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Flesherton Advance, 23 Mar 1949, p. 2

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WHATGOESON â- 4/ IN THE WORLD ^cNormanBlair RUSSIA Russia covers oiir-sixtli of llie world's land surface, and this montli dflegatps from its most rfinote corners gathered at a nireting of the Supreme Soviet in Moscow. There were Uibeks from ' Central Alia wearing skullcaps; Caucasians in smocks; Yakuts from thi'^Arctic wearing white elkhide boots; and ethers whose appearance and dress mirrored the 180 nationalities â€" count 'em â€" 180 â€" who make up Russia's population. The Supreme Soviet includes 1085 members of the Communist party (the only party allowed to exist) and 254 non-party Bolsheviks. And â- 11* 1339 of them were simply there for the trip â€" as they are "yes-men" and nothing else. They hold sessions to approve the decrees of the Politburo, which controls both the Communist Party and the Ministries of Government. They would no more think of dis- approving than of spitting â€" public- ly, that is â€" on Uncle Joe Stalin's picture. The main order of business wa< to approve the 1949 budget â€" in whicli the Russian armed forces get 79 billion rubles, as compared to 66 billions last year. The meeting drew -world atten- tionâ€"not so much beeatise of the budget but because of the dramatic shifts in the .Soviet high command which has just been announced. The Politburo was presentâ€" and Molotov sat at Stalin's right hand. His appearance there seemed to lend weight to the theory that Molo- tov has by no means been demoted. Instead, he has been relieved of his duties as Foreign Minister in order to devote more time to bigger policy tasks â€" possibly that of succeeding Stalin. Should this occur, there will prob- ably be little change in the Russian attitude toward the "war-mongers" of the west. As one ribald observer put it, "the only real difference be- tween Molotov and Stalin is that Joe's' moustache is more liable to get into the soup." THE UNITED STATES Just a month before the Nor- mandy invasion â€" on May 11, 1944 to be exact â€" the German radio broadcast a program titled "Vision of Invasion." It depicted an "Ohio mother" dreaming of all the horrors of U-Day. There were vivid sound effects of screams, groans and battle noises and the program was "beam- td" both toward the United States and at American troops in England â€" the play reaching an agonized cli- ma.x with the death of the "Ohio mother's" soldier son. The part of the mother was play- ed by "Axis Sally" â€" in real life Mildred Elizabeth Miliars, now 48, an American who had lived in Ger- many for years and who had handled many other .\'azi propa- ganda assignments. Last January Axis Sally went on trial for treason at Washington. Records of her broadcasts were played in court. German actors Identified her voice. Her defense was that she had been forced to broadcast â€" and that anyway she had taken the German oath of al- legiance, and so was not guilty of treason to the United States. Karly this month the jury found Miss Gillars guilty of treason, specifically on the count of her par- ticipation in the "Vision of In- vasion" broadcast, llir lawyer im- mediately petitioned for a re-trial. If tlie motion for this is not suc- cessful. Miss fiillars faces a