The Snake Pet â€" Mike and Mark MuUin, think that snakes make fine pets. They have four â€" three fox snakes, and a garter snake. They also own a cat. Snakes and cat are kept separaied, but did engage in one lively skirmish recently. by ASixbitQ Many years ago tliey used to have a gag about a man who was very round-shouldered â€" the reason for this being that he was continually patting himself on the back. And while there are many things to be Mid against such a method of self- •ongratulation, there i« one thing in lU favor â€" if you do it yourself, you are sure of at least a certain amount of back-slapping, which night be lacking if you waited for others. Anywax, away back about the first W second week in January, we eased tht minds of our host of readers â€" all three of them â€" by issuing our annual hockey predictions. (It will perhaps be recalled that around about that time a team by the name ol the Toronto Maple Leafs were •howing signs of slipping right out of the league.) So here, in part, is our January forecast. "When everything is vashed up and the real hockey begins â€" meaning the playoffs â€" it will be found that the Smythe-Day jnethod has paid off again. This method, in case you don't know about it, consists in having three teams â€" one on the way up from the minors, one at the Maple Leaf Gardens, and the third on the way back to the minors. "In other words, as hockey is played today, quality is important enough, no doubt, but it isn't one- two-three as compared with quantity Just who the Maple Leaf opponents will be in the final finals, we cannot exactly say, the tea-bag having de- Tcloped a split in the seams. But, offhand, we wou'd'nt be too sur- prised if it turned out to be Detroit." * * » That, we may say with all be- coming immodesty, comes pretty •lose to calling one's shots. We night also remind you that, in the T«ry same column, we exclusively forecast that the winner of the Kentucky Derby would be a three- year-old, and that the King's Plate would be taken by a steed which irst saw the light of day in Canada. * * * So don't go complaining, when it's too late, that you lost another chance to make yourself rich. P'oHow our tips and you'll end up just as certain a winner as you will by joining all tht Pyramid Qubs you can find. * * • A writer in an English 'paper â- omebody recently sent us recalls memories of one of the really out- llanding Turf figures of all time â€" Bob Sievier, a man who during his apectacular career had winnings â€" and losings- amounting to millions, and they were millions of pounds, not dollars. * * ♦ They tell of an afternoon when Sievier took his young daughter to the races. After one race was over, she exclaimed delightedly, "Oh, Paddy, I've won five pounds.* Her father's calm reply was, "Have you, my dear? I'm very glad. I list lost five thousand." * « * Very likely the best Thoroughbred Sievier ever ownedâ€" and one of the host race 111.11 cs that ever faced a ISSUE 17 â€" 19W starter â€" was the great SCEPTRE. Experts think that, in any other hands, SCEPTRE would never have been beaten, * ' » * But Sievier believed in plenty of action for his money â€" and for his horses. In spite of severe criticism for racing an immature three-year- old so early in the season, he in- sisted on starting SCEPTRE in the Lincolnshire, run in March. Com- pared to the "Classics" which came later, the Lincolnshire was just a cheap race; but Sievier insisted on going ahead, backiny the mare for something like thirty thousand pounds. ^ * » .