«v Wednesday, February 9, 1949 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE ^ 1 Small Ads FOR SALE â€" liain 30x40, timber and lunii>er in good condition. â€" Lewis Pedlar, Flesherton. 36c2 FOR SALE â€" !i cows, Durliam, Here- ford, Brindle, due in Spring. â€" Philip Harrison, R.K. 2 Priceville WANTED â€" Auuiwlii i«itable ioi mink and tux. feed. â€" Bert Mclutocti CimreniA, ^hon* K»r«nh*-i 6rS£ FOR SALL â€" 10 young Yorli^hire pigs rcidy to go. â€" N. E. L<.>uci{s, phone 73J3 Flesherton. 36p2 FOR S-\LE â€" Brood sow, second litter, due Maich 16 â€" Jack Smith phone 3rl2 Feversham. 34<2 FOR SAL<E â€" Young pigs, ready to go.â€" vRobl. Thompson, R.R. 2 Fle- sherton phone 73J2. 36cl SKATES â€" Latljes' white boot and skate ouUit for sale, first class •ondition. May be seen at The .Advance oflfice. WANTfiD â€" Highest cash prices paid for beef and horse hides. â€" Prank Eagles, R.R. 3, Proton SU., phone 41J3 Flesherton. 34p2 Flesherton And Erin Play Tie Game Tuesday Flesherton tied the Erin team nl Kriii on Tues<lay night y-9. The lo- cal club tole<w a 'J-G lead in the last five minutes of play, the tieing coun- ter being made by Erin in the last tun -econUs of play. Sholburne, Dun- diilk and Fleohei-ton aie tied with V.1 points cadi, and each have one mote j^ame to pluy. (jniiul Valley playo ia Flesherton next .Monday. ACTIVITIES AT FLF^HERTON UINK THIS COMING WKEK Local and Personal MLss Jean Duncan of Toronto was home over the week end. Mr. and Mri. G. A. MacTavi&h are spending a few days in Toronto. Mr. Jas. Wilson of Owen Sound spent the week en4 with his father, Mr. I.Mark Wilson. Mrs. C. J. Kennedy undei-went an operation for the removal of her ton- sils in a Toronto hospital Tuesday. .Mi.^. W. J. lilaokiiurn of Clarkson spent the week end .visiting with friends in town. Wi'd., Fe!). if - ll.;i0 to 12, 3.30 to 4, High School; 6.30 to 7.30, Price- villf practice; 8 to 10, PMeshertoii -Midgets vs MeaJord .Midgetis. Come out and see these lads go, they need your support. Thurs., Feb. 10 â€" ll.yO to 12, High Stliool. 8 p.m. Carnival. Be there on time to see the Figure Skaters, Fun for all. Friday, Feb. ]1 - «.30 to 12 and :?.30 to 4, High School; 2 to 3, free .skating for children; 8 p.m., Public ajre; 7 to 9, Fe^'ersham vii Dundalk; 9 to 11, Proton vs Flesherton, Sat., Feb. 12 â€" 12.30 to 1.30, Mid- j{i>t hockey practice; 2 to 4, free i4;ating for c^hildren; 8 p.m., Public Skating to music. Monday, Feb. 14 â€" 1.30 to 12 and ei-vi.se the moving of his furniture to 3,30 to 4, Hig-h School; 8.30 p.m., hi.s new home at Gravenhurst. Miss Sadie Young of Toronto was a week end visitor with Mrs. Ed. Fisher. The 1-iaptist V.P.U. will meet at the home of I. B. Whyte on Friday, Feb. nth, at 8 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. iDave Williams visit- ed recently with their daughter, Mrs. H. Banies, at Elmvale, iMis.i Lois Sparks of Colbeck apent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. K Sparks. Mr. Jack McDonald of Gravenhurt was in town on fehe week end to sup- H. D. Brown Passes Haiix)ld Duke Brown, a former tea- cher in Flesherton High School, died oil Sunday, Feb. 6th, in Sunnybrook Military Hospital, Toronto. .Vluny of mil older residents wild remember him, as he was a tine hookey and baseball playea- around 1912' and was highly regar<led. Lately he was en- trusted with the di tri'buiUn of 1,000,- UOO tons of UNKllA supplie.