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Flesherton Advance, 4 May 1949, p. 1

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0- Wi)t /liesljier U*n ^otianc^^ VOL. 68; NO. 49 FLESHERTON, ONT., WEDNESDAY, MAY 4, 1949 F. J. Thurston, Publisher; .1 If t m Future Events J- PLAY IN FLESHERTON MAY 16 "Bashful Bertie," a 3-act play, will be presented in the Town Hall, Fiesherton, on Monday, May 16th, at 8 p.m., by Westside Church Choir of Owen Sound, under auspices of St. John's Y.P. U. Admission: 40 and 25c. PLAY AT PRICEVILLE 8-Act comedy pljiy "Aunt Minnie From Minnesota" will be given in iSie Institute Hall, Priceville, Wed., May 4th, at 8:30 p.m., under auspices St. Columlba Y.P.U. AdTnission: 40c and 25c. Grant Muir Win* Two Scholarships At University Mr. Grant iVIuir, sou of Mr. and .Mrs. A. S. IVluij' of Ceylon, was tlie winner of two scholarships, in hi.s third ye;'r theoloa-ical coarse ,ii is.'m.\ College, Toronto, the John K. Hyslou No. 1 Scholarship and the Jane -M. Hyslop No. 1 Scholarship, both for e-eneral proficiency. Grant is to be congratulated on the success he lias attained at CoUeKe, as he received scholarships last year also. He will be in charge of a chui-ch at Oraos'^- dale, Cape Breton Island, ^ova Scotia, for the summer. He and his bride expect to leave in about a week and a half for Lheir field of laboi. Markdale Standard Sold PLAY AT EUGENIA Westside United Ohiurch choir of Owen Sound will present their play "Bashful Bertie" in Eugenia United Ghupch, on Monday, May 23rd, at 8:30 pjm., under auspices of the W. A. • Admission : SSc and 20c. A Communist orator was holding forth in Hyde Park, London, and was promisine srreat things to his listeners "when the Day~of Freedom comes." Haviner finished his speech he noticed an old derelict on the fringe oif it3ie crowd leaning- on his bicycle and smoking a cigaret. He poimted his fing-er at him and com- menced as follows : Oommie. â€" And you. my frieinl. when the day of freedom comes, will be riding around in a Rolls-Rovce. weai-ing a tall _ silk hat and a fat cigar in your mouth. Victim^ â€" Ah, I don't know as I care for cigars I'd raArther have me fi"- Commie. â€" Alright, w-hen the dav of freedom comes, you will be ridini'" around in a Rolls-Royce with a tall silk hat and your fag. Victim â€" M\, I dunno as I want a silk hat. rd sooner have me can. iConunie.i SlDigftitly net%led â€" 'AI- rig^ht,. when the dav of freedom comes, you will be ridino- around in a Rolls-Royce with vour cap and hag. Vjctimâ€" .Ah. T oawnt' jsiy as I care about a automobile; Pd sooner have me bike. Commie. â€" ^Look here, voii. when the day of freedomi con^e you'!! darn well <?o as you please. Last week's Markdale Standanl announced the sale of the newspaper to Mr. R. Gordon Craig of Ingersoll. who took possession on Monday o! this week. We welcome Mr. Craisi' to journalism in Grey County and wish hiini the best of success. le was with regret that we learned the editor of The Standard since 1945, Jack Colgan. had to retire on account of ilKhealth. Jack had not had the liest of health for the past couple o! years and while he was away Mrs. Coigan carried on in an able manner. The former owner took over on the death of his father, the late A. E. Crlgan. in January, 1945, and ha.i previously been associated wiVn liini at M'arkdale for over 20 years. Thu editor of The .Advance h;ld c.T'iyed the associations with the Colsran family during that time and our b-sr wishes go with Jack on a complete return to good health. Toronto Men Fight At Ma^^well; Court Friday Three hoddlums from Toronti, created a aistui'bance at Maxwell o;. Saturday evening, about seven p.m. that was a disgrace to any youn^; person to commit. As Warren Mor- rison was entering the Grummett store he was set upon by three men and hit several times. They were ali taller tiian he, but Warren waded in when the crisis came and was assist- idson and Mel Sleti-, and when odds went against tliem the men left and went east in their ear. WTiile the fracas was under way, Constable H. -A.. Black of Flesherton was called and dispite a hurried trip to Maxwell, his quarry had disappeared but the license aumber of the car was ^ecnv- e^l. Warren had never seen the me' before and had no idea why they should make such an attack. Constable Black's car radio broad- ed by Chas. Grummett. Newton Dav- jast the information and