r A' 'â- f A m^ THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE VVednesdav, March 23, 1949 > .t A* â- â- %â- ' > A' 'A' -<» Ml ;^ f^ > 'fc'-* ^ A, r ^ ^t â- if- t V 4 A A A -t > -A /r -4- V A. > A. A I /* . '^ I A. 1 Wotch Your Cream for Higher Returns Again we want to stress to our cream patrons the necessity of taking care of their cream. The cream grading regulations have tight- ened a great deal, and we are compelled to take out any cream that will not make first grade butter. This means a loss to the farmer of 26 cents a pound butterfat. We would like to advise our farmers that every pound of margarine they buy means another pound of butter to go on the market, and thus bringing the price of cream downi Margarine is being maufactured under no re- strictions and contains a large percentage of water. Creamery Hours: 7 a.m. to 5 p.m., except Saturday, when we close at 6 p.m., and on Thursday at 12 noon. Flesherton Creamerj Angus Avis, Manager Phone 66 Flesherton Ontario I: VICTORIA CORNERS Mr. CShas. Abbott, Willow Bunch, Sa?k., who has been visiting Ontario relatives, visited hie cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Bannon, from Saturday to Wednesday of last weak. The Bannons and Mr. Aibbott visited a i»f with Berkeley relatives. Miss Doris Bannon of Toronto vis- ited the parental home during the reei week end, Mrs. Walter Aeheson and Miss Christeua Duncan assisted- Mrs. Art Jackson in qmilting the latter part ef the week. We welcome Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Stint'on and sons, Donald and Bert, 'keck to their home here, aLler ha-, ing spent the winter at luiubei' -wm . •<i the North Shore, and for the six Months previous on Cockburn Island. We understand the Stinsoii family plans to spend the summer here. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Aeheson vis- ited On Sunday with Mr. and ?.Ir Sam Sherson, Proton Station. Un- fortunately, Mr. Sherson had the misfortune to fall last week in front of his home, cutting his face in sev- eral places. PORTLAW received a hamper of eh«i«e fruit from Florida, sent by Ufu. Black- bum's mother, who is spending the winter thers. Mr. and Mrs. Everette Btaakborr and. family and Miss Tena Hender- son of Flesherton were visitors with the Clark and Steswart fcuniliee la CoUingwood. Mrs. Sarah Tuohy, Meaf«pd, spent three weeks with her sister, Mrs. Florence Lyons. Mds« Myrtle Betts ie assisting Mrs. Hickling in Flesherton with household duties. ^ There have been two new tractors arrive on the Fourth Line this past w-i-'ek and anotker is e.xpected at any time. iuis. Florence Lyons is driving- tu school these days by stonefeoat over tile tields, as the roads are blocked for traffic of any kind. Mr. Riober Meldrum of New To- ronto spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Meldrum. Mr.! and Mrs. Laurie Betts and 'family of near Markdiale spent a day with Mr. and Mirs. L. Pedlar. Douglas McArthur of Nottawa had a two-week holiday vdth his grand- parents, Mr. and Mlrs. Jas. Hopps. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Borden of near Toronto visited recently with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Shier. Mr. and Mrs. Everette Blackburn SWINTON PARK Mrs. Neil MIcLeod and Mva. Neil Clark have the sympathy of this community in the passing of their sister, Mrs. McCallum (Sarah Mc- Lellan) of Bolton, a-lso their broth- er, Duncan, McLellan, who was bur- ied at Ventry on Saturday. LMrs. Jas. Hill of Saskatoon. Saak., visited in our commiinity for a few days. Miss Agnes Heard of Toronto and Mr. Richard Heaixl and Mjr. Grant Preston of Guelph spent the week end at the Ed. Heard home. Misses Muriel Martin and Eleanor Hardy sipent last week at the home of the latter'® uncle at Meadowvale. We are sorry to hear that Stanley Harrison has been laid up and hope he is feeling better again. We are glad to have our roads passaible for cars this time of the year. UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE BOOKS MUST BE RENEWED EMPLOYERS! â€" Please send all uneni- ployment insurance books immediately to the- National Employment Office with which you deal, unless renewal arrangements have already been made. They must be exchanged for new books tfefore March 31st. The new books have spaces {or March contributions, so you can renew the aid ones before the end of the month. Renewal of books is important tp you, to your employees and to the Commission. Please Act Promptly. TO THE INSURED WORKER!â€" Have you an insurance book in your possession? If so, please take or send it to the nearest National Employ- ment Office for renewal before March 31»t. It you lend your book, enclose your present address so that your new book may be returned to you promptly. UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE COMMISSION C. A. L. MURCHISON J. G. BISSON R. J. TALLON Commissioner Chief Commissioner Commissioner u.i.'C. â- *W?5i"^!»â€" â€" !!