I ST. i *â- VOL. 68; NO. 36 FLESHERTON, ONT., WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 2. 1949 F. J. Thurston, Publisher I Baptist Churdh Newt 4f The Bapthst Young People's Union met at the home of Miss Christina Hutchinson Friday night. It was well attended and a splendid pro- gram was given. Devotions were taken by Emerson Beaton and the topic by Ted Newell. I. B. WTiyte rendered violin music, accompanied ty Miss Ada Whyte, and Mrs. Hutch- inson recited several poems. Mr. Kime of Hamilton will be the speaker in charge at Cedarside and Rock Mills Baptist churches this Sunday, February 6th. The W. M. Circle held their meet- ing at the home of Mrs. Lewis Pedlar on Tuesday. It was decided that all sewing intended for the Bolivian mission field, should be handed in not later than Feb. 7th for baling. Prayer and Bible Study on Friday evening in the church at 8 p.m. HIGH SCHOOL ENTERS TWO RINKS IN SCHOOLBOY BONSPIEL Two rinks representing Flesherton Hifih School have been entered in the Schoollwy Curling Bon.spiel, which is being this Thursday and Friday at Guelph. The boys are leaving thia Wednesday afternoon and have their first game Thursday morning at nine oVlock. The rinlts are compos»»d of the following boys; No. 1 Rank: John Mill/gan, skip, Barry Thurston, Gordon Morrison and E don Fawcett. All but Mcrri- son were in the rink which took part in the' first bon.-piel at Guelph last year. No. 2 Rink: Harold N'ichol skip, Don Smith, Maurice Russell and Bob Falconer. In Memoriam Great Bear Lake in the North- West Territories is about twice as large as Lake Ontario and 4,000 souare miles largei' than Lake Erie. Montreal is the only Canadian city making compulsory the gi-adual re- placement of overhead wires and poles with underground wii-ing. Future Events ST. JOHN'S SERVICE St. John's United Church invite? you to the Sunday evening services at 7:30 p.m. Sermon theme, Febru- try 6, "Making- the Best of Sunday." CHARD â€" In loving memory of a dear mother, Elizabeth Chard, who dtparted this life Jan. 25th, 1939. The one we loved has gone to rest, Her fond true heart is still. The hand that always helped us. Now lies in death's cold chill. â€"Ever remembered by the Family DANCE AT SINGHAMPTON Dance in Hammill's Hall, Sing- hampton, on Friday night, Feb. 4th, *949. Music by Dennott's Orchestra. Dancing 9 to 1. .\dmission: 50c. St. John's United Churcb Rev. A. G. Macpherson Minister I -'Making the Best of Sunday." 1 This is the fourth in the series of "The Ten Commandments,'' and is I the sermon theme for Sunday. Feb. j C-th, at Eugenia. Iiii-itioge and Flesh- erton. Come and bring yom- friends with you. The Young People's Unions in- vite visitors and new members to their meetings â€" Flesherton every Tuosdeay at 7:30 p.m.; Proton, al- ternate Sunday evening at S p.m.; Inistioge, alternate Friday evenhigs â- at 8 p.m. Flesherton 5, Shelburne 3 I Flesherton tamed the league-lead- , ing Shelboine team Friday evening I .^-o on their own fine large ice sxu"- I fc.ce in one of the best and fastest hockey games of the season. The game was always in doubt right up until the last couple of minutes of ply. Roy Best scoi-ed two goals, the first and last, both on passes from Cairns, and Ken Chard did the hat trick after Shelburne had forged one ahead, when he tied the score on a pats from Jack LawTence, and gave Flesherton the lead again a minute later on a pass from Milne. It was a rousing finish and had the fans on their feet the entire period. In the second period, after