^mw^mmm^ '(> >iwiiiiiip!i '"^ ^l^^^^pSI^^P W^fn SlaiDRlin' S?>m Proved His Gam^ness â€" Johnny Palmer, Radin, N.C., lines up a putt on the second green oi the Hermitage Country Club, Richmond, V'a., as Slammin' Sammy Snead watches di litage Country Club, Richmond, V'a., as Slammin' Sai luring their match that decided tlie PGA title. py A SixBirCmTic A lot of <nuer things happen in •port, but we personally fail to recall any duplicate of an imiilent which tiiok place in Cleveland just the other day. * * * It was only six months ago that •11 the sport* writers and radio coninientalors were three-cheering thf Indians' trio of Lou Boudreau, Ken Keltner and Joe Gordon as the "greatest infield in baseball". (Tech- nically a first baseman it not con- •idered an infielder, although wt never do expect to know why.) * * • Some of the boys went even farther overboard than this and »aid that tile C'levelanders were not only the greatest intield presently oper- ling, Init the greatest of all time â€" a statement which we could only •wallow with quite a large handful of salt. * • • But it isn't what you used to be but what you are today â€" in base- ball as in a lot of other things; and there, on June the Fifth, Cleve- land fans must have got a terrific jolt when they saw Boudreau, Keltner and Gordon sitting out the •econd game of a 'louble-header â€" not, mind you, because the World Champions were so far ahead that they could take a well-earned re«t, but simply becau&e their fielding and hitting had fallen off ao badly that Maiiajjer Boudreau, in deipera- tion, benched himself and the other two in an effort to win a ball game â€" an efTort which, by the way, wasn't successful. * * • Just what the moral of this hap- pens to be we do not pretend to know â€" unless it might be that If a guy listens to enough of those bancjuel speeches and readi enough write-ups about himself in the pa- part, he's liable to start believing that it's all true â€" and forgetting that the base hits you smacked out jresterday aren't going to do much toward scoring today's runs. * • * Roger Hornsby â€" "the Rajah" â€" was probably the ftnest right-handed Utter the game of baseball ever had. He had a lifetime mark of .358; on three »cparate <)ccasions he hit batter than .400; and over one ftve- yaar span he averaged 402. (His marks over thoae five years were .397, .401, .384, .424 and .403, just im case you want to have â- record M a hitting splurge that will pro- •biy never be equalled.) * * • So when lir. Hornaby has aome- tMng to say regarding the game â€" •Bd especially about the hitting and pitching ends of same, you may take it that no raw hand Is talking, b»t a gentleman w<ho knows whtit- at he speaks. * * * And what ha« Mr. H. got to say? J»it this â€" that nowadays the hit- ters have far too big an edge over the heavers â€" and that the latter should be allowed to re\ ive some of the fancy deliveries, now out- lawed, that they used to turn on back in his time as an active player. * * • "I think that the game would be helped if they'd legalize all the pitching deliveries that were knocked out around 1920," says The Rajah. "Deliveries such as the spitter, the shiner and any doctoring of the ball. That would help to even up mat- ters between pitchers and hitters. With the live ball they have now- adays all the advantage is with the hitters; so I say, let pitchers rough up the cover, make the ball sail and you'll take away the inequality of competition." * * * Of course the high brass of base- ball denies â€" with the utmost vehe- mence â€" that the baseball today is any livelier than it used to be. But this, to anybody who knows even a little about the sport, is nothing but a laugh. Babe Ruth and his big bat brought thousands of fans to the ball yards who came for the purpose of seeing