mini- mum sentence of five years in prison. And, all things cun^idered, if slie gets off with the iiiinimuni, most folks will think it little enough. CHINA In .spile of his retirement as I'resi- denl, it seems as if ( Kai-shek is still putting a linger, or periuips two of them, into the Chinese political pie. His influence is still strongly fell, and various liigli- placed (.hinese figures either tele- phone or visit him regularly. So .Nationalist China seems to he ill the slate of not being able to gel along with (hiaiig, ami not being able to gel along without him â€" especially since a number of key army coniiiianderj will i.ike orders only from him. Ilefore lie left KanKiug, Chiang appoinled his own men to posts along the line of retreat extending along llie I-'iiUien loasl to l-'ormosa At the -iUiiir lime he Marled a smilli- ward niiivenieiit from the Nauking- Shangh.ii .{rra of govi'rniiieiit files, c<|ni|inienl <il all desciiptionfl, mili- tary siiiiplirs and ihe central g'lV- •rnmem's gold reserve A I onsideralile sum in gold it in Formosa, where il is lonvenieutly leparalrd from the mainlaiul. Look- ing (Ml JMuiiiosa IS their last bas- tion, lop I hinese officials have not brrii unmindful of llie fact that Aineilciii military men have dii- pbyeil more thin passing iutrreil In thai island, whiih lies ahmg the rominiiiiicalioii line hrlweeii Japan and llie Philippines, Chi.iiiK himself regards hit light with ihe ( iimiiiuiiisiM as pari of the larger iiilei n.ilioiial itiiiggle. I'eoplf* close to him li,ive dearly indicated thai lie is pinning hli hopes on iii intrnsif'calion of Russian Amrrirsn iifleinces in the I'ar Kast. To Fight For The Heavyweight Crown â€" Iv.zard Cliarie.-,, left above, and Jersey Joe Walcolt are set to fight a l5-round match in Chicago next Jtiiie for the heavyweight crown vacated by Joe Louis. The 15ro\vn Bonibcr himself, now ttinied promoter, will sponsor tlie match. SP|RL A- A SixBiTCamc Amoiij! the countless (.anadians who take an interest in Big League baseball doings, the Brooklyn Dodgers probably number more fol- lowers than any of the other fifteen clubs in the two major loops. If you happen to be one of these, our ad- vice is to keep an eye on how Rex Barney goes this season; as there is better than a fair chance that he might (Icvelop into one of the great- est pitching sensations of all time. * * « A few words regarding the color- ful Mr. Barney migrht not be amiss. If, in dishing them out to you, we lean rather heavily â€" although un- beknownst â€" on the writings of Arthur Daley of the New York Times, think nothing of it. When we started out in this writing dodge we resolved that, should we find it necessary to steal, we'd only do so from the best available sources. * » t When Barney first reported, as an 18 year old kid, to the Dodgers back in 1943, Branch Rickey kept insisting that he'd develop into one of the greatest pitchers in the game. Of course Rickey inight have been a trifle prejudiced, seeing that he owned Rex; but Joe DiMaggio should be able to give an unbiased opinion. And DiMagâ€" after batting against Biirney â€" declared that he was faster than Bobby Feller in his prime. • ♦ ♦ Yet, up to the middle of last sea- ion. Rex never really clicked. Me was so utterly lacking in control that all he could show for his first