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Flesherton Advance, 4 May 1949, p. 8

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Wednesday, Mav 4, 1949 tthe flesherton advance # Small Ads FUR SALE â€" Qunatity of No-barb ^larley, certified seed. â€" G. Boyce, phone Flesherton i)6J4. 4?c2 .«.\NTKD â€" AiUiUBui s«i<tai>le loi mink and fox fe«d. â€" Bei-t Mclniinu tCuc«itt«. pboo« Kev«nh«'-i oiib FOR SALE â€" A few bags eating po- tatoes and an Aladdin quidv-liic â- amp. â€" Phone 33J4 Flciherton. For sale -- Number of vounjr pijjs. -- Ben Mcl\enzie, Coylon. •phono Flesherton 104J 1. i^cl FOR SALE â€" iMatched team oi it»rawn maies, a>red 5 and (5 â€" .Mrs. i>. JCichol, Piicevi'le, pjione Fiesh- erfcon '.12 J 1. U;i! FOR SALE â€" Timothy and alfalfa hay, also 2 horse collars, 20 aad 22 in. â€" Ed. Ferris, phone Flesher- â- ton 4ow4. 47p2 1-X>R RENT â€" Good pasture fuini with runnine water, in Glenel?. oi will pasture cattle. â€" Alf. Hincks, phone 22 J 1 Flesherton. 10c 1 FOR RrVLE â€" Reg. Hereford bull, 8 nionth.s old, Domino breeding. â€" Bruce McCutcheon, phone 178-w2 Dundalk. 47p2 F iR RENT â€" 50-acre pasture farm. (iood irrass, shade, runninir water. â€" Geo. Swanton, R.R. 5, Markdale, '^hoav 3.'?w2 Markdale. 49p2 For SALE â€" Set heavy harness new tii«8, liamcs; M.-H. 13-looth culti- vator in good repair; 3-burner coal oil itdve. â€" Phone 45w5 Flesherton. FOR SAI.K â€" ALcConnick - Deeiing crea<ni separator, 500 lb. capacity; liuantity of hardwood. 14 in. â€" We.s Cornfield, , phone Flesherton 32r."). Local and Personal K)TAToB9 WANTjaD â€" Anyone iiavin'.'- potatoe.s for .sale, contact Wes Vi>u»g, Maxwell, phone llrlo r evers.'iam, sacks available ami ileliveied. 4i>p2 FOR SALE â€" 4 Young Berk.sliir.' •â- .>ars. I'liu-ilile foi- reiristration; .istu;i' wanted ftii- year-old colt. â€" Aormaii Louoks, phone No. 73 J 3 Fleshert.n. 48c2 J'ASTUKE, FOR SALE â€" 4O aoiv.s pastuitf for rent; 1300 ft. 2xl's; (iOO or 700 ft. J in. spruce, hem- lock mid baLsajii luanber; H pic(.es i(|lftx:ix.7. â€" Hairy Patton, phone .>5J4, Flesherton. i'.n/I WANTED â€" N'umher pasture cattle, strictly yearlings only, low rates by the sea.son, May 10 to Nov. 15, lang^ i-ange and Saugeen River. â€" J. E. McKce, Priceville, phone Flesherton 49wl2. 4Hc2 LOST â€" ran leather wallet at Eu- genia hydro dam. Sat., ApiH 30, fontaining peiniits, registrations and sum of money, valuable to th'j owner. Finder kindly return t) k)wner i)T inlv>iio tH.IlFlci-.lM'i-ion. Kowanl. .Ii)c2 I'OR SALE â€" 8-room house and barn village of Priceville. For further ioforniation aipply to Mrs. H. B. ltid»ar<lson, 22(5 Caledonia Koad, Toronto, or Mrs. A. U. Aid). maid, â- â- ;89 l^icilic Ave., Toronto'. 47e2 TKuVDKKS WANTED Tenders will be rc<eivcMi by the undcM-sigiied (<<.â-  the contract of paintinn the inter- ior of (Ceylon United (liui<-h. All fSlimates nuist he in by .\Iav Ui-- Mrs. i{. E. Riitledi.'-e, Ceylnii. tele- I hone Flesherton 44wB. FOR SALE Hardwood .'labs $25 I er truik load; softwood slabs SIK, pproximntely l\i to ft cords per ad. Doliverod free within 10 iles. Walter Playter, phone 16.1 Mhrkdale. 4.')pl2 FARM FOR SALE i<ot 11, Con. 7, Exiphrasia, 110 ail ('3, more or less, good pasture farm, fair bush of Hwamp and Mmu- hai.lw<M>d, either for wale or rent. â€"WF^ (':()RN FIELD, R.R. 3, Proton Station Phone PlcKherton 32r3. Mrs. Win. Boyd is visiting members of her family 'n Toronto this week. Mr. and Mrs. E. I). Ueiibham and family of Toronto visited on Sunday with Mrs. R. BenUium. Mr. and .Mrs. Keg. Bodeii and son, George, spent a couple of da.vs the first of the week in Hamilton. iMr. and Mrs. Kubt. Walsun ui Owen Sound are guests of Mr. anu MVs. J. O. Dargavel this week. .Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Ritchie oX Barrie spent Clie week end with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Best. Miss Kate -Macmilfan of Toronto spent the weeK end at her home. Kate spent Uie iXister vacation in Vir- ginia, U.S.A. Mr. and Mirs. Laurie Genoe and sons. Wayne and Brian, visited with fi-iemls in Durham and Mt. Forest during the week end. The lair day for the Narionai Jn- «titut.' for the lii.nd, held in town on Saturda.v, resulted in $43.30 beiiiii- collected for that inst.itutio.i. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Miller of To- ronto, bride and groom of Saturday, spent the week end with Mr. and .Mrs. Chas. Stafford. Mr. Don Banks of Pickerinjr is vis- iting this week with his parents, i^T. and Mrs. Geo. Banks, and en.ioying some ^^peckk•d trout fishine:. The Women's Institute will meet at the home of Mrs. Cecil MIcKechnie on Wed.. May ISth at 8 p.m. Roll call: Pay fees and exchange of sli)> and seeds. Everybody welcome. Mr. Robt. Avis returned Monday morning from completing his first year in pharmacy at the University of Sa.skatohewan at Saskatoon. He was met at Wasihago by his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Angus .Avis. Recent visitors at the home of W. T. Genoe were: .Mr. and Mrs. Pattin- son and family of Owen Sound, Mj-. and Mh-s. Arnett and Faye of Dur- ham. Mr. ad Mrs. Chas. Goddart and family of Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cenoo and Diane of Gravonhurst and Mr. Dave Genoe, Eugenia. Tho staff of the local Bell Tele- nho-ie olTice gave one of their men-j- ber? A'ls. Wm. Tui-vev. a 'â- .iirriri o part' -i tho tel Mhono ofTict- Wed- nesd;".' of last week, wber -he presented with ,in ornamental card table. Mrs. Turvey, foi>merlv Marie Phillips, ha.< beei on the staff for the past three yeiirs. She is niovip-j- with her hiisiband to Godorich, when' Mr. Turvcv has t:ikpn a position uit', :\ Goderieh construction firm. The April iiieetiug of the Ladies' Aid was lielu at Itie home of iUis. L,awson Whitehead on April 27th with a good attendance. It was decided Vo have the interior of Ceylon Uiiiieu Church redecorated and a committee was appointed. Mrs. Jas. Sinelair conducted a Biblical contest, witli Mrs. Da-ve Craie beintr the winner. Mlrs. Geo. Jaynes gave a few short readings, and Mrs. G. Tyler conduct- ed a croso.Nord ]n\z£ie. with Mrs. U. liutlcdge the winner. Mrs. D. Paliga saiiff a kvely solo in Polish. A hymn and Uie benedirtion closed tli" meet- inu' iiiid the hostess and her assist- ants .served lunch. .Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Genoe visited on Sunday with .Mr. and Mrs. Russell Di.\tin at -Markdale. .Ml. U. .McQuarrie of Bradford call- e<i on Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Jaynes on Sunday. Mrs. George Campbell visited re- cently in Toronto. Misses Ena and Frances. .\dam.. or Owen Sound spent the week end with -Mr. and M»-s. Dave Adams. Visitors over the week end with Ml and Mrs. Luther Duckett wore: .Mr. Irviii Ward of Voronto, Mr. Ne'l Wagner of Toronto. Monty retu-.'iied home after spending some *ime here Mrs. Mat. Hunter and little son of Brampton, Ml-. Wes Cooey and Jas. Dunlop of Wiarton were week end visitors with Mr. John Kennedy. Mr. and Mrs. G. L. McDougal spent the week end in Wiarton. Donald Sinclair is quite pi-oud of the trout he caught in the Eugenia hydro lake, and which won him a tint bicycle. The speckled beauty weigh- ed 2 lbs. and i5 ounces. Card of Thanks St. John's United Church Rer. A. G. Mscpheraon Minister "In Every Home . . .Tosu.s Christ." I'nder this theme Mtother's Day serv- ices will bo held on .Sunday. Mav W The iiarents and ot;her friends air invited to join with the younc pcodI in the special proirrams at tho fol lowing hours; 11 a.m. â€" ^Euennia. 