the police in North York were waiting and the culprits will appear in court at Markdale this Friday on a charge of assault occasioning bodily hai-m. BIG FISH AGAIN CAUGHT AT EUGENIA Good Price For Lambs Early Sipring lambs brouglit a premium price on the Toronto live- stock market last week, when Wes Y'oung of Ma.xwell trucked four t. market, owned by Mr. WaU of the 10th line. They weighed 340 pounds and the selling price Avas 35 cents per pound, makinsr a total of ^129.00 received for the four lambs. They were January and February lambs and were choice quality. Insurance Agent: "What did your grandparents die of?" Ezra; "I don't recolect: but twar not nothin' ?-erious." I I ? \ I % I I The Home of Tasty Bakinf Specials This WeeU ORANGE CAKE SPICE CAKE MAPLE WALNUT CAKE PIES Mincemeat Cherry (fresh frozen) Apple I Raisin % Date CREAM PUFFS I COOKIES Special This Week 2 doz. 35c CREAM BUNS JELLY ROLLS Flesherton Bakery *.><.<.-x..:«<»<«^<»%~:">'>*K>*<~:"W«<«<~>->'><'<*<*<*<">'><**!*<'<*<*<*<*<*^<*<^^^ Our Chapel is at th« di»po8«l of our dientelt without extra chstgt. It contain! well-appointed family reception rooma, Including organ and organist. Bates and Maddocks hUNiRAL CHAPE I 124Avenue Rd KI.4344 A. E. Goessel Appointed Collingwood B-A Manager (By Ceylon Reporter), Mr. A. E. Goessel lias been appoint- manasrer of the CoHingwood branch of the British-American Oil Company and left on Tuesday to take over. Mr. Goessel came to the Flesherton b'/anch eleven years ago from Barrie and while residing in Flesherton wa.* a member of the village Council for two terras. Mrs. Goessel and Mar^-ot .Anne will join ham later this month. EUGENIA BOY WINS BY A HEAD (Oafcville Star) Mr. W. .\. Martin of the Halton Beauty Salon, played hookey from his shop to attend the annual hair- dresser convention and ti-ade exhibi- tion held recently at the Royal Y'ork ill Toronto. It was pretty STOod hookey, evidently, because Mr. Mar- tin snared first prize in the hair shap- ing competition; won the proficiency award in permanent waving, also a trophy for hair styling. Nice head- wurk. we call it! [Editor's Note: Mr. Martin is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Martin of Eugenia.] Eugenia Hydro Lake again came into Its own by supplying the first prize fish in the senior and junior competition for speckled trout in Giey and Br^ce Counties, conducted by .Mr. FraiMC Slater of Owen Sound. fishermen Hocked ir. from all centres in Ontario and bad a lovely week end for a holiday, but the catches oj fish were not lari^e, although quality was good. Only one prize winnei came from this district, with Donald Sinclair i)f Ceylon taking first prize in the junior class with a 2 lb., 15 oz. tiout, winning the fine balloon-tire bicycle. Jas. Law of Bartonville won firsi prize in the senior competition witii a ly-inch beauty that weighed three pounds ten ounces, caught at Eu- o-enia. Second was Lome Gordon of Gait, caught at Eugenia; third went to "Ric" McFaul of Owen Sound, his beins: caught in Williams Lake, as was the fourth pnze by Zoli Petranv of Guelph and fifth was caught by Robt. Wilco.x of Toronto, with a two pound, U ounce fii'h captured at Best's pond in Flesherton. The first prize winner was srivei: the following as trophies of his luck or ability: 16-gausre shotgun, a .22 calibre rifle l)ji!t action repeater, a hunting coat, hunting pants, and boots, huntine- cap. plaid shirt, woo! socks, -sheath knife, two boxes of ammunition, duck decoys, a gun- cleaning kit and a compass. In the junior claso, Donald Sinclair was first, as we mentioned before. Dick Swannel! of Heathcote. second. his being caught in the Beaver River; third to Carlye Robertson of Inglis Falls; fourth to Bob McFaul. son _^;' the winner in the senior class; fiftii to Darryl Blair of Owen Sound. Many splendid fish were on dis- play at the Slater store, but ti.eie were many others tltat were ni't taken to Owen Sound. There were eigrht fish over 1 ':; pounds caugiit tiiat were not ei'tered in the com- pet'.ion some of them a'oing over the two pound size. This was the 18th season that the Slater Speck'.ed Fish Derby has been operalina anJ each year grow^ m popula.-*:v. Rev. A. J. Fletcher Takes Over Baptist Churches ! Rev. \. J. Kietcher preached hi.