twelve games was one 11-inning tie. This caused I-ippy Leo Dnrocher, then manager of Brooklyn, to say "That kid just hasn't got it, and he'll never pitch anotlier important game for mel" * • » A few days later Dnrocher was out of the driver's seat and soft- spoken Burt Shotten was handling the reins. Shotten seemed to have Barney's mimher; and Rex proceed- ed to strin;,' up eleven wins in a row. He probably made Durorher sorry for his harsh words too; for one of his victories was a no hit, no run game against the l-ippy One's .\'cw Vork Giants. ♦ • » One liuiihle with ILirney was that he never had a real chance to learn his Iracle. .\fter entering organized ball he moved up witli diz/yiiig rapiilily, going from Durham to Montreal to Hrooklyii in tlie space of four iiKMiths. -And the first pitch he made at each of those stops was â€" well, nill of the ordiiKiiy, In s.iv the least. ♦ « • Tile fiivt hall he threw al Durli.iiii eliuled tlic catcher, barged Ihrininn the screen hehiiul the plate, and hit a sports writer on the head â€" prob- ably the least viilueralile spot he could find on any of that tribe. The kind of support lie got »l Durham made winning rather difficult. His tram-iiialcs made as many as nine errors in one game. He pitched a one hitter -and lost, I to 0. Once he had a 5-4 lead going into the eighth iiiul Ilriiiui Hel/el, his man- ager, grimly advised hun that if he wauled 111 will, he had heller strike out the next lix men. So F<ex (diedienlly itinck out the next lix men. • * * Frexco I'honipsoii, llii Vloiitieal iiianagrr, didn't' want anybody so green â€" and when Barney got to the Quebec metropolis he (at on the bench iiiilil lie had a hole worn throiigli il. On orders from above Thompson finally ilarled Barney. Hii first pilch went i foot behind (>oodv Rosen's back and tore out Ihe screen. The next few batters were lo afraid to take a toe- hold thai Fresco Thompson cracked, "It was the only pitch I »vfr iiw that retired right hattrri In i row." But Barney ln*t that game in the l.^tli. Inning That was his only Montreal show ing. Brooklyn railed him. ind he marled (or Ihe Dodgen the tame afternoon he arrived. His first heave liit Eddie Stanky, then of the Chi- cago Cubs, in the middle of the ' back, and the score was tied when he was removed in the fifth. His record for ihat year was 2 wins 2 losses. ♦ * * W'licn he got back from war ser- vice in 1946 he was bad when he pitched and spent most of the time on the bench. Although 1947 could have been a big year, it \vasn't till the World's Series that he really rose and shone. In a daring move he was st:irted against the Yankees. He walked George .Stirnwiss, Tom- my Ileurich doubled. Johnny Lin- dcll walked to fill the bases. And up to the plate stepped Joe Di- Maggio. ♦ * • Cyde Sukeforlh raced out toward the mound and Barney thought he was going to be yanked. "Mothing to it, Re.x," said Sukeforth with a grin. "Just strike the big bum out." ♦ * * So, with the bases jammed, Rex Barney fanned baseball's ' most dangerous hitter. He threw out George McQuinn on a f(vce at the plate. .'Knd he fanned Billv Johnston. ♦ * • "All my life~I'd been ai Yankee fan and DiWaggio was my idol," Barney said afterward. "I sorter felt ashamed of myself. But then I thought that if I could do this to the very best of them, I might do all right with the others." ♦ â- * , • What happened * last year, we liave already told you. .