the first ended in a tie, Cairns put Flesherton ahead on a pass from Turney and Frank Paget £.j:Pin equa'hd I'le score, the period ending two all. These two teams meet in Flesherton this Wed- nesday night and the game should be another natural. The local team wa? without their star centi-e, Geo. Boyd, who is ill at his home with 'flu and ear trouble, and it is not iikely he wall be out tonight. Bruce Thurston was also absent from the game. Shelburne: Goal, Rayburn; defence Firth, Rolstoh; centre, Grainger; lair attendance. The financial state-; with Mr. Neil Campbell as chairmam Camp Borden 6, Flesherton 3 Osprey Agricultural Society S'winton Park Church , â€" â€" I Plans For Expansion Holds Annual Meeting Camp Boi-den Flyers won an ex-j - i hibition game from Fleshei-ton here- ^^^ ^aaual meeting of the Osprey i The annual meeting of St. And- on Saturday night, by the score ofj Ajv,icultural Societv was held in the^r-nv's P-.'sbyterian Church was held (5-3 in a fast contest that was enjoy- ^,,.^„g„ Hail. -Fevershum. with a ' in the church on Saturday, Jan. 15y ed by the large crowd present. The first period .\ndrews had only four shops to stop, whOe Flesherton buzz- ed around the Flyers net and kept them hemmed in their own end for most of the period, shot from all angles, but could only score one goal. Langley, in goal for Flyers, played a sensational game in the nets and kept the team together. Gord. Chard took Thurston's pa?3 from a face-otf for the only goal. Flesherton failed to score in the second and came up with two in the third, one by Bill Lawrence from G. Chard and the other by G. Chard from .\cheson. Russell .\cheson played the entirr game on defence and was good both ways. Russ. -•Vndrews played a ftm' g-ame in goal and shortly after th-j third period started was crashed into the goal po.st on a scramble and in- jord has iiejid, bnt continued in tho nets. Thi.' Majors wore playing wit.i out four of their regulars. Harold Best and Bob Turey. injured in the Shelburne game, Geo. Boyd and Roy Best. Jack Lawrence of KimberU'v. brother of Bill Lawrence, added the wings, Banks, H. Paget; alternates, ^'^'-'^'^^ strength in both games. Brooks. McKelvev. F. Pa?-et. J. Woc(! • Come out on Saturday night, Feb. W. Wood, Gilmore. Williams. ^^' ^^'^ ^^^ ^he old rivals, Dundalk Flesherton: Goal. Ferris: defence, i ^^^^^^"^ '^"^ Flesherton Majors, en- H. Best, Rannon; centre, Cairns; ^'^^^ '" ""^ °^ *'"^ ^'^-^ games of the wings, Turney, R. Best; alternates, i *^^^°"- "^''^ Beavers have their Acheron, J. Lawrence. W. Lawrence, i ^^^^^ ^"'' '-''''^^' - ^'^ re-sharpened for nient showed a very successful balance for the year. The presi- oent, Mr. Victor Wright, in his ad- dress, voiced the feeling uf all that the now features taken up, namely: lace track, commercial cattle and midway, added greatly to the inter- est and success of the fair, and the endeavor of the management should be to improve the same for the 1049 fair. From the new board of directors Mr. Vic. Wright was elected presi- dent. Mr. Kendal Hawkins vice-pre- sident and Ml'. John Weldrick 2nd vice-president. The old board of lady directors was re-elected, adding Mrs. Russell Hudson, Mr. John Mc- Lean and Mrs. John Weldrick. The Board expresses their sincere tlianlvs and appreciation to all who assisted in the various ways to make tlie fair a success, and wish prosperous New Year. all We Miss The Sleigh Bells In Winter Time ^fr**'^****^^*****'****'* V { V ♦ I X ? T ? I ♦ t X X X % X i X *f I X t X I The Home of Tasty Baking Specials This Week DATE AND ORANGE CAKE TRY OUR FRESH DO-NUTS Delivered while hot each Friday; phone orders PIES Mincemeat Cherry (fresh frozen) Apple Raisin Date CREAM PUFFS COOKIES Special This Week 2 doz. 35c CREAM BUNS JELLY ROLLS Y X X Flesherton Bakery G. Chard, K. Chard, Gorrell, Milne. Referee: "Smokey" Smith. 