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Flesherton Advance, 11 May 1949, p. 1

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%he ^kB\)txU^n %j^nmce. vol.. 68; NO. 50 FLESHERTON, ONT., WEDNESDAY, MAY 11, 1949 F. J. Thurston, Publisher future Events -r PLAY IN FLESHERTON -T MAT 16 ^ "Bashful Bertie," a 3-act play, ^v'ill be presented in the Town Hall, ? Fleaherton, on Monday, May 16th, ^«t 8 p.m., by Westside Church Choir ci Owen Sound, under auspices of ^St. John's Y. P.U. Admission; 40 "Vnd 25c * AUCTION SALE •5 Auction sale of horse-drawn farm implements (nearly new), pony ti-ac- ^tor, grrass cattle and pigs, on Wed., ^â- May 18th, 2 miles south of Sing- *oaanpton, Wiliam Neff, Prop. â€" G. ""E. I>un<:an, Auctioneer. -« ROYAL SCARLET CHAPTER -, Artemesia Royal Scarlet Chapter .will meet in Markdale Orange Ha!!. ^ Tues., May 17, at 8:30 p^m. All rnemteers Avill please take notice. Baptist OfFicials Appointed The annual business meetiniy of Cedarside Baptist Church was held Tuesday evening: of last week in the church. The membership was well represented, an reports were heard from each org-anization, showing i favorable balance financially, and repealing much enthusiasm on th.^ part of all concerned. The officers elected for ensuing year were: Trustees â€" Cecil Belts, Jos. Whyte and Jos. Sswell. Deacons â€" Cecil Betts, W. A. Bea- ton, A. McKechnie. Clerk â€" 'Emerson Beaton. Treasurer â€" Mrs. D. Williams. Sunday School Supt. â€" Cecil Betts Pres. of W.M.C.â€" Mrs D. William.'^ Pres. B.Y.P.U.â€" Emerssn Beaton. MARRIED * The two men hadn't met fo;- years -. '*And is your wife still as pretty ^ ss she used to be?" asked the first. "Oh, yes," replied the secDml, I "^ut it takeg her much longe.-." .A. wedding of interest to many in this district took place in Toronto on Wednesday of last week, May 4. when Maud R., daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. M. K. Richardson of Flesherton, was united in marriage t<' Mr. Wainwright of Huntsville. the ceremony being performed by Rev. Dr. Geo. C. Pidgeon. Mother^s Day In Churches Father And Son Banquet Held At Priceviilc TUESDAY, MAY 17 8:00 P.M. AT Kimberley Baptist Ch'rch A MEN'S QUARTETTE FROM CENTRAL BAPTIST SEMINARY altmiT with a ladie.-^' trio and Maurice- Boiliat, taJentedl violinist from Switzerland win play and siriii". There will be testiinouic=. from the student.'^ and a woi^d fri.>ni one of the professors concerning- school activities. EVERYONE WEI.COME DON'T MISS THIS INSPIRING SERVfCE Baptist Churdies The special Mother's Day servict were well attended in both the Fle- sherton and Rock Mills churches. Special music at Flesherton was con- tributed by Mrs. Laurie Betts who sang "My Mother's Prayer." and the Fletcher sisters, Nelly at the piano and Hazel with violin. At Rock Mills the Fletcher sisters played, and Lois Helmkay sang an appropriate Mother's Day piece, accompanied by her brother, E^rl. with g:uitar. Both churches were tastefully decorated with Spring flowers. The pastor'- sermon "Is the young man safe ? " brought a to both niothevs and fathers, as to their responsibil- ity to their children. The regular meeting of the B.Y.P U. was held in the church lust Fri- day evening. The pastor conducted the meeting, which was planned a' a means for the pastor and youns people to become actiuain'ed. United Churches Flesherton Council The May meeting of Fleshertot: Village Council was held Monday evening. Correspondence was read: a letter from Dept- of Agricuiturt. re athletic field by-law; letter from Ue-pt. of Travel and Publicity, re tourist camp regulation*; Unemploy- ment Insurance Com., re employees For the third time this year, chairs had to be placed in the aisles in St. John's United Church last Sunday. It was the Mother's Day service, with the Sunday School and congie- garion joining ii. a well-planned program of worship. John Brack- enibury, Superitendent of che Suada_\ School assisted Rev. A. G. Macpiier- son. The junior choir, under Mrs. J. E. Milne, rendered two anthem- and let! in the hymns. Miss Mary •Jane MacTavish read a story from the 'life of The famous missionary. David Livingstone. The Sacrament of Infant Baptism was administered, and the followir; children were received into the fel- lowship and care of the Chuix-h; Carol Tessa, daughter of Mr. an;' Mrs. John Brackenbury: Penny Georgina. daughter iif Mr. and Mrs Douglas MacArthur: Mary Gwend- lyn, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Nor- man Loucks, and Arlene Cicely, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Russell .Andrews. .\t Proton in the afternoon, the junior choir, under Mrs. Norman Reiidick. led in t'ne singins, and the following children were received in Holy Baptisim: Donald Herbert and itiy PricevUie Reporter) A Father and Son banquet was held Tuesday night in the United Cnurcfa, sponsored by the Trail Rjngers, under che leadership of Rev. L. W. Mould. Fathers, sons and guests sat down to a bountiful supper. Kenneth Hincks, the Chief Raiiger, proposed a toast to tht King, response being made by sing- ing the National Anthem. Russell MicDougall pro.posed the toast to the fathers, and reponse was made b> W. R. Meads. Rev. Mould introduc- ed the guest speaker. Rev. A. G. Macpiiierson of Flesherton, who gave a splendid address in response to a toast to the Church by Kenneth MacPhail. A sing-song and motion pictures were nejoyed. A vote of thanks to the leader for his work and time spent with the 'ooys from week to week, was made by Mr. W. R. Meads. Mr. Mould moved a votf of thanks to the mothers who assist- ed in waiting on the tables, and both motions were heartily endorsed by che eatherina. Grey- Bruce, North Grey Are Candidates Chosen The Progressive-Conservative or- ganiation in Grey-Bruce chose Frank Sawyer of Markdale as their candi- date m the coming Federal eiectioa on June 27th. E. J. Morrison of Carrick. formerly of Maxwell, was seeking the nomination. Colin B««- nett ol" Meaford was chosen by th» Liberal party as their candidate. Osprey Council Meeting REV. H. .E WRIGHT RECEIVED CALL TO BOTHWELL CHURCH Rev. Harold E. Wright, who is ia charge of the suburban work in tha- n'orth -western areas around London^ covered by the St. John's United Church, has received a call to Botb- well United Church and will coim- mence his pastorate there July 1st. During the year he received his doc- torate in theology and upon attain- ing this Dr. Wright was felicitatad by the Lond<"n United Church !liGa- isterial Association and the preby» tery of Middlesex. Rev. Dr. Wrigilt is well known in this district aiui was a former pastor of St. Columba United Church, Priceville. The Osprey Municipal Council met in regular session at Feversham with all members present, and » Reeve Archie Buie presiding. Fol- l Dorene Catherine, both children of lowing the readings cf the minutes j Mr. and Mrs. Bert Corbett. Tho ' of the previous meeting, the follow- | following young people took pait in ing business was trtmsacted: I the readings: Jean MeCannell, Shir-! A deputation, composed of Messrs.} copy of tlie road e.xpenditures was i jev Badgerow. Marie Hodgins. Cath- ; J. Weldrick, F. Mills. V. Wright and : received from Dept. of Highways. grin^ Hodgins. Joyce Lyons, Harvey I R. Ha-.vt -vn, waited upon the Council. | Accounts presented and ordered Lvons and J'm Vri.x>man. A quar- â-  outlining a new proposition towards I paid were: Municipal World, blank I tJtte was rendered by Misses Maxine securing the construction of a Mem- I aebenture forms §2.75; C. J. Bell- ( a^d Joyce MtCanneU, Jovce Lvons orial .'Vtihletic Field at Fevers!-.;i.^ 1 amy. conveyancing and registering 1 and Catherine Hodgins. .. <^K«^'XK'<'<><~K~:":~K~:-<K«<~X'<«<K~:«<«<-^<K«<'<'^^<K~:":~:«'>-X'<~>->^<K»'M' ! I I I I ! The Home of Tasty Baking Specials This Week COCOANUT CAKE MADEIRA CAKE APPLE SAUCE CAKE PIES Mincemeat Cherry (fresh frozen) Apple Raisin Date CREAM. PUFFS COOKIES Special This Week 2 doz. 35c CREAM BUNS JELLY ROLLS â- 'I Flesherton Bakery ^^,^^4.