-' lirst sermon in Cedarside Baiptist Church on Sunday, after accepting a recent call to tlie pastorate of tiie r;esheiton and Rock Mills Baptist Ciiuches. Rev. Fletcher and famii' arrived in town last week and ar^.: lu-w ousy settling in their new home. The family consists of three daugh- ters, Nelly, Hazel and Ruth. The Fleocher family are p-iven a welcoine to the life of U;e village and we hope that their ministration will be very pleasant. Rev. Flett4ier came hen from WalsJi. near Simcoe. Ont. V nENDED (;K.\l)LAl'rON OF TORONTO ii'iiLE COLLEGE Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Thurston at- tended the graduation exercises of the Toronto Bible College Thursday evening of last week, when liitir niece. Miss riele i P-urrant, Ri-i; .^ was in the graduation class. Others from this district were Miss Iva English, Reg.N., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. .A.lex. Enjflish of Rock Mills and Miss Tressa Jean Hill, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hill of Max- ,-».n The srraduation class included Interesting Moving Picture^ in ihe Vandeleur Hall (By VandeUar Reporter) A splendid nrogram of sound mov- ing pictures was shown m die La/ta munity Hail Monday evening, .\prl. 26th, by Dave Anderson, tieldiuac for Grey County Fedei-ation of Xg.' diculture. .-Vbout a dozen pictures were shown on various interesiintC subjects, the most outstanding beinic Holidaying in Bantf National Parte Canada's Ukranian People, Whea All the People Play (a rural recrea- tion project developed in Annapolis Royal) and Making Photographs 'of Canada From the .\ir. It was decid- ed to have the next showing Friday evening. May 27th. when school pic- tures will also be shown. Mr. .And- erson was introduced by Howard Graham and thanied by Will Rat- cliffe and Will .Johnston. SI students in the day classes. and evening MOTHER'S DAY Sunday, May 8 Order your Cut Flowers and Flowering Plants from W. Phone 17 A. HAWKEN Flesherton Vandeleur Community Windbreak Extended (By Vandelour Reporter) The second community reforesta- tion plot and windbreak to be plant- ed in this neighborhood, was started on Friday morning, April 22nd. Mr, J. C. Jackson of Owen Sound, zone forester for Grey and Brace, and Mr. Bailey of the Forestry Dept. in Tui'onto, were present to see the the project started, and both ad- dressed the planters, consisting of a dozen men and several children. Mr. .T-.'.ckson told manv thing's about rc- forestationn regard to reforestation and save instructions about nlant- int', answering many question.-*! He then dug a hele and Rulh Graham, tlie only a-irl present, had the honor .of planting the first tree. Mr. Bailev stated that the Department now had r.iechanica! planters that would plant over forty thousand trees a dav. Th > plot is about 40 ivds Xov.'x and l y^A- wide, and is situated along the Men- TcrA Read, south of the nlantinr made last year. Both plots were purchased from Mrs. Ethe! Hutch- inson. l:.iection oi Tennis Club Utricers Held Monday Liectioa o'f otticers and plans io^ me iJ-i'J season were carried tnroutin oy tne l?lesherton Teim.s Clul^ oi. Monday evening, when latere was a gooU attendance. The following oiii- ceii. were elected: President â€" Rev. A. Ll. Macpherson. \ ice-Pres. â€" Bob Stoddart Secretai-y â€" Jean Proctor. Treaurer â€" Eva Doupe. Convener Membership Committee â€" Jean McCracken. Convener Grounds Committee â€" Lioo Turney. Convener Games Coowuittee â€" ^Fred Gorrell. The treasurer's report revealed a small balance from the previous year with all hills paid. The necessity i^i having one of the two courts recover- ed with cement or asphalt was con- sidered, also the desirability of in- Sitalling lights. Rev. Macpherson and Fred Gorrell were appointed a com- mittee to approach the Service C!r in re.siard to assistance in these matters. Tlie meniber.sbip fees were set a the same level as last year: Adults S2.00, Juniors .Sl.OO. Husband and Wife §3.00; Children of members 50c Membership may be secured fron' Jean McCracken or members of iie committee. .After May 1.5th. only members may use the eourtsi. Born BARNES â€" At the Royal Victorii Hospital. Barrie o" Wed., .\pril 20 li)4i), to Mr. and Mr-;. Hai-old Barnes (Eleanor Williams) of Elmvale a daughter. M(uriel Lorraine. BRADLEY â€" At the Nuhn Nur.-- ing Home, Flesherton, on Thursday. -April 28. ly4y. to .Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bradley of Duiiaalk a son, D inal i Roy. DUNCAN â€" .At the Nuhn Nursing Home. Flesherton. on Sat., AprU Jv'. 