t <. Wednesday, May 11, 1949 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Small Ads }\kft SALKâ€" 11 pi^ six weeks old -Fred Duckett, R.R. 4 Flesherton ^aHTU) â€" AttMMia atitubl* tot miak and fox l*M.^NBen Mciatoa^ FOR SAU-: â€" 7 pigs 7 weeks old.â€" Ted Wade, Ceylon, phone 40 w 12 Klesheiton. 60cl VoR SALE â€" Number oi younjr ,>ige. â€" Ben McKunzie, Ceyiu:;. ifi.onc Fleslieiton 101 J 1. 4S»c; J-OE SALE â€" WaU;hed team of />roiwn mares, ajced 5 and 6 â€" Mis. 1>. Nicliol, Prieovi.'Je, pihone Kii'sh ertoo H2J 1. 10:^ FOR SALE â€" Cow, black, good TOilker. â€" David Craig, phone 12w4 Flosherton. 50c2 NOTICK â€" Will the party ^vho l>o!-- i-owed the Fltsherton Co-operative â- Aire strett^hers last fall, kindly ri-turn them at once. 50c2 FOR R?:XT â€" oO-acre pasture farm. KTOOd irra.ss, shade, runnintr water. -Geo. Swanton, R.R. 6, -Maikdale, phone 33w2 Markdale. 40p2 ] '>R SAI.K â€" Good Holstein cow, fi .'ears old, due to freshen rijjhl ; vayâ€" W. T. Genoe, phone 117w KleaJicrton. odcj NOTICK â€" Will the person who ti 'rrowcd my harrows kindly rc- T.irn at once as they are needed. - -Geo. .\rni.stron}r. 5iip2 V >]i SALIC - McCurniick - Deei inii- > leam -eparator, 500 lb. capaci(y; â- lantliy of hardwood. 14 in. â€" We.-; I 'rnficld, phono Flcsherton ;!2rn. '!l SALE â€" Lady's Uilored suit, vrey Knglish flannel, size 30, in iruod c():;dition. â€" Mrs. H. Black, plione «0 Flesherton. iiOpJ .irA.T<.lKS WANTED â€" Anyone lavinL'' potatoes for .•iale. contact \iea VoLiUK-, Maxwell, phone llrl.5 • uver.-.jain, sacks available and ilflivered. 49p2 J A.STURi-;, FOR SALE â€" 4O acres naatuic for rent; loUO ft. 2xi"s; 'miO 01 "OU ft. 1 in. spruce, iicni- .^ck and balsam lumber; 8 pieces WtttxiKl. â€" Hairy Patton, phone â- ') J 4, Flesherton. 4!i'.2 \\ ANTED â€" Number pasture cattle, strictly yearlings only, low rates 'ly the season, May 15 to Nov. 15, large t-anj^e and Saugeen River.â€" •J. E. McKee, I'riceville, phone Flesherton 49wl2. 48c2 I.t).ST â€" Tan leather wallet r.i Ku- Kcnia hydro dam, Sal., .Api.l -"'J, (untaininK permits, rejristrutioiis and Bum of money, valuaLile to th'j owner. Finder kindly return to «>wiier vr i>lv>iU' 48.JiFla'vh*'i-tn!!. Reward. 4'Jc2 l''R SALE â€" 8-iooni house and barn village of Priceville. For further information apply to Mrs. H. B. ivichardson, 22(! Caledonia Road, Toronto, or Mrs. A. B. McDonald, t.f>S racific Ave., Toronto. 47c2 TKNDERS WANTED - Tenders will Vie received by the undcrsi«-ne(l fn; tlie contract of paintint;' the intir- ii>r of Ceylon TJnited Ohurch. .All • stimates must be in by May 1(5 â€" .Mrs. R. E. RiitledKc, Ceylon, tele- ihone Flesherton 44w5. >M; SALE -- Hardwood .--la hs .?2.") !'T truck load; softwood slab.s SIS. .-'.proximately 7'L' to 8 cords per !â- .id. Delivered free \nthin 10 I les. â€" Walter Playter, phone 1 inj Markdale. 4.''.pl2 Local aod Personal Mr. Frank Teeter spent a couple of days this week at Whittiy. Mr. and tMrs. Geo. E. Banks spent the week end with their son. Bob, at Ft. Erie. The Biiptist Young People's Union rally is being: held at Neustadt this Friday at H p.m. Miss Marjorie Brackenbury and friend.s of Toronto spent Sunday at her parental home. -Mr.-i. E. C. Murray of Toronto wa:< the guest of Dr. .1. E. and Mrs. .Milnt oil the week end. Mrs. .\. Stoba of Toronto is spending the summer wth her sis- tci, Mrs. W. Sli.an. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Davis of To- ronto were visitors in town on Monday. Mir. Earle Thurston of Windsor is spending: this week with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Thurston. Rev. A. G. Mwcpherson is taking the morninjT devotions over CFOS ihis Thursday morning at II o'clock. Mr. and i.Mrs. Gordon Kellar of Toronto called on her si.ster, Mrs. (Jeo. Johnson, and friends in town on Friday. .Mr. and Mr.