V ®J)je /k0l)^rU*n %^imic.t :, VOL. 68; NO. 42 FLESHERTON. ONT., WEDNESDAY, MARCH 1^. 1949 F. J. Thurston, Publishei â- t X r A Rtusell Andrews Receives ^pipointment As Assessor ^ Mr. Russell Andrews received the jkppoir.l/iuent of Assessor for thi village at the reg^ilar mcetine cf the Council Monday evening, at a ealary of ^75.00 for the year. One <ytiier application was received, that of H. D. Scott of Durham at $100. . Correspondence was read from the General Detroit Corp. of Canada, re jja5 masks; the Bell Telephone Co., re assessment for 1948, which is ^,356.75; District Miunicipal Engin- eer, N. M. Cooke, with report of ex- penditure on roads for 1948; County of Grey, re lands liable for sale for taxes in 1950; High School, r'ate- men/t of estimates for 1949: Public School, statement of estimates for 1949. The following accounts were rd- ered paid: F. H. W. Hickling, relief account $19.60; Msnicipal World, 7 subscriptions $14; H. W. Kemahan, 1)4) lance of premium on insurance: Chas. Stafford, work on streets and irads $27.60; Hai-old Best, refill for lire extinguisher $5.83. The treasurer v.as authorized to pr.y the treasurer of the High School Li ard liic sajn ox $3'45, the village proporjon fur Maich, li*4a. The following Hydro accounts wirr" pavied: H. E. Alabaster Co. 9j2.Zt: (./auadian. Genei-al Electric s-^'u.i-j, ii. Jiaug.iu, salary $25 and express $1.40; G. B. Welton, salary §L'5, labor $3 and committee's ex- pense: to conventioin $31.70. Authorize Debenture Issue For New Priceville School Injured Hockey Players Three players of Flesherton hock- ey teams have received severe in- juries the past week. Bruce Thurs- ton was "given the works" by Rol- ston in the game at Shelbume a week ago and after x-rays on Wed- nesday it was found that he had a separated shoulder. At an exhibition game in Markdale Monday night J<ick Milne received a cut on his forehead requiring five stitches to close, caused from a puck shot by cne of his own players, and Bob Stoddart received a double fracture of his left elbow when he fell. One way lo leave footprints on the sands of time is io get out and dig. Our Living Faith You are invited to follow this series of sermon-studies % at St. John's United Church ij: MARCH 6 â€" FAITH â€" "THE MASTER KEY- MARCH 13 â€" "GOD IN CHRIST" MARCH 20 â€" "SINâ€" ITS C.4USES AND CURE" MARCH 27 â€" THE PLACE OF THE CHURCH." APRIL 3 â€" 'THE KINGDOM OF GOD OX EARTH" .\PRIL 10 â€""THE COMING OF THE KING (Palm Sunday)' APRIL 15 â€" THE SUPREME SACRIFICE" (Good Friday) APRIL 17 â€" "THE SUPREME TRIUMPH" (Easter Sunday) Rev. A. G. Macpherson, Minister G. H. Cainu:. Sec Official Boar4 'X f- <K«<"><>-K~x^<>->««-:~>«>4>iSW-:K~>«<K~K»«x-:~x~K~:~X'<"K~v^ JL â€"^ â- â- A 'I i 'I The Home of Tasty Baking Specials This Weei< MAPLE WALNUT CAKE TRY OUR FRESH DO-NUTS Delivered while hot each Friday; phone orders PIES t ^ Mincemeat ^ ^ Cherry (fresh frozen) ^ I Apple ^ V Raisin ; I Date COOKIES Special This Week 2 doz. 35c CREAM PUFFS CREAM BUNS . JELLY ROLLS , Flesiierton Bakery ''. ^m;K'<KKKK*v*<"XKK*<^K«*XK«<«<><K->«>*X'<*v-X*<><"><*>*<^*v<*<"X~X' '4 X I I * « V 5! A Our Chapel is at tht disposal of our clientela without txtts chargt. It contains well-appointtd family reception rooms, including organ and organist. Bates and Maddocks FUNfRAL CHAPE I l24AvEnuERri KI.4344 .A.rteinesia Council met in regular tvi:;;nn oTi Monday, "Ma*: i .11, vnt.\ i:\\ nienibeis proaeux. Inspt,.tur Ilaij waited on the Council and permission was granted to canvass tJie various .-chool sections for the purpose of pa-esenting the Township school area ajstem to the ratepayers in .A.rteme- sia Township and to arrange meet- ings for thi^ purpose \otice has been received from the Ontario Department of Highways that a final subeidy of $4,658.i)5 has been passed by that department and ordered paid. In reply to an advt. for applica- tions for the position oif .