Wednesday, March 16, 1949 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Small Ads. JTANTED â€" AiMMia nCtabla fei â- fak aBd fox fMd.â€" B«t Udatoift FOB SALE â€" 2-year^ld Jeney »nd JBwiM b«ifer. â€" Dttnc^a WiUJMBa, yhone Flttshertoa 74 J 2. 39e2 I â€" ' â€" i â€" â- â€" â€" â€" FOR SALE â€" Black grade Polkci An^us-Durham cow, calf at foot. â€" C. N. Long, phone 29r2 Fever- Aam. 40c2 POR SAI'K â€" Oak dininio: rooni .-^uite; good kitchen stove; coal or wood cflxculator; Quebec hwater. â€" Mrs. D. Reid, Fleaherton, phone 59J ROCKMILLS FOR SALE â€" Bakd 2nd cut alfalfa, good for pigs; a1«o baled straw. â€" Leslie Seeley, R.R. 1 Fleaherton, phone llr32 Feveishani. 38p3 GOR SALE â€" Sap pan 5 feet long, 9 in. deep, reg. width; 83 buckets, •OBte new, and epiles. â€" Lloyd Tal- bot, phone 45w]2 Fleeherton. 41c2 FOR SALE â€" nay gelding. 8 years old, weig'hing 1400 lbs., sound and good worker. Stewart Muir, Ceylon phone FlesJiei-ton IWrwJJ'. 42p2 POR SALE â€" Com. No. 1 Beaver OalA, Early Aladca and Cartier. â€" AJex. S. Muir, Ceylon, phone Fle- sherton 104 J 3 , 40]i2 FO* SALE â€" Matched truck grain rack; light akigh; also 32x6 truok wheels. â€" -Harold Richardson, phone Fleaherton .33 w ,7. 39c2 LOST - Between Markdale and Fe- ver-sham on Wed., MJarch IG, rear gate from truck rack. FThder nn- tify J. .M. Stafford, Ppversham, phone 27. 42c2 FOR SALE â€" 4 sows due to farrow in April and May; 8 chunks; 2 2- year-old heifors due in August. â€" Ted Wade, Ceylon, phone 40wl2 Fleaherton. 4'c2 Mrs. Sam McMullen spent three weeks with her daughter, Mrs. Frank BetU. Our sincere synipathy is extended to the Croft family in their b'iioave- n.ent by the passing of th ir deui wife and mother. We underiitand that Mr. JCen Betts of Flesherton has soild hid Mnall farm here to a Toronto buver, with pos>ession to be ,fiven April lit. Mr. and -Mrs. Bill Stephriis Hn<l family have spent the p wt J'tw weeks with lier parents, M>-. :ii;d -Mrs, .'Vlbort Wilkinson. We hop 3 that Mr.s. Stephens will boon be rciitOiea to her usual health again, following her serious illness. Instead of being helped out, most of the ujieniployed want to be held in â€" to a Job. OLD TIME SKATING PARTY l.N FLESHERTON ARENA SATURDAY, MARCH 19th from 8 to lO p.m. OWEN SOUND SVDBNH.VM SK.\T|NG CLUB B.\ND will supply music ALL SKATERS OVER 14 URGED TO ATTEND Admission: .Adults 36c. Children 25c The Ute Mn. Ned Croft CHARLES J. BELLAMY MUNICIPAL CLERK Issuer of Marriage Licenses CONVEYANCER Wills Mortgages, etc. Deeds Agreements A comimissioner for taking aiTidavits Office, Toronto Street, Flesherton Telephona 9w HARRIS & DUNLOP BAHttlSTERS. SOLICITOUS. Etc- Phone 38 MARKDALE Mr- Dunlop will be in C. J. Bellamy's office evtr>' Sat- urday from 6 to 8:30 p.m. AUCTION SALE OK FAKJH STOfK GEOK(;i-; BALL U>T 24, CON. .j, OSPREY TWP. (3 miles South of Maxwell) Will sell by Public ."Vuctiim on TUESDAY, MARCH 22ND, 19 J9 at 1:'>0 p.m., ihi- I'oIlowinK: HORSE â€" Orey Mare 5 years old. PIGSâ€" 27 Chunks of Pi^'s; Brood Sow with litter of pigs. CATTLE â€" Hi'refoid Cow, fresh; Herafoixj Heifer, niilkin>?; 3 Slci^rs rising 2 years old; 2 ^'a* Hoifci-;; Heifer, rising 2 years; 12 Calves, rising 1 vcar old. No reso'vp; everything must be «oId as proprietor is in poor health. TERMS â€" 6 Months' credit on joint notes acceptable at Bank of Toronto, Ft-versbam, boai-infr inter- est at the rate of f>7r per annum. â€"GEO. E. DUNCAN, Auctioneer CREDIT AUCTION SAU FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS The funeral of the late Mrs. Ned Croft of Rock Mils, who passed a-'^ay on Wednesday, March 9th, was held on Friday afternoon, which wa.