* in China, in which language he was very fluent. SEWING MACHINE â€" Wanted to rent or buy sewing machine, reas- onably pi-iced. â€" Phone 50, Fleshei- ton, Mrs. J. L. MacLean. 36c2 FARM WA.VTED â€" Farm in good workable condition good buildings and water supply. Write or phone i A. S. Mills, 4rl4 Feversham. FOR S.\LE â€" Hemlock and spruce 1 inch lumber; a few choice pieces 2x7x16. â€" Hariy Patton, phone 4.5J4, Fle.-herton. ,37c2 FOR SALE â€" l!i4d Ford" coach, fog lights, heater-defroster, ^ood tires, mechanically sound. â€" Dr. S. A Piper, phone 243 Thornbiuy. FOR SA-LE â€" Washing machine, gas- oline driven, used one year, in good condition. â€" Jas. Allen, R.R. 3, Flesherton, phone 45w3. 35c2 FOR SALE â€" Young brood sows, due March 1. â€" Cecil ^Monaghan, Mkx-w-ell P.O., phone Fevexsham 3 ring 13. 37c2 Grand Vallejf vi Flesherton. Note: j Semi-Pro. games Wednesday. Tues., Feb. 15 â€" IIM to 12 and 3.30 to 4, High School; 8 to 10, Pub- lic Skating to music. Wed., Feb. 16 â€" 11.30 to 12 and 3.30 to 4, High School; 7 to 9, Dun- dalk vs Proton; y to 11, Feversham vs Flesherton. Note: The above games are beitig played instead of Monday night. The habit of braggyig about beiii};- overbright ofien leads to getting polished off. NOTICE IN RKGAKD TO FLESHERTON FIRE HALL Ti-c-passing in the fire hall by un- authorized persons is strictly prohib- ited. Any article taken out mustj be pennission, or prosecution '.villi follow. j â€" WM. KAITTING, j Chief Con-stabl,. Flesherton C.G.l.T. were guests of the Durham C.G.l.T. on Friday even- ing and were royally entertained. A most enjoyable evening wa:s spent. Mr. and Mrs. Laurie Fisher, Al- berta and Allan, and Mr. Bob Turner of Toronto called on Mrs. Ed. Fisher and other relatives on Sunday. Mrs. W. J. MacMillan was taken to the Markdale Hospital where she ' expects to undergo an operation. We I iiiist her condition will improve j vith.)iit that necessity. j Ml-. ,los. Duncan of town renewed his subscription to The .Advance on Friday, Mr. Duncan veinember: the time when his father brought home the first c«j)y of the paper In 1881. It has never been out of his home since that time. .Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Keimedy of Biantfoid spent the week end with the lalter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. I Henry. We are sorry to know that Mr. Henry is not enjoying the hist of health at the present time. NOTICE - Now is the time to or- der your Tractor Disc Harrows for Spring, Fleury-Bissell, on the way now. See your dealer â€" W. E. Belts, phone 4(iJ Fle.-herton. FOR SALE â€" In Eugenia, 3-acre lot also lot with foundation suitable for building; number of sap buck- ets and .spiles. -- Mrs. C. Boyce, Eugenia, phone 119J1 Flesertoh, FARM FOR SALE â€" 100 acre farm Lots 166-167, 1 S.W., Artemesia, 2 miles south of Flesherton on No. 10 Highway,â€" L. R. Thistltthwaite 38 Roosevelt Rd., Toronto. 6t.f. FOR SALE â€" 2 Hamilton incuViat- ors, 130-egg size, in good condi- tion, good for goose or duck '-ggs for sale cheap.â€" Mrs. Luther Mills Feversham. 