1st Period 1 Flesherton (R. Best (Turney 10.06 2 Sheburne, Firth 19.58 Penalties: .-^^cheson. W. Lawrence, W. Wood. 2nd Period 3 Flesherton, Cairns (Turney) 12.11 4 Shelburne, Paget iRolston.) 13.55 Penalties: H. Best. G. Chard, Mc- Kelvey (2). 3rd Period 5 Shelburne J. Wood (Williams) 3.05 fl Flesherton, K. Chard (J. Lawrence) 12. .33 7 Flesherton. K. Chard (Milne) 14.50 S Flesherton. R. Best (Cairns) 18.32 Penalties: Bannon (2), Wood G. Chard. Finger Amputated When Tie Rope Tightened Messrs. Fred Stuart, Bracebridge. and Gordon Stuart, Burks Falls, spent a couiple of days in town last week. Fred had the misfortune to lose a finger recently when he was unloading a cattle beast from a truck. It stood quiet when it reach- the ground, but just as Fred reached up and loosened the tie rope on tfte ti-uck body, the beast jumped and the rope caught the third finger on his left hand and severed it nicely, without any pain. The first Fred I knew that he had lost half the finger I was Avhen he saw it lying on the all ground He wasn't disturbea at i-'Ver the loss of the finger, but a with the later pain. hit OLD BOYS & GIULS GIVE S50 MKS. BL.VCKBIRN MEMORIAL St. John's United Church acknow- ledge the receipt of $50.00 for the Mi's. Jos. Blackburn Memorial Organ 1 Fund, whifh will be used to improve and modernize the ornan in the •Jhurch. in memory of Mr.. Blackburn who was organist in the churches in Flesherton for many years. Contri- Our Chapel is at the disposal of our clientele without extra charge. It contains well-appointed family reception rooms, •Including organ and organist. Bates and Maddocks FUNERAL CHAPEL iziAvenueRd. K1.4344 butjons may .MaoTavish. W sent to Mrs. G. .\, Mailing List Corrected On Payments to Monday The editor wishe- to express appreciation to those who have his ro- this engagement. The first meetmg on Dundalk ice resulted in a win for Flesherton. and Dundalk maiiitnins i*- won't be repeated this time. Be on hand Saturday. Feb. S. the game to start at 8:30 p.m. Skating after game. Flyers â€" Goal. Langley: defence, Park. Gardner; centre, Helman; left wing. Birch: right wing. Guertiii; alternates: Dyck. Beardmore, Craw- ford, Matthews. Flesherton â€" Goal. .Andrews; de- fence, .Acheson, Bannon: centre, J. Lawrence; left wing, K. Chard; right wing. W. Lawrence; alternates: Goi-- iell, Milne. Thurston. Cairns. G. Chard. 1st Period 1 Flesherton, G. Char<l (Thurston) 13.37 2 Flyers. Birch (Helman I 19.14 3 Flyers. Helman (Birch) 13.36 Penalty: Gardnt. for holding. 2nd Period 4 Flyers. Dyck (Park) .5 Fl.vers. Birch 3rd Period li Flesherton, W. LawTeuce G. Chard V Flyers, Birch (Guertin) > Flesherton, G. Chard (.Aiheson) It -A-as not many years ago when every cutter and sleigh c(<ming t' town was equipped with a set of string bells or chimes, or a set of bells for sleighs with variou-? pitcnes to make a most interesting and joy- ous sound as the horse or taa'i moved along. Young men vied witi; each other in having the finest sett of bells, and of course the finest driving horse to impress their lad.,* friend. Today the scene is chaivged and the sound of bells is rarely heard on sleigh or tutter comwi^r in- to town. Wt thin V