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Flesherton Advance, 11 May 1949, p. 4

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- V ^Vtdnesda}, May 11, 1949 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Topeoat Styie That SSots You tJpt The Late Mrs. T. R. Lever It's time to think of topcoats . . . especially topcoats by W. R. Johnston & Co. Ltd., Canada's time-honoured tailoring name. These new topcoats are among the finest that ever came from the hands of Johnston crafts- men. They have the smart stvling and comfortable fit that come from the skill of masterful designing and tailoring. Your Johnston dealer will gladly show you a wide range of topcoat fabrics, colors and style. See him today! t ( APPROVED" CLOTHES F. H. W. HICKLING Flesherton MEN'S and LADIES' SUITS or TOP COATS $39.50 $45.50 $52.00 JD1-S49 KIMBERLEY his (Iat«iided for Last Week) lb. RusseQ Chard left for â- (â- cr wwk at Bradford. Wc are srlad to know that Mrs. Esines is improving: after her t operation. Week end visitors were: Mr. and ittek Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Sproule of Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. R. Brady, Gerald Kirkpatrick and Dal- ton Fergruson. A group of brethren from the Vet- eran Fellowship took the services with Mr. Cairns at Providence and Kimberley Baptist Churches Sun- day. Six in all, they s?ave freely in singini?, violin music and personal messages. We appreciate their hi'lj) Chir sympathy is extended to the families of Miss F. Soul, who passed away suddenly at the home of her sister, Mrs. Mcintosh at St. Miarys, on April 2 th. She leaves to mourn her passing Mr. T. Soul and Mrs. B. A. Garruthers of Kimherley, Mrs. Mcintosh and Nellie of St. Vincent. Rentrt' yo\ir subscription now. Tlie last of the pioneer families of Toionto Liine Nortli, paSscd away in tile person of Mrs. Thos. R. Levtf, at her home on Wed., April 2'"vh Although not in the best of health for s(/nic time, she was abl" to be around doing a<*nH' small tusks :n her home. About Christmas time she suffered a fall and later develop- ed 'flu, w<hich left her confined to bed since that time. She was always cheeMul, loved comipany and saw the brig'ht side of life. The late Mrs. Lever -,/as ti'.e Ic-r- mer Margaret Ellen ClarK, ilaaghter of the late Joseph and Margave- Clark and w«s born and lived all lier life on the Toronto Line, Until her marriage she lived aibout a mile north of her late residence, on the farm now owned by Ml-. A. Miller. In Deceimber, 1891, she w;u imiti'd in marriage to Thos. R. Lover, also of Artemesia Township, Wii.) prede- ceased her by nine years. A family wf â- â€¢â€¢'<j .-i'ms arj iive ''/â- .naf'V.'vs "e- niain to mourn Uio loss of a loving mother: Russell -of Cawstoii, B.C.; Harold, on the hjmo farm; Elva, Mrs. C. Mavtin, of Eugenia; C'ara, Mi&. R. Amott of CeykiR, Sask.; Gladys, Mr„. R. Wood, of Ma.ltdale; Ida, Mrs. C. Duke, of .\lder3h0t, arid Gertrude, who h,as been at hJ'ie for the past several months. The funeral took place on Friday, April 20th, with service at her late home, conducted by Rev. A. G. Mac- pherson, pastor of St. John's United Church, who presented a very com- forting message to the family and friends ocf the departed. Hymn sel- ection were sung, accompanied by Mrs. M. McFadden at the organ, and lier favorite hynin "Shall we gather at the river" was read by Rev. Mac- pherson during the service. Inter- ment was made in the Flesherton Cemetery. The floral tributes were many and beautiful, among them being a bas- ket froun .Toronto Line neighbors, spiay.s from West Backline neigh- bors and L.OX. 509. The pallbearers were: Messrs. W. J. McFadden, Emsrson Wiekens, G. Hargrave, Albert Stewart, Howard McGee and Robt. Swan ton. The flower bearers were: Alex. Miller, Geo. Swanton, Ja.s. Stewart, Dave Adams, Lloyd Partridge, Doug Cairns, Fred Brown, Wilfred Lever, J. Brackenbury, Jim Harrison, Wm. Oiiirns and M. McFadden. Friends and relatives from a dis- tance who attended were: Mrs. Lily friark) Marquis, Lefroy; Mrs. Olive CM-il,lie-«-son) Tiod'h'. fjiniilton: IVfr. and Mrs. Jos. Clark, a nephew, of Hamilton: Mr. and Mrs. C. Duke, HANDS IN TRAINING ... FOR ONTARIO Learning to Work With Copper and Brass IN Ontario the wheels of iinlwstry turn for the benefit of every single one of us. Our lullies, dynamos, drill pressefi, farm conihines, Iractors. Itnsiiiess niucliinrs, etc. are proiluriri^' ;;(>o(lti an<l serviccH oliicli earn dollars. These dollars provide food, clothinf;, medical <ari' and oilur necessities which con- tribute to our H('( urily and high slHiidard of livini;. I'.very siiifile one of us, therefore, lias a very perBonal inleresi in the (low of a steady siipply of trained workers to Industrial plants. These workers will o|)eralf macliiiu^s wliicli are important to our way of life. )^e should appreciule. then, the co-operative efi'orls of government, industry and luliour in the lield of cmpl(»yec training. In .