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Flesherton Advance, 4 May 1949, p. 5

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â- ^%. THE FL£SH£RTON ADVANCE Wednesday, May 4, 1^+9 8TH LINE OSPREY llr. and Mra. Heiib Poole and Bruce ot Ooliiufrvrood were Sunday visitors witii Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fenwiok. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Stephens spent TOiiirsday in Toronto. Mrs. Josiah Crawford haa returned to the Mbrkdale hosi>ital staff, after « two^week vacation at her heme. Mr. Bill Crawford has returned to Pres- ton bfinkinf: artaff, after spendinjr two weeks at his home. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lawler and "Wes spent Sunday visiting friends in Toronto. Mr. Jack Flynn and Mrs.- Frances Foster. Vandeleur, spent Wednesday evendnir with the latter's daujchter, Mrs. Jas. Ottewell, and family. The opening of the trout flahine season brousrht many ftshenmen out over the week end. The rivers around were all pretty well occupied, some excellent catches b«ir<(r reiported. GENERAL TRUCKING When in need of any Idnd of general tracking, mt any time, Call DONALD WILSON Eugenia P.O. Phone FeverSham 20r5 ♦<>*><~><~:~>^:~:*<>>x*^:><><><><~H~HK~:<<><>^<KKK~:~><*<>^<*M><*^ â- ft i > r â-¼ r •k « [ * "â-  * p :» ^ \ » - ♦ fr- •y y JM â- Â« :: i. i â- UK * - i *â-  •% Cream Since the time has come when second grade cream is being rejected, -we would suggest that you deiiv^r youi cretuu iVir<-» or three times a week and make sure of receiving top price. We are now paying 2 cents above truck prices for delivered cream. ;: Cull Your Flock This is the time to cull out the hens which are not laying, as there is a good market at present for old hens. Starting on Wednesday, May 4th, the Cream- ery will be open until 10:00 p.m. for receiving cream and egg's, on Wednesday and Saturday ;; nip'hts until futrher notice. Flesherton Creamery Angus Avis, Manager Phone 66 ♦♦•:~:-:~:~M T Commerce â€" a family tradition From Grandad to Grandson, the tradition of saving, and other-wise dealing with The Canadian Bank of Commerce has been handed down in many families. From 1867, when the Bank was founded, the value of "COMMERCE SERVICE" has been recog- nized by succeeding genera- tions. Good service is a tradition of this Bank. Your family, too, will appre- ciate the courteous and efficient service which is avail- able at over 500 branches of this Bank. » 4 >5 i * % It THE CANM)IAN BANK OF COMMERCE VICTORIA CORNERS mBesf'iSi^ Flesherton Ontario •!• ':-;~>-x~X":->:~:~:~:-w~:~:";"X-:-:-K~:'*.;. EUGENIA Tuesday eventeir featured a Joint birtliiday pairty in the home of Mr. and Mr. HiUK<h Bumstead, \N''hen they entertained Mr. and Mss. Waiter Acheson and Mr. and Mrs. George Moore and Garry, the day. .\pril 26, being th int1kda,y anniversaries of Harold Bumstead and Walter Ache- son, the preceding day Garry's and the following- day, .A.pril 27. that of Hazel Buonstead. Many more hapipy birthdays to you all! Sunday guests in the same home were Mr. and Mrs. Austin Reid and family, Mr. Doiison and daughter, Shirley, and Mr. Leitch all of Markdaie, Mr. Huiri; and son, George, Mrs. 9hei-wood and dau^- ter. June. Messrs. Wm., Johnnie. Leslie and Edgar Duncan and Walter Acheson went to Thornbury on a fishing trip on W^ednesday. Heartiest congratulations" and very best wisihes are excended to Mr. and irrs. Jim Gallaugher (the former Annie Lockbart, Proton Station) who were married in Flesherton Thursday, -•Vpril 28th. They will make their home on the Gallaugher farm in this A biy wekome back tu Victoria Corners, alter l7 years abroad, is ex- tended to Mr. K. A. Biookes, wiio airivetl at tlie lionie of Milton Ban- iiou on Thursday evoning, in company with his wile (who he met and mar- ried in Ent;-iand during his stay tiiere), her two sisters, Mrs. Clara Ba-iiieu and Miss Jessie Knight. They plan on staying with the Bun- mm's for a tijne and remaining in Canada indefinitely, since Ed.'s rt- mai'iis On his return home were "It"s the best yet.' They had left their hom at Hockley, England, and sailed on tlie .A.quitan!a, docking at Halifax. Miss Joyce Genoe of Gravenhurst anci Doris Banntin oi Toronto were week end guests. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Bauuon and Kalhleeii motored to Toronto Wed- nesday. Kathleen left the Malton airport Thursday afternoon for Van- couver and her T.C.A. duties. Oil', iil •.'-â- .r inistioiic youi.s pe"iJi.> Gerald ir'at-ei'suii. attained nigc iion- ors at Durcalk hiK'.i sciiool Ci.adt in- spection, entitling him to go to Niag- ara on i riday to partake m a ir.ooi- in^ competition. Hj accomp.inie'l iiis uncie and aunt, Mr. ana 1U:>. Kas:,uii Acheson, i'loton Station, ai fnr as Vu.' rya.palh;, is extendet; to, iiis. VVes Dcvet', JJuikdale, and iirj. i i;og. White, baugeen Jtt., in cue smiueu passinji oi tneir yvungest sister, iiil- died (Mi-s. Simpsou) at ner home in Vancouver. The lemains w-io Ueina: brought to Flesherton for inte"ireai. in Flesherton Cemetery. Mr. and Mr». Frank Beynon, Jr. and faiuUy of Collinjcwood ano Mr Hnd Mr& Stewar* JCuhn and famuy of Baden we..* nctiii visitors with Jlr. and Mis. Ha;-vev Boef^gor. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Williams, Snr , have returned to their home after spending the past two months in To- ronto with their son, Joe, and wife. They v. eit acconipanied home by Mr. and Mrs Normaa Mansaip, who spent thf day here. Mr. Henry Tudor attended the fun- eral of his brother, Thos., in Toronto on Saturday. We extend our sym- pathy to the Tndor family in theiv bereavement. We extend our sympathy to Mr. Will Duckatt end daughter. Mrs. D. Young, in their bereavement, due to the death of Mrs. Ducket: whith occurred on Sunday morning at liei- home in the village. Her dau^rhter who resides in Sirnia. has been at he bedside for the past week. iVIi. W. A. Martin of Oak.-;!? imd isters, V/imie^a and Carmc:! lontL, and Vla'gt of Sin,rh;iinp''on -spent a few days with their pTfri-r • HI; iijd_Mi-j-. C'-.-s. MarMn. and it- ii:o he-- the la'-e Jir;:. Thus. L,!ver, at Fle.M er'.on r>n b ' Jay. Miss Pansy Thomps-on and friend of Toronto were recent visitors with -Mir. and Mrs. Clifford Ta/io-. Thirty-live members of Che "Year- ling Club," Toronto, came by chart- ered bus on a sight-seeing toui- Sun- day. Tht-y had lunch and dinner at the Scarro^- cottages, near the lake. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Purvis of To- ronto spunt the week end at the cot- tage with the fonner'* father, Mr. Robt. Purvis. Jliisses Mai-y and Isabel McKes, Patsy Taylor and F. W. McCartr.y of Toronto were week end visitors with the formers parents. Mr. and ilrs. T. .1. McKee. Over the week end anglers from far and near were trying their luck 111 the Eugenia hydro waters again this year for the prize winning fish. Mr. Jas. Law of Bartonville is the speckled trout king of Grey and Bruce Counties, as iie was awarued first prize in the annual Slater con- test with a trout 3 pounds 9 oimces, caught at Eugenia. Donald Sinclair of Ceylon won first prize in the boys' section with a trout caught at the Sth line weighing 2 bs., 1.5, oz. Durham Motors ANNOUNCE THEY ARE NOW NEW DEALERS FOR John Deere Quality Farm Equipment ENQUIRIES INVITED Consult Us on Sales and Service Phone 13, DURHAM KA / ADAi.t.. i.A â€" i^^^ . FEVERSHAM STORES OPEN NIGHTS Fevershani stores will remain^ open Wednesday and Saturday niffhts for t:he summer months on daylight sav- ing time. R. B. Heard, Manager Flesherton Brandi (Intended for l^ast Weekj Joan and Donnie Copeland, Ceylon, renewed acquaintances in the vicin- ity during Easter vacation, Joan vis- iting her pa!. Sheila I'crbes, and, Donnie with Douglas Linton. Miss I 'â- ''"'^^'"' iiargarate O'Sullivan, Wareham, vis- I ited Wednesday with Sheila. The Yoiuij;- People's held a pro- gressive crokmole and social even- ing' in the home of Luther