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Flesherton Advance, 2 Feb 1949, p. 2

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I Hiya, Joe, Where Did It Go? â€" One of the greatest of all-round, all-time ball players, Joe DiMaggio â€" after his custoniery post- season trip to the Irospilal â€" iinlimbers his potent batting swing during a benefit game for a Children's Home. The scene is Florida, and irom this angle there doesn't seem to be anything wrong with that swing, although Di Mag appears in no. hurry to -vtiirt heading for first. IVMTGOESON ^3^/ IN THE "^ WORLD *<â-  No- man Blair GREAT BRITAIN Allbough it never attained miv- thinc like the popularity of its pre- dlcffsor of twenty years before, "Tipperary", one of the most widely KUTif.; ditties dnring the early part of World War I'ho was "Lili liarlent". Jt is non tlmoit fort^otttn. But â- oeinorifs of that long were revived by a recent anecdote regarding â- Winston Churchill. Not lonK ago the jreat British War Leader had a vacation at Monte Carlo. One evening, while riining at the Hotel de Parii, he aaked the orche«tra leader to play "J ih Marlene". '1 he orchestra obliged. But next ^^ Chiuchill iiiued new instruc- tions. "Pleaie never play that song â- Hain while I'm present â€" it made age dream all night of Rommel." Rommel â€" El Alamein â€" and all the lent of it â€" how long ago it leemil FRANCE AUhougli most of the French ytople fear â€" and witli good reason â€" Ihe ide« €>f a revived Germany, whh the possibility of further Ger- aan aggression and perhaps another war, there are thinking people in Ac first-namtd eountry who are twining to take a different view of At matter. These people believe that the fwther weakening of German in- 4aslry and Ihe dismantling of t<he grtiit Ruhr X'alley industrial syi- tan will be a real mistake. In their •yinion the only way to make an- other Franco-German war impoi- rfblc is to develop such strong W>nds between those two, and other Wctlern European nations, that an- •tlier Eur«H)ean conflict would be as •Blhinkablc as one betweenâ€" for tx- ««pleâ€" France and Britain, or Britain and the United. States. This is the view taken in an art- lale appearing in one of the great- Mt and most authoritative of French â- â€¢wspapers â€" I-e Monde, Paris â€" and to onlookers in other countries It •aame as something of a shock. But M many of the more far-seeing among the French it represents a Httie noticed, but highly signifi- •ant, change in- public thinking in ifMir cciunlry. And to llie Germans It appeared as a glimpse of reason at a time when the dismantling of Aeir great industrial system seem- t4 like nothing but vindictive re- Tvnge on the part of the victors In Hm last World War The article in rhe I'aiii pa4>er ap- faaied late in Noveniher. It took on frtater significance when the ranclk Foreign Minister -Robert Miiim:<iiâ€" gave out a lenii-officlal â- latement just before leaving for a two-day conference in I^ondon wUh kin P'iliKd "(ippo«i!f inniihrr" For- eign Mini.ster Bevin. fcliuman said that haired and vengeance had been removed from Fi^ench policy toward Germany with a speed tliat would have been impc-sible followijig World War One. To many thoughtful observers â€" •apecially in Britain â€" Schuman's statement came as a real gleain of sunshine on a cloudy and troubled sky. They have beCTi, as one re- porter puts it, "for many weeks searching for some sort of basic formula that would bring Germany and Western Europe together." For with a strong and united Western Europe â€" which would have to, of course, include Germany â€" the threat of Russia on the westward march would become far less troublesome. But whether anything will come out of such proposals remains a matter of considerable doubt. For In the minds of the