1C *â- -f I « p * < » ^ ^ 0* - » -* ' ♦ -*•> 4k » Jk .A. 1 > *- ♦ -« » >^ : > T t - Jk > '4 ,» t 4 â- r A ♦ f THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Wednesday, February 9, 194f> - Li t* Newland*s ^Kroy NYLON RE-INFORGED SOCK YARN an amazing new Hand Knitting Sock Yarn that is ShrinklProof Hole Resistant Comes in 14 lovely shades for knitting socks, gloves, etc. E.iJ. FISHER 5c to $1.00 Store FLESHERTON VICTORIA CORNERS CEYLON A very enjoyable time was spent at the sK^iooi on Friday night, when th«re were nine tables of progressive euchre in play. Mrs. Joe Stauibles had the high score for the ladies and Mr. Stauible for the men. The Ceylon Young People's had a very eoijoyalble time last Tuesday night. After their meeting, instead d" playing games, they motored to the Fleaherton Arena for a skating party. They returned to the school for a bowl of hot soup, which was certainly enjoyed. IM*. Gordon Shaw of Bala spent the week end with his mother, Mrs. Elsie Shaw. Miss Dorothy Snell of Islington spent the week end with her mother, Mi-s. Greo. Snell. Mrs. Jas. McMuUen spent the week end in Toronto. Miss Francis Collinson of Toronto spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. J. CoUiHSon. Mr. Irwin Ward was a guest over tile week end with Mr. and Mrs. Lu- ther Duokett. ROCK MILLS KIMBERLEY The sympathy of this community goes out to Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Ellis and family in the sudden death of their son and brother, Garry. Mrs. Annie Weber, who spent two months in Toronto, has returned to the home of her son, Merle. Mr. and Mrs. E. Alexander and boys of Collingwood visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Weber. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Cornfield of Flesiherton sipent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. H. Fawcett. The W. A. met at the home of Mrs. H. Bofker for the February meeting. Th<? Scripture was read by Mrs. Baker and readings were given by 'Miss. Buchanan, Miss Wilcox and Mrs. J. Kirkpatrick. The ladies de- cided to hold a quilting at the home of Mrs. H. Fawcett and also made plans for a supper to be held in the near future. Lunch was served by the hostess and lunch committfe. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. C Ward over the week end: Rus!=ell Ward of Toronto and Fred and Irene Widtens of Meaford. Two Indiana town neighbors were pinched for throwing chunks of coal. We'd be glad to have them move next door to us. February has been cold an4 very slormy. We h<j»e..that Maroh will come in milder. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Clark of Colling^vood were visitors one day last week with his parents, Mr. and Mi's. Dick Clark. Mr. Ed. White of_Toronto spent a couple of weeks in this district. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Teeter and three children of Vandeleur visits! over Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mi's. Walter Russell. Mrs. Elwood Partridge is spending a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Williams, of Ehigenia. Mrs. Williams is ill at preesnt. A large number from here attend- ed tile hockey games in the Flesher- ton .\rena last week, and report some splendid contests. Douglas and Marilyn Russell spent the week end with their grandpar- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Russell, v'hile their parents, M^r. and Mrs. Laurie Russell, were in Toron1». A number of neighbors gathered on Thursday and laid the steel roof Or. Bob Clark's bam. The job was nearly completed in the one day. . Billie Smith had his tonsils re- moved last week in the Markdale Hospital. Mr. Lome Atldnson and Goldie were in CoIUngiwood on Thursday of last week to attend a meeting. Mr. Bryce Benson of Shelbume was home on the week end. The Y.P.U. held their meeting in the hpme of .Mr. and Mrs. Art Jack- son on Friday night, Jan. 28th. The next meeting on Feb. 11th, will be held at the home o£ Mr. and Mrs. John Duncan, Mrs. Milton Bannun stayed two aflcmoons this week with her friend, -Mis. Will. H. .Miller, Dundalk,' dur- intf her hour of trial, the serious illness of- Mr. Miller. Sicknes,; in our community is up- permost in the news. Our -{'rand old lady, Mrs. Wni. Ludlow (."