mm M m U • • f T t * THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE 1 '• •• p â- «• ♦ '» « -• <•â- • m. « » « » *â- «r *> » te * k. â- ^ « * â- B « -^ â-¼ -»â- * A « if. ^ '4, * «* • s a. i » Wednesday. April 27, 1949 BUCKINGHAM Mr. and Mlrs. Herb Hawton, Alda and Jim, attended tJhe funeral in CollinjTwood last Monday of Mr. Thos. Graham, brother of Mts. Haw- ton, who death occurred suddenly in the CoUingwood hospital on Apri! 14th, where he had been a patient for several weeks following a severe heart attack at his home in Banks. Kncere sympathy is extended to his family and relatives. • '"a Services were resumed in Rob "Roy United Cliupch last Sunday evening, having been discontinued for the winter months. Mrs. Walter Bristo* of Nottawa, a fonner member, as- sisted in a short service of dedica- tion of the new lights, Hydro havinir been recently installed. Mr. and Mi-s. Jo*in Brown and Mrs. John Elliott i>f Maxwell visited on Wednesday with their sister, Mrs. Skelton, in Markdiale hoapital, \\'ho. we are glad to know, is much im- proved in health. ingwood visited on Sunday with Mi ar.d Mrs. Herb Hawton and family. Mir. and Mrs. .A.mold Ralph visit- ed wich the latter's mother, Mrs. Tran, who is ill at the home of h°r son near Stayner. Mr. -"'I Mrs. Frank MHiAlH-t:- have moved to Mr. Ray Hawton*.- farm on *-Ti'> tenth line. (Intended for Last Week) Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Cameron and titbe of Toronto spent Easter with Mrs. Cameron. Russell and Bi-uee. Mrs. Cameron will remain for a longer visit. Miss Irma Smith called on rela- tives at Rob Roy. while spending Eater vacation with her aunt, Mis- Maud Smith and her father, Mr. Stanley Smith, who has been ir. north with the Hydro for the pas: four months. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Jackson of Owen Sound spent Easter week end with Mr. and Mrs. Han-y Udell. Mr., and Mrs. Sheldon Mills have moved to the 12th line and are liv- ing in one of Mr. Alfred Hawton's Eouses, with whom Mr. Mills is employed. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Bleakley, Mi;:* Norma Bleakley and friend of Bramption were week end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hough. Mr. and Mrs. Hai-old Freethy and Mrs. Davt> McGowan attended the wedding in Hamilton on .-Vpril Ifith. of tlie latterâ- ^ aiece. Mi;:? Fnye Mc- Lean to Mr. G. Briton. EUGENIA Mr. and Mrs. Willis Galbraith, Mavis, Gordoii, Nonnan and Arlene of Ottawa spent several days with Mr. and Jlh's. Hai-vey Boettger. Joan and George M'acS>onald of Toronto spent their Easter holidays with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Breadner. Miss Joyce Genoe of Gravenhurst spent several days with her friend, Mrs. Gordon Breadner. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Meldrum oi Portlaw were callers on their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. T. McKee. Mr. Fred Taylor and son, Clifford, have had four neat tourist cabin.s erected near the garage. Mr. Frank Taylor of Flesherton assisted with the cai-pentry work. Mr. and Mrs. Roy MacMillan ac- companied by Mrs. Fred Jamieson. visited Orillia friends on Sunday. We are sorry to report a number of our residents in the village ill with severe colds, and hope all will S'l^on b? "*?11 3?"iir.. Mr. Chas. Martin and daughter. Marge, attended the funeral of the former's brother, Mr. Will Marti.i. in Owen Sound on Wednesday after- noon of last week. Mr. Dave Genoe visited on Sunday with his brother, Thos., who is ill in tht- Markdale hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Magee at- tended the funeral of the late Mrs. ^\'os. Clinton of Toronto on Wed- nesday, when intennent was made in Flesherton Cemetery. Mrs. Lyons. si!:ter of Mrs. Magee. and Mr. and Mrs^ Chas. Hanley accorrtpanied U»em. We extend our sympathy to the bereaved family. Garnet Magee. Jr., Dale- and Gwenda Magee of Maxwell, aUi^ Carson and Dean Magee, 8th line, spent Caster boiiday^ witii tiii.;r grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Magee. At the Sunday evening s*vice in the church here, eight new members joined the church., name'y; Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Boettger by certificate. Shirley Cairns, Mrs. J. Spanhouse, Billie MacMillan, Bruce Boettger, Douglas and Eldon Turner. CEYLON M!r». Chas. Mc William and sun, John, returned to Mt. Dennis after visiting the paat week with Mr. and Mrs. John McWilliam. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Sinclair visite<i Sunday witii Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Copeland and family at Salem. Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Rutledge were: Mrs. C. Bart- ley, Mrs. Dalton .VLarshall and child- ren of Markdale, Mrs. W. Brawle^ and Barbara of Holland Centre. Lance Beath of Oshawa spent the week end at the home of F. Marshall. Misses Xancy McWilliam of Owen Sound and Ruby Campbell of Walk- er's Point visited last week ivith Mr. and Mrs. John McWilliam. Mrs. Geo. Jaynes and Sandra vis- ited in Toronto recently. Miss Brabara Marshall has re- turned to her teachinjj at Mclntyrt. Miss Frances CoUinson to Toronto and Miss M. E. Aitken of Holsteh to Ceylon. Mrisses Ryth and L"-s F"-^-^"!' spent the Eaater holidays with their grandmother, Mrs. Hugh Wright. .i«- Feversham. Please note the change in time for Sunday School at 10 a.m. D.S.T.. and church at 8 p.m., D.S.T. Miss .