*! largely attended by symnataizing friends and neigh'bo''3. S-irvice was held in Cedarside Baptist Church jvitli Rev. A. G. Macphes-so.a in charge and who spoke coirforting words to the bereaved ones. Mi.ny and beautiful were the fluw- eris that bore silent messa^e-s of love and sympathy. Interment was made in -Maxwell Cemetery. The pallbearers were: Messrs. M. Dobson, D. Clark, \V. Russell, W. Ben.son and H. Martin. The late Mrs. Croft was fonnerly Marian Sayers, daughter of the late George Sayers and Elizabeth Dand Sayers, and was in her 56tih year. She was born on the 12th line, Os- prty, and moved to Feversham when a small childre, where she gi'ew up and received her education. She was united in marriage to Charles EdAvar<l Croft on November 12, 1918, and resided at Rock Mills .since that time. Left to mourn are her husband and three sons. Glen and Bob of Ceylon and Ted at home. She also leaves two sisters, Mrs. Thos. Mionaghan of Owen Sound and Mrs. Harold Osborne of Dundalk. "Dear God, put your loving anus around her. Give her gentle care; Please make up for all -^he has suffered -And all that was so unfair." I'ERCY WHITE Ut 14, Con. 4, Csprey Twp. (2 miles South-East of Maxwell on plowed road) will ."ell by public aueion on THURSDAY, MARCH E4TH. 1949 at 1 p.m. sharp, the following: CA'H'LE â€" Ayrshire Cow, 9 yrs., uue time of sale; Binndle Cow, 8 yrs. due time of sale; Holstein Heifer, rising 3, in calf; Hereford Cow, 8 yrs., due .\pri! 22; Polled-Ang^s Cow 8 yrs., fresh, calf at foot; 3 Here- fords, 2 yrs. old; Ayrsihire, rising 2 yrs.; 2 Y'earling; C;ilves; 2 Calves. PIGS, HENS â€" 5 Chunks of Pig3, 100 lbs. or over; 7 Hens; Rooster. HAY & (;RAIN â€" Baled Hay; Quantity of Mixed Grain. IMPLEMENTS, Etc. â€" M.-H. Bin- der, 7-ft. cut; F. & W. Mower, 5-ft. cut; Cock'.<butt -Seed Drill, 11-disc; Set Sleigrhs, nearly new; Rubber-tire Wagon; No. 21 Fleury Plow; Cutter; Stoneboat; Hog Crate; Wheelbarrow .'^et Plow Harnes.s, used 2 ys.; Steel Water Trough; 45-jral. Gas Barrel; Sap Buc-kets -ind Spiles; 25 Steel Stakes ; Colony House; Renfrew Sep- arator; 2 Steel Gates, 14' and 10'; Number of Bags and numerous other article."!. No reserve as Farm is sold. TFJ?MS â€" Hay. Grain, Fowl and ali sums f.f .SlO.OO and under. Cash; over that amount months' credit o-n joint notes acceptable at the Bank of Toronto, Foversham, bearing interest at the rate of 3% per annvun. â€"GEO. E. DUNCAN, Auctioneer nCI I THEATRE ULiLiLi DURHAM Thursday, IViday, Saturday .March 17. IS. 19 "ABIE'S IRISH ROSE" EXTENSIVE rtllCTION mi FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS VK'I'OR \i APPLETON will sell hy pnblic auction on ii( Collinjnvood llijrhwjiy 21,. 5 Miles South of IHIRSDAY, MARCH 31ST, 1949 F>itin' list of Farm Stock and Im- plements, indudinR' W.'fO Interna- tional Traitor; Surge Milkinp Mil cliine; Waterloo drain Soparator, t'nd Gehl Cuttinj>- Box. GEO. E. ni.'NCAN, A. S. FARMER, Auctioneers i FLESHERTON OLD BOYS AND GIRLS' I ASSOCIATION, TORONTO, Annual Euchre -Dance Liberty Hall, 2991 Dundas St. W. FRIDAY, MARCH 18 at 8 o'clock p.m. That is the place and time to meet your old Flesherton friends and enjoy an evening of fun. Csood Orchestra for Round and Square Dancing Euchre • Good Pri^ea. COME ALONG AND BRING YOUR FRIENDS ! March 21, 22 "TWO SISTERS FROM BOSTON" K. Gray.son - J. .-Mlison Wednesday, Thursday March 23. 24 "ROHANEE OF ROSY RIDGE" Van Johnson - T. Mitchell Local and Personal Mr, Fx'ank Teeter spent the week end in Toronto. Master John O'Brien of Oakv.ile spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Ted Maciavish. Mr. Jim Thurston and Miss Vtrna Ycing of Tovii'.o spent th week end with the former's parents. iMr. and Mrs. Clarence Haimilton returned on Saturday, after spend- ing the past two months at Kearney. :iVl|arfter Bobby Teeter is in Mark- dale hospital taking treal^nunt foi- an infacted ear. Mrs. R. Wraggett of Dundalk was a recent visitor with Mis. Geo. Hutchinson. Mr. George Best of town suffered a stroke at his home in town la^t week and his condition is serious at tht present time. M)r. and Mrs. Fred Batchelor of