^ftcr a poor start under Dnrocher, his new self- confidence really blossomed playing for lUirt Shotlcn. He warmed up for his no-hitter with a one-hitter against the Philsâ€" and the one hit wiis cif tlie hickv varietv. â- > ' ♦ â-  t By the end of the 19-18 sea.son there wasn"t a better pitcher in baseball. That's why we think it might be intcreslinK to keep tabs on luiw he giies in the coming cam- paign. was dreaming of seafood, and lippiin droolinjj,!" I |C^^ (n> Inllili *« V^p? TCiinnlli raikn P0)l fcr Hull In ONI Cltinf riASTIC . tiohiAtiohl-Allraclive-Slick Colon CONVEMIENT . . Diiopptou in « Floihll ICfAt FOR liipi'SpOlH'Poilitl'HonVy lonto llor)1.MPMtpalil HKKJACKIT, â- â€¢Â« 1111. !•• AliKkl )i. Calif CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING â-²0£MT8 WANTED OILS, GREASES. TIKES InvectlrldfB. Electric T-Vnce ControUem. Houb« and Uam Paint. KouC Coaimga. *tu. DMa«r» are waiitcil. Write XVarco Cr«ab« & Oil Lliiiitc'I. Toronto A~^fiPLENDrD ODportunlty of becoming your own bottsi KtftuU our 260 GuaraaUicU houwhol'I necesKitles fncliKlInt the full Un« of lnwctlcid««. In a Territory of your choic*. Pert tluie aKeiiia cuiuiJcreU. HunJreds of auo ceHflfiil rTTilIfx aifiTtTi! Kiarfed with a borrow- •a $2B or S&O. Xo risk â€" tt U worth a trial. TnivclimK equi^uitiii f'sstiutlai ia rural dlii trieiB Ru»lnrpa i^ coo'!., Write tivlay for d«tnils and FREK ratalorue.. I'A.MIMCX. 1600 D clorunier. >.uiuit-u l. HoT:SKHOL,D riuiiiuiro iin.i AypliancAS are Caj't nailers. Mokft a â- worthwhile ^xtra in- coitm fl«>)Unc tb^irti nn*'H on a full or itart time baKiN. 'It'iioroua coin:n..H.s<'iii.H- proportlort paid daily. Complete nfUlnx I:ir provMefl. Write for full detaila to MLTI/'Al, FURMSHKKS LIM- ITKI). Dept. O, <jj i:\iiifs Sl. \V.. .Montreal. BABV CHICKS AiHO olTl<-i IK VOU did not rc-'eive a ropy of our new iy49 <?ata)o^i(> Bend. for a free cnpy at on<:e. T)iB Information contained In bame will be very useful to you. We piirtlculariy wimt you to rt-ad vnge 4 â€" i"Thp Better the Rreedlnir â€" The [.esK Feed per linttn." VV'e have 12 pure brt'cds and 13 crosa breeds to choose from. Spt ' ial breeds for egg production, apcclal for roaLters. aptclal breede for brollera. ^so started chlcka tu'o and three weeks old. pullets eight weeks to laying. Turkey poults all from Governint-nt Approved breeders. Tweildle Chick Hat^-hf*ri< Llmtte-j. Fergus. Ontario. â€" LOCK'S CHICKS Ux liusky northern chinks from our own flo-'k of (iovemment approved birds raised on our Poultry Farm. Barred Rocks. .\'ew Hampa and crosses, Mi.Ted chif^ks $15.00 per 100. Pullet chicks S2ii.00 and cockerels I'-O". Started chicku at reasonable via- s LOCK'S POULTRY FARM AND HATCHERY R.R.:^Sault Ste. Mnrie. Oniarto JrOK HALB VHK FINN'S 8.11.S. Tablets. Siopa calf ACoars anil vm scours. Cost fifty cents calf. Ten eantn piK. Kaeily siven. Guaranteed or moneir refunfic-d. One dollar trial sample. R. â-². Finn Co. Ltd., London, Ont. \IASSKY-lIARRifi 101 Junior Tractor. 