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Flesherton Advance, 6 Jul 1949, p. 1

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r^^ « « 4 « * « * 4 » « J * « * « \ * « « 4 ^hje /tel)^rlM %jrtjanc^. VOL. 69; NO. 6 FLESHERTON. ONT., WEDNESDAY, JULY 6, 1949 F. J. Thurston, Publisher GOOD CROWDS FOR JULY l8t CELEBRATION Good crowds attended the Pom- inion I>ay celebrations at F!p>:her- ton on Friday and enjoyed the pro- l?ram of water sports at the pond, the ball grames in the , afternoon ana evening and the bing-o, games and dance in the Coimm'..'nity Arena in the evening. The program opened •with a dance in the arena on Thurs- day evening ;tn<i games »nd ended Saturday night with another dance. The water sports were featured with a canoe exhibition by Hugh Mercer of Markdale, which was enjoyed by the large crowd. Motoi- boat races by "Hank" Best, George Boyd, Mack Duncan and Milford Piper, resulted in the latter being the winner. .Swiiiining races for the young folk, ^va'k;ng the gre.isy pole and catching the duck were other features. Bob Phillips gave the crowd a running comment over the loud speaker as the events were heldâ€" a real MI,C. Dundalk, Maxwell, South Lino and Flesherton comprised the teams for the Softball tournament in the after- noon, IXindalk winning from Max well and Flesherton from the South Line. The final game between the old rivals, Dundalk and Flesherton, resulted in one of the best games of the year, Flesherton winning 3-1. Foot and novelty races and bi;yc!c races for the young people were held in the afternoon and sonie ex- citing finishes were made by the winners. A fine display of fireworks was given on the street at the resr of the arena and was enjoyed by all. .Another lai'^e crowd was present Saturday night on the new 2,000 square foot dance floor, which was filled most of the time, music bein^ supplied by Russell Hill's orchestra. The draw for prizes was held and Mrs. C. J. Bellamy was the winner H. I. Graham Honored, 35 Years, in S. S. Work ENTRANCE RESULTS Mr. and Mrs. Jas. H. Thurston, recent groom and bride, with mieir attendants. Miss Sadie Young, sis- ter of the bride, as bridesmaid, ar;d Mr. B. W. Thurston, brother of the groom, as bestman. The bride was Medical Inpsection In The Vandeleur Srhool E. Helmkay Joins Air Force Mr. Earl Jlelmkay has joined the Royal Canadian Air Force and will r^ort for training to the \ylmer station on August 25th. ( By Vandeleur Reporter) The health -preservation program in Vandeleur school had a busy month during June. Dr. Mc.\rthur of Markdale made his dental inspection and Dr. J. E. Milno M.O.H., of Flesherton repeated the tuberculin re-action test with very satisfactory results. The goitre pre- vention treatment carried on weekly for four years, shows an excellent precaution. A new project suggested by the health convener of Vandeleur W.I. and approved by the Trustee Board, was eye and throat inspection. This will give the pupils a chance to re- ceive necessary treatment during the summer vacation. Dr. J. E. Milne, Mi-O.H., is in charge of this medical inspection. The 50th annual convention of the Sunday schools of Artemesia, Mark- dale, and Flesherton was held in Vandeleur Church on Thursday, June 23rd, and was one of the most suc- cessful in the history of the associ- ation. Sessions were held after- noon and evening. Rev. J. R. Burt, provincial representative, gave gave splendid addresses at both sessions. An outstanding feature of the af- ternoon program was a demonstra- tion lesson taught by Mrs. A. G. Macpherson of Flesherton with a group of girls from the Vandeleur Sunday school. A criticism was af- terwards made by Mr. Burt. A feature of the evening program was a panel discussion, "Getting Teachers and Training Them," by Rev. W. M. Lee, Miss Emma Oliver and Mesdames McCullough, Martin, and RutledgQ. Outstanditig, too, was the address," Are You a Sign- post?" by