<..;»<M5M5.<«<.<~>^'><M{Mj.<.<.<.^<.<.<.<K«^<«<*<«<*<«"{.*<'<K*<-"J~>%«<'<»<ri V t I I deeds in regard to East Grey Agr cultural Society and makin.; out 0. A.P. applications ?>3i.35; F. H. W. Hickiing, relief supplies |27.41; Littiejothns Garage, account re fire truck $2.25: Wilfred Adlam. account re tire truck $3.30; Levi Paliister. work cleaning streets, $7.20; Geo. Cornfield, work on streets $15.t)0: Gto. Johnson, work on streets $20.70 Chas. Statford, work on streets $13.50; Garnet Hamilton, work on streets $7.20; D. MacTavish & Sons, trucking §5l.l>o; S. J. Sutton, truck- ling Sol. 35: H. .A.. McCauley, truck- ing S25.40; Robt. Stoddart, $5.00 for watching fire at night. The Clerk was instructed to write a letter of apipreciation to the differ- ent fire brigades who helped with controlling the fire: Owen Sound, Chatsworth, CoUingwood, Durham, Markdale and Dundalk. The Clerk was instructed to order three tons of calcium chloride for the Village streets from the County Engineer. J. H. Beattie. Part of Lot 151, Con. 1, N.E.. own- ed by the village, was rented to Mrs Leslie Smith for pasture for the sea- son at SIO.OO. The Council, on motion, declared that Monday, May 23rd, to be a civic holiday instead c»f Tuesday, the 24th. By-law No. S. to establish a ci>m- mutiiity athletic field \vas introduced and !-ead the first and second times. rnd the Clerk was instructwl tf for- n-iud sanie to J. A. Carroll, Dept. of .Agriculture, for approval. In the evening at Eugenia, Billie MaoMillan and Jacitueline Campbell sang a duet, and Bruce Boettger read the story of I>avid Livingstone. As at the other appointments, the altar was banked with beautiful spring flowers and blossoms. New Type Of Farmers Recently, 3 young men were giaduated froim the two-yeai- course at the Agricultural College, Guelph. Practically all â€" 3S to be e.tact â€" went back to the fai-m, in most cases their owii. In fact, accoixling u> reliable soui-ces, more agricultural college graduates on a per capita basis are going back to f:irms ir Canada than in any other country. In the light of the worrisome proib- lem of how to keep the boy on the farm, these facts are most encour- aging, indeed. They not only fore- cast a brighter future for Canadian agriculture, but can help make Can- ada one of the world's most pro- gressive food producing nations. Some oldtimers may regard this â-  return of the college-bred boy to They advised that some S2.000.(ii â-  has been subscri.hed and is on deposit j in the local Bank for that pui-pose. I and asked that the co-operation of ! the members would be forthconiin<: ' This was given, with the understand ing that further detailed informa- tion would be secured, and every assistance would be given. Mr. J. McArthur was present and advised that his company is in pos- ition to give complete and satisfact- ' ory service in any construction work which could be done with bull dozer*. The Road Superintendent was in- structed to advertise for the crush- ing and placing on roads approx!- mately 5.000 cubic yards of gravel. General accounts ordered paiil were: Mrs. J. Smith, care of E. Mil- ler (.Anjrin pySM: \. Buie. car hive to Owen Sound $10: Dept. of Health. hu^ulin â- ?4..5^: Hy. Blakey. sheep claim $20; L. Cox. valuer $2. The Road Superintendent present- ed his voucher, amounting to $2938.