J^ â- e THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Wednesday, May 11, 1949 !â- »!â- -» -^ Eugenia Garage We Specialize in COMPLETE OVERHAUL JOBS TO ALL MAKES OF CARS Acetylene Welding We also have a very gw)d line of Accessories, Goodrich Batteries, Firestone Tires RELIANCE GAS and OIL LUNCH COUNTER CABINS FOR RENT TAYLOR'S GARAGE EUGENIA Robert Skinner, Mechanic Phone 119 wl FEVERSHAM i A man bought a parrot and tried to teach it to speak. He repeated Bevcral times the words, "Hello, Hello." Ajftev several minutes th>i parrot opened one eye and answered sleepily, "Line's bus.y." PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING ESTIMATES FREE JOHN CARSON Phone 2r2 Flesiherton Priceville Teacher: "Johnny, ' define an on- ion." Johnny: "An onion is a vegetaible which builds you up physically and teai-s you down socially." A little boy at school for the first time, was sobiUing' bitterly. "What's the matter, Willie?" ask- ed the teacher. "I dont like school and I have to stay here until I'm 4," wailed th« lad. "Don't let that worry you," said the teacher. "I have to stay here un- til I'm 65." % t T ? Y t < > < > Cream Since the time has come when second grade cream is being rejected, we would suggest that you deliver your cream two or three times a week and make sure of receiving top price. We are now paying 2 cents above truck prices for delivered cream. ! Cull Your Flock This is the time to cuU out the hens which are not laying, as there is a good markelt at present for old hens. Starting on VVednesda}-, May 4th, the Cream- ery will be open until 10:00 p.m. for receiving cream and eggs, cm Wednesday and Saturday nights until futrher notice. Flesherton Creamery Y Y Y % Angus Avis, Manager Phone 66 Flesherton Ontario i â- ^i^^yini<,ii..i>»l^i><,l^<,i>^i>»\fti,»l»rX'-i'i'l''lt»lui'>^}^^^ tfm me t^^m itmifwhmf jt. ^ â- ^ A > A A i 2,446 Green trucks and cars bring more and better Telephone Service In the past twelve monili^ these familiar green trucks and cars have travelled over 20 million miles to help provide you witii good telephone service and to help in the ijig expansion and improvement program which is making service better and more useful all the time. ' Constantly improving service means that today, few things give you so niuch real value at such low cost as your telephone. Like everything else, cars and trucks have gone up in price, liO','t in three years! Yet, up to now, despite higher costs on all sides, there has been no increase in the basic telephone rates established 22 years ago. To-day's expansion program is breaking all records, but there are still orders we haven't been able to fill. We will keep right on working and building to make your telei)hone service a bigger bargain than ever â€" to continue to provide more and better service at the lowest possible cost. THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA We ai-e pleaesd to see Mrs. C. N. Long able to return home. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Wjn. Utiitman and Noraia were: Mrs. Bell, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne McQuay and daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Osborne and Marie of Dundalk. Dr. and Mts. T. N. Scott and Mas Lavina Black of Toronto visited with their brother, John Black, and Mrs. Black. Miss Bernice Hudson of Toronto visited her parents, Mr. and Mr.s. John Hudson. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hannah and Warren visited with her pai'ents in Toronto on the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Armstrong vis- ited with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ottewell. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Montgomery and daughters of Dundalk visited on Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mts, Jas. Long. Visitors with M!r. and Mrs. Ohas. Turner were: Mr. and Mrs. George Clarke and son, Mr and Mrs. Victor .McKenzie and sons, Mr. and Mrs. Harold BaJgeiow and .sons. Mr. and Mrs. Torrance Williams of Flesherton visited her parents. Ml', and Mrs. Fred Tyler. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Robertson ami sens visited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Long. Mh-; Ted Pedlar of Toronto .-pent the week end with his paients, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Pedlar. PRICEVILLE Card of Thanks .Mr. and Mrs. Jack MacFarlanu and sons and Mr. Golin MkiLean of To- ronto sipent the week end in town. Mr. MicLuan remained to visit for a few days. Mr. Jack McConkey of Toronto spent the week end at his home. A bee was held Wednesday after- noon at the Manse, before Mr. and Mrs. MoReynoUis and family came from Toronto for the summer. The Y.P.U. of St. Columba church presented their play last week at Iloneywood and Priceville. They have given this play 18 times and will present it yet at several places. Miss Isabel Karstedt of Toronto spent the week end at her home. Mrs. Geo. Black of Michigan is visiting witli Mrs. Steele and Mrs. McDonald. Mother's Day sei-vites were held in the churche.s here on Sunday. Mr. Willis Sayers of Toronto Uni- versity has finished his examinations and is home at present. Mr. and Mrs. Harold MoKechnie and Mrs. Mary McKeclinie, Durham, visited Saturday at the .\lf. Hincks cottage. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hill and Sandra of Fergus were visitors Sunday at the L. McKinnon and D. Campbell homes. Mr. Wilfred Black has been busy in this vicinity clipping sheep. To our friends and neighbors, who in any way helped le.'jsi'n our load, who assisted in the home, who gave lloral tributes and food, and who do- niited cars and uU other kind expres- sions of .sympathy dui'ing our recent bereavement, we express our heart- felt thanks and gratitude. â€" Win. Duckett, Mae and Family. We wish to express our heartfelt tlianks and appreciation for the acUs of kindness, messages of sympathy and beautiful floral offerings receiv- ed ti'om the many fi'iends and relatives during our sa*l bereave- ment by the death of our dear mother, especially thanking Rev. .Maphei"son for his comforting words. â€" ^The Lever Family We wish to express our sincere thanks to our friends and neighbors for kindness extended and s>"mpa- thy expre.sse<l in so many ways at the trime of our bereavement, tlic pnssi7i<.r so suddenly of yn; dear wife and sister. Mildred. â€" .Toe Simpson and Hit Sister? adn Brothers. FLESHERTON AND ROCK MILLS BAPTIST CHURCHES Minister: Rev. A. J. Fletdier Pastor's subject for next Sunday "Graveclothes" Prayer meeting and Bible study on Wednesday at 8:30 in Flesherton Church A cordial invitation is e.Kteadjd to all. St. John's United Church Kmr. A. G. .MacphersoD Minister "Highspots in the Life and Work of the Churcdi" will be the subject of the eiTnon on Sunday, May 16th, at Flesherton, Tinistio(ge and Eu- genia. Be sure to bring your visit- ors and other friends, out to worship with you. Good used clothing is needed for European relief. Leave your dona tions with Mrs. F. W. Duncan before Mlay oWh. Don't fail to see "Bashful Bertie" in the Flesherton Town Hall, Mon- day cv :- = ;ig. Ml" '^C'^'^. Tt w Hwing sponivorea by St. John's Yotinjr People, in aid of the organ raem- Drial fund. 8TH LINE OSPREY Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Davidson, Billy and Marjorie, visited with Mr. and Mrs. John Buckingham at Col'- ingwood on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Puole cf Collingwood and Mr. Jim Poole of Owen Sound visited with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fenwick on Saturday. The Haley boys visited w'th their brother, Pat, near Durha'^i, Sunday. iMisses Marilyn and Gwe t Lawler and Mfisses Marion and Dor^^hy Fen- wick rendered a lovely hy!:in "My Mother's Bible" at tha. Salvation Army Sunday School on Sunday morning and again in the Presby- terian Church, Feversham, >ii Sui. day evening. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Sephens, Mary and Jiramie, a.id Mr. Doug. Steph- enii visited wib.i Mr and M'v, J. a. Baker, New Lowell, on Sund.iy- SWINTON PARK Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Duncan of Dun- dalk spent Mother's Day with the latter's mother, Mrs. John Ferguson. .M^i-. and Mrs. CiitF McLean of To- i-onto spent liie weelc end at the home of Fred Knox. Mlother's Day service was carried out in each of the Swintou Park aid Salem churches. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Watson spent Sunday in Niagara for Blos- som Sunady. Mr.;-. Hugh Copjiand of Richmond Hdll is spending some time at the humes of her daujifliterg., Mrs. J. H.n-dy and Mrs. F. Knox. We are gad to hear she is feeling better. Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Tres^ider and (laughters of Toronto spent the week end at the R. S. Hardy homo. Mr. an 1 Mrs, Walter Broiighton of Proton, Mr. Wallace M'eads and Miss Shirley Hincks of Pricevillj spnnt Saturday and Sunday evenings at Uie h.^me of Fred Knox. CEYLON REFRESHMENT BOOTH We now handle Clover Leaf ice ci-eam, all kinds of pop. tobacco and cigarettes. Get them from us. JOS. STAUBLE Phone 107\vo Ceylon. Ont. TORONTO LINE NORTH Mr. Walter E. Clark returned to his home in Barrie, ;ifter spending sevei-al day* with Mr. H. Lever. Miss Evelyn Stewart of Owen Sound was a Sunday visitor witili her parents. Ml', and Mrs. Jas. Stewart. Miss Gertrude Lever spent a few days with her sister, Mrs. C. Duke, at .-Vldershot. Mrs. Jean Orr and .\nne of To- ronto spent the week end with hi-r sister, M^s. Wilfred Lever. We are sorry to learn of the ill- n'lss of Mr. Isaac Snell and wish him a speedy recovery. P R T L .4 W Miiss Evelyn Fisher, Owen Sound, and Little Pamela Fisher visited the latter's gran<lparents. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Fisher, on the week end. Mr. Jos. Simpson of Vancouver, B.C., spent a couple of days with Mr. and Mrs. Laurie Pedlar. Mrs. Elsie Cameron spent a week with her daughter, Mrs. B. Black- burn, and has returned to Tilbury. Miss Bradbury of Toronto was assisting in the teachiuj)' duties at our school hist week, and \vhile here stayed with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Hopps, We are pleased to report Mrs.. C. D, Meldrum feeling some better, being in bed the past week. Mrs. Breadner of Heathcote was a visitor with her daughter, Mrs. Ceo. Wilkinson, for a week. Other visitors in the Wilkinson home vo- ceutly were: Mr. and M'rs. .-Vlbt-rt C-ooper of Clarkson and Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Breadner, Heathcote. We are sorry to report Mrs. J. W. Haney a patient in the Orangeville hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Bud .5nider and biiby 111 Uespeler were »aost;- of .Mi and y '^ Proud last .vov-t. end. If a girl wants to worshij) th<; ground a fellow walks on, she -hoiild be sure that he isn't a golf fiend. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Mav 16, 17, 18 "MOTHER WORE TIGHTS" In Technicolor Betty Grable Dan Uailey Thursday, Friday, Saturday • May 19, 20, 21 "KISSING BANDIT" )i Techn:c"lc»- Kathryn Grayson and Frank Sinatra BIG CASH OFFER EVERY WEDNESDAY NOTICE â€" FARMERS 24 Hour Service WE PAY AS HIGH AS HO.OO FOR DEAD 0?? PRTPPLFD HOPSES and COWS curding to size and eondition â€" Small animals remored {r*e. We do the loading. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR OLD HORSES Phone Dundalk 146 â€" Reverse Charges NICK PECONI, OWNER STOP at th0 STATIONS with tho RED BAND -OVER 600 IN ONTARIO Highest quality â€" higtiest octane rating . . . no finer gasoline made. Gives you new flashing getaway . , . new speedy pickup . . . new power on hilla . . . velvet smoothness on the opea road. Lower - priced but high in performance . . . for motors not requiring a high-octane fuel. Noted for its long- mileage economy, care- free performance and smooth power. Give your motor POSITIVE PROTECTION. Vitalube is more than an oil it's iniur<nct against sludging and engin* varnish. Like other Vsliancs products, it's backed by 30 years' experience. rOif fAN S9£lir OM RELIANCE^