â- .cIkioI.- and in fat'loric.- our workers, ynmig and olil, are given llie opporliniil) to develop new and specific skills in every lield of husiness and iiidii.'^lrial aelivity. I'or instance, every effort on the part of workers to hecome profi.-iciil in llie art of shaping and nioiildiiig coppcf and hni?s. will mean greater nidiisliial (Mogress â€" will help to make Ontario a finer |)laee in wliieli to li\ e and work. Tin: BR PAVING INDUSTKY (ONTARIO) Our 1%'a.v of IJfe Rewards Trnlned Handti Ontario workers know they can earn more, have executive responsibility luul enjoy a hijilier standard of living in direct ratio to the skills tliey ac- quire and the way they make use of them. 'I'hat's always true in a free economy -that's why onr eoni- |Hlilive system will eoiitinue to make ('iiii;ida fireal and a (.'real place in which to live. NOTICE We are sorry to announce that, due to the inability to secure a competant eg'g' grader, we have been compelled to close our egg grading- station, effective May 14th, 1949. By Order of The Board of Directors O. & A. Co-operative Phone 70 FLESHERTON Aldershot; Mr. L. S'heardown, Mrs. E. Sheardown, Mr. J. Ellis and Mrs. W. Horner, all of Richmond Hill; Winnetta and Oarmei jkoitm, iu- runto,. Arffyle Martin, Oakville; Mr. and Mts. A. K. Dillane, Orangeville. The family were all present except Russell and Clara. The Late Mrs. Wm. Duckett There passed away at her resi- dence in Eugenia on Sunday, May 1, GaroUne Emily Taylor, belovsd wile of William Duckett, and daugh- ter of the late Thqpias and Maria Taylor of Mt. Zion, later of Owen Swmd, in her 84th year. Prior to her marriage, the late Mis. Duckett was organist in Mt. Zion church for a numter of years, and later, along with her puents, moved to Markde.le, from where s'le was married, going to reside in '^i farm south of Kugenia. They retir- ed in 1029 to reside in Eugenia. Surviving are her husband and one daughter, Mae (Mts. Donald F. Young) of Sarnia, also a sister, Klsie (Mrs. Geo. S. Bii'chanan) of Vancouver, B.C., and a brother, G.mi. Wesley Taylor of New Westminst->-. B.C. Three brothei's and twa sisrer.-; predeceased her. There are two grandchildren, C:u'ol Anne and Su'.- anne Mae Young, of Sarnia. The funeral was held on Tueida;/ â- afternoon, May Crd, with sii^-vies in Eugenia Uinited Church, cendui'od by Rev. A. G. Macpherson Inter- ment was made in the Flesherton Cemetery. The pallbearers were; Messrs. E. G. Burtoji, Ernie Pwctor, Pred Tay- lor, Frank Cairns, Fred Pedlar and Will Walker. The flower bearers were: Georgf Proctor, Fred Ducketrt Jr., Norval Bctts, Robert and Joe Hawkins, and Carman Sewell. .Among the beautiful floral offer- incrs were tributes of sympathy from Eugenia friends and neighbors and the staff of ^ the London Road Sehool. Sarnia. Said the flirt to a boy fr'.end she was entertaining in the parlour; "Darling, did you ever try to sell vacuum cleaners? If not, you'd bet- ter start now â€" that's my fiance just coming in the front doort" GENERAL TRUCKING When in need of any kind of general trucking, at any time. Call DONALD WILSON Eugenia P.O. , Phone Feversham 20r5 ELECTRIC WIRING Estimates give,Bi for your electric wiring. All work guaranteed. Call collect W. H. GRIFFIN Priceville - Ontario Phone Durham 303w2. BY-LAW NO. 10. 1948 THE COUi'ORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF ARTEMESIA A By-law authorizing the burrow- ing of $22,5Utf.U0 dollars up deben- tures for new School iMirposes. WUEiREAS it is expedient to bor- row for the erection of a new School House and purchase of additional school grounds, a sum not exceeding Twenty-tw thousand ftve hundred doUara (122.500.00) upon the credit of Union School Section No. 12, Art- emesia and Glenelg. to issue deben- tures isherefor, bearing- interest at the rate of three and one half per centum (3'/2%) per annum, payable annually and to px-ovide for the dis- count and the expenses incidental to negotiation and sale of such deben- tures; AND WHEREAS it is expedient t„ make the principal of the said debt repayable in annual in»taln>eiits dur- ing the period of tvyenty years nevl after the date of issue of of such (Icliontures, of such amounts res,peot- ivelv that, with the intei'est in respeet of the debt, the aggregate nmoun' paynblo for nrincinnl and interest in eaeh voar .».hal! be. ns nearly as noss- ible. the same: suhieot to the statu- tory proviso that each instalment nf nrincinal may be f(»r an even JlOO.On SSOn.on. or Jl.OOO.OO or multinle thereof, nml. that nithwilh-itand;- anvthin" herein contained, the anni>- al ln!»tahnent »f nrinci''"l and intei- est may diifer ia amount sutficiently x to amit ttiereo(f; AND WHEREAS the amount ot"^ „i,w whole i.