- SO. which was ordered paid after careful scrutiny. Council adjourne<l to meet Satur- ; day. June 7th, at 2 p.m. Grandma ond Peggy just love a bus trip. They feel safe and happy in the care of a com- petent and friendly driver â€" and free to fully enjoy the delightful drive and all the inter- esting sights along the way. Next time, let your loved ones travel by bus. Add enioyment to their trip. D.D.G.M. Visits Chapter the farm with derision. Even some . Qroom And Bride Honored parents, who paid for their son s ; education, will rebel when the young- ster suggests a revision of time- tried farming practices. "You can't plow a field with a diploma" is an eNpression too often heard in severa' sections of the country. Such an attitude is non-sensical. There is much behind that diploma. There are years of intense classroom study; practical work on the best experimental farms on the contin- ent: scientific research in labori- toriesi, . Yes, a diploma can plow. â€" â- â€¢ ^ 5 « ♦ Our Chapel is at the disposal of our clientele without extra charge. It contains well-appointed family reception rooms, including organ and organist. Bates and Maddocks FUNiRAL CHAPEl l24AvenuE Rd KI.4B44 I Grey Chapter, Order of the I ern Star. rece:ve<i the offifi.-d visit I of the District Deputy Grand Mat- ! ron. Sister .Aleda Jenkins of Owe;; I Sound, at the re-uh\r nieetir •â-  » ' \ the Chapter on Monday even-ing and the Worthy Mati-on and officers leader in his community, by helpin ' were commended on the excellence | solve the problems of his less in- ; of the degree work. Sister Jenkin< | formed neighixn-s. If he fails to I was presented with embroidered | share his knowledge, he may as well pillow cases, as a remembrance of ; have not gone to school. ' her vi.*it. Visitors were present from Owen .^nind. Markdale. Clif- SHOT G.VNOKR ON 1H>NI'» fi rd and S'reet^ville Chapters. \ j . .-Nboiit .^0 nienvber-- «ind visitors en- i'n-ed the banq^uet at the close of the meeting. (By Priceville Reporter) •â- V. presentation was held S^ronday evi-ning at the home oif J. A. Nichol in honor ctf Mr. and Mlrs.. Grant Muir. recent groom and 'oride, the evening being spent in crokinole, cards and social chat. Mr. and Mrs. Lawson Whitehead received the prize for the croiviuole, Johr. McWilliam and Mrs. Geo. Jaynes for the cards. Mrs. Frank CoUinson read a lovely- wordett address and Mrs. J. A. Nichol made the pryseniation of a purse of can sow and, most important, can | money to the young couple. Both leap. i Mv. and Mrs. Muir voiced their ap- The puA>Iic spirited scientifically- i preciation and t'nanked all for the trained farmer may well become the j gift. -A bountiful lunch followed the presentation. The conuiiunity extends best wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Muir for a happy wedded life. The .\dvance is informed by Mis. I.. .A. Fischer that her gander wis recently shot and ki!le<l while it was ~~ swimnuing on the pond on her pro- '•'s Vtfer to "ive thnn to tendâ€" •H-ity. It is «aid that the deeti was a" ? ofV" cost* ab-"'- the siame done by boys too young to be allow- "''>'"'<>'• edto carry a gun. A 3 -ACT PLAY "BASHFUL BERTIE" will be presenteii in the Town Hall, Flesherton Monday, May 16th, 1949 at S p.m.. b.> Westside I'nitwl Church Choir of Owen Sound undtr uuRpi<:es of" St. John's Unite<l Y.P.U. I'KlXei'U^S Ft>R MRS. BI-A.CKBl-R>; MIEMOHIAL FUND .Vdmi^ion: Aduhs 40. Children 25c ^- Bom KENWKLL â€" At the Nuhn Nur- sing Home, Flesherton, on Friday. May ()ih, H»4y. to Mr. and Mrs. .Aivhie Kenwell of Singhaiapton. a daughter, Helen Mae, WILEY â€" In Centre Grey Hos- pital on Tuesday. May ;hd. ItMi', to Mr. and Mrs. Gladwin Wiley, Price- ville, a daughter, I.indji Diarne. a sister for Devona: both mot'- babe doing fine. In Memoritun PBn>LER â€" In loving memory of â- I faithful mother, Mrs. John Pedler, who pa.ssed tnvay May ISth, four years ago. Not lost, Ivut gone before. â€" .Ever remembered by Daughters, .\llie and Pe«rl. .\ reckless driver is a potential killer. He is as dangerous as an armed thuir! FARES ARE LOW Buffalo - - $ 9.65 London - - 9.65 Barrie - - 5.65 North Bay - - 13.85 ROUND TRIP Tax inchided (Subject to chang:«) •ac**^"" Giv* the children a chance. Watch for them when backing out of a lane ( or when p«ssin,g parked cars. i 80ms sunon

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