balls hit out of the park. * • * The managements were quick to respond, and they made home runs so cheap â€" both by shortening the fields and by putting "rabbit" into the balls â€" that now four-base whacks are a dime a dozen, and we have guys knocking them out of the lot who, ordinarity, would have had a hard job clubbing a Texas leaguer. * • * We imagine that some day, sooner if not later, a reaction against these cheap homers will set in, and that the magnates will be forced to adopt something along the lines of Hornsby 's suggestion. A pitcher with a cheekful of eating tobacco, anointing the horsehide vigorously before throwing it past the aston- ished batter, may not have been the prettiest sight in the world. * • » Still, to some of us, it was a whole lot more like baseball than â€" as happens nowadays â€" a pitcher, when he gets in a hole, heaving hit faat one square down the middle, and ducking for fear of getting his head torn ofT at the ball goes sall- inug toward the outer regions. Fair Question A city editor was instructir^ a new reporter on the art of writing for ttie newspapeirs. 'There are two words which "you must never use in your reports," he •aid. 'One is nice and the otticr, k)u»y." There wa« a pause, then tihe reporter replied, "Well â€" what are the two words?" Royal Filly â€" Rita llawvurth looks her gift horse in the eye in Paris, after Skylarking, the two-year-old filly given to her as a wedding present by Prince Aly Kahn, won her first race. Sky- larkinj; took a l.SO.OOO-franc race at I-e Tremhlay track. Rita I .\ly came to Paris from the Riviera to gee the filly 'i debut. WHATGOES ON ^/ IN THE VOBLD 4' Norman Blair GREAT BRITAIN Winston Churchill didn't even turn up to vote against the -Steel Bill, and his non-rttendance at the House of Cuiniiions has becoine a leading topic of conversation in London. Some of his friends say that Churchill is feeling tired and in- tends to take it easy so as to be ready for the general election fight when it conies. Others say that the old gentleman is just bored to death with the jiettiness of modern poli- tics, while still others claim that he is spending his time concentrating on the unity of Western Europe. So it seems to be a case of "you pays your money and takes your choice". The one thing certain is that .'Vnthony Eden is now the almost undispute<l leader of the Opposition; in fact, the only one challenging his position is Lord Beavirlirook, who keeps on saying that the ministers who served under the Baldwin and Chamberlain ad- ministrations should not be in- cluded in the next Conservative Government. This seems rather odd accusation to level at Eden, who resigned from the Foreign Offi.ce as a protest agamst Chamberlain's policy of appeasement. Hdwever, Beaver- brook â€" it's hard to realize that he's readied the age of seventy- â€" was never noted for his consistency; to him it vvas something you looked up in the dictionary under the letter C, as one observer put it. The principal problem facing the British people is how to bring down the cost of production; and the so- cialists say if the workers' wages are to he reduced, then all salaries and incomes must be reduced in proportion â€" something that's easier to talk about than to bring to pass. There is, of course, the alternative of longer working hours; but neither the siiirit or flesh of the British seem to be in the mood for anything like that as yet. ' In the meantime Sir Stafford Crips is back from Italy â€" and in real fighting trim. And if there is anybody who doubts the ultimate survival both of Britain and of the Labor Government, it certainly isn't Crippg. GERMANY Among the failures of interna- tional communism in Western Eu- rope since the end of the war, none is more pronounced or significant than the failure of the