Woodbridge and Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Allen of Dundalk were at their par- ental home over the week end to quietly celebmte the 35th wedding anniversary of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Hindle. Mr. and Mrs. John Wickens of the Valley were pleased to hear the voice of their daughter, Mrs. Royden McDonald, who spoke over the tele- phone from Ear Falls, offering con- fi-ratulations to her parents on their •8th wedding anniversary Tuesday. i. FARMERS, POULTRYMEN â€" YOU HAVE ! - i Coming Soon - Baby Chicks We have a good supply of ELECTRIC, OIL and COAL BROODERS Thermostat Wafers - Themometers A complete line of FOUNTS and FEEDERS END OF HOCKEY ROAD Friday. Saturday March 25, 26 "PANHANDLE" It. Camerun \. Guynnc BIG CASH OFFER EVERY WEDNESDAY Fle.sherton put up a gallant battle ir the third game in the Linwood .-I'lies in the second round of the W. 0..\..A. play-offs, bit theu- opponi>nts were victorioius ( a real, fast jv"'me of hockey that had the fans on their toes most of the time. The -Majors had their share of the play and buzzed around the Linwood net, dribbled shots pa-t thj corner and with the Linwood ijoali'j making .^&me fine stops. Ed. Ferris in goal lor Flesherton outruessod his op- position when the.y wont ritcht in on top of him, espo,''a!Iy in the last period, when the losers we.e prcs- ing to gain a tie. Ed. was. taken out of the net with fifty seconds to }{o with Fleshert'ip. two down, and :le boys kapt the pU ' at the Lin- wood end fjr 45 3e<;orid3 but were unable to score, and w'*;h live 3cc- ond.< to go S. DecK' t M-. .c' Aw.iy and skated '.he length â- ){ the i'-e to P' p the disj into in (.mp'y net. It was a sensational fini.-,h and one to be remembered. Linwood scored twice in the firs: period and added two moio before Bannon took Boyd's pas.< from the coiner and rifled a long shot into the top left hand corner to give the team added life, but the periol end- ed with no more icoring'. Linwood mai.i- it 5-1 early in the thud and at 15.55 .'Vcheson took a pass from I I Best Quality clean Brooder Coal Duncan's Hardware "Blue Coal" Dealer | Phone 54 FLESHERTON | Gtord Chard in a ganging a.ttack and netted a counter from about 2f. feet out. Then at 18.20 Boyd ?ave a .sweet pass to C.aims and Doug made sure of his effort. "Hank" Best appeared on defence for a short time, but could not stand the pace with his leg, which has not rt'spond- ed "to expert treatment as was hoped. .4s Flesherton had been eliminat- ed from the Central Ontario first round play-ofFs, this loss meant the winding up of the senior hockey act- ivities, but even in defeat the boys wtnt down with their colors fl.ving and never admitted the loss until the game was over. They were a cr>;dit to this district and only for in.iurics and sickness suffered by some of the star players, the result might have been different to what it is today. Next year is another year and we look forward to going places agiin. IT AIN'T THE GIFT SEND IN TOUB RENEWAL. It ain't the gift a feller gets. It ain't the shape ner size. That sets tlie heart to beatin' An' puts sunshine in yer eyes. It ain't the value of the thing, Ner how it's wrapped ner tied; It's something else aside from this That makes you prlad inside. It's knowin' that it represents A love both deep an' true, Tliat someone canies in his heart An' wants to slip to you. It's knowin' that some folk love you. An' tell you in this way . , . Jes' sorter actin' out The things they really long to say. So 'taint the gifts a feller gets, Ner hO'W it'.