11 a.m.-â€" St. .John's, Flesherton 2 p.m. - -Tnistioge. ^ II. in. Priilcm. H 11.111. ' .Emienia. The Sacrament nf Baptism will li.- â- iilmiiiistered. Parents desirin',' to dedicate children to God and the Chiirrh oloasp notify the iiastor. Rev A. G. Macpherstwi. _ St. .John's .Tiinirr Choir will nrae tivp on Wednesihu' and Fridav â- ifter noons at 3:-1.'> oVlncK-. To our friends and neighbors who, in any way, helped lessen aur load, wllio assisted in the home, and with liarn work, who brought flowers, food and who donated cars., and all other kind expressions of sympathy during our sudden bereavement, we expres- our heartfelt thanks and gratitude. -Mrs. D. Nichol, Mabel and Mar\ 1 wish to thank all my inan.\ friends and neiirhbors. who so kjndi: reiiienibered me with cards, treats, peisdiial calls and enquiries, while ill at mvh omc and in the .MarkdaK- hospital. Thank vou, one ami all. â€" W. T. Gen..(> 1 (Wish to express my appreciation, to friends and neighbors for treat-, and cards received, for the kind at- tention of the hospital staff and for the many enquiries on my behalf. â€" ^Robert Youn.u Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Gates of Hamil- ton, parents of Mrs. Reg. Boden, wish to express their gratitude to the people of Flesherton and district for the wonderfid assistance given to their daughter and family, follo\<inu- the recent fire when they lost every- thing. Such kindness by the people will never be forgotten. We wouhr like to extend our sin- cere Ihaiiks to our many friends an<l neighbors for kindness extended to Bobby, in the form of cards, treats nnd gifts during his. stay iii .Mark- dale hospital, and also (uir thanks to the nurses and doctors for their kindness to bini. - Mr. and Mrs. "Ben Han'cv A man. running into a grocer's shop, snid: "A mousetrap, jiT-'nse; I want to catch a bus." Grocer: "Sorry, sir. We hnve-n't one big enoimh." '♦♦♦♦♦♦•>«:'«t»<">.>.;..;..:..t..>.:..>.;..X«<"X»«!"!««*">.><.«x.<.«> WELDING ELECTRIC ARC and OXY ACETYLENE New Portable Equipment Will (l(i wrKliiio ;iiiy tinic ;iiul at any place, S|ir(i;ili/inn- in ;ill kinds (}i niclals Trailer Frames for Sale Trailers Built to Order A ,l;<)(h1 .stncU ol' .sli'i'l carried. TED McCRACKEN FLESHERTON, Ontario I 1 i y X •J •♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦^^•♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦•M>.3«4«<.<«<><»>!» NOTICE Positively no trespassing or fish inu on Lots 3<» and ."M, Con. 12, Art- eniesla; trewpassers will be pro.e- ciitnd. â€" Bert Mngci' CHARLES J. BELLAMY MUNICIPAL CLERK iMuer of Marrlace LIceiuM CONVEYANCER W<Ua Mortfrages, etc. D««d« Acreeoienta A conuniasiofMtr for taUnc affidsTlto Offlc«, Tormto StrMt, PlMhertOB HARRIS A DUNLOP BARRISTERS. SOLICITORa. Btm- Pkone U MARKDALE Mr. Dunkp wiH be in C. J. Btlkiny'a olTlee every Sat- ordsjr from 6 to 8:M p.n. Nomination Meeting will he held in tlu' TOWN HALL, DURHAM Friday Evening, May 6 at Si.^ D.vS.T. for the purpose of nominating a candidate for the forthcoming Dominion Election in the above riding. ALT. PERSONS .'\RE CORDIALLY INVITED Campbell Grant , K.C., Pres. Bruce Kentiy, r.rey-Bfuce Prop^.-Con.servativc .