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Flesherton Advance, 12 Jan 1949, p. 6

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Dude Rancher Ropes A Calfâ€" The boots look a bit oversize but in spite of that this young "dude" seems to be having plenty of fun with the whiteface calf. >VMrGO£S ON IN THE WOULD >^Norman Blair Indonesia It isn't very often that this space •wipes material, holusbolus and without attempt to disguise, from conttTOporaries. Or, if you insist, it'i Bot very often that it admits doing M. However, this piece from the New Yorker magazine, leemi to me such an unusual piece of writing â€" one that so rutlilessly puUi off the hy- pocritical mask that veils most of the world'* international dealings â€" that, without apology, I'm quoting it 'as i«.' "A couple of weeks ago, a few 4aya before Christmas, Dutch par- achutists landed on Jogjakarta, the Indonetian capital. They »eized first the airfields, then the government boildings. The operation went well and the Dutch managed to bag the Indonesian government, proving that there is always something to be laarned from history by students who approach it in the proper spirit. "It is interesting to compare the wcent Dutch opinion of the - Indo- atilan government with the earlier Nazi opinion of the Dutch govern- nicnt. Dr. van Kleffens, the former Dutch Foreign Minister, said that th« Indoesian government had lost all authority and existed only as a ndlo station. We recall that when tha Dutch government was in exile ia London, the Germans said the aame thing â€" said It was a shadow government existing only as a pro- gram on the BBC. So much depends OB where you sit." Personally, L would nam* that at OIM of the pithiest chunks of writing of the year â€" any year. The only possible criticism 1 could make would be to suggest that the final •asitence might be printed in capita) Irttcra. SO MUCH DEPENDS ON WHERE YOU SIT. It iToes ladced! United States Citizens of New York are consid- erably stirred up these days by recent revelations of waterfront conditions that can hardly be de- scribed as anything less than "de- plorable." City authorities are now making moves designed to rescue that district from continued physi- cal breakdown, crim^ and corrup- tion which are seriously threatening its role as the nation's chief port. New Yorkers have long taken pride in their port with its 650 miles of piers and dockside warehouses spreading along the New York and New Jersey shores â€" an area through which pass almost half the exports of the entire nation. But now they are learning that there is much that is rotten along that famed waterfront â€" that men have been murdered, that gangsters control the lives and destinies of thousands of workers, and that rac- keteering regularly adds a heavy toll to practically all shipments in^ or out of the port. These conditions, plus the physi- cal blight that has grown along the shores, are the result of years of neglect, on the whole problem of the port. If these conditions con- tinue', New York's position as the chief gateway to the new world, will be seriously endangered. Many big industrialists are already diverting overseas shipments to other ports. At all events, as said before. New Yorkers are seriously disturbed, and threaten a real "clean-up." But whether anything really practical will come out of all the agitation â€" well, that remains to be seen, The racketeers, at least, don't appear to be greatly agitated, as yet. Yugoslavia The Russian-run Cominform has just ridiculed and scoffed at the part played by the Yugoslav Parti- sans, under Marshal Tito, in the war against Germany. Some obsfT- â- ITyf^^ ^ij^Hj^'^ ^^>:fr^1 B^^^ " '^'^ ^^^â- OH^' > .♦ * " Hp ^ ^ g/m. â-  "m»SJ»«^'»P ^ s> Wm. t- UHT' uailHtt^B^ .. ^s ^^ â-  Wm "•' '"^^SP*^ illf ^^w , imiii"" 'iii|i| Bf- . ^ ^fti fSj^-^^'..: .