36c2 R. E. PRINGLE REAL ESTATE BROKER I have secured a license as real estate broker and can now ipresonally transact your tval estate sales. List your prop< rty with njo at any time. Phone: Flesherton HiSwl P. O. Address: R. R. 3. Proton HARRIS & DUNLOP BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS. Etc- Phone 38 MARKDALE Mr. Dunlop will he in C. J. Bellamy's cfifice everj' Sat- urday from 6 to 8:30 p.nri DR. T. D. PARK PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Oxaduate of Toronto UniTeraity Office: Kennedv Block Phone 77 FlathtrtOB NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the matter of the Estate of Thomas Wrifrhl Phillip.s of the Town- ship (,f .Artemesia, Farmer, deceased. .All person- having claims againsl the Estate of Thomas Wright Phill- ips, late of the Town.ship of Aitcme- :-ia, in the County of Grey, deceased, who died on the lUh day of January, .A.D. 1949, are hereby required and notified to send prepaid to the under- sinned Solicit'irs for the F^xecutor, 'in or bfore tlie 21st day of Fehruai-y. 1949, full particulars verified by sta- tutory declaration. Immediately after the said 2i.^( day of February. 1949, the Etftiifc wiil be distriliuted among the parties entitled thereto, haviiiy' regard on'.\' to the claims of which the Solicitors shall then have had notice. Dated, at Markdale this 31.st tay â- •i- January, A.l>. 1949. â€"HARRIS & DUNLOP, Maj'kdale, Ont. Solicitors to the Executor The heat is always on after a shakedown â€" of the old furnace. -A mon~e can still shorten skirts quicker than fashion lengthened Miciii. Two armed women robbed a Penn- sylvania fur stoiv. We •=til| think eying for fur coats i^ the bivt way to get them. CKesley Editor Ribs The Post Office Department Editor Clayton Schaus of The Chesley Enterprisz, had this item in his last issue: "Many people are getting quite a kick out of a slogan stamped on Baby Bonus envelopes which came out during the past week. The pc>st olfice departjnent often uses theise slogans in cancelling the .stamps. Presumaibly it had 'the bright idea of backing coramunity and national recreation proga'anis with its slogan tills month, but the boys -who are looking for bright sayings got quite a laugh when they saw the slogan, "Recreation Pays Dividends" on (he Baby Bonus envelopes. Some of them thought the slogan should I'je posted on the bedroom wall as a leminder." AVe have no comment to make other than a check-up might show that both the editors of the Chron- ica! and the Enterprise are badly in need of recreation. Chronical Durham CANADA IS BUYING TOMATOES FROM BAHAMS Canada is buying most of the Ba- 1 hamas' large crop of tomatoes this : year. Prices ranging from $1 to SI. 40 per ,30 pound.-, f>D.b, Nassau,} are below la.-t year's average, and j are not considered profitable to the "â- rowers. Up to the end of Decern- i her. 3,120,(100 pounds had been ship- ped, and the total crop is estimated in the neighborhood of 4,500,000 lbs. With Canada unable to buy Ga- hnmns pineapples because of import restiictions, a large crop matured in the past year without an available market. To save the crop, arrange- ments were finally made to can a large quantity for .