majority of the French people, Ihe name of Ger- many still stands for that of an en- •nny â€" an enemy always to be fear- •d and kept, if possible, under strongest restraint. SOUTH AMERICA Latin America has long been known as a land of many revo- lutions. But recent happenings 4own that way make one wonder whether the latest of these repre- sent just the keeping up of an old South American custom, or if, in those parts, there is a concerted movement against democracy and the democratic form of Govern- ment. Last Octot)er a milMiuy revolt overthrew the popularly elected Govarnment of Peru. In November a awJft-moving group of army offi- cials (juietly but cflficicntly snatched the reins of Government from the elected President of X'enezucia, Romulo Gallegos. Dining Decem- ber a military clique in El Salvador tossed President Salvador Castro out on his ear, while exiled Costa Kicans staged an armed invasion of their homeland. In Chile the government man- aged to break up a revolution be- fore it was well started, and the President of Bolivia has been hav- ing his own troubles with plotters and schemers, ,^nd in other coun- tries there were rumors of trouble. To a casual looker on it almost rcaembjes the old situatioji of the Irishman who â€" observing a brawl going on politely inquired, "Is this a private fight or can anybody get into It?" But it may be far more imp(7rtanl than that. In most South American countries, the masses are terribly inihappy, and with good reason. Why they should be so can be seen from the situation in Vene- lucla, whtre LES.S THAN THREE PER CENT OF THE PEOPLE OWN MORE THAN SEVENTY PER CENT OF THE LAND. Trouble- really serious trouble â€" laanis to be a making south of the •quator. And the rulers Ihe •x- ptoiter* of the masses seem to be trying, through their military power, to iquelch that trouble before It i goes too far. ROLL YOUR OWN â- iTTER CiCARFTTES WITH mARETTi TOBACCO Good baseball umpires arc llicor- tiically absolutely fair alid unbias- ed in their decisions, .\ctually, lliey aren't, but lean just a trifle to the visiting club. .As one veteran ball- and-strike caller â€" we think it waa Tim Hurseâ€" used to put it, ""^e«z can do stuff in the gray that yeex ran't get away with in the wliite." * • « By that he n)eaiit â€" as wc have most likely explained before â€" that umpires tend to be a bit more strict willi the wliitc-uniformcd home team players, and to take less sast and backtalk from them, than they do with the grey clad visiting team. • ♦ ♦ The reason for this is obvious, even though most uippires will strenuously deny that they do do anything of the sort. A home town players who argues with the umps, or shows signs of disgust at some of the arl^iter's decisions, is far more likely to stir up trouble among the fans than a visitor. So, the home-towner often gets chucked out of the game for tilings which would get by with one of the op- position. Continuing our unasked-for, and no doubt unwanted advice to the professional hockey folk, we would advise that the President â€" or who- ever it is that's tiie real boss of the National Hockey League â€" should instruct the referees not to be so lenient about putting a player's cue in the rack for the balance of the game, or even for several games, when he's guilty of actions designed to set a boil the feelings of some of the morons who seem to attend hockey in such numbers these days. « ♦ * Tlirowing . coins, and. torn, up pieces of paper is bad enough, but when it comrs to bottles, sooner or later somebody is going to get hurt, and very badly. Yet practically ill such ruhiiarbs get their start with some home-town players giv- ing the folks rhe idea that the ref- eree is giving the local club sll the worst oi it. • • * .