE A HAIRDRESSEK JOIN CANADA'S L.E3ADINa BCHOOl. Oreai Opportunity Learn Halrdreaalns Pleaseni dignlfled profession, good wages thousands successful Marvel graduatas. Ainerlcs's greatest system tllustratad eata losnie free. Write or Call MARVEL HAlRDRRRSmO SCHOOLS BBS Bloor St W . rnrcnio Brandies 44 Klna Bt , Hanalltoa * 79 Rideau Street. Ottawa =. . „^°GS WANTED f/â„¢ Hardwood White pine a>« spruce veneer ana sawlogs. For prices aa« speclflcatlons calk Roddla Lumber and Veneer ,/' ." Canada or »,.i„. p„ jjg saiilt Sla. Marie. Ont. --â- ^J 330-ACRS: farm, 1 mile from PIcton, Belle- ville highway: large stone house, also frame bouse, barn, pigpen, saraae and hydro: 1 noils from school, church and eannlns faotory. Apply C. O. Sprasue, Amellasburs, I, IPrlnoe Edward County. FOR SAlS^ ALUMINUM ROOFING & SIDING Creas-Crlinped Corrtuiatcd and rlbbsd atylaa, • to IS ft. lenstbs Inunedlate delivery (rem •took. Writ* for samplaa and estlmataa. Btea) Dlitrlbutora Limited, BOO Cherry St.. Toronto. BARN MONEY at home. Spare or (ull-tlms money-makins! Learn to make candy at home, earn as you learn. Pree tools supplied. Correspondence course. NATIONAI. IN8TI- JVTB or CONFECTIONERV Reg'd.. De- lorlmler P.O. Box 162. Mon\real, P.O. COMFORT tor believers In affliction a^t tn» for lo self addressed envelope. Box 41. lll-lith St.. New Toronto. Ontario. PATENTS FETUERBTONHAUOR A Company Patent SoUcltors Established 1890.. 360 Bay Street. Toronto. Booklei or information on reouaat PHOTOORAFHl- BLANKETS CLOTH YARNS Baits mad* from your own atassp's wool, oy It yon have old woollens or eottoi we will r» make them Into beautiful blankets or riobaa. Write Brandon Woollen Mills, Brandon. Bias. FREE 5x7 ENLARGEMENT with every roll of film developed. One service, JBc. Ottawa Film Service, P.O. lit, Ottawa. TARPAULIN "Cover it with a Tarp" Satisfaction assured Heavy 15 oz. Waterproofed Reoed and Oronieted MlM Price Siie Priea » (X > S 8.75 10 X 30 ... •M.e« S x 9 .. «.60 13 X 14 7 X IS 1«.60 12 X !•.._. M.M 8 X 10 o.«o 13 z IB. 25.M 8 X 12 II. SO 13 X 10 M.a« â- ^ 9 z ia..„_ 12.M 14 X 11 S«.M * X 16 14 z 18 M.U « to X 12 ... 14.40 14 z to .... ss.*** 10 X 14:.... . M.M 15 z 1« Sfl.M • to Zl< IV.tO IB X « M.M Otiier Siaes Made op Price* an BeniMet Send at.OO DepoaSt Far Immedlata Eielivery F.O.B. e.O.O. leranta Superior Tarpaulin Co. I3S HrRON ST. TORONTO t. Out. FU «763 BALED SHAVINGS For sals, baled softwood abavlngs, carload loU only. Write Plus Products. P.O. Bos fl, Montreal i. WOODWORKERS Pattema. lawn-tumltura, ornaments, toys, novelties. All full ^aa. Write for catalosue. Dept. W, Uosbro Pat- tsms, 44 Victor, Mlmlco, Ontario. GOODISON Separator, on rubber, sood con- dition aS-60 Ruber Tractor, road gear on rubber Al condhlon. Apply Oordon Houchton,, 281 Talbot Street, St. Thomas. NEW AND USED BULL OOZERB, SH0VCX8. BIOH-UFTB, POWER OKADER8. DITCHING HACHIMB8, FARM TRACTORS, WH£JEL AND CRAWL- EX THMeHINO KACHINEB. OOMBIMXia. BALEB8. t^RITE, WIRE OR CALL: MEITER'S MACHINERY SALES INC. BEAVER FALLS, PA ^Sk CHAI'EAU. <IDB. FOR DEAFNESS No Batteries ... No Wirt* • The smallest Hearing Aid on the market . . . Made in England. ONLY $12.50 per ear. Ovar 50,000 Satisfied Users. Try the VIBRAPHONES. Write for FREE booklet and fuH particulars of 30 days' home trial. Canadian Vibraphone Company Room SIS. Drumtnond BMr. 1111 Bt. Catharine' Bt. W.. Meatmtl, «<m. ^c/^ oor. STIFF MUSCLES Ws poi/JUIYgame > Rob in Mioard'i fot â- lusailar NUfness, achcs> pains and spnins. Grease