German com- munists to achieve substantial auc- ecss evAi within the range of Rut- tian rifles. Any examination of what hat happened to communism in Ger- many and specifically in the Soviet lone of occupation thould be accom- panied by the thought that Germany, not jusit a quarter or half or three- quarters, but all Germany, it the Soviet objective. This is the aim laid down by Marx and Lenin, one of the cardinal goals nol only of post-war Communist foreign policy, but pre-war as well. Of all the promises which the Socialist Unity Party made and failed to keep, the most important was one circulated just about a year ago to the effect that the CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING AUbNTS WANTKU OILS. GREASES TIRES ln»«utlciOui. Kiei'iru r«'nct tunrroil«i» Muusf and Burn Paint Flnnf CoatlnitB etc Denlers ar* WHnted. Write Warco Grease A Oil UmiteU Toroniu ______^ BE YOUR OWN BOSS I Retull our guaranteed nec'cdsitles at vrand proflta. tjulondid openlnffa nearby No rJak. Never a dull leuuon. Our Representatlva wilt b« In your district shortly. Let us have your name and addreua and he will cafl â- pectally, •how you the Fnnillex film. etc.. without obli- gation on your pnit FAMILEX 1600 Pelorimier, Montreal. BAUV CHICKB •TART with bxier chlckr, flnlih with blgnr profits. And naturally that means Tweddle Cblcka the chlok ^Ith the proven record of tlvftblUty an<1 productivity. Kvery Tweddle chlok la from fuJly Oovernment Approved, Pulloruin teeted atnck, carefully culled to <n- â- urr 100% live Delivery. 11 pure breeds and 18 crot^e breeds to choose from, non-aexed. pul- lets Hiid heavy breed cockerele, Btarted chicks two and three weeks old. Turkey poults. Frse Calalofrue. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limit- ed. FerKUs. Ontario. STARTED chicks two acd i Weeks old at r»- ducwl prices. Many b:-eeda to choose from. Send .for special price-list. Twe(3dle Chtek Hatcheries Limited, Ferarus, Ontario. TOP NOTCH chlckB have been Top Notcb profltebulldere for successful poultry raisers for over fifteen years, ESvery ohlek Is from Gor- emtnent Approved Pullorum tested stock. Tear after year the raisers who make the big profltB order and re-order. All the wall known pure breeds and croaff breeds non-sexed, pul- lete and cockerels. Prompt delivery on heavy breed cockerels. .Started chicks two and three weeks old. Turkey poults. Older pullets elvht wr-ekH to laylnK. Free catalogue. Top ^otcB Chink Rales. Ouelph. Ontario. UYRINd AND CLEANINQ HAVB YOU anythlna neede dyeing or cle&D- InK'^ w^ite tn us for Information We are glad to answer vour questions. Department H. Parker's Dye Works Limited. 791 Tonce .Street Toronto. Ontario FARMS FOR BALE LAUOB anil small farms always available. Irving H. Miller. Real Estate Broker. Prencott. Ontario. FUR BAUS At auction, entire herd Polled Hereford cattle, Monday June 27, Exhibition Grounds. Bran- don. Manitoba. Herd and yearling bulls, cows with calves at foot and to calve, bred and open heifers, A herd with a world-wide re- putation, being represented In four countries. Scale, conformation. breeding, production. Where Otto Leader. Reserve Champion Paler- mo Show, Argentine. last August, was raised. Fully accredited. Plan a holiday and attend the Provincial K-xhlbition of Manitoba *'The greatest agricultural show In Western Canada" the folIowinB week also. Write for Informative catatoeue now. Malcolm MeOregor, Brandon. Manitoba. FUH BALE FOR HALS^RIng narked pheasant eggs lor hati hJng. (.lovirninent bloml tented stock, 16 for J2.76 or 100 for 116,00, Thoa. Laldlaw. Hageravllle . Ont. SYRIAN Oolilen Hamsters, Interesting, amue- Ing pets, 12 each, literature ten cents. H. Lord, Colborne, Ont, ALUMINUM ROOFING, heavy 2« gauge cov- ers S2i" wide, all lengths. Immediate de- livery, free sample and