the risui-r gen- eration has lost -omcl ' r.,^ ;n ;r>t hearing the gay jingle of the sleigh bells along our ,-oaiis or strcols. We greatly miss their music r.nd wish that once again we could hear th;ir i'heerful tunes. and John Wilson as secretaiy for the meeting, which opened with » Schriprure reading by (Thas. Haw. A satisfactory report was read by the Clerk of the Session, Chas. Haw, who also stated that Communion was served to 'Mi's. Neil MacMilla* in her home, when two other shut- ins were present. The financial re- port was read by Treasurer Richard Hardy, which showed receipts of .$1080.37 and e.vpenditures of $823.86 leaving a balance of $15<5.52. Other reports were given by the Sunday School. W.M.S., :Mission Band, Lad- ies' .Aid and Cemetery Board, all showing a successful year. It was decided to attempt to kee^ our student minister, Mr. Reynolds, if possible. Wallace McCormack and J»ha j Wilson were elected to the 'tJoard of j Managers. Mrs. Richard Hardy , resigned as organist. Richard Hardy t was re-elected secretary-treasurer j and Mrs. Wallace McCormack as S. j S. Superintendant, Walter Knox a* I caretijker, Mr. and Mrs. Fred K-sox i as auditors for this y-jar and Mr. I and Mrs. Carlyle MacMilan wer« appointed for next year, so that the b A>ks could be aud'.fr i priov to tlie annual meeting. It was also decid- ed that the Ixjoks wo-iild definitely be Closed at the end of th.^ vear and I any further eontri'iut'ons would ?<> ! on next year's books. The meetinjf closed with repeating the Lord'i Prayer in unison. Old Maxwell Resident Writes from Saskatchev/an Bom BRBADXER â€" - A: Markdale Ho*- pital on Monday, Jan. 31st. Ili49, t« Mr. and Mr>. Gordon Breadner (ore Lois Williams) of Eugenia, a -op., G-vrcion Victor. CUMMER â€" .-Vt Strathroy, Ont., on Monday. Jan. 24th. iy4t>, to Mr. rnd Mrs. Ralph Cummer (Marion Stuart) a .-on, a brother to Susan, Janet and Martha. Canura, Sask., January 28, 1949 ACTIVITIES AT FLESHERTON RINK THIS COMING WEEK Wed.. Feb. S to S.'JO U).2.'j . 0.31 Dear Editor: Plea.se find enclosed two dollars to , keep tlie old pa,per con.ing. It gets ' ^"â„¢*„,.^"^ .!! ou^.m" '^*^o^.?.',-!'^'" here every .Monday, if the wind, she don't blow too hard. Well, I regret the passing away of so many old friends, but it is Sb.-I- Flesherton Midgets; F'esherton and Shelburne Seniors. seme satisfaction to know about it 5i.l4 I and be able to~ extend our sympathy 12.52 13.21 LEAGIE L T Pts. 1 It 3' 3 4 CENTRAL ON'T.VKIO W Sheuiburne 5 Fl-j.^ltfrton 4 Pundalk 4 Erin 1 Markda.w I Gland Valley (CJames up to .VIoiiday ni.ght) Games Last Week Sht'lbuine S. Grand Valley 7 Flesherton 5. Shelburne .3 Erin 10, .U'arkdale "J Dundalk 11. Grand Valley (> (James This Week Friday: Ei-iri :it Graml Valley: Sat ..rday. Dundalk at Flesherton; Mon day: Shelburne at Dundalk and Flc sherton at Markdale. C.VRDS OF THANKS wish to th.-uik all tho..;e who sent to the bereaved ones. I was son-y that Mr. Scutt failed to reach the century mark. .-V homestead lady neiglvbor of mine celebrated her! iOlst bii-thday on tho-23rd last.. I enjoyed a ride last summer with Thus. Phillips, also a visit with Mrs. Priestley, an old friend of my wife, in the house where we were married •3^ years a.go last fall. 1 accompanied our minister to Sterren last Sunday and enjoyc dinner and a visit with l^Ir. and Ma-s. J. Ferguson. Since that I stepped into a lumber yard ofl'ice and said something that caused a litte quizz program, which resulted in the most ' hearty handshake I enjoyed for some time, between Milton Brown- I lidge and Eddie Fleming, son of the I Presbyterian minister at .Maxwell j some fifty years ago; and then. "Do I you remember and do .vou remem- j ber?" We sure remembered a few j things around Maxwell. I The "mercy plane" landed here Thursday â€" 11.30 to 12, 3.30 to 4, High School; 7 t<j y. Semi-Pro. Mark- dale vs Fevershaiu. y.OO. Maybunie V-; Flesherton. Friday â€" 11.30 to 12, High School. 