'? â- Wednesday, May 4, 1949 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE 4 rH£ ilesherton Advonce t'abiiihtKi on CoUinywood St., FlMoerton, Wedn«ad*y of Mok week. Circulation 1,100- Pric* 4^i.00 • y«ar in Canada, p«id in aiarance; $2.60 per ya«r In tha United SUtM. F. J. THURSTON, Editor KIMBERLEY (Intended for L,ast Week) Week end and Sunday vibitois â- were: Air. and Mis. E. Alexander »n4 children of (JoUin^'wood with the Weber families; Gerald Kirkpatrick at his home, and Kleanor and Joan lillis with their parents, .Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Kills. We are sorry to report Mr.s. Geo. Proctor fallinK and JiroakinK a hone ill her ritrht ankle. She is with Mrs. AV 'f'onini'in in Owen Sound. Mr. JjoD j:-.lis rolurncil to his honu- Sunday, after spendinK Easter holi- days with Mrs. V. J. W.>her. Jlr. and Mrs. W. .â- \rmstroivK have moved into part of Mrs. S. S. Bur- ritt's home. The Hall Board conducted a dantc Saturday niR-ht, which was well attended. Mr. RiLssell Chard returned to his home, after comnletinK his year at the O.A.C., Ouelph. We conjrratulatc the vounsr peoplo ©n the success of their plav ".Shi' My Daisy." PRICEViLLE (intendeu lor L,asl WeuK; Ml. and Mrs. Chas. i\lcKinnou and 6oii, JoJm, of I'oronto spent the week (W>d wriii frienda here. Mr. and Mrs. H. l\icker and fam- ily attended the shower for hoi Il£ph>.v>-, Lio.vd MacCua.K, and hridn at L»urham Thursday eveninir. Mr. Gordon Nichol and friend of Stratford spent the week end wiiii his parents. They also attended the weddinir of Mr. Grant Muir to Miss Jean Cunninjfhani, in Toronto. Mrs. Jack Carson and children re- turned home Sunday, after spendinjr Easter vacation at Sb. Cabharines and Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. IJalph Pedan and family of FeiKus spent a few day vith her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sinis. Miss Marion Muir returned Sun- oay to Hamilton, after holidayinL' a' tbe home of her brother. Stewart Muir. and witli her sister. >iTs. .]. Whittakor, at IVundalk. Mr. and Mrs. Allie Muir, Grant Sayers and Donald, attended the yr-ddinc: of the fomiers' son, Grant, in Toronto on Rntiirdav. Recent callers and visitors at the A. L. Hinrks liomc were: Mr. and Mrs. Alf. TTincks and Marilyn, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Pedlar, all of 'To- ronto and Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Black of Swinton Park. ROCK MILLS itie Late W. J. Michol St. Andrew's Uhuroh, Priceville, fulled to hold tbe lurfcc niuunbur oi mends who attended the funeral of the late VVm. J. Niohol, Wednesday of last weok, whose sudden and un- timely death as the result of a blood eJoi on the heart, had shocked the entire conuuunity. A siiort and impressive service was lield at the huiue by Kev. Paul UunilUull, assisted tiy Mr. McKeynolds and Kev. L. W. Mould of St, Colum- ba. who also assisted at the diuix;li. iiev. Itumbull, in his address, based His remarks around i^salin 42, when he delivered a coinfortinu: discourse lo the liereaved family. It was es- pecially sad that his aiiinK mother w«s unable to leave the house to at- tend her son's funeral. The pallbearers were Will's neitfli- liors: Cecil Hunter, Bill McKechnle, .•\rcliie Mcivechnie, Art Leith, Alex. Stoneouse and Percy Hunt. Flower bearers were the cousins: John A. .\ichol, Donald Nichol. Elton Mac- l.ean, J. A. JlacCyaiff, Gordon Red- mond, -^b. (,;iroudi)l, Thos. Mather, Dan L. .Mac.