\ssoc, vSecty, "Why is Jones pacing back and forth 80 frantically'?" "He is awfully worried about his wife." "Why? What has she got?" "The car." CKYLON KEFIJESHMKNT HOOTII We now handle Clover Leaf ice cream, all kinds of pop. tobacco aiiti ciifaretles. Get them from us. JOS. STATJBLE Phone 107w3 Ceylon, Ont. FARM and HOMK GAS and OIL SERVICE B. A. OIL COMPANY PRODUCTS For prompt del kerosene, stove oi diesel fuels and all zoil, peerless and Oils. We also hai gfreases, solvents naphtha. It costs no more Storaf.e tanks c available free ery of g^asaline, 1, finest quality grades of Penn- Aut,ilene Motor •(i\. all types of and lighting to use th« best nd pumps are of charge. ELDON A. /ISHER Telephone 5fiw FLESHERTON (in name of Mrs. Eva l^'isher) We pay all telephone charges X I V V Y X I WOOL GROWERS ORGANIZATION Our Registered Warehouse No. 1 Weston, Ontario RELIABLE GRADING PROfMPT SETTLEMENT Shippers may obtain sacks and twine withoot charge from WES YOUNG. MAXWELL ' CECIL YOUNG, MAXWELL VIC YOUNG, MAXWELL W. J. McMASTER. FLESHERTON or by writinir direct to CANADIAN CO-OPERATIVE WOOL GROWERS LIMITED 217 Bay Street, Toronto. Canada I T 'i t I Implements - Repairs Fleury-Bissell Tractor Disc Harrows Tractor Plows Walking Plows Rubber Tire Wagon.Tiraken bearing Smoothing Harrows OTACO Manure Spreaders Tractor Spreader Tractor Disc Harrow, automatic control Steel wheels for rubber, for your own wagon B E A T T Y Deep and Shallow Well Electric Pumps Electric Pump Jacks Hand Pumps Pump Rod and Fittings Cylinders Steel AVatcr Tank Extension Ladder Repairs for all barn equipment RENFREW Electric Cream Pepari'ors We have a good variety of over- hauled Separators, which we offer at. reasonable prices to clear Wrincers and Stoves STEEL ROOFING Some steel still on hand ASPHALT 210 lbs. 2-in-l Sjiingles 125 lbs. Winlock and .4rrowlock 36 in. Rock Face Rolls 90 lbs. 18 in. Rock Face Rolk 95 lbs. Smooth Face Rolls 531bs. Building Papers "** S I D IN G In.sulbric Siding, red and Jaspjer with white mortar line Roolbrick Siding Insul Board Insulation in the loose or batts EDGAR BETTS Phone 46J FLESHERTON ^ •^ ♦•;.H>»>»»»»»»»»»»»»»«>»»<>»»»<'»»<H"»>»»»»»»>»»<"»»»»»»* Lucy: "When George proposed to yO'U, and you told him he wonld have to make a little money first, what did he say?" M|ary (wryly) : "He said he was looking for a girl who could make a little money last." CEMENT GRAVEL, SAND DELIVERED OR LOADED IN VaUR OWN TRUCK H. A. McCauley Phone 24J FLESHERTON Skinny men, womeii gain 5, lOy 15 lbs. [ Get Ne w Ftp, Vw , Vigor • ) VkM k tbiini Boar â- >»»• an out: tair koOoOT M up: oMk m loocar wnirajr: hm iotm k«a- i â- UTTMl, itekly "bMB-vota" look. Tbouoaadi ot â- Iris, women. Ban. who ootw aouM nm bitont an DOW proud ol iiiopolT. haalUir.loocliic DodlM. Tliey t lumk Uia ipooi*] vtgor4ulldioc, llcsb-tialldlBS tonic, o^trex. Ito tonics, nUnulsnt«, Inrlnraton, Iron, vitamla Bi, oalclum, enrldi blood. ImpioTO appetite and digestion so lood glTas too nor* grenxth and nourtshment -. put flesh on bars boafls. ont tesr letting too fat. Stop when roa'TS gained tho 6, to, IS or 30 lbs. you need for normal welgbk Costs little. New "get acquainted" slie only 00s. Trr tamoufl Oetiez Tonto Tablets (or n«w Tigof •ad added nouods. this very tlar. At sD drass^a** P^tiCKlfe... 7,SS1,®5S * accounts You TAKE for granted that your bank keeps youi" account private . . . even though yours is one of more than seven million deposit accounts in Canada's 3,385 branch banks. When you put money in, take it out, aiTange a loan â€" transact any of yoiu* hanking business â€" nobody need know about it but you and your bank. It's tJie most confidential business relationship you have. Canada's ten chaitered banks compete to serve you, in handling yom* cheques, lending money, safeguarding your funds and in many other ways. You know you can always expect privacy and efficiency. *A* of S€pfmi*r SO, 1949, t < SPONSORiD BY YOUR iANK « » A

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