1949. to .Mil-, and -Mrs. Mack Du-ican of Flesherton, a daughter. Susan Elizabeth. JACK â€" .At the Nuhn NursniLC Home Fltsherton, on Mo^dav, May 2, 1940, to Mr. a:id .\Iv-. Jas Jai k of Cedai-ville, a daughter. Rose Maru-. ROWBOTHAM â€" .At Durham on Sunday, April 24th. 1949. to Mr. an. of Dur •^as^t? Mr i'.am, Clitford Rowbotham a daughter. In Memoriam PARTRIDGE â€" In memory of our father and mother. .Alfred and Mai->- Partridvre. who rinsse<! away J-)!i. '4. T?r45. and May 7, 1942. respoctivciv. Not dead Init passed beyond The mist that finds us here. Into the newer, larger life. Of that unclouded sphere. â€" Sadly missed by the Famil-- woo<i, Leta. Kenneth and LUn-d. PKESFNTflNG GEORGE MEDAL ro in RHAM FAMILY SUNDAY e: Litul-Gov. Ray Law-;Mi of Ontari â-  \\\\\ be at Durham on Sunday, May S at 3 p.m. for the presentation of the Geoi-ge Medal to .Albert Jan Koesla for work done in the underground movement in H:)lland dui'iH- the iv.\< war. The pipe hand of the .Are;-.!.' •nd Sutheralnd Higlilanders of H-n",- '!ton wi!l be in attendance, alov â-  â- > deta'Mi'iient of the 45th .Anli-Ta:.': Retriment. Muir - Cunningham Knox College ChJapel, Toronto. : was the scene of the marriajje Sat- urday evening, April 25, of Miss Jean Brown Cunningham, younger daugii- ter of Mt. and Mrs. Geo. B. Cunning- ham, Orillia, to Mr. Grant Muir, only son of -Mr. and Mrs. .A. S. Muir, Cey- lon. Ontario. Professor D. W. Hay of Knox Col- lege officiated before tall standards of pink and white snap dragons. Mr. Jack Russell, organist of Bonar Pres- byterian Church, Toronto, was at the oigan, and Mr. Tom Cunningham,, brother of the bride, sang "The Nup- tial Benediction". .As the Kuests sang "O God of Bethel", the bride entered the Chapel on the arm of her latner wiio slave her in marriame. The bride wore a street lenght dress of Queen's blue crepe with navy blue off-the-face straw hat and navy accessories. Her bouquet was a fan-shaped nosegay of pink i-oses, w^iite sweet peas, with a sprie of heather brought from Scot- land by the givom's aunt. The bride's attendant was her sister, Maymie Cunningham, dressed in grey crepe with natural straw hat and fan- shaped nosegay of red roses and fern. The bestman was Mr. Robt. Sutherland of Elora, Ont., and the ushers were .Mr. Laurie Sutherland and Mr. James Sutherland of Knox College. The reception was held at Kno.x Cluirch H .'Use when the bride's mother received in a-reen crepe dress biscuit straw hat and corsage of yel- low roses. The groom's mother assis- ted, dressed in blue flora! sheer with navy accessories and corsage of pink roses. The couple left for a trip to points east, and will spend the summer at Orangedale, Cape Breton Island, No- va Scotia. Engagement Weed Control .\I! fanners and otht-rs interc.'^tevl in Weed Sprayin^q: and Weed Control, are invited to a Moving Picture and Talk in the the Massey-Hraris Show Rooms at Markdale Friday Evening, May 6th, at S p.m. ALL ARE WELCOME WM. SUTTON MASSEY -HARRIS SALES and SERVICE Phone Z8w MARKDALE Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ferris an- nounce the engagement of their d;)ua:hter, .Alice Gertrude, to Mr. J'llin Alexander Stephens, son of Mr. Dousjald Stepliens and the late Jlrs. .Sitephens of Fevershani, the wedding to take place in Wareham United Church on Thursday, May 12, at 3:30 o'cUx'k p.m. It's a real treat to sit back and take it easy - to enjoy a close-up picture of Ontario's favored countryside, as trim farmlands, rugged hills, sparkling lakes, busy towns and villages roll by in scenes of evercfianging inter- est. That's just one of the reasons you'll enjoy going anyv</here by bus. FARES ARE LOW Died DUCKETT â€" At her residence at Eugenia, on Sunday. May 1st, 194v>. Caroline Emily Taylor, beloved wife of Wm. Duckett, in her ?4th year. The funeral was held on Tuesday, May ."ird, with sei-vice in Eugenia United CJiui-ch at 4 o'clock cm., in- terment being made in Flesherton Cemetery. HOLDFAST CLUB MEETING Oshawa - $6.15 Toronto - 4.60 Markham - 5.70 Orillia - 6.80 ROUND TRIP Tax included (Subject to change) 2*815 ««, The annual meeting of the Holdfast rlub will he held M th^ home of Mrs. F. R. Oliver on Wod., Mav 11. at 2:30 p.m. A full attenfhince requested. .A Chieaco hotel has added a â- ^taff at baby-sitters â€" loni? a crying need. ^mm .s&m:-'..

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