^unt Polly) has been quite ill during the past week and ailing for about four weeks. On Wednesday, Mrs. Ludlow was believed to have passed the crisis and since has been allowed to be up a short while in the clay and eat more solid foods. While playing at school on Wed- ne.sday, Master Jimniie Love, 10- year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Luther Love, developed a hernia. The Kfetle patient was taken by sled to the liome of Russpll Linton, wh'Te tlioy and Mr. Ed. Stin.^on offered assist- ance until his parents and physician reached him. He was taken home and is not suffering at the latest repoi-t. Arrangements are being made for him to undergo an opera- tion in the Shouldice Surgery To- ronto. Mrs. Fred Linton spent a few days in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Stinson. helping care for her grandmother, Mrs. Wm. Ludlow. Mt. and Mrs. Sam Sannders e Chatsworth, Messrs. Dave and J. ^ Wiltshire of Hopeville were recent callers at the Geo. Moore home. FEVERSHAM Mr. Hugh Davidson of Toronto visited his brothers and sister for a few days. We are pleased to see Mr. Jack Smith able to be home again. Mr. Jack Black visited his sisters in Toronto over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Badgernw and children visited on Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Turner. Misses Annie and Reta and Mr. Fred Radley- of Clinton calle<i on Mr. and Mrs. George Ottewell. Mr. Bruce Pluminer spent the week end with his wife and son. PRICEVILLE Mr. and Mrs. Neil Aldcorn enter- tained the neighboi's to a euchre iiuity Friday night, when .-ix tables wore ill play. Mr. Archie MacCuisig lield the highest score for the men \.rA Mi.ss DorolhA' Macniillan foi' the ladies. Alfle O'Dell and Jean Mac- millan received consolation prizes. Mrs. Henry Tucker spent a few days last week in Toronto visiting with friends. Messi- . Lachie McICinnon, John \N'olhwd and Bob Molntyre have the l)l)ones installed and other neighbors on the South Line shortly will have. Mr. Ohas, McKinnon of Toronto spent the past week with her bro- ther, J. Livingstone, and listers on the South Line. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Tuck<?i- ob- sei-ved their 21'st wedding nniversary on Friday, Feb. 4th. Mr. Joe Wright has gone to Fer- gus, where he has accepted a position. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. MacCuaig and Ml'. ^riRsby of Durham w^r.-^ .<â- • -.'i.-;ifcois at the home of H. Tucker. The February meeting of the W.I. was held Tluivsday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Gan-y Whyte, with 28 ladies present. Mrs. Malcolm Mc- Lean presided and after the usual : 0(pening exercises, Mrs. Wes. Whyte read and Scripture. All tickets are | to be handed in to Mrs. Donald i Reiley or Anna Shortheed by Feb. ' ]8th. It was planned to have a; program and dance in the hall when the blanket is finished and the draw will he made that night. A com- mittee was named to look after th« same. Mrs. Jack Whyte gave a I .splendid rcadinis' "Our ISTeighbtirs." I Mrs. Garry Whyte gave two lovely violin numbers, accompanied by Mrs. ( Harold Karstwlt at the piano. Mra. } Bello .Vldcorr. and Mt.s. A. L. Hinnks ' rendered a di'.ut, also accompanied at the piano by Mrs. Karstedt. Mrs. Vi. McLean gave a short talk on her trip to the W.I. convention at To- ronto. It was decided to organize a Junior Gills' Club, with Mrs. W. R. Meads as loader. Mrs. Meads made a top for a quilt, which will- be quilt- ed later nn. The meeting closed with singing "0 Canada." A- delightful lunch was served by the hostess and h-ei- assistants. Mr. and Mr^. Bradey Irwin, Mrs, Bert Irm'n, Ben McKenzie, Mrs Chas. Aldcorn, Earl McLean, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Harrison, Win. Meads, and perhaps others we have not Mrs. George Haw, held at SwintOS heaud about, attended the funeral of Park on i^day. m, 1% '"'W^J^ /i&PURITSI • • • is a wonderful dessert You'll make it aj;ain and uM^iti and, ol course with Puruy liour. So scrumptious, Mich a ungy s\\cctness atop a feathery cake . . . and per serving so economicai. â- ••Hp 3 loblttipoons buttw % cup brown tugor 3 Of 4 medium « ized applos 5 red or groon cherrt«t 'A cup ihorf&ning V^ teaspoon vonilla .4 t-.v gianuitiretJ lugcii 1 699 Vi teatpoon icif 4 leotpoons boiling powder 7 cupt sifted P^fity Flour 1 cup milk Hrst â€" Melt bufler in 7 or 8 inch sqaore balrmg diOt, odd brown iitgar and ipieod the i^ixlure evenlv over the bottom of th* diih. Pore and core appl*s jnd cut »ach on* in sections lenglH* whe. Set In rowj in the bytter-sugor mixture. Race a dMnry tm each corner end one In the middle. Now â€" Cretiiit vhorteni/iw, add vonilio. Grcduolly odd sugar and blend well foflether. Add well-bealon eog. Mix Purity Plour, boking powder and soit ond sift together 3 or 4 times, then odd oiternotely with the millr. Poor fhij batter over the apples In bokIn9 dish and bake in a moderate ovrn (350'^F.J for 40-45 minute*. Invert to serve. Remove from the dish as soon at baked. Serve hot as is or with a sweet sauce, or serve cold with whipped creom. Best for all your baking . . . that's Purity Flour. Women wh*) bake and bake depend <»ii Purity tor uniform ^t:^iIh^. lis ihe flour that's milled from ("anada's tine hard wh-.ii and sold everywhere. B49-F^ 10U Nt^O ONIV ONE llOUr I F 4.0 OR SI buys vou the famou! PURITY' COOK BOOK j wtfh It* 875 recipes developed in the Purity I Ftoyr Kitchfn^. Send to your nearest Purity I Fiour M'lls' office â€" Si. John, N.B., Montieol, I Que.. Olfvixo, Ont., Tofonto, Cnt., V^'innipeg, I Mon., Calgary, Altc, Vancouver, B.C. ) Name ___ i Sireel j Civ , . Prov j When 3TOU waat to stop aailiniar on the sea of trouble, try tossing out your anger. If you don't dot your i's you're not the punctual type, says a hand- writing expert. In other vrords, not right on the dot. A scientist says some day we'll he alble to live on air, and that's about when prices will start coming down. SEWING MACHINE REPAIRS All xoaket â€" Work goarsntMd HachineB electriflod, booght and Bolo. Needles and Bath Ajrenta DUNCAN HARDWARE Fleshertoa, Out. CREAM Now that the work on the farm is slack, why not deUver your cream and get that extra cent for deHvering. DeUver your cream to Flesherton Creamery, where you get honest and quick service. POULTRY Now that the prices of eggs are down, why not cull out the flock and sell those hens that are not laying? We pay the top market prices for fowl and chickens, either live weight or dres.sed. I'oultry accepted any day except Saturday. Flesherton Creamery I I HANDS IN TR AINING . . . FOR ONTARIO X I t I Angus Avis, Manager Phone 66 Flesherton Ontario !*<.<"><">^<«<'^<">*>*>'>*>'>->*!'*>'^*''*'*^*^**''^"^"^*''*''*^**'''*^^^**'~'"^*^*'^'**"'"^*^^^^^^ Learning to Make Plastics IN Ontario the wheels of iuduslry Uirn for the heiiefit of every single oue of U8. Our lathes, dyuainos, drill presses, farm combines, tractors, business machines, etc. are producing goods and services which earn dollars. These dollars provide food, clothing, medical care and other necessities which contribnle to our security and high standard of living. Every single one of us, therefore, has a very personal interest in the flow of a steady supply of trained workers to industrial plants. These workers " will operate machines which are important to our way of life. We should appreciate, then, the co-operative efforts of government, industry and lauuur in the field of employee training. In st-liools and in factories our workers, young and old, are given the opportunity to develop new and specific skills in every field of business and industrial activity. For instance, as in the pictures shown here, every effort of Ontario's newly-skilled plastics worlters will nu-aii heller pla.'^lic products â€" will help to inak« Ontario a finer place in which to li\e and work. THE BREVVING IJNDUSTRY (OxNTARlO) Our Way of l.l(<> lt<*\%'Sir«lN Traiii«Ml lluii«l<i Ontario wrMkeis know tliov ean oarw more, have executive respmisihililv and enjoy a hi(;lierstaiidiir(l of liviiiix in direct ratio to the skills they ae- qiiiic anil the way tliey nuikc >ise of tliein. That'salwavs true in a free eeoiioniv â€" that's wh\ luir eoni- [ictilivc system will rontiiiuc to make ( aiiaila i;reat aiul a ureal place in wliii'h to live. 'â- ^â- mt^