< He lost, after a bad start, by a scant head. Undismayed, Sievier set out to win the Two Thousand Guineas. He trained her himself, and his faith seemed justified when she won handily. Two days later she started in the One Thousand Guineas â€" and in spite of losing a shoe right after the start, finished well in front. * ♦ * The Derby came ne.xt. Sievier had backed the mare â€" in the future books â€" getting odds of 33 to 1. But she had made such an impres- sion on the fans that, at post-time, she was only even money. But, like so many Dierby favorites, SCEPTRE got shuffled around a bit, finishing fourth to ARD PATRICK. * * * Most folks would have thought the mare deserved a rest. But not Sievier. Two days after the Derby SCEPTRE started in the Oaksâ€" and won! It was the same story at Goodwoodâ€" beaten by Royal Lancer, then a winner two days later in the Nassau Stakes. • She won four of the Classic races that year â€" but still Sievier hadn't had enough. Two days after she won the St. Leger â€" a mile and three- quarters grindâ€" he started her in the Park Hill Stakes, and saw her beaten, at odds of one-to-five â€" a short price anywhere, but especially so in England. * <i^ * With all those rich winnings, one would have thought that Sievier would be well fixed. But hie gambling was so reckless that he found himself troubled with "the shorts"â€" and SCEPTRE was, sold for the tidy sum of 25 thousand pounds. That same Spring, under new colors, SCEPTRE nosed out Sievier's horse HAPPY SLAVE and beat Sievier out of one of the biggest bets he had ever made, practically ruining him â€" this time for keeps. Thinking of the way Sievier hail run the gallant almost to death, there were those who said it was noffiing more or less than poetic justice. WMTGOESON ^^ VOllLD 4'NoriiionBbir Great: Britain In Britain they're referring to it as a "grim and bear it" budget and "another 12 months at hard labor for the British." And Sir Stafford Cripps is being spoken of as "The Iron Chancellor" oh account of his bud- • get proposals for 1949-50 whichâ€" far fron- bringing the expected relief â€" add a little more to the taxpayer*' already-hcav.v burden. ^ut after the first mutterings and groanings were over, it appeared as though the bulk of the Laljpr Party were going to accept Cripps' new austerity budget. At a private meeting of meml^ers of the party Sir Staflord is understood to have said that he cannot guarantee that a business recession â€" in Britain and elsewhere throughout the world â€" can be avoided in 1949. And this warning is said to have carried much weight with those assembled. Possible rising unemployment and deflation are dangers which Cripps felt he was bound to guard against in his budget; and the Labor party members are well aware that the Atlee cabinet is determined to back Sir Stafford in his refusal to make any immediate concessions to trade union demands for reduction in the cost of living. The General Council of the Trades Union Council was not due to meet until April 27, due to the absence in the United States of five leading members. It is thought that the UJidue delay may increase the clash between the trades unions and the Chancellor, since there v.ould be that much more time for local trades union organizations to pass resolu- tions saying they will no longer curb their demands for wage in- creases. In the llousi; of Commons there was one indication of future possible trgublc. .Mark Hewitson, industrial officer of the million-strong Muni- cipal and (iencral Workers Union, gave b uiit warning that there might well be industrial disputes such as have not been seen since the end of World War One. He said that the new budget would make the living conditions of countless workers and their families intolerable â€" and that, as .Sir StalTord had failed them, the Unions would