-hipment to Bri- tain as a gift of the Bahamas Red Cross and the Imperial Order of the Daughteis of the Empire. ACKNOAVLEDGE DONATIONS The Kink C,omTOittee wish to ack- nowledoe the following a donators of prizes for the carnival Thursday ni.u'ht, which were not on the poster: John Ciiok, D. MacTavish & Son.= and AV. .V. Hawkcn. The figure skat- in.g at the carnival is sponsored by the Mnikdale F'igiirp Skating Club. NOTICE â€" FARMERS 24 Hour Service WE PAY AS HIGH AS $10.00 FOB DEAD OR CRIPPLED HORSES and COWS rconling to size and condition â€" Small animals removed free. We do the loading. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR OLD HORSES Phone Dundalk 146â€" Reverse Charj^es NICK PECONI, OWNER I t CHARLES J. BELLAMY MUNICIPAL CLERK laauer of Marriage Licenses CONVEYANCER Wills Mortgages, etc. Deeds Agreements A comimissioner for taking aflPidavito Office, Toronto Street , Flesherton TaltphoiM Mw it it l| !l T T t T T T t t T T J T T y t The lonff list o(f popular settle- ment workers doesn't include the lonsr list of bill collectors. February Special 20 percent Discount ON Overcoats Cloth Windbreakers Ski Pants Snow Suits F. H. W. HICKLING GENERAL MERCHANT •:• FLESHERTON, ONT.. T t T T T T X T T T t t J t t t T t t T T T ♦ ♦♦♦<^><K"^K*^<*<^><*<*<"^^^^ rr STANDS FOR SckI//C£ WHEREVER YOU SEE IT Courteous and eflBcient service at our switch- boards, in our business offices and in your home â€" that's the kind of service we're doing our best to provide. More and better telephones have doubled the scope and increased the value of yotir telephone service. Yet, up to now, despite rising costs, there has been no increase in the basic telephone rates established 22 years ago. No matter where you travel, yoU'U find no greater telephone value; no better service at the same low cost. THE BELL TELEPHONE I COMPANY OF CANADA We Believe No Food Store Offers More Values than F. T. HILL & CO., Limited ' PRICES EFFECTIVE FEB. Jrd UNTIL FEB. 28th Chi.icc Pca.s 20 oz. tin 14c each Clioicc â- i\)inat()os. 2>^ nz. un 19c each Red Plums. 20 o/.. tin 2 for 25c Ttimatii Jiiioc 2(1 o/.. tin 3 for 25c I'if I-"illors and Pmkiing i'nwder.s 16 oz. 15c each .\]>l)k- jnicc. 20 oz. tin 2 for 19c .Vjiplc juice. 4S oz. tin 2 for 49c (ira\e,s .\])])ie.>, 2S oz. tin 19c each I'ie I'euche,^, 105 oz. tin $1.00 each Cnt Wax r>ean.^, 20 oz. tin . 2 for 15c lirapefniit Jtiice, 20 oz. tin 2 for 19c Clarke".^; I'ork and I'.eahs, 20 oz. tin 2 for 29c .\ss<irted Jam.s. 24 oz. jar .. 29c each •Master Dog- l'"ood, \b uz. p,kg 12c each Sinnott's Pea Sotip, 28 oz. tin 2 for 19c Honey 1 lb. pkg. 25c; 2 lb. pail 50c White Beans 2 lbs. 29c Standard Peas, 20 oz. tin 15c each Tomatoes, 20 oz. tin 15c each Calumet Baking Powder, 16 oz. tin 25c each ,\s.st. Clarke's and Aylmer Soups 3 for 23 vShirriff's Pcddings 3 for 25 Jello Pudding Deserts 3 for 25 .\ssorted Baby Foods 3 for 19 Diced Carrot*, 20 oz. tin 10c ea. Diced Beets. 20 oz. tin 10c ea. Peaches and Pears, 28 oz. tin 35c ea. Delhi Peadhes, 28 oz. tin 32c ea. -'\pricots, 20 oz. tin 25c ea Rtiby .'\pricots, 28 oz. tin 32c ea. Pumpkin, 28 oz. tin 2 for 25c Burns Sausage, 14 oz. tin 35c ea. Irish Stew, 15 oz. tin 18c ca. Uamb and Beef Stew, 15 oz. tin 18c oa. Boiled Dinner, 15 oz. tin 18c ea. Kraft Dinner 8^4 oz. pkg . 2 for 35c Red Ubel Tea Bag.s, 60's .-... 63c 70 -Prunes 2 lbs. 29c F. T. Hill & Co., Ltd. Phone 7 MARKDALE a- I â- ^ * >