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Flesherton Advance, 8 Jun 1949, p. 2

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I||I||11IWMJ14:U^')-I4.! I l^i.l pi wmK^mmmmiflliimm V IN THE 1 ^-NonwnBkito RUSSIA A few monthf ago Hit io-call«d llolotoy Plan was being loudly ac- (fchned â€" from behind 'The Iron Cnnain" â€" the perfect Ruisian MMwer to the Marshall Plan. Now, throughout the diplomatic world, it it being rfifimissed as a pretty flat liilure. The experts base their conclu- •iont to rhis effect on pieces of •videncc seeping out of the land of Ae Soviets regarding increasing economic difficulties in Russian aaiellite countries. The plight of these countries is blamed on their utter lack of west- are imports, and on the fact that instead of pouring recovery goods into Eastern Europe, fhe Russians have been draining the resources of tliose countries for their own bene- At. Now there are reports of possible very drastic moves by Russia, or by the satellite countries, to try and ease the situation. The most dram- atic of these reports come by way o( former Czechoslovak officials now in exile on this side ot the Atlantic. These men say that the Communist government, under Moscow direction, plans to put a â- umber of non-Communists into official positions in Czechoslovakia â€" the object being to make the whole regime appear more accept- able to Rritain, the United States and other western countries. The purpose of such a manoeu- ver would be to interest the west- ern nations in relaxing controls on thipments to Czechoslovakia, and possibly giving other assistance. Whether or not tihe Czech gov- trnment is to be actually reorgan- bed, such reports reflect a grave concern in Prague over the coun- try's economic condition. Poland, t' ,-* - ;v;^^*Sv,*« H K â- " •'â- â€¢ ,^<f â- :,-:»?4*^-^'^>A^ mmmmm^m IP-WWJ m-;. '''.^B "''^^'li^- ..-Z^ Trotting Toward Hambletonianâ€" With trainer Del Miller at the reins, trotter Rapidan. owned by W. N. Reynolds, works out at Roosevelt Raceway. If Reynolds' Hambletonian luck holds up, Rapidan should at least be in the money, for the tobacco man leads all other owners by having backed eifrht money-winners in previous runnings of the trottinp classic. Rapidan's dam, Mary Reynolds, won the Hambletonian in 1933. too, has been pressing hard for an easing of the controls which pre- vent it from getting any of the Marshall Plan "gravy" â€" but, so far, the Poles do not seem to have made much headway in softening up the Kremlin top brass. Two other developments which have created considerable interest are a heavy emphasis in Russian propaganda broadcasts on revival of East-West trade, and a reported move by Romania to try and in- terest Great Britain in making in- vestments in that country. THE UNITED STATES A rather new note in Labor Capital relationships is sounded in a recent dispatch from Chicago. The Avildsen Tools and Machine Company manufactures twist drills, cutting tools and things of that sort, and during the past few A SixBirCRffic Down at Woodbine Park on King's Plate Day, several promin- ent Progressive Conservatives were very much disgusted when a gen- tleman who had backed (he winner. Epic, and who was feeling very gleeful about It, pointed out in tones that could be heard for half a block that what h«d just hap- pened was the very finest sort of a linnrh for the future. ♦ * • 'There, " he said, "is an exact picture of what is going to