fight the Labor gov- ernment jnst as they would a Tory one. "Jt isn't any good saying to the workers that you have sympathy for their low wages," said Hewitson. "Synipatliy doesn't sizzle in the frying pan." The United States What promises to develop into one of the most controversial issues ever put before the people of the United .Stales is the, Truman Admin- istration's scheme for farm pros- perity and food abundance. Those in favor are hailing it as a mile- stone in the history of American agriculture. Those opposed contend that it is just another long â€" and highly dangerous â€" stride toward state socialism. "If the tiovernnient undertakes to guarantee a satisfactory income to producers of farm commodities, can we, with a clear conscience, deny the same guarantee of satisfactory in- come to other groups of our popu- lation? .And just where can we stop?" commented Senator Aiken, a Republican from Vermont, who is one of the foremost among the opposition forces. But L)r. Theodore Schultz, one of the framers of the new scheme, says that its real aim is the production of more of the perishable sorts of foods. "It's an incentive to produce better foods, the things we want more of as we begin to grow richer," he says. "We don't want more wheat or corn. What we really want is more milk, piJrk, beef, chickens, fruits and vegetables." In order to support farm prices, and at the same time to allow prices to fall to a low level for the benefit of consumers, the Government pro- poses to step in with subsidies that will make up to the farmer the difference between those tqo-low- for-profit prices and the guaranteed price support level. This, in the eyes of those who question the wisdom of any such move, would constitute redistribu- tion of wealth in Ime with socialistic policies. Who can say how very many winged angels started out as mere jaywalkers? DIESEL POWER UNITS IN STOCK Brand new or reconditioned . . . FEED MILLS . . . CRUSHERS . . . , . CONVEYORS . . . PUMPING . . . OENERATINQ SETS RUSSEL-HIPWELL ENGINES MMJTBD Head Office â€" OWEN SOUND, Ont. â€" Photie 2088 for SAWMILLS . . COMPRESSORS PLANTS AOJBNTS WANTED OILS, GREASES, TIRES L2ia«ctlcldei, EIlMtrtc Fenco Controllers. Houie and Bam Palot Roof Coatings, etc. Dealers are wanted. W^rlt« Warco Grease & Oil Limited. Toronto A SPLENDID opportunity of becoming your own bnasi Retail our 260 Guaranteed household necessities Including tbe full line of Insecttcfdes. In a territory ot your cbolce Pd,rt time agents connidered Hundreds of sue* cessfui Fetnilez agenis started with a borrow ed $25 or $50 No riskâ€" It Is worth a trial Travelling equipment essential In rural dis- tricts Business is good Write to-day for details and FREE catalogue. FAMrf-BX 1600 Delorlmier. Montreal HERE IT IS Farmers. Hobblests: 5-In-l Power Tool Work- shop: Lathe. Drill Press. Circular Saw. Dlgc Sander, Orlnder. One motor operates complete unit ; Portabls. Free illustrated folder. LOCKEWEAVE. COMO, P.Q. CHAMPION ELECTRIC GRAIN GRINDERS, Oat Rollers and Mlik CoolfTH. Motors In slock. Heavy Duty Producta, Preaton. Qnt. SEEKING EXCLUSIVE AGENTS Automatic fire alarm system, bell ringing thermostat operation. No wiring necessary. Ysry interesting propo:>Hlon for active agents, as It can bo easily sold In every home for life protection. Few choice territories still open. For further details write to P.O. Box 17i Station T., Montreal. BABY CHICKS STARTBD Chick bargralns while they last- non-sexed. pullets, cockerels. 2. 3. 4, 6. and 8 week old. Also turkey poults two, 3 and 4 week old. Send for special sale prlcellst. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Ontario. MONKTON Poultry Farm ChlcKsâ€" All ws can say la try them. Results tell the story. All Breeders pullorum-tested and government banded Write for 1949 price list and cato^ loffue. Monkton Poultry Farms. Uonkton, Ont. FROM Ocvemment banded, blood tested breed- ers. disease free, pullorum clean Light Sussex, Barred Rocks. Hamp X Rock cross. Oscar Anderson, Troy. Ontario. WE CAN GIVE prompt delivery on turkey poults and have stilt some available for May and June. Also started turkey poults. 2. 3, and 4 week old. Free circular. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited. Fergus, Ontario. DON'T miss these startfd chick bargains â€" 2, 3. 4. 6, and 6 weeks old. non-sexed, pul- ets or cockerels. Also turkeys, 2, 3 and 4 weeks old. Send for sale prlcellst. Top Notch Chick Sales, Guelph. Ontario. THERE aren't many short cuts. There are some short cuts to success but very few short cuts to success in poultry raising. To be suc- cessful in the poultry raising business you must start good quality chicks. For 26 years Tweddle has been supplying some of Canada's best poultryraen with their chicks. If you have never purchased Tweddle chicks or turkey poults before It will pay you to do so this year. Day old started chicks, 2 weeks to six weeks, non-sexed. pullets or cockerels. Older pullets *'ieht wetiks to laying. Turkey poults day old two. three and four week old. All from Government Approved Pullorum tested breeders. Free catalogue. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited. Fergus, Ontario. ATTENTION FARMERS J Trees cut down and corded $3,00 a cord soft, $6.00 hard. Grover Bros.. Expert Tree Fellers, 68 Seaton St., Toronto. ALUMINUM ROOFING & SIDING CrofiB-CrlniP€<l Corrugated and ribbed atylea, I to 10 (t. leiurtba. Immediate delivery (ram stock. Write (or lamples and estlmatea. Steel Dlstrlbutora Limited. 600 Cherry St.. Toronto. SIAMESE KITTENS Females. Pedigreed. 135.00. Sunshine Cattery, 103 Bleecker St., Toronto 6. Ontario. BLANKETS CLOTH YARNS Batts made from your own aheep'i vool, or If you have old wooUene or cotton we will re- make them Into beautiful blankets or robea, Write Brandon Wollen Mills, Brandon, Man. PROTECT AND BEAUTIFY your property at lowest cost with prefabric- ated wood picket fence. Four sections six feet long and Ave posts packed In carton all ready to Instal, anyone can put It up. Write for de- tails now. Manufacturers Sales company. 115 Young Street. Montreal 3. SPECIALS from Bulletin No. 6 â€" Resistors, 100 assorted, $1.95; BAIODB Receivers. $39.95; No. Ilfi4 Transmitters, $14.96. Radio Trade Supply Co. Ltd., 695 Yonge St., Toronto. 1947 FORD Ferguson Tractor on rubber, with fluid starter, ploughs and pulley, in sood condition for $1160.00. Albert Watson. Perth, Ont. RR. 1, Box 12. DUFF ORPINGTON batching eggs for sale $1.26 per 15. Orval Capling, Bright, Ont. IF YOU WANT meat chickens as well as egg producers you cannot do better than invest In ' our combination ege and meat producing ! strains. 12 pure breeds and 13 cross bre^^ds to choose from. Day old. started chicks 2 weeks to six weeks. Non-sexed. pullets or cockerels. Older pullets eight weeks to laying. Turkey poults day old. 2. 3 and 4 week old. Free catalogue. Top Notch Chick Sales. Guelph. Ontario. WESTSIDE POULTRY FARM. R.O.P. Sired Barred Rock and approved Hamp x Rock crossbred chicks. Canada accredited hatchery. Pullorum clean. For folder and prices write E. W. Fisher, Neustadt, Ont. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES AN OFFER to every Inventorâ€" List of inven- tions and full information sent free. Tb« Ramsay Co. Registered Patent Attorneys, S73 Bank Street. Ottawa. OVELNG AND CLEANING HAVE YOU anything needs dyeing or clean- ing? Write to us for information. We are glad to answer your questions. Department H. Parker's Dye Works Limited. 