Rev. Mr. Burt, which was one of the best heard here for some lime. Rev. Lee gave the address of wel- come. Rev. A .G. Macpherson led the worship period in the afternoon, and Rev. A. J. Fletcher led in the evening. Early in the afternoon session a The thirteenth annual Blackburn welcome was given to foniie- ofH- reumon was held on Friday, July 1, jeers of the association, and the sec- ut Sunset Point, Collingrivood, when retary, H. L Graham, gave an out- formerly Verna Viola Yo.tiiig. daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Lorno Young of Holland Centre. Picture shows the bride and groom cutting the bride's cake. Blackburn Reunion Held At CoUingwood FLESHERTON CENTRE Majurice Clark Allan Geraldine Catherine Best (H) Murray Douglas Betts Bruce Boettger (H) Anna Georgina Elizabeth Bowles Donald Brown Jeanette Elizabeth 'Dobson Hazel Margaret Fletcher (H) Lois Marjory Helmkay Ruth Hemphill (H) Norma McMaster Roy .\ndrew Park John Pliillips Royden Seniple Kendal Le-^y Smith Eldon Lindsay Turner Walter Stewart Beryl Welsh Florence Alberta Wilkinson Harold Frederick Wood Leslie Gordon Wood CRACKED RIBS IJi FALL Misfoi-tune dogged the steps >f Mrs. Wm. Kaitting one day last week, when she slipped and tell in the yard at her home and received three cracked ribs, injured foot an<* a severe shaking. She is improving nicely. FEVERSH AM CENTRE ' Carl Bridgenun, Joan Davidson, I Marilyn Doh^on (H), Ran". id Fergu- son (H>, Robert Grummett (H), E. Patricia Haley. >feldri'in lioilingt- 'heja (2S:1). Puul Hud.'^on Gwendo- ; !y;i Lawler, Lorine Mel itvr?. Max- i ine Mclntyre. Phyllis Parsonage I (H), Margaret Porteou.-^, .Audrey i Smith, Glenn Wright (Ri'ar. 271. A soft shoulder has upset many a one-armed driver. I I I The Home of I ^ Tasty Baking 1 Specials This Week | SPICED CAKE FRESH BANANA | MAPLE WALNUT CAKE (5.5 members and friends attended and all enjoyed the usual round of yearly greotJngs, handshakes, etc. •Supper was serve-! in the pavillion l>y the ladies at 6 p.m. -â- Vfrer sr.uper tht president, Mj Kenneth Blackburn of Toronto, gave I few well chosen remarks on his retirement and called on the immed- past president, Mr. Arthur Black- burn of Stayner, to conduct the el- ection of officers for the nest two ve-u-s. Results of the above elec- tion were- -^rcvHent, Mr Kennet.i McKee of Toronto; Secretary, Mr. Gerald Blackburn of Creemore, Treasurer, Mr. W. RiseboDugh ct Stayner. Mr. Norman Jackson and Mr. Lewis Fisher of the Fourtai Line were nominated as the sp.)rts committee for next year. It was decided to hold next year's reunion at Stayner. The sports were then held on the ball field, ably arranged by Mr, Walter Clemence .aid Leslie Walker of Creemore. Mtmbers attended from Flesher- ton, Fourth Line, Toronto, Orange- ville, Mount Forest, Colli:igwood, Nottaw-a, Creemor and Stayner. PIES X Mincemeat S Cherry (fresh frozen) I Apple ^ Raisin I Date COOKIES Special This Week 2 doz. 35c % CREAM PUFFS CREAM BUNS JELLY ROLLS Flesherton Bakery Baptist Church News The Daily Vacation Bible School at Rock Mills got off to a good start on Monday morning with a good at- tendance. Interesting Bible studie» with flannelgraphs, and handcrafts are being enjoyed by all. There 's still room for further enrolments. -More than 100 sat down to the noon lunch at the Sunday school pic- nic, held last Thursday at Akitt's grove. Straight races and novelt? More Ways Thaui One races and two ball games were en- I To Catch PorCUpine joyed by both participants and spec- j • tutors. The booth set up on the j (By Vandeleur Reporter) grounds to sell ice cream, pop and There is more thjin one way candy w«s well patronized. j kill a eat, so 'tis said, and *hei-e line of the history of the r:ga.iiza- tion, which be-gan in 19>)0 with the first convention being I'.eld in Eu- genia. Convention.s have boor, held every year since, and :he a.