2 to 3-30. Free skating for Childion under school age, Chas. MacTa' ish doiiation; ;i'.30 to 4, High School: 8 to 10, Public Skating to music. I Saturday â€" 12.30 to i.30, Midget hockey practice; 2 to 4, Fre.^ rkating for children; 8 p.m., Dundalk vs Flesherton Seniors. The > teinis ar* really battling for -wins; don't mise this game. Sunday 7.30 â€" at Church. Monday â€" 11.30 to 12, 3.30 to 4, High School: 7 p.-.u.. Semi- Pro. Fev- t-rsham vs Flesherton: :' ".i.i.. May- buvne vs Proton. Tuesday â€" 11..30 to i2: ?.30 to 4, Hi.gh School; S to 10, Pu'-'i- Skating to music. Thui's., Feb. 10 â€" FlesSierun Car- nival. See advt. in this issue. Fun for all. Come! Use The Advance Small .4dvts. yd buying Or selling. he other day and took a very sick me cards, letters and treats whi.. j | 'â- '''•ei-Iy lady {o Wo.v;burn. We have was in .Markdale Ho pital. an 1 those I '"'•"^ " "''^â- '^ f"" ^"^ winter, just who made equiric's of me. ;-m ,;-,m ^'^'"J'-'^ «"o^^' f<"' slei,ghing in the Kuuenia L.O.L. .No. 1118. ditches ami highways bare. I heard of a lady who sent the C. O. H. L. -Dorlanii Ciimpbel! .\i.-'li to than. emiuiiies visits iV(.'i.\one for cards. kind . -.- . letters and .-â- -nded to his request a few weeks ; treats during my time in Markdale i.i: ' to renew sv.b criptions prcmptly I Ho.snital. also to the ci»st of -'Aunt expired. There i Minnie From .Vliniu-sota" foi- the y basket sent me. wlien their .year ha Mr many more who have not .sent in Iheir renewal and to these we would rccuiest that they do so at their e;!iliest convenience, as it means a gnat deal to us to have the subscript ti<'n i)aid in advance. We have cor- lected our mailing list and have i:H-'.uied all payments made up to .Monday night. Look at .vour label now ami if we have rii>t corrected the date let us know at once. .At the san;9 time, if y,>ur Label reads Feb. 49 or piioi- to that date your sifbscription needs lenewing. Your .â- ;ttent!on to this, nlensel â€" Leroy Meails. In M etnonam MacKENZIiE â€" In loving memory of our dear sister Eva (Turner) Mac- Kenzie. who passad away February 2nd, l*)4t5. Nothing can ever take away The love a heart hold.s dear; Fond memories linger every day. Kcmem.'irance koeps her near. â€" -Ixvvingly rcmemfbered by Bro- thers and Sisters. hired girl, of foreign birth and not jvery proficient in Engli.sh, to the |ibutcher shop for pigs feet. She, jcame back with them o.k. The lady â- asked how she - got along and the \ I gill said "Fine. I take off .shoe and ' , show foot and grunt like pig. nice j , man smile and get "em o.k." The 1 lady placed a hand over her heart ' and said "Thank heaven I did not tell you to get ham." Best wishes to The .-Vdvance and all readers in 1949. â€" C. M. BROWNRIDGE. Box 309, C;mn!a. .'visk. Calgary laid out an uderground win'ng system for its downtown sec- tion 25 years ago and now has 145 miles of conduit with (>2 miles of cable 'retailed HOCKEY â- 'n the FI.ESHERTT>N \RENA Sat., Feb. 5 DUNDALK \'S FLESHERTON DON'T MfSS THIS ONE BETWEEN THESE OLD RIVAL TKA>fS c lamcs callc( Admission : at 8:30 p.m. .3.5c and 20c ^