3& Ford Truck, Reo buck-rake. Quantity hay and straw. Ja4:k Laldlaw, HaKersvlUe. Ont. NEW FrTEUHT No. 21 plow complete with struii.'ht coulter or sklmnfer and two shares. Recular price 129. CO â€" our price tlS.Tfr here. a. G. Kent. Delhi, Ont. OnUO Businass In Gait for Sale. Owner re- tirinc on account of health. For particulars apply Cant's Druy Store, Gait. Ontario. FARAKS FOR 6AJLEâ€" If it is a daii-y. chicken, tobacco, or ordinary farm we have It. All flizes. All types. Contact Morris B. P£RCI- VAT. Real estate. 225 Queen's Ave.. London, Ontario. Western Ont.irios Foremost Farm Sales .Agency. ALUMINUM ROOFING & SIDING CroBs-rrtmped Corrusatrd and ribbed styles. • to to rt. l«nvttas. Immediate delivery from stock. Write for samples and estimates. Steel Dtatributorii Limited, 500 Cherry St.. Toronto. TWO Rear Wheels for Rock Island tractor Model Ct2 â€" HP 15-25. or secood hand tractor the model. McCormick DeerlQV (Ham- ilton* chain lift plow or long beam for same. Jki. L. Juhnaton. Leonard. Ont. GILDED Wire Name Pins. 60câ€" 7 for J3.00. Eagle Mfe. Co.. 4320 Francis St.. Van- couver, B C L'riED International Hay Baler, almost new. rubber tires. Write or particulars to: Dun- das Bros.. 251 Railway -St'-eet. Timmins, Ont. FOLDING CHAIRS, now guarante^. sturdy, fold tlat. No. 1 Maple, naiufal finish. $2.95 iach. Pnranxount. 168 King East. TorqnPo. MOXKTON Poultry Farm Chicks â€" All we can say is try them Results tell the ttory. All Breeders puUorum-t<'sted and Eovernmenr banded. Write for 1949 price list and cata- loBUf>. llonkton Poviltry Farms, ifonkton. Ont. OPPORTUNITY SPECIAL FOR this week, Barred Rocks noii-sexed 18c, Pullets 25c. Cockerels $3.95 per 100. Order from this add today for delivery tomor- row. .Started pullets available. Miller's Chick Hatchery, Ferrur. â-  Ont. 1949 I.»X>KS like another good year for the poultry raiser who starts good chicks and starts them early. We have the following pure breeds to choose from: Black Minorcas, Jersey White Giants. Anconas. Black Australorps. White Rocks, Light Sussex. White Wyandotlea. Rhode Island Reds, Barred Rocks. White Leghorny. New Hampshlres. Also 13 cross breeds. Also started chicks two and three weeks old. Pullets 8 weeks to laying, ^road Brested Bronse and White Holland Canadian Approved turkey poults. Free catalogue. Top Notch Sales. Guelph. Ontario. SrSlNKSS OPPORTUNITIES AN OFFER to every Inventorâ€" List of *nven- tlons and fuD Information sent free. The Ramsay Co Registered Patent Attorneys. ?7S Bank Street. Ottawa DYKING AND CLEAXlNG » UAVU VOU anything needs dyeing or clean- ing? WrUe to us for Information We arc triad to answer your questions Department H. Parker's Dye Worka Limited. 791 Tongs Street Toronto. Ontario FARM HELP HOLLAND Immigrant familes available, with ijne or more workers. Arriving during spring. Farmers here Is your opportunity to obtain reliable help. Apply P.O. 234. Chat- ham. Ont- KOK 8AL£ COUNTRY store and service station. In vllliige on good road, close to lake shore, hundreds of cottages In -iiroaperoua community, doing good business; nice living quarters. J. Douglas Murray. Realtor. Cayugn. Ont. GROCERY STORRâ€"Modern equipment and locker storage: both doing a nice business: with fully modern house attached: priced reasonably for quick sale. This proin-rty must be scon to be appreciated. Would consider small house lis part payment. Ai>ply H. W. McOurdy, t'orlnth, Ont. No agent.s "JERSEY 0VERSH0ES~$M9"PR7 Men's, two buckle?. Sinea 10. 