^â- ^'"' ' ^K,iCil .yi^:" ' ^B '^^M&^'M'' ..^- . ^HT m i ^^ ^^n A ^^^^H Wm P<^C^^ f jii. B^ V ' '"^'jyp ) ^^^fe '' . mk^i â-  ' &^'- ^^i]L ''^js^. * 5K*.^^4^^f "'"^'B 1^ 1^1^ ^^^HHki,. ^^M ''A j^^ '^Sfl^^^T- ^m KIHl. â- ^mi M ' WIEw -^ '^ >^H^ H^ 1 I^^Bfi'^' > r '. W^H m^* ^^^^f" ** n 'v ^y-u H^^H A •4,4MbH|^., »"• Ir '- ^-^.'-IB J^r. PV^ ^BS^M Vh"^''' 1 v-^'"'^ .'S 1 "'SW^^^'-, \ ' "j ^W^ ^^^m^-r '4''^-' K^gif;] ^^^^H ^<:.>-'>-i^ ^H^KnP^rMv â-  i '# 1 ^^^^V^^^' 'iti'iK TBnhjlBTJyy^i iT'^'^ m * / â-  â- ! ^^^^^â- Sm^^^^% ^j^^H^^^w^l^^jl â-  ^ 4 '^ ^P^taik^^ "MKiiietM k ^^"â- 'liffllri '^m^^^m : ! ^ Berlin Love Triangleâ€" Formtr paratrooper, Edward Lada of Newark, hitchhiked through Berlin'a blockade to see his German Fiancee and their illegitimate child, Nancy, two. On his arrival U.S. authorities locked him up for illegal entry of ncnipied zone. To further complicate matteri another GcniKn ivaiilcK' l:ii'! claim to Lada'a affertion.s. "Interesting â€" very interesting â€" if true" just about sums up the re- action among harness-horse fans to the announcement that a new track, to be devoted to floodlight racing, will be built not far from Toronto. Most of tiiose who like to watch the trotters and side-wheelers in action would undoubtedly welcome such a move. But such a track has been mooted so often in the past â€" and never got any further than mere talk -p that the fans just won't get hotted up until it is a bit nearer reality. * * * While floodlit harness horse rac- ing has been a huge success south of the line â€" with record-breaking at- tendance and mutuel play at each succeeding meet â€" there's some doubt as to whether, it would go over in a financially profitable man- ner at the site proposed. For many years Toronto has been known as just about the biggest sucker town there is anywhere, so far as the running horse racket is concerned; but "Hogtown" has never taken to the harness horse game â€" yet it is from there that the bulk of patron- age for a track at Thornhill would have to come. * * * The chief promoter of the pro- posed track is a man who has been trying â€" unsuccessfully â€" to get Thoroughbred racing dates for the tame location; so it can hardly be any really deep love for the pacera and trotters which prompts the pre- sent move. The idea would be to Include Toronto in thf flourishing night bamesB racing circuit now operating in the Eastern States, and to have pari-mutuel betting. * * * Well, maybe it will go through, Stranger things than that have hap- pened. But, speaking strictly per* sonally, we'll believe it when we see itâ€" or rather, " well believe that it has actually come to pass right after we've torn up our first mutuel ticket on a trotter or pacer which failed to justify the confidence ve placed in it. And, just while we're on the subject, before things go too far, we trust that the powers-that-be make certain that Canadian-bred-or- -owned harness horses get a fair shake in the way of races for which only they are eligible. * * * One of these evenings some hoc- key player, possessed of more heat than brains, is going to raise his warclut) and whack an opponent over the noggin so lustily that the latter will fail to respond to treatment. Then there will be a huge outcry about the brutality of the rising generation and hockey will get the biggest black eye it has ever received â€" one from which it may not recover for a long, long time. » * » Now there are many who will test- ify that, so far as we are personally concerned, a certain amount of itrenuosity, even roughness, has never kept us away from any ath- letic event. So long at we are safely out of harm's way, we enjoy teeing the lads mix it up with vim, vigor alto vehemence. vor.'