- wrapped ner tied. It's knwvin" that yer folks like you. That makes you glad in^de, â€" .A.uthor Unknown (rREV COUNTS 10th ANNUAL SEbD FAIR AND BACON CARCASS COMPETITION TOWN HALL, MEAFORD Tucs., March 29, and Wed., March 30 .Xuspiccs of Grey County Crop & Soil Improvement Association I'UIZL LIST (i^es ar'rangfd foi--Ute, Lsniy and liu-t Resistant Oats, Barley, Wheat, I'eas, Timothy, Ued Clover, AUike and Alfalfa. Prizes will be *4, i;:J, i^li, and i}i lor each class. „ . • Specialâ€" UO Uusliul lUontcadm Bailey Club. Each entry will be given a $3 cash prizi'. . Early and l-ate Potatoesâ€" 20 tubers. Prr^es will be ^.J. *2 and ifl. '^- Uulcs and Regulatioivs I. Opun to all farmers in Grey County. •.•. NO EINTRY FEE as \LL (iify County farmers are members of the Grey bounty Crop & Soil Impi-ovemenl As.jocialion by virtue of Krau'.. a. No exhibitor may make more than one entry in each Class. 4 AU seed shown must have been produced on one exhilbitor's in iy*S and only one exhibit per da. s allowed from each I'arni. or partnership. 5. .'VU crain entries most be exhibitini in clean grain lm(,'S. li. PoUitoes will be exhibited on tal)les providetl bv the Association. 7. All enuies must be in b.v 1 1 :0l) a.m. and must be left unutil 6.00 p.m. 8. Ti-ansportation of cxhlbiUs will be the rospwisibility of the exhibitor in any and all chisse.. il The fjuantity of each exhibit shown must be as follows: Oats, Barley. VV'heat and Peas: '/a busihol; Grasses and Clovers: 1 pcok; Potiifoes: 20 tu'bei-s. 10. To be eligible to show in any class, fxhibitoi-s . hould have for sale the following quantities: Grain and l)eas, 25 busdiels; cloVer and grass seeds, 2 bushels; potatoes, 10 bag^. 11. All grain, pcajs and simiU seed,; may be oxhibittHl without certin- tmte but if certificate accompanies any exhibits the cost of securing same (which is 75c for cosirse grain and $1.00 for small seeds) will be rofunded by the Society. 12. To secure certificate RUSH three ounces • - " ' Produc Ontar- dt>cision to be final in all cases. 14. Association will give every care to exhibits, but cannot assume responsibility in case of loss. Afternoon rrogram â€" March 29th 1:00 pjm â€" ^Doys' Judginsr Coanpetition. 1:30 pan.â€" Swrine Carcauaca â€" ^Mr. Scotohmer. Ottawa. 2:30 p.m.â€" Grain Cropsâ€" Dr. G. P. McRoatie, O.A.C., Guelph. 3:30 pjn.â€" B. I. Jenentt, Ivy. Georgian Bay Seed Producers. Afternoon Program â€" March 30th 1:30 p.m.â€" <:o8t of Swine Productionâ€" Mr. R. H. Graham, Toronto. 2:80 p.m.â€" Pasture nd Forapte Crop â€"Dr. Weir, O.A.C.. Guelph. 3:30 pjm.â€"Farm incniu Taxesâ€" H. R. MfcGiogan, Ottawa. ALL GKFY COITNTY FARMERS ARE WELCOME J. ALFRiED LOWL\ I'lesidcnt T. STEWART, COOPER. Sivretary FEED Bran $2.65 Shorts ~ $2.89 Robin Hood Flour $4.7B A Carload of B. C. Shingles will arrive soon. O. & A. Co-operative rofunded by the Hociety. la. to secure ceriincaie ituori iniee of gra s and clover seeds or two pounds of coarse irraina to:- F tion Services, Dominion Seed Branch, 86 Collier St., Toronto, io, accompanied by Post UlVice oixler. 13. Judge's dt>cision ATTENTION Osprey Farmers The Ospicy Branch of the Federation of Agricul- turc, in co-operation with the Municipal Council, has made arrangements wjth the Agricultural Represent- ative, M r. T. S. Cooper of Markdale, and Mr. John C. Jack.son of the Department of Lands and Forests for Grey and Bruce Counties, to have a meeting open to the public in the Orangfe Hall, Maxwell on Friday, March 18th, 1949, at 2:30 p.m. Mr. Cooper will discuss calf vaccination and Bang's Disease and will have on display picture slides of same for educational purposes. Mr. Jackson has kindly consented to give an ad- dress on reforestation and also .show picture slides of same. Mr. Geo. South, Warden of Grey County and chairman of the Grey County Reforestation Commit- tee, is expected to be. present. A. g-ood program of real interest to Osprey Farm- ers is being planned and a great deal of knowledgfe can be obtained bv eacli and every person attending-. A cordial invitation is extended to the school children. D Stephens, Secty., C. N. Long-. Osprey l^ed. of Agriculture Municipal Clerk A. t X r i 7* . i^- it V. â- A- -t i •-A' X ^