• PRICEVILLE Mrs. J. A. Niohol was hosteaa ^ the W.MjS. and Willing Helpers on Tuesday with a good attendance, and Mrs. John Nichol Sr. presiding. Three new memibers joined. Mrs. John Whyte gave a reading "Is Can- ada losing its Sunday?" and Mi^. Hem'y Taicker also gave a reading "Hate is a bad bargain." Mrs. Mal- colm McLean read a poem "Is Life Worth Living?" and Mrs. J. A. Nichol conducted a con-test, the prizes being -won by Mts. John Whyte and Mts. Wm. Sayers. Mrs. Sayers pre- sided for the W.M.S.. It was decid- ed to make a quilt for the bale, to be quilted at tbe April meeting Mrs. J.A. Nichol gave the topic "If Christ Came To-day," which was very in- teresting. The meeting closed with the repeating of the Lord's Prayer in unison. The young people of Priceville presented their play Tuesday night in Cook's Chui*ch, Markdale, and on Wednesday in Toronto at Carman United Church, td record crowds. The cast was received by Rev. and Mrs. .T A Sti>«»H and eriven a fine recen- I.au.1 unci ^.^^^<ii'. -^^..0-.^; v^ '-lie play- were for missions in Africa, where Rev. Steed's son is a mission- ary. Friday night they presented the play at Maxwell and this Wed- nesday night will be at BJugenia. Mrs. Wright of Snlem spent a few days with the Wright families at the store. Mr. Walter Aldcom of Toronto spent the week end at his home. Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Shaatz of Toronto spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. H. B. McLean. Mr. and Mrs. Earl McLeod of Lon- don spent the week end here. Mrs. Stewart Boice is now clerk ing in the F. G. Karstedt store. A eruchre party was held in the school Friday night, when there four tables in play. Mrs. MBnnie Smith won the prize, for the ladies and .\. MacCuaig for the men, while Ruth and Boyden MJcDei-mid received the coneolatiodn prizes. Mr. Wm. Aidcorn <>f Maple Valley visited one day last week at H. B. McLean's. Mrs. Ethel Hill, who h-as been visiting there and with Mrs. Aldeom, returned with him and -will leave later by plane for her home at Saskatoon, Sask. Mr. Gordon Nichol and friend of Stratford i^pent the week end at hia parental hoiii>i. CEYLON A -rory enjoyable time was spent in the school Thursday night, when there were 11 tables of euchre. The ladies' prize was won by Mrs. Joe Stauble and the men's prize by Mr. John McWilliam. The next euchro i^ on March 24th. Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Tyler spent the week end in To onto. Mrs. A. E. Gcessel is spending a few days -with her parents, Mr. and Mr.: E. R. Forri'fiter at K'ncarUinii Mrs. Robt. Campbell of Toronto spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. John McWilliam and family Eric and Dorothy Camixbell, iMi-. and Mrs. Joe Copeland spent the week end in Toronto. Miss Jaaet Neilson of Toroato was a recent -visitor with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. McMullen. Week end guests at the Robt. Rut- ledtre hoi-ne were: Dalton Rutledge ^ Piic'-- -..c ir.. .-..-•.^.â- c. r.Iarshall of Holland Centre. International Harvester SALES & SERVICE Used Farmall Tractor, completely rebuilt, like new 6-foot One-way Disc 3-Furrow Plows Cream Separators â€" Hand or Electric The New No. 200 Grain Grinders Milking Machines, etc. H. M. SAYERS Phone 51 DUNDALK, Ontario Some peoule call it hard times be- cauie they can't borro-w the price •** a new car. KIMBERLEY Mrs. J. Lawi-ence has jetumed home from Oshawa, where she spent the winter months wth her daugh- ter, Mrs. Jack Taylor. The W. a; held a very successful supper and program in the hall on St. Patrick's night. Dalton Feiguson of Islington vis- ited over the week end with his mo- ther. Mrs. M. Ferguson. Mt. and Mrs. Harold Fawcettr ac- companied by the latter's father, Geo. McConnell, spent Sunday with relatives at Meaford. Mr. Fved Wiokens and Irene of Meaford spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. C. Ward. Mr. and Mrs. Ted McCiaAen and Dennis of Flesherton visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. R. Hutchinson. Some men tell where they've really been and take home a bouquet of flowers besides. Pat was thought to be dying. A frieid at the bedside asked: "Have you made peace with God and renounced the devil?" "I've made my peace with God," Pat answered, "but I'm in no posi- tion to antagonize anybody!" He: "I'm keeping a record of all the good times we've had togethen" She: "O. keeping a diary?" â- • - ' â- ••>3 ;n 31/ 'jfaeok l)ook." "Bui^lars broke into my hooae last night." '•MIy gooduLss, what happened?" "My -tvifes relatives yelled 'We were here first' and chased bhem away." NOTICE â€" FARMERS 24 Hour Service WE PAY AS IHGH AS $10.00 FOR DEAD OR CRIPPLED HORSES and COWS t reording t* size mi comiition â€" Small animala remoni We do the loading. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR OLD HORSES Phone Dundalk 146 â€" Reverse Charges NICK PECOW, OWNER RELIANCE PRODUCTS Backed by 30 Years Experience You Can Rely on