come ofif on June 27. The George McCullagh entry gets away from the gate bad- ly, is slow to get going, and al- lihough continuing with real cour- age through the stretch, is never able to seriously threaten the win- ner, who ran as though consider- ably the best." Just in case you do not happen to ciitch the meaning of the allusion we shall merely inform you that the "George .McCullagh entry" in the Dominion Stakes set for June 27 is a gentleman named George Drewâ€" and let it go at that. • t • VVIieii they make a baseball movie, almost invariably they in- clude the incident about the ball player who slips and slips â€" due to one thing or another, generally booztâ€" until finally he is cut adrift ky the chib he has served so long •nrl l&ves so dearly. * << * llieu, toward the end of the piece, he always does a comeback â€" "saved by the power of a true woman's love"~and the ncxl-to- (nal scene is when he either pitches a 19-inniiig no hitter â€" or slams out a homer with the bases jammed â€" to beat out the team which tossed bim into the discard in the final Iraint of the World Series. • • » .Such tilings liappeii, as we said before, with the greate&t frequency in the dear old cinema â€" but in real lift, not" so often. And akhough •onie 01 the essential elements of the drama were lacking, what hap- penid at Ebbels Field in Brooklyn the other day must have brought a deal of satisfaction to a ball play- et nanif-d fete Reiser. ♦ • » Last winter Burt Shotton, master â- Bind of the Urooklyn Dodgers, de •Idrd that Reiser wac either too brittle or too erratic for t4iat team, •o Petie was trtded to the Boston Rravts in exchange for Mike Mc- ( ormick. • ' • firfore the start of the game al- Inded to, the Braves and the Bums -were deadlocked for ftrat place In the .Valional I-eague icrambleâ€" 20 wins and 15 losses apiece. And when the Braves came in for their eightliinning whack.s, the Brook- lynitfs were roasting .ilong on a nice 6-3 lead, and then was great joy among tlie Flatbnsli rooters, is ii looked like a cinch. • « » Hut Phil Ma^i ind Connie Ryan |i;ii(ii hitlers both of t^hemâ€" ' xle.l ^iiul. after Eddie StanVy h*;! fouled out, Elbie Fletcher walked. So, when our discarded hero, Mr. Reiser stepped up to the plate, he found the sacks â€" as one observer put itâ€" F.O.B.â€" Full of Braves. « > * And did our gallant Petie emu- kite one, Casey, of immortal mem- ory? Did he take three healthy swings and hit nothing but that pure Brooklyn ozone? He did noti All Petie did was take a nice toe- hold and smite one of Palica's shoots clear out of the park into Bedford Avenue. And as he jogged around the bases, who could blame Petie if, to himself, he was hum- ming that little ditty about "re- venge being sweet"? * ;. * Ju«t what Manager Shotton had to say about it, however, we haven't heard as yet; and if we had, we doubt if we could reproduce it in a journal meant for family consump- tion. For the final score was Braves, 7; Dodgers, 6. ♦ •â- > :« Our reading, of late, has been confined mostly to horse racing in- formation â€" our desire, of course, being to get a certain King's Plate winner for our long-suffering read- ers. (We'll go as far as to say that, at least, we picked you one that you couldn't lose money on â€" the filly of our choice failing even to get to the post). * * â- *[ Anyway, we missed the details ot a tennis match which set itp a flock of records, some of which are liable to stand