! tliink that this may turn out to be one of the most serious mis- takes the Cominform has ever made. For if there wai one sure way of strengthening the Yugoslav deter- mination not to take orders from Moscow, it was to play down the heroic role of Yugoslavia in over- throwing Hitler's NaziiSm. Th*' latest attempt to discredit tl;e present Communist leaders in Yugo- slavia â€" many of whom were also Partisan leaders in the mountains during the war â€" appeared in the latest issue of the official Comin- form journal, published in Romania. Written by Golubovic, until recent- ly Yugoslav ambassador to Roman- la, the article declares that the Par- tisans played but an unimportant part in the liberation of their country. . "The Partisans" â€" one passage in the article says â€" "occupied Yugo- slav territory only after the advance of the Russian Army had driven away the Germans." Quite naturally, the majority of Yugoslavs are enraged â€" and if the Russian idea, in publishing such an article, was to weaken Marshal TIto'i hold on his country, it lookt at though the Reds have been guilty of a very clumsy error â€" one that it likely to have exactly the opposite effect to that Intended. But there's a limit to all things. Jn the hands of ,i .sturdy, free-suing- ing forwar<l or dcfciise-man a hoc- key stick become just as deadly a weapon as ;iiiy of the "blunt in- struments" you read about in the mystery-murder stories. .Mig, hoc- key is a pcrioiial-contact sport, where tempers are liable to become fraj-ed at the edges far more quickly than in games such as â€" sayâ€" base- ball or tennis. * • ♦ That is why â€" in our humble opinion â€" hockey referees should keep much tighter control over what goes on, and be freer from inter- ference from club managements, than the officials in charge of other sports. And that's just what they aren't. Hockey managers and coaches argue with officials â€" even threaten them with the loss of their jol 3 â€" in a manner which makes, for instance, baseball folks wonder just what's' going on. • • * Hockey players also take liberties with the officials with far too great freedom â€" probably knowing that the worst that can happen to them i* a small fine, which in all pro- bability some team supporter with more money than brains will defray, or a one or two-game rest on the sidelines. In recent weeks we have had the sorry spectacle of one manager, of a major league hockey team, hurling charges that the paid officials of the loop were deliberately giving his club the worst of it; of a coach ac- cusing rival teams of being out to beat his club by deliberate and il- legal roughness; and of two players â€" Cal Gardner of Toronto and Kenny Reardon of Montreal â€" swinging clubs in a manner which, had their aim been as good at their intentions, might well have ended in a tragedy, either single or double. » » » And to top it off, the Montreal coach â€" when one of the erring ath- letes was headed for the showers â€" raised the latter's hand in the style of a fight referee announcing a winner â€" as filly a move, probably, as was ever seen in organized hoc- key. "Quis custodiet ipsos custodet" is about all the Latin we can re- call from our stretch â€" many long years ago â€" at Harbord Collegiate. Freely translated it might read, "If the mau3gementt can't keep from making fools of themselves, what can you expect of their players? * * * And in case you think we're mak- ing much ado over nothing, those of you with long enough memories might think back and recall the days when "Ace" Bailey lay, between life an<' death, from an injury received during a hockey match. It was touch and go for the world's fastest sport, so called, then. It could hap- pen again; and if it does, it won't be the players who are to blame. It will be those who put "action" â€" the sort that pays off at the box- office, before any other consider- ation whatsoever and who â€" when their team is in a slump â€" make the excuse that "they're not