^soc a- tion has had 26 presidents and four secretaries. The Vandeleur sc^iool pupil? rend- ered a couple of .lumber.:, and Rev. L. W. Mould and Rov. W. MoReyn- olds of- Pricevillle sang a duet in the afternoon, and Aid. Buchanan a solo in- the evening. On behalf of the association. Rev. Lee presented H. I. Graham with a Sheaffer's Sovereigm fountain pen and case, in recognition of his 3^ years of service as secretary-treas- urer of the organization. The pres- ident, W. J. Hincks, presided. Between sessions a bountiful sup- per was served in the basement of the church, a feature of which was a huge birthday cake provided by Vandeleur W. A., which centred the head table and was cut by Mrs. S. L. Hare, a former resident of Van- deleur and a lifelong worker in the organization. The following officers were elect- ed: President, Mrs. C. Martin; vice- president, Mrs. E. McCullough; seo retary-treasurer, H. I. Graham : children's superintendent. Miss Tena Hutchinson; girls, Miss Emma Oliv- er; boys. Rev. L. W. Mould; young people's. Rev. A. G. Macpherson; a- dult, Russel Freeman; home depart- ment. Ed Beirnes; teacher training, Rev. W. M. Lee; missionary, W. J. Messenger; temperance. W^. Hincks. THORN BUR V CENTRE Harvey .A.lderdi,o Shirley .A.ldcr- dice, Harold Armstrong. '^•laizie Armstrong, Edna Bennett. Eileen Bird. Shirley Brown, Merle Ciierry, Alvin Cole "(Hi, Billy D':'.u)i (28:1), Barbara Dunnill. Robert Gardner, John Gieg, Douglas Harmer. Doreen Htasman, .-^.lice Hewgill, Iramogene Hewgill, Mary Hicks, Bruce Hogg, Walter McGuire. Douglas ilcWhir- ter. Eileen Milr.e (H), Mary Mitch- ell (H), June North (H). Bruce Os- borne, Donald Plater. Mary Rear, Harold Randall, Dorothy Sadler, Robert Seigi-ist, Laverne Smith, Lome Vail, Thomas Wheeler. Betty Williams (H). Ivor Williams. .MARSHALL â€" McCRACKEX 1 A pretty wedding of interest to many friends was sol^nnized Satur- day, July 2nd, at the United Church parsonage, Dundalk, when Shirley Valrie, youngest daughter ef Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence McCracken. be- came the bride of Fred Hilliard Marshall, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Marshall, Ceylon. Rev. Paul H. Christiansen of Dundalk Officiated. The bride wore a street-length dress of pale blue crepe, with white halo hat, white shoes, and shoulder corsage of pale pink rosebuds tied with blue riJbbon. Miss Doris Mc Laughlan, who was the bride's only attendant, wore a 3.treet-length dress of pink crepe with white ac- cessories, and shoulder corsage of white rosebuds tied with pink ril^ bon. Robert MtCracken, brother of the bride, was bestman. Following the ceremony, a recep- tion was held at the home of the bride's parents, the bride's mother receiving the guests, wearing light blue crepe with black accessories. Mrs. Marshall assistetl. wearing fig- ured crepe with white accessories. Both wore corsages of pink carna- tions. The broom's gift to the britfe- was a cabinet of silverware, .nnd U» the bestman a billfold. For n wei- dinsr trip to central Ontario poiiits the bride wore a white sharkskin dress with matching ac:H<sories. The happy couple will reside iii -Al- liston, where the groom is employed vvitih the C.P.R. J. » f ♦ i * : i.lso more than one way to catch a Fleshertonâ€" Sunday School 10 a.m. i porcupine, as Jos. Mills and family Services U a.m.. and 7:30 p.m. found out, much to their surprise. Rock Mills â€" Sunday school 2 p.m. i one evening recently. Shortly afto- Service 3 p.m. returning from town, they began to Special music will he provided by hear strange noises which were fln- the James sisters of CoUingwood. : ally traced to a .s^alvanized tub whifji Prayer meeting and Bible study lay overturned on the verandah. Wednesday 8:30 p.m. at Flesherton. ^ Discounting the theory of spooks. All are welcome. , Joe plucked up his courage, and also the tub to behold a huge porcupine • undeineath. The tub had been sitt- i ing against the wall and the prowl- !;ng animaf had evidently upset '"* over himself. It was his last ex- ploit, however, for a well-aimed blow soon ended his earthly career. Died AnCKEXS- At Warkworth. Ont.. on Tliuisday, June •>!