11, 12. very slightly used. Refund gua ran toed. Modern Olstr lhutt on. 33 St-Luureni. Va lleyfleld. i.iuc. PISHIXG NKTS. Clei our prices on smelt and gill nets. Minnow selneB and dip nets for suckers and minno\\>. Ot-pt, 2T. Hal lam Sporting Goods, Toronto. Ont. WITH Spring no clus^* you will chftlr that you can use outdoors, -KIDDIE - CHROME" with ihclr wide le»r .surfa mar your lawn. For UluMtrated folder Box :?S. 123-180t Street. Nfw Toronto. want a baby CHAIRS LUin't tip. Can't Kayun. 3 bruldi'tl < postpaid. CARPET STRIPS Inches u ule, 30 hu-h.-s lont r hooked lugs. A ^a ihuiiuIs Schaefer, Box 174, Drummondville, P.Q. for $1.00 HAU(:K Flame Guna. Weed and brush burners of many uses. Immediate d-elivery. Write for Uustratrd catalogue. Canadian Co-operative Wool Growers Limited. Lennoxville. Quebec. BLA''K and Decker Electric Drills, brand new portable. UO-vo!t. 60 (or 25) cycle. guaranteed. %" $40.00: ^" $21.00. Surplus Tools. 168 King Eatt. Toronto. WOOD LATHES. 12"x3fi-. heavy duty Tlmkln bearing, reduced from $49 to $30. Ogilvy'a Power Tool Shop, 147 Bosserer Street. Ottawa. 6-8092. NEW WAR SLTIPLUS Heavy Duty Tire chains for farm tractors, heavy trucks, road graders, etc. AH sizes. Write for prices. Jack Warden. 764 3rd Ave. "A" West. Owen Sound. Ont. U£LP WANTED WANTED A good man for a fox, mink and tur«ey ranch, must be a good worker, trust- worthy and come well recommended by former farm employers or other reliable parties. New house, all conveniences, well located. Apply Box 32. 123-ISth Street. New Toronto. PROFp'ABLE sideline, guaranteed Mosquito and Black Fly Repellent. Ontario districts open. Box 291, Adelaide P.Q.. Toronto. -UEDICAL A TRIAlj â€" Every aafterer of Rheumatic Pains ,or Neuritis should try Dixon's Remedy, Uunro'a Drug Store, 835 Elgin, Ottawa. Post- paid $1.00. IF YOU ars a SUFFERER rrom SINUS. Hay- fever, Headcolds, Cdlarrhal Deafness, you should use NAMELESS Cold Remedy. Con- vincing trial. Postpaid $1.00. Address Purity Products. Exeter. Ont HAVE"YOU~HEARD^bout~DIxon'8~Neurlt!a and Rheumatic Pain Remedy? It sives sood resulis -\runro's Drug Store. 335 Elgin. Ot- tawa. Postpaid 11. 00. NUBSERY STOCK BUY DE1»K»JDABLE Seeds for your garden. New Catalogue now ready. Write for Free Copy. Ontario Seed Company. Waterloo, Ont. PLANT a Hedge â€" Reserve now for Spring de- livery â€" ejctremely hardy â€" quick growing Chi- nese Elm â€" will grow two feet the first year â€" enough plants (35) to plant 2& feet. Special price 25 plants for $3.98. 12-incta size: â€" or. 36 Plants for $4.18, 2-foot sixe. Write for New Free Pull Colour Garden Guide. Brook- dale-Kingsway Nurseries. Bowmanvllle. Ont. AMAZING VALUE! â€" 2 evergreens. 2 shade trees. 3 ornamental shrubs, 3 chrj'santhe- mun)». 10 perennials. IS piams, all different, $1,49. 6 apple trees true to name, all differ- ent. 4/5 feet, $2.95. Complete nursery cata- logue free. Uayfarm Nurseries. Gait. NlKSINti OPPOBTrMTlESfer MEN and WOMMN POEMS set to muaic. Songs copyrighted. Frae examination. Send poenls. Harmorrst. Box 1$, W*ston. Ontario. BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Grfat Opportunity Learn Hafrdressftig Pleasant dignified profession, good wages, thousands successful Usrvel rradnateti. America's greatest system IHcstrated cats- logue free. Write or Call MARVEL HArRDRE9SINO *â-  SCHOOLS 351 Bloor 8t W , Toronto Branches 44 King St., HaioJltos ft 72 Rldeau Street. Ottawa PAINTS free: â€" I Gallon Paint for bestietter contain- ing helpful painting hints. Barn Paints, white, gray, green, trie red and Feiice Paints all colors, $2.