hitting hard enough." SAFES rruti'vt luui lUillKM and 0<%SU ttom FIKE and THIEVES. We hare m tlit and t7pe of Safe, or Cabinet, for anj Doruose. Visit as. or write for orlcri etr.. to f)Ki>t. W J.6CJ.TAYLDR LIMITLO TORONTO SAFE WORKS tin Front SL B., Toronto RotaliMshod laSA HARNESS & COLLARS Farmers Attention â€" Consult your nearest Harness Shop about Staco Harness Supplies. We sell our goods only through your local Staco Leather Goods dealer. The goods are right, and so are our prices. We manufacture in our fac- tories â€" Harnesi, Horse Col- lars, Sweat Pads, Horse Blan- kets, and Leather Travelling Goods. Insist on Staco Brand Trade Marked Goods, and you get satisfaction. Made only by SAMUEL TREES CO., LTD. 42 Wellington St B., Toronto WRITE FOR CATALOGUE ISSUE 3 - 1949 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING SABT OBIliKf tlAMLJ CHICKS m«an extra proSta la tk* Fall when era srlOM are hlsb. Order 70Ur bahy thicks now and>;be assured of delivery dale titan brfed you dealra. All our broaden â- re government banded and puUoram-teatad. Write for our catalogue and priceu. Discount tlven on all early orders. Monkton Poultry rarniB. Monkton. Ontario. MAIITINDAI^E'S CANADIAN APPROVED CHICKS Barred Rocks. New Uampsblres, LiKbt Sussex, White LeKhorns, New Hantc- â- hlre .\ Barred Rocks. Llsbt Sussal X New HampHhires. Over 25 years experience. Price lilt and folder on request. Martlndals's Farm Hatchery. Caledonia, Ont. FOB SALE BNOWSHi^E.S. All al/f.< and styles. *'Humaiie'' snowshoe harness, more blistered toes! Folder. "Snowshtf Comfort," on request, bates' Snowshoea, Metagiima (via C.P.R.) N. Ont. les. BattST (PtJ.» 15 vshdnni m CA.NADA Accredited Hatchery â€" R.O.P. Sired chicks. Barred Rocks. White Leshorns. Apprc-.-pd Cross-breds. Free Catalogue, price- list. McQuisree Poultry Farm. Ancaster. Ontario. SALE CLEARANCE SALE QUESN OIL BROODKK 8T0VB Regular price 129. tl5. Sate price S20.00. Brand new, delivered to your station before January 20th The Queen Oil Brooders have ffivan out- atandlng results on our own plant and to bun- dreda of customers. They are aafe. economical and eaally operated In cold or warm weather. Also room heatera, regular $27.95. Sale price 120.00 Book your order today. 10 per cent de[)oalt. balance COD., before Jan. 20tb at this price. LAKEVIEW HATCHERY KXKTER. ONTARIO DO YOU KNOW? That it takes one year to cbanere grain Into pork, two years to change grain Into beef, but It takes only three to six months to change grain Into poultry and eggs, Take advantage of tbis situation now, as we predict the demand for chicks will exceed the supply. Order •arly and secure the breed you dealre when you want them. Also laying and ready to lay pullets and broiler chicks for immediate delivery. Free catalogue. Top Notch Chick Salea, Guelph, Ontario. PROMPT delivery 6f laying? and ready to lay pullets. White, Leghorns, Barred Rocks. New Hampshirea, Light Sussex, Crosa Breds. Free catalogue. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergus. Ontario. DO YOU KNOW that it requires 50 lbs of feed per year to feed a hen that lays ftO eggs? It only requires 80 lbs per year to feed a hen that lays 250 eggs. In other words every particle of your profit or loaa is tied up In the breeding back of the little package you buy when you purchase day old pullets. For 25 years Tweddle Chick Hatcheries have been supplying chlcka that develop into high producers. Send for story "How to Hit the Top Egg Market" also free catalogue and poultry guide. Laying and ready-to-lay pullets. Also broiler chicks for Immediate delivery. Tweddle Chick Hatcberlea Limited. Fergus. Ontario. 