^ case in point â€" as the lawyers put it â€" is a recent game at which Ray Getliffe was making his first Toronto appearance as a whistle- tooler. .Most of those we talked to afterwards â€" that is to say those whose opinions on hockey we rate worth listening to â€" agreed that Mr. Gelliffe, although still somewhat green, had turned in a pretty fair chore. • • • Yet from the sounds and actions of a lot of Maple Leaf aupportcrs, a casual visitor might very well have thought that Ray was a direct, al- though slightly illegitimate descend- ant of Jesse James and a whole line of bandits reaching right back to Attila the Hun, whoever he' may have been. » • » Why did such a thing happen? Principally, perhaps almost wholly because certain Maple Leaf athletes were trying to cover up their inept â€" to give it as kindly a description as possible â€" play, by making the ref- eree look bad. And the dumb fan^ â€" mentally dumb, that is â€" fell for It and fell for It hard in a manner which was a disgrace to a town where folks are supposed to know â- oinething about the game • • • So, in addition to the suggestion made at Ihe start of this piece, we have another couple to make. One is that the Maple Leafs should have, in thtir dressing room, a phonograph continually playing nothing but that once ditty eniiiitd, "It l>n'l What Vou Used to Be, But Wliat ^ ou Are T./day." * » » The other â€" that the Toronto pap- ers should be ordered to cease and desist from running any more pict- ures showing I'oiin .Smyth, with a beneficent look on his face, bask- ing in that nice Florida sunshine. If they'd print pictures siiowing Mr. Smythe's lace showing rhe expression it's liable to be wearing when he comes north, and starts telling the boys exactly what ails them, it would be tar more liable to secure the desired result'. * * • For what's been happening to our beloved Maple Leafs must stop, and the sooner the better. For already we know of several of their most ardent radio supporters who are forced to nerve themselves with three or four stiff shots of soda pop before they even dare to tune in of a Saturday night, and hear the Voice of Hockey tell of the dire things that are happening down around the corner of Church and Carlton Sts. % . » In conclusion we would just like to quote a few remarks regarding the game of hockey as played to- day, and the athletes who play it. "They have no guts and they don't know how to skate. â€" How can a man expect to play hockey when he strangles himself by skating bent over like a pretzel. â€" He isn't any good for more than two or three minutes unless you attach a spare skate to the seat of his pants. â€" In my days we played because we liked to. For the players today it'a only plain hard work â€" and hard cash." * * » -Now the gentleman who made those remarks is not any Johnny- eome-lately o.- even a disgruntled sports writer. His name is Eddie Shore, who â€" if he isn't Old Man Hockey" in person â€" conies close to being that mythical being. Mr. Shore played hockey as well as â€" or possibly better thanâ€" any man before or since his time. When Mr. Shore o{)ens his mouth and gives his views on hockey, his words are worthy of consideration. So, maybe some of the rest of us haven't been so far aMray after all. A New York fortune-teller em- ploys white mice to pull horoscope envelopes out of a box. NEW STANDARD PIPE / ** Caavled. ThrMdrd PtfinilMrd I.enKtli* Black and Galvanized Sizes >'2" to 3" Prompl DtllTfr? MKW JDMOR "I" BKAM» ihit.â€" ft" s 40' i.A IhH. pf>r foo( leO.OOO IhM.â€" lA" X 40' 9 H)K. |irr foot Solway Metal Sales LTD. 1152 DUPONT ST., TORONTO MEIrose 1131 5iOfSCRATCHIH6 Ktlieve Hch in a Jiffy b^i Kditve itifaiiig due lo rcAMss, pimples , _ kiblele't foot kntT minor itch UouLln. Vm •- cooUnc ntdictlnl D. D. D. PrMorlptlen (ontbufT or cilra «ltCD||lb). Ctratelaa, tlaJnlcu. A Dcctc<i'i formi,'U. Stvlfaes uti ralnif iDtritur itchioit qiiicklr. 