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Flesherton Advance, 6 Jul 1949, p. 5

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^^ THS nJCSHEHTON ADVANCE Wednesday, July 6, 1949 « t,' Cream »t the Willow Eun brmach at Allan Grees'a buah. Mr. and Mrs. Will Black hmm laid the foundation for their cot- tage. PORTLAW Since we are approacring the peak of crearn production and tiie warm weather, we advise our patrons to deliver their cream at least twice a week and eceive the highest returns. We are paying 2 cents above truck prices- for delivered cream, so why not deliver your cream to the Flesherton Creameijy, where you are g^uaran- teed service and highest market prices for your prodcct. Now trat the Egg production is falling off, we advise you to cull your flock and market those â- hens that are not laying, and cut down your" feed expenses. We are paying top market prices for fowl, either alive or dressed. TRY FLESHERTON CREAMERY; THE PLACE OF SATISFACTION AND SERVICE. Flesherton Creamery Angus Avis, Manager Phone 66 Flesherton Ontario ^^^^j^i^.^<i><i..^f^>'^^jyi'Ki^^>>^>^><ri<<''>>l<^^ 8TH LINE OSPREY I Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Newaon of Toronto were Saturday callers on Mri >Iarold Penwick and diughters M-i. Mervin Dav-ilson Billy and Mar;fi;c attended the p:';nic of the Gospel Workers at the cairp grround at Thornbury on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Ottewell, Mrs Lloyd Steipihena, Mary and Jimmie attended the Parker reunio,i at Mea- ford park or Fr'day. Mr. and Mrs. Russel Stuart, Ber- nice and Murray of Toronto were Saturday gniests of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lawler. Mt. Hrold FenwL'k, worki'4; near Guelph, spent Monday ta his home. Messrs. Jack Fadden and Jack Young of Toronto were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. Stephens. Miss Adeline Murphy of Torwito is holidaying for two weeks at her home^. The Murphy family visited with their cousin, Pat Connors, ia Glenelg. I f >»»««>0 »<♦»♦»»<♦♦♦»»♦♦»»»♦♦ H S»»S»»«»»»O<<0«0 M * r ^^ Now Available Imperial "Esso'' OIL BURNERS vrith Guaranteed Oil Supply Budget Terms if desired Wilson Sales & Service HEATING CONTRACTORS COLLINGWOOD Box 84 Telephone 484R (Intended for Liast Week) I Congratulations are ext<>nded to newly-weds, Mr. and Mrs Bryce Hanley. Quite a lai'ge crowd gath- ered in the Orange Hall, Eugenia, Friday night, June 24, in tiieir hon- or, when they were recipii'nts of a lovely couch, hot plate and end tabla. They both made fitting replies. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Steph<>ns, Hel- en and Jean, attended the Turner reunion in Harrison Park, Owen Sound, on Saturday. Messrs. Mervin and Don Davidson attended the presentation cf the D.F.C. to their brother, Bert, in To- ronto on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. John Foster of Dun- dalk visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. .Taimes Ottewell. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Fenwick oi Red Wing were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stephens. Mrs. Josiah Crawford of Markdale visited Sunday and Monday at her home here. 4 >^<.<~^<~;K•<•<~^<'><^<^<>^<•<•<K•<••^<•<••^<^<^<^4~^•^<^^•^<^<^ Girls Wanted for Power Sewing Machines Good Working Conditions Music While You Work Two Rest Periods Daily Five-Day Week Superior Converters Limited Telephone 137 Mount Forest \ ♦ T •? X y T X X •f •i' r X X I X General Insurance AUTO - FIRE LIABILITIES Special low rates for most private cars D. a MacARTHUR Phone 82 J FLESHERTON SWINTON PARK *v" V 21-DAY SPECIAL LOW RAIL FARES To EASTERN QUEBEC AND THE MARITIMES Enjoy that holiday "Down East" or a visit home or away with friends. Low summer fares . . . return limit 21 days, with stop- •Tsra permitted. Effective JUNE 20th to SEPTEMBER 5th inclusWe Consult any Canadian Pacific aseni etlHA^UlH (?Cu4iC The McCannel reunion was held Saturday in Geo. Black's bush, with a Rood attendance. Mr. and Mrs. Govdcn .Mcleod ?i Toronti. M and Ji.-v Bob Lane of Geoi-getown apent the week end â- with Mrs. A. Ferguson. A. number from our community attended the memorial service held at Salem on Sunday. A new hardwood floor has been laid in the Orange Hall. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Oldfield of Sask. are visiting' with the latter's brother Neil Campbell. The Richardson Reunion was h^ld at Ray Richardson'", on Saturday. iMiss Muriel Martin spent thb week end with her friend Mrs. F^ed Irwin near Dundalk. The Hopevilte-Swinton Pai-k W. 1 have teen invited to attend a picnic EUGENIA Miss Gfeorgina Smith of Toronto and Mrs Daisy Morgan of Owen Sound are holidaying with their sis- ter, Mts. Evalena Graham. Mr. and Mrs. Glen MacDonald, Jacqueline and Dennis, of Mt. Forest were also Sunday visitors with Mrs. Graham iMr. W. A. Martin of Oakville and Misses Winneta and Carmele Martin of Toronto were week end visitors with their parents. Their sister. Marge, and Miss June Redpath "f Singhampcoii acco-niipanied them to Toronto Sunday evening to attend Toronto Normal summer school. Master Walter Stewart has gone to .A.rrott, near Ohatsworth, to join his mother, who purchased a store there in May. Walter remained here and attended school until the end cf the term. Mr. Clarence Williams of Toronto spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Williams. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Elliott and son of Toronto, also Mrs. Elliott's father, Mr. John Fenwick, visited Mr. Fen- wick's sister, Mrs. Jos. Williams, on Saturday. Mrs. Elliott and father remained for a week. Mrs. Ray Genoe of Gravenhuret joined her husband, who is working at the power house, and stayed at their former home here for the past few weeks. Mrs. Clffford McMaster and sister, Shirley and friend, Miss Dorothy Brefcheur, of Gait visited with Mr. find Mrs. Jos. Williams on Sunday. Miss Marge Martin resigned her position as teacher at Springrview school, north of Singhampton, and has been accepted as teacher at Mlax\vell. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Purvis of To- ronto spent the week end at their cottage near the lake. Viaitor* wMi Mr. and iCis. Cver ette Blackburn recently irere: Mz. and Mrs. Leslie Jamieson, Ralph and Cherith. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence White, Mrs. Grace Blackburn and Miss Shirley Murray, all of Toronto. Wf. and Mrs. "Bud" Snider and son of Hespeler were week end via- itors with Mr. and Mrs. Proud. Congratolations to Mr. and Mrs. Heib BTakey on the* arrival of a baby boy. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Turville of To- ronto spent last week end witih Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Boyee. Mr. and Mrs. E>rerette BlaeUbani and family and Mrs. Blackibarn's brother, Allan Oatiwron, attended anniversary services at Priceville on Sunday and also visited with Mr. and Mrs. John McArtbar, Durham. Mr. and M!rs. Lewis Fisher and family, Mr. and Mrs. Wes Plantt, Janet Lougheed and Gw'.'n White, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Jackson and Betty attended the Blackburn re- union at Sunset Poiu':, Colling-wood, on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Wes P'antt attend- ed the funeral of th-j latter's ceusin, Mr. Geo. Blackburn, at Creemore on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth McKee, Ruth and June, of Toronto) a:id Mr. and Mrs. J. W. MlcKee of Flesher- ton visited with relatives hs'-e. Mr. and M!rs. George Fisher and Mervyn of Holstein spent a day wit'* Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fisher. Doreen Fisher si>ent a few days with relatives in Toronto and is feeling some better, after being out of school with nerve trouble and hay fever. Mr. and Mrs. Wes Plantt and Janet Lpugheed motored to Aurora and Nobleton Sunday and enjoyed a visit with relatives there. Mr. and Mrs. Garfield Lyons re- turned to their home on the Centre Line from their honejrmoon- in Bur- lington and Niagara. Doreen and Thelma Fisher and Marjorie Croft are attending Bible School at Rock Mills church. Gwendolyn White will be teaching at S-winton Park, commencing at the fall term. Mr. and Mrs. Roibt. Meldrum of New Toronto spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Mbldrum and also with Mr. and Mrs. Angus Mor- rison at Maxwell. Welding Eltctric Arc and Oxy-Ac«tyl«n« NEW PORTABLE WELDING EQUIPMENT Will do welding any place at anytime. Special- izing in all kinds of metals, Governmfnr approved operator When your machinery breaks down give us a call and let us repair it at once Trailers built for your Car, Tractor or to sleep in TED McCRACKEN Phone 124w FLESHERTON FEVERSHAM KIMBERLEY NOTICE The W.I, met at the home of Mrs. D. Neil. -A. splendid meeting wus enjoyed by a goodly number The farmers and dairy co-oa. met Tliursday night at the hall. There wa.s a large attendance and a tine program of instructive addresses. Mr. and Mrs. L. Faixpiliaroon are enjoying a visit fj-^m the latter's parents from Har.iilton. Many of the coiuniunity gathered at the hall Wednesday night, and presented the newly-weds, M-/. .