3C6 Qut^eii Sr., Ottaw a, Ont. SIACHINERT LECillORN rULLETS S'-IO.OO PER 100 Hollywood Leghorn Pullets will help you produce more eggs because they have egg reoorda of 25U-300 eggs for the past 10 gen- •rgtJons. They have the large bodies necessary for continued heavy egg production and bring m. good price when sold for meat. Write for prlcellst and free calendar. Big Rock Farm, unit Roches. Ont., Box W. 3 COLOR CALENDAR Send for your free copy. Do not order ohlcka until you see It. Our prices are moderate. our quality flrat class, 29 years breeding and batchlnv, 9 breed^MM^ crossbreeds. R.O.F. Breeder for H yeaSErully Accredited Hatch- ery. The Flaher Orihards. Freeman, Ont. TOU'LL BE PLEASED with Shaver's White Levhorna and Barred Rocks. Every ohlck R.O.P. sired â€" records 370-343 eggs. All brMders on our own farm. Write today. I>onald Shaver. Route 1. Gait. Ont. BU8INB88 OPPOItTirNITIEfl AM OrrHR to every Inventor â€" List of tnven- tlons and full Information sent free. Tba Ramsay Co. Registered Patent Attorneys. 278 Bank Etreet. Ottawa DYEINO AND CLEANING SAVB YOU anything needs dyeing or cleau- IngT Write to ua for Information. Wo ar« vlad to answer your guestiona. Devartment H. Parker's Dye Works Limited. Till Tonge Street Tqronto, Ontario HELP WANTED FARM HELP for experienced Immigrant farm help from Holland arriving spring 1949. apply "Dutch Immigration Committee." P.O. Box 234, Chatham, Ontario. BBLLEVUB CONVALKSCE.NT HOSPITAL IN BBAUTIFirL 8T. CATHARINES. A home away from home. Graduate nurses; male and female: night and day duty. Excel- lent meali. prices moderate, private and seml- prlvate rooms available. Our specialty la nervouH, aged and convalescent. Our aim: For Information apply to superintendt; or courtesy and service. phone 6-8353. FOE SALE MIJSK-WOLP-FOX TRAPPERS cash In on the hiffb Mink Prlcea and Wolf Bounty, trapping the Scientific Way, using Fishers Course and Scent made from Animals' Olands. Writs for pa.rtlcularB to Fisher. Box 430. Calgary, Alta . CHAIRS folding, ail types. Write for catalogue. IIILLCON CHAIR AND TABLE CO.. 81S BLOOR ST. W., TORONTO APEX VENETI.\N BLINDS Made to Measure â€" Prompt Delivery Frae tatlni.ato ;ind guaranteed. Removable slats and tapes. 35 CEMT8 A SQUARE FOOT WM. .MOltRIS AND SONS â€" WA. J744 120 Jarvis Street, near Queen. Toronto I^hone or Mail Orders accepted. LADIBS' COTTON House Dre.'jses. gay prints and strllies. washfible, a.ssorted colora and styles, sizes 14-48. Each (1,89. Postage pre- paid, refund guaranteed. H. Kass Heg'd., P. O. Box 175 St. Lambert. Mon treal 23. Que. SAWMILL Diesel Power, double edger, trim- mers, slab ataaher. log haul, planer and tractor. Hox 3S0. Burlington. "CHOPPlNfl MILL « PKED BUSINESS In nice town, centre of good farming com- munity. 2-story stuiie building, electric power, truck A all eaulpinent; going business. (6-roonied brick house available.) $5,800. Stanley MM>s. Drayton, Ont. HAND M.\DE Fur Slippers, deluxe, best quality, clilldren's 12.50, adults 13.50 all sizes, colours, tiatlafactlon guaranteed. Barson Novelties, Hcaforth. Ont. SHORTHAND AT HOME. Send only one dollar to Kingsway College, 2016 Bioor Street, Toronto. Manual baa English, French and speed sections. Instruction bulletin^ â-  Certificate awarded. MEN â€" Send for complete home haircutttng Instructions, tl only. Satisfaction guaran- teed. Handicrafts. Seohelt. B.C. CBTHERSTONAUOH * Company, Patent So- llcltora EsUbllabed 1890, 14 King West, Toronta Booklet of information on request. PERSONAL ASTROLOGICAL KE.\DINGS. Scientific. Ac- curate. Please write for information. Eva Winfleld. S59 Thurlow. No. 206. Vancouver, B.C. MYSTERY of skiing e.xplalned. "Skiing Made Ha^y." ' Price 10c. Outdoor Interests. Goodwood, Ontario. ST.V.MPS STAMP COLLECTORS! Packet cataloging $3.26 for $1.00; $5.00 catalogue value for tS.OO: ilO.OO catalogue value $3.60; C. Blisle. Box 3.16. Crystal Beach. Ont. APPROVALS Canadian, British colonies, return pOL«tage paid. 8. Qallop. 114 Mount Joy Ave.* Toronto. WANTBD • DO YOU NEED MONEY? Highest prloe.