•, 1049, Charles Heivy Wickens, fornu-rly of Kim- -bi;rley, in his S9th year. ^•']d at Richard's MARKD.\LE CENTRE Glenn Brett, Shu-le/ Buni.steaJ (H), Marilyn Burriit \H) Ronald Cherry, Eleanor -â- ^nne Clugston (H), Lois Clugston (H). Dollie Coo's, Shirley Elizabeth Cook (H), Kenn- eth George ( ornfield (Il\ William James Edwards, Joan Hill. Isabell Hill (H), Donald Vern Hollis (H), I Robert Mercer (H), Olive Molson ; (HI, .-^.lan George Moreland (H), ; Jacqueline MacDor.a'.d (H), Sheila Nestiitt (H), Joyce Parliament (H), Harold Scarrow, Dennis Sinclair (H), James Sweeney, Shirley M. Vaughan (H), Robert Walker, Geor- gina Whitney, ^omia .\lvena Wigg- ins, Clare Ellen Wiley (H), Vernon Young. DUNDALK CENTRE ESmer WHMam -Ai-lieson. Marion -•Vllan (H), Flossie Jean Allen, Gwen Benson (H), Gordon Richard Benn- ett (H), Jane Bussey (R), Rita Bridget Caug\hlin, Ashley Clarke. Stuart Copeland, Leonard Cowan. William Davison, Margaret Duncan, Carman Fell, Pauline Ferguson, Kathleen Ferner (H>, Eileen Jane Eraser (H), Ronald Cameron Gilkes, Archie Wm. Gillies, Florence Olive H. Gillies, June Sheila Graliam. Carole Henry (H), Barbara Keating (H), Jean Keating (H), Marie Ele.-i- nor Keith, .-Mian Koehler (H). Mar- garet .\nne Lyons (H), John Martin, Wayne Maycock (H). James Millin- er. Dorothy .\nn Mulhall (H), Jean Margaret MtCannell. Keith McCnl lough (H). Roswell McKelvie. Edna Florence MoVicar (H>, Daniel Rawn John .Alex. Ritchie, Dorothy Eliza- beth Stewart, Win. Geoig-? Stewart. Larry Josegih Villemaire, ^'illiam Wiltshire. Carl Vtagner Woods (H). Keith Wright. Crowd Attended I St. John's United Church R«T. A. G. MscphersoB Minister •'The Sin of Slander" (Exodus 20: 16) will be the sermon theme at Flesherton on Sunday morning, July - > t. Chas. Best Passes After Lengthy Illness -After an illness extending cvei- s period of five years, Chailes Best passed a\vay at his home in Flesh- erton on Wednesday of !a.>t week, in his i37th year. He had suffered a heart attack and stroke and was confined to his home. The late Mr. Best was son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Robert Best, aiid was born on the farm at SpringhiU, a mile and a half south of Flesher- ton. He was united in marriage to Miss May Fisher, daughter of the late .Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Fisher Vt Flesherton. Together they fa.-iied next the home place, now owned by Mr. J. L. Bowles and later farmed the Jas. Best farm near Victoria Corners, retiring to town abor.t six years ago, when heart trouble forcea him to give up working. The late Charles Best was of a cheerful disposition and highly re- spected by a wide circle of fricndsT During his long illness he \vas pa- tiently caret! for by his wife, who looked aftei- his every need. Besides his wife, he leaves to nioum three sisters: Rachel (Mr?. Simmons) and Rhoda (Mrs. Geo. Udell) both of Toronto, and Maggie i (Mrs. L. Talbot) of -Artemesia, all of whom were in attendance at the funeral. This was the third death in the Best family, George having^ died in .-^pril and Bert just a week previously in the West. The funei-al was held on Friday afternoon, July 1st, with service at his late residence, conducted by Rev. .\. G. Macpherson. pastor of St. .lohn's United Church. Inter- ment was made in Flesherton Cem- etery. Tbe pallbeai-e.-s were- .\I( <-^-s-. H. ^^ .gan. (leo. VVi'^.f, .Fa.*. Harr'?o:i, Harry .-Vkins. Gordon Irwi-i, George Jv>hnson. Honorary Pallbearers: Me.KS's. T. J. Fisher, R. J. Fisher, Robt. Chard, iTohn Thistlewaite, Jos. Sr>;"e and Wm. Johnson. -Among the beautiful an I many '^'^rn) offerings were tokivi"; of svm- ^-^ f 'H

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