-Vrthur. Howard Kennedy, iack .McKechnie, aurie McKechnie and Iven iMcKeehnie. In the lar«:e number of beautiful iioral olferinfiTs is expressions of sympathy from tlie ManaginK Board and the neijrhbors. The choirs of both chur<.hes rend ered "Hock of Ages" as an anthem, and Mr. McRevnolds .santr a solo "Face to Face With Jesus." Friends from a distance were: Miss Grctta Nichol, London; Mr. and Mrs. W. A. LcKKette and ilrs. Christine clni;in and daughter. BuiFalo; Mr. Efi-grar Flowers, Mrs. Edna Hills and Mrs. John Swan, Toronto; Mrs. Jas. Kennedy, Mr. Howard Kennedy, Mr. and Mrs. G. Redmond, Mr. and Mrs. Girodout and Jim Park, all of Han- over; Mr. an(i Mrs. C. S. MaoLea- and Gordon Nichol, London; Mrs. D A. Mclntyre of Mclntvre: Mr. and Mrs Hect;)v J^-.cDonak!, Uv. Archie 7,T: â- •Di'r.uld. Ml-. Jack McKochnie Mary and Hilda MIcKechnie, Dur- ham; Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Mc.Ouocn Mr. and Mrs. Cameron McQueen. Mt Foresit; Mr. ..nd Mrs. Don'ild Stow- nrt nnd Mr. and Mrs. Dunf.nn Smelli'- of Durham. Iiiteiment was made in the family plot in McNeil's Cemeterv. Bapti&t Church News The members of the Baptist con- c-rccations extend a heartv wnlcorae to Kev. A. J. and Mrs. Fletcher, Nelly, Hazel and Ruth, who moved into the parsonaere on Tuesday of la.st week. The B.Y.P.U. will meet on Friday '"^â- Jin'nff of this week in the rhurch.' Tlie Women's Mi.ssion Circle will meet at the homo of Mrs. Isaar Smith on Tue.sdny. May 10th, at 2 o clock p.m. Dr. and Mrs. Frank Lively of To- ronto were visitors over the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Alex. English. We extend our sincere sympathy to Mr. Wm. Duckett and dau*rhter in tlieir bereavement, by the passing of their wife aii<l mother.' We were very sorry to hear of the death uf Mrs. Jos. Simpson, who was tormeily Mildred Sharj). Joe lived fceie a number of years ago and will be lemembered by many old friends'. Who extend their sincere sympathy in his sore bereavement. Miss Iva English graduated from the Toronto Bible College on Thurs., April 28th. Her mother, Mrs. Alex. English, attended the graduation exercises. QWr. and Mrs. Brock Johnson of Manilla and Mr. and Mrs. Laurie Betts of Barhead were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Betts. Mr. Cecil Betts loturned home last week from Orangeville hospital am' is progressing favorably. BY-LAW WO. 10, 1948 •J UK CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF AK'I'EMESIA A By-law authorizing the borrow- ing of $22,500.00 dollars up deben- tures for new School purposes. FLESHERTON AND ROCK WILLS BAPTIST CHURCHKS Minister: Rct. A. J. Fletcher Special services for Mother's Day Subject of Pastor's sermon: "Is the Voting Man Safe?" Special music by the Fletcher Sistors All are welcome Flesherton 11 a.m., Rock Mills .'5 n.m CO.OP. AUTO INSURANCE NOW AVAILABLE Contact FLOIN M.CIITCREON Proton SfaHon Phone 18.?w,3 Dundalk. WHiBiiEAS it is expedient to bor- row for the erection of a new School House and purchase of additional school gix>unds, a sum not exceeding Twenty-tw thousand five hundred dollars (li>22, 500.00) upon the credit of Union School Section No. 12, Art- emesia and Glenelg. to issue deben- tures therefor, bearino- interest at the rate of three mid one half per centum (3^!