&3 per gallon. New 1949. Enam- el. Semt-GIoss, Flat, cot a surplus pa:nt. All colors. Inside and out $2.65 per gallon. QualUy guaraiiteed or money refunded. H. L. Stetner. 31 Russell Street, Toronto. Mall Ordera ac- cepted !\ATENT8 t-KTHEKyTONAVGH 4 Oompany Patent So- licitors. Established 1S90. 35t) Bay Street, Toronto Booklet oi* information on request. PERSONAL ASTROLOGICAL Readings. Scientific. Ac- curate Please write for Information. Eva Wlnfleld. 859 Thurlow. No. 20« Vancouver. Canada. "l A.VI taking a cours.:' -i watch repairing and 1 need old watches for practice. I would be very grateful to anyone who would send ma some." Doilard Voutour. J. U- Sanatorium. The Glades. N.B. STOP SMOKING without takins anything In- ternally or using any will power: For in- formation send 4c addressed envelope to Pierrt, 44'JT Birks Building. Edmonton, .\lberta. _ REPAIR WORK FARM electric wiring, go anywhere, free esti- mates, motoi-s, choppers, pumpa. pressure syateme. completely installed. Ontario Rural Construction. 719 Gerrard St East. Toronto. ST.AMP8 FREE! Interesting stamps given as premium to any collector writing for either ray Illustrated pamphlet showing world wide bargains con- cerning sets. etc.. or for my splendid assorted approvals, and making a purchase, seta. a!r mall at reasonable prices, singles at on« cent and more. P. Dufre^ne. 235T Fulluro St.. Montreal. WANTED HAVE buyers waiting that want lower farms anywhere In Ontario. Wrtle full particulars to P. S. Starr Real Broker. 951 Woodbine .Ave.. Toronto. priced giving Estdte $S00 CASH for old Farm or Log Cabm. Uust be situated on good sixe lake wuh lake frontage. Reply at once. IT Fairslde -â- ^ve.. Toronto. Farm Seeds Pre Season Specials HAY & PASTURE MIXTURES PER eKAUE: 100 LBS. No. 1 Sm<I iittM>uc< ilMU M^c, S»f»t Clovfr 10"fc Mi.AO No. 1 S«e<l: tatmuO Bed ri««r. VOt. Sneet Clovrr 10*4 »1-.»« >'a. t Sw: (nboull Alfalfa 93*%. R«l Clovrr 30*%, Timsthy SOTc. S»«« rlv,« â- â€¢* »(«.«« Na. 1 »e*<i: <abaut) Rrd Clover 40%. Alslbf IS1. Tlmtthf ii*i. Sw«t Clover lOSi iSa.SO BAGS FREE: Orders over 75 lb-». delivered anywhere in Ontario If possible, ordef throuKb your l»<i.) Co-oi, or United Co-opeiatives of Ontario Seed Division: 736 Dundas St. B. Toronto Canada. Bi:i.l.l::VllE CONVAI.ESCE-NT MUSI'irAJ. IN BEAUTIFVL 8T. C.4THAKINES. A lioine away from home. Graduate Durses^ male and female: nlstit and day duty Excel- lent meals, prices niuderate, private and semi- private rooms available. Our specialty ie nervous, sKed and convalescent Our aim- courtesy and service. tor Information apply to superintendent or phone 5-S333 OrrilRTUNlTlBS for MEN and WOMEN EARN REAL MONEY FVIX, OR PART-TIME Recoiiie a liical dealer of one of Canada's fastest Ki'owing Industries. NO INVESTMENT REQUIRED If >\ui ure already sellittK. i-'an sell, or are â- well known In your locality, 'Vhis Is your iipponunlty. For personal Interview writs to-day to: Mr. H. I... Longiiursi. S Kvsns Avt'ii'ie. Toronto I, OiUuiio. PICKUPS As the littli; birdies well know, many a love nest is built on no Uronger fountlation than a cute little limb. â€" Schleswig Leader. A psychologist for children says i spanking misses its aim. 