for quite a space. It was the match in which Ted Schroeder and Bob Falkenburg de- feated Pancho Gonzales and Hug'h Stewart for the Southern California doubles championship â€" and just in CMC you, too, overlooked it, here arc a few of the highli>hls, and the new marks set. The match went five iuU setsâ€" and in the first set, no less than 70 â€" count 'em â€" 70 games were played Schroeder and Falkenburg taking n 36-34. Other set »c6res were 3-6, 4-6, 6-4, 19-17, a total of 135 games. Wonted Immediately Young women 16 to 21 years For Cherry, Strawberry, Raspberry Picking Accomodation in F«rm Service Force Camp* •upervleed by Y.W.C.A. Good Meals Good Pay Good Fun Tor Registration Forms apply to : High School Principal Nearest Employment' Office OR Ontario Farm Service Force 9 Richmond Street East Toronto 1, Ontario. AUSPICES: Dominion Provinoiai Farm Labour Committee. ISSUE J4 â€" I»49 months business hasn't been so good. Orders fell off to such an extent that the management felt that a cut in the overhead was absolutely necessary; bul, instead of laying off a lot of employees, they put the matter up to the work- ers themselves. The workers â€" who had been av- eraging around $1.61 per hour, came right back with an offer to lake a twenty per cent wage cut. in order to help the company "en- joy prosperity." If business improves, the com- pany has promised that it will pay the workers a salary recovery bonus later out of any profits be- fore it pays any dividends to stock- holders. ^ Company otiicials say that Avild- sen Tools and Machine Company has enjoyed especially friendly re- lations with its workers and that, since the war it has turned over to them one-third of its profits before taxes. In the last three years the company has given its employees some $.380.000 â€" or around a thous- and dollars per person â€" in thr form of bonuses. 'So wc asked our employees to temporarily share our losses, just as they sliarcd our profits." one official put it. Dyed-in-tlie-wool trade union of- ficials will, of course, look upon such voluntary action on the part of workers wiih something akin to horror. (The Avildsen workers are non-union, by the way.) But to an unl)iased onlooker it would seem like a far more reasonable method oi settling disputes that the usual v.ay of both sides taking an "adam- ant" stand â€" forcing a strike in wliicli both sides lose heavily â€" and tlien coming to the sort of cumproniise which was intvilahle from the very beginning. .'^till, as a Unionist friend remark- ed when he heard about this in- cident, tlifc Chicago firm's manage- ment did Its share, too, in pros- perou> times toward building up to such a friendly settlement when â- he real pinch came. BY PROXY A large Honian and her meek little luisband stood before the judge in traffic court. "What were you doing at the tinu of the accident?" asked the judge. The vNonian siioke up, "Your honor, 1 was driving down Main Street, with my husband at the wheel ..." EASE COMMON or ^ ORDINARY Al>SORE THROAT RUB IT Kim OF MiS k Ju«t hc*t and rub in MINARD'S, and note the iulck relief you (ct. ft*Hl<M, f«t-dryin|, no I Irons O' unplcatant odor. Irt • " bottle today I kMp It handy. CLASSIFiED ADVERTISING AUKSTB «VANTCU OILS, CREASES. TIRES InHuiicidra. BiMiric Fcnca l^ontroUara tiouaa •ad Baro Palm Roof CoacUisa. etc. Dealers v% wanted Writ* Warcn Oreaaa ft 01) Llniltad. Toronto BE YOUR OWN BOSS! Ii«(all our kuarant^d neccsaltleii