-.nd Mrs. Ken Chard, with a kitehen sho^ver. for w^hich they kindly thanked everyone. They wil: reside a mile south of Kimberlev. Kimberley Baptist Chuich has been the scene of five out'stimding gospel services, which were greatly helped by Mr. J. H. Leona-d. Owen Sound, who was here three nights, besides- other musical help from Clarksburg, Flesherton and others. The meetings were attended by friends from Meaford, Maple Grove, Providence and other places'. Mr. Plant is an outstanding evangelist and he and Mr. Ca'ins have worked hard to make the meetings a suc- cess. Starting Wednesday nighty meetings will be held at Duncan. 'Mrs. Jas. Lawrence has returned from visiting Mr. and Mrs. Earl Dillon and attended the woddinic of their son. Jiick, at Stu.a;»on Falls, Mr. Stan Lawrence and family of Owen Sound visited with her on Sund^'. We are sorry to report Mr. Dean Smith, the Presbyterian student minister, is a patient in the Colling- wood hospital. Mr. and Jfra. Will Colquette of Owen Sound visited with Mr. and Mrs. Howard McKee on the holiday. Mr. Jim Davidson is visiting his sisters in Buffalo. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Moore. Miss Marie Lougheed visited on Sunday with lAeir sister, Mrs. John McLean, and Mr. McLean. Mr. and Mts. Wm. Conn and Chalmer of Toronto visited with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hollingshead. Miss Irma Smith Reg.N., visited her aunt. Miss Maud Smith, for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Tate and Lee, Miss Bernice Hudson and Mrs. F. Hendry of Toronto visited over the week end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Hudson. Misses ^.louisa and Lavina Black of Toronto spent a few days with their brother, Mr. John Black, and Mrs. Black. Mr. and Mrs. John Stoutenburi? and Mrs. Robinson of Port Huron visited with their brother, Jim Dav- idson, and family. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hudson spent a few days in the North. Mr. Henry Alexander has return- ed to her home. Mr. and Mrs. Bennington are vis- iting their daughter, Mrs. Frank Light. Notice is hereby given that I will not be rusponsiJble Sot atny debts contracted by my wife, Mrs. Wilhcl- mina Morrow, after this date. â€" William E- Morrow Dundalk, July 4, 1949. Use The Advance Small Adrvta^ in tmying or selling. • SOUTH GREYS MOST MOEERN THUlfli. A Hawaiian dancer cancelled an engagement because of foot trouble. There's one thing she couldn't shake off. Monday, Tuesday July II, 12 TO THE ENDS OF THE EARTH" Dick Powell Siyne Haaso Red Wednesday, Thursday July 13, 14 "A SOUTHERN YANKEE" Skelton Arlene Daol Friday, Saturday July 13. 16 'CORONER CREEK" Randolph Scott and Marguerite CJiampman (Colour) SHOWS: 7:30 and 9:30 A' I I ♦ t t <«*^:"X«'>:k~:~kkk~>-:k-xkk~x~x~x~>*m~>4««:-x~:~:~:-:*^«xk~K'<~:'*<":"» WE HAVE INSTALLED A - - - NEW BRADY Cooling System Cleanei Captain: '"What did the seasii'k teaeher say when yon asked hiri if Mr. Lloyd Watson and Miss June y"» ^-'^^'i^ '"â„¢K *^'"' ai'vhtingi Purvis of Toronto visited Sunday in this vicinity. Miss .'Mice Tudor and friend vis- ited with Mr. and Mrs. Les. Mills ;it Ma.xwell on Sunday. Mrs. G. Hay of Owen Sound is t'njoying some holidays at the "Hay" cottage near the lake, 8th line. Even in the sweltering weather you can't make friends by giving folks the cold shoulder. SPRAY PAINTING Specializiu};;- in Steel Bam Roofs Barns Houses Brick Work and Stucco ALL KINDS OF DEC0RA,T1NG Estimates furnished RJ. HUTCHINSON Phone Flesherton 48 J 1 KIMBERLEY Steward: "He said, 'Bring me an island.' " I I DID YOU KNOW - - - that 90''''' of all motor trouble is caused by over- heating which is the result of plugged radiators and dirty cooling systems. We now have the most modern methods of cleaning all i-adiators and cooling systems and do not have to take radiator off car or truck unless it is leaking. D. McTavish & Sons Phone 9 Chevrolet and Oldsmobile FLESHERTON ^^2»«*«****^«« ji^^^**'^*^»j^t^^4^*^'^^**X»*yj^^'^'i^^*^^ I Markdale Centennial Parades t T T X t Attention, Kverxbodv ! Makrdale Centennial Parade coni- niittoe have been advised that tnanv Boys and Girls! Dress up your bicycle and yourself for Monday's parade $5 first prize, $3 second prize Farm Forums are building floats. for boy or girl. Children of all I I t f There will be a $15 first prize and a ^10 second prize fiM- the most orig- inal b^irin Foruni float entered in AU'iiday's parade. The same ap- plies to the Tuesday parade. •ages, dress up your pony or ponies and your.><elf. $5 first. $3 second Bo}s and girls up to 10 years of age. Tuesday's parade, $3 and $2 prizes, the best dressed tricvde and rider in Markdale Centennial Floats Committee â€" Geoff. Chamberlain. Chairman • â- w t n<^>

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