791 Yonge Street. Toronto. Ontario. FARMS FOR SALE 126-ACRE FARM, partly under cultivation, hardwood bush. Some logs, well watered. Frame buildings moatly. % mile from school. Good place for tourists also. B. Buckley. Red- bridge. Ontario. 300- ACRE farm for sale; 82 acres cleared, balance bush: good buildings; fall plowing done. District of Parry Sound. Apply to Walter McLaren, Rye. Ont. 200 ACRE farm. 160 acres, rich loam^ 60 acres bush, small orchard; barn 100 by 66, stlo. chicken house, driving shed, garage. 10 room brick house, modern bathroom, land- soiiped lawns, hard and aut't water on pressure, hydro and telephone. Situated one mile from Uxi)ridKe. one aide bordering Highway 47, Ux- Sprlng Farms Limited, Uxbridb'e. L>ntario. FRUIT FARM â€" 15 acrea orchard and berries. In town, good market, good barn and fruit oeiler, new modern 7 room brick veneer house, insulated: storms and screens, hardwood throughout, fireplace, modern bathrom, hot air. electricity, hot and coUl water. Box B06, BownianviUe, Ont. I<0K SALE FREE SILK TIE POSTPAID Finest quality mercerized broadcloth. white and striped dress shirts, postpaid: $2.75 with a free tie. Two (or $5. 25. Refunds. Efross Textiles. 1311 Ontario East. Montreal 24. LOW COST WALLBOARD For lining garages, attics, chicken houses, temporary partitions. Sizes 48"x96". Packed 10 sheets per crate, shit>pe(J|,in crate lots only, Crate $10.30. Freight prepaid. Sample on re- quest. Gummed tape for joints 150' roll 30c. Send for - our bulletin on other building materials. Canada lea 9t Coal Co.. HsmUron, Ontario. $2-38 THRESHING MILLS various makes. 28 - 48 Threshing Mills various makes. Tsed grain binders, standard 4-wheel tractors. Write us about your needs for farm or saw mill equipment, new or used. Richmond Farm Machinery Co.. Box 565. Pfione 555 W, Amhurstburg, Ont, I.E.L. 6 H.P. Chain Saw. extra cliain. Good condition. Jantzl Bros,. R. 2 Baden. Ontario. GRINDING and feed business for sale, on CNR tracks; new cement block buUding H. W Boyd, Mallorytown, Ont FURS â€" DIRECT FROM FACTORY Fur collars, beautiful Silver Fox $6.50â€" Wolf, blue or natural $3.50. Finest Fur coats from $76.00 up. Write Leslie B Srntt Sfifi Mayor Str eet. Montrea 1 . F L A M ETESS^U G H TE R S No wick, no flint, press plunger and tip glows red hot. Attractively boxed with complete In- structions. Only $2.50. Just right for out of doors. Fairway Distributing" Co.. 22.1 Hrown St.. Sault St Marie, Ontario. STEEL NAILS Common wire, 1-5-lnch: finishing, I W -3-inch; bright shingle or plaster board, %-1%-inch. Independent Nail Co. Ltd. . Write, wire or phone Beverley St.. Gait. Ont â€"9 68. LADINO CLOVER, $2.25~LB~ Grown from Certified seed. Gov, Grade No. 1. Lots o^ 10 pounds or more, express prepaid. Papple Brs., R. 3 CainsvlUe, Ont Baled hay. grass and legume, tor Im- nxedlate sale. Apply for price, stating Quan- tity required, to Hawthorne's Farms, Prescott, Ont. "KISS Melody." New song, Nice dance tune. Send 85o to: A, K. McCrea. Brown's Mill. Port BssinKton. P f ' SAVE $ $ $ I ,ECTRIC MOTORS Tamper, new. guiuiinteed, 60 cyo, 110 V.. y^ HP, apllt phaae. Uegular 121.50, Our tit. ID. 86 cyo. 110 V. ^4 M.P., BBlIt phase. Reeular •23.110. Our 120.80. 60 oyc. 110 V 1/3 H.P., â- pllt phase. Regular 122.50. Our IK. SO. 36 oyc., 110 V 1/8 H.P.. split phase. Regular lat.lO, Our 123.60. Bxpreas C O.D. o> Money Order. LOCKKWEAVE. COMO, P^Q^^ LEATHERCRAFTERS Tooling, cai-vtng. designs, patterns. Catalogue dime. Happy Hobbles, Edmonton, Alb<?rta. CERTIFIED SEED POTATOES Write or Wire for Prices Katahdhifl, SehaeofH, C«bld< r* , Green Mount » ins. etc. S. HISEY & SON LIM . The Votato rt'iiii)i> TORONTO Si h.p. JOHN DEERB power unit. 11 Inch Vessot grinder, heavy duty, mill type. Walter W. Burkholder, Markham, Ont. R.R. 1. 