\ssessor, ffiur applications were received, with the result tliat Donald Reiley of Priceville received the appointment at a salary of $500.00. A motion was passed authorizing ilie Grey County Departanent of .A.g- diculture to proceed with a cam- paign to have all heifer calves vac- cinated for the prevention of Bang's Disease, aad that all cattle owners within the Township be urged to co- opei-ate. Aaother motion was passed that the Township Council petition Meeting of St. Columba W. M. S. And Ladies' Aid CAXAD.AS RED CROSS lends a hand with warm, colorfi;! patch-woil; or neglected children in British niu^- eries and institutions. Mere yi>ung Tribute of Appreciation Extended - To Players of Flesherton Senior Club tl^e Government of the Province of quilts to tuck around sick, orphaned Ontario to pass legislation prohibit- ing the manufacture and sale of mar- garine within the Province, or ii: tailing that, to make it illegal to use the yellow coloring of butter in the manufacture of this product or tha. it he ta.\ed to sell at the floor price <.f butter. The follo^^^ng accounts were ord- ered paid: R. A. Pi-oud, store account for relief $29.12; Assoc, of .isses^ing Officers of Ontario, membership fee $10; Municipal World, account §14: Road Supt., payment voucher No o $1,203.84. The foUoNving instruction were given to the Road Superintendant; 1. To open all roads after Friday, ApiTl Ist. 2. To notify the County of Grey ty take care of ditch and water from County road at the villag^e of Proton Station. 3. To close all tenders submitted for \bulldo2er at 2 pjn., Thursday, March 31st, 1949. 4. To investigate various buildings for the purpose of housing Township machinery. By-law No. 4, authorizing the issue "f debentures for fl.OOO.OO for Hydro impixivements in Priceville; By-law Bobby, age 6, in a Dorchester Honie. beams his approval. Red Cross Wo- men's Wonv Committee sent more than 2.5001 cases of clothing, beddiner and supplies overseas ir. 1?48. The ilarch meeting of the W.II.S- and Ladics' Aid of St. Columba United Churth, Pri-- " :'!», was i.eld at the home of Mrs. Elmer Harrison with 18 ladies present, iirs. M«- Conkey presided for the ".V.il.S. ana after the usual opening ceremor.y, Mrs. Wm. Meads gave a reading o« perseverance and Mrs. Mould led t» pryaer. Miss Velma Wright reai an interesting article from the Miss- ionary Monthly on Misa Kat* Rutk- erford. A chapter from the study book "Wtet o(f the Gorges," on tke medical work in China was weil given by Miss Edith James. i'rs. F. R. Oliver presided for the Ladies' Aid meeting. Fi-'.nl plans were made for the Irish supper and novel ideas for the bazaar, to be held in May, were discussed. Rev. L W. Mould read a letter '..'n the sale of gladioli bulbs, piccetds of which would be spent on Bibles ti> be sent to European countries. Tw« quilts, recently completed in the church basement, were oa display ale. A visiting ompos- ed of Mrs. Wm. Meads, east of Price- ville, Mi-s. P. Hunt and ilrs. J. Har- rison for the village and Mrs. AHg*8 MacAithur for the west side. Mr. Mould closed the meeting with pray- er. The next meeting svill be kel«. at the home ^f ilrs. \Viii. Meads. and are now .for comanmittee was appointed. (By R. B.) After a successful hockey cani- paigii, it would be well to look back on the boys who made it so enjoyable for us, the critical fans. With twi exceptions, which may or may not have been preventable, every game was of the highest calibre of etfon and sportsmanship possible, in this speedy and rugged game, which en :)i Ken ChaiJ. broths.- of Grd, wh) i ad previously playet* with' his brother and Gem-ge Boyd. Without a rto; bt, the hardest wTi-king i'.o was :<.ntred by Bruce Thu %-.y\, with Jack "Doc" Milne and JacK. Lawrence brother of Bill. It's too bad that seven-man hockey is out or f.ishion a:^ these three boys would have nadc great "rovers." the e.xtra man used in those days, where the puck '.i Card of Thank* I wish to thank all friends anrf neighbors of my dear sister (MariMi Croft) for their kindness and itr- flcwers sent during her recent Wi- ness and death, also Mrs. Betts ivr the beautiful solo. â€" Mrs. Harold Oabor**. We wish to e.