Love on \Veduesday eveiung of last week. •Uiss ivaye Bannon, Vancouver, visited with relatives in Toronto fioiu Wednesday to Friday of last WLok. On her return to her parental home, she was accompanied iby her sister, iDoris. .who spent the week end wilih her parents. -Vlrs. Albert Keid, Marion and Hel- en of Brampton were Easter vacation guests of the former's mother, Mrs. Jas. iiinton, and ssister, M<rs. Ernie Stewart. Master Wayne and little Miss Maureen McGregor, IPieston. spent tue roaster liolidays with their grand- Parents, .iVir. and Mrs. Jas. Batcheior. -Monday of tliis week they returned home m comipany with lUieir grami- parents and uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Batcheior, who spent the day with the iJMcGregor family. .A. largely attended presentation party was held in Pi'oton Station Oiange Hall on Friday evening, hon- oring a recent bridal couiple, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Fowler (nee Laura 'Michlls" Lee). An address of best wishes was read 'by Mrs. Gilbert Mc- Cannell and the presentation of a sum of money was made, to which Edwin replied in a few chosen words. Mrs. Jolin McKechnie, Durham, en- joyed the latter part of Easter vact- tion with her parents, Mr. and Airs. Elmo Stevens. .Mr. Max Fletcher and Miss .\nniB Bumstead, Markdaie, visited during the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Hug'h Bumstead and family. They all visited on Sunday with Meaforil relatives. .Much syniipathy is e.xtended to Mrs. Wm. Miller and daughter, .Mar- ion, in the loss of their husband and father. Our sympathy is also extended to Mr. Jack Gowanli-ck and famil.v in the loss o'f his mother at Orillia. the latter part of Decemlier. Tlie Gow- anlock family is at Orillia this Tues- day attending the committal of the romains, after resting in, the vault during the winter months. While at Orillia they will visit his aired father who now resides alone. over tele- mother-in- \egro Undertaker ( phone ) : "R;istus, your law just died." Rastus: "Is you sure "bout dat?" Undertaker: "Shall I bury her or herT' Rastus: "Don't let's take chances, brother. Cremate her." ^09 fi^f^^ tbeS^ \iot â- n&r •.^...vft«= FAINTING AND PAPER HANGING ESTIM.A.TES FREE JOHN CARSON Phone 2r2 Flesherton Priceville NOTICE â€" FARMERS 24 Hour Service WE PAY .*? 'r.GV \S «1».0C FOR DEAD OR CRIPPLED HORSES and COWS 'â- cording t« size an4 «ondition â€" Small animabi remoTed fr««. We do the loading. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR OLD HORSES Phone Dundalk 146 â€" Reverse Charges NICK PECONI, OWNER MAXWELL .â- Vlr. JL>hn Feiiwick spent a day at Kni Wing visitinu- with his ston. How- ard, wife and family. Mr. ami Mrs. Roy Hoklsworth of Toviipto spent the week end with V.i. and Mrs. Chester Cameron. Ml.-. .A.ndre\v I'allistor lia^ be'»n on the s ok list over the week end. Wo hom she will sooa be better. Mtrs. .Aln-e Nich'dls of To,-ontc, v's- itert with l»er oa rents. Mr. and 5'v^. G"- . Ri'"*.''. ovv- he week end So vice,* hVv'.' iteon ioi>i"V''' " '>!• St IVTury's .\n';:!<'aji Cli.iiih ^mid.iy .i\. i.;..r<» .t II o'cItIc fic'i Sundav. "^'.- ai)d Mrs. .Uck '!?i tv mi il child ion of Oweji Soiitid visited on ?'indny w'th relatives here. Wherever You Vwve RELIANCE SERVES YOU BEST VkkWM OffiCtS AMD BULK PLANTS m ONTARIO AT ANY OF OUR 600 SERVICE STATIONS <^^ you will find superior service â€" the result of more than }>0 ycirs' experience in meeting the needs of the motoring public. Supplied by one of the 1 "> .stratejticully placed RtLI.\NC'E Branch Offices and Bulk Pl.-int",, your nearby Reliance Station has fresh, full stocks at all times . . . efficlenily meeting the ever-growing demand for top- quality Reliance Products. Wherever you drive, make the Reliance Stauon your motoring head- quarters. You'll he welcome... and served with courtesy and alertness. RELIANCE PETROLEUM LIMITED LONDON HAMILTON TORONTO

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