estimates, til. 80 per square delivered. .Stuart Markeil, Wales, Ont, WOODWORKERS Patterns, lawn-furnlture, ornaments, toys, novcltlee. All lull site. Write for catalogue. Dept. W, Mosbro Pat- terns, 44 Victor. MImlco. Ontario. OOODISON Separator, on rubber, good con- dition 26-60 Huber Tractor, road gear on rubber Al condition. Apply C*rdon Houghton, III Talbot Street. Bt. Thomas FOR SALE, Dalmatian pups, six weeks old, thirty dollars apiece. J. F. H. Usaher, Nancy Lake Farm. Seventh Conceasion, King, Ont. Black mailbox, telephone King 41 ring S, A WHBBLOCK engine, 1« x 38. right hand, for steam power plant; will buy cylinder or oompletc engine. .Krug Bros, Coy., Ltd., Chesley, Ont. FOR SALB OllTer »i Tractor, four rears old, •zeellent condition. Brant Farm Equipment, Brantford. Oat, t,000 ACRKB Crown Land Timber Limit with low stumpage dues, approximately 60% bard maplf, S6% birch, 26% hemlock and miscel- laneous; situated off Highway No. tt, four milae from MacTler on C.P.R. and C.N.B. Footes Bay. District of Muskoka, Townahlp of Freeman. Beads acceaslble la Winter. Apslr Bogdon * OrosB Furniture Co., Ltd., Walker- ton, Ontario. PAINT â€" High grade oil paints, exterior and Interior, all colors, 13.26 gallon. Bam paint red and aluminum 12.45 gallon, suitable for cottages, fences and barns. Clear varnish 12.60 gallon, Tork Belting Company, 88 York Street. Toronto. HELP WANTEP PtIBUO HEAITH NBBSKS THE STORMONT. Dundee and Glengarry Health unit requires quallAed Public Health Nurses for generalized program. Salary sched- ule with annual Increments according to ex- perience. Address Inquiries or applications to: Supervisor of Public Health Nuralng, 104 Second Street West, Cornwall, Ontario. ALUMINUM ROOFING & SIDING CrOBB-Olmped Corrugated and ribbed atylea. S to 10 ft lengths Immediate delivery from â- toclt Write for aamples and eBtlmates Bteel Dletrlbutorp Limited 500 Cherry St Toronto BLANKETS CLOTH YARNS BattB made from your own aheep'a wool, or It you have old woollenB or cotton we will ra- malce them Into beautiful blankets or robea. Write Brandon Woollen Mllli. Brandon, Man. USED 8 P. comhlnee, Cochshutt 12'; 2 seasons, 2 Massey 10' one eeaeon; A.C. 6' with motor, pickup, one aeason. International auto- matic baler, John Deere H. Tracfor, 2 row hydraulic cultivator, J.D. "D". rubber and condition good. Ivan Martin, St. Jacobs. Ont. POHTABLE Alfalfa Meal and Grist Grinding Bufllnees. Fleury hammer mill 12" driven by SO H.P. unit, i)ermanently mounted on Dia- mond T truck chasals, good condition; also 1840 three-ton Btudebaker trucK. like new. M. Sudeyko, Gormley R.R. 1. Ont... PAPER DRAPES Look: Drape like coatly fabric. Ready to hang. Oeorgeoua multi-colored patterns In florals, itripea and leafe. Popular background. Colon. Flame realatant. Valance tlebacka, 2} yards long, 68" wide. Retail 11.49 postpaid or C.O.D. extra. Spccinl price to merchants. Oersten of Canada, 539 Bonsecoure, Mont- real 1. BALED SHAVINGS For sale, baled- softwood ' ehavinge, carload lolB only. Wrltp I'lup rroducte, P.O. Box 76. Montreal 3, GENERAL TRUCKING AND TRANSPORT Busineae, comprising a new 1949 International tractor with a large four dual wheel semi- trailer, a large Dodge etake truck, and the only PCV Class T" License and franchise for a town of about 2000 population and tho surrounding lerrllury In .South Western On- tario. This has alwaye been and still is a very profitable buelnose. H, B. Wells, P.O. Bon 811. Dresden, or Phone 748, too AMP, Hobart gaanllne-drlvo electric weld- er, in perfect condition. Reasonable for quick sale. Apply Bd. Bcllnniy, Athene. Ont. western powers Soon would be driven out of Berlin by the Rus.sian blockade. Germans of the Eastern Zone watched the Berlin crisis as closely as they could and saw the Eastern bluff called and the west- ern