35c u4bI bottir 'I'ttivta itâ€" t.f mono l>.ick Aik vcui diuuiiil t.i ODD Prr»crU'tton Canada's Most Famous On«-Man Power Chain Saw NOW AT NEW LOW PRICES PIONEER fKl N-.AN POWER CHAIN iAW Featuring di« 4.1-N.P. Multi-Port Engine %^ tb« "Piwer! Try HI Yom Will B« A»toni»hedl NoU Ih* N*w Pricat in Various Six* Cutting Bara 14-tnch 97«.7* 18-lnch 282.71 a2-|nch aSt.7B S4-lnch M8.00 30-Inch 901.78 P.6.B. Norlh Bay Alto N«w Cow Prices on Cutting Bars and Chains irfBALBIM raOM OOAST-TO^AST Industrial Engineering uaiUs'lT lit OA St. W. Fhenc 1494 CLAJSIFllil) AUVEiniSING _ „**^J!L\l:^ \\ANrt:u hand' UAOB Fur Sllprtrs. deluxe, beet qniilfty. Ottildren'e 1^60. Adults IS. 10, all sizfH. vuhiuru. amiaractlon riAi'ant^ed. Agfnta wj*iiie<l H,in.on NoveUKg. Sea fortii. On t. BK VOi;u own" lioTsS! blntr'tbute. on Part Tiiiiu vr Kull Time tHuin, our 260 proOucts: Toilftrlus. Vitamins. Extracis. Spices, Bakioft Powki. I'akta. Dou^-hnuta. Glass, Silvei. Furnliurt HnO Shoe Pcillshca, etc. Eacb indtviilital H customer Excellent opportunity to \6st your business abilities. Write foi frf*- -ietatls and cataIotue--KAJJ ILEX. 1600 l>#lorffnicr. Montreal. DKAUBHS WANTED varden tractors, electric fencers Write Clarence Kehn 621 Frederick St.. Kitchener. AGENTK: Sell direct to housfwives the 4- way "Wonder;'- Grlddle-GriU. Write: Es- Quir" Snl^^s Company, Station K, Toronio. Ontario. OOVBR.NMK.NT Approved hatcbery ebtab- llnhed for ZS yearn wants some one in your district to take orders for baby chloks. I/iberal 'ommission paid. Poultry biiypfs, iiiirf«erynien, Watklns and Rawlett^h iucf^nrs »n«i farmers make f^xrelletu aitents. Write for full Information. Box No i:>; 123 IStb .St.. New Toronto. BAB) CHHKH HKU Si:.SSKX Hybrid I'u11*-ih $;:3.00. ExUit f^ys, extra meat, extra protlts. For com- bined i-ifK and meat profits try uur red siua^ex hybrid chicks. Bred for faHi srowih. oulck feaLherint'. larKe uize and heav> ests proOuction. Pullets iii'3.00, n»ixed $13.00. cox 16.00, two liatcheH tvery week, immediate shipment, Ble Uoc k Form . Mll le Roches. Ont. JBo x W. PROSPKCTS for profits from chickens look Kood ^ in 1949. Home other lines of farm produce may be slow to move, but every- thlnK points to ke»-n demand for *^s)es rr:d poultry â€" at lower production costs. Start yonr • hlrks as early as you can. Remember the biK prirea for SumiTi*^ and *^all for bJK ecgs and the good markets for early broil- ers and roasters. Tweddle chicks have a. good reputaiiini. We have chleka for every per- son â€" bioilfTs. roast e-s or for eees. 12 pure breeOs and 13 cross breeds to choose from. Also layinir snd ready lo lay pullets for immediate delivery. Send for utory "How to Hit the Top Eke Market". Kree catalogue. Tweddlp t^'hlrk Hateherien Limited, Ferirus. Ontariu * SUPERIOR CHICKS, day old! and started. Immediate or later delivery, blood rested. government approved. Leghorns, Barred Rocks, Hampsbires, Sussex. Rhode Island Reds. White Rocks, Black Gfanta Croesbreds. 21 day Mvablllty guarantee. i^atalogiie prices Calender free. Superior Hatchery. Ltnwood Ont. Many wise poultry raistra depend on Top Notch chicka year after year. And the wl- aer they are the earlier they pet their order In. Order now to be ture of the kind of chicks you want when you want them. Top Notch t'hif-ka are from Uovernmert Approved Pulloiuni tested stot k of all the best breeds . . . and some -flne cross breeds. They are from strong, trup to type bi*eeders wl^b ex- cellent, records of livabiUty and produulivtLy. Top Notch chicks build your chances for big profits by cutting risk away down. To start right, start early with Top Notch. Free cata- logue. Also older pullets and broiler chicks. Top Notch ('hick ."