at vraod profltt. SplfDdtd openlnvfl nearby. No risk. Ntver a dull acaaon. Our Raprntntativ* wU! be In your dlatrlct ahortly. Ijet ui have yoar name and addreia and he will call apeclally, Miow you tb« Famllex film. etc.. without obll- satlon on your pa,ri. FAMILEX 1600 Delorimler, Montreal. J!lP-GRIP â€" a mafic word â€" our axenta earn larse comraiaalona denaonatratlnv the New ZIP-tiHIP Clotbeellne â€" needs no clotheapine. For full particular!. Zip-Grip, 401 Dawes ltd.. Toronto, BABl CMICHI* RKMKMBKR what happened laat year? The poultry ralaer who sot panicky about feed prtcea and cut hia chick order away down or cut It out altogether, spent the fall looklnir at the hiffh ek'K and iK)U)try prlcea hla nelchbora were Kettlnt; and kicking himaelf because he had niisaed the boat. This la the year to stay in. If you haven't already ordered your chlcka do lu at once. We can aive prompi delivery on day old cockerela, ncm-sexed pullets. Alao started chick:} and turkey poulli. ileduced prlcf-B for June and July. Kree range pulleta 8 wepka to laylnir. Free catHlog^ue. Tweddle Chick Hntcheriea L.lmUed. Fereus. Ontario. WK HATCH 'KM. you snatch 'em. For over 15 years that's been th«n story at Top Notch Chick Sales. Jum ns fa. I aa we can hatch IhoB* hu.^ky. healihy. Top Notch chicks suc- cesBful poultry rniiters all over the country buy them. Top Xolih chicks are all from Government Approved i*ullorum teatcd stock. We hiive all the well known breeds and cross breeds r>ny old. Klurttnl. non-scxed. pullets, cockerels. Turkey P4tult;-. Older pulleis eight week* to fayinK. F-'ree catalogue. Heduced prices for June. Top N"t«h Chick Sales. Cluelph. «tnt;irUi. ' HAVE vol nnythlna nFCdi- dyeing or claan hiK' Wriie tn u» foi tntormntinn We are ffiad LU aii.'^wei voui gupsllons Department H. Marker w Dye Work^ \ \rv'Ui\ Tfii Tnnee .Stre»t T'n>>ni«j unt-'i'ii. EilPliOVMENT WANTKD HO\KKT~ rf t :iblf iiuirrted man of excellent rhnriirier. 1 t-hlld; fully understands farm- ing, desires to work farm on sharei. or take chart:* 11. I.lbnlron. Varennes. Que. I AKMH FUR BALK ann small farms atwayi available. LAltOK Irvinif H. Miller. Preni'ctu. Ontann. Real Bslatc Brohcr. jl_400â€" Fol'R acres, new houie. furntflhad. trout Ktream near vlllaire. Stamped enve- lope. KolHTt Ktllina. Castleton. Ont. FOR 8 A 1*1-. At uurtiuit. entire herd Polled Hereford cattle, Mnndiiy June 27. Kxhibition Grounds. Bran- don. Miinttnba Herd and yearling bulla, cows with i-alv*'» nt fool and to calve bred and open h*'ifera A herd with a world-wida re- putiition bein« represented In four countries. Scale. conformation. breeding, production. Where Oitn L,e.ui<i . lleserve Cbampion Paler- mo Shovv ArKcntinc. laat AuguM. was raised Fufly accredited Plan a holiday and admd the Provincial Exhibition of Manitoba "The great est ajirlcuUural show In Western Canada" the following week also. Write for lnfoini;iiivp csitalopue now. M.Tlcolm McGre«:or. Hrandon . Mnnltob;i MISKt)K.\ â€" Uovely fram»- house, furnished, ln(*ulate<l oil heating, twelve rooms, lar^e Darn on three acres. Tourist business estab- lished. Sievrna. Tall Timbers. Gravenhurst. ALUMINUM ROOFING & SIDING CroBs-rrmipeo (.rorrueaieo and nbbcd atylca. <l to ID ft lenciha Immediate delivery (rom â- tacl> Write for tumples and eatlmales Steal piairlbulnri: bimllfd 8Hn Cherry Si Toronto , â-  BLANKETS CLOTH YARNS ;Balle mnde from youi own alieep'a wool, or 11 you have old woollena or cotton we will ro- make tliem Into uenutlful blankets or rob«a Write Brnndon t\'onllcn MIIIb. Brandon, Man . '. STATION WAGON 41 FORD â- --.lo.I 1 â-  'iii.ii. rhiotierhouf. heater II 110 '7 iViKRCURY RAUiu ii.:uci cliivcn only 20.000 milea â€" Jl.fiiiO The above rai-a are privately owned and (lilviii H T nornea. 