->. Reg. BocUn and are now occupying the residence on rolinjj-wood Street owned by Mrs. D. Reid, having moved in last week. Misses Alice Heard of Wing-ham. Laura Boyd of Toronto and Anne .•\kins of Rouge Hill were home for Mother's D'ay. Messis. Roy Best, Dan MaTavish and Eai I McKechnie . of Islington ^oent .Mother's Day week <'>v' their parental homes. .Mr. and .Vl'rs. Percy White and chilflren of WIvitby and Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Teeter and babe of Guelph spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Teeter. iM>i-. and Mrs. Fred Batchelor of Woodbridge and Mr. and Mrs. Ivaii .Allen of Dundalk were week end visitors with .Mr. and .Mrs. C. Hinilh' west backline. .Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Hutlon and lillle daughter of Giielph spent the liast \yeek at their farm on the easl iiackline. Miss Sybil Frohns, Guelph, spent the week end at the fami. Ml-, and Mrs. Wm. MacMillan and Kanald attended a banquet for the Toronto Star district newsboys "and their parents held in Orangevilln one evoninjr last week. Ranald :« the delivery boy in Flesherton. Mr and Mrs. Wes MicCracken and Mrs. L. McCracken, accompanied by Mrs. S. .McMullen, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. N. Huctwith at Watford. .Mis. McMullen remained for an extended visit. Dr. Trelford and brother, Ted, also .Ml. and Mrs. Fied IJreen of Toronto, visited with Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Richardson on Sunday, with a side trip to Eugenia and Kimberley valley scenic route. -Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Bastin and family of four sons have taken up residence on the LeGaid property, one mile oast of town. We welcome the family to our district. Mr. and Mrs. Bastin formerly lived near lios- tun, -Mass. AUniON SALt LIVESTOCK & FURMTURE The Late Mr$. Jos. Simpson The funeral of the late Mrs. Jos. Simpson, wiho passed away suddenly at her home at Vancouver, B.C., was held in St. John's United Church on Tuesday of last week, May ard, f<'llowing the arrival of the remains by the noon train that day. The church auditorium was well filled with sorrowing relatives and friends. The service was conducted by Rev. A. G. Macpherson, pastoi' of the chuix'h. Intennent was made in the Flesiherton Cemetery. The late Mrs. Simpson was the youngest daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sharp and w's bo, on theii farm a mile an a quarter south of Flesherton, 46 years and 11 months ago. For many years she worked with Simpson's in 'f" "»â- and eight years airo was married to .Vr. Jos. Simpson, formerly of Rock Mi'lls. She resided at Pickering for a time, where her hus'band was em- ployed at war work and later moved to Vancouver, where she has sine â- resided. She last visited here fir • years ago. Left to mourn are there sisters and two brothers: Ruihy, Mrs. Fied Sinclair, of Dundas; Olive, Mrs. Thos. White. Saugeen Jet.; Irene, Mrs. Wes Dever. of M.trkdale; Rob- irt Sharp of Oshawa and Lome Sharp of Guelph. One sister, Maud, predeceased her and a brother. Jack, was killed overseas .in the Firs! Great War. The pallbearers wei'e her six neo'' ews: Russell, Mervin and Lawson White. Nelson Clayton and Tom Redman of Dundas. and Walter Ben- nett of Oshawa. The flower bearers were: Lloyl Little, Earl Best, John White, Ed. Badgerow, Wm. and Fred Irwin, Wm. and Geo. Johnson, Roy Lyons and Ficd Linton. Among those who attended the funeral were: Miss Verna McSorley, Miss L. Powley, .Mrs. Cunningham, Dave Inglis, Mr. and Mrs. Kirbv' (friends from Robert Simpson Co.) .Mr.s. Geo. Udell, Mr. and Mrs. 11 old Sinclair, Mrs. Sam Fisher, Mrs. D. Jamieson and Gertrude Lyons, all of Toi-onto; Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wil- son, Singhampton; Mr. and .Mrs. Herb Sinclair and daughter, Mrs. Alice Graham and Mrs. L. Hojikins, all of Meaford; Mrs. J. T. Parker, Brampton; Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Shai and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bonm of Oshawa; Lome Sharp, Guelph; Mr and Mrs. Fred Sinclair, Mr. an! M!rs. Nelson Clayton, Mr. and Mrs, Thos. Redman, all of Dundas. Among the beautiful floral trib- utes were token of sympathy from Robt. Simpson Co. friends; and the Proton Women's Institute. Too much speed and too little care may result in tragedy. You never know when a child may step in front of you from behind a parked car. Watch for children ... let them have a long life ahead of them. N(yiMCE TO TRESPASSERS Hunting, flshing or trespassing on Part Lot 151, 2 N.E., Artemesia, is strictly prohibited; trespassers wil' be prosecuted. â€"KEN KELLAR. Toronto FARM and HOME GAS and OIL SERVICE B. A. OIL COMPANY PRODUCTS For prompt delivery of gasoline, kerosene, stove oil, finest quality diesel fuels and all grades of Penn- zoil, peerless and Autjlene Motor Oils. We also hardly all types of greases, solvents and lighting naphtha. It costs no more to use the ^tnt Storat. e tanks ,,nd pumps are available free of charge. ELDON A. f^ISHEK Telephone .56w FLESHERTON (in name of Mrs. Eva Fisher) We pay all telephone charges Implements - Repairs Fleury-Bissell Tractor Disc Harrows Tractor Plows Walking Plows Rubber Tire WaKon,Timken bearinx Smoothing Harrows OTACO Manure Spreaders Tractor Spreader Tractor Disc Harrow, automatic control Steel wheels for rubber, for your own wagon BEATTY Deep and Shallow Well Electric Pumps Electric Pump Jacks Hand Pumps Pump Rod and Fittings Cylinders Steel Water Tank Extension Ladder Repairs for all barn equipment RENFREW Electric Cream Separators We have a good variety of over- hauled Separators, which -i.'e offer at reasonable prices to clear Wringers and Stoves STEEL ROOFING Some steel still on hand ASPHALT 210 lbs. 2-in-l Shingles 125 lbs. Winlock and Arrowlock 36 in. Rock Face Rolls 90 \h< 18 in. Rock Face Rolk 95 lbs. Smooth Face Rolls 53lbs. Building Papers WOOL GROWERS ORGANIZATION General Insurance AUTO - FIRE LIABILITIES S])t'cia] Idw rates for most private cars D. G. MacARTHUR Phone 82 J FLESHERTON NOTICE TOLRIST CAMP AND t UJl.N OPERATORS Our Registered Warehouse No. 1 Weston, Ontario RELIABLE GRADING FRQIMPT SETTLEMENT Shippers may obtain sacks and twine without charge from WES YOUNG, MAXWELL CECIL YOUNG, MAXWELL VIC YOl'NG. MAXWELL W. J. McMASTBR, FLESHERTON or by writinii' direct to CANADIAN CO-OPER.\TIVE WOOL GROWERS LIMITED 217 Bay Street, Toronto. Canada S I D IN G Insulbric Siding, red and Jaspjer with white mortar Ifne Roolbrick Siding Insul Board Insulation in the loose or batts EDGAR BETTiS Phone 46J FLESHERTON . .;.,;^;..;..;>».>^^<>.»»»»^.»»^<;^«».>^»»<NeH»»»»»»»»»<«<»<»<'»»»»<»» » » ♦ ♦ Tip to housewives. If you're look- ing for your cleaning aids, you'll likely find them on the igolf course. It's nice to have movies on some trains, but is that any reason for not washinig the windows? CEMENT GRAVEL, SAND DELIVERED OR LOADED IN YOUR OWN TRUCK H. A. McCauley Phone 24 J FLESHERTON Skinny men, woffloi gain 5, 10, 15 lbs. Get NnvPaMM, Vigor e ' Wtat « thrUl Boar Hmtw tU out; uslr haOKm- m BD. oMk â- • loai«r aonwny; bm^bsM Mlk â- tarred, tfoUj **bMn-polo" look. 'ntonmaOB at â- Iris, womeo, Mtn. who nerar ooold nla biioM^ •re now proud of â- bopely, beftlthT-Iooiinc tMdtab Tbey thank tb« special vlgor-buUdlnff. fleah-tKiMtaS tODic, ostrex. Its tonlM. stlmulaDts, inTlfforston, koD. vicumtQ Bi, oalclum. enrieh blood, ImitfOTO appetite and dlgeatton so food kItm you greniitii and nourishment; pat flesS on bore ' out foar getting too fat. Stop when you've ttM S, 10, Id or 20 lbs. you need for normal welsbt. Oists Utile. New "get actiuatnted" sise orUv oOo. Try famoua Ostrex Tonlo Tablets for new rlfor â€" I added noundg. this very day. At all dru««ta«« .