^ales. (lUelph. Ont-irio. START NOW â€" START RIGHT Decide now to own a belt' fluck. Begin \»ilh good Quality cblcks from a Qiialtty hatchery. 1. A Canada Accredited Hatchery. 2, 8rd auecesive year 100 per cent pulorum clean. I. Established 22 years. 4. Operating under Hatchery Approval, and Oniario Appioved Hatcheries Asaoclatlon. Write for our 1949 price list and catalogue, and see view of our New Modern Hatvhery. one of tbe country's finest. Galnforth's Hat- chery. Trenton. Ontario, producers of GOOD BABY CHICKS since 1927. ruU HAi^M. PAINTS .New 1941, Knaniel, Seml-Glchs, Flat, not • surptMs patnt. Alt Colors, Inalde And out. |2.35'pfr fe-.illon Quality v)]fir&nt^ed or jnonsy refunded. H. f- Stelnef; 21 P.usseJl Street, Toronto. Mall Orders accepted. KIVB HorB*'power gas engine, rawing attacta- inenta: reasonable. W>i. Burr, 85 Baldwin Ave.. Hrantford, Ont. ti H. P. CHOR-ROBOT Garden Tractor plow, cultivator, almost new. Jue Bn^er, Orange- vUle. Uouir 4. A. H. QLIVKH Machinery Company, ball bearing edgers. aaw blU. mandrels, bel- ting, pulleys cord wood saws, lumber sawa for sale. .Machine shop service. 179 Cedar Btreet. OrilHa. TWO HUNDRED Langstroth SUPERS with empty Cratnea. thirty blngle wintering ca- sea. Francis rowell. Clinton. Ontario. HUSKY SUED DOCi.S and riPs Ideal pets and wittch dogs. Write: BD) Bartleman. Limberlost Uodsf, Ontario. RKGISTERED, ACCREDITED Hereford Bulls 6 to 11 months. 15 heifers 6 to 15 months; 20 Oxford ewes, advanced registry Yorkahire. open and bred -â- â€¢ows, weanling to serviceable boars. Gardiner .Vforrisoft', Mount Forest. Ontario. MBUICAI GOOD RESULTS â€" Every sufferer from Rheu- matic Pains or Neuritis should try Dixon'e Remedy. M'inro's Drug Store. 335 Elgin. Ottawa Pi-stpaid $1.00 TRY IT! Every sufferer of Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis should try Dixon's Remedy. ,\lriiii.>"»i In-iiK .sini>*. 335 Elgin. ULTawii. Pom- paid SI 00. DIABETICS Write Cor your thocolate bars, jams. candy. biscuits. etc. Immediate delivery Diabetic Foods & Euppliea, (9 Hayter Street Toronto. 'Jmi NEEDLEWORK NEEDLEUOFIK BULLETINâ€" <Jood ideas- edited by Florence Webb. Ma.'led direct tc you each month Each Bulletin contains on* design complete with instructions, needle- work hints, catalogue of patterns and stamped designs Yearly subscription I12 Issues) 50c. Send to Florence Webb, Dept. B. Post Office, Drawer 489. .Adelaide Street. Toronto. NURSERY STOCK Pi, ANT A Hedge This Sprint â€" extremely hardy â€" yuick growing Chinese Elm â€" will grow two feet the first year â€" enough plants itbi to plant 25 feet. Special price 25 plants for $?.98, 1 2-lnch size; â€" or. .5 plant* for $4.9S. 2- foot size. Write for New Free Full Colour Garden Guide, Brookdaie â€" Klngaway Nurseries, BowraanviUe, Ontario. FLOWER Bulbs, package of ten Gladiolus. Bulbs treated, named and guaranteed for •very SI. 00 donation to the British Testa- ment Fund. Catalogue on request. Kev. Waller McCleary, Elora, Ontario. PROGRESSlVE~FARMERS^!~E.i<.li year ws mall to our increasinff lisi ct customers an early farm price list and a srrmg catalogus offering first-hand ~ prices on farm seeds of superior quality. Write now and get on our mailing list. Bishop Teeds Limited, RellevlUt, iDntarlo. NITRS1NG~ "OXFORD" Approved Chicka live, lay and pay. They are the results of twenty-three 7tare of careful eclectlon and breeding )n O.B.8. They have to be good, because we want the vary bss't kind of chicks for our own flocks â€" big. vigorous and early matu- ring. We stress egg size and uniformity. Bar- red Rocks â€" White Leghorna â€" Harap X Rock CroasbredB â€" Rock X Leghorn CrosHbreds. Write for free folder. The Oxford Farmers' Co-operative Produce Company, Limited, 434 Main Street. Woodstock. Ontario. fOULTRT BUYERS â€" succsss In raising baby chicka for meat and egg production means tKtlsf action from your Investment. To receive dividends on your Investment, you must be certain where your money la invested. We effer you baby chicks from a poultry farm with every breeder Ptilloruni tested and gov- ernment-banded. Write for our 1949 cata- logue and prices. Take advantage of our early order discount. Moiikton Poultry Farms, Monkton, Ontario. C^CHR.