2 roll(-(te SI. Tor- onto. Telci> hone: I'r. 21 81, _ U.«ED SI", comhinea. Cockahutt IJ': 2 eeaaona, :• .MiLKuey 10' one season; A.C. 6' with motor, iiickiip. one searon. International auto- matic hiiler. John Deere H. Tracfor. 2 row hydraulk- cultlviitor, J.D. "D'. rubber and condition Kood. Ivan Martin. St. Jgcoha, Ont ^ L«RCI â-  CONOMIMI â- i» 6Be ronT.\nl.E Alfalfa Meal and Grist C.rlndlnK BUiMiu-8R. Fleury hammer mill 12" driven by 50 H.r. unit, permanently mounted on Dia- mond T truck chHsals. Kood condition: alao 1046 three-ton Studehaker truck, like new. M .S udeylto. Go i mley K.l l. 1. Onl. SPECIAlTOFFERâ€" SAVE iQ% «1.B6 VALIK, ONKY »1.14 Don't nilHH this money. .savintr olTer! To intro- duce the quality of Knamel manutactureil by us, you tiet a ciuart of Knamel (any color Hated belowl and a IJ" bruah act In rubber at thla amnzInK low price; choice of white. Ivory. Jade vreell. fhlncs.. red or daffodil. Specify color desired. Hrui h supiillcil with each quart or- dered. Kcinit to Pure I'alnt and Varniah Co.. P.ti. Hox 90. .station .\ Turunto. ilntnrio. paper~dr7^pes l-iiul,: l.>rai>c like costly f.Tl>rh'. Ilendy to hani.-. tJeoFKcoUK multi-colored patterns In florals, â- tripes and leufa. t'oimlar backlrrouiul. Colors. Flame reslslnnt. Valance tlehacks. JJ yards lonii. 58" wide. Kelall 81.49 imstpald or C.O.I), 'â- xtrn. Special price to locrchanta. Qer^ten of f.nncda. .'t'^O Itnnsccoura. .Mont- real I. POWBIl WAtlONâ€" (I! UoilKc. U.S. Army f'.W.D.. 7-ton Baden winch. Ideal for ploughing ur IokkIok; will R4t anywhere; 13.000 miles tAcellent condition. tl.Son. ALSO 41 Ohevn.l.i .'^•r1.â- .â- i••l t .l.i..i- «Maii. \V.\. U'll. Tort>nln . PUREBRED SCOTCH COLLIES Sable antl white from chanitiion stoek on both sldeNi I'our Male and one female left from this fine llttT. Klne siteelincna of a fine breed. Priced leaKonably to ikmmI homes with pedl- Kree. Write A. W. (Miapnian. Own<'i-, Welles- ley Kiuinj . Sutton West. Ont -A FOn SALE Oliver 99 Tractor, four years old. excellent condttlon. ni-.ini F:irm Rnnlnment. Bran tfnrd. Ont. 7.000 ArilE.s t'rowii Land Timber Limit with low stumiutttre diieH, approximately 50*^4 hard maple, 25*; birch, 25**. hemlock and mircel- lanemis: situated off HlKhway No. 6!i. four miles from MncTiei- on t\P.R. and r.N.R. Pootes Flay. District of Musknka. Township of Freemnn. Rcvads accensihle In Winter. Apply BoRdon A throws Fmnlinrt' ('i>.. Walker- ton, Ontario. I'ATNT â€" lllKb Kiado nil pulnts, exterior and interior, all colors, $3.25 vallon. Ham paint red and aluminum %2Ah irallon, sultnhle for cottagcH. fenrcN and hums. Clenr varnish Sa.ftO vallon. York BeltinB Compan.v. 8S York Street, Toronto. BBAIITA' shop: In busy town north of Toronto. Near a larse sununer resort, new modern equipment, extensive clientele. Little opposi- tion, niodeiately pi lied to sell. Write Ro\ 2*t4 Stayner, Ont. _^_ M»K '^'H . tUHKKYB: Broad Urelutted Bronxe and White Holland for June and July delivery. Valuabs ttf iurkey faldsr. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries, Ferrus. Ontario. REUISTenKD collie pups, sable and white, Orandalre Champion Btcrllng Starmlat. Black Cocker Spaniel, Mrs. Brodle. AultsvUle. Ont. ron SALE 1 AMls-Chalmers Model "B" tractor with A-C mounted power mower. Apply E. Faff. WeUeaiey. Plioiia 101. LARGE VILLAGE GENERAL Store, tfoinc concern of exceptional value. Located in prosperous community, established to years. Yearly turnover $60,000-160,000, well aqulpped, new sas pumps, nearly new compressor and deep freezer, counters, scales •tc, separate l-rbomed hpuse, newly decorat- ed, with bathroom, toilet, waterworks, elec- tricity, alao new granite chimney. Double gar- sve. hen house, cow stable, all bulldlnffi In food condition, well painted. Priced consider- ably below value for uulck sale due to ill health, immediate possession. Box No. SB, 133 l$th Street. New Toronto. IIEI.I' tVANT£lt Pl'BMC HKAI.TH M;RH£H THE STOR.M0.NT. Dundas nnd Ulenvarry Health unit refiulres fiuallfied Publk* Health Nurses for generalised program. Salary sched- ule with annual increments according to ex- perience. Address tnuulrles or applications to: Hupervisor oC . Public lE^lth Nursing. 104 ^_®"** Sts-eeC West, ConwaU. Ontario. PUBLIC HEALTH NURSE Qualiiied staff nurses required lor Peel County Health Unit. Salary ran«e tl. 900-12,600. Writs Supervl;f>r of Nuvfef^. *'ViUrt H'nire, Bcimpton, Ont. . GENERAL DUTY NURSES Starting salary $120.00 pec month, with room, board and laundry. Salary incrcised and trans- portation refunded after six months' service. Thirty days' holiday after one year's service. Accumulative sick time, medical and hosi>ltall- zaiiim plans. Apply to Superintendent, Klrk- Innd and ' pistrlct Hosnltnl. Klrkliiml Lake. Ont. \iEUICAI IT'S B.\CI|£lLBNT. Real resu/u after taking Dixon's Remedy (or Rheumatic Pains and Neuritis. Munro's Drug Store, 183 Blgfn. Ot* taj^a Posrtpald 11.00. pep'Opi Tul;e C.C Si B. Tonic Tablets for low vitality, nervous and general d*-bnity. lOc and $1.00 nt druggists. ^ PEKMINAI. HAIRY? Ono ahort tiealmtnl at hoij)'- iMin tJi-'liui ll.iii Remover will remove your un»;inlc(l h:ii' (oi wecka from arma. face or letca. eic . noil will discourage Ita resrowth It'a a.tfe and li.ivci, akin iofl and clean. ScHsfacnon Bunriinieed or money refonde.1. roffnnl't »v on (MiD 12. IS GLOBAL PRODUCTS 4M4 Halchinaop 8t.. Hanlrrai. Quebec. 8T.*.«l'h «0 DIFPERB.NT stamps includintf air iwala commemorallves. pktorlnln. 10 c.nn; ap- p rovala. Peter JohnKione. Hopevl lle . Ont. rBACHF.B!. W*NTBI)' _ "" WANTED, 8lx quallflei leachera for Haeartj and Rtcharda Townahip School Area Com mencinc September 1. 1949 Minimum aalary. 11.600 00 Experience and certificate con aldered. Apply to Mra. Florence Reco.kle. Secretary Treaaurer Round J-BMr rentre Qntarlo. TEACHER wanted. Junior room, thirty puplla. Gradea 1 to 4. Salary Eixleen hundred. Apply F. f. I-ewl«, Sec..Treas.. L'.S.S. No. 1. Weetree. Ont. MAX7T0ULI.N': qualUkil Froteatant teacher wanted for .Vo. 3. Tehkuroroab, about SO puplla enrolled. Offering a salary of $1800.00. Duties to commence .Sept. f>. Appiv Car' Brown. Sec. Tehkummah, Ont. PEOPLE ARE TALKING about the sood re- •ulta from taking Dixon's Remedy Cor Rbtu* niiiii> l';tina and Ncuriiij* .Muoiob Drua Store. 