800 AMP portable Lincoln Arc Welder on rub- ber. 1946 Model, 300 ft. Cable. Write W. Plane, Stamford Centre, Ont 1947 FORD Ferguson, good as new, oversized front tires. Price 11,000. Sherman step-up gear available. Jim Eccles, Brampton, R. 2. Phone 337R14. 100 ACRE Tobacco Land: Lot 22, R., 2, N,"L, W, R. Mosa, town. Apply W. G. Simpson, R.R, No. 3, Newbury, Ont,. RAPIDBINSE CHINESE) ELM, the most rasl(| dense vrowlng shrub, for the tblokest, quh est hedse. Plant one foot apart. 12 Inoh â- tie^ 12 cents each. Johnson's Nurseries, KtnvstoB, Ontario. NURSERY STOCK, special prices. Ourra2{ bushes, plum trees, grape vines, Matthews' Nurseries, R. 2. St. Catharines, Ontario. RESERVE ORDER now for spring delivery. rive labelled leaves of newer African Violet Introductions $1.00. Instructions for rooting. R uth Campbell, Wales, Ontario. CARAGANAâ€" For that batter hedge 1»"-1»" 110 OO per hundred. Northern Fruit Tp«e»â€" apple, plum, cherry. Will stand 40 des. below and give arood fruit, Hardy raspberries, straw- berries, currants, Taylor Nurseries. Bo» 271, Timmlns, Ont. BEST CBRTIFIBD well rooted strawberry ant raspberry plants, asparagus, apple, pear and cherry trees. Invest now for profits. Writ* for prices. Henry Olecoff, Box 8, Oshawa, Ontarh>. _ CENTRAL NURSERIES LTD. For first quality Fruit and Shade Trees, Shrubs, Svergreene, Roses, etc. Get our Fre* Priced Catalogue, St. Catharines. Ontario, GLADIOLUS. Special offer for two weeks only 100 large bulbs. Up-to-date varieties, mixed colours 84.00. Don't miss tjils. R. >. Murray, Norval, Ont. CHIEF Raspberry Canes. Healthy stock. 84. 8t per 100. JOE NCI8KEB. Morganston, Ontario. OPPORTUNITIES for MEN and WOHXSM 425,000 FOREIGN JOB OPPORTUNITIES Central and South America. Africa, Aala, Eo- rope. etc. Copyrighted Survey explaining where and how to apply, with list of over 350 Eieleot flrmi with foreign intereets. SI. 00. Industrial Trade Surveys. Dept. 22. 106 Ade- laide St. W.. Toronto, Ont. RAISE HjVMSTEHS. terriflo demand! Monet malclnv information for etamp. J. Cralft- Box 724, Saskatoon, Saek. TARPAULINS ANY SIZE In hea\"y waterproofed duck, complete with tie roped, your name etencUled on each side and delivered to your nearest station. 8x10 $8.75; 10x12 J18.25; 12x15 $19.75. Special tizes made made to your order at 12c per sauare foot. Plea,«ie enclose money order or cheque with your oilier. All inquiries answered promptly. Canvaa Specialty Company. 1110 Yonue Street, Toronto. HELP WANTED "WANTED, a flrst-class barber, must be reli- able and sober. Apply stating wages wanted to A. O'Krafita, Trenton. Ont. SINGLE MAN, experienced in fruit and vege- table growing. Apply J. O. Pallett, Dundaa Highway. Dixie. QIHL for general housework in private home. Good wages, exceptional prlvelegea private room and liberal time off. Small family. bendlx washer. References required. Mrs. Lerman. 33 Heydon Park Road, Toronto. WANTED â€" Two married men. Experienced. One to work with sheep and swine and one for general farm work. Unfurnished cottage suitable for email family provided. Write giving age. health and experience. P.O. Box aS5, MacDonald College, Que. M£D1CAL DON'T DBLAT; Every sufferer of Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis should try Dixon'a Re- medy. Munro's Drug Store, 335 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid $1.00. THREE DAYS use of NAMSXESS Cold Remedy, proves its reliability, treating Headcolda. SINUS, Hayfever. Convincing trial 11.00. PURI TY PRODUCTS, EX ETER, Ont. HOMEOPATHIC REMEDIES^^ Stop Indigestion, Stomach Troubles and Con- stipation. Use Wait's famous Homeopathic Remedy No. 5. Established 1853. Other homeo- pathic remedies available for all maladies. Price 60 cents. Walt Remedies Ltd. Sudbury, Ontario. PROVEN REMEDYâ€" Every sufferer of Rheu- matic Pains or Neuritis should try Dixon's Remedy. Munro's Druts Store. 