^NE'S government Approved chicka. Barred Rocks. Parmenter'a Rhode Island Reds, Danlah Brown Leghorna. Write for prlees. Cochrans's Poultry Farm. Rldgetown. Ontario. Ontario Government Approved Hatch- BOOKS BOUK8 on Dosa, Cats, Rubblta, Auuuria. Bt*«a, Birds. Plgeona, Poultry, Dairying, Farming, Fruit. Flowera, Fishing. Hunting. Catalogue Free. Morgana. London. BUSINESS OFFORTDMTIE6 AN OFFER to every Inventorâ€" List of Uiven- tlona and Cull Information sent free. The Ramsay Co Registered Pstent Attorneys. 273 Bank Street, Ottawa, UlEINti AND CLEANING HAVE YOU anything needs dyeing or clean- ing? Write to us for Information We are glad to answer your Questions Department H. Parker's Dye Works LImlied 79 1 Tnnge Street. Toronto, Ontario EMPLOYMENT WANTED FARM WORK for next spring, summer, wanted bv graduate agrkuUuriats snd experienced farm laboreia who were forced from their farms behind the Iron curtain. Contact Latvian Relief Association. 41% Larch Street. Halifax. Nova Scotia. HOLLAND IMMIGRANT famtllva with one or more workers .Vrrlvins early aprlng. Apply NETKKRLANDS UIMI- QRATION Committee. P.O. Box 2>4. Chatham. F«R SAIK CHAIRS folding, all types Write for catalogue, MILLCON CHAIR AND TABLE CO.. 815 BLOOR ST. W. . TORONT O SAWMILL 5iesel Power, double edger. trim- mers, slab dtasher. log haul, planer and tractor Hox 380. BurlinBlon. RITCHIE'S HONEYâ€" Choice "White Clover. 48 lbs StO.OO. Three casea prepaid. Robt. Ritchie. Perth. Ontario. BEJ.1.EV t E CONVALESCENT HOSPITAL IN BEACTIFL'L ST. CATHAKINES. A home av.ay from home. Graduate nurses: male and r'einale; night and day duty. ExceU lent meals, prices moderate, private and semi> private rooms available. Our specialty le nervous, aged and convalescert Our aim: courtesy and service. for Information apply to suitrii-iendeni or phone 5-8353. OPPDRTCMTIEM for MEN ami WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANAD.'^'S LBADl.NG SCHOOL Greet Opportunity LtHrn Hairdreasing Pleasant d;gnifled profession, coed wages. Ihousajids successful Marvel graduates. America's greatest system, illustrated cata- logue free. Write it Call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS ' 568 BloQr St. W . Toronto Branches 44 King St.. Hamilton A 72 Rideau Street. Ottawa. UEN â€" Send for complete home halrcuttlng Instructions, 11 only. Satlsracllon guaran- teed. Handicrafts. Secbelt. B.C. AMATEUR RADIO, wireless, ttlegraph or railroad Code, self-taught â€" QUickly, easily â€" In your own home. Low rental rates, 1. 8 or t months, for aelf-teacher Machine and Tapes for all speeds. Radio College cf Canada, E4 Bloor St. W.. Toronto B. "HOBBIES FRETWORK" A profitable faaclnat ing pastime. Tou cas saaily make splendid Table Lamps, Photo Frames. Wall Brarkela, Toys and hundreds of other flnt- useful iirtlclea from designs we sup- ply. Writt> for free illustrated catalogue of Kit a. l>esiK"». Wood etc.. Meccano Limltsd, Dlvisi(»u S-A.. 59 Wellington Street West, Toronto. ARE YOU A JOK.ER Party gags, tricks and magic. "S4 Amaxing Card Tricks" book will be sent to vou with our catalogue. Mall bOc today tn stamps or coin to Collins Joke & Magic Shop. ST5 Somerset St. W.. Ottawa. PAT1&NT8 FBTHERSTUNAUGH « Company. Patent 8o- llcltore. Efltabllshed 1880. 