less, quick diyiaa, no unpleasant odor. Icenemlcal Sla* MINARD'S LINIMENT SHAVINGSâ€" SOFTWOOD at 10 cents per bale loaded on can Haltburtim. W. O. BAI USY * SONS. HaH burton. Ontario. HAOSTROM. Hivh-Quallty Scandinavian pi- ano accordions or aale. Catalovue aent ob regueit. Write Theodore Beian, 219 Shoe- maker . Kitchener. Ontario. (Hepravent- Inv Importera uC Havstroni accordlona In eaitern Canada.). WHEBI4 Chain of all kinds: foldlny. «d- juitabla and epeclal built. Bamford-R««la Ltd. Ottawa. Cnnadu. DODQE 46 Truck F.W.D. for ploiitfhln« and loffvlnf â€" â€" Hlao â€" 41 Chevrolet iipeciHi. Sutherland, €entr« I»- land. Toronto. Wu. 1211. PURE WOOL VALUE Initial orrerinv of pure wool utility ruav. IndUpenaable (or ptrnlcB. vouch coven, auto- rooblles and that extra blanket. Colors red and black, blue and black, sreen and black; f rinsed both endB. Sire, approximately 16'* I 72". Price 15.85 each delivered. Fay postman that amount only. Provincial taxea If any. extra. Money back siiaranlee. Many other real vaUiea (o follow. THK MIJRrilV ORAHAM CO. Room 115, 363 fit. NUhulnH. Montreal 1 CAflG Combine, 4} ft. with batrttlnir platforxn, pickup attachment and aiour clean. Only sut ISO mcrea. 15-27 John Deere tractor on â- tect. Harry Caldwell, R.R. 9. Ourhain. Ont. Phone 279J3. "HARVARD" Eleitrk* Shaven 17.60 each. one year Muarantee. Special discount to dealen. Theodore Bexnn. 219 Shoemaker Ave.. Kitchener, Ont. FOR SALE â€" Eagle Tract«>r with cab~a 2^ 5 In good running condition. Peter Cilnererlch, n.R. 2. Z urich. Ont- _ GLASS CUTTERS set with nenuine tuttin» diamond. A moat uiteful tool around Farm. Home or Summer ColtaKe. Price $4.19, poat- age paid. C.O.IX chnrgea extra. Denier prlcea on Quantltlea. Canada's Oldest Diamond Tool Company. FurnlsB Clarke and Co. Limited. 331 Bartlett Avenue. Toront. Ontario. Agents wanted « ffoslly ettached fo florden Kete « long olumlnvm hondle • ivllt-ln Mop fK>v<h • Repleceoblf m«p If t-ZU Car Waslur It Mi ytt mvmiMli h yovr Hriltuy stud S4.S0 f: for the sensational new E-ZEE CAR WASHER Sells on sight to every cor owner also service stations, garages and boat owners. RETAIL PRICE $4*50 • IIIHAI DISCOUNTS TO ACINTS • A<T NOW FOR PROTKTID TiRRITORIIS • (ASH IN ON IIG SUMMIR SAUS THE RELAXFUL COMPANY 710 Castle Building MONTREAL, P.O. ATTENTION PAnHERS! Field drain 111* â€" w« Hre now In a position to Accept mur*^ <irderB for delivery this Benson. hIx«h 8" t.j 10". Bartlett Tllp Yard, coy, Homvo nnd Nor- folk St.. Stratford, Tel. 2384. BUaLL Country Blore with larire llvlnif .luar- ters In" Ideal HshlnK and tourist location, 46 miles from Ottawa. Beet rnah offer. Box 4a, lisâ€" nth St.. New Toronto. Ont. WOODWORKERS PATTERNS Lawn furniture, ornaments, toye, novelties. All full slie. Write for ratalocue. Dept. W. Mosbro Patterns. «4 Victor. Mlmlco Ontario. FARM BOlIli'MENT FOR 8AMC 1â€"10' COCKSHITTT grain binder. 1â€" «' Maa- s*y Harria «raln hinder. 1 McCormlck Deer- iBf Oreen Crop hay loader. 1 fork hay tedder â€" ^McCormlck Deerlng, 1 Fleury 2-furrow Vioufh, 1 IS" MeCarmaok Deerlns Ihreehlna machine. All Iropletnenta In (ood worklna condition. John Stephens, Roselawv Farm, Mohmond Hill. MSDICAL PEP UPI Take 0,0. * B. Tonio Tablets for low v>t«)><f • â- srrotis and seneral debility. llOo and tl.VO mt jrutllsts. ISSUE 28 â€" 1946 4 -â- * constant Smoking fleasure ALSO AVAILAIII IN % POUND Tf|Mi« ARCHIE by Montana » * * '1 > ••. -i -• A <â-º » I*

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