powers still in Berlin when spring came. .Ml reports from the Soviet lone indicate this was a tre- mendous factor in encouraging re- tistance to the Socialist Unity Par- ty's rule there. On the whole, German commun- ism is not now a threat. It "is dan- gerous potentiiilly, especially in the difficult period which will follow the end of ECA aid to Western Germany. But in June, 1949, Ger- many must be ranked high on the list of anti-Conimiinist, anti-Russian countries. , No Pile Torture Now that muUrrn bclcnce bail the new Pyltone Trealmi>nt. a coniinun-Nrn!j« way, that remove! the Insldf* caune, by Intrmal treatment, m liquid ( by mouth) , gl vra amazing reiuUM even with the lint bottlr» or prire refunded at onre. TiKlny, with pyltone, that titrluro la nntllcHii. Tyltone. I1.7A. Aak >»ur dnigglit. He kmtwN. ISSUE 25 â€" 1949 PUBLIC HEALTH NURSE Qualified staff nurses required fo- Peel County Health Unit. Salary range il, 900-12,500. Write Supervisor of Nurses. Court House. Bratnpton, Ont, GENERAL DUTY NURSES StartUiK salary 1120.00 per month, wltb room, board and laundry. Salary Increased and trans- portation refunded after six months' service. Thirty days' holiday after one year's service. Accumulative sick time, medical and hoapltali- satlon plans. Apply to Superintendent. Kirk- land and District Hospital, Klrkland Lake, Ont. MEDICAL BATI8PT T0UH8BLF â€" Every sufferer of Rheu- matic Pains or Neuritis should try Dixon's Remedy. Munro's Drug Store, 385 EllKtn, Ot- tawa. Pos tpaid 11.00. PEP UP! Take C.C. Ii B. Tonic Tablets for low vitality, nervous and general debility. 60c and 11.00 at druKgiHtB._ IT'S PROVEN â€" Every sufferer of ~Rheumatio Pains or Neuritis should try Dixon's Reme- dy. Munro's Drug Store, 335 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid 11.00. OPrORTCMTIEB for MEN and WOMEI* BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity Learn Halrdreesina Pleaaani dlgnlfled profession, good wages thousands successful Marvel graduates, America's greatest system Mlustratsd cata logue free Write or Call MARVEL HAIRDRESSTNO SCHOOLS 86t Bloor St W . Toronto Branches 44 King St. HamiltoB * 72 RIdeau Street, Ottawa HOME STUDY AT ITS BEST Bookkeeping. Accounting. Law. Management, Specializing in this type of training exclusive- ly. Hundreds of successful graduates com- plete training for professional degrees. The School of Accountancy Ltd., Great Western Bids., Winnipeg. ATTENTION dressmakers, housewives, store- kf-epers. Get our regular ofTerings of lead- ing American, Brltleh and Canadian textiles. De Luxe .Silks. Ltd.. 419 St. Catherine East. Montreal 24. EARN MONEY at home. Spare or full-time money-making! .Learn to make candy at home, earn as you learn. Free tools supplied. Correepnndence coiirae. NATIONAL INSTI- TUTE OF fOXFECTIONERY Reg'd.. De- lorlmler P.O. Box 162. Montreal. P.O. BARGAIN IN BEAUTY LOVELY SLENDER Y'OUTIIFI'L FKJL'RE Bnnieh ugly fat safely without pills, drugs or starvation with TRI.MS dietary reducing plan, TRIMS pure delicious vitamin candies cost only $1.95 for three weeks supply. TRIMS are sold at drug stores or write PROVAN, CRONE ai\d Company. 204 Tonge Arcade. Toronto, HAIRY? One short trtiutmont at home wltb Global Hair- Remover will remove your unwanted hair for weeks from arms, face or legs, etc.. and will dIscoiirRRe Us reKrowth. It's safe and leaves shin soft and clean. Satisfaction guaranteed or money reftinded. Postpaid 12 00. C.O.D S2 U GLOBAL PRODUCTS 4034 llutchtnflon^St.. Montreal, Quebec. BTAMI*S (0 DIFFERENT stamps Including air posts commemoratlves, pictorials, 10 rents: ap- provals. Peter Jnhnstone. HopevlUe. Ont. TEACHfRB WANTED WANTBD, Six Quailfled teach«rB for Hasurtr and Ulclianls T"wnHhi[) ^--hool Area Tonri- menclng September 1 1949 Minimum salary, 11.600 00 Bxperiem*; and rertlflcate »:on- fltdered. Apply ro U re Florence Recoskle, Secretary Treasurer Round l*ak# Centra. Ontario. TEACHER wanted. Junior room, thirty pupils. Grades 1 to 4. Salary sixteen hundred, Apply F. C. Lewis, SecTreas.. U.S.S, No 1. Westree. Ont . _ _ MANITOULIN: qualified Protestant teacbw wanted for Ko. 3. Tehkummah. about SO puplU enrolled. Offering a salary of 11800. lit. Duties to commence Sept. 4. Apply Carl Brown. Sec. Tehkummah. Ont. THREE Protestant Teachers wanted for Car- low Twp. School Area, Hastings County. Please state qualifications and salary expected. Cecil Loney, Sec.-Treae.. Fort Stewart. Ont. GOSFIELD NORTH Public School Township Area. Essex County. Qualified teacher required for one room rural School, 8.8. No. K. commencins In Septem- ber, Salary 12.100, Hchool well eaulpp«4 with Hydro, Inalde Toilets, County travelllnt Library. All supplies are provided, Musl« and Arts and Crafts Supervisors visit school regularly. Excellent boarding house. Apply, atating Qualifications experience, re- ligion, names of last Inspector and telephone number to William H. White, Secretary- Treasurer. R.R. 1, Essex, Ont. MAONETAWAN â€" Teacher wanted, male pr4- ferred. for Magnetawan School (new school being built) with flrst class certiflcate. Duties to commence Sept. «th, 1649. State salary ««- pected, Quallflcatlons and former inspectorate. K. Skarda. Sec, Uacnetawan, Ont. HAILBTBURY Separate School Board rw Quires for September to teach Elementary^ Grades, one female teacher, minimum salary 91500 and one male teacher, minimum salary tl600. Apply stating name of last Inspector tto J. Lamothe. Sec.-Treas.. Haiieybury, Ont. MA IDSTONE PUBLIC SCHOOI. TOWNSHIP ABEA Qualified Teacher re<iulr€d for one room rural school a.S. No. 11. Two miles from Town of Essex, Ont, Dutiee to commence September Sth, 1949. Salary tl.BOO to 12,000 according to qualifications and experience. School well equipped, gas heat, hydro, hifflde toilets, travelling county library. Music and Arts.* Crafts Supervisors visit echool regularly, %11 supplies provided. Apply stating Qualifications, experience, re- ligion, age, name of last inspector to William H. White, Secy-Treas , HR 1. Essex. Ont. PATENTS rSTHERSTONHAUGH A Company Patent Solicitors Established 1890. SSO Bay Street, Toronto Booltlet of information on request, " WANTED POULTRY GRADER with experience In dress- ing and grading. Phone or write Q. Evans, Siiverwood Dairies. Limited. Elmlra- Ont. WANT Real Estate In or nmr San Francisco. Burlingame, San Mateo, Redwood City, PaJo Alto, California. Any kind A, Sinclair, P.O. Box 796. San Francisco. Calif. WANTED, pigeons, fancy breed, state price, L. B. McLaughlin, 449 Cromwell Ave.. Oshawa. Act NOW Seize this Opportauity While Storks Last SOFT BALING WIRE All Gauges! Quick Delivery! Send Your Enquiries To: PAIKIN BROS. LTD. 166 FerfTUHon Ave. N. Hamilton. Ont. Phones: 3-0149 and 7-99A1 SAFES Protect your BOOKiS and CASH from PIKE and THIEVES. We have a eUe and type of Safe, or Cabinet, fur any purpose. Visit ue or write for prices, etc., to Dept. W. J.6(-J.TA\ LOR LIMITED TORONTO SAFE WORKS 148 Front St. E.. Toronto Eatahllshrd IfISS HARNESS & COLLARS Farmers Attention â€" Consult your nearest Harness Shop about Staco Harixess Supplies. We sell our goods onlj through your local Staco Leather Goods dealer The goods are right, and so are our prices We manutacturt in our fac tones - Harness Horse Col Tars. Sweat Pads, Horse Blan kets. and Leather Travelling Goods Insist on Staco Brand Trade Marked Goods, and you (jet satisfaction \Iade only by SAMUEL FREES CO., LTD. 42 Wellington St. E., Toronto WRITE FOR CATALOGUE ROLL YOUR OWN BETTER CIGARETTES YilTH CIGARETTE TOBACCO ARCHIE by Montana U â- C, A. A ^' #? â- A- T A ^» ;*• A' A' X I T A* U^ 1 >^ r- r t X t A- - A' .A r I' X r r-' t t