%) per annum, payable annually and to provide for the dis- count and the expenses incidental to negotiation and sale of such deft)en- tures; AND WHEREAS it is expedient to make the principal of the said debt repayable in annual instalments dur- ing tlie period of t\v;,enty years next aftor the date of issue of of such debentures, of such amounts ies,pect- ivoly that, wibh the interest in respect of Llie delbt, the aggregate amount payable for princimil and interest in each year shall be, as nearly as poss- ible, the same; suliject to the statu- tory proviso that each instalment of principal may be for an even $100.00, $500.00, or .?1,000.0() or multiple thereof, and. t.liat nothwith.standin;' anything herein contained, the anmi- al instalment of princi'-l and inter- est may differ in amount siifTicientlv to aniit thereof; AND WHIORKAS the anionnt o( the wliolo rateable projierty of the Union .School .Section No. 12, accord- ing to the last revised as.sossmo'r roll tlii-roof is: Artemesin SlOl .^l),'^ (iloMclir sno.CRO. Total SiniO.'T) 00 AND WHKRRA.S the aniom.'t 'â- > the oxlstine- dobentnre di-bt nf 'the .School .Section, exclus.ive f>f local improvement dolrts .secured by special rates or assesmrienls, is (Nil) nnd no pnrt of the iirinclpnl or interest of NOTICE We are sorry to announce that, ih\K to the inahihty to .secure a compotaiit i-j^-^- {grader, we hiivc been compelled to close our eg-g gradiiif,'- .station, effective May 14th. 1949. By Order of The Board ol Directors O. A A. Co-operative Phone 70 FLESHERTON iu«h debt is in arrear; AND WHKltEAS by oi>der date', the First day of Febimaryq, 1941*, liit Ontario Municipal Board has appro* cd tihe purpose of the said borrowii]>. and the passing of all reituisile by- laws, including debenture by-laws; THKRl!a''ORK the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Art- emesia enacts as follows: 1. For the purpose aforesaid the Corporation shall borrow upon the credit of School Section No. 12, Ar- temesia and Glenelg (Priceville) a sum not exceeding Twenty two thou- sand five hundred dollars ($22,500. 00) and shall issue debentures there- for in sums of not less than $50.00 each. Each deil)enture shall bear interest at the rate of three and one half per centum (3'/L' %). per annum payable aniiiually and shall have coupons at- tached thereto for the payment of such interest. 1. All the (lebentiirps .sTiall bear the same date, shall be issued at one time and within two years after the (lay on which this By-Law is passed may bear any date within such two years and shall be made pay.able in annual instalments d'lring the period of twenty years next after the date of issue therefor, and the respective a- mounts of principal and interest p;iyable in each of such years shall be the amounts so desi.arnated in Sciiehide "A" hereto annexed. â- \. Ttie debentures shall be payable as to both principle and interest in lawful money of Canada and may b;- i>iade pa.vahle at such place or nlacr- in Canada as shall be rlositrr.ated thereon. â- f. The said debentures shall ho sealed with the ?>eal of the Corporat- ion and signed by the head of the Council, or by some other person i'ithor;7pH bv hv-law to siirn th" nr-me. nnd hv the Treasni'or. The said interest coupons shall be signed by the Treasurer and his sig- nature thereon may be wrritten. stamped, lithographed or engraved. 5. Commencing in the year I'.)-' Hid thereafter in each year :;; i' •'n injtalnicr.t of ;)rincip.>U of th*" S".'. debt and interest become due, the ''orporation slia!' lovv :â- â- ric'cific f-um f^hown i?.i- the respcctiv year in the fourth column of the sai' Schedule. Such .s-iim shall be levie<l and raised by a special ra+e suft'icW therefor, over and above all o'^h- rates, upon all the rateable pron •' j 'n U.S'.S. No. 12, Artemesia and â- Glenelg. 'i. The said debentures may contai â- ' a clause providinn- for the vf,--; -t- tion thereof pursnnit to Section S*?