â- MRS. THOS. STEWART will sell Ijy public auction at ECGENIA S.VTLRDAV, .MAY IITH, I!)l!) at -i p.m., the following: LIVESTOCK â€" Jersey Cow, 10 years old; Re<l Heifer, 2 years old; •Jersey Heifer Calf, 4 mos. old; 7 Pigs. 10 weeks old; 10 .year-old Hens 1 Rooster. FLtRXITLRK--- Chestei-field Suite 3-piece; Diningroom Suite, 8-piece, nearly new; Studio Ooiich; Extra Chestertield; ("-uiAoard; 4 Rodsteails; Med Springs; Kitchen Cabinet; Wash Stand and Dresi'er; Chest of Draw- ers; DcLaval Cre.nm Separator No. 2 FOR SAI F '" '^ ' ''''''â- '^''" Range; Oil Burner. „ ' / ' . ,,A!"<'»''ly 11'"'; Complete Bathroom Set' more or ^^.^tH^^'^LZ \ 'â- '-;- '"'"'"^^ '^"""''^^- "' "^"•''- fair bush of .swamp and some ' ^^''"'"- hai ,hvood, cither for sale or rent. PROPERTY FOR SALE â€" WEJS CORNFIELD, ] Brick house with u-ood woodshed R.R. 3. Proton Station and drilled well at door, to be sold if not sold previously, subje<^ to a resei"ve bid; also fi'i-acre lots to he sold on or before day of sale. TERMS OF SALE: Cash. â€" GKO. E. DUNCAN. .Auctionre* L..t acM^.-i, faTO, FARM 11, Con. Phone Flesherton .'}2r3. NOTICE Positively no trespas»in« or fish- iner on IjOts 3.') and M, Con. 12, Art- emesia; trespassers will he prose- cuted. â€" Bert Mntrec CHARLES J. BELLAMY MUNICIPAL CLERK Issuer of Marriage Licenaea CONVEYANCER Wills Mortgages, etc. Deeds Agreements A commissiofier for taking affidavits Office, Toronto Street, Flesherton HARRIS A DUNLOP BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, EU- Phone S8 MARKDALE Mr. Dunlop will be in C. J. Bellamy's office every Sat- nrdajr from « to 8:80 p.m TOWNSHIP OF ARTEMESIA The following types of establish- niunt, even if they have cabins as part or wliole of their ucciininiodn- tions, do NOT require a license un- der the Tourist Camp Regulation Act: (a) Camps licensed as "Outfitters" l)y the Department of Lands and I'"orests. (b) Establi.shmenls licensed by the Liquor Contiol Board of Ontario. (c) IJona fide "summer cottages" as the term is commonly and gener- ally understood, that is, cottages rented by pre-arrangement foi' the season or an appreciable part of of the season. Boarding- fliouses and "Tourist Homes" as the term is commonly and generally understood, do not re- quire a license under the Tourist Cam)) Regulation Aft. All others who do not come imder these headings are required to makri ai)plieation and se'-uf,> a ^cense to operate from the Clerk of the Town- ship, not later than Mav 20, 1040. â€"A. B. CHARD, Clerk, Flesherton Onf WELDING j ELECTRIC ARC and OXY ACETYLENE t t* New Portable Equipment | Will do welding any time and at any place. X Specializing^ in all kinds of metals • X Trailer Frames for Sale Trailers Built to Order ? A good stock of steel carried. f TED McCRACKEN I FLESHERTON, Ontario | if every man his Qiimvomki... Suppose you had to cart cash around to pay your bills. Pretty risky business. Hard on shoe leather, too. You don't do it that way, of coui'se. Like everybody else with a bank account â€" there .are seven million of them â€" you simply get out your pen, write cheques and leave all the bookkeeping to your bank. That's the modern way . . . easy, simple, safe. Handling and recording your chequing transactions is an important job. Yom- bank must do it right â€" or a competing bank will. You'll see to that! Suppose there were no competition . . . Could you expect the same efficiency, courtesy, eagerness to earn your goodwill ? -A r Sfof* monopoly of haiJct would wfM out comptf Afofi and would open your bank account to tho oyo of tho ttato official. SPONSORED BY YOU B A N iC