14 King West, roronto. Booklet of information on requeat. KEPAIR WORK WATCHES, Clotjks. RonsiiM and Thorens Lighlnis repiiired, prompt guaraiiifed service. Mall orders filled. KUng's. 401 \'onge, Toronio. STAMFH STAMP COLLECTORS! Packet cataloging S2.25 for SI. 00. S&.OO catalogue value for S2.00: SIO.OO catalogue value $3.50; C. Klaie, Box .^36 . ^'rystlll Beac h. On t. APPROVALS Canadian. British colonics, return postal paid. S. Gallop. 114 Mount Joy Ave.. Toront o. n DIFFERENT Vatican City, all unused. 10c to approval applicants. Ha worth. 4968 Victor ia Roa d. Vancouver. FIRST DAY rovers British Einptit- and for- eign. Irving .\. Shoorti. il* ,\a«n)Uh St., Toronio. HI-POWERED SPORTING RIFLES V.rlriis \V 11^ It.r 0,-»cr(l>tive SCOPE SALES^CO. • ^:;fi Wuecn St., (.tttnwii. Out. BLBACKEH white flour and sugar bags. Sup- ply any quantity. Flour 12.76 per doxen; sugar S.'t.OO per doxen Etox 27. 123 Eighteenth St., Nfw Toronio. WANTEP FARMING ~ NOW IS THE TIMK If you want earlier, bttter and UK-rf- ciLHture. write for free liieiimin*. .\(.i OBLU;.\TlON. Greenlunds Pertnanent Pasture Karle -\bellea. 114 K.,igle Ave., Brnntford, Out CANAI>1AN APP'tOVKD POULTS for Wilt^- Brotitl breasted bron"ie turkey imiuUs from govern men t approved and accredited stock. Poults from eggs guthevt-d on our own farms. We etieti fiu- vigor an<l iiie«t type. ' Mc- KINLAV & McCOLL, Lambton Turkey Hatch ery. R.H. 6. Forest. Ont. TURKEY GROWER Wa will buy your luikt-y \\ Ihk *eaili»-rt* >'or further InroriuHiion write: Till mark Aichery. IPS »9lh. St.. r-onjc BrHni-h. KGHS" wanted ^for TMiT hiiUhlng liber hVHiliible and TliRKRY aeaaon. .Advise bieed. prke Hskfd. Tweddle Chi, (live full k HiUchvU- if I. I.iin Apply ^'ergust Child Vlt-alib Huthoi iiies^agree that high chairs are danitertois •KIDDIE-KROME' CHAIRS \MIJ, NOT Tir Th( > ni*~ iiiMi:iii'il iiiul «-nKlnefied for anfelv. I For illualiuud folder wi lie: Hox ZS. 123 Ulh! 8t., New Toronio. Ont. BSli't" Miss" THIS FARM SALE 190 SIMS most produt-l i\ t' hind in tiniurio. Mod bush, never- fall Ing w ntei . large nuHlcrn nlldlngs. hydro throughout. Corner of two main hitlnv.-iv!* boi rtfrtiiK I h riving vtllage; BChoola. vbuK'lu'H Hiul iiiHrketa at door. Relait mtlk biiflnewji t.\.T $,S.O(tO.OO(t \>n' year, will be sold SH gotiih: lonrei ti or sttpHiate, v^'iy good stock. hU Titu iKiwei' etimpnient. To the farm- er With help lInH is woilh InvealiuH t Ing. For partlculHih. uritf or nlu.tiH c.uii.i Hidland. DgMIn, (M ii;> IP LEATHERKTTES COATKI' KAHUirs Vw ecv<iing furnliUM. ibiiiis. . tietsterfields. •m tsMes. ell'. WbtdrMtile and retail. ('OOPDIt TE\ III^KS INC. llfS St I.Rw .' Houlcvni'd. Montreal 18- PROPERTY OWNERS* ATTENTION WANTED Fiu Ills. â- lonrlsl, ^uinnifr CuUKKts. Suliurtnto nnil Ciiy lli.nnK d all den i ipt ii>na. I have clients tnteieateil with en pita I to i>ur- th;isf U'V hoMwa or Invest fi-r bU8iue.v» pur- POacK. Send ine your lij lings describing >our properly now ao I can prepare for early spring sale or »x»h« What have >ou? H Prag- nell Kfjiliy. 1 :.;.:'. I>ai<roiili. 'r..ioin.. ACME ARTIFICIAL LIMS~ COMPANY 11 fort Mixl hkhttteaa: also, ^4 KoliiiiMon 8trest. Tor- Llml.a biiiti foi Brace* and Tiutney onto S. Bt'OKBYtS Coiublnaiion Im-vtbalora for ««ltl cheap. One turkey sKr machine snd two bsn e«g inaiMnea. Write for full delalla. Tweddle Oblok HatohetisB LlinH«d. Fergus. 0*t«rto. MAiriB MORS moDs? trvm cbKhs la 194» KIDNEY ACIDS Rob your Rest.. Many people MTer lecm lo |cl « good night't >(>t. Thejr turn and toaaâ€" Uanw il en 'nerTea'â€" when it majr b« their kidneya. Heahhy Jiidneyi filter poiaona and eaceaa acida from the blood. If they fail and hnpuriliea ilay in thk ayalemâ€" diaturlwd reat often followi. If you don't itit well let and uae Dodd'a Kidney Pilla. Oodd^ help the kidneya ao that you can real betterâ€" and feel better. 1 3t DoddsKidneYPiils ISSUE t 194S %^-' > >

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