335 Elgin, Ot- tawa. Postpaid $1.00. NURSERY STOCK DAHLIAS FOR EXHIBITION As low as $2.00 per dozen. Write for cata- logue to H. H. Johnson. Box 54, R.R. 3 Kel- owna, B.C. â- pLANT a Hedge â€" Reserve now for Spring de- livery â€" e.xtremely bardy â€" quick growir Chi- nese Elm â€" will grow two feet the first year â€" enough plants (25) to plant 25 feet. Special price 25 plants for $2.98. 12-lnch sl^.e:â€" or, 25 Plants for $4.98 S-foot size. Write for New Free Full Colour Garden Guide. Rrook- dale-Kinifsway Nurseries, Bowmanville. Ont. CRAMER NURSERIES. White Fox. Sask. Hedge Carragana. 24 inches, 100 â€" $3.00. Glnnala Maple. 15 â€" $1.00. Spirea 50c. BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity Learn Hal rdr easing Pleasant dignified profession, good wages, thousands Bueceasfti] Marvel gradoates. Axnerlca'a greatest system. IIlQstrated oatA>- logue free. Write or Call MARVEL HAIRDRB3STNQ SCHOOLS 3S8 Bloor St W., Toronto Branches: 44 King St. HamlltoD A 73 Rldeau Street. Ottawa. ONLY a few copies left. "Jews Unltel"â€" Genuine Divine Messaere. lliO pages, cloth bound. Diagrams, illustrations, and addi- tional explanatory letters. $2.50. Mediator's PubUahers, 36 "West 47 Street, New York 39, N.Y. B0UQUB3T Knitting Wools." Free pri.-e list and ^olor f harr. Lockeweave, Dep' t. K. Como. P. Qiieb*^'-. PAINTS paint: free 2i.i Iba. of Concentrated Soap Chips with all orders. Barn Faints, white, gray, green, tile red and Fence Paints all colors. New 1349 Enamel. Semi-Gloss, Flat, not a surplus paint â€" i2.95 per gallon. Quality- guaranteed or money refunded. H. L. Stehier, $1 Russell Street. Toron to . Mall Orders accepted. PATBNTS TETHERSTONAUGH & Company Patent So* licitora. Established 1890. 950 Bay Streefta Toronto^ Booklet of information on request. PERSONAL ASTROLOGICAL Readings. Scientific. Ac- curate. Please write for Information. E!va Wlnfleld. 859 Thurlow. No. 206 'Vancouver. Canada. HOBBY, Pen Pal and Lonely Hearts paper all In one Issue, 10 cents; with lists 25 cents. Box 187. WL. Toronto 1. Ontario . TEACHERS WANTKD REQUIRED for September. 1949. by School Section No. 20, Darlington. Solina Village, a Protestant teacher for a good ungrn «ted school of about 20 pupils. Salary $1,800 or, better to the right person. C. E. Shortrldga, Secretary-Treasurer. R.R. 1, Hampton. On t. TURKEYS FOR SALE WHITE HOLLAND Poults now available, pfr- flcially banded and blood tested. Picked for the finest In their type. $75.00 per hundred. Sunny Acres Turkey Farm, Patricia Nicholson, Amherstburg, Ont, WANTED WANTED, porcelain l>arber chair. Write or phone. Hamilton Beauty Supply Co.. 218 King E.. Hamilton. Ont Wanted At Once HORSE RADISH ROOTS 8c per lb. We Pay Shipping Chargea. GORDON PICKLE CO. 494 Mary St., Hamilton, Ont. COCKSHUTT-OUViR TRACTOR OWNERS Now as always parts and service are available for alL.Oliver tractors in Ontario including (hose sold by the Cockshutt Plow Company. All Goodison-Oliver dealers are equipped to serve you. Why not drop in at the nearest Goodison-Oliver dealer today and see how they are ready to help you. INDUSTRIES LIMITED SARNIA YOUR LOCAL GOODISON-OLIVER DEALER IS . . . For constant Smoking Pleasure EXPORT Cigarette Tobacco If ALSO AVAItASli IN % POUND TINS -« i * e i 4 « 1 ^ -« -4, "A . 4 â- % r- C