^ paid for scrap gold Jewelry. gold dental work, rings, chains, watches, gold coins, eto. SatialTactlon guaranteed or mer- chandlae returned. Old Gold Co.. 167 Craig St.. West, Montreal 3. |Si<^<'SCRATCHING Relieve Itch in a Jiffy f"'^^'/^ Relieve itching due to tCT.emn, piniplcft fT^ athleta'a foot and minor iich trouUcs. L's« cooling medicated D. D. D. Presortptien â- ordinary or extra strt-nRth). Grcaselras, k stainless. \ Doctor's icirimlla. Soothes ana calnm intense itchinn (juiclily. J5c trial bolllo ^Tovesitâ€" or monevback. Aak your driKotlM for D.D.D. PrMorlptlon. kihi^lii ROLL YOUR OWN BITTER CIGARETTES w/r/f ^^'^CKA/fim TOBACCO LITTLE REGGIE By Margarita SAWMILL BU.SINKSS. aood money maJ Reasonable prire. Apply to T. W. KerlU' Box 313. Chatham. Ont. REGISTERED COCKER SPANIELS. Fam0U| Warwick and Glen Rouge strains: prlcM low: reducing stock; immediate delivery. Write Kirktown Cottage. South Lancaster, Ontario BARGAINS 4,000 YARDS Mercerized thread, tl.35. Ideal for sewing , by hand or machine. Dresses, ciuilting. eie. 3 tig 2,000 yd. spool*. Black or while. Price S1.2S postpaid. C.O.D. postage extra. Money back If not delighted. ELWEL DISTRIBUTING CO. Dept. W. 'i363 Park Ave., Montreal. Qus. 70 BELOW ZERO SUITS Blue, fleece-filled, satin-lined, zippered. Wind- proof and wateV-repellant, knit cuff and ankls. Pockets and hood. Ideal for doctors on nlgbt cases. Farmers. Hunters, etc. Cost S150.00. SPECIAL AT $22.50 Surplu-i Products. 266 Dalhousie St., Ottawa. ONE 13" PAJPEC HAMMER MILL, practi- cally new. Ona horse drawn case sltSs rake One Cockshutt st«el wagon. W. B. Bell. R R. 8. L oncfon. Pho ne MET. S699J-4. HI-POWERED SPORTING RIFLES Various moilels. Write for new. descr'.ptlTS rolder.s and prices. SCOPE SALES CO. 1 Fairbanks Morse Stoker, model C-100, 1 Iron Fireman Stoker, model 75. 1 Dunham Pump, with "4 H.P. motor size Jll 1 Vertical Boiler. :0 H.P. â€" Lenard. BINGI.EY STEEIi WORKS LIMITED «0 Will i am .Street. Cornwall. Ont. ALOirNtTM, COBRUGATSD ROOFINGS and SIDING, 6 to 14 Vi «• lengths, sheet 3S". cover 32" wide. 14 sauffe. BRICK nilTATION paper In rolls 1«". Colors red, buff, and green, black Joint and white. ASPHALT SHINGLES, rod rooflni. paper scutan, tarred felt, beaver board. Price and samples on request. Immediate delivery from stock. M.4TERIALS, SEC0ND8 ASPHALT SHINGLJSS, 210 lbs. 14.95. Square. Color reil, sreen, black. ROLLED ROOFING. 90 lbs. Red. »reen. I>.l« per square. ROLLBBICK SIDING. Red. bu«, ireen. n.0« per sauare. F.O.B. Charette. A, L. GOyNEVILLB! M'F'G. Charette, Que. MOVING SALE of 2-wbeel trailers, Clearlnc price tl2S.OO. Waverley Motors, 146 Albert St., Ottawa, Ont. ATTENTION FARMERS: Wo carry The largest sftock of used and new parts for the older popular makes of farm tractors. Write us for pries lists, stating make of tractor. General Tracto'(f4 Supply Machine Shop, 630 Winnipeg St.. Regina. DIABETICS. Write for your chocolate bars. jams, candy, biscuits, eto. Immediate delivery. Diabetic Foods & Supplies, tl Hayter Street. Toronto. Ont. MBMICAl. A TRIAL â€" Every sufferer of Rheumatl# Pains or Neuritis should try Dlxon't Remedy. Munro's Drug Store, 335 Elgin, Ottaw-a. Postpaid tl.OO. HAVB YOU HEARD about Dixon's Neuritis and Rheumatic Pain Remedy? It give* Siod results. Munro's Drug Store. 835 Elgin. ttawa. Postpaid >1.00. OPPORTUNITIES tor MKN and WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANA0.4.'3 LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity Learn Hairdres^lng Pleasant dignified profession, good wages, thousands successful Marvel graduates. America's rreatest system. Illustrated cata- logue free. Write or Call MARVEL HAIRDRESSINQ SCHOOLS 338 Bloor SL W., Toronto Branches: 44 King St., HamUton 4 72 Kldeau Street. Ottawa. i % ^ * i 4 A. > » X • • * - ^ * • * '^.t. juMak' t ft â- <». <lr

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