*'-^<*->ie pA«ywii.j 'jx «!.;: Union School Section No. 15J, accord- -^ A ing to the last revised assessoneni *. ' >â-  roll thereof is: Artemesia $101,306,.^ Gdenelg $50.6BO. Total $151,i9i2S.0O. AJ^D_ WHBRE-^S the amount of '' the existing debenture debt of the"" School Section, exclusive ocf loi;al r- 1 improvement debts secured by special ,^ | rates or assessments, is (Nil) and no ^ part of the princiipal or interest of "^ i; such debt is in arrear; -^ AND WHEREAS by oi'der dated .* the First day of Februaryq, 1949, the Ontario Mimicipal Board has apiprov- '*' ed the purpose of the said borrowing -«• and the passing of aU reQuisite by- _^ laws, including debenture by-Iaiws; •« THBBEPORE the Council of the '^ Corporation of the Township of Art- .^ emesia enacts as follows: 1. For the pxirpose aforesaid the Corporation shall borrow upon the ""^ credit of School Section No. 12, Ar- -» ' temesia and Glenelg (Priceville) a >. sum not exceSaing Twenty two thoa- sand five hundred dollars ($22,500. *" 00) and shall issue debentures there- -• for in sums of not less than $60.00 ~, each. ^ Each deibenture shall bear interest *« at the rate of three and one half pei .< centum (SVi %) per annum payable ^,^ annually and sh»ll have coupons at- , . tached thereto for the payment of '*" such interest. â- Â»â-  - 1. All the debentures shall bear -,» * i; the same date, shall be issued at one time and within two years after the day on which this By-Law is passed "*- may bear any date within saich two â€" years and shall be made payahle in .^ annual instalments during the period of twenty years next after the date of "^ issue therefor, and the respective a- >* ^' mounts of principal and interest ^ payable In each of such years shall be the amounts so designated in "^ Schehide "A" hereto annexed. 3. The debentures shall be payable "*" as to both principle and interest in "• la\v-ful money of CJanada and may be -r- made payable at such place or places .^ in Canada as shall be designated thereon. * 4. The said debentures .shall be "*â-  sealed with the Seal of the Corporat- *• ion and signed by the head of the «- Council, or by some other person ^ autho^^zed by by-law to sign the s.ime. .and by the Treasurer. ' '^ The said interest coupons shall be *â-  si.gned by the Treasurer and his sig- >' nature thereon may be -wiubten, « stamped, lithographed or engrraved. 5. Commencing in the year U'oO. ^ and thereafter in each .vear in wh â€"^ "n instalment of principal of the said a debt and interest become due, the ., Coi'poration shall lew and i-a^se ti' « specific sum shown for the respective ^ year in the fourth column of the said ^ Schedule. . Such sum shall be levied and raised by a special rate sulficient "** therefor, over and above all other â- Â»- rates, upon all the rateable proper' v >,- in U.S'.S. No. 12, Artemesia and ^ Glenelg. '- 0. The said debentures may contain -^ a clause providinp' for the i-eeistra- _a tion thereof pursuant to Section RSfi ^ of The Municipal -A.ct. 7. I'endiiig the sale ui' the said de- "* debentures, the head of the Council •* and the Treasurer may raise, for the ..^ purposes aforesaid by way of loan on such debentures, any sum of money not exceeding in all the sum hereby ^^ authorized to be borrowed and may _^ hypothecate such debentures fi>r sueli I loan. " I 8. The Corporation shall have the â- Â«- right, at its option, to redeem the .^ said debentures, either in whole or in _ part. On any date priorto maburity, at ^ the places where and in the monies in which the said debentures are ex- * pressed to be payable, upon payment -^ of the principal amount thereof to- -» gether with interest accrued to the .^ date of redemption and upon giving pre\ious notice of said intention to "* redeem by advei-tisinF' once in the â- ^ Ontario Gazette and once in a daily ^^ newspaper of general provincial cir- culation, published in the (^ty of To- "â-  ronto, and once in a local newspaper, t such notice to be advertised as afore- i. said at least thirty days before the ^ date fixed for redemiption. Notice of intention so to redeem shall also be '^ sent by post at least thirty days prior- to the date set for such redemptton .«. to each person in w^hose name a dc-^ benture, so to be redeemed, is regis- tered at the address shown in the *" Debenture Registry Boek. Whert. »â-  only a portion of the debentures of ^ this issue is so to be redeemed, such portion shall comprise only the d'- bentures that have the latest matur- *â-  ity dates and no debenture r,f thi-t * issue shall be called for such ii-d. no- tion in prioritv to anv .sueh <1c'i,'-|; * that has a later maturity dvte * Read a first auf' seeonri r -v ^' ^ 15th day of December. 194? •<%.> â€"JOHN A. n.WIS. l? A. B. CHARD. CIsrMr Read a third time and fiiudlv ed this d'lv of tfllS^ Feeve^ Clerk »

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