\gnes Macphail of Leaside visited recently with Mr. and Mrs Mei Hogaith. We welcome Mr. and Mrs. Severn and grandson. Tommy, of Toronto ti- cheir new home here. Mrs. John Gibson has returned tu her home, after spending the winter in Mai'kdale. FEVERSHAM SWINTON PARK Mr. and Mi's. Guy Hazard of Coll- ingwood visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Teeter. Miss .A.nne Roiinson, U-!g.N.. of Toronto is visiting her i-.'.nt Miss Amelia Robinson, who is on the sick list. .Mrs. Henry .-Vlexander- s ?t" "d- :vwl-.ile in Toron'o and at'ended the wK'ding 01 her rie.'e. Mi,.* Bcttv i erigoe. Mrs. Wm. Lewis and son of New- market visited her sister. Mrs. Wm. Etevidson, Jr. Mr. ami Mrs. Bob Mi-Quay and children of Port Dalhousie visited her father, Mr. C. N. Long, and her The Ladies' Aid met at the home of yin. John Edgar, with a srjod attendance of members. Mr. Chas. Weldrick attended the funral of his g-;'ndson. Gcral.1 Weld- rick, at Ravenna on Saturday. Durham Motors ANNOUNCE THEY ARE NOW NEW DEALERS FOR John Deere Quality Farm Equipment ENQUIRIES INVITED Consult Us on Sales and Service Phone 13, DURHAM RAY ADAMS C B. JAMIESON SPIRELLA FOUNDATION GARMENTS ELECTRIC WIRING Renew your subscription now. , ,% ,*, ,*, ,♦, ,*, ,», ,',,% »*» A*% A^â€" *« «** »*« â- *« >*â- «*» »*» â- *» •% â- *» Summer Store Hours STARTING MONDAY, APRIL 18 we will dose All Mondsy Open We<lnesday Night, ali day Thursday and Saturday Night as usual F. T. Hill & Co., Ltd. I t Now is the timi> to order a uew Spirella Foundation Garment for Spring. Made from individual mea- :-,urements. A wide range of the be-t materials available from wh:';h to choose. MRS. A. E, BELL.\MY Phone 29 M Flesherton Estimates given for your electric wmng. .rinteed. Call collect W. H. GRIFFTN Priceville - Ontario Phone Durham 303^v2. Phone 7 MARKDALE »«>'>*«>«k~x~x»<>^->'K"VM~:~>'>-x~>-xkk«4~:kkkkk~:««x~x~x~c~;~m~w~x~:» NOTICE â€" FARMERS 24 Hour Service â- ..1. lA. AS JliH AS l.b.M FOF DEAD OR CRIPPLED HORSES and COWS reordiBg to size and condition â€" Small animala reakoved We do the loading. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR OLD HORSES Phone Dundalk 146 â€" Reverse Charges NICK PECONI, OWNER GENERAL TRUCKING When in need of any kind of general truckinj;. at any time. Call DONALD WILSON Eugenia P.O. Phone Feversham 20r5 Royal Conservatory of Music of Toronto MIDSUMMER EXAMINATIONS JUNE, 1949 MW^C Infln flHAT ?( IV^V» l« COUMI iniHT TORONTO M, ONT. Mr. Kenaeth Ferguson has pur- chased the Neil McMillan house in the Park. His mother has moved in and we are glad to welcoms her back again. Mr. Bert Martin and son, John, spent a day with ths former's son Everette, at GooksvLlle. A number from our vicinity at- tended the presentation at Pi-oton Station for Mr. and Mrs. Bdivirs Fowler. We welconie Mrs. Fowler to our community, as she lived in our vicinity at one time. Congrat- ulations to both. Mr. Robt. Knox returned tc. hi,< home, after spending tlie winter in Owen So«nd with his daughter ^ number of our folk ha.'e hiv i laid up with the 'flu. Little Janette McDougal is spend- ing some time with her aunt, Mrs. Ivan Wright. Th'' McDiuigal f-mily lost their home by fire. Mrs. Geo. Duncan, Dundalk. spent a few days with her mother. Mi-s. J Ferguson, and Mr. Edward Fer- griison went to Toronto Sntir-dny evening to see his sister, who had a serious operation, but is now im- proving, we are glad to know. -PROVED QUALlTir «,^.K•<K~>x•<••^•>x•^•^•x••x>4>•:~x><^^<>^<>«<>'^^x~^<»'^<x•^<><~x><><x•4>•^^^ I I X Cream ;: Since the time has come when second grade cream is being rejected, we iwould suggest that you deliver your cream two or three times a week and make sure of receiving top price. We are now paying 2 cents above truck prices for delivered cream. Cull Your Flock This is the time to cuU out the hens which are not faying, as there is a good market at present for old hens. Slartiiig on \\ c(ltit\scla\ , May 4th. the Cream- cry will ho opi'u until 10:(X.) p.m. tor recciviuu' cream aiul t'KK^- i"i W odue.sday and Saiunlay nijiht.s until t'utrhcr notitx. Flesherton Creamery RELIANCE PRODUCTS X Motor - Proved Efficiency Look for the Reliance Sign ^ wherever you drive - it's the symbol of dependable qual- ity - 30 years experience - alert, courteous service YOU CAN RELY ON RELIANCE Low in Cost â€" For motors not requiring a High octane fuel RELIANCE VITALUBE MOROR OIL RELIAHCE STANDARD' c Highest Quality Superior Performance Tops for Your Dollar Angus Avis, Manager Ph one 66 Flesherton Ontario «•:•♦• '•;••:•♦•:••:•♦♦ v<'*X"X"i"X">v You Can Rely on Reliance GEORGE SLED, FEVERSHAM MEL. SLED, MAXWELL TAYLORS SERVICE STATION, EUGENIA