't didn't when we were a lad. â€" Mara- thon Republic. If you want to kill your wife with curiosity, just clip a brief item from the paper before she's read it. â€" Estherville Xew^. MAKE YOUR OWN PTPE Italliin Itrtar Itlock inul .•^teiti - 76c. Senit- Klnlaliril pipea â€" Sic. 4 Hlnh or i;'op pipes M Ot" I'i'HtaK.. pnUl. ,^lont')i,oiHe. WuUuccburK. toil ACKKN vlay loutii, lirl, k liiiri.'Vs'niiO Imnk burns 3 milt^n wc.m .Alllston, lUirhwa.v S9. Will (tfll aeparalcl.v, Inin^e.Ilale possession. Apply M J, A . U^an. AlUston. Uni., Box 7, 12 PERENNIALS Mlxt'd. our sele<-tton. $1.00. Price Lit Free on Bliiuhs - rtise.t. tlonlotrs Floral Ciirdens. m .\liil>|eei! ..\vi.nui'. Illinilllon. Ont. IJSK I'IN.N'S lied lllooii yul, iv tabl.•t^, Kevlvesi Wt-ak. pale, acoury'j' chU-k. turkey i*oiilts. CoBl uunrter cent cluck, hiilf cent turkey. Ouaraiii.'crt uc nnmcy refunded. One dollar Irlnl •.ample. It. .*. fiiin Co, Ltd., London. Cm m.:.Vr'riK"S inmli-rn htable cnuil'Uivnt. ties up 111 >o\v«, c*unplt-tH \vltb tlclliktnv bowls, one bullpen and two calf IK'Us. all In first class Bbapi' luul ©usy to remoxe. Trice JSOO. John A^_.Ma,bu'n, I'ninnvllle, Ontario. FMIl SM.K, country Kcm-ra rslore « ltir"dwell. Int. tHisl offu-f. nui'l roiue, koovI hoK ShliM'lnw altd feed buslncna. Waicboutie and elevator on ».'be«apfake aiul t>hio Itailway MItualcil between Prcsden and t'ath»i\>. on l>avi'd blBbway, l.awivri.c Wilcox, l-ropiletor, Turioi\IHe. On' How To Get Quick Relief From Sore, Painful Piles 1 can tielp most pi le «u r tervrs. I t>e- ileve I fun tielp you too If you nsmt vvMi't from the Iti-htns tot-fiiesa and buniiuB pain of piles My fIem-Rol() treatment Is different. H»'in fl.ild Is an nu'Olclne â€" a Kiniill tablet taken wUi s Hlass of wm(»r It corrrt'ts ttis conJiiions IX- Sim your boUy that cause you such IntcMite pils aoiviiess an J pain. Hut I'll bs honest with you. Hem- Until Safins to help acme pile sufferers luuis thiin others so I want to protect thono who ntw ni>I saiisfletl I refuse »n OKU ne-inlf. to pav for tomethtri: f-'iT ^1o«B not heip them as much as mty expect It to. I! Hem-Rold helps you. surely tt Is worth the small cost Other- wise 1 want you to have your money back. I'll take your worU i fin.' - ^ -v are hoi'.ett atout such xhinss All I ftsli li >-ou u«e He:;i tCo <.} i:m Olrecteil for 10 Oays Then If you &x* not satlsflevl return what you did cot UBS anO u«t your moTiey back. This is an unusual offer t>ut HeuwRotJ is an unusual nie^iK-ine. 11 fcas been ec?:( f-n a refutul promise for over 40 ye.-^ â- > ! am not ask«s1 to n'xue rnany re â-  > BO It niust help n'osf folks wbo j^*- \* all lVuk PU'-es PILES M'bcti >uu reniiiir Ibe tiilcrual cause of i>lle« yuit Bet wtirlbw liile resultn that ant, 'l'liMt*s the simple reason fur I'VI.TONK'S treat siicce«.<. No tuittter Ainit you have thtue for this turlure. or liuw lunK-NtanillUK and stnbhorn (sur cHse, niiHlern science has the inswer In I'Yl.TOSK.'.S I'll.K HK.MKIIY la lluulil taken by moulhl, Vuur Hrst biitlle nruvea this ar the prire refundrti St onre. That's onr suaranlee af I'VI.- I'ONK'H uiialll.1, *^.-,C, at all modern drutslsta. ROLL YOUR OWN BETTER CIGARETTES YilTH CIGARETTE TOBACCO /». â-  ^ ^' >»' 4 Jk 9 •A. <" V \

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