*^ of Tbc Municipul Act. 7. Pending the sale of the said de- debentures, the head of the Council and tihe Troa»urer miay raise, for the purposes aforesaid by way of loan on such debentures, any sum of money not exceeding in all the sum hereby authorized to be borrowed and may li.Vpothecate suoh debentures for suci, loan. 8. The Corporation ."*hall have the right, at its option, to redeem the said doibentures, either in whole or in part, On any date priorto maturity, at the places where and in the monies in which the said debentures are ex- pressed to be payable, upon payment of the principal amount thereof to- gether with interest accrued to the date of redemption and upon giving previous notice of said intention to redeem by advertisinp- once in the Ontario Gazette and once in a daily newspaper of general provincial cir- culation, pubHshed in the City of To- ronto, and once in a local newspaper, such notice to be advertised as afore- said at least thirty days before the date fixed for redemiption. Notice of intention so to redeem .shall also be' sent bv nost ft least thi'-ty dav ni " >i- to the date set for such redemption to each person in vv'hose name a de- benture, so to be redeemed, i.s. regis- tered at the address shown in the Debenture Registry Book. %\'heri only a portion of the debentures of this issue is so to bo rpdeeiiied, s.uch portion shall comprise only the d'- bentures that have the latest matur- ity dates ami no debenture of thi.J is-siie shall be called for si'ch redr n-.- tion in priority to any surh di>'H •â- ! that has a later maturity date. Read a first and .-^eeoiid ''" '' 15th day of Decomher. 194". ' â€"JOHN A. DAVIS. IJo'n Read a third ti'^'ie and final'v ni .-- ed this day of 1948 Reeve Clerk Geisera! insurance AUTO - FIRE LIABILITIES v^liecial low rates for most private cars D. G. MacARTHUR Phone 82 J FLESHERTON 'Wabasso' Prints Prints have been scarce for a long time, but we are fortunate in having a nice new shipment of "Wabasso" Prints to offer. iThe patterns are well selected in fast colors, the width is 36 in. Priced at 45c and 50c Yard "WABASSO" PRINTED POPLINS Smart new designs, 36 in. wide 69o yard "WABASSO" BROADCLOTHS A good rangeof colors, 36 in. wide 50c yard "WABASSO" SHEETINGS Bleached and unbleached, 72 in. and 81 in. wide "Wabasso" Hemstitched Pillow Slips $L59 pair •ft FOR HOUSECLEANING TIMEâ€" Sunworthy Wall Papers Varnishes Paints and Enamels Floor Wax Floor Finishes Paint Brushes GRAND VALUES IN RELIABLE WORK BOOTS PIONEER POULTRY FEEDS Cliick Starter Chick Grower Laying Mash F. H. W. Hickling General Merchant FLESHERTON I •1 i. â- at i * â- % - -»- ♦M-WM -y.-f'*-' ;^t^ fc â- rt&^ilW*'^* J:Lm acAUTY NEW FASCINATING COLORS NEW BEAIHY - ^I^.tcheN OR BATHROOM 1 tMi . '.v.s.wJWJ-ft'jWfflSflW^ "^ ^It' ^^'^ T .XX-'' ^^^ST^-^t, isjl â- â- 'm SSill SWU SIM \ \. \ ^! NEW RICH GLOSS COLORE "Luxor" yoiir kitchen and batlirooin walla, ceilings and woodwork. You'll be delighted with the way Luxor Rich Gloss Colors trans- form even the dingiest room into a liome of brilliant, sparkling beauty. This wonderful "Luxor" finish is superior to ordinary enameL It gives a more pernwment, beaulifiJ gloss and doea not show brush marks! Luxor new Rich Gloss Colors are proof against acids, hot liquids, alcohol, and cover solid one coat. Easy to clean. • Your Luxor D«a/ar'i H»lp and Advice Are Yourt For th» Asking â€" Consult Him Abouf Your Dacorating Meat Today! te^cl 1^ »â- r IP, t »0|, ?§ fo«,, lit '*^» H l^^4i>. MlJCt 'OlMOOt 7^ CANADA PAINTS. MONTREAl • TORONTO WINNIPW • CALGARY • VANCOUVER • HMIFAX ^ •^ i •* * •* »