336 BIsln. Ottawa. Postpaid II. »0 uyPIHtTUNITIEB f«> MEN sml WttMBS~ BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA-B LBAOTNO BrHOOL Qreal Opportunity Lsara fTalrdmslsa Pleasant dlgnifled profession, good want thousands successful Harvel mtduattt. America's vrcatssi system lllustratsd eats lectie free. Write tr Call UARTVL HAiRDRKSBTNO 8RBOOLB ati Bleoi Bl. W . Toronto Branchea 44 Kins Bt , HamlltSB * 73 Rldeao Street. Omwa HOME STUDY AT ITS BEST Bookkeeping. Accounting Law, Uanacemest. Specialising in thla tyve of training •sclustve- ly. Hundred! ot successful graduates eem- pitta training for professional degrees. Ths School of Accountancy Ltd.. Great Westen BIdg., Winnipeg. ERAMOSA Townahlp School Board requires three Protestant publi<^ school teachers after holidays. Schools e<iulpped with hydro and in- aulated. Ontario Teachers' Federation baalc salary schedule In force. Plearc give usual particulars with application. Frank Day. Sec., Rockwood. Onl. e% DITRH.VM County. Protestant teacher. Please apply, stating Qualifications and salary ex- pected, t o O. Hyland. Burketon. O nt. THREE Prole.'-tant Teachers wanted for Car- low Twp. School Area. Haatlnvs County. Pleaae state qualiflcatione and salary expected. Cecil Loney. Sec.-Treaa.. Fort Stewart. Oat. eATBNTg PETHERSTO.SAUGH * Company Patent Ic- lleliora Eitabllahed 1890 SiO Bay Btieet, Toronto Booklet of informntlon on reqpest- WANTED URGENT 3 drivers lAngllcan) women required B.C.. Ontario, Saskatchewan. Also 3 teaclMTS. June to end of September <or middle if University students). No salary. All eipeDses paid. Alr- mall. Eva Hasell. Synod OIBce. Winnipeg. EXCELLENT OPPORTl'NTTT for Single, dais A mechanic for garage In Northern Ontario. Please give full particulars In first lettir to Box 40. USâ€" nth St.. New Toronto. Ont. PBRBONAL BARGAIN IN BEAUTY LOVEI.V SLENDER TODTHTCIi FIUUHB Banish ugly fat safely without pills, drugs or atarvatlon with TRI.MB dietary rcduclns plan. TRLMB pure dellcieua vitamin candles cost only li.tS for three weeka suppy. TRIMS are sold at drug stores or write PSOVAN, CRONE and Compajiy, 204 Tones Areade, Toronto. Cut Harrowing Tureskote Polystyrene Emulsion Paint WRterproofa and protects mss- onry, iUob, stucco, Indefinitely, Putel ihades from alkali dry color. Dries hard It washable In fifteen minutes. Brick red to permanent. Deftler-Applicators Wanted Turesco Sales (Ontario) 839A Bloor W., Toronto _with the NOBLE EVENER Draw Bar Save time and labor. Thii Ughtwstokt high tensile strength draw bar allowa you to pull more harrew sections with less weight. .Made ef special tubing far double strength. Bhock resistant. Can't draic or ban down. Floats 10 to li Inches olf the ground. Passes through <atr» tandem style. Models for t to 8 llexible and I to I« diamond harrow seetlona. Farm the faster, modem <vay with the Noble Kvenrr Draw Bar. Write tor Full Inforroation and List ef Better Farm Equipment to ACME Dittributora «. Sale* Co. Winnipeg, Manitoba Handy Flexible SHAFT ( uiiverttt any oiatsr. ' tlrtU pr««s, elcctrls drill, flsctric fan (10 Inch sr larver) tiito a handy rotary tool. Attach SHAFT In a jiffy. l^r« (or vrlndlnt, i^oHshlnv. shan>enlnr. ('Isanhir. cnKravinr. TO&rklnv tools, carv- ing on metal, plastic, wood, vlass. Convenl- t-nt handpiece for vAsy handlins . , . 48-lnch overall length. Complete with chuck, Order tudayt 9END NO MONET t Mail your order, Fay postman only 18.95 vluB postage en deitv*-!--' Modern DistribuiioR 32 ST-LAURENT Valleyfield â€" Quebec For constant Smoking Kloasure EXPORI ALSO AVAILAMJ IN V& POUND TWf ARCHIE WELL, VOU CERTAINLV DIDN'T THINK I'D CARRY A. aSAt OUN.' WHV I.. -r- r r ir *r â- A A 4 -»- r -r A, â- t- I? t •A \ 4

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