-cpress our sincere thanks and appreciation to our nuiif friens and relatives for their jMsay acts of kindness and messages o€ sympathy, and for the beautiful sad bereavement. â€" N'ed Croft aad Faniriy. \o. 5, covering an increase in salary to the Clerk; By-law No. 6, covering an increase in salary to the Road Superintendant, and By-law No. 7, covering au increase in salary to the Treasurer, were read the required iivimber «f times and passed. By-law No. 10, 194S, authorizing the issue of tagces even the mildest tempers. Starting from the net and work- ' that's where they want to be. An- ia^out, we have two fellows of en- j other man of whom little was seen tirely dilTerent style, but with the j during the year, but who did gretit ! floral tributes extended to utf in oa same purpose in mind, to "keep them utility work when called upon, was out." Russ "Muscles" .Andrews, who j Fred (Jorrell, when by tiis efforts at quietly waits in the crease to try and ; of spelling otf the regulars, the out-guess incoming forwards, and ; others were able to display a much i wish to convey my sincere thanJts Ed. Ferris, who "avails for no one," i su^nger game after their "breather." ! to the many friends and neighbors skating out time and again to beat | Looking back over the season, it for cards, letters, treats and kind en- opponents to a loose puck, both swell \ is not out of place to give special i quirles. also to the Feversham Ladies' fellows who did a grand job. \ thanks, on behalf of the supporters, Aid for the I'^vely box o; treats. wh«l* Some will say that the shortage ' to those who forfeited time and , I was a patient in Markoale hospital, of players was because "Hank wasn't i effort in order to enteitain us. Bill Youi- kindness v. . ; -oon »c on the ice," however, no matter what LawTence was without a doubt the penalties Hank Best recerveti, de- I outstanding player of the year, also served or otlierwise, no man ever I'.'ayed kai-der for his team than this rugged defencejium, who, unfortun- ately was forced from the gamo e:ir!y in the season by a leg injury. The two men left to carrv the brur.: debentures to the amount of $22.50M ^^ ^-^^ defence work, after Hank for a new school in U.S.S. i>,'o. 12 Fiiceville, was read a third time and Va-sed. Bom BROCKELBANK â€" At Colliiig- wood Hospital on Tuesday, March S, 1','49, to Mr. and Mrs. Russel Bi-ock- lebank of Eugenia, a daujrhter. FERRIS â€" At the Nuiin Nursin- liome, Flesherton, on Tues., March 15th. 1949. to Mr. and Mrs. Elwyn l""erris of Maxwell, a son. HILTZ â€" At the Nui.-ii Nui-sing Home, Flesherton, on Thurs., March 3ni, 1949, to Mi', and Mrs. Lome Ktltz of Piice\illc, a dau^Micer (still- born). vniVITIES XX I HE KLEI?HERT(>N RINK Tlnn-sday â€" 11.30 to 12. :>.30 to 4- High School; S to 10 public s'iating. Friday â€" 11.30 to 12. S.oM to I. H!srh S:-hnol: 2 to ", free sknt'np for thildren; S to 10 benefit hockey game with Markdale. Saturday- -10.30 to 12. Priceville Mitlgcts; 12-W to 1.30. Fie herto:- Midirets; 2 to 4, Tree skaiiiiw for children: S to 10, Old Time Skating Party to Sydenham Skating Club Band of Owen Sound pnxviding mus- ic. All from 14 to lOO urged to be present. Itfonday â€" H.30 to 12. 3.30 to 4. High School: 8 to 10, Sumlay School Skating Party. Tuesday â€" il.SO to 12. 3. .30 to 4. High SchoiM; 2 to 3. free skating fm children; 8 to 10, public sfcating. high scorer, with Gord. Chard and r>oug. Cairns running very close. These three beys, along with Jack Li'.wTeuce, Ken Chard, Ed. Ferris. Fred Baanon and Russ. Acheson are the ones for "special mention,"' as they had to travel many stormy injury, were big Fred Bannon who. i nights from Ki!rJ)erley and Protoi., as the writer overheard a Camp : Cairns from blocked back roads, and Bannon, away down No. lO. Some of them had fann chores to do be- fr-'re game time, but all put their best effoits into every game. Beh'nd the scno-- we have "Gu:iip" and "Hap, â- Bob Phillips and Reg. Boyd, who shareii coaching and managing bouquets and brickbats. Who is to say that one should have been coach- ing at the tiane he was managing or %ice-vrsa â€" they did what ihey fig- ured was right and did a darn gotxl jo-b, lorgotten. â€" Mrs. Win. Stephaas. Thieves got $3,400 which an Ala^- ma farmer hid in his well. Where co»- fidence wa.~ not well pi;i<ed. Borden player say, "Can stretch his arms and legs and cover tlie rink." .A.S the reason went on Fred improv- ed so much that in the last game he not only carried the puck thrcug'i twice, but also scored one of ni; team's three go;ds. His partner, t'le good old 60-minute man, and one of the new additions to the team thia year, was Russ. .-Vcheson of Proton. who travelled m.my mile..- in order to play. Wihen things are quiot, Russ :s tbe quietist, but when they are n'Ught. watch out. Russ also ^cor- ed a goal in the lust game. "Raldy" Hoyd was the man who tilled in the ttugh spots, setting up plays for hi.- wings, Gord. Chard and Bill Law- rence during attacks, and raggiaj,' the piwk when his team was short- handed, and after the absence of Harold Best, Geoi-ge alternatei on the defence, along with Bill Law- rence, both doing "time and a half." The second line of Doug. Cairns Bob Turney and R ^y Best, was al- j way the fastest and kept ihe fans I on their feet most cf the tim-\ Doug's fiery temper earning him a few tongue lashing from refenv.'s, with whom he sometimes disagreed. Bob Ti'Miev, "old brittle bone"' w-is a bit more fortiiritte this yea* than pn- viously, not sutfering too many in- juries, while Roy Best was probably the fastest skater on ♦he ii-o, but iiK)ved to Toronto half way t>>iough many fan; for their loyal support of the s*aso!i and his po»iti;>n was tak- -\ fine group of fellows. Future Events .ACOVING I'ICTIRES AT ijTH LINE .SCHOOL Moving pictures wii; i>e unven \tf he National Film Boa:-,i in the 8tk j Line School, Arteniesia, on T"n)m- day, March 24th, at 3 pjn., w-he» a baiiaar will also be h.'ld. .Adnnssion: Adults 25c, children free. SINGHAMPTON DANCE Dance in Hamnrll's Ha!!, SiHf- We will be looking for all the | hampton, Friday nignt, March iStlu ff Hows in slcates and pads towaixi ' Music by Der!nott"s Civhestra. Danc- the end of liMi* and wi. h them every ing 9 to 1. .Admission" 50c. success. Many thanks for an enjoy- able winter season. From the other side of the fence it must be sa:d that no team, great or small, carried a stronger or more lo.\al fan support than did these boys. Hockey enthusiasts from Kim- berley, Priceville, Ceylon, Eugenia. Kock Mills, Maxwell, Fex'er^ham, Proton. Port law, and even frcm our neighbor to the north after their own team had 'oeen eliniinated, fol- lowed their favorites to Markdale, Dundalk, Shelbume, Grand Nall-.-y, Erin,, Tara, Waterloo atid finally t PLAY AT MAXWELL .â- \. play entitled "-â- iur.t Minnie immt Minne^otta" will be presented by Priceville talent in the Orange HaH, Ma.\wel!. imi Friday. Maivh l^ih. at 8 p.m., sponsored by the Womsa** Institute. .-Vdmission: 36c and 20c. ST. P.VTRICKS D.XNCB FLESHERTON St. Patrick's Dance in Fleshertoi* F'-aternal Hall, Thursday. March n. Music by Russell Hill's Orchestra with one of the best old-time fiddlerc Walkerton and glorious defeat, this '" ^''^y County. Modem and OW- we say, because at no time during "^^^ Dancing. 3 prizes for >e9t the season did they play harder than I'"'* costume $3. $2. $1. ^ pme the last few minutes of the last â- ^^ *>««* «tuare dance couple. New game. It is a privilege the writer! ^ •*• »y*t«'>' '>^'sed by callers, DaiM- uwn himself to Ihank these' '"t^ ^ ^'^ ' -Vdmission: 50c. :.s!:es Passed Conservatory Exams. O.ddving "t'll renmins about the I ^^^ pi.iro examinations of •^he I or<ly business wtiere it p«ys to be I Royal Conser\-atory of Music war;- w.i.<5 stK»cc3oful with honors in Gra 1-ft holding the bag. I iiel<l in Owen Sound and t«ro Fl-.ih- 1 ', piano. ST. P.VTRICK'S DANCE MARKDALE i St. Patrick's Dance in Mat:M*I« crton y-^ung ladies were su •.v.^tfu! Armory, Thur.-day, March 17. Join 1 the r eiTo'ts. M:c-i Margaret Yac- ♦he crowd for a real CKd Time Jaw- pher.oa took flrst class honors i.i boree. All the latest song hits, by Grade S piano, and Miss Joan Avi